Marilyn Manson without makeup: what is the king of horror hiding under makeup? Marilyn Manson: myths and facts from the life of the scandalous musician Marilyn band

Outrageous group Marilyn Manson attracts the attention of the public with their defiant statements. Its leader has become an icon of originality, since childhood he was not like everyone else, and made this his main feature.

Unusual childhood of the leader

The future group Marilyn Manson, who will become world famous, was born on January 5, 1969 in Canton. His family was not quite ordinary: his grandfather did not hide his sexual fetishism. Brian spoke about his impressions of what he saw in his autobiographical book, The Long Hard Way Out of Hell, which he wrote in 1998. Brian's father was a Vietnam War veteran, where he was exposed to chemical weapons. Therefore, the child had to undergo a medical examination in order to exclude the risk of painful consequences. In the hospital, Brian saw many of his father's fellow soldiers with children who had prostheses instead of limbs, this left an indelible mark on the boy's psyche. Apparently, this is why he later begins to collect prostheses and actively uses them. When Brian was little, he had to survive an attack: robbers got into the house at night, and one of them began to choke the child with a pillow. Since then, Marilyn Manson has been afraid to sleep in the dark and always turns on the TV before going to bed.

Parents, seeing that the child was growing strange, sent Brian to a Catholic school, hoping that they could re-educate him there. But relations with classmates did not develop, and the school only contributed to the fact that the boy finally turned away from God.

strange hobbies

Marilyn Manson was "born" out of Brian's unusual childhood interests. From an early age, he experienced an inexplicable passion for mutilation, blood, human entrails. In addition, he thought a lot about the fate of the world and came to disappointing conclusions. The banal and vulgar life of the people around him, including his parents, did not satisfy him, he longed for more, at least fame. In high school, he enthusiastically reads Darwin and Nietzsche, as well as the "Satanic Bible" by Shandor Anton LaVey, which makes a strong impression on the teenager. All these interests did not become decisive in the "philosophy", which the Marilyn Manson group later "professed", but became elements of the future image. The young man subtly felt the edges of outrageousness and from a young age began to create his own legend and future image. Even at school, Brian is fond of music, he listens a lot to rock idols of that time: Kiss, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Queen and dreams of the same fame as theirs.

The birth of the group

After leaving school, Brian leaves for Florida, works in a music store and moonlights as a journalist, writes poetry, but spends most of his time in bars where he smokes marijuana, communicates with different people. So he meets George White, who also passionately dreams of a musical career, and guitarist Scott Putesky. And in 1989, the Marilyn Manson group appears. The material for the songs was Brian's poetry, George and Scott compose the music. This is how the famous Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids are born, a group that earned notoriety thanks to the strangeness of their lead singer.

He deliberately shocks the audience, knowing that this is the only way to quickly gain fame. His journalistic experience was very useful here, Brian knew how to get into newspapers and magazines. The simple path of outrageousness becomes the path that the Marilyn Manson group has chosen. The line-up of the group changed frequently, but the line-up of Brian Warnen, George White, Scott Putesky, John Lowry, Stephen Bier and Kenny Wilson is considered to be the "golden" one. different time made the team famous. But, of course, they are known by other names. Later, the band's name is shortened only to the pseudonym of the frontman.

Musician aliases

Often, artists take pseudonyms for themselves in order to get a sonorous, memorable name. The Marilyn Manson team was no exception. The band members immediately decided to take bright names for themselves. Brian was the first to come up with the idea, he chose the names of two celebrities for himself: Marilyn Monroe, who at one time shocked the public with deliberate sexuality, and Charles Manson, a man who is accused of the brutal murders of several dozen people, including the pregnant wife of director Roman Polyansky. The idea was greeted by colleagues with a bang, and subsequently every musician who came to the group took a pseudonym for himself. This is how they appear: Daisy Berkowitz (the name of the heroine of the famous TV series and the surname of the maniac-killer), Twiggy Ramirez (the name of the model and inventor of the miniskirt, the surname of the maniac, the serial killer), (the name of the outrageous pop singer, the surname of the pedophile who killed 35 boys). the same principle was used to form the names of all new team members.

musical style

Researchers have repeatedly tried to attribute the Marilyn Manson group to any one style, but they did not succeed, primarily because the group constantly changed style. Its principle is uniqueness and originality. At different times, the band's music could be called punk rock, industrial, nu metal, grunge or glam rock. But the name that the musicians themselves came up with is best suited - a shock group. After all, the musical style can change, but the stage image and philosophy of the group remain unchanged, the main goal is to shock the audience.


The Marilyn Manson group, whose discography includes eleven studio albums, strives to ensure that each new record is an event in musical culture. They released their first album, Portrait of an American Family, or Poaaf, in 1994. This program helped the group pave the way to the top, with it they performed as an opening act for other bands for a long time, but, in the end, the disc became “golden”. The next album, Smells Like Children, was already awaited by the listeners, and in 1995 he began to climb, gradually reaching the 31st step in the list of the best albums of the year by The Billboard magazine. This album showed the more aggressive and hard music of the group, which was very much loved by the public.

The third album Antichrist Superstar, released in 1996, was already eagerly awaited by fans, and on the day of release, the entire circulation was sold out in just a few hours, and in total it was sold in the amount of more than 7 million copies. The release of the album was accompanied by real hysteria in the media, which poured mud on the team and even predicted Manson's suicide. This collection has already shown a mature team, which changes with the arrival of new members, but continues to produce a high-quality musical product. All subsequent albums by Marilyn Manson, a shock group, are already habitually releasing under the fierce attack of Christian defenders and the bans of various organizations, all this only benefited the records, which were not always distinguished by bright musical material, but all demonstrated the development of Manson as a musician. The group has repeatedly received awards for the best album of the year and as the best group.


Most of the fame for the group was brought by its visual image, which could be seen at concerts, but its clips played an equally important role in popularizing the team. In their videos, as well as in concert performances, the group does everything to shock the audience. Emphasis on sado-masochistic themes, on the themes of death and sexual perversion - is dominant in the work of the team. Several clips were so scandalous that they were banned from showing by many television companies, in particular, the video of Born Villain was banned from showing all music channels. In total, the group released about 40 clips, each of which at one time became a shock to the public and an event in musical culture. Several works have been awarded world-class music awards.

Marilyn Manson in cinema

Many musicians often strive to realize their talents not only in music, but also in other forms of art, including the Marilyn Manson group. The soloist, whose name is guessed by many fans, since he is so merged with the stage image that he does not want to respond to his real name, has repeatedly embodied various images in the cinema. For the first time on the big screen, he appears in the film "Lost Highway" by the famous mystical director David Lynch in 1997 as a porn star. In total, Manson's filmography includes 15 films, in three of which he played himself. The directors invite the musician more because of his stage image and fame than because of his acting talent. In 2007, Manson launched his own film Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll, in which he took the role of the main character, but after a while the project was frozen. It remains unfinished.

Marilyn Manson leader in art

Marilyn Manson, band, albums have become for Brian the embodiment of his alter ego, but he seeks to realize his creative potential in other areas. In addition to cinema, he is quite successfully engaged in fine art - he paints watercolors. In total, about 150 of his works are known today, which have been successfully exhibited in many countries of the world, including Moscow, Berlin, Vienna, and Los Angeles.

Participants' personal lives

Music stars always attract the attention of the public, which is interested in the personal life of the heroes, and the Marilyn Manson group is no exception. A photo without make-up of the participants will not force anyone to pay attention to them, because it is the outrageous make-up that has become the main element of the musicians' image. The stage appearance makes them famous and interesting for the press and the public. The frontman of the group in 2005 marries the singer and actress Dita Von Teese, who is known as a burlesque star. But in 2006, the couple broke up. The press records Manson's numerous novels with models and actresses, but he does not start long-term relationships. The musician is fond of tattoos, of which there are already 23 on his body, loves absinthe, listens to a lot of different music, is a fan of David Bowie's work.

Less is known about the private lives of the other members of the group, the press writes that all of them were repeatedly seen using drugs and were participants in various kinds of scandals, including litigation. The only one who never used drugs was Frank Kenny Wilson.

Philosophy of Marilyn Manson

The infamous group Marilyn Manson, whose photos adorn many covers of newspapers and magazines, has achieved fame thanks to a special view of the world of its permanent leader. Manson has always declared a protest against everyday life. Despite the fact that he is accused of adherence to Satanism, he considers himself an atheist, although he claims that God is in everything. His style and philosophy are shocking, so it is pointless to look for consistency in his views. But in the talent of a showman and knowledge of the tastes of the public, you definitely cannot refuse him. Manson skillfully manipulates the public, telling her stories that cause her delight and horror.

Marilyn Manson is not only the name of a famous rock band, but also the pseudonym of the eccentric soloist and permanent leader of the group - Rocker is known for his bright makeup that hides the natural features of his face.

What does Marilyn Manson look like without makeup?

Seeing Marilyn without makeup and knowing is a difficult task. The number of layers of professional cosmetics on the singer's face is a nightmare for fans of naturalness.

The desire to shock is in the blood of rockers, and the bright make-up of the soloist is proof of this. The pseudonym of the group is borrowed from two bright personalities: the most mysterious and attractive woman, Monroe, and serial maniac Charles. One used cosmetics to emphasize her individuality and natural beauty, the other ruthlessly killed innocent people along with her followers.

Combining two opposites, Marilyn Manson without makeup is as beautiful and terrible as those whose names he borrowed.

Popularity of Marilyn Manson

Singing along on the sidelines of Nain Inch Nails, the young rock band, led by an eccentric journalist and music reporter, had no idea of ​​the upcoming glory. To climb to the top of the musical Olympus, the rockers in the Manson team used everything that was at hand: sandwiches, naked girls, crucifixes, animal heads and fire.

Seeing the potential of rockers who aren't afraid to perform in underwear, cigarettes in their mouths, or a women's dress, Nain Inch Nails' frontman gave them the green light.

Now a rock band led by Manson is one of the driving forces of rock in the West.

The style of the leader's performance and the appearance of the non-replaceable soloist Warner cannot be confused with anything else. But how many of the fans had a chance to compare what the singer looks like in makeup, and what Marilyn Manson looks like without makeup?

Filmography Marilyn Manson: the role of the king of rock horror

Ambitiousness of Marilyn Manson rolls over: Warner acts simultaneously as the lead singer of a hit rock band, composer, actor, producer, director and even screenwriter!

In 60 television episodes, Marilyn Manson plays himself (TV series, movies, performances at music festivals, short films). Manson fans are aware of the singer's passion for which Marilyn Manson flashed a cameo. In 100% of the episodes, Warner is in makeup.

But the cinematic portfolio is not limited to filming the singer "in kind". Marilyn Manson without makeup managed to light up in 22 films. The directors have not put the rocker on the front yet, but episodic roles with Manson's participation are rated by critics at 6-7 points out of 10.

The versatility is impressive: Brian played both a porn actor (Lost Highway, 1996) and a teenager at the age of 44 (the black comedy Wrong Cops, 2013, as young David Dolorez Frank - Marilyn Manson). The photo without makeup is shown below.

Of the TV moments known to the Russian public: Marilyn Manson scandalously performed in the humorous show No. 1 "Evening Urgant" - the December 2012 edition of the "End of the World", talking about lipstick, the border of the country and his own dignity.

Beauty and the Beast: Why are girls crazy about Manson?

Rockers and beauties are not news for a long time. Supermodels and the first girls in the country enjoy spending time not with glamorous actors, but with brutals like Manson.

The soloist Marilyn Manson has a whole list of beauties who gave their hearts to the great and terrible. Warner's loudest romance is with fetish dancer, burlesque star Dita Von Teese.

Relations with the "queen of striptease" Dita lasted 6 years, shocking rocker and sophisticated fetish model in retro style legitimized the relationship - the first marriage for both was fleeting. A year after their married life, under the pretext of "irreconcilable differences" (No. 1 in Hollywood), the eclectic couple broke up.

Before the dancer Dita Von Teese, Marilyn Manson met with the "enchanted" Rose McGowan, but the couple did not reach the legalization of the relationship, then there was the actress Evan Rachel Wood, the porn star Stoya, another burlesque dancer. The last official passion of the rocker is a photographer from America Lindsay Usich.

Detractors say that the change of partners is associated with the image of a freak: as soon as the girls see how boring Marilyn Manson is without makeup, they immediately part with him.

But stars familiar with Warner note: Marilyn Manson is eccentric in life. In an interview, Marilyn's new friend Shia LaBeouf spoke about collaboration with the rock star: "He is who he is. The image on stage is identical to Manson's inner nature. Collaborating with him, I did not feel the falsity or artificiality of the nightmarish image: Marilyn Manson is a real freak and in life!"

Girlfriend Marilyn Manson, a participant in the 2011 American talent show Narcissister, confirms the words of the actor with an eccentric stunt in the form of a porn barbie.

Artist Marilyn Manson - art "from Hell"

Beautiful girls attract Manson, but art comes first for the freak. The singer's fans know that Marilyn Manson loves to draw. But the work of the star is not related to appearance: Marilyn Manson rarely comes out without makeup, and the horrific paintings painted by the rock master have been exhibited in world art galleries for 14 years (starting from Los Angeles).

Marilyn Manson sticks to eccentricity: watercolor paintings convey the innocence of the victims of serial maniacs in the spirit of surrealism, the beauty of Dita Von Teese, human anomalies and corporal punishment. Black, green, gray, peach colors ideally embody the ideas of Manson, who is looking for the reverse side of evil, revealing the dual nature of the paintings.

Fred Sablan Other

The composition of the group changed several times, with the exception of a couple of members and, in fact, the frontman himself - Marilyn Manson. The composition of the group, at the moment, is as follows:

  • Marilyn Manson- vocals, guitar, pan flute, saxophone (1989 - present day);
  • Twiggy- backing vocals, guitar, bass guitar (1993-2002, 2008 - today);
  • Paul Wiley- backing vocals, live guitar, programming (2014 - today);
  • Daniel Fox- live keyboards, percussion (2015 - today);
  • Gil Sharon- drums (2013 - today).

The name of the group (as well as the pseudonym of the frontman of the group) is formed by adding the name of the Hollywood star of the 60s and the name of the legendary criminal, which symbolizes the dichotomy of American culture, which will continue to serve as the leitmotif of the group's work. Marilyn Manson himself personally invented pseudonyms for the first streams of the band members, but with the advent of the following musicians who were in other bands (for example, John 5), this model of pseudonyms became irrelevant (since 1996, with the arrival of a new guitarist, Zim Zam).

For all their work, the group has released 9 studio albums, 2 EPs, 1 live album and 1 collection of hits. Among them, 4 of the group's albums were awarded the title of multi-platinum, 5 gold albums, 1 gold compilation, 1 gold video album and 7 albums of the group hit the top 10, including two number one albums. VH1 ranked Marilyn Manson as the 78th best rock band in their "100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock" list. Approximately 65 million records have been sold worldwide. .

Group history

The name of the group was the pseudonym of its vocalist and permanent leader - Marilyn Manson (Brian Warner). The pseudonym was compiled by Warner from the name of the famous American film actress Marilyn Monroe and the name of the homicidal maniac Charles Manson. Such an unusual combination, according to Warner, had a number of meanings, ranging from a fundamental statement about the inevitability of the presence of two principles (good and evil) in a person to a protest against the fact that "America puts murderers on the cover of the Times magazine, making them just as as famous as our favorite movie stars" (essay "Columbine: Whose fault is it?"). All other members of the group took similar pseudonyms from the female names and surnames of famous killers (with the exception of John 5).

Trent Reznor (with his label "Nothing Records"), a permanent member of the Nine Inch Nails group, was very helpful in paving the way for the group. His biggest contributions are on the albums Portrait of an American Family and Antichrist Superstar, where he produced.

Style, influence

The image and musical style of the group changes from album to album almost beyond recognition, which gives reason to classify it as industrial, glam rock, and nu metal. Despite the fact that individual elements of these styles are present in the music of Marilyn Manson, the band's work does not fully fit into any of the stated categories.

As the American musicologist Charles Muller notes, the band is often referred to as gothic music, but such a definition is completely erroneous. At the same time, Muller identifies elements of such heterogeneous styles in the group's work as glam rock, hardcore, heavy metal, punk rock.

Group awards and nominations


Composition of the group

Current line-up

  • Marilyn Manson ( Marilyn Manson / Brian Hugh Warner) - vocals, lyricist, keyboards, percussion, guitar, flute, writing, producer, founder and face of the group (1989 - to this day)
  • Twiggy Ramirez ( Twiggy Ramirez / Jeordie Osbourne White bass guitar, backing vocals (1994 - 2001, 2008 - to this day)
  • Paul Wylie ( Paul Wiley) - rhythm guitar, backing vocals - (2014 - to this day).
  • Gil Sharon ( Gil Sharon) - drums - (2014 - to this day).
  • Daniel Fox - keyboards, percussion - (2015 - to this day).
  • Tyler Bates - lead guitar, writing, backing vocals - (2014 - 2015, 2016 - to this day)

Former members

  • Tim Skold ( Tim Skold) - guitar, bass guitar, keyboards, backing vocals, co-producer of the group (2002-2007).
  • Ginger Fish ( Ginger fish / Kenneth Robert Wilson) - drums - (1995-2004, 2006-2011).
  • Madonna Wayne Gacy (Pogo) ( Madonna Wayne Gacy (Pogo) / Stephen Bier) - keyboards, percussion (1989-2006).
  • John 5 ( John 5 / John William Lowery) - guitar (1998-2004).
  • Zim Zam ( Zim Zum / Timothy Michael Linton) - guitar (1996-1998).
  • Daisy Berkowitz ( Daisy Berkowitz / Scott Mitchell Putesky) - guitar, bass guitar (1989-1996) - one of the founders of the group.
  • Sara Lee Lucas ( Sara Lee Lucas / Fred Streithorst, Jr.) - drums (1991-1995).
  • Gidget Gein ( Gidget Gein / Bradley Mark Stewart listen)) - bass guitar (1989-1993) †
  • For For Spec ( Zsa Zsa Speck / Perry Pandrea) - keyboards (1989).
  • Olivia Newton Bundy Olivia Newton Bundy / Brian Tutunick) - bass guitar (1989).
  • Chris Vrenna ( Chris Vrenna) - keyboards, sampling, percussion - (2004 - 5, 2007-2011).
  • Fred Sablan - bass guitar, backing vocals - (2010-2014).

Team members on tour

  • Mark Shoussay ( Mark Chaussee) - guitar (2004-2005).
  • Chris Vrenna ( Chris Vrenna) - keys, percussion (2004-2005).
  • Rob Holiday ( Rob Holliday) - bass guitar (2007-2008), guitar (2008).
  • Wes Borland ( Wesley Louden Borland) - guitar - (July 2008 - early 2009).
  • Andy Herold ( Andy Gerold) - bass guitar - (2009-2010).
  • Jason Sutter ( Jason Sutter) - drums - (2012-2013).
  • Spencer Rollins ( Spencer Rollins) - keyboards, rhythm guitar - (2013).

time scale

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Studio albums

Band music in films

  • "John Wick" - Killing Strangers (2014)
  • "Followers" - Sweet Dreams (2013)
  • "Forbidden Zone" - No Reflection (2012) (Credits)
  • "Time of the Witches" - Long Hard Road Out of Hell (2011)
  • "Vampires Suck" - If I Was Your Vampire (Instrumental) (2010)
  • "Trick or Treat (Trick'r Treat)
  • "Stargate: Atlantis (Stargate: Atlantis)" - Beautiful People (2009)
  • "Gamer (Gamer)" - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) (2009)
  • "Max Payne" - If I Was Your Vampire (Instrumental) (2008)
  • "Saw 2" - Irresponsible Hate Anthem (Venus Head Trap Mix) (2005)
  • "House of Wax" - Dried Up, Tied and Dead to the World (2005)
  • Enron. The smartest in this room" - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (2005)
  • "Cold Fear (game)" - Use Your Fist and Not Your Mouth (2003)
  • "Club Mania" - La La Song (2003)
  • "The Matrix Reloaded" - This Is the New Shit (2003)
  • "Resident Evil" - The Fight Song (Slipknot Remix), Resident Evil Main Title Theme, Seizure Of Power, Reunion, Cleansing (2002)
  • "Queen of the Damned" - Redeemer (2002)
  • "From Hell" - The Nobodies (Wormwood Remix) (2002)
  • "Not a child's movie" - Tainted Love (2001)
  • " Valentine's Day" - Valentine's Day (2001)
  • "The Expendables" - I Put a Spell on You (in the movie) (2002)
  • The Book Of Shadows: Blair Witch 2- Suicide Is Painless, Disposable Teens (in the movie) (2000)
  • celebrity death match- Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes (1999)
  • "House on Haunted Hill" - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (1999)
  • "Grimm (Grimm)" - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (2011)
  • "The Matrix" - Rock Is Dead (1999)
  • Detroit Rock City- Highway to Hell, The Nobodies (1999)
  • Dead Man on Campus- Golden Years (1998)
  • "Highway to Nowhere" - Apple of Sodom, I Put a Spell on You (1997)
  • "Parts of the body" (Private Parts) - The Suck for Your Solution (1997)
  • Nowhere- Kiddie Grinder (Remix) (1997)
  • "Spawn" - Long Hard Road Out of Hell (1997)
  • Strange Land- Sweet Tooth (1995)
  • SFW- Get Your Gunn (1994)
  • F.E.A.R. 3- Four Rusted Horses (2011)
  • Saints Row: The Third - Arma-Goddamn-Motherfuckin-Geddon (2011)
  • Salem - Cuppid Carries A Gun


years Tour Information
1989-1993 The Spooky Kids Not an official tour. Most of the concerts were given in the state of Florida. 100 concerts were played.
1994-1995 Portrait of an American Family Tour in support of his first album Portrait of an American Family, which was released on July 19, 1994 in the United States. The band also frequently supported bands such as Nine Inch Nails in 1994 and Danzig in 1995. They played 155 shows.
1995-1996 Smells Like Children Tour in support of the new mini-album Smells Like Children, which went on sale on October 24, 1995. 105 concerts were played.
1996-1997 Dead to the World The group goes to Antichrist Superstar, which went on sale in the United States on October 8, 1996. Also during the tour, material was recorded, which was later released as the first video of the album. Dead to the World February 10, 1998. 175 shows were played, making this the longest tour in the band's history.
1998-1999 Rock Is Dead and mechanical animals promo Tour in support of the new album Mechanical Animals, which went on sale on September 15, 1998. During the tour, video footage was recorded, which was later released on a video compilation. God Is in the TV. Also, the tour is known as the most scandalous and outrageous in the history of the group. [ ] A total of 107 concerts were played.
2000-2001 Guns, God and Government Tour in support of the new album Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death), which went on sale on November 14, 2000. During the tour, the band visits Russia for the first time with a concert in Moscow. In the summer of 2001, the band performed at the famous festival Ozzfest on the same stage with Ozzy Osbourne. Also during the tour, video material was recorded, which was released on DVD. Guns, God and Government October 29, 2002. A total of 125 concerts were played.
2003-2004 Grotesk Burlesk Tour in support of the new album The Golden Age of Grotesque, which went on sale May 13, 2003. During the summer, the band performed at Ozzfest. A total of 119 concerts were played.
2004-2005 Against All Gods World tour supporting hits compilation Lest We Forget. The name Against All Gods is a play on the expression "against all odds" ("despite everything", "in spite of everything"). The tour lasted from October 27, 2004 to August 31, 2005. During this time, the group played 64 concerts. Initially, the tour was planned as a purely American one, and only later was it expanded to the rest of the world. In Russia, the group gave two concerts, performing for the first time in St. Petersburg
2007-2008 Rape of the World Tour in support of the new album Eat me, drink me, which went on sale on June 5, 2007. Video material was recorded during the tour, but was not released. A total of 122 concerts were played.
2009 The High End of Low Tour Tour in support of the new album The High End of Low, which went on sale on May 29, 2009. A total of 107 concerts were played.
2012 Hey Cruel World Tour Tour in support of the eighth studio album Born Villain released April 30, 2012. A total of 163 concerts were played.
2013 Masters of Madness Tour Joint tour with Alice Cooper
2014 Summer 2014 Tour Summer tour 2014. 6 concerts out of 10 were played.
2015-present The Hell Not Hallelujah Tour Tour in support of the new album "The Pale Emperor", which went on sale on January 20, 2015.
2015 The End Times Tour Joint tour with The Smashing Pumpkins.

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  • Charles Mueller. The Music of the Goth Subculture: Postmodernism and Aesthetics. - Tallahassee: Florida State University, 2008. - 245 p. - ISBN 9781109045741.


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An excerpt characterizing Marilyn Manson

"We must give them!" thought Pierre, reaching for his pocket. “No, don’t,” a voice told him.
There was no room in the upper rooms of the inn: everyone was busy. Pierre went into the yard and, covering himself with his head, lay down in his carriage.

As soon as Pierre laid his head on the pillow, he felt that he was falling asleep; but suddenly, with the clarity of almost reality, a boom, boom, boom of shots was heard, groans, screams, the slapping of shells were heard, there was a smell of blood and gunpowder, and a feeling of horror, fear of death seized him. He opened his eyes in fear and lifted his head from under his overcoat. Everything was quiet outside. Only at the gate, talking to the janitor and slapping through the mud, was some kind of orderly. Above Pierre's head, under the dark underside of the plank canopy, doves fluttered from the movement he made while rising. A peaceful, joyful for Pierre at that moment, strong smell of an inn, the smell of hay, manure and tar was poured throughout the courtyard. Between the two black awnings one could see a clear starry sky.
“Thank God that this is no more,” thought Pierre, again closing his head. “Oh, how terrible fear is, and how shamefully I gave myself over to it! And they…they were firm and calm all the time, to the very end…” he thought. In Pierre's understanding, they were soldiers - those who were on the battery, and those who fed him, and those who prayed to the icon. They - these strange, hitherto unknown to him, they were clearly and sharply separated in his thoughts from all other people.
“To be a soldier, just a soldier! thought Pierre, falling asleep. – Enter this common life with your whole being, imbue with what makes them so. But how to throw off all this superfluous, diabolical, all the burden of this external person? One time I could be it. I could run away from my father as I wished. Even after the duel with Dolokhov, I could have been sent as a soldier.” And in Pierre's imagination flashed a dinner at the club where he summoned Dolokhov, and a benefactor in Torzhok. And now Pierre is presented with a solemn dining box. This lodge takes place in the English Club. And someone familiar, close, dear, is sitting at the end of the table. Yes it is! This is a benefactor. “Yes, he died? thought Pierre. - Yes, he died; but I didn't know he was alive. And how sorry I am that he died, and how glad I am that he is alive again! On one side of the table sat Anatole, Dolokhov, Nesvitsky, Denisov and others like him (the category of these people was just as clearly defined in Pierre’s soul in a dream, as was the category of those people whom he called them), and these people, Anatole, Dolokhov loudly shouted, sang; but behind their cry was heard the voice of the benefactor, speaking incessantly, and the sound of his words was as significant and continuous as the roar of the battlefield, but it was pleasant and comforting. Pierre did not understand what the benefactor was saying, but he knew (the category of thoughts was just as clear in the dream) that the benefactor spoke of goodness, of the possibility of being what they were. And they from all sides, with their simple, kind, firm faces, surrounded the benefactor. But although they were kind, they did not look at Pierre, did not know him. Pierre wanted to draw their attention to himself and say. He got up, but at the same instant his legs became cold and bare.
He felt ashamed, and he covered his legs with his hand, from which the overcoat really fell off. For a moment, Pierre, adjusting his overcoat, opened his eyes and saw the same sheds, pillars, courtyard, but all this was now bluish, light and covered with sparkles of dew or frost.
“Dawn,” thought Pierre. “But that's not it. I need to listen to and understand the words of the benefactor.” He again covered himself with his overcoat, but there was no longer any dining box or benefactor. There were only thoughts clearly expressed in words, thoughts that someone said or Pierre himself changed his mind.
Pierre, later recalling these thoughts, despite the fact that they were caused by the impressions of that day, was convinced that someone outside of him was telling them to him. Never, as it seemed to him, was he in reality able to think and express his thoughts like that.
“War is the most difficult subjection of human freedom to the laws of God,” said the voice. – Simplicity is obedience to God; you won't get away from it. And they are simple. They don't say, but they do. The spoken word is silver, and the unspoken is golden. A person cannot own anything while he is afraid of death. And whoever is not afraid of her, everything belongs to him. If there were no suffering, a person would not know the boundaries of himself, would not know himself. The most difficult thing (Pierre continued to think or hear in a dream) is to be able to combine in his soul the meaning of everything. Connect everything? Pierre said to himself. No, don't connect. You can’t connect thoughts, but to connect all these thoughts - that’s what you need! Yes, you need to match, you need to match! Pierre repeated to himself with inner delight, feeling that with these, and only with these words, what he wants to express is expressed, and the whole question that torments him is resolved.
- Yes, you need to pair, it's time to pair.
- It is necessary to harness, it is time to harness, Your Excellency! Your Excellency, - repeated a voice, - it is necessary to harness, it's time to harness ...
It was the voice of the bereytor who woke up Pierre. The sun beat right in Pierre's face. He glanced at the dirty inn, in the middle of which, near the well, the soldiers were watering the thin horses, from which carts rode through the gates. Pierre turned away in disgust and, closing his eyes, hurriedly fell back into the seat of the carriage. “No, I don’t want this, I don’t want to see and understand this, I want to understand what was revealed to me during sleep. One more second and I would understand everything. What am I to do? Conjugate, but how to conjugate everything? And Pierre felt with horror that the whole meaning of what he saw and thought in a dream was destroyed.
The bereator, the coachman and the janitor told Pierre that an officer had arrived with the news that the French had moved near Mozhaisk and that ours were leaving.
Pierre got up and, having ordered to lay down and catch up with himself, went on foot through the city.
The troops went out and left about ten thousand wounded. These wounded could be seen in the yards and in the windows of houses and crowded in the streets. On the streets near the carts that were supposed to take away the wounded, screams, curses and blows were heard. Pierre gave the wheelchair that had overtaken him to a wounded general he knew and went with him to Moscow. Dear Pierre found out about the death of his brother-in-law and about the death of Prince Andrei.

On the 30th, Pierre returned to Moscow. Almost at the outpost he met the adjutant of Count Rostopchin.
“And we are looking for you everywhere,” said the adjutant. “The Count needs to see you. He asks you to come to him immediately on a very important matter.
Pierre, without stopping home, took a cab and drove to the commander-in-chief.
Count Rostopchin only arrived in town this morning from his country dacha in Sokolniki. The antechamber and reception room of the count's house were full of officials who came at his request or for orders. Vasilchikov and Platov had already seen the count and explained to him that it was impossible to defend Moscow and that it would be surrendered. Although these news were hidden from the inhabitants, the officials, the heads of various departments knew that Moscow would be in the hands of the enemy, just as Count Rostopchin knew it; and all of them, in order to lay down their responsibility, came to the commander-in-chief with questions about how they should deal with the units entrusted to them.
While Pierre entered the reception room, the courier, who came from the army, left the count.
The courier waved his hand hopelessly at the questions addressed to him, and passed through the hall.
While waiting in the waiting room, Pierre looked with tired eyes at the various, old and young, military and civil, important and unimportant officials who were in the room. Everyone seemed dissatisfied and restless. Pierre approached one group of officials, in which one was his acquaintance. After greeting Pierre, they continued their conversation.
- How to send and return again, there will be no trouble; and in such a situation one cannot answer for anything.
“Why, he writes,” said another, pointing to the printed paper he held in his hand.
- That's another matter. This is necessary for the people,” said the first.
- What is it? Pierre asked.
- And here's a new poster.
Pierre took it in his hands and began to read:
“The Most Serene Prince, in order to quickly connect with the troops that are coming towards him, crossed Mozhaisk and stood in a strong place where the enemy would not suddenly attack him. Forty-eight cannons with shells have been sent to him from here, and his Serene Highness says that he will defend Moscow to the last drop of blood and is ready to fight even in the streets. You, brothers, do not look at the fact that government offices have been closed: things need to be cleaned up, and we will deal with the villain with our court! When it comes to something, I need fellows, both urban and rural. I'll call a call for two days, but now it's not necessary, I'm silent. Good with an ax, not bad with a horn, and best of all is a triple pitchfork: a Frenchman is not heavier than a sheaf of rye. Tomorrow, after dinner, I am taking Iverskaya to the Ekaterininsky hospital, to the wounded. We will sanctify the water there: they will recover sooner; and I am now healthy: my eye hurt, and now I look both ways.
“And the military people told me,” said Pierre, “that it’s impossible to fight in the city and that the position ...
“Well, yes, that’s what we’re talking about,” said the first official.
- And what does it mean: my eye hurt, and now I look in both? Pierre said.
“The count had barley,” said the adjutant, smiling, “and he was very worried when I told him that people came to ask what was the matter with him. And what, count, ”the adjutant suddenly said, turning to Pierre with a smile,“ we heard that you have family concerns? What if the countess, your wife ...
“I didn’t hear anything,” Pierre said indifferently. – What did you hear?
- No, you know, because they often invent. I say what I heard.
– What did you hear?
“Yes, they say,” the adjutant said again with the same smile, “that the countess, your wife, is going abroad. Probably nonsense...
“Perhaps,” said Pierre, looking absently around him. - And who is this? he asked, pointing to a short old man in a clean blue coat, with a big beard as white as snow, the same eyebrows, and a ruddy face.
- This? This is a merchant alone, that is, he is an innkeeper, Vereshchagin. Have you heard this story about the proclamation?
- Oh, so this is Vereshchagin! - said Pierre, peering into the firm and calm face of the old merchant and looking for an expression of treason in it.
- It's not him. This is the father of the one who wrote the proclamation,” said the adjutant. - That young one, sits in a hole, and it seems to him that it will be bad.
One old man, in a star, and the other, a German official, with a cross around his neck, approached the conversation.
“You see,” said the adjutant, “this is a complicated story. Appeared then, about two months ago, this proclamation. The Count was brought. He ordered an investigation. Here Gavrilo Ivanovich was looking for, this proclamation was in exactly sixty-three hands. He will come to one: who do you get from? - From that. He goes to: who are you from? etc., we got to Vereshchagin ... an undereducated merchant, you know, a merchant, my dear, - the adjutant said smiling. - They ask him: from whom do you have? And most importantly, we know from whom he has. He has no one else to get from, as from the director's mail. But, apparently, there was a strike between them. He says: from no one, I composed it myself. And they threatened and asked, he stood on that: he composed it himself. So they reported to the Count. The count ordered to call him. "From whom do you have a proclamation?" - "I wrote it myself." Well, you know the Count! the adjutant said with a proud and cheerful smile. - He flared up terribly, and think about it: such impudence, lies and stubbornness! ..
- BUT! The Count needed to point out Klyucharev, I understand! Pierre said.
“It’s not necessary at all,” the adjutant said frightened. - There were sins for Klyucharev even without this, for which he was exiled. But the fact is that the count was very indignant. “How could you compose? says the Count. I took this "Hamburg newspaper" from the table. - Here she is. You didn’t compose, but translated, and translated it badly, because you don’t know French, you fool.” What do you think? “No, he says, I didn’t read any newspapers, I composed them.” “And if so, then you are a traitor, and I will put you on trial, and you will be hanged. Tell me, from whom did you get it? “I didn’t see any newspapers, but I composed them.” And so it remained. The count also called on his father: he stands his ground. And they put him on trial, and sentenced, it seems, to hard labor. Now the father has come to plead for him. But bad boy! You know, a kind of merchant's son, a dandy, a seducer, he listened to lectures somewhere and already thinks that the devil is not his brother. After all, what a young man! His father has a tavern here by the Stone Bridge, so in the tavern, you know, there is a large image of the Almighty God and a scepter is presented in one hand, a power in the other; so he took this image home for a few days and what did he do! Found the bastard painter...

In the middle of this new story, Pierre was called to the commander in chief.
Pierre entered Count Rostopchin's office. Rostopchin, grimacing, was rubbing his forehead and eyes with his hand, while Pierre entered. The short man was saying something, and as soon as Pierre entered, he fell silent and left.
- BUT! Hello, great warrior, - said Rostopchin, as soon as this man left. - Heard about your prouesses [glorious deeds]! But that's not the point. Mon cher, entre nous, [Between us, my dear,] are you a Mason? - said Count Rostopchin in a stern tone, as if there was something wrong in this, but that he intended to forgive. Pierre was silent. - Mon cher, je suis bien informe, [To me, my dear, everything is well known,] but I know that there are Freemasons and Freemasons, and I hope that you do not belong to those who, under the guise of saving the human race, want to destroy Russia.
“Yes, I am a Mason,” answered Pierre.
“Well, you see, my dear. I think you are not ignorant that Messrs. Speransky and Magnitsky have been sent to the right place; the same was done with Mr. Klyucharev, the same with others who, under the guise of building the temple of Solomon, tried to destroy the temple of their fatherland. You can understand that there are reasons for this and that I could not exile the local postmaster if he were not a harmful person. Now I know that you sent him yours. the carriage to get out of the city and even that you took from him papers for safekeeping. I love you and do not wish you harm, and since you are half my age, I, as a father, advise you to stop all contact with such people and leave here yourself as soon as possible.
- But what, count, is Klyucharev's fault? Pierre asked.
“It is my business to know and not yours to ask me,” cried Rostopchin.
“If he is accused of distributing Napoleon’s proclamations, then this has not been proven,” said Pierre (without looking at Rostopchin), “and Vereshchagin ...
- Nous y voila, [So it is,] - suddenly frowning, interrupting Pierre, Rostopchin cried out even louder than before. “Vereshchagin is a traitor and a traitor who will receive a well-deserved execution,” said Rostopchin with that fervor of anger with which people speak when they remember an insult. - But I did not call you to discuss my affairs, but to give you advice or orders, if you want it. I ask you to stop your relations with such gentlemen as Klyucharev and go from here. And I'll beat the crap, no matter who it is. - And, probably realizing that he seemed to be shouting at Bezukhov, who was not yet to blame for anything, he added, taking Pierre's hand in a friendly way: - Nous sommes a la veille d "un desastre publique, et je n" ai pas le temps de dire des gentillesses a tous ceux qui ont affaire a moi. My head is spinning sometimes! Eh! bien, mon cher, qu "est ce que vous faites, vous personnellement? [We are on the eve of a general disaster, and I have no time to be kind to everyone with whom I have business. So, my dear, what are you doing, you personally?]
- Mais rien, [Yes, nothing,] - Pierre answered, still without raising his eyes and without changing the expression of his thoughtful face.
The Count frowned.
- Un conseil d "ami, mon cher. Decampez et au plutot, c" est tout ce que je vous dis. A bon entendeur salut! Farewell, my dear. Oh, yes, he shouted to him from the door, is it true that the countess fell into the clutches of des saints peres de la Societe de Jesus? [Friendly advice. Get out soon, I'll tell you what. Blessed is he who knows how to obey!... the holy fathers of the Society of Jesus?]
Pierre did not answer, and, frowning and angry, as he had never been seen, he left Rostopchin.

By the time he got home, it was already getting dark. About eight different people visited him that evening. The secretary of the committee, the colonel of his battalion, the manager, the butler and various petitioners. Everyone had business before Pierre that he had to resolve. Pierre did not understand anything, was not interested in these matters, and gave only such answers to all questions that would free him from these people. Finally, left alone, he opened and read his wife's letter.
“They are soldiers on the battery, Prince Andrei was killed ... an old man ... Simplicity is obedience to God. You have to suffer… the meaning of everything… you have to match… the wife is getting married… You have to forget and understand…” And he, going to the bed, without undressing, fell on it and immediately fell asleep.
When he woke up the next morning, the butler came to report that a specially sent police official had come from Count Rostopchin to find out if Count Bezukhov had left or was leaving.
About ten different people dealing with Pierre were waiting for him in the living room. Pierre hastily dressed, and instead of going to those who were waiting for him, he went to the back porch and from there went out through the gate.
From then until the end of the Moscow ruin, none of the Bezukhov households, despite all the searches, saw Pierre again and did not know where he was.

The Rostovs remained in the city until September 1, that is, until the eve of the enemy's entry into Moscow.
After Petya entered the regiment of Obolensky's Cossacks and left for Belaya Tserkov, where this regiment was being formed, fear came over the countess. The thought that both of her sons are at war, that both of them have left under her wing, that today or tomorrow each of them, and maybe both together, like the three sons of one of her acquaintances, can be killed, for the first once now, this summer, came to her mind with cruel clarity. She tried to get Nikolai to her, she wanted to go to Petya herself, to find him somewhere in Petersburg, but both turned out to be impossible. Petya could not be returned otherwise than together with the regiment or by transfer to another active regiment. Nikolai was somewhere in the army, and after his last letter, in which he described in detail his meeting with Princess Marya, he did not give a rumor about himself. The countess did not sleep at night, and when she fell asleep, she saw her murdered sons in a dream. After many councils and negotiations, the count finally came up with a means to calm the countess. He transferred Petya from the Obolensky regiment to the Bezukhov regiment, which was being formed near Moscow. Although Petya remained in military service, but with this transfer, the countess had the consolation to see at least one son under her wing and hoped to arrange her Petya so that she would no longer let him out and always enroll in such places of service where he could not get in any way. into battle. While Nicolas alone was in danger, it seemed to the Countess (and she even repented of this) that she loved the eldest more than all the other children; but when the younger one, a naughty fellow who had studied badly, broke everything in the house and bored everyone with Petya, this snub-nosed Petya, with his merry black eyes, fresh blush and slightly piercing down on his cheeks, got there, to these big, terrible, cruel men who there they fight something and find something joyful in it - then it seemed to the mother that she loved him more, much more than all her children. The closer the time approached when the expected Petya was supposed to return to Moscow, the more the countess's anxiety increased. She already thought that she would never wait for this happiness. The presence of not only Sonya, but also her beloved Natasha, even her husband, irritated the countess. “What do I care about them, I don’t need anyone but Petya!” she thought.

Marilyn Manson is the stage name of Brian Hugh Warner, the most controversial rock artist of our time, vocalist of the eponymous band Marilyn Manson, "the most terrible musician of all time" (according to Billboard magazine), visual artist and actor.

Many call him a "detractor of morality" and "a messenger of the Antichrist." But the lyrics of his compositions are clever and ironic, the spectacular shows are beautiful and shockingly spectacular, the video clips are akin to big-budget horror films and are full of cultural references, and the image is free from the rules and standards imposed by society.

The secret of the popularity of the rocker, who took a pseudonym for himself according to the concept of the dichotomy of good and evil - in honor of the sex symbol Marilyn Monroe and the famous criminal Charles Manson - is not only in shocking appearance and crazy actions. Manson is an artist and musician with a capital letter. This is evidenced by the abundance in his creative piggy bank of such prestigious awards as the MTV Video Music Award, BMI Awards, Alternative Press Music Awards, etc., and four nominations for the most prestigious Grammy music award.

Five of Marilyn Manson's albums have been certified gold and four have gone multi-platinum. Classic Rock has included Antichrist Superstar and Mechanical Animals in its list of the 100 best rock albums of the century, along with records from such legendary bands as Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and The Beatles.

Speaking in his work as a social critic, stigmatizing the vulgarity and hypocrisy of capitalist society, he, according to many critics, remains the last real US rocker carrying the protest banner of the 1960s.


The future extraordinary rock singer was born on January 5, 1969 in the city of Canton, located a hundred kilometers from Cleveland, Ohio. The boy's mother, Barbara Jay Warner, was a nurse, and his father, Hugh Angus Warner, was a furniture dealer. Parents who had English, German and Sioux Indian roots (by mother) were religious, but professed different directions of Christianity - Catholicism and Protestantism. From an early age, my mother took her only son to the Episcopal (Protestant) church, trying to instill a love for God. And at the age of 5 he was sent to a Christian school.

Later, in his autobiographical book, The Long, Hard Journey From Hell, the artist described all the nightmares behind the idyllic facade of this educational institution and their family. In particular, he spoke with extreme honesty about how other kids bullied him into thinking he was gay, how his father threatened to take him to a prostitute, and how his grandfather was a sexual pervert. As a child, Brian often heard his grandfather satisfying himself in the basement to the accompaniment of strange sounds made by his throat after a tracheotomy. “I am grateful to my grandfather. He conveyed to me one simple truth: in the basements of America, everything is not as decent as it seems, ”the singer recalled.

Comparison of the biblical commandments with the behavior of others showed the teenager the falsity of society and provoked him to get acquainted with the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible. In it, he found interesting the idea of ​​the presence in every person of the light and dark sides, god and devil. He later made it fundamental in his image and work. But, according to Manson, he is an atheist, and he never professed Satanism (although he was repeatedly called “the most famous Satanist in the world” in the media).

The teachers did their best to instill in their students the idea of ​​what kind of music should not be listened to in any case. Brian, as is often the case with children, rebelled against the imposed opinion and went "from the opposite", becoming an ardent fan of hard rock. At school, he wrote poetry, published the magazine "Stupid" ("Stupid") and was fond of exactly the kind of music that teachers did not recommend listening to - Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne, The Beatles, David Bowie.

When Warner finished 10th grade, his family moved to the resort town of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. There he entered Glen Oak School and completed his secondary education in 1987. He then studied journalism at Broward College, continued to write poetry, and also worked for Fort Lauderdale and 25th Parallel as a music critic and interviewer. In particular, he interviewed Groovy Mann from the industrial rock band Thrill Kill Kult and TKK (translated from English. "My life with the cult of killing for the sake of excitement"), which presented the topics of sex and religion in a comic way.


In late 1989, Brian met guitarist Scott Putesky for the first time and showed him his lyrics. Together they decided to found the rock band Marilyn Manson & the Spooky Kids, relying on gothic music with a predominance of intellectual lyrics and dark themes. Later, the name was shortened by friends to Marilyn Manson.

All its members created stage names by analogy with the principle invented by the frontman: the name was taken from some iconic beauty, and the surname from a serial killer. Scott became Daisy Berkowitz (on behalf of the heroine of the American series Daisy Duke and maniac David Berkowitz), Geordie White, who later became the second face of the group after Manson - Twiggy Ramirez (in honor of the iconic British model Twiggy and serial killer Richard Ramirez), etc. The band's frontman borrowed his first name from Marilyn Monroe and his last name from Charlie Manson, the founder of a hippie commune called The Family, whose henchmen killed director Roman Polanski's pregnant wife in 1969.

The rock band quickly became popular thanks to signature vocals, a unique guitar sound, as well as performances with elements of performance and theatre. Women's clothing, bright makeup, tights, oppressive atmosphere, frightening surroundings - there were no restrictions for the singer and his associates in terms of stage images and props.

One of the first concerts of the Marilyn Manson band (1991)

In 1993, they were noticed by Trent Reznor, the leader of Nine Inch Nails, known for no less original shows, when the musicians behaved obscenely and threateningly on stage, smashed musical instruments, and injured themselves. Reznor offered them a contract and opening act. Having accepted the offer, the rock team began simultaneously recording their debut album “Portrait of an American Family” (“Portrait of an American Family”). It was released in 1994 and was an undoubted success, touching on the current problems of American families. According to the results of sales (over 500 thousand copies), the disc became "gold". But with his release, in addition to the army of fans, the outrageous rocker also had a huge number of critics, in the person of representatives of the church and authorities.

At the same time, the musicians released a promo single "Dope Hat" ("Drug hat"), as well as a video for it, reminiscent of Manson's favorite film "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". It featured their group on a boat through a psychedelic tunnel. In the same period, the vocalist met with the high priest of the "Church of Satan" LaVey, who honored him with the title of "reverend".

Marilyn Manson

In 1995, the debut national tour of the rock band took place. Soon they presented a cover version of the composition of the British duo Eurythmics "Sweet Dreams". It became their first unconditional hit and received a "platinum" status (after sales of over 1 million copies). A year later, in October, the second studio disc of the Antichrist Superstar group went on sale. It brought rock artists worldwide fame, charted in over ten countries, and peaked at number three on the Billboard 200. It was elaborate and conceptually complex. Its true nature remains a matter of controversy to this day.

The composition "The Beautiful People", which plays on the theme of the culture of beauty and its connection with Nietzsche's theory of "master-slave" morality, was released as the lead single of the disc. Subsequently, she became the "calling card" of the group. The author of her words was traditionally Manson, and the composer was Twiggy Ramirez. No less mysterious and complex was the packaging of the disc. It contained intriguing religious motifs, hidden messages in the form of digital codes. Then the rock musicians went on the Dead to the World tour and played 175 shows, often facing protests from conservative organizations.

Marilyn Manson

In 1997, Rolling Stone featured the original artist on the cover and named him the best new artist of the year. At the same time, information appeared that the disk was conceived as a component of a triptych, united by the common idea of ​​the formation of the Antichrist.

Then, to create another studio album, the artist moved from Florida to Los Angeles. In 1998, the band released a disc called "Mechanical Animals" (No. 2 of the triptych). It topped the charts in Canada, Australia and the US, where it was certified platinum. Its tracks, created by Manson in a departure from the glam rock spirit of the previous two discs, still had a lot of symbolism in its artwork. For example, on the cover, the singer was depicted as a sexless androgyne, on whose left hand there were six fingers instead of five, with a hint of numerous conflicts with Christian activists.

The video for the single "The Dope Show" was nominated for a Grammy. The track “Great Big White World” was called by experts a classic example of the rocker’s immersion in terrible drug dreams and proof of his ability not only to demonstrate the hell on earth that people themselves have arranged, but also to drag them into the hell of his own fantasies.

At the peak of the singer's career, a lot of absurd rumors were circulated in the press. The tabloids wrote that Manson removed the lower ribs and pigment from the iris of the eyes, drank the blood of Christian babies, engaged in intimate pleasures with animals on stage, swallowed a cat whole during a concert, defiantly cut off a hamster's leg, amputated the genitals ... The list is endless. In the late 90s and early 2000s, Manson's name alone, which became a household name, angered "devout Christians." But behind the motley image was hiding a completely different person - vulnerable and emotional.

Interview with Marilyn Manson (2001)

In 1999, the rock band went on tour. The musicians canceled his last concerts out of respect for the victims of the tragedy at the Columbine school, where two teenagers killed twelve children and one teacher, after which they shot themselves. Public opinion then almost accused the singer of inspiring them to violence. But later it turned out that these two schoolchildren were not his fans, and Marilyn himself, during an interview on this topic, said very wise words:

In 2000, the presentation of the fourth disc "Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death)" (No. 1 in the triptych) took place. The record marked the return of the musician to the style of industrial metal. It has earned gold certification in Japan, Switzerland, Canada and the UK. It was rated as the best work of the team. Much of the CD was written in response to the Columbine massacre. A particularly sharp reaction of the performer was guessed in the song "The Nobodies", where he repeated: "Something is wrong with this world."

The rockers' fifth disc, The Golden Age of Grotesque, was also successful, released in May 2003. Manson found inspiration in creating it in a burlesque show with the participation of his then-official girlfriend Dita Von Teese. The disc took first place on the Billboard 200 list. In June of the same year, the musicians took part in the Ozzfest festival, established by the British singer Ozzy Osbourne and his wife Sharon, and then went on tour in support of the album.

The later creations of the "king of horror" no longer had the same resounding success. The sixth disc "Eat Me, Drink Me" was released in 2007 and was only at number eight on the Billboard 200. The song "Putting Holes In Happiness" from this disc is considered one of the most subtle, deep and underestimated works in Manson's work.

Marilyn Manson

In 2008, the leading figure of the rock scene participated in the recording of a remix of Lady Gaga's song "Love Game". A year later, the seventh disc of his group "The High End of Low" appeared on sale, taking fourth place in the list of the 200 most popular albums. It contained works written by the king of American industrial rock during the difficult end of his engagement to Evan Rachel Wood.

On Christmas Day, he tried to contact her 158 times to no avail and self-mutilated after each attempt. A music video for the song "Running to the Edge of the World" was later released. In it, the vocalist beat a character-copy of his ex-girlfriend to death. The video received widespread condemnation for allegedly praising the rock singer's violence against women.

Marilyn Manson

As part of a world tour in support of the disc in November 2009, the musician visited St. Petersburg and Moscow, where he had already performed before (in 2001, 2005 and 2007). 2012 was marked by the release of the band's eighth studio album Born Villain. Debuting at number ten on the Billboard 200, the disc was at number one on the UK Rock Albums Chart for two weeks. As part of a grandiose tour in his support, he gave a concert in St. Petersburg.

In the same period, at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards in Los Angeles, Manson sang a cover of the hit "Sweet Dreams" along with Johnny Depp and Taylor Momsen, lead singer of The Pretty Reckless. He was noted at the Echo Awards in Berlin, where he presented his hit song "The Beautiful People" together with Rammstein, and at the Doomsday Festival, performing with the legendary band The Doors.

Marilyn Manson ft. Rammstein

In 2013, during Alice Cooper's Masters of Mayhem tour, the rocker sang the song "I" m Eighteen "in a duet with him and, as part of Eminem's big concert in Barcelona, ​​performed the song "The Way I Am" with the rapper. In addition, with rap artist Gucci Mane, he recorded a joint track “Fancy Bitch.” Gucci was delighted with their collaboration, saying that Manson was “hellishly cool.”

Scheduled for June 29, 2014, the concert of the "king of horror" in Novosibirsk was canceled by decision of the city authorities. The official reason for refusing to provide a venue for the performance was the holding of events in honor of the City Day. But the real reason for the disruption of the show, the fans considered the musician's accusations of promoting homosexuality and insulting the feelings of believers.

Religious fanatics against Marilyn Manson

In the same period, his performance at the Park Live festival, held in Moscow at VDNKh, was also canceled. First, Orthodox activists led by the notorious Dmitry Enteo threw eggs at a bus of rock musicians, and then there was an anonymous report about a bomb allegedly planted near the stage. The singer commented on the incident on his Twitter, describing it as "some kind of chaos."

In 2015, the ninth disc of the group "The Pale Emperor" (in translation - "The Pale Emperor", as the fans later began to call their idol) went on sale. The creation of this image of the musician was inspired by a book about Heliogabal, a cruel Roman ruler. Johnny Depp gave him the book for a 16-year friendship. The frontman dedicated the record to the memory of his mother, who passed away in 2014. The disc hit number eight on the Billboard 200. But many publications called it the band's best album over the past 10 years. In the new work, the artist added a more perfect blues sound to the "gothic" image.

A year later, Marilyn Manson, along with the metal band Slipknot, toured North America, performing in Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego and several other cities. In the summer of 2017, the “great and terrible” nevertheless performed in the White Stone Capital in a crowded Stadium club. Then he played a big solo concert at the Sports Palace in Kyiv, appearing surrounded by inverted crosses, in black attire, with infernal makeup and a knife-shaped microphone.

And the next, tenth disc "Heaven Upside Down" was released in October of the same year. The author of the texts of all tracks of the disc was traditionally the leader of the group. According to him, the album has become "one of the most complex and thematic things" among his works.


An extraordinary artist did not go unnoticed by filmmakers and producers. He played many roles: episodic, but bright. The shock rocker first appeared on screen in 1997 in the psychological thriller Lost Highway by David Lynch, starring with his band's bass player Twiggy Ramirez as an adult film actor.

A year later, he played a stranger in Darren Stein's black comedy Murder Queens, where one of the main characters was played at that time by his girlfriend, actress Rose McGowan. In 2002, he took part in Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine, a documentary about school violence in the United States. In 2003, the tragicomedy "Club Mania" with Macaulay Culkin in the title role was released. The musician was entrusted with the role of the transvestite-superstar Christina in it. A year later, he played the episodic role of Jackson in the drama "Chicks" by Asia Argento, in 2007 - a bartender in the horror film "Vampire".

In 2012, the rock performer joined the ensemble cast of the French-American comedy film directed by Contan Dupier (known as Mr. Ozio) "The Wrong Cops", presented at the Cannes Film Festival. He played a techno fan who was given a lesson in good music by a police officer.

A year later, the rock artist played himself in the comedy-drama series Californication, of which he has always been a big fan. At the same time, the creators of the popular series Once Upon a Time, being fans of the singer, decided to entrust him with voicing the shadow of Peter Pan. They needed a voice from which goosebumps run through the body.

In 2014, the "king of outrageous" embodied on the TV screen the role of the neo-Nazi Ron in the crime drama "Sons of Anarchy". In 2016, he portrayed the sociopath Thomas in the fantasy Salem, starring Janet Montgomery and Shane West.

In 2017, the drama “Let me make you a martyr” was released, where Manson received one of the key roles, a colorful killer and psychopath of Indian origin named Pope. His colleague on the set was Mark Boone Junior, with whom he became friends while working together on the series Sons of Anarchy.


A gifted musician is outstanding in everything. His creativity is amazing. Since the formation of the group, he has designed almost all of its flyers and demo tape covers, and since 1999 he began to paint watercolors. The best of the more than 150 paintings he created were exhibited for public display.

The first exhibition of Manson's work, The Golden Age of the Grotesque, was organized in September 2002 at the Contemporary Exhibitions Center in Los Angeles. One of the paintings, valued at $55,000, depicted a hermaphrodite Hitler.

Two years later, in Paris and Berlin, he presented his second exhibition Trismegistus. Its central display was of the same name and featured a three-headed Christ depicted on a wooden table top taken from an antique embalming table.

In 2006, he opened a personal gallery in Los Angeles, The Celebritarian Corporation Gallery of Fine Art. The first show in it was his third exhibition "Flowers of Evil". In 2007, a number of her exhibits were shown in the gallery contemporary art Space 39 in Fort Myers, Florida, then to Brigitte Schenk Gallery Cologne. The works of "the most eccentric freak of the planet" were also exhibited in Miami, Moscow, Athens. The cost of his paintings "Anaclytism", "Sisyphus", "Fibonacci", "Superman" and others ranged from 1.5 thousand to 50 thousand dollars.

In 2011, in collaboration with filmmaker David Lynch, Manson published the book Genealogy of Pain. It was a catalog of thirty watercolors by the artist, which could be seen at the exhibition of the same name in the Kunsthalle Vienna, with illustrations from four of Lynch's early experimental shorts: The Alphabet, The Grandmother, The Amputee Woman, and Six Sick Persons.

Marilyn Manson's personal life

Despite the specific appearance, the personal life of a rock musician was rich in hobbies and novels. His first girlfriend was Missy Romero. They met at a Beastie Boys concert in 1992 and were a couple for five years.

Marilyn Manson and Dita Von Teese Clip of Marilyn Manson with Evan Rachel Wood

After breaking up with Rachel, the rock idol was credited with novels with TV star Caridi English, with singer Lana Del Rey, with photographer Lindsay Yusich. In 2015, he declared that he was free, and did not devote more journalists to his heart affairs.

Marilyn Manson now

In the spring of 2019, the rock musician announced on his Instagram that he had almost completed work on his next studio disc and that singer-songwriter Shooter Jennings was involved in its recording.

In the summer, he recorded a cover version of the psychedelic hit "The End" by the cult group The Doors, and later posted a video for it. The song was recorded specifically for The Stand TV series, based on Stephen King's bestselling book of the same name. The creation of a new film adaptation of post-apocalyptic fiction was announced by CBS All Access. The shocking master intends to play one of the roles in it.

In January 2020, a drama series with the participation of Manson "The New Pope" by Paolo Sorrentino was released, which is a continuation of the "Young Pope" project. The rocker's colleagues on the set were Jude Law, John Malkovich, Sharon Stone.

Marilyn Manson was born into an ordinary family, where his father, Hugh Warner, was a furniture dealer, and his mother, Barbara Warner, was a nurse. As Manson himself stated, his grandfather's sexual fetishes greatly influenced his child's psyche and worldview in general.

As a child, Manson attended the Episcopal Church with his mother, although his father adhered to other religious views, was a Catholic. In addition, from the first grade, Brian went to the Heritage Christian School High School. But from the tenth grade he was transferred to a regular high school.

Singer's Star Trek

After graduation, Manson went to one of the music magazines to earn extra money. In his spare time he wrote poetry. In 1989, Brian, along with guitarist Scott Putesky, decides to form his own rock band. In his opinion, he needed a new name that would correspond to a real rock artist. His choice settled on the pseudonym Marilyn Manson. This name consists of two fragments of the names of completely different people: the movie star Marilyn Monroe, the embodiment of sexuality and beauty, and the murderous maniac Charles Manson.

Until the Marilyn Manson group gained popularity, the guys performed as opening acts. One day Nine Inch Nails lead singer Trent Reznor liked the young band and became the band's mentor. Trent also designed the band's interesting logo. At the top of the logo was the beautiful and charming look of Monroe, at the bottom - the crazy look of Charles Manson. In the middle, however, was the inscription Marilyn Manson, made in a “dripping” font.

Over time, the group was promoted, and vocalist Manson came to the fore, leaving all the other members in the shadow. The team tried to attract listeners by any means: peanut butter sandwiches could fly from the stage, the stage was surrounded by cages in which there were girls, and some of the musicians could enter the stage in a skirt and bra.

Marilyn Manson's personal life

Since 1998, the musician met with actress Rose McGowan. Although they were engaged, the romance did not last long and the couple broke up in 2000. In 2005, one girl still managed to ring Manson: Dita von Teese became the musician's wife. But less than a year later, Dita filed for divorce.

Since 2006, Manson began dating young actress Evan Rachel. This relationship ended two years later, but in January 2010 the couple got back together and Manson made a marriage proposal. The actress agreed, but in August the engagement was cancelled.

Mason is a fan of Californication, where he starred in season 6 as himself.

Photo by Marilyn Manson: GettyImages/