Exercises to reinforce the topic “Pronouns in English. Possessive pronouns in English Insert appropriate personal pronouns

(When are they going) visit her?(translate words in brackets)

When are they going to

(Hegoing) come early in the evening? (translate words in brackets)

(are goingwhetherthey) to the party tonight? (translate words in brackets)

I am a worker. ... Name is Andrey. (insert possessive pronoun)

My brother (not to call) me. (make a sentence in present continuous)

My brother is not calling me.

Our uncle doesn't... any money, (fill in the gap to make the negative sentence)

Is yoursbrotherlawyer? (translate into English)

Is your brother a lawyer?

She wants to have a rest, (make a negative sentence)

She doesn't want to have a rest.

I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning.(Find the English equivalent for the Russian sentence)

I always have a cup of coffee in the morning.

My sisters ... interested in music, (insert the verb to be in the correct form)

She is going to visit her parents on Saturday...? (complete the tag question)

... sister is not very interested in literature, (insertpossessivepronoun)

What does your sister read in the evenings?(translate into English)

What does your sister read in the evenings?

They sometimes do their homework late at night.(Translate into English)

They sometimes do their homework late in the evening.

yoursmumHouses? (translate into English)

Is your mother at home?

This book is very interesting

We are good students

my sisters are interested in music

I am at home on Sundays

It is so cold outside

I am very happy to be here with you

my mother is at home

The dog is in the garden

I am from Moscow

The children are not at home

This book is not very expensive

I am not at home at the weekend

my sister is not at home right now

My brothers are not interested in music

She is not very happy

The play is not very good

my friends are not very good students

These articles are not very interesting

They are my good friends

His sister is not very interested in literature

This boy is their brother

This girl is our friend

My cat is not at home

Our parents are in the garden

Is your father a good teacher?

Can you give me your pen?

Is it your penal?

I am a worker my name is Andrew

They don't live in Moscow anymore

They have a lot of problems

I want to go the cinema tonight

He is reading a very interesting book

She is having a rest in her room

They are watching TV

He has no time to read

I think You work too much

I like this idea much

They don't want to go home

Give me this book

I think they to translate this article.

Will translates

I'm sure they to come.

will come

I think she to read this book.

will read

I'm sure they to do it.

will do

I think you to be late.

will be

I'm sure he to be sorry about it.

will be

I think your friend to read everything about the accident.

will read

I'm sure I to find it.

will find

I think the dog to come back.

will be

I'm sure they to bring it.

Will bring

Would you like some coffee?

Would you like some coffee?

She is going to buy some bread.

She's going to buy some bread .

Would you like some tea?

Would you like some tea?

Are there many new cinemas in Moscow?

Are there many new cinemas in Moscow

And ready to start exercising. Everything exercises on Possesive Pronouns come with increasing difficulty, so the first of them is suitable even for children. You will find answers to the exercises, according to tradition, at the end of the article.

Possessive pronoun exercises.

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

  1. This is my mom. _________ name "s Jess.
  2. These are my sisters. ________ names are Mary and Dina.
  3. These are my parents. _________ names are Tanya and Bob
  4. This is my cousin. _________ name "s Helen.
  5. This is my cousin. ______ name "s Fred
  6. These are my sisters. _______ names are Tina and Nina.
  7. This is my aunt. _______ name "s Pam.

Exercise 2. What is Molly Adamauer saying? Add my, your, his, her, our or theirs.

First name is Molly. _____family name is Adamauer. What about you? What's ______ first name? And what's ______ family name? I "m married. You can see _____ husband in the picture. ______ name is Aisek. We" ve got one son and one daughter. ______ son is 21. ____ name is Nickolas. ______ daughter is 24. ______ name is Emy. Emy is married. _____ husband "s name is Bred. Emy and Bred have got two children. ______ names are Kevin and Evi.

Exercise 3 Circle the correct word.

This is Michael. This is his/her family. These are my / his parents. This is her / their house. This is your / their pet. This is her / its ball.

Absolute possessive pronoun exercises.

Exercise 4 Insert absolute possessive pronouns.

Jason: Whose sunglasses are these?

Kate They're Amy's, I think. Yes, they're (1) _______.

Paul: Whose baseball cap is this?

Amy: That's (2) ______ too! Thanks.

Kate: Wow! Whose dirty towel is this?

Jason: Ask Paul. I think it's (3) __________ .

Paul: Yes, it is. thanks. You"ve got a great T-shirt, Amy!

Kate: Thanks. I borrowed it from my big sister. So it "s (4) __________ really.

Jason: What about this umbrella?

Paul: Don "t be silly, Jason! You brought it, so it must be (5) __________.

Kate: Does this beach ball belong to us?

Jason: No, it isn't (6) __________. Those kids over there were looking for a ball, so it's (7) _________ probably.

Possessive pronouns. mixed exercises.

Exercise 5 Choose the correct possessive pronouns from the underlined words.

  1. Is this yours / your daughter?
  2. It "s theirs / their problem, not our / ours.
  3. It "s a good idea of ​​your / yours to go to the bar tonight.
  4. Are these her / hers shoes?
  5. We "re going swimming with some friends of our / ours.
  6. Is it yours / your article about spiders? -No, it "s not my / mine.
  7. We know their / theirs address but they don't know our / ours.
  8. That "s not my / mine wallet. Mine / my is black.
  9. His cottage is bigger than her / hers but her / hers is nicer.
  10. My / mine parents live in Vitebsk region, and your / yours?

Exercise 6 Insert the necessary expressions with (own).

  1. He really loves to have __________ car.
  2. I hope to set up _________ business one day
  3. Roman Abramovich had a comfortable plane of __________.
  4. We don "t need your tools, we" ve taken _________ drill.
  5. They invested the money of__________ in this project.
  6. She "s always smoking our cigarettes! Why doesn't she buy __________.
  7. I have always dreamed of having a room of___________.
  8. Liza has left ____________ child in infant home!
  9. The house was built by ___________great-grandfather. We're proud of this fact.
  10. We can believe them. _________experiment is a good proof for us.

Exercise 7 Complete the conversation with the corrective possessive pronouns.

Tim: Whose CD is that?

Jenny: The Britney Spears CD? It "s (1) _______. It" s (2) _______ favorite CD.

Tim: It "s (3) _________ too. Is this Kylie Minogue CD (4) _________ too?

Jenny: No, it "s (5) _______ sister's. And those on the table are (6) _______ too.

Tim: There's a Beatles CD on the table. Does she like The Beatles?

Jenny: No, she doesn't. But (7) _____ parents love them. All the Beatles CDs are (8) ______.

Tim: Can I borrow this one, or is it (9) _________ sister"s?

Jenny No, it isn't (10) _________. I'll have to ask (11) _____ brother. That CD is (12) _______.

Exercise 8 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate possessive pronouns.

  1. Jill and Jack write articles for ______ school newspaper.
  2. Bob nodded at ____ wife as if he wanted to say "You see?"
  3. Do you think they are losing ____ popularity?
  4. From ____ place I could watch the people eating ____ lunch.
  5. I like____ new car. I bought it yesterday.
  6. He took off ______ jacket and loosened ____ tie.
  7. My mum usually came to ____ office at 4 o "clock.
  8. They've got two children but I don't remember ____
  9. We are going to invite all ____ friends to the party.
  10. We're staying at a very nice hotel. ____ room is very comfortable.

Answers to exercises on possessive pronouns.

1 her, 2 theirs, 3 theirs, 4 hers, 5 his, 6 theirs, 7 hers

My, my, your, your, my, his, our, his, our, her, her, their

His, his, their, their, its

1 hers, 2 mines, 3 hiss, 4 hers, 5 yours, 6 ours, 7 theirs

1 your, 2 their / ours, 3 yours, 4 her, 5 ours, 6 your / mine, 7 their / ours, 8 my / mine, 9 hers / hers 10 my / yours

1 his own, 2 my own, 3 his own, 4 our own, 5 their own, 6 her own, 7 my own, 8 her own, 9 our own, 10 their own or our own

1 mine, 2 my, 3 mine, 4 yours, 5 my, 6 hers, 7 my or our, 8 theirs, 9 your, 10 hers, 11 my, 12 his

1 - their, 2 - his, 3 - their, 4 - my / their, 5 - my, 6 - his / his, 7 - her, 8 - their, 9 - our, 10 - our

We use pronouns to replace nouns in a sentence. Look at the word “pronoun” itself, it contains the main function of this part of speech: “ instead of having", i.e " instead of a noun". Pronouns are used to diversify speech and not repeat the same word from sentence to sentence.

There are several types of pronouns in English: , and possessive. We paid special attention to each type of pronouns in a separate article.

Let's see how a native speaker teacher Alex talks about words that show that someone owns something.

When we want to say that someone owns something, we use possessive forms. As you can see Alex identified two forms: Possessive Adjectives And Possessive Pronouns.

Possessive adjectives

Let's start considering possessive forms with possessive adjectives. Abroad these words are called Possessive Adjectives. Such words show a sign of an object, phenomenon or person, therefore they are classified as adjectives, not pronouns:

  • my book. - My book. (what book? - mine)
  • His friend. - His friend. (what friend? - his)

In Russian textbooks on English grammar it is written that my (your, his etc.) is a pronoun, but native English teachers insist that it is still an adjective, because it comes before a noun and defines it. Let's take a look at the table:

Personal pronoun Possessive adjective Translation
I My My
You Your Is yours
He His His
She Her Her
It Its His her
We Our Our
You Your Your
They Their Them

My cat likes to play with a ball. - My the cat loves to play with the ball.

She wants to talk to your manager. - She wants to talk to yours manager.

The teacher found his mistakes. The teacher found his errors.

I like her dress. - I like her the dress.

Our family likes to rest in Crimea, we adore its nature. – Our family loves to relax in the Crimea, we adore his nature.

They look after our children. - They look after our children.

He is speaking with their mother. - He talks to them mom.

Please note that in all examples after my (his, their) is a noun.

In Russian there is a universal word "our", which we simply change by numbers and persons. In English, the words “one’s own”, “one’s own”, “one’s own” should be translated as “mine”, “ours”, “his” / “hers”, respectively.

She cut mine finger. – She cut her finger.

I love my mom. – I love my mother.

Do my work. – Do your work.

Possessive pronouns

If you need to replace a noun in a sentence, you must use one of the possessive pronouns. Usually the noun is replaced so that there are no repetitions in the sentence.

  • This is not my pen, mine is purple. - This is not my pen, my purple (replaced my pen on the mine).
Personal pronoun Possessive pronoun Translation
I Mine My
You Yours Is yours
He His His
She Hers Her
It Its His her
We Ours Our
You Yours Your
They Theirs Them

Becky! That is mine! - This my, Becky!

My task is easier than yours. - My task is easier than your.

This is not his car, his is blue. - It's not his car. his- blue.

This is a friend of hers. - This her friend.

It is not their house theirs is bigger. - This is not their house. them more.

The general pattern for all possessive pronouns is that you do not need to use a noun after them, and, as a rule, it is at the end of the sentence. Also, take a look at this couple: a friend of mine And my friend. Both phrases mean the same thing - my friend, only after the preposition of use possessive pronouns rather than adjectives ( a friend of my).

Brief information about personal (Personal), possessive (Possessive), demonstrative (Demonstrative) and indefinite (Indefinite) pronouns in English language.

Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns denote a person or thing and are used instead of a noun. They have nominative and object forms. (table 1.1)

Personal pronouns in the nominative case are used in the function of the subject.

I like ice cream. I love ice cream.

We like football. We we love football.

Personal pronouns in the objective case are used in the object function.

Give me a book. Give) to me book.

I see Ann, I see her in the garden. I see Anna, I see her in the garden.

Please note that the personal pronoun I (I) in English always used with a capital letter.

Table 1 Personal pronouns
Number FaceNominativeObjective case
Unit1 I - I me - me, me
2 you - you, youyou - you, you, you, you

it - he, she, it

him - to him, him

her - her, her

it - to him, her, him, her

Mn.1 we - we us - us, us
2 you - you you - you, you
3 they - theythem - them, them

Pronouns he and she are used instead of animate nouns. Instead of inanimate nouns in the singular, the pronoun is used it, which corresponds to Russian pronouns he she it depending on the gender of the noun in Russian.

The table is he (it), the window is it (it), the pen is she (it).

The pronoun they (they) replaces both animate and inanimate plural nouns.

The pronoun you can denote one person and many people, i.e. it refers to the second person singular (you, you is a polite form of address) and to the second person plural (you).

You are a doctor. You are a doctor.

You are a school boy. You are a student.

You are doctors. You are doctors.

You are schoolboys. You are schoolchildren.

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns express ownership. They answer the question whose?(whose, whose, whose, whose?). Possessive pronouns have two forms. (table 1.2).

The possessive pronoun in the 1st form (attributive form) is followed by nouns.

This is my book. This my book.

The possessive pronoun in the 2nd form (absolute form) is not followed by nouns.

This book is mine. This book - my.

Table 1 Possessive pronouns
1st form of possessive pronouns2nd form of possessive pronouns
my- my, my, my, my mine- my, my, my, my
his- his his- his
her- her hers- her
its- her his
our- ours, ours, ours, ours ours- ours, ours, ours, ours
your- yours, yours, yours, yours;yours- yours, yours, yours, yours;
yours, yours, yours, yours yours, yours, yours, yours
their- them theirs- them

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns have singular and plural forms. (table 1.3)

this tree- this wood

that tree- then wood

these trees- these trees

those trees- those trees

The pronouns this and these indicate objects that are near the speaker. The pronouns that and those indicate objects that are far away from the speaker.

Indefinite Pronouns

The most common indefinite pronouns are some, any, no. We will cover them in this lecture.

Pronoun some has the meaning some, a certain amount, a little, some. Pronoun some usually used in affirmative sentences. It is not always translated into Russian. Compare the following examples:

I have got some money. I have some money.

Give some milk to the child. Give the baby milk.

In interrogative and negative sentences, the word some usually replaced by the word any.

Has he got any money? Does he have money?

There is n "t any milk in the fridge. There is no milk in the refrigerator. (About the construction there +to be "The turnover there + the verb to be. The turnovers with the impersonal it")

But if you want to ask a question by offering something or making a request for something, you should use the word some, but not any, for example:

Would you like some milk? Do you want milk?

Can I have some mineral water, please? May I have some mineral water?

Pronoun any can be used in affirmative sentences with the meaning any.

You can take any book. You can take any book.

Note that the pronouns some And any can be used independently, that is, without the nouns following them. Example:

Are there any apples? Are there apples?

Yes, there are some on the = Yes, there are some apples on the Yes, there are some (apples) on the table.

You can have some ice cream but I don't want any. = You can have some ice cream but I don't want any ice-cream. You can eat ice cream and I don't want any (ice cream).

Pronoun no has a negative value none, none, none, none.

He has no friends. He has (no) friends.

He has no mistakes in his test. He does not have (any) errors in the control work.

He has no free time. He has no free time.

In English negative sentences, either indefinite pronoun any with negation not ( not any), or a negative pronoun no. You can say:

There are not any flowers in the vase. = There are no flowers in the vase. There are no flowers in the vase.

He has not any free time. = He has no free time. He has no free time.

Questions for self-control

  1. What personal pronouns do you know in English?
  2. What are the case forms of personal pronouns in English?
  3. What is the difference between the nominative case and the object case of personal pronouns?
  4. Which personal pronoun is always capitalized in English?
  5. What forms of possessive pronouns do you know? How do they differ?
  6. What demonstrative pronouns refer to an object or objects near the speaker?
  7. What demonstrative pronouns refer to an object or objects that are far away from the speaker?
  8. What indefinite pronouns are used in affirmative sentences?
  9. What indefinite pronouns are used in interrogative sentences?
  10. What indefinite pronoun can be used in a negative sentence instead of not any?


Insert appropriate personal pronouns.

1. Ben is a little boy. … is six. 2. Jane is a house-wife (housewife). ... is lazy (lazy). 3. Max is a soldier. …is brave. 4. Lily is a young woman. … is very beautiful. 5. Alice is late. ... is in a traffic jam (in a traffic jam). 6. Nick and Ann are far from Moscow. …are on a farm. 7. This is Ben "s room. ... is nice. 8. These are new books. ... are interesting. 9. This is Elsa. ... is a student. 10. Nick and Max are students. ... are students of a Moscow university 11. The rooms are small but … are light and warm 12. The new flat is comfortable but … is far from the university 13. Jack has many French books … likes to read French very much 14. Hans is a 15. Alice and Jane are new secretaries... are not lazy.

Insert the appropriate personal pronouns in the suggested answers to the questions.

1. Is your house new? – Yes, … is. 2. Are the students at the English lesson now? - Yes, ... are. 3. Is your university in Green Street? – Yes, … is. 4. Are Helen and Bess your sisters? – Yes, … are. 5. Is Ben "s sister an engineer? - Yes, ... is. 6. Are the pencils red? - No, ... are not. 7. Is this room comfortable? - No, ... isn "t. 8. Are the textbooks on the shelf? - Yes, ... are. 9. Does the girl often visit the museum? - No, ... doesn't. 10. Does this pen write well? - Yes, ... does. 11. Is Ben on holiday now? - No, ... isn "t. 12. Is Helen nice? - Yes, … is. 13. Are you an engineer? - Yes, … am.

Replace the underlined words with personal pronouns in the objective case.

1. I like Nick. 2.We like Bess. 3. He likes ice-cream. 4. Can you show the pictures to Ben? 5. You can tell Helen my e-mail address. 6. Are you interested in football? 7. I want to buy two bottles of milk for Bess. 8. Do you want to play tennis with Ben? 9. We must speak to Nick. 10. You should invite Helen and Bess to your house for dinner. 11. Do you know Mary? 12. Tell Nick about your plan. 13. I see my friends every day.

Insert appropriate personal pronouns in the objective case.

1. Where is Nick? I want to play tennis with … . 2. Bess is here. Do you want to speak to …? 3. My sister speaks French. She learns … at school. 4. Look at that man. Do you know…? 5. Do you want to read this newspaper? I can give … to …. 6. If you see Ben and Bess, please, don "t tell ... anything. 7. We want to phone Helen and invite ... to the party.

Replace the underlined words with personal pronouns in the nominative or object case.

1. The vase is on the 2. Mother often sends Ben to buy milk. 3. Are Bess and Helen ready to do the work? 4. Nick and Ben spend their holidays at the seaside. five. The man is in the park. 6. The managers are not at work now. 7. Helen and I are good friends. 8.Is Ben at the lesson now? 9. Where is the calculator? 10. The newspapers are on the 11. The child is in the garden with his mother. 12. Our parents are always glad to see us. 13. My brother and I are good football players. fourteen. Bess knows Ben. 15. I see the picture very well. 16. The students have lectures every day. 17. The boy plays football every Sunday. eighteen. The teacher asks the students. 19. The students write tests every week. 20. Look at the picture! 21. I have the book at home. 22. Max want to speak to Helen.

Replace the underlined words with possessive pronouns.

1. This is Ben's room. 2. This is Helen's hat. 3.Here is my parents" house. 4. Nick's mother is an economist. 5. Where is my brother's bag? 6. I like Helen's car. 7. Ann's books are on the 8 This student's sister is my friend. nine. My sister's house is not far from Ben's house. 10. Where is the children's room? eleven. Ann's brothers study at the university. 12. These boys fathers don't work at the factory. 13. Here is my sisters flat.

Exercise 1 Insert possessive pronouns.

1. Is your bag new? - Yes, … bag is new . 2. I like …hat, Ann. 3. Don "t plant this tree! ... branch is broken. 4. Max, you have a new job. Do you like ... new job? 5. ... friends always tell me everything. 6. Our dog likes to run after .. .tail.

Change the following sentences according to the model, using the absolute form of the possessive pronouns.


This car is my car.

This car is mine.

1. This calculator is my calculator. 2. Is this bicycle your bicycle? 3. These hats are her hats. 4. This room is their room. 5. This dog is our dog. 6. My flat is more comfortable than your flat. 7. Our house is near their house. 8. Which of the dictionaries is your dictionary? 9. Is this book his book? 10. Whose cat is this? Is it her cat or his cat?

Choose the appropriate possessive pronoun.

1. Mark is (their, theirs) cousin. 2. This is our car. It is (our, ours). 3. These are Mary's books. They are (her, hers). 4. White is (my, mine) favorite colour. 5. You can't have this book. It is not (your, yours). 6. (Her, Hers) house is big. 7. Is this (your, yours) coat? - No, it is not (my, mine). 8. Are these your friends" books? - Yes, they are (their, theirs). 9. That is (our, ours) house. It is (our, ours).

1. I have his phone number and his address. 2. Nick often takes my pen because he often leaves his pen at home. 3. Her son only has good grades in his favorite subjects. 4. Anna loves her cat and Max loves his dog. 5. Put your notebooks in my bag. 6. Is this book yours or mine? 7. Whose dictionary is this? Is he hers or his?

Change the sentences according to the model, using demonstrative pronouns in the plural. Make other necessary changes.


This girl is a student.

These girls are students.

That boy is brave.

Those boys are brave.

1. This book is French. 2. This girl is in the garden. 3. That map is old. 4. This student is from Great Britain. 5. That flower is beautiful. 6. This is my bag. 7. This is a French text. 8. That room is nice. 9. This film is interesting.

Write the sentences by changing the number of words. Make other necessary changes.

Whose pencil is this?

Whose pencils are these?

1. Pass me those apples. 2. I don't like this hat. 3. This is your copy-book. 4. Whose car is this? 5. Those pens are better than these. 6. Where is that nice girl now? 7. These books are not interesting. 8. Those newspapers are for you. 9. Is that boy your brother? 10. These rooms are very nice. 11. Whose bags are these? 12. Give me that cap, please. 13. This table is little. 14 15. This flat is clean.

Translate into English.

  1. This is a cat, and that is a kitten.
  2. This cat is white. That kitten is also white.
  3. This white cat is on the table. That white kitten under the bed.
  4. These are roses. Those are also roses.
  5. These roses are red. Those roses are white.
  6. These red roses are in a vase. Those white roses are also in a vase.
  7. This is my dog. This dog is mine.
  8. These are his books. These books are on the shelf.
  9. These are baskets. Those baskets are full of flowers.

Ask general questions according to the model.


There are some roses in the vase.

Are there any roses in the vase?

There is some wine in the glass.

Is there any wine in the glass?

1. There are some letters for Ann. 2. There is some noise in the corridor. 3. There are some children in the garden. 4. There are some cars in the street. 5. There is some fish in the fridge. 6. There is some ice-cream on the 7. There are some books on the shelf. 8. There are some old shoes under the bed.

Change the sentences according to the model, using the negative pronoun no.


There aren't any boys there.

There are no boys there.

1. There isn't any coffee in the cup. 2. There aren't any students in the class-room. 3. There aren't any cars in the street. 4. He hasn't any friends. 5. They haven't any money. 6. We haven't any meat for supper. 7. That country hasn "t any coffee to export.

Insert some or any.

1. There are … students in the library. 2. There isn't ... light in the room. 3. Mary has got two sisters but she hasn "t got ... brothers. 4. I don "t like popular music but ... people like it. 5. Has Mother ... meat for dinner? - Yes, she has .... 6. Are there ... mistakes in Nick" s dictation? - No, there are not .... 7. Has Max … friends here? - Yes, he has ... . 8. Has Bess … interesting books to read? - No, she hasn "t ... . 9. Would you like ... coffee? 10. Can I have ... tea, please?