Dragon and Pig (Boar) - compatibility in love and marriage! Pig Man (Boar) - Dragon Woman

People born in the year of the Dragon and the Pig are quite different. However, they are able to create a fairly strong and durable union. The compatibility of a Dragon man and a Pig (Boar) woman is unique in many ways. Indeed, in such a union, each of the partners will be able to compensate for their personal shortcomings at the expense of the merits of their other “half”.

Dragon man and Pig (Boar) woman: general compatibility

From the point of view of compatibility, the union of the Dragon (man) and the Pig (woman) has every chance of becoming long-lasting, fruitful and happy. The love affair between them may well develop into a strong marriage. The secret of this couple's compatibility is simple: a certain intuitive connection is established between both partners, helping them to feel and understand each other well.

There is complete understanding between the Dragon and the Pig (Boar). They are comfortable in each other's company. Together they can overcome all the adversities and difficulties of life, and also achieve simple family happiness.

The compatibility of the Dragon and the Pig (Boar) in love is also quite good. The excessive temper of the Dragon man in this case is “extinguished” by the remarkable patience and unique strategic abilities of the Pig lady. She is by nature a calculating and very cunning strategist who achieves her goals with little blood. The Pig woman has a very useful gift - to unite and reconcile people with diametrically opposed views and beliefs. And this skill will repeatedly help her in communicating with the principled Dragon.

Thus, Dragons and Pigs may well coexist peacefully and happily within the same unit of society. The main thing in such a family is to treat your partner with respect. First of all, this applies specifically to the Dragon man. No humiliation or insults are simply unacceptable towards your chosen one. If the Dragon learns to treat his “soul mate” warmly and carefully, then such a marriage will be absolutely successful and long-lasting.

Dragon Man: charismatic, bright, extravagant

The Dragon man is very popular among women

Men born in the year of the Dragon (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012) have colossal charisma and enormous inner strength. As a rule, they have an outstanding appearance and know how to take advantage of it. In any company they will always be able to attract attention. If, of course, it is important and necessary for them.

Wherever fate takes the Dragon, he will become the center of everyone's attention. Be it a noisy party or a discreet poetry evening. He also makes an indelible impression on the fairer sex. First of all, with his wonderful sense of humor, beautiful speech and delicate taste.

However, it cannot be said that the image of a Dragon man is completely ideal and impeccable. It also has its significant drawbacks. Thus, pride often develops into arrogance, and popularity into selfishness and arrogance. In relationships with other people (in particular, with loved ones), the Dragon is prone to tyranny and authoritarianism. “It will be my way, period!” - a similar phrase can easily be heard from this man. He often shows aggression, although he is not malicious in himself.

Dragons have one more sad disadvantage: it is very difficult for such men to remain faithful to one woman. Therefore, they easily fall in love and often change their partners. Keeping a Dragon man is a real art that requires a lot of intelligence and strategic thinking. And the Pig woman has precisely these qualities.

By the way, “conquering” the Dragon is quite an attractive and profitable idea! After all, such a man will become for his woman an excellent lover, a good master of the house, and a caring father.

Pig (Boar) Woman: Honest, Polite, Clean

The charm of Pigs is enviable

Women born in the year of the Pig (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007) are endowed with a pleasant appearance and an easy-going character. Friendliness, peacefulness and exceptional decency are their typical traits. They are extremely polite and courteous, with everyone and always. With all this, Pig girls also have great charm. In a word - cuties!

Many people note that the Pig woman’s character is very reminiscent of a small child. She is also naive and gullible, she knows how to enjoy life and everything that surrounds her. She is a little shy, although this does not prevent her from having a lot of loyal friends and many acquaintances. Despite the apparent softness, Pig women are able to stubbornly pursue their cherished goal and achieve considerable success in their careers and creativity. In relationships with the opposite sex they are very secretive. The Pig girl opens up to her partner only if she is sure of the sincerity of his intentions. Love for her is not just words, but something sublime and divine.

It is important to note that a woman born in the year of the Pig never gets into heated arguments with her husband. She fully and completely recognizes his categorical authority. Thus, the Pig woman is an ideal option and a real find for absolutely any man. And especially for the Dragon.

Dragon man and Pig (Boar) woman: compatibility in love

In love relationships, the Pig and the Dragon have complete harmony

Falling in love with any woman is not a problem for the Dragon. In his youth and youth, he actively uses this “gift”. Even the Pig woman will not be able to resist the charms of the Dragon man. After all, he has exactly the qualities that she so needs. For her, he is a real ideal, a brave and handsome prince on a white horse. On the other hand, the Pig woman attracts the Dragon with her caring, gentleness and kindness.

Both partners will find a common language very quickly. Both the Dragon and the Pig are very curious by nature. They love to spend time in search of new sensations and emotions. This is often what their relationship is built on. And they can be strong and long-lasting if both partners learn a few simple rules of interaction. So, the Pig woman must learn not to react to the daring antics of the Dragon and get used to his difficult, explosive character. In turn, the Dragon must learn to treat his soul mate with due respect and spend more time with her, and not at work or with friends.

In bed, the Dragon man and the Pig (Boar) woman suit each other perfectly. The intimate compatibility of these two signs is more than successful. After all, for both of them, sex is more than just a physiological need. In bed, they behave relaxed and at ease, easily agreeing to any experiments. And if in everyday life the Dragon man often shows his selfishness, then in love joys he is a real altruist.

Dragon Man and Pig (Boar) Woman: Marriage Compatibility

Almost always, the relationship between a Dragon man and a Pig woman ends in marriage

A marriage between these two people is quite possible. After all, for the sake of the Dragon’s ambitious ambitions, the Pig woman is ready to sacrifice her own dreams and aspirations. In this regard, she is very sacrificial, which will completely suit the Dragon man. On the other hand, he must constantly remind his wife that her support is extremely important and necessary for him. In this case, their marriage will be long and strong.

It is important to note that the Pig woman will support her husband even in the event of his complete failure. After every failure, it is she who will force him to move on, which will ultimately lead the talented Dragon to incredible success.

The Dragon and the Pig (Boar) feel and understand each other very well. Sometimes even simple silence can help them solve many problems and contradictions. The Pig woman in family relationships shows great, almost maternal care. Next to her, the Dragon man will always feel comfortable and cozy. As a sign of gratitude, he will saturate family life with vivid impressions, exciting travels and unforgettable moments. It is with him that the Pig woman will fully experience all the delights and joys of this life.

Dragon and Pig: possible problems in relationships and ways to solve them

Despite the complete harmony in the characters between the Pig and the Dragon, very often they can have quarrels over money

The Dragon man, as a rule, plays the role of an energetic leader and ideological mentor in the family. And the Pig woman is his devoted student and assistant. This family arrangement completely suits both partners. However, even in these relationships, quarrels and conflicts often occur. Why?

One of the most common problems in this couple is the inability to listen and hear their partner. First of all, this concerns the Dragon. He may perceive the gentleness and kindness of the Pig woman as weakness. In this case, he will begin to suppress and oppress his “half” in every possible way. Such a situation is unacceptable, because the Pig lady will never tolerate humiliation and insult from her chosen one. And if this model of behavior is maintained, then the Pig woman, sooner or later, will leave the family. This is why a Dragon man must treat his wife with deep respect. In this case, their marriage will be strong and practically invulnerable.

Another important problem that may arise in this family is the love of luxurious life. Moreover, it manifests itself in both partners. This love can lead to material problems, and then to family quarrels. Therefore, it is important for a couple to learn how to plan their family budget and not spend money on unnecessary things.

The union of a Dragon man and a Pig (Boar) woman is capable of creating a strong and happy family. But to do this, they will have to make some efforts to cope with a number of problems and contradictions. Here are the three most important pieces of advice that can be given to this couple:

  • Learn to listen and hear your partner (first of all, this advice is addressed to the Dragon man).
  • If possible, try to avoid unnecessary conflicts (this advice is addressed to the wise Pig woman).
  • Control and distribute your money wisely, never spend more than you can earn.

According to the eastern calendar, the compatibility of Pig and Dragon largely depends on the zodiac sign of the partners and the order of the planets at birth. Representatives of these years are able to create a strong and reliable union, but their relationship may end a few months after they met.

People of these signs have similar character traits, which can cause disagreements. However, if a couple works on their relationship, the marriage will last a lifetime.

Characteristics of the Pig

The wards of this patron animal value spiritual and everyday comfort. Their main character traits are:

  • love of truth;
  • balanced decision-making;
  • friendliness;
  • tolerance.

Under the auspices of the Pig, soft and noble personalities are born. They owe their year to a love of art and condescension towards others. Such people have a weakness for luxury; they often purchase expensive jewelry and clothes in the latest fashion.

This sign is a good advisor and always provides support to loved ones. However, one should not take the softness of Pigs as weakness: representatives of this year do not tolerate disrespect. They will not openly talk about the problem and will simply leave, leaving their partner in bewilderment.

Elemental influence

The formation of a person’s personality is influenced not only by the patron animal, but also by the elements. Depending on the type of year, the Pig can receive the following character traits:

  1. The element of Metal (1911 and 1971) makes this sign cautious and conservative. Thanks to these qualities, people now easily find a way out of difficult situations.
  2. The Water Pig (1923 and 1983) is impatient and ready to take off at any moment, but such individuals give in to the first difficulties.
  3. Tree (1935 and 1995) endows its subjects with the ability to present themselves favorably to society. This element also makes the Pig promiscuous.
  4. Under the influence of Fire (1947 and 2007), people become extremely energetic and persistent. However, their stubbornness makes communication difficult.
  5. The earth element (1959) enhances the love of luxury and comfort. Such individuals put their own material well-being first.

The Pig, regardless of the type of year, will always strive for mental balance and a beautiful life. He surrounds his friends and loved ones with care and knows how to run a household.

The future partner of this sign should take into account that the Pig does not tolerate criticism and humiliation well. The wards of this patron animal will not tolerate violence against them and can take harsh revenge, although they are not prone to open scandals and disputes.

Characteristics of the Dragon

Representatives of this strong sign often become role models. The main character traits of the wards of this patron animal are:

  • temperament;
  • strength of will;
  • endurance;
  • perseverance.

This year's wards value luxury goods and expensive brands. They love to visit restaurants and social events. However, behind the external superficial craving for a beautiful life lies romance.

The influence of the elements

Depending on the element, the Dragon acquires the following qualities:

  1. Metal (1940 and 2000) reduces the already low sensitivity of the sign to a minimum level. Such people prefer loneliness and often behave cruelly towards others.
  2. Under the influence of Water (1952 and 2012), the Dragon acquires spiritual harmony and inner balance. The lifestyle of such people is often considered exemplary.
  3. The element of Wood (1964) endows the sign with a love of art and culture. Such people know how to complete everything they start and are distinguished by a measured way of life.
  4. Fire Dragon (1976) has an explosive personality. His innate honesty and lack of tact often cause problems in relationships.
  5. Earth (1928 and 1988) endows this year with rational thinking. Such people look at the world realistically and know how to correctly distribute their forces to achieve goals.

This year's future partner should know that even with a favorable combination of zodiac signs and the elements of the year, the Dragon will always be overly romantic and frivolous. The changeability of his character often leads to adultery.

To keep the wards of this patron animal near you, the relationship must be dynamic and vibrant. Boredom and monotony will lead to the Dragon's dissatisfaction, which will cause him to be demanding and hot-tempered.

Dragon Man and Pig Woman

First of all, it should be noted that this union has a vector orientation. The Dragon and the Pig have a servant-master relationship, with the Pig playing the dominant role.

This does not mean that the signs have low compatibility in love, friendship or work. The vector type of relationship implies the presence of a strong and driven personality in a couple. With a harmonious combination of signs, such a tandem can build a long-term union.

Compatibility in love

Gender distribution of roles has a beneficial effect on the couple. Thanks to her gentle character, the girl will not strive for power over her partner. She will be able to provide the man with the necessary support and give him advice. In turn, the guy, due to his strong character, will try to fully provide for his girlfriend.

Partners will also have no problems in their sex life. According to the horoscope, Pigs are distinguished by their love of love, and the Dragon has a lot of energy, so a man is able to satisfy any desires of his girlfriend.

Marriage Compatibility

The Dragon man and the Pig woman have high horoscope compatibility.

The girl in this pair needs a strong patron who can protect her from problems. In turn, a man wants to be the master of the situation and solve all possible difficulties.

The positive side of this pair is balance. The Pig's gentleness suppresses the Dragon's temper, which allows partners to create a harmonious union.

In this tandem, everything basically depends on the girl, since she sees shortcomings in her spouse, while he does not notice the negativity in his partner. If the Pig woman restrains herself from reproaches, then the union can last for more than a decade.

Relationship problems

Despite the high compatibility of the signs, disagreements still occur in the couple. The main reasons for them are:

  1. Financial instability. Both spouses want a luxurious life, but a man in tandem will not be able to fully provide for the couple.
  2. The guy's temper. The dragon is extremely emotional and unrestrained, so at a certain moment he can be very rude to his partner and seriously offend her.
  3. A girl's vindictiveness. The Pig can endure for a long time and does not like open scandals, but is capable of responding to outright rudeness.

The couple's main problem is the lack of discussion of conflicts. The girl in the couple endures in silence until a certain point, after which she simply breaks off the relationship.

In turn, the guy may not understand what actions of his offend his girlfriend. For a strong relationship, the Dragon man and the Pig woman should openly express their opinions and seek compromises.

Dragon Woman and Pig Man

This is a less successful combination of signs, since the girl’s expressiveness will not be to the taste of a man. The Pig guy does not have the same gentle character as the Pig girl. He will gladly use vector communication to cause discomfort to his partner.

In a friendly relationship, a woman will insist on frequent meetings and material support, which will be perceived by a man as a restriction of freedom. It will also be difficult for the couple to work together, since the girl’s ambition will not please the balanced guy.

Compatibility in Love

This is an unpromising union. The girl in a couple often makes claims against the guy, since the Dragon is very demanding. In turn, Pig does not tolerate undeserved reproaches well and may subsequently act out of spite to his friend.

In sex, partners are well suited to each other. The sensuality of a man and the energy of a girl will help them achieve maximum pleasure in intimacy.

Marriage Compatibility

Pig man and Dragon woman have low compatibility in marriage. The reason for this is the girl’s excessive demands on her husband. The craving for a luxurious life and dislike for hard work makes the spouse unbearable for the Pig.

  • Vengefulness of the Pig. The husband in this relationship is able to methodically bring his partner to grief and receives pleasure from the girl’s temper.
  • Financial difficulties. Both spouses want a beautiful life, and the man is able to provide for his family, but under constant pressure he becomes mercantile and greedy.
  • In general, the marriage of these individuals has poor prospects. The Pig man and the Dragon woman are capable of falling in love at first sight, but a long relationship will exhaust them mentally.

    In such a tandem, the girl should show restraint and patience, then the man will soften his line of behavior. The hot temper of the Dragon and the vindictiveness of the Pig will not allow the couple to establish a trusting relationship.

    Compatibility between a Dragon man and a Pig woman is promising for building close love relationships and creating a family. Between these partners there is an intuitive understanding, a feeling for each other, and such interaction is much more important than any negotiations and artificially created relationships.


    Most likely, the expectations and desires of both partners in this union will be realized. However, they will be able to find true happiness in a relationship only with mutual respect. It is worth noting that the Dragon man may perceive the Pig woman’s sensitivity as weakness and will try to become a leader. Of course, a man should take a leading position, but it is important that he does not humiliate his woman. Otherwise, she may begin to cheat, or regularly poison the relationship with the poison of dissatisfaction. Then the relationship will fail.

    With mutual respect, a trusting and warm relationship will be established in the couple. The Dragon man will try to enrich their life together with bright events, interesting travels and acquaintances. The Pig woman will gladly accept the dynamics and fantasies of the Dragon man as a stimulus for her own development.

    The Dragon man will also be happy with his partnership with the Pig woman, as she is able to take care, show concern and kindness. Next to her, he finds the long-awaited opportunity to fully relax and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. The interaction of these partners is based on internal deep psychological comfort, stability and a sense of security. Both partners are bright, lively and very inquisitive personalities.


    All problems will be resolved quite easily in this couple, due to the lack of expectations about the other person and the ability to show what is needed. The Dragon man and the Pig woman tend to spend more than they earn. Therefore, they should pay attention to their finances and begin to control their money.

    Intimate relationships will bring pleasure to both partners. In everyday life, they both show themselves very successfully, so it is important to initially divide responsibilities and agree on who will do what. It is still better to entrust the financial part to a woman. The Dragon man will provide for the family, and his Pig wife will create the necessary psychological comfort and coziness. In addition, she will have time to do her work and help her husband implement his plans. Everything will be decided together.

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    Compatibility between a Dragon man and a Pig woman is promising for building close love relationships and creating a family. Between these partners there is an intuitive understanding, a feeling for each other, and such interaction is much more important than any negotiations and artificially created relationships.

    A Dragon man and a Pig woman can make a successful couple, but they will have to make mutual concessions. Here, as in the reverse version, the Dragon will be the troublemaker. He is unrestrained, sometimes rude and completely undiplomatic. With the help of these qualities it will not be possible to create strong relationships and an atmosphere of love and trust. The Pig woman is vulnerable, timid and reserved. However, besides the differences, there are also common features that will certainly bring these people closer together.

    They both love activity, show curiosity and take some everyday issues lightly. In particular, both the Dragon and the Pig can sometimes afford to spend too large sums on things that are not very important and necessary. Not only positive traits can unite, but also disadvantages. In general, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Dragon and the Pig do not have the most favorable compatibility. This couple needs to do a lot for family happiness, and what could be more expensive than that?

    Dragon man and Pig woman in love

    According to the Chinese compatibility horoscope, the main thing that a Dragon man and a Pig woman need to build a harmonious relationship is mutual respect. In general, this is a very promising union in which each of the partners will receive exactly what they need.

    The Pig woman is very sensitive and she is not afraid to express her emotions. The main danger is that the Dragon man may regard such behavior as weakness and will try to take a dominant position. It is at this stage that it is important not to lose respect for your partner, since she will feel it very well, scandals will begin, and soon the couple will break up.

    In general, the Pig woman is not against the Dragon man leading the couple, since she easily adapts to the situation. They have many common interests and will enjoy spending leisure time together, traveling and meeting new people. But the main thing that exists between representatives of these signs is mutual understanding, which exists on some intuitive level, without special knowledge of psychology.

    The Dragon man is very independent and freedom-loving, he needs a companion who has a gentle character and will not put pressure on him, and the Pig woman in this sense is simply an ideal option.

    Dragon man and Pig woman in a relationship

    Most likely, the expectations and desires of both partners in this union will be realized. However, they will be able to find true happiness in a relationship only with mutual respect. It is worth noting that the Dragon man may perceive the Pig woman’s sensitivity as weakness and will try to become a leader. Of course, a man should take a leading position, but it is important that he does not humiliate his woman. Otherwise, she may begin to cheat, or regularly poison the relationship with the poison of dissatisfaction. Then the relationship will fail.

    With mutual respect, a trusting and warm relationship will be established in the couple. The Dragon man will try to enrich their life together with bright events, interesting travels and acquaintances. The Pig woman will gladly accept the dynamics and fantasies of the Dragon man as a stimulus for her own development.

    The Dragon man will also be happy with his partnership with the Pig woman, as she is able to take care, show concern and kindness. Next to her, he finds the long-awaited opportunity to fully relax and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. The interaction of these partners is based on internal deep psychological comfort, stability and a sense of security. Both partners are bright, lively and very inquisitive personalities.

    Compatibility of Dragon and Pig in marriage

    In a marriage between a Dragon man and a Pig woman, not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first glance. The Dragon man plays the role of a “servant”, which is not deprived of intelligence, intelligence and love of freedom. The Pig woman will not tolerate his dreams and abstruse speeches. He will soon abandon his pompous husband if he himself does not fall in love with that piece of paradise that he so strives for in the house. Compatibility between a Dragon man and a Pig woman promises to be successful if you calmly perceive reality and fairy tales. After all, a Dragon man is capable of any earthly feat for his wife. If the Pig woman understands this, then the union will be strong and long.

    The compatibility of Dragon and Pig in family life and love relationships is very promising if we consider it from the point of view of astrology. There is a decent difference between these signs, but by some miracle they find a common language.

    Vector marriages of the Dragon and the Pig (Boar) according to the horoscope

    The Boar and Dragon signs are vector. Vector signs and marriages between such partners cannot be called a family in the sense in which we are accustomed to understand. Such a marriage is a call from the stars and an echo of the exact science of astrology, and the two partners are precisely divided into master and servant. In our couple, the Pig is the master, and the Dragon is the servant, because it is in this position that their years are located in the zodiac circle.

    Compatibility of Dragon and Pig (Boar) according to the horoscope

    In addition to the vector, of course, the success or failure of a relationship is influenced by the characters of each partner and the month of their birth. After all, the Aquarius Dragon and the Virgo Pig live peacefully, but the Leo Dragon and the Scorpio Pig can make trouble.

    The understanding that arises between the Pig and the Dragon from the first minutes of acquaintance simply envelops each of the partners. They don’t need words, because the couple at the subconscious level feels each other’s sadness or happiness.

    The Zodiac Pig is sensitive, and in such character traits the Dragon will see weakness, and then try to seize the place of leader in the family.

    At this moment, the worst qualities of the Dragon's character appear, but he does not know that the Pig will never tolerate humiliation of his personality and oppression from his soulmate.

    Is your partner aggressive, rude, greedy? The Zodiac Pig can now cheat, openly be rude and ridicule a previously loved one. Most often, at this stage of the relationship, the couple breaks up.

    This union can become absolutely happy only if there is mutual respect and the ability to endure. If the couple painlessly overcomes the threshold of “grinding” with each other, then the Dragon will be able to appreciate the best qualities of his soulmate:

    1. Immense concern.
    2. Thrift.
    3. The ability to see the good even in the worst situation.

    Born with a Pig, the Dragon will forget about all social prejudices and will have the opportunity to relax and unwind the way he wants. Each person from this zodiac couple feels psychological comfort, enjoys relationships and communication.

    What does the relationship between a Dragon man and a Pig woman look like?

    Compatibility in love between a strong male and a weak female sign is always successful. He wants to be the master of the situation, but she needs protection and attention? Everyone in the couple will get what they want. But this marriage may be overshadowed by financial instability. Spouses tend to spend amounts that they cannot earn. Definitely one of them needs to get serious about the budget.

    But the Dragon will try his best to earn money, especially if his wife does not put pressure on him or reproach him for his low income. The girl must accept his extravagance, otherwise the scandals in the family will not subside.

    In sex, everything is just fine between the Dragon and the Pig, the woman in the couple is sensual and subordinate to her husband, and he and she can realize his wildest fantasies. In this zodiac combination, infidelity is rare, but the Pig can cheat on his spouse if he insults her or limits her freedom.

    The man is quite pleased with his chosen one, because she is an excellent housewife, a caring mother and wife. And a woman in a couple needs to carefully monitor her man’s mood; at one far from perfect moment, he may get bored.

    Compatibility of Dragon woman and Pig man

    This combination of zodiac characters according to the eastern horoscope is less favorable. The fact is that the Dragon woman, without hesitation, every day announces her demands to the Pig man, believing that he must fulfill them. The Pig man will become irritated, and gradually the worst traits of his character will begin to appear - greed, selfishness, frivolity.

    Compatibility of the zodiac combination Dragon and Pig in love is possible when the girl is less demanding and knows how to restrain her ambitions.

    The fate of this couple is decided by the woman; she either learns to understand her partner, or continues to put pressure on him, and then leaves him.

    And the Pig man should not forget about romance, compliments, and surprises. He must always remember that a bouquet, a cute card or a box of chocolates will melt the ice in the heart of a demanding partner. Otherwise, she becomes bored, and the lady may start looking for a new husband.