Horoscope for Virgo for September

Virgo's feelings and emotions in September can be greatly influenced by some unpredictable actions. How will this affect your relationship with your other half or your search for it? The love horoscope for Virgos for September 2017 will help representatives of this sign find love and personal happiness.

Accustomed to regularity and following their plans, Virgos in the first month of autumn 2017 may encounter some unpredictable actions of others. For single representatives of this sign, such situations in September can become a reason for refusing new acquaintances and romantic communication with the opposite sex. The stars do not recommend that Virgos be too categorical and stubborn in September. There is no need to give up your chance at happiness because of your own strict principles.

Virgo's marital relationships will require close attention in September. Many couples at this time are at risk of getting involved in serious conflicts due to unfulfilled hopes and plans. People born under the Virgo constellation should be more reserved with their other half in the first weeks of autumn. You should not waste your emotions on family squabbles and scandals. The love horoscope for Virgos for September advises representatives of this sign to slightly distract themselves from the situation and not push their lives into strict limits.

Love horoscope for Virgo woman for September 2017

In September 2017, many single Virgo girls may become very picky about the stronger sex showing attention. This behavior will most likely be an obstacle to new acquaintances and the beginning of a romantic relationship. Attention to detail for single girls born under the sign of Virgo can help them gain new fans in September, but excessive display of it on the first date is not encouraged. An accurate love horoscope for single Virgo girls warns that in September it is better to start new relationships with trust and a good attitude.

September will be a rather stressful period in their personal lives for many married Virgo women. Representatives of this zodiac sign risk being the initiators of exhausting conflicts with their spouse. The stars warn Virgos that they should be more accommodating and tolerant of loved ones and close people, their desires and opinions. In order to maintain a calm atmosphere in the family and sensual relationships with the other half in September, married women born under the sign of Virgo need to temporarily put their interests in the background before the opinions of their spouse and other family members.

Love horoscope for a Virgo man for September 2017

Single Virgo men can expect new promising acquaintances in September. In order to arrange their personal life during this period, they only have to want it. In the first month of autumn, communication with new girls awaits those Virgo men who can quickly change their plans and are not afraid to be a little more open than usual. The love horoscope for men born under the constellation Virgo advises in September not to refuse spontaneous meetings with friends and girls of interest. They won’t necessarily be the start of a serious relationship, but they will help you have a good time flirting and enjoying the romantic atmosphere.

In September 2017, Virgos will once again try to overtake the locomotive (more precisely, they will get ahead of the events that are happening around them). And once again, your excessive haste will not lead to anything good! Without an objective evidence base in your hands, you will begin to blame everyone around you for the most terrible sins of humanity. Is it worth clarifying that you will have many new enemies, and the circle of your former friends will significantly thin out? Hence the advice - before you conflict with everyone, make sure that the conflict is inevitable, and if there is at least one small chance, try to refuse it.

This advice, dear Virgos, will be especially relevant for everything that is destined to happen in September 2017 on your love front. As soon as you notice that your regular partner is flirting with someone, do not start screaming loudly (coquetry is natural between representatives of the opposite sex, especially when it is of a playful nature). But those serious accusations that you bring against both your significant other and the “object” of coquetry really pose a great danger to you! There is a risk that your partner will be so offended that he will pack his suitcase and leave to wait out that moment somewhere while you play the jealous person (or the jealous one). Moreover, the period of this waiting is in no way necessary for your couple (moreover, it poses a serious threat to its future future). Why? It's simple - while apart, your significant other will meet a lot of very interesting people, and then you will have objective reasons to torment yourself with painful jealousy...

Lonely Virgos in September 2017 risk making a different kind of mistake. Finding yourself on the threshold of new love, please stop believing everything that idle gossip brings to you! Do not forget that someone may deliberately slander your new passion, and if you accept this information as the ultimate truth, you will lose real personal happiness. And in fact, you should not care what happened in the life of your soulmate before you met! In order for this romance to have a successful continuation, you still need to work on yourself (the directions of this work are extremely clear - do not listen to gossip, do not ask your chosen one about the past and do not bother comparing him with your former soulmate).

In September 2017, you should not make hasty conclusions in career matters. If you notice that one of your colleagues communicates too confidentially with the boss, do not rush to declare this person persona non grata! And even more so, you should not weave conspiracies and intrigues against your boss’s favorite (you must agree, this is petty and very low). It’s better to make sure that this “friendship” really poses a great threat to you (perhaps your fears are far-fetched). In general, you should start fighting with the “favorite” only after you are finally convinced that this person is aiming for your position (or for the position that you want to occupy in the future).

The tendency to overtake a locomotive will only play into the hands of those Virgos who are engaged in the field of individual entrepreneurship. It’s like this in business - everything needs an eye and an eye, which means that excessive caution will not hurt you. True, when starting an attack on competitors in order to get ahead of their “military actions,” do not forget that wars are always very, very costly. That is, the funds you invested in the “war” could be used for something more valuable (for example, expanding your enterprise).

Attention, the Virgo monthly horoscope for September 2017 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming Red Rooster 2017, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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The current distant position of Uranus and Mercury and the powerful influence on the fate of representatives of the sign of Mars and Jupiter will make your professional life easy and carefree, says the horoscope for September 2019. During this period, Virgo, more than ever, gets along easily with colleagues and management, and the tasks assigned to representatives of the zodiac house are completed without a hitch. Moreover, they will not be complicated.


But by working carefully, you will earn yourself not only additional income, but also the respect of the team. Some Virgos will have some free time at work, and this may serve to increase Virgo's activity. Someone will find a minute of time to read something interesting on the Internet, and especially loving Virgos can start an office romance. If you are not yet married, such a romance can become very promising and end in a wedding. In the last ten days of the month, you should focus on moving up the career ladder. Miss the right moment in September 2017 - you will have to wait a very long time for a promotion. In any case, make useful connections and work on something that will surely attract the attention of your manager.


Passions will be in full swing in the Virgo family in September 2019. This will unsettle them a little, because in the previous period, representatives of the zodiac house led a very measured and little emotional life. At the beginning of autumn, this state of affairs will end. In family life, Virgos will overcome difficulties, and if they are not visible on the horizon, then Virgos themselves will successfully create them.

In September, Virgos will often initiate “heart-to-heart conversations,” and in these conversations the partner’s feelings will not be sweet. Everything will be used - from remembering old sins and mistakes to inventing new ones. And God forbid, you give a truly Virgo a reason for slander; it will be impossible to reason with the representative of the sign. But Virgo will cope with her outbursts of anger and irritability, but this should not be expected before the last ten days of the month.

The horoscope for September 2019 warns that minor financial problems are possible in the families of many representatives of the zodiac house. Many representatives of the sign will feel the need to purchase expensive household appliances. Don't make spontaneous purchases.

Virgo woman

In September 2019, beautiful representatives of the zodiac house will be looking for communication. Virgos are now, more than ever, sociable, they are willing and able to learn and gain new knowledge and experience, get along well with people and skillfully maintain a conversation on any topic - says the horoscope for September 2019. Virgos are women with a very broad outlook, and at the beginning of autumn they will definitely find the right connections with the right people to solve the most difficult issues. The stars advise avoiding situations in which the decision-making may be influenced by someone else's opinion. Check and double-check the information, this is the only way you will be able to emerge victorious and maintain your innate practicality.

Virgo man

In early September 2019, major celestial residents will enhance your innate intuition. The atmosphere surrounding the representatives of the zodiac house will instantly become more understandable, and therefore more comfortable. During this period, you will be able to implement all the projects you have started at work, do household improvements, and realize your creative potential with equal success. Representatives of the zodiac house will feel happiest when alone or in the company of friends who are close in spirit and in their views on life. Creativity and hobbies will bring not only satisfaction, but also a small additional income, you just need to put in a little effort and take care of advertising.

Virgo Child

The beginning of autumn will bring emotional coldness to the little representatives of the zodiac house; they will distance themselves a little from their family and its interests. Children will prefer everything free from studying or playing sports and creativity, sitting near the computer or TV. Do not panic. The Virgo child is simply tired of communication. Let your child now spend his time as he wishes, and before you even have time to blink an eye, your Virgo will join the normal rhythm of life. Go through this period with dignity, and try not to show negative emotions that offend the dignity of your child.


The support of the star celestials promises representatives of the zodiac house high immunity and vitality, and even those who have been sick for a long time or have chronic diseases will have to recover.

At the beginning of autumn 2019, all representatives of the sign, without exception, will feel much better than in the first half of the year. This will stimulate many Virgos to look towards a healthy lifestyle, get rid of bad habits and acquire useful ones. Virgos will get rid of the habit of eating large quantities of tasty but unhealthy food, some will start playing sports or purchase a swimming pool membership, which will be very useful for Virgos with musculoskeletal diseases. Whatever you do during this period in order to improve your health and well-being even a little, such changes will bring a lot of benefits to your body.

If you do get sick, do not use traditional medicine for treatment in September. Despite the naturalness and environmental friendliness of this treatment, you may become a victim of an allergic reaction to the herbal ingredient of one of the recipes.

Horoscope for September 2019, Virgo should focus on moving up the career ladder.
In the Virgo family in September there will often be heart-to-heart conversations.
For a Virgo man, a hobby will bring additional income.
Horoscope for October 2019 Virgo.

Representatives of the star sign Virgo can devote the wonderful golden period of autumn to translating all their most cherished ideas into real life. This month, luck and outright luck will always and definitely smile on the star representatives everywhere. Of course, you shouldn’t provoke fate and decide on risky operations. The horoscope for Virgo for September definitely indicates that the state of affairs in the main areas of life depends only on the behavior of the star representative himself.

The time is quite positive for new beginnings; they can even be unusual or extravagant. If Virgo has problems with her figure, then now is a good time to start correcting it. At the same time, star representatives will not need to work hard and actively come up with something; an entire healthy lifestyle can be built on proper nutrition, as well as maintaining an active and sports lifestyle. Fresh bulk vegetables and a wide variety of fruits, of which there are plenty in September, will help you lose weight.

If Virgo’s dreams contained any plans or even unrealizable desires, then this month comes a favorable time for their translation into real life. Representatives of the star constellation will only need to show courage and activity. But passivity and indecision may well lead to unfavorable consequences. As you know, Virgos do not like to notice the negative sides in their lives, and if they do not move in a positive direction now, then there is a certain risk of various nervous experiences and emotional breakdowns.

From about the middle of the month, the love horoscope for Virgo for September 2018 will confidently promise triumphant victories to the representatives of the sign. During this wonderful period, all star constellations will need to prepare for a huge number of loving fans or admirers. Single representatives can fully hope for a serious relationship, but they should take a radical and decisive approach to choosing a partner. Some Virgos will have to deal with some rather unpleasant problems or outright deception, and they should be wary of the appearance of duplicity in a maturing partnership. It is important to remember that further well-being in any affairs and circumstances always depends on building your own line of behavior.

Nowadays Virgos don’t have to work too hard; their internal strengths are more focused on positive relaxation than on active production activities. It’s good to meet with relatives or beloved friends more often this month; it’s important to spend time on a positive wave. But in the race for the pleasures of life, you must never forget for a minute about the priorities of your own family. In September, it is important to take care of your own children; now you need to provide them with a double dose of love and tender affection. In the near future, Virgos can expect the return of gentle behavioral foundations from their children, who will happily show their parents open and sincere love.

In the golden month, the most beautiful ladies will be able to realize all their most desperate and daring ideas and dreams in real life. During this period, they will have extraordinary charm, so we can confidently believe that there will definitely be no end to fans now. It would be good for single women to think about building a personal life; this month fate provides great chances for this. But for married women, it would be better to direct their inner potential to strengthen existing family relationships.

The period is especially favorable for active and positive recreation. Many Virgos can fulfill their cherished desire and go on an exciting journey.

Horoscope for September 2018 for Virgo man

The entire stronger half of the star constellation is foreshadowed by serious changes that relate mainly to its internal mood. This month, men can change almost beyond recognition. An unusual romanticism will settle in their souls; they will want to openly show their sincere feelings towards their partners. Everything is great, but most men now want to be satisfied with freedom, and this will make them flighty.

Such behavior will not bring negative moments in the lives of single men, but family representatives of the sign should actively fight their inner urges if they want to maintain happiness in their family.

Love horoscope for September 2018 for Virgo

Almost the entire period of the year will be active and educational. Various opportunities open up for representatives of the sign when they show themselves from sides that are completely unusual for them. If you rely on the health horoscope for Virgo, then the golden month is perfect for sexual victories. Now the health of the representatives of the zodiac will be excellent, which, of course, will have a positive effect on their sex life.

It would be good for single Virgos to start looking for a faithful and reliable partner; there will be plenty of fans this month. Family star representatives should be with the family more often and not shy away from solving everyday problems.

Health horoscope for September 2018 for Virgo

The stars do not foretell any unpleasant moments with their own well-being for representatives of the sign. This is a great time to start an active lifestyle. It is important to remember that any active physical exercise is hardening.

This is a great time to start strengthening your immune system in a variety of ways. In order to increase the resistance of the protective forces before the attack of imminent colds, you need to walk more often in the open air, fill your soul only with positive impressions and spend enough time in positive relaxation.

Financial horoscope for September 2018 for Virgo

Special active actions from star representatives in terms of career commitments will not be required. Virgos know how to work well and responsibly, so they are always appreciated by their leaders. Nowadays, the majority of representatives of the sign are expected to have a career takeoff, while the latter do not need to work extra hard or take on additional and very responsible professional obligations.

The financial horoscope for September 2018 for Virgo clearly indicates that it would be good to slightly reduce your own spending, since excessive and active emptying of your wallet will certainly have an adverse effect on the star representatives’ own financial condition.

Do you see the sun of your luck rising there on the horizon? Find new goals. Huge potential and a realistic approach (which will be given to you by the patron Mercury) will help you perk up and move on.

Forecast for Virgo by time of year


Take a break and wait a little, take a closer look at those around you, ask for advice and... do the opposite. What seems stunning will bring the most unexpected and generous fruits.


Step, stop, another step... These three months will pass in this rhythm. Let someone else hurry now. It’s better for you to calmly wait for your finest hour. He will strike very soon.


Don’t invent anything, trust only facts and verified information. Now you are not allowed to relax and trust anyone (even very close people).


Come to your senses, the time of total control is behind us. A good mood and excess energy guarantee you success in all your endeavors. You will notice the result in the near future.

Kaleidoscope of happy days

Imagine your ideal life and take at least one step to get closer to it. Start your journey now.

✓ Love: bright future

No one can say what awaits you this year on the love front. Too much will depend on the circumstances and (which can change several times a day). There is no need to rely on fate, now you are building your own future. One thing is clear: until Saturn enters the symbolic house of love (and this will happen on December 20), it will be easier to start relationships. If your relationship has been going on for a long time and is not achieving the desired result, Saturn will help you take the last and most important step.

✓ Family: keep the peace

Vague prospects are what awaits you this year. Unreliable Neptune mixes up the cards, and your relationships with your family become increasingly confusing. Romantic stories with a distant relative may arise, and family secrets will appear.

In March, there is likely to be misunderstanding and distrust of each other. The situation in the house will become tense, everyone will become more suspicious. But it won't last long. Already in April, a common cause will appear that will unite you. There will no longer be any talk of squabbles and showdowns.

Summer will also pass in general worries. Younger family members will require a lot of attention. During this period, it is advisable to complete all household chores (at least the most global ones), and complete the paperwork for relatives (if you did this). Because in the fall, intra-family conflicts may escalate again. Make every effort and don’t let a major quarrel break out.

✓ Friendship: we will overcome the crisis

Although you don’t like to sort things out, this year you will have to do it. With those with whom you understood each other perfectly, friction will arise. Small disagreements seem to haunt you. And this will last until the end of spring.

During this period, you need to show restraint and not interfere with your advice. Otherwise, friends may become, if not enemies, then ill-wishers. In the summer, a lot will depend on your goals. If you and your friends move in the same direction, you will overcome the crisis.

In the fall, mutual understanding will appear again and the desire to communicate will increase. A new business may arise that will bring you even closer together. Romantic feelings may flare up for a person you have known for a long time. At the end of the year, you will again feel how much your friends mean to you, and you will be grateful to fate for being surrounded by such wonderful people.

✓ Health: life according to the rules

A year of stable health and strengthening of energy potential. True, at the beginning of January there will be a little less strength. During this period, it is important not to indulge your weaknesses, move more and not overeat. Otherwise, you will have to “work off” the holidays for a long time - the gained kilograms will not go away quickly. And yet, first of all, this is a period of internal work.

You will believe in the truth of the saying that all diseases are caused by nerves. If you worry, you will feel unwell. Master auto-training, meditation, spiritual practices. Now it’s good to turn to doctors of alternative medicine. Make it a habit to take a walk every day. Air and movement work wonders, see for yourself. If you don’t become lazy, then by the next New Year you will come as a renewed, cheerful person.

Material problems will be resolved quite quickly this year. Financial difficulties, even if they arise in the first half of the year, will not cause you any trouble. Everything will work itself out. Of course, this does not mean that you should empty your reserves. This state of affairs will only last until October. Then, especially if you behaved unreasonably in material terms, difficulties will arise.

If you're making a bet on your career, keep in mind that not all doors are open to you right now. Although there will be a false feeling that you are welcome everywhere, they are waiting for you everywhere. Find out more about the situation before you decide to make changes. You may not have enough experience, and at the decisive moment you will make a mistake. Be sure to consult, ask for advice and do not rely only on yourself.

This year it’s generally better to take on collective projects. And if you decide to do something alone, always have an experienced assistant on hand. Don't go into debt at the end of the year!

Prognosis for women

The Virgo woman will decide on radical transformations and will find a very close friend for the soul.

You will come to terms with yourself, and this will make many of life’s troubles disappear. Spring will awaken warm memories in your soul, but until summer you will be indecisive. Your attempts to change and improve something will always run into obstacles. Gradually you will overcome difficulties and in the summer you will boldly enter the business arena. You have a lot of determination, and it is this quality that will help you make a sharp leap forward, change what seemed unchanged.

Be prepared that some people may turn away from you. But true friends and like-minded people will remain nearby. In late autumn, it is advisable to at least occasionally take a break from business. A period of pleasant communication begins. A new person will appear in your environment who will become your closest friend for many years.

Born from August 24 to August 31

It’s as if you’ll begin to assemble a puzzle from small parts: putting together events, impressions, observations. A picture and a holistic perception of the world and situation will appear. By the middle of the year, you will have clearly decided what needs to be changed and what needs to remain unchanged. If you are not afraid of responsibility, by the end of the year you will achieve what you have long dreamed of.

Born from September 1 to 12

Share your experience, tell us about yourself. You will earn authority, be known as a knowledgeable and strong person, and you will have like-minded people. In the first days of September, be careful, there is very little energy at this time. Spread your wings and fly where your heart calls you and your intuition tells you. It's waiting for you there.

Born from September 13 to 22

Determine the time and place for each of your desires. Act on a set schedule, otherwise everything will go awry. This year it is especially important not to lose the rhythm and work step by step. At times you will have to go back, change something and again, despite the difficulties, move on. The result is worth it, believe me!

Forecast for men

The Virgo man will go through pain and disappointment and will be able to win the heart of the most desirable woman.

Until mid-summer you will have to fight not only with circumstances, but also with yourself. Internal contradictions, the inability to make a decision, and at times self-doubt will create a lot of trouble. In addition, at the beginning of summer there will be a not very pleasant event related to your immediate environment. The connection with the person you care about will be interrupted, and this will upset you. Perhaps this will be a turning point. You will be able to pull yourself together and begin to act. Luck will turn to face you, things will improve. A woman who always seemed unattainable will suddenly begin to show signs of attention. At this moment, do not get lost, use your entire combat arsenal to conquer her. The end of the year is a very good time for dating.

Born from August 24 to August 31

If disappointments happen, it will be only your fault. Don't be greedy and take only what you need. What's the point of fighting at windmills? It's better to spend this energy to achieve specific goals. In early autumn, you may still be in the grip of illusions, but as winter approaches, you will put everything in its place and use the bonus that Fate will give you.

Born from September 1 to 12

The feeling of fatigue at the beginning of the year will be replaced by a desire to act. You will have to try not to be among the laggards. In the summer, be sure to engage in energy practices and learn new sports. Then by the beginning of autumn - a new stage of your life - you will be completely ready not only physically, but also mentally.

Born from September 13 to 22

You will become the envy of others. Don't waste time answering envious people. There are so many interesting things ahead! A bright star will flash in the sky of love. This year will leave a subtle aftertaste from bright meetings and communication with pleasant people. Enjoy the moment and don't miss opportunities for self-improvement.

Forecast for Virgos born in the year...

It's never too late to start over, to rewrite the not-so-successful pages of the book of your destiny. The best day is today, the best moment is now.


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Don't be too demanding of yourself or others. Otherwise, friends will become enemies, and you will never achieve anything. Build a new line of behavior and learn flexibility. The time for your victories has not yet come.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

At the beginning of the year it will be difficult for you to unwind. You'll have to literally push yourself, push yourself. But gradually you will speed up and take on such a pace that it will be difficult to keep up with you. Yes, this is pointless, you will be in the lead.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Seek support from friends and colleagues. This year, focus on communication. Alas, no business achievements are in sight yet. But you can have a great time with new friends. And you won't regret it at all.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

It’s as if your third eye will open and you will understand a lot. There will be more clarity in your personal life, although at times grievances will be remembered. Be natural, friendly and open. See how people will reciprocate your feelings.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

A year of rapid transformation. Tasks will be layered on top of each other, and you will have to show miracles of ingenuity. Hurry up, otherwise you won't have time. Now every minute counts - both in work and in love.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

You are under special protection, but you still cannot relax. The work will cause a lot of trouble. Yet this is where you will achieve great success. And someone will take a risk and open their own business.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Caution, flammable! Love can burn you to ashes. Maintain a sense of common sense. And if you have to choose between proven relationships and new acquaintances, give preference to the former.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Go beyond the usual boundaries of communication, be bolder. You may have a new source of income. However, money will now slip through our fingers. While you shouldn’t even try to save, it’s better to spend money on relaxation and entertainment.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Unpredictable times. Despite the fact that you cannot even completely rely on yourself right now, happiness will smile on you. Some friends will disappear from your life, and their place will remain vacant for now.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Businesses started at this time will turn out to be profitable, and acquaintances will be long-term. And although there will be a lot of fuss, overall the year will bring a lot of pleasant emotions. You will have a reason for great joy - you will get closer to your cherished goal.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

Your financial situation will be stable, but you may feel anxious. Switch your attention to more pleasant things. For example, change your image or change your social circle. Now these changes will come in handy.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Learn new rules of the game and adapt. I don’t want to change my habits, but I have to. But the horizons of your capabilities will expand. And along with them, financial prospects. That in itself will lift your spirits.

Children's horoscope

This year the baby will be prone to apathy. Increase his self-esteem. In the spring he may have difficulty communicating. It is important that he does not close himself off. Summer is a favorable time to strengthen the immune system. Reduce demands at the beginning of the school year, otherwise overwork will inevitably occur.