Fortune telling at Christmas time based on desire. Fortune telling for Christmas time, Christmas time fortune telling. Fortune telling to resolve doubts

Fortune-telling occupied a large place in New Year's rituals. They wondered about marriage, about the future harvest and about the long journey, about life and death. Fortune telling was varied: they made dreams, brought birds and animals.

Russian folk tradition knows more than one hundred methods of fortune telling at Christmas time. Questions arose in the peasant consciousness:

- When the girl gets married - in the coming year, in subsequent years, will she never get married?

"They listen under the church castle: if they overhear the singing: “rest with the saints,” then this foreshadows death; if they hear something wedding, then they will get married that same year. They take walnut shells, cut wax candles into small pieces, insert them into the shells are allowed to float in a cup filled with water. Then each of the girls lights the candles of her shell. Here they note: the one who drowns will die unmarried; the one whose candles will burn out will be the first to get married; not to be married."

"The most desperate girls go out to the river on a moonlit night to listen in the ice hole. The nannies lay down an oxhide. The girls sit down to listen and look into the water. The one who gets married this year will see her betrothed in the water in exactly the same outfit in which he will come to the agreement; whoever sits in the girls, she will only hear one knock from the water.”

- What will your husband’s name be?

“Having all gathered together in one house, the girls go out into the street: here each of them must ask about the name of the first person she meets, ... their betrothed will be called by this name. This very calling is done on New Year’s Eve; the girls then go to the crossroads with pie."

“They hang keys and a brush outside the window. Anyone passing by moves them, they ask him: “What’s your name?” They think that the betrothed will be called by this name.”

- What will your husband be like (his appearance, age, character, wealth, marital and social status)?

“They go into the woodshed in the dark, take a log from the woodpile and then look in their chambers: if it is smooth, then the husband will be good; but if someone comes across a knotty one, especially with cracks, then he will be bad and angry.”

“They take the horses out of the stable over the shaft. If the shaft catches the shaft with its feet, then the husband will be angry; if he jumps over it, then the husband will be quiet and meek.”

“They take the chickens from their roost and bring them to the upper room, where they have prepared in advance in three places: water, bread, gold, silver, copper rings. If a chicken drinks water, then the husband will be a drunkard; if he eats bread, then the husband will be a poor man; if he takes a gold ring, then the husband will be rich; if he takes a silver one, then the husband will be neither rich nor poor; but if he removes a copper one, he will be poor.”

“After the water songs, they take water out into the yard, and each of the girls, pouring a little of this water under the roof, takes a handful of snow. Coming to rest, they look: what color is the snow, so will the narrowed one.”

“The girls go out into the yard, take the tablecloth by the edges, the old woman pours snow. Rocking the tablecloth, they say: “Field, white snow in the middle of the field. Bark, bark, little dog; find out, find out, betrothed!” At this time, every girl listens to the dogs barking. A hoarse bark means a betrothed old man, a loud bark means a young man, a fat bark means a widower.”

“In the evening, in the dark, they take yarn from the tow, comb it onto a comb and lower it out the window. Before going to bed, they look: what kind of hair is on the comb, the same will be the betrothed’s.”

- How to see your betrothed in a dream?

“They assemble a bridge from twigs and put it under the pillow. The girl, going to bed, says: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge.” The betrothed appears in a dream and takes me by the hand across the bridge.”

“They put a comb under the pillow, saying: “Betrothed, mummer! Comb my head.” The betrothed appears in a dream and scratches his head.”

“They take a thimble of salt, a thimble of water, mix and eat. Going to bed, the girl says: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink.” The betrothed appears in a dream and gives me a drink.”

“They put four kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, appear in my dreams.” The betrothed is seen in a dream in the form of some king.”

-Where will she marry?

“They go out to the fence and say: “Bark, bark, little dog, bark, little gray top.” In which direction the girl hears the barking, in that side she will live married. If the barking is heard near the house, then this shows that they will not marry far away side; if the barking is quiet, barely audible, then she will be given in marriage to someone else’s side.”

“They throw their shoes through the gate into the street, then go out into the street and look: in which direction the toe is turned, that’s where they will be married. It’s a bad sign for a girl when her shoe lies facing the home gate: she won’t be married this year.” .

- What will the coming year be like for the family?

“They go to look at their neighbors’ windows during dinner. If they notice people sitting at the table with their heads, they foretell to themselves that in the future their relatives will all be alive; if they see them without heads, they think that they will all soon die out.” 3

Yuletide fortune-telling is an integral element of folk spiritual culture and at the same time a fruit of popular imagination, as can be judged, in particular, from the story of the peasant woman Evfrosinya Ryabykh from Oryol district, which reveals the essence of the fortune-telling ritual and conveys the state of mind and emotional tension of the fortune-telling girl:

"...I decided to call my betrothed - I was afraid to find out whether it was true or not that betrotheds come to girls at night. So I went to bed, put a comb under my heads and said: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me and comb my braid.” - Having said this, I took it and went to bed, as usual, without crossing myself and without praying to God. And just as I fell asleep, my dears, I heard someone reach under my head, take out a comb and come up to me. : he pulled the sackcloth off me, lifted me up, sat me down on the bed, tore the scarf off my head and started combing me with a comb. , and the father fanned the fire. They fanned the fire, the father asked: “Why did you scream, Ask?” “I told how I was casting a spell and how someone pulled my braids. My father went out into the hallway and began to look at the doors - he didn’t see anything. He came to the hut, took a whip and started beating me with a whip - he fooled me and said: “Don’t make a guess.” “What kind of riddles are not needed, don’t call on the devils.” Mother rushed to take it away - and after that I lay down on the bed, trembling all over like an aspen leaf, and slowly roared: I was scared, and my father beat her painfully. In the morning, as soon as I got up, I saw that my head hurt so much that I couldn’t touch it. I looked at the ground next to my bed - all the ground was strewn with my temples. That’s how “he” began to comb my hair. there wasn’t any left - almost all of it was pulled out by the betrothed.” 4

During fortune-telling, sub-dish songs were sung, which got their name from the method of fortune-telling. Water was poured into a deep dish (bowl), jewelry (rings, earrings) was placed in it, then the dish was covered with a scarf. The songs performed after this promised fortune-telling to the participants, whose jewelry was taken out from under the scarf at the end of the singing, wealth or poverty, marriage or girlhood, separation, death, etc. A special glory song was dedicated to the owner of the house, his family, and foreshadowed a rich harvest of grain , livestock offspring, long life.

The grain rolled along the current, Glory, my goodness!

Rolled to the heap, Glory, my goodness!

Whoever gets it, it will come true, Glory, my goodness! Good things never fail, Glory, my goodness! The nightingale flies through the life, The nightingale carries a handful of life, Lado I will give! To whom we sing, we give honor! 5 The poetic images of most subbowl songs arise on the basis of specific ideas about the sources of well-being of the peasant economy as a realistic description of the desired event.

During the New Year holidays, special songs were performed - carols. "They got their name from the mythological character Kolyada. This is not only a mysterious, but also a powerful creature. On his behalf

Kolyada, Kolyada!

The carol came on the eve of Christmas;

We walked, we looked for the holy carol Through all the courtyards, along the alleys. We found a carol at Petrov's yard. Petrov's yard is an iron castle, In the middle of the yard there are three towers, In the first tower the moon is bright, In the other tower there is a red sun, And in the third tower there are frequent stars.

The month has brightened - Peter, sir, light Ivanovich, The red sun - Anna Kirilovna, The frequent stars are their children.

Hello, master and hostess, For many centuries, for many years, an exclamation. 7

This majestic carol is filled with poetic images that go back to magic and elements of ancient cults. The iron tyn is poetically interpreted as a kind of fortress, opposing the Yuletide ritual of destroying the hut, breaking the gate, symbolizing misfortune in this house. Likening the owners to the sun, month, and stars is the highest form of greatness and wishes for well-being.

New Year's holidays were accompanied by games, performances of skits, and the performance of round dances and songs. A characteristic sign of the holidays was dressing up

- dressing up in different clothes of people of different classes, as well as animals and birds. The arrival of the mummers was a great holiday for the people. Christmas time (January 6-18) is the best time for fortune telling. During this period, an atmosphere of magic reigns on earth and higher powers reign. Magic rituals and ceremonies help people look into their destiny.

Fortune telling for the betrothed Fortune telling for your betrothed is a favorite pastime of young unmarried girls during Christmas time. They tell fortunes alone or gather in large, cheerful groups. Girls enlist the help of evil spirits to find out the name of the groom or the date of the future wedding.

Fortune telling on a log. A close relative of an unmarried girl, secretly from her, must bake a salty flatbread from flour and put it under her pillow. In a dream, her betrothed will come to her and give her water to quench her thirst.

Fortune telling for family life. Comic fortune telling. It is held in the company of girls. Prepare symbolic objects according to the number of fortune tellers. A gold ring symbolizes prosperity, a glass - fun, an onion - tears, sugar - happiness, ash - disappointment. Place items in a deep bowl or bag. Take turns choosing one item at a time. He will predict future family life.

Fortune telling by the barking of a dog. At midnight, go outside and listen to the dog barking. The ringing bark of a dog predicts a young groom, and the hoarse bark predicts an old one.

Ritual with the King of Diamonds. In the evening before going to bed, wash your face, comb your hair, remove your jewelry and place it on your pillow. Under it, place a card with the image of the King of Diamonds. In a dream you will see the image of your betrothed.

Fortune telling with a frying pan. Late in the evening, secretly from your mother, place a frying pan under her bed and say: “Mummer, come visit your mother-in-law to eat pancakes.” In the morning, ask your mother who she was feeding in her dream. The young man who the mother dreams about will become her daughter’s fiancé.

Ritual with a mirror. Sit in an empty, dark room. Light a candle on the side and place a mirror and two cutlery in front of you. Then say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner.” The image of your future husband will appear in the mirror. After looking at it, say: “Chur.” If you wait a little, the betrothed may hand over some item that the future groom will lose.

Fortune telling for the future

On Christmastide, people perform magical rites, conspiracies and rituals to find out future events. Good signs give them strength and instill faith in a happy future, while they try not to attach importance to bad symbols.

Eavesdropping on neighbors. In the evening, go to the neighbor's door and eavesdrop on the conversations behind it. If you hear laughter and cheerful conversation, then the year will be full of happiness and adventure. Swearing and breaking dishes foreshadow difficulties, and silence portends a calm life.

Fortune telling by candle wax. Prepare a candle and a bowl of cold water. Light the candle and wait for the wax to melt. Pour the liquid wax into the water. Perform this ritual several times. Interpret future events using frozen wax figures. Small round drops symbolize money. A bunch of grapes signifies love and good luck. A mushroom-shaped figure portends advancement up the career ladder. The bell promises good news. A tree leaf signifies the presence of envious people and ill-wishers.

Ritual with a mirror. At midnight, take a small mirror, pour water over it and take it out into the cold. When patterns appear on the surface of the mirror, take it into the house and examine it carefully. Circles foreshadow financial well-being, triangles - success, squares - difficulties, spruce branches - progress at work.

Fortune telling on the water. Place a transparent vessel with water in front of the mirror and light candles on three sides. At midnight, look carefully through the water in the mirror. Whatever we can consider will come true in the coming year.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

During the Christmas season, it is customary to make wishes. Higher powers these days listen to people’s messages and are ready to help implement their plans. Magic rituals help to find out whether a dream will come true in the near future.

Fortune telling with water. Prepare paper strips. Write wishes on them. Then place them in a deep bowl and cover with water. Stir the water and wait until the first piece of paper floats to the surface. The wish written on it will come true in the near future.

Walnut shell boats. Write down your cherished dreams on scraps of paper. Then place the leaves into the nut shell halves. Launch the resulting boats into the water in a deep basin. Place another shell with a burning candle in the middle of the pelvis. The wish that burns first will come true in the coming year.

Fortune telling on paper balls. Prepare three identical pieces of paper. Write a wish on one of them. Crumple the papers into balls, put them in a bag and mix. Pull the ball out at random three times. At the same time, unfold the piece of paper, see if there is an inscription on it, then crumple it again and return it to the bag. If on the first try you get a piece of paper with a wish, then it will come true in the near future. If it is on the second or third attempt, then the chances of its execution decrease. If you come across an empty sheet three times, your wish will not come true.

Ritual to fulfill a wish. At midnight, write your cherished dream on a piece of paper, place it on a plate with the text facing down and set it on fire. If the leaf burns completely, the wish will come true. If only part of the paper burns, then something will prevent you from carrying out your wish.

“Now, girls, you can take up fortune telling. I have everything in stock,” said Aunt Malanya. With these words, she took a bowl with different grains of grain from the shelf and invited the girls to take a handful each, and she herself took out a sleepy rooster from under the stove and stood with him in the middle of the hut, while the girls made a circle from piles of grain, putting their rings in the middle. They lit a beam of splinter, which illuminated the circle, and let a rooster into it. At first he was dumbfounded, and then, looking closely and seeing the grain, he approached Dunya’s pile and began pecking greedily. At the first blows of the beak, Dunya’s ring jumped to the side and rolled towards her. The approving sound frightened the rooster, and he reluctantly began to peck from another pile, and never approached the others, despite a long wait. The second group was Arishina.

Well, you girls should be married in the New Year,” Malanya said.

Someone (Kukel) “Yuletide fortune-telling”

Behind is Korochun, the shortest day of the year on the eve of the Winter Solstice, and the longest night of the year. Kolyada came with her wild joy. The birth of the new Sun in Rus' was greeted everywhere with general rejoicing, festivities, feasts, sleigh rides, round dances, mummers, and caroling. As a rule, the New Year is celebrated with joy and hope. For those who experienced an unlucky year, they expect changes for the better from the new year. Those who had everything going well in the past year are waiting for an answer to the question of whether this will happen again in the new year. A magical time, enchanting, a time of timelessness... The light of the baby Khors (one of the Faces of Dazhbog) is still too weak. How can we take advantage of this time, look into the future, or tell fortunes?

With the arrival of Kolyada, the time of Winter Christmastide began, twelve holy days starting from the eve of Kolyada, symbolizing the six light (Bright Evenings) and six dark (Terrible Evenings) months of Kologod. On Christmas Eve evenings, young people gathered for gatherings in the huts. The girls were doing handicrafts, waiting for the hostess to start telling fortunes, and sang songs. They baked cookies in the shape of animals and birds (for example, “roes”), treated each other to them and sent them to their relatives. If they invited guys to get-togethers, they played games like “love or not,” and played funny actions with mummers. “No other national holiday contains so many customs, rituals, omens, so many relationships to everyday needs and seasons as Christmastide”(Snegirev I.M.).

After all the fun, the young people sat down at the table, the hostess covered it with a new tablecloth and placed a dish of water on it. Everyone present in the house took off their rings (rings, earrings, other jewelry) and placed them on the table next to the dish. The hostess covered the dish with a second tablecloth, and next to it she placed pieces of bread, salt and three coals. Opposite the dish, the woman most knowledgeable in fortune-telling (“matchmaker”) sat down and began to sing Christmas “sub-dish songs,” the first of which was “Bread and Salt.” Having finished the song, the matchmaker put bread, salt and coals into the dish under the tablecloth, and the guests, in turn, put their decorations in the dish.

Then they started singing again. The songs were short and ended with a special chorus:

Yes, to whomever we sang - good luck to him, Glory!
Whoever gets it, it will come true, Glory!
It will come true soon - it won’t pass! Glory!

Each short song had its own meaning, something like: for marriage, for profit, for separation, for loss, for a long journey. For example:

Make some dough, mother,
Bake pies
Matchmakers are coming to you,
Grooms come to me!

Blacksmiths forge golden crowns, glory!
Wonderful, glory!
(to marriage)

The brocade of gold flutters, glory!
Someone is going on a journey, glory!
(to the long road)

There was a pike coming from Novgorod,
She dragged her tail from the white lake,
What is silver, gilded,
And the pike’s head is low.
(to wealth)

I will dissolve the sauerkraut at the bottom,
I'll put the sauerkraut on my neck.
Come in, my squash,
Completely full......
(to profit)

And there were a great many such songs, for different occasions. While singing, the matchmaker mixed the things in the dish with her hand, and with the end of each verse, she shook the dish and took out the first ring she came across. Accordingly, whose ring fell out, the meaning of the song performed was intended for him.

Sometimes the matchmaker deliberately took out two things (for the betrothed and the betrothed) to the song:

How the ring will affect you, glory!
So the darling will respond, glory!

Showing two rings to those present, the matchmaker declared: "Which have not be avoided. Imminent marriage." If she took out, for example, two girl’s rings, then she put one aside, continuing to “catch” her betrothed.

Girls could conduct fortune-telling with subbowl songs themselves, without a matchmaker.

At the end of the dish songs, they began to “bury the gold” by playing “Ring” with the remaining ring not removed from the dish, singing:

I'm burying gold, I'm burying it
I bury pure silver, I bury it...

The girl leading the game slowly put the ring in someone’s hands, and the girls passed it on to one another:

The ring fell, fell into the viburnum, into the raspberry
In black currant.
Guess, guess, girl! Guess, red one!
In which hand was the story?

Late in the evening the gatherings ended. Now all the guests have left, and for the girls it is time for Christmas Fortune Telling. They usually started with “calls”, running out of the gate and asking the first person they met for the name. Then came the turn of wax, chicken and grain, thimbles, various kitchen and household utensils, locks and keys, combs and mirrors - i.e. they wondered, using all sorts of methods and objects, everything that their grandmothers had conveyed to them from ancient times. They guessed until midnight (and on terrible evenings they finished guessing even later). And the next day the gatherings continued in another hut.

Fortune telling on Bright Evenings

Fortune telling with chicken by ring

On Christmastide, girls and boys gather in a hut, draw a circle on the floor with coal with their left hand and anti-salt, pour oats and barley onto the floor (in the era of dual faith, it was even believed that oats stolen from the priest during the Christmas glory were best suited for this fortune-telling), They remove the rings from their hands and bury them in the grain. Then they bring a black chicken, put it in a circle and watch how it pecks at the grain. There is complete silence. Whose ring the chicken throws out of the circle will soon be married off (or married). It also happens that the chicken drags the ring back into the circle - an unhappy wedding is coming to the fortuneteller.
On New Year's Eve, the girls get together, walk around the village and each takes turns knocking with a wooden spoon under the windows of the huts. If a woman’s voice answers the knock, then you won’t get married in the New Year; if it’s a man’s voice, it’s the other way around.

Fortune telling by a lock on a well

One Christmas Eve, before going to bed, the girl went out and locked the well with the words: “My betrothed, mummer, bring the horse to water, ask me, the red maiden, for the key.”. The girl put the key to the lock under her pillow at night. If you see a young man on a horse in a dream, it means you will get married in the new year. Whoever appears in a dream is the betrothed.

Fortune telling "Oklichka"

The girls got together in the evening and went to eavesdrop under other people's windows. Judging by the overheard conversation, they predicted their future: depending on the topic of the conversation (for example, cheerful or sad), who was conducting the conversation (man or woman, old or young) and much more.

Fortune telling on Scary Evenings

Fortune telling with a mirror

It was carried out at the remote end of the village in an abandoned (uninhabited) hut, underground or in an old bathhouse. The girl alone, towards midnight, came to this hut or bathhouse, locked herself from the inside, untied all the knots on herself (for example, a belt), in one of the versions of fortune-telling, she stripped naked, unraveled her braids and sat down on a bench. She placed a mirror in front of her on a table or stove and lit two candles on both sides of the mirror. Then, between herself and the mirror, she placed a second mirror “facing” the first (alternatively, on her chest or on her left shoulder), thus obtaining a corridor of reflections. Then the girl turned to higher powers for help and asked the mirror to show her her betrothed: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me, show yourself to me. He is with me".

After which she carefully, without looking up, trying not to blink, peered into the mirror opposite, into the corridor of mirror reflections, trying not to miss the moment the figure appeared. This fortune telling could last for several hours. As soon as the girl saw the image, she had to slam the mirror together, put out the candles and tie her belt so that no trouble would happen.

After this fortune telling, the mirror was wrapped in a towel and hidden; it was necessary to thank the “helpers” and not forget to be charmed.

Fortune telling by sounds

On Winter Christmastide, the girl ran out at night alone to the crossroads, drew a circle with the first cinder - i.e. the one that remained from the first burnt candle or torch that evening, on which the fortune-telling takes place, stood in a circle and listened. If a fortune teller hears the sound of an ax, she must die in the New Year; if there is a knock of a hammer, then she will live richly; If the bell rings, then she will get married.

The tradition of Christmas fortune-telling has its roots in the distant pagan past. With the adoption of Christianity, divination and magic began to be considered a great sin. Playing with fate, trying to penetrate into the future is a dangerous activity. It may happen that the prediction is false, but the person believed in it. So it won’t take long to ruin the life of yourself or someone else. However, there are days in the year when all prohibitions are lifted, and witchcraft does not bring trouble. This is, of course, Christmas time. In essence, any fortune telling is fortune telling based on desires. True predictions - whether they are good or bad - are soon forgotten. Maybe for this reason, once a year you can become curious about fate - find out the truth and forget.

Christmas time is a time for well-deserved rest and collective entertainment.

Fortune telling with cards based on wishes was not very practiced in Rus'. It is much more interesting to find out the future in colorful details - which side the groom will be from, what his name is, what he looks like. These are all girlish questions, and older people were interested in the harvest, the fertility of livestock, the weather in the coming year, and so on. These questions could be answered during Christmas time. When does Christmas fortune telling begin? You can start them immediately after the appearance of a star in the sky, announcing the Birth of the Savior.

What young person entering adulthood does not dream of finding out her destiny? Fortune telling for girls' wishes is, first of all, questions about marriage. What lies ahead - prosperity or poverty, will there be children, health and prosperity in the family? All this is very interesting!

All year long, hardworking people have a lot of worries: in the spring - sowing, in the summer - mowing, preparing supplies for the winter for the family and livestock, in the fall - harvesting and winter sowing. Christmastide falls during the most serene period - from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany and the Blessing of the Water. Having spent a year in labor, in Filippovka, in fasting and abstinence, having defended the long solemn Christmas service in the church, the people began fun and festivities, which lasted two weeks. During daylight hours, they prepared hearty and plentiful food - borscht, jellied meat, pies, pies. They made a lot of pies, because Christmastide means visiting, eating, and caroling. It gets dark early in winter. Traditional gatherings and entertainment begin at sunset, when Christmas fortune-telling begins.

Christmas time as an occasion to make new acquaintances

Each locality had its own experts in the most accurate methods of prediction. They certainly tried to invite them to their party, because even the simplest fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish wants to be colored with more precise details. The fortuneteller was lured with treats, cajoled with gifts and kind words. Experienced fortune tellers were a kind of actors. The famous underwater prophecies were accompanied by the performance of special chants and round dances. Girls, going to visit for fortune-telling at Christmas time, dressed up in the most beautiful dresses, tied their hair with ribbons and colored scarves - after all, there would definitely be young men in the company. During such gatherings, young people met, had fun, got married, and on Maslenitsa, parents sent matchmakers to have a wedding on Krasnaya Gorka.

Under-the-radar fortune-telling

The most colorful and crowded fortune-telling for wishes at Christmas time took place with the participation of a matchmaker and was called sub-divination. Such parties usually attracted a lot of people, there were both boys and girls. The guests participating in the action put their rings, earrings or other small personal items into a large dish with water, and the matchmaker also put bread, salt and ash there with the appropriate sentence. The youth danced around her singing. At the end of each verse there is a matchmaker with the words “What happens, cannot be avoided!” took out two objects. The owners took their things, and the action continued until the dish remained empty. If a couple of objects belonging to two girls or two boys were taken out, then the matchmaker, at her discretion, could put them back or give them back to the owners.

There were other options for under-the-radar fortune-telling. In this case, each verse of the underwater song contained a brief description of some event - a wedding, travel, birth of a child, wealth, poverty, illness, death - everything that accompanies a person’s life and stands out as the most significant. For each story noted in the song, an object was taken out of the dish. The prediction was interpreted in accordance with what was heard

Fortune telling on cards

Christmas fortune-telling is collective entertainment. It’s not interesting to guess on maps in a company. This is an activity for two, because a fortune teller usually tells one person at length and in detail about his future, past and present, and those around him may get bored at this time. And yet, the demand for this kind of interpretation of fate during this period is very great. Tarot readers sign up those wishing to queue for a certain hour, because fortune telling with cards based on a wish using a Tarot deck is not available to many. This is a whole philosophy, but there are simpler ways. Yuletide fortune-telling using the cards of the French fortuneteller Madame Lenormand is much shorter and more accessible. Pictures depicting a ring, a road, rats, a coffin, a child, the sun, a book and other objects and phenomena very clearly demonstrate what the coming year has in store for the questioner.

You can also find out about marriage from a regular playing deck, using court pieces taking into account the suit. This Christmas fortune telling on cards looks like this. Men speculate on kings and jacks. At night, these cards and one lady, representing the fortuneteller herself, are placed under the pillow. Next you need to say: “I go to bed on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads. One sees, another will tell, the third will predict my fate. All the good things will come true, but the bad things will not come true and will be forgotten.” After this, you can’t talk to anyone until the morning. You need to go to bed before midnight. And the next day, immediately after waking up, the first card that comes to hand is taken out. If this is a lady, it means that the girl will not get married in the next year.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

There is another common and no less simple fortune telling based on the desire to find out about the groom. A comb is placed under the pillow, this procedure is accompanied by the following words: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me dressed up, comb your little head.” In the morning, there should be a hair on the comb under the pillow. The bride recognizes the groom by its color.

Unmarried girls hung a towel out of the window at night and said: “Mummer, come to me to wash.” If the towel turns out to be wet in the morning, it means that this year the fortuneteller will meet her future husband, and if it remains dry, then she will have to wait until next year.

A simple fortune-telling using three tea or coffee cups told whether the girl would get married, get a fiancé, or remain single until next year. Under each cup you need to put a ring, a flower and a ribbon. If the choice falls on a flower, then the girl will meet her betrothed, if it’s a ribbon, then she’ll be a free bird all year, but if it’s a ring, then everything is clear.

What were family people wondering about?

Married women, wanting to know what gender the child would be, poured water into a large spoon and froze it. They looked at it in the morning, and if the ice turned out to be convex, it means that a boy will be born, if it is concave, it means a girl, and if it remains flat, it means that there will be no addition to the family yet.

Economic people did not forget about and made weather forecasts for the whole year by month. To do this, they took 12 bulbs and immediately after the Christmas church service they laid them out in a row on the windowsill. All vegetables were sequentially designated every January 19th and they were examined. Wet denoted rainy months, and dry denoted dry weather. In this way, work could be planned, such as roof repairs or planting.

Scary fortune telling

Brave girls went to the bathhouse to cast spells. There, according to legend, the bath spirit lived, which on Christmas days could show the girl her future husband. Bath fortune-telling for wishes on Christmastide was carried out at night, when everyone had already gone to bed. The girl took with her two mirrors and a white plate filled with water without a pattern. Having taken off all her clothes except her shirt, untied the knots and removed the cross from her neck, she, fortune-telling by the light of two candles, set up a corridor of mirrors. Having counted twelve reflections, the girl turned her gaze to the plate of water and peered into it. As soon as a face appeared there, she had to immediately turn everything over and, grabbing the cross, run away from the bathhouse. This was a very dangerous activity, since the bathhouse spirit could scare a curious woman to death and even strangle her if she hesitated. And such cases have happened.

The most desperate ones went to church. Fortune telling by candlelight was carried out as follows. The girls lit candles and placed them in front of the altar. Based on the sequence in which they burned, the order of marriage was determined. And by the soot and crackling of the candles they judged what the marriage would be like.

Fortune telling with fire

Candles were also used for another way of predicting fate. So, they lit a long thin candle and held it tightly, without moving, over a dish of water until a small cinder remains. As the wax dripped, it created a variety of patterns. Interpreting them required a remarkable imagination. You should count on the help of girlfriends with caution. After all, everyone has their own destiny, and they can see something that relates to themselves, and not to the one who held the candle, and willy-nilly distort the prediction.

There are very interesting things to do if you want to know the main events of the beginning of the year. The prediction takes place in 3D format. You will need a clean white wall and a large sheet that needs to be crumpled into a large soft lump, placed on a tin tray and set on fire. The lighting must be turned off, since the image can be read by the shadows on the wall cast by the burning paper. To make fortune telling successful, try it first with a small sample of paper. When you are sure that the shadows are clearly visible, you can proceed to the main action. This fortune telling is accurate, because subconsciously every person knows his destiny, but we do not always know how to use our own intuition.

Fortune telling with glasses

The events of the year can be determined in one more way. Take four identical glasses, number and place four elements in them - ring, salt, bread and sugar. The girl or boy, that is, the one who asks the question, closes his eyes. One assistant spins the fortuneteller around the axis, the other swaps the glasses. Then the questioner is brought to the glasses, and without looking, he chooses one of them. If there is a ring in it, it means there will be a wedding or engagement; if salt means sorrows, bread means a rich life and good work, sugar means a serene and cheerful year. The one who chose the ring can find out when an important event occurs - marriage or engagement. To do this, the glasses are emptied and the person is spun around again. Glass number 1 means January, February or March, number 2 - April, May or June, 3 - July, August or September, 4 - October, November or December.

Funny fortune telling

Pets also took part in fortune telling. In former times they loved so-called bird fortune-telling. Whether the wish would come true or not depended on which paw the hen or rooster crossed the threshold first: if it was the right one, then the wish would come true, but if it was the left one, then it would not. The bird was frightened by a noisy gathering of strangers, ran away, they poured grains on it, and persuaded it to come in.

A group of friends can have a lot of fun if they decide to do fortune telling with a large chest filled with a wide variety of utensils or a wardrobe. To help the fortune tellers, they need a child of five to seven years old who does not understand things very well. The youth are blindfolded, and the child takes out various objects from the closet and asks: “Whose is this?” The one who answers: “Mine” is untied and given the chosen item. When all participants have been interviewed and endowed with things, you can begin to interpret the meaning. Since any Christmas fortune-telling applies only to the coming year, the main events of this period for each of the characters are determined by subject. Threads, belts, ties, shoes or a suitcase always foreshadow the road and travel, the key is the acquisition of real estate or a car, trousers given to a girl, even if they are women's, promise a new acquaintance with a man, if a young man gets a skirt, then he will have a new girlfriend, glasses and bottles indicate many festive feasts with alcoholic beverages, tableware - for communication with friends and guests, beautiful jewelry and expensive fur - for wealth, socks, slippers, unpresentable things - for poverty, books - for study, weapons symbolize war, toys portend the birth of a child or pregnancy, etc.

Fortune telling from books

To do this, they take six volumes of different subjects, for example, the Bible, fairy tales, novels and some reference books. Questions are formulated approximately as follows: “What do I need to do or what should I do to fulfill my desire?”, “What will be the most significant for me this year?”, “How will my professional life turn out?”, “What new will happen in my personal life?” ?. Without looking, he takes the volume and opens it. Next, still without opening your eyes, your finger points to the place where the prophetic text is written. It must be read and comprehended. The theme of the book indicates the main concerns of the coming year, and the selected text is an answer to a direct question.

Modern fortune telling

With the transition of the calendar to a new style, new methods of divination appeared, for example, a wish is made in advance, and at the time of the Moscow chimes it is written down on a sheet of paper, set on fire and thrown into a glass of champagne. During the fireworks, everyone clinks glasses, hugs and drinks champagne along with the ashes. In order for this New Year's fortune telling to work, the desire must not only be written and swallowed, it is very important that the paper burns completely and the ashes do not spill onto the tablecloth. This ritual usually greatly enlivens the feast. Not everyone believes in its effectiveness, so they laugh when they see how their friends are fussing, counting on such magic. Residents of the Kaliningrad region were very lucky with this fortune telling. Recently, they have heard the chimes of the Moscow Kremlin and the President’s speech twice, because the New Year comes to them later than anyone else in Russia. Accordingly, fortune telling on paper based on desire is done twice. The second time, they are usually better prepared - matches are at hand, and the paper is not too hard and not too light (so that it burns quickly and does not scatter before it gets into the glass). In general, you can guess for each wish only once, otherwise contradictory answers will appear and you can get confused. Although, if you treat this as a joke, a game, a reason to have fun, then why not...

Christmas traditions and rituals are a great occasion to diversify your everyday routine, renew communication with old friends, and make new acquaintances. Such traditions must be preserved and cherished. Many will say that any magic is a dangerous activity; it is no coincidence that the church condemns divination and fortune telling during Christmas time, but you should not take this very seriously and be afraid of such a sin. There are worse things. Take Christmas games with a bit of humor. Our ancestors, having played with fate on Christmastide, plunged into the night from January 18th to 19th, thereby washing away the sins of two holiday weeks. After this, ordinary life began with its simple concerns and interests, and Christmastide remained in the memory as a bright and cheerful episode.