Underground city in Ramenki: entrance to parallel worlds? Ramenki underground city Ramenki underground city entrance

There is a diplomatic town here, where employees of 16 embassies* live, and a student campus. In the area of ​​Dovzhenko and Pudovkina streets, cinematographers and employees of the Council of Ministers received housing, on Mosfilmovskaya - the Ministry of Defense, on Michurinsky Prospekt - the teaching staff of the university and employees of Gazprom. People living in such a place are associated with a high level of education and income.

The border of the district from the north runs along the Third Ring Road and the embankment of the Moskva River, from the south along the park named after. 50th anniversary of October and st. Lobachevsky, from the west along the track of the Kiev direction of the Moscow Railway, from the east along Prospekt Vernadsky. There is also a lot of unofficial information about the underground city in the area and the secret Metro-2 branch.

The district got its name from the village of the same name, the main street of which was located perpendicular to Michurinsky Prospekt on the site of Ramenki Street. The name "Ramenka" comes from the word "ramenya", which means dense forest. On the territory of the modern district on the hill on the right bank of the Moskva River, there were also villages: Vorobyevo, Troitse-Golenishchevo, Potylikh settlement, Kamennaya dam and the village of Gladyshevo.


There are no industrial enterprises in Ramenki, and the “wind rose” running through the area carries clean air from the southwest. Half of the territory of the district is not inhabited: it includes the Vorobyovy Gory state reserve, due to which the district is in the first positions in terms of air purity. The MSU campus and the Botanical Garden of the University adjoin the observation deck.

On a large territory of the reserve there is a complex of guest houses of the Office of the President. At one time, the Presidents of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academicians Keldysh and Aleksandrov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers A.N. Kosygin, top leaders of the country Khrushchev and Gorbachev.

From the northwest, the green wall of Ramenka is protected by the natural reserve "Valley of the Setun River", in which 14 species of plants and 11 species of animals from the Red Book of Moscow are registered. In 2017, violating the Law “On Specially Protected Natural Areas in the City of Moscow”, the City Planning and Land Commission of Moscow approved a development project for a well-known developer with a total area of ​​about 1.3 million square meters. m. on the territory between the street. Lobachevsky, Michurinsky prospect and r. Ramenka.

On st. Mosfilmovskaya is the first golf club in Russia, its territory is 17 hectares of green lawn. The area of ​​the forest park 50th Anniversary of October, located near Vernadsky Avenue, is 67 hectares.

Park of the 50th Anniversary of October

Transport situation

The way to the city center on your own or by car from Ramenki will not take more than 20-30 minutes, to the Moscow Ring Road 15 minutes, and to any nearest park 5-10 minutes. Departure from the area is possible through Minskaya st. and Kutuzovsky prospect, st. Kosygin, Vorobyovskoe Highway and TTK, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, Vernadsky Ave. and Leninsky Prospekt. The total length of roads in the district is more than 46 km.

The main thoroughfare of the district, Michurinsky Prospekt, has been known for many years for its traffic jams due to the lack of metro stations within the district. Not only along the length of the avenue itself, but also further along the entire Borovskoye highway.For the last 5 years, the avenue has been partially blocked for construction work, the result of which was the opening of the Ramenki and Lomonosovsky Prospekt metro stations and an overpass at the intersection with the street. Lobachevsky. In some sections, the avenue was expanded to 10 lanes.

In the first quarter of 2018, the Michurinsky Prospekt metro station with an observation deck and other 7 stations of the Solntsevsko-Kalininskaya line on the Ramenki-Rasskazovka section will open, which will significantly reduce the load on ground transport.

Construction of the metro station "Michurinskiy Prospekt"

Also, the Government of Moscow approved a project for planning a territory of 5.5 hectares for the Michurinsky Prospekt transport interchange hub: investors want to build 53 thousand square meters. m of residential real estate, 16 thousand sq. m of retail space and parking for 426 cars.

At the end of Mosfilmovskaya Street, an exit has been opened to the first section of the Southern Understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt, which may unload other highways, but worsen the situation with traffic jams in the area. This will especially affect the residents of the “old” Mosfilmovskaya, who will continue to take buses to the Kievskaya metro station or along the new route to the MCC “Sportivnaya”.

On the section of Minskaya Street in front of the exit to Kutuzovsky Prospekt, they are buildingTPU next to the newly opened metro station "Minskaya". It is planned to build a new stop "Minskaya" on the Kiev railway direction, as a result, the TPU will unite the passenger traffic of the metro, public transport and suburban electric trains.

Shopping, entertainment and sports

There are no complaints about the infrastructure of Ramenok, with the exception of large shopping centers. There is only one of them in the district - this is the “Capitol on Vernadsky” near the Universitet metro station, the only cinema in the district is also located there. In 2016, another Tiara shopping center was opened near the Ramenki metro station, but the composition of tenants is in demand only at the microdistrict level. At the same time, there are no problems with small convenience stores and chain supermarkets in the area.

There could also be more quality fitness clubs. The existing Premier Sports, X-fit and World Class are usually very crowded, and small studios and numerous outdoor programs do not solve the problem, for example, visiting the pool.

More fortunate tennis fans. So, at the club "Premier Sport" (ul. Olof Palme, 5, building 1, 2)Anna Chakvetadze, ex-fifth racket of the world, recently opened tennis school for children. On the territory of FOK "Jubilee"on 4 indoor courts and 3 open clay courtsthere is one more tennis school (Mosfilmovskaya, 41), and traveling camps are organized for children in the Moscow region and Europe.

Nearby (Mosfilmovskaya, 35) there is a European Tennis School. It is possible to study at the school not only in Russian, but also in English or German, and the qualifications of all coaches are confirmed by the German tennis federation deutsche tennis bund. In the tennis club of Moscow State University (Sports City of Moscow State University) you can rent any of the 8 courts and use the help of coaches. Network school Tennis Capital (Michurinskiy pr-t, d. 6) offers an affordable entry from 1375 rubles. for group lessons.

The pride of the sports infrastructure of Ramenok is Russia's first golf club, built in 1987 on a wasteland of st. Dovzhenko. The club operates year-round and offers a large number of programs from a one-time guest visit costing 5,000 rubles. and introductory training programs up to lifetime club membership.

Entrance to the golf club

Nearby (2nd Setunsky proezd, 5B) there is a unique open-air cinema adventure park "Mr. Panin" (the former fortress of stuntmen "Setunsky Stan"). There are stunt shows and adventure performances with the participation of spectators, exhibition pavilions, for example, the Museum of Military History of Moscow, veterans of the Second World War, the Time of Troubles and a retro car park.

Excursions to the Mosfilm film studio are held almost daily, where you can get acquainted with the scenery for popular films, a collection of costumes and retro vehicles, see with your own eyesfilm sets, pavilions and natural sites. Of course, not Universal Studios, but what do we have.

In 2013, the Vorobyovy Gory embankment was landscaped and attached to the Gorky Park, in 2015 the combined promenade area was extended into the Muzeon Park, and in 2017 the pedestrian Yakimanskaya Embankment was included in it. In total, the residents of Ramenok got the best 8 km along the Moskva River for recreation, not counting the surrounding areas, rich in cultural and sporting events.

Education and medicine

There are 23 kindergartens and 21 schools in Ramenki. Of the new educational institutions, it is worth noting the boarding school at Moscow State University, opened in 2016. Most students come from the regions and take secondary general education programs with in-depth study of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science. The training system in the training center is close to the university one, classes are held in the form of lectures and seminars.

School for Young Politicians No. 1306 (15/2 Michurinsky Prospekt) has been operating since 2001 as a general education school, but many services have to be paid for by the standards of private schools. The grandchildren of Yuri Luzhkov, the son of Vladimir Potanin and Anton Siluanov, the daughter of Musa Bazhaev studied here. Also in 2014, the school management became notorious for falsifying the signatures of 4,000 Moscow State University teachers when voting at public hearings on the project for the construction of a block of primary classes.

On the territory of the residential complex "Shuvalovsky" there is "Shuvalovskaya school No. 1448". Only children who have a residence permit in the LCD are allowed to study there.

School No. 1214 (Mosfilmovskaya St., 21) with in-depth study of the English language in 2014 was merged with Lyceum No. 1586 (Druzhby St., 8). At one time there were strong physics and mathematics classes and natural science classes.

School "Our Traditions" (st. Michurinsky pr-t, d. 6k.4) with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​considers itself one of the best private schools in the city.

At 9 Michurinsky Prospekt, the State School of Arts “Inspiration” was opened with folklore, choreography, orchestral, choral and fine arts departments.

The specialized children's and youth school "Master" (Setunsky 2nd proezd, 5) turns extreme sportsmen of different levels of sports training into qualified stuntmen.

The Moscow State University Botanical Garden offers children's classes in botany in the "Ukropolis" cycle and conducts annual admissions to the school of gardeners, the program of which is based on analogues of schools at the Royal Botanic Gardens in England.

Higher education, in addition to Moscow State University, in Ramenki can be obtained at the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade and the Institute of International Economic Relations, and in the neighborhood, at MGIMO, RANEPA, the Academy of the Federal Security Service, MIREA and RUDN University.

Main building of Moscow State University

Among the medical institutions in the district, in addition to the state ones, there are also high-quality departmental ones that provide the necessary services on a paid basis. First of all, this is the United Hospital with a polyclinic of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation (Michurinskiy pr-t, d. 6), where you can visit a doctor as well as undergo a course of procedures, rehabilitation or go to a hospital. The hospital has 15 hectares of its own forest park.

Polyclinic No. 2 of the Ministry of Economic Development (43 Lomonosovsky Prospect) since the 1950s served employees of the Ministry of Foreign Trade (later the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations) and their families. At present, the polyclinic is a multidisciplinary clinical and diagnostic center that conducts both complex and rare examinations and uses complex methods of treatment.

The Gazprom adult and children's polyclinics (19 Michurinsky Prospekt, rooms 4-5) provide medical care to veterans of the gas industry, as well as employees of Gazprom's subsidiaries.

Inexpensive resale

The average price of 1 square. m in the secondary market of Ramenok ranges from 160 to 700 thousand rubles, the supply capacity is 6 thousand apartments. Thanks to its good location and modern infrastructure, real estate prices here are comparable to Khamovniki and the Presnensky district. There is no single-type block building in the area. If you are looking for an apartment in a high class building, the surroundings will most likely not be so joyful. The exception is the cluster along Minskaya Street.

Drawing a very rough analogy with the movement in the game "Monopoly"from cheap to expensive lots, the most affordable real estate in the area is located in blocks along Michurinsky Prospekt. According to the chronology of construction, in the early 70s, the 23rd microdistrict, located next to Vinnitskaya Street, was built up with panel 9- and 12-story houses. All houses are within walking distance from the Ramenki metro station. True, no more than 20 apartments are on the secondary market. For example, a 35 m2 odnushka can be bought for 7 million rubles**, a 45-49 m2 kopeck piece for 7.7-8.4 million rubles. The average price per m2 here is 170-180 thousand rubles.

23 microdistrict

36 microdistrict between st. Lobachevsky and Udaltsov, as well as microdistricts 37 and 38, adjacent to the park of the 50th anniversary of October, were built up in different series of 12- and 16-story panels in the 80s. The average price per meter in these microdistricts rises to 180-200 thousand rubles, and the cost of typical one-room apartments 38-39 m2 reaches the range of 7.5-8.3 thousand rubles, two-room apartments 51-55 m2 9.2-12 million . rub., three-room 74-75 m2 for 13-15 million rubles.

37 microdistrict

39 and 40 residential districts built in the late 90s and early 2000s are areas with affordable prices, closest to Moscow State University - real estate for rent will always be in demand here.It is worth noting the residential buildings of Gazprom, one section of which (Michurinskiy Prospekt, 19, building 1) collapsed in 1997. quite commercial value. The houses were built according to the currently prohibited “wide step” technology, the essence of which was the “breeding” of supporting structures -instead of typical 3 mthey were located 7.2 m apart. Due to this, it was possible to increase the number of apartment layout options.

Houses of Gazprom

The same obsolete building is located along Mosfilmovskaya Street, but prices in some cases will be much higher due to locations with prestigious neighbors. For example, the 24th microdistrict consists of only three 16-storey panel houses of the 1MG-601 series, built in 1972. Four apartments are put up for sale with an average cost of a square of 200 thousand rubles.

Behind the intersection with Lomonosovsky Prospekt, on the other side of Mosfilm, one can see the mass construction of brick 5- and 8-storey houses of the late 50s. in the 4th microdistrict, bordering the Chinese Embassy, ​​Friendship Park and University Avenue. For better or worse, these houses are not included in the renovation program. One-room apartment with a footage of 31-33 sq. m will cost 6.4-6.9 million rubles, two-room 43-40 m2 at 8.3-11 million rubles, three-room 53-66 m2 at 10-17 million rubles.

Next, in the direction of travel, between the territories of the Mosfilm film studio and the Medical Center of the Presidential Administration, there will be one of the most chamber and green microdistrict 6. It contains high-quality brick houses, which are popularly called "general's" (they were built for the Ministry of Defense).

6 microdistrict

A local attraction is “Katerina's house” from the movie “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears” by Vladimir Menshov. Cost per square meter at st. Mosfilmovskaya, 11 (room 1-3) is 280-380 thousand rubles. A two-room apartment of 65 m2 costs 25 million rubles, a three-room apartment of 82-93 m2 costs 25-29 million rubles.

Here are the little knownin the real estate marketResidential complex "Patriot", "Lomonosov" and "White Swan": apartments in these houses are rarely sold and at high prices.

Residential complex "Patriot" and residential complex "Lomonosovsky"

On the opposite side of Mosfilmovskaya Street, the embassy town is bordered by the 5th Ramenok microdistrict, famous for the second round house in Moscow (Dovzhenko St., 6). This is a nine-story 26-access residential building with 936 apartments, built in 1976-79. Odnushka 31-33 m2 in it can be purchased for 6.5-7.2 million rubles, kopeck piece 52-57 m2 for 8.7-10.9 million rubles.

round house

Microdistricts 2 and 3, located along the golf club from the very beginning of Mosfilmovskaya Street, began to be built up in the 60s. In the old housing stock on the street. Pyryev and Pudovkin, you can budget to buy a odnushka 32-33 m2 for 6.7-7.8 million rubles. or kopeck piece 38-54 m2 from 6.8 to 13.7 million rubles. But there are also completely different price tags in the departmental houses of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the residential complexes of the business class “Ordinary Miracle” and “Director”.

The Setun district is located apart, in which houses were pointwise erected in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. You can enter it along one street - the 1st Setunsky passage, turning off the embankment or the Third Ring Road. Prices for 1- and 2-room. apartments do not exceed 7-8 million rubles, but due to the isolated location, we do not recommend buying real estate there.

Business Class

If we consider the price ranges of business and comfort class, then in terms of the combination of characteristics, location, surroundings and quality of development, it is worth mentioning the residential complex “Diplomat” (Michurinskiy prospekt, 39). This is a 23-storey 10-entrance cast-in-place brick residential building built in 2008 on the border of the 50th Anniversary of October Park. Until recently, its main drawback was the only entrance from Michurinsky Prospekt, which was always packed with cars. This year, the problem was solved by opening the traffic along the Projected passage No. 3358. The average cost of a square in a house is 420-460 thousand rubles, in some apartments this figure reaches 500 thousand rubles. Among the features of the residential complex is the presence of multi-room apartments, for example, with an area of ​​271 m2 for 97 million rubles. or 615 m2 for 187 million rubles.

LCD "Diplomat"

In 2015, completed work in long-term construction 5 and 6 microdistricts Ramenokalong st. Stoletov. Since the beginning of the 2000s, 26 enterprises have been withdrawn from the construction site and 9 five-story buildings have been demolished. In 2009, the first monolithic-brick houses of individual planning were commissioned, after which the rest of the construction stopped until 2012.To date, all houses have been put into operation in the Michurinsky residential complex, and a wide range of unfinished apartments with a cost of 220-240 thousand rubles per square is offered for assignment. Renovated apartments will cost 320-360 thousand rubles. per metre. Parking place of approximately 2 million rubles. The courtyard of the house 53 on the street. Mosfilmovskaya was chosen by filmmakers, a couple of seasons of the series "Psychologists" and "Mommies" have already been filmed here.

LCD "Michurinsky"

Opposite is the partially occupied residential complex "Mosfilmovsky", final construction work is underway on the territory of the complex. The main disadvantages of the new building are the power lines passing on one side, and the southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt on the other side. Nevertheless, the cost per square meter here is higher than in the Michurinsky residential complex, and amounts to 290-300 thousand rubles. per m2 in an apartment without finishing and 400-430 thousand rubles. in finished apartments. In total, 170 apartments are presented on the secondary market. Perhaps the inflated cost of the residential complex is explained by the external resemblance to the iconic for the area elite residential complexes “Shuvalovsky” and “Dominion”, located on Lomonosovsky Prospekt, as close as possible to Moscow State University.

LCD "Mosfilmovsky"

Luxury real estate in the Ramenki district

Residential complex "Shuvalovsky", built in 2008, consists of 7 brick-monolithic residential buildings in the Stalinist Art Deco style, which was used in the design of Moscow State University buildings. Each building of the complex is a multi-section building from 8 to 24 floors with its own fenced area, playground and underground parking. The cost per square meter is very individual, starts from 345 thousand rubles. and reaches 550 thousand rubles. The price for a one-room apartment of 52 m2 falls in the range of 20-24 million rubles, a two-room apartment of 74-76 m2 is 28-38 million rubles, a three-room apartment of 70-75 m2 is 39-45 million rubles. and a larger three-ruble note 100-136 m2 43-57 million rubles.

LCD "Shuvalovsky"

Residential complex "Dominion" - a late copy of "Shuvalovsky" from the general developer "Inteko". In a closed area of ​​15 hectares there are 4 buildings, there are calculations that each apartment has 50 square meters. m of interior space. Despite a poorer arrival at the residential complex and a replica of the exterior finish, the average cost of a square without decoration is higher and will cost 380-420 thousand rubles, and with decoration 500-700 thousand rubles.

LCD "Dominion"

Another peculiar couple in the continuation of the horizontal line on Minskaya Street, residential complex "Golden Keys" 1 and 2. The first "keys" in 2003 are famous for their residents, among whom were Medvedev D.A., Tomasz Kazhmerovski (Alfa-bank), Chan Thi Thao (Singapore-based Future Generation), Liborio Stellino (Press Attaché of the Italian Embassy), Semyon Vainshtok (Olympic State Corporation), Viktor Fedotov (Uralsib Capital), David Yakobashvili (Wim-Bil-Dan), Tatyana Bogomolova (Rosneftexport) , Viktor Polstovalov (LUKOIL-Yugra). The piquancy of the residential complex lies in the fact that in the primary market each buyer passed the strictest selection by the security service, and now, if there is enough money, lovers of the 90s style can easily buy an apartment from representatives of recent history: 201 square meters with their own patio are put up for 79.5 million rubles, 112 m2 for 45.8 million rubles.

LCD "Golden Keys 1 and 2"

Three buildings of the "Golden Keys-2" were built in 2006 in the water protection zone of the river. Setun. Many politicians and media people live in the LCD. The territory of the complex includes 21 townhouses of the “Y” cottage settlement, a petting zoo with deer, llamas and raccoons, and, until recently, an outdoor swimming pool on the roof of the Sky Club fitness club. At the beginning of the summer, the club was closed unexpectedly for all its members, which completely spoiled their reputation. In total, 150 apartments are on sale in the residential complex, the cost per square meter varies from 340 to 600 thousand rubles.

Another similar area is the “Deputy House” built in 2000 on the street. Olof Palme, owned by the Administrative Office of the President of the Russian Federation. Most of the apartments are departmental housing for representatives of the deputy corps, but some are on sale. Among the few proposals, it is quite possible to pick up status 86-97 m2 for the “democratic” 28 million rubles.

Deputy House

In the neighborhood there is a high-rise residential complex Vorobyovy Gory (Mosfilmovskaya st., 70), from the windows of which the best panoramas of the city open. The quarter was built at an altitude of over 300 m above sea level on one of the highest places in the capital. Seven buildings from 17 to 48 floors are located on a common stylobate. There are 1039 apartments in the complex from 104 to 908 sq. meters and 1500 parking spaces. True, the proposals aboveWe were unable to find the 38th floor, mainly for sale three-ruble bills 100-145 m2 from 40 to 50 million rubles.

LCD "Vorobyovy Gory" and LCD "Valley Setun"

If the tallest building of the residential complex "Vorobyovy Gory" is 178 meters, then the height of the new residential complex from the developer "Donstroy" "House on Mosfilmovskaya" reaches 213.3 m or 54 floors. This is the twelfth tallest building in Moscow and one of the tallest outside of Moscow City. There is a huge choice (more than 400) apartments in the De Luxe residential complex. The highest-rise options are located on the 47th floor - 160 m2 for 154 million rubles. Lower and without finishing, you can buy 95-98 m2 for 32 million rubles.

House on Mosfilmovskaya

In September 2017, Vorobyov Dom, a premium-class residential complex, was put into operation on Vorobyovskoye Highway, across the road from government dachas and the Moskva River. The project provides for apartments and penthouses with outdoor terraces from 60 to 250 sq.m, the average cost per square meter is 450-600 thousand rubles.

LCD "Sparrow House"

New buildings Ramenok

Although Ramenki is one of the most promising areas for the development of the premium new buildings market, there are currently only three new buildings in the area, and all of them have reached the final stage of construction. First of all, these are the high-rises Setun Valley, 36 and 39 floors, adjacent to the Vorobyovy Gory residential complex, from the Donstroy company. Sales in residential complexes began in 2012, in the current market the price has risen to 380-640 thousand rubles. per square.

In continuation of the Setun Valley residential complex, on the site of the Setun cottage village, the Snegiri ECO residential complex is being built. There are 24 townhouses and one apartment building around a small lake. Each townhouse has three or four three-level apartments with a separate entrance. In an apartment building, you should focus on 530-710 thousand rubles. per m2.

LCD "Snegiri Eco"

MFC "Headquarters on Mosfilmovskaya" - the long-term construction of "Morton", the work on which is now being completed by the company "PIK". The 29-storey building with 400 apartments at the level of 2-4 floors will house an office center and an infrastructure zone with a shopping gallery and a restaurant, as well as a multi-level underground parking. Currently, there are many options on the primary market from 9.5 million rubles, but it is difficult to imagine a location at a crossroads without internal territory for living.

Headquarters on Mosfilmovskaya

Development prospects

In Ramenki, the global development of the "new territory" of Moscow State University, adjacent to Lomonosovsky Prospekt from the side of the park of the 50th anniversary of October, is slowly taking place. The project for the construction of university buildings was formed back in the 60-70s of the last century. In accordance with the decisions of those years, two educational buildings, a fundamental library, a medical center, a boarding school for gifted children and a hostel for 2,500 people have already been built.

New building of Moscow State University

The total building fund of the entire territory will be about 2.5 million square meters. m. It will include a university campus with various scientific clusters and innovative engineering centers, a sports and recreation complex, an exhibition complex and a technology park. It is expected that the new campus will continue the university's fundamental scientific research at a new level, attract Russian corporations to cooperate and help retain talented young people in the country.

Residential development with a total area of ​​apartments of 190 thousand m2, including rental housing for graduate students and teachers, and another 260 thousand m2 in the adjacent territory, is also planned on the territory of Moscow State University. The construction will approximately take about 10 years and will be carried out in stages so that the construction does not interfere with the residents of the surrounding houses. Upon completion of construction, compensatory landscaping of 20 hectares of the territory will be carried out.

Of the social infrastructure facilities, the plan includes 4 schools for 1775 places, 7 kindergartens for 1080 places, a polyclinic for 250 visits per shift and a shopping complex with an area of ​​7 thousand m2, garages for 4 thousand cars and underground parking with a capacity of more than 12, 5 thousand parking spaces. The number of jobs in the district will increase from 11 to 20 thousand.

This year, the construction of a new shooting pavilion with ground parking on the territory of Mosfilm, as well as a five-story complex with a total area of ​​15.5 thousand square meters, began. There will be areas for props here: for storing antique furniture and costumes from different eras. Parking for vintage cars and horse-drawn carts will appear in the basement floor.

Project of the new Mosfilm pavilion

The implementation of the projects will give a powerful impetus to the development of the region and will have a stimulating effect on various sectors of the economy. The construction of new facilities and infrastructure will be carried out on abandoned lands and on the site of garage cooperatives, and the appearance of a university campus will increase the prestige of the area as a whole. The market value of housing in the area can rise significantly. Within the boundaries of the projected area, it is planned to organize new public transport routes. A street will be built connecting Vernadsky and Michurinsky Avenues, which is needed by residents not only of Ramenok, but of the entire ZAO.

* Embassies of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Kuwait, China, North Korea, Libya, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Angola, Bulgaria, Nicaragua, Panama, Serbia, Romania, Germany, Sweden.

**All prices are from Cian.ru listings as of December 2017.

Comfort level of the Ramenki area 18.38 out of 20.00

Environmental performance
visual environment4 4.75
Green arrays5
Absence of serious sources of anthropogenic pollution5
Connectivity of the city/district
Conditions for working within the city5 5.00
Ease of movement within the city/district5
Accessibility of Moscow by public transport5
Accessibility of Moscow by private transport5
Communication with other settlements5
social infrastructure
Religious buildings5 4.88
cultural institutions5
Shopping and entertainment infrastructure4
Children's leisure centers5
Sports and fitness5
Habitat quality
Accessibility for the disabled3 4.25
The state of urban engineering communications5
The development of the real estate market5
Risks and Threats
Real estate market glut-1 -0.50
Deterioration of the traffic situation-1
Underdevelopment of social infrastructure0
Deterioration of the ecological situation0

Original taken from live_imho to the Secret government facility "Metro-2" (D-6)

Metro-2 (also known as D-6) is a secret underground transportation system in Moscow to link government and military command posts and bunkers.

There were already secret places in the Moscow metro before his birth in 1935. The project of the second stage included the Sovetskaya station under Sovetskaya Square. between the stations "Teatralnaya" (at that time "Sverdlov Square") and "Mayakovskaya". During the construction process, on the personal order of Stalin, the Sovetskaya was adapted for the underground command post of the Moscow Civil Defense Headquarters. The unreasonably long haul in the very center of Moscow that arose as a result of its closure was liquidated only on 07/15/1979 by the construction of Gorkovskaya - Tverskaya. The implementation of this project was very expensive even in times of stagnation. If you look closely at the stretch in front of Tverskaya, you can see traces of the Sovietskaya.

The next was the pre-war (as well as post-war) modernization project of Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya to link the Kremlin with both Stalinist bunkers. Before the war, Stalin planned to build the largest stadium not only for the expected Olympics. The idea of ​​the stadium of the USSR (or Peoples) was prompted by mass propaganda events, often held by the Nazis in Germany for the German people and so beloved by the Fuhrer.

Under the future stadium (a piece of which was nevertheless built) a bunker for Stalin was erected with a small hall for performances and a tunnel to the stands. Two automobile tunnels were built: to the Kremlin (moreover, the gates of the tunnel are located exactly under the Spassky Gates) and to the area of ​​​​the Sokolniki metro station. A similar Stalin bunker was built under his dacha in Kuntsevo (there is also a car tunnel from the public reception of the Ministry of Defense on Myasnitskaya, 37 through the Kremlin). Only specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations know about it: the Central Regional Center of this department is located directly above it. Stalin's suspiciousness is well known. From the first days of the war, he hesitated whether to stay in the capital or go with the government to Kuibyshev (now Samara).

When the bombing of Moscow became more frequent, he ordered the construction of a bomb shelter, which was dug in Kuntsevo at a depth of fifteen meters. In order to completely protect the leader, cast-iron rails were used as ceilings. According to Colonel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergei Cherepanov, the structure will withstand a direct hit from an air bomb even today. The entrance to the bunker is an ordinary door, which you will find in any entrance, with a combination lock. A very clean staircase with railings leads underground.

It feels like you are going down into the basement of an ordinary residential building. Stalin did not walk up the stairs. Especially for him, an elevator was launched, where parquet was laid, the walls were sheathed with wooden panels. An elevator connected the bomb shelter with Stalin's dacha, under which the bunker was dug. To exclude accidental meetings of Joseph Stalin with the attendants, several corridors were built. In the corridor for diesel workers, cooks and others, the walls were covered with white tiles. Stalin, on the other hand, walked from the elevator along the parquet floor and surveyed the marble walls. In the bomb shelter, Joseph Stalin held meetings of the Defense Council. For this, a spacious office was allocated - "General's". Its walls are finished with oak and Karelian birch. In the middle is an oval oak table. Near the wall are tables for duty officers and stenographers.

Eight-armed chandeliers have also been preserved in the bomb shelter from the war. And only the rectangular shape of modern fluorescent lamps reminds us that it is not 1942 in the yard. A small corridor separated the leader's bedroom from the meeting room. The bedroom is very small. It contained only a bed and a nightstand. Because of this bunker, on 04/05/1953, the mysterious deep-laid section "Revolution Square" - "Kievskaya" was launched. Stalin was afraid of a repeat of the incident with an air bomb hitting the tunnel on the stretch between Smolenskaya and Arbatskaya. The section was built in a record short time, less than two years, despite the fact that the route passed in extremely unfavorable hydrogeological conditions. For the first time, it was necessary to solve the problem of connecting tunnels of two radii - the existing one and the new one, without stopping the normal movement. For this, a tunnel of increased diameter was built, which, as it were, accommodated the existing tunnel. The tunnel behind the "Kievskaya" was passed and further right up to the Victory Park. According to the plan of 1932, the line to Kuntsevo and Krylatskoye was to be completely underground. And it was supposed to pass next to Stalin's dacha. When a new express line to Kuntsevskaya was being built, this tunnel was used. This explains such a strange choice of route.

The first serious information about these subway tunnels appeared in 1992 in one of the AiF issues. There, some aunt wrote that her friend worked as a cleaner in the KGB and she was taken to special facilities by special metro lines. "AiF" answered that this system is described in the annual publication of the US Department of Defense on the Soviet Armed Forces for 1991.

TITLE: Military forces in transition.
PUBLISHED: 1991 Washington, D.C.
Dept. of Defense: For sale
by the Supt. of Docs.,
U.S.G.P.O., 1991-v., ill.
(some col.) ; 28 cm. + map 1991-
ISSN: 1062-6557
SUPT OF DOCS #:D 1.74:
OTHER SYSTEM #: (OCoLC)25013229
CARD NUMBER: sn91-23807

Shafts above the underground command post in Ramenki are marked (illustration: Military forces in transition. DOD. 1991).

The dotted line on the map shows the Metro-2 lines (illustration: Military forces in transition. DOD. 1991).

In 92, other publications picked up the topic. With the light hand of the Ogonyok magazine, the system was called Metro-2. Through the efforts of the yellow press, an unrealistic amount of nonsense and tales was put into play, thanks to which most Muscovites generally doubt the existence of the system.

So, Metro-2

It was commissioned in 1967 (it is presumed that some part was put into operation earlier). Length 27 km. Stations: Kremlin Library im. Lenin (for evacuation to the underground city in Ramenki of all readers who are in the halls at the time of the signal; maybe the Kremlin station and the Library are the same station)

A yellow house with a turret on Smolenskaya Square, designed by Academician Zholtovsky (this is a special house, it has entrances to 2 metro systems: to the Filevskaya line and to Metro-2, because of the elevators to the Metro-2 station in this house, legends about such stations a little or under every nomenklatura house in Moscow) the former residence of the first and last President of the USSR on the Lenin Hills, an underground city near Ramenki (max. capacity 12,000-15,000 inhabitants) with a pedestrian tunnel to the main building of Moscow State University (entrance at the checkpoint zone B)

Academy of the FSB and the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics of the FSB of Russia (a huge brick building at the entrance to the Olympic village. In one of the occasionally open gates in the building, you can see a long corridor going far down, illuminated on the sides by small lamps) Academy of the General Staff emergency exit somewhere then to Solntsevo government airport Vnukovo-2

The book "Moscow Metro" of 1954 describes the fifth phase of the construction of the metro. If everything is clear with the Shcherbakov (now Riga) radius, then the continuation of the Frunze radius is confusing. A never-realized version with a tunnel under the Moscow River is described. The length of the section is 6.5 km. "Frunzenskaya" is according to the plan in the same place where it is now. "Usachevskaya" either became "Sportivnaya", or should have been located closer to Bolshaya Pirogovskaya. Luzhnikovskaya was supposed to be at the entrance to the stadium in Luzhniki on Novoluzhnetsky. Ground vestibules of "Leninskiye Gory" were planned on the slopes of the Sparrow Hills and from the side of the Vorobyevskoye Highway (Kosygin St.). "University" is planned next to the main building of Moscow State University.

In 1957 and 1959 everything was built differently.

There is an implausible story that for the youth festival of 1957 a branch was built from the "Park of Culture" to the "University". In the spirit of Khrushchev's decision to reduce the cost of construction, the designers decided to lay part of the passenger route along the first line of the Metro-2 tunnel, which had already been built by that time. It would seem that there is a ready-made tunnel dug under the Moscow River, which means that it will not be necessary to spend time and money on building a new crossing through this water barrier. But at the very last moment, the "competent authorities" said decisively: no! And I had to flog a fever, changing the project, diverting the new metro route to the side and building a metro bridge with the Leninskiye Gory station. The memory of that long-standing "discrepancy" was the characteristic bend of this metro line near the station "Sportivnaya".

Initially, they wanted to build the "University" next to the MGU. But after all, the first line of Metro-2 passes just under the GZ, more precisely, through the 3rd basement or level-3, where there are cryogenic installations for generating liquid nitrogen to freeze the soil. Entrance through the checkpoint area B of the main building. By the way, in the first basement, almost exactly under the zone B checkpoint, there is a door with a combination lock and a TV camera.

According to the American DIA (Defence Intelligence Agency), the Metro-2 station of the first line is located under the former residence of the first and last President of the USSR (Gorbachev) on Leninskiye Gory, and this is exactly the place where the Leninskiye Gory station was planned.

Most likely, projects of tunnels and deep stations were developed. Then Khrushchev ordered to sharply reduce the cost of construction. Then they built a miracle bridge, in which there is more salt than concrete. And a bend with a rise after "Sportivnaya" appeared. But already in the 60s, when the bunker in Kuntsevo and the first line of Metro-2 began to be built, then the old projects were raised. What's the point of duplicating work? And slowly the tunnel was zababakhali according to old projects, but already single-track.

If you go from "Sportivnaya" to "University", then on the left along the course after "Sportivnaya" you can first see the stage connecting the path you are traveling with the opposite one. Then you see a branch to the left along the course of the train. Officially, this is a reverse dead end, but it continues further, descending between the main tunnels under the river and going in an arc steeply to the side. The contact rail in this tunnel breaks. The tunnel itself eventually rests on a steel gate. This is the only gate of the regular metro and Metro-2 in Moscow.

When they planned to build the Temple in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, there were several projects, one of them was to build a temple on Sparrow Hills. Construction has not started, as the ground here is very weak, which is not able to withstand a large building. But what the tsarist architects could not do, the Stalinist ones did. When the main building of Moscow State University was being built, they dug a huge foundation pit, filled it with liquid nitrogen, then put refrigeration units in the place that later became known as the 3rd basement or floor -3. This zone was given the status of super secret, since in the event of a possible sabotage and the failure of freezers, the building will float into the Moscow River in a week. The 3rd basement was in charge of the 15th KGB department. It is this level of Moscow State University that connects to the underground city in Ramenki and the Metro-2 station.

In the Troparevsky forest park, behind the Academy of the General Staff, you can see the ventilation shafts of the metro. The Academy of the General Staff itself is a building with a central building and side buildings around. If you look from the street, then they have 5 floors, but in fact it is much more. The elevator goes underground for a few more. Down there there are many very well guarded places where almost no one can go. From some sources it was pulled out that this is the exit to Metro-2.

When there was no "Pr. Vernadsky”, on the site of “Salute” there was a grandiose rugged terrain: ravines, a cascade of ponds, a river. In 68-70 all this was carefully covered with a large amount of soil, taken, probably, from the construction of the first line and the underground city in Ramenki.

If we draw a line from Yugo-Zapadnaya to Ochakovo and set aside 500 meters, we get to a place where there was something similar to a concrete factory with a lift with a wheel on top. Every morning a terrible crowd of people descended downstairs. Everything went on until the age of 79.

The main construction base of the first line is the same notorious concrete factory south of Moscow State University. It is there that materials are imported and land is exported.

There is evidence that the first line was lengthened in 1986-87. There are two interesting places in the suburbs. This is the military town of Vlasikha (aka Odintsovo-10). There, in 58-64, a command complex of the Strategic Missile Forces with a 4-tier bunker and the residence of their commander were built. In 1986-87 a new 12-tiered bunker was built two kilometers from the old one. The rails below were seen for sure. There is also the town of Golitsyno-2, the MCC of the military space forces. Quite interesting - the entrances to the bunker in small houses, like residential ones. There is one square in the town on which there is a monument - an ancient radar station, everything is there. People working there know for certain that the branch to Vnukovo-2 runs there.

Directly in Odintsovo itself, in 1987, they began to build a residential area "new houses" for the builders of Metro-2. There is also a station there.

Line 2

Given at the beginning of 87. The length is 60 km (it turns out that the world record for metro tunnels). It starts from the Kremlin, then south parallel to the Varshavskoe highway through Vidnoe to the government boarding house "Bor" (there is a reserve command post of the General Staff).

There is a mothballed station on the line, to which the same mysterious passage from the Tretyakovskaya Kalininskaya line leads.

It is likely that the line should be extended to the new Voronovo bunker (somewhere 74 km south of the Kremlin). There is still inaccurate information that the line goes somewhere beyond Chekhov. Summer residents from Alachkovo tell about the local military town that they have an underground facility that goes 30 floors underground, they say they were in such an exercise: it stands in a huge hall (the eyewitness could not say the size, but says “just huge”) simple composition, they set it on fire from the metro, and then extinguish it. Those who live in Kryukovo (near Chekhov) sometimes wake up at night from the fact that a train passes under them. Summer residents in Vidnoye say that in the early 80s they dug something there and very deeply. They remember only in a few places the pits are large and deep, but the walls were reinforced with boards or something else, and the pits were one after the other, that is, on the same line.

The construction base of the second line is located somewhere in Tsaritsyno.

Line 3

Cdan also at the beginning of 87 years. Length 25 km. It starts from the Kremlin, then Lubyanka (maybe there is a station near the Bolshoi Theater, because from the fountain on Teatralnaya Square it was possible to climb into the Metro-2 tunnel), the air defense headquarters of the Moscow Military District on Myasnitskaya, 33 (located next to public reception of the Ministry of Defense on Myasnitskaya, 37, which in turn has a car tunnel to Stalin's dacha in Kuntsevo.During the war, departments of the General Staff and air defense officers were at the Kirovskaya station.Trains did not stop there, the platform was fenced off from the tracks with a high plywood wall After the war, traces of this activity were destroyed for a long time.Under the station and the building on Myasnitskaya, 33, a new bunker was built for the air defense headquarters) and the Air Defense Central Command (and the Main Air Force and Air Defense Headquarters there) in the village of Zarya, Balashikha District, where a military town with 20,000 inhabitants.

The line runs parallel to the Entuziastov Highway and through Izmailovsky Park. Most likely, it has a station near the Red Gate (this one is questionable, but there is definitely a huge Stalinist bunker there - with a manhole exit to the Red Gate platform).

People working in the Zarya bunker are called "moles". Also, miners. Every day they go into an inconspicuous-looking brick house and descend on high-speed elevators to a depth of 122 meters. The last check of documents, a submachine gunner next to a small border post, massive iron doors that slam shut automatically at the first sign of danger - and our heroes find themselves at one of the most secret military facilities in Russia. This underground city is the Central Command Post (CKP) of the air defense forces, the holy of holies of our defense power. Even the first government officials and important foreign guests cannot get here.

Any excursion requires the personal permission of the Minister of Defense. The party ordered our military to burrow into the ground back in 1958. All the General Staffs and the Central Command Center were urgently transferred to the nearest suburbs. The "cold" war could turn into a nuclear one at any moment, and the very first bombardments of the capital could leave the army without "eyes", "ears" and "language". In order to prevent this, we decided to urgently bury all the most valuable things in the ground and lead the troops from powerful bunkers. The underground city was built in the Stakhanov style: already in the 61st year, the first "moles" celebrated a housewarming party. For this, thanks to Marshal of the Soviet Union Pavel Batitsky and the metro builders - they were invited to carry out an important task for the Motherland. The bunker city provides everything to survive the end of the world: its own power plants, fire extinguishing systems, water and air purification, sewerage, food supplies. They say that there are even places where you can sleep comfortably and on white linen. Even the women who work here do not particularly complain about the conditions. The transport problem in the "city" built for 1,100 people has also been solved. There are four elevators at the service of the staff - two passenger and two cargo.

Line 4

Information about her is almost fictional. The budget of Russia in 1997 included the amount for its construction. Moreover, this fact caused a scandal and proceedings in Congress, because they had to build at the expense of American loans. It will start in the Smolenskaya or Kosygin area, as a branch from the first line, then under the Victory Park (where it will share the infrastructure with the planned regular metro line) to the new A-50 bunker at 48 Rublevskoye Highway - next to Yeltsin's house on Autumn boulevard. Then a sanatorium / bunker complex in Barvikha.

The entire Metro-2 system was previously under the control of the 15th department of the KGB (underground workers). This department subsequently came under the wing of the FSB. Metro-2 has nothing to do with the Office of the Presidential Affairs, which is headed by P. Borodin. He built and is building some kind of box where people are recruited from the usual metro construction. And they live, as I already wrote, in Odintsovo.

The system is little known, because it is not a government metro, that is, it does not transport top government officials (including Yeltsin) in peacetime. The main function is readiness for evacuation. In addition - economic transportation: cargo, service personnel, etc.

The whole system is single-track (it is foolish to build 2 tracks, because even in the case of the Atom signal - evacuation in case of an atomic war or something else terrible - the entire flow of traffic is directed in one direction). Unlike a regular subway, there are no ventilation shafts from the tunnels. Construction was carried out by a closed method, and without intermediate shafts (like a tunnel under the English Channel). The contact rail is not used on long hauls - only on central ones. One of the metro trains of the second or third lines consists of 4 cars - at the ends there are two contact-battery electric locomotives "L", in the center there are 2 saloon cars with Ezh6 curtains, made on the basis of the Ezh3 series with new nodes from 81-714. The train was undergoing scheduled repairs at the Izmailovo metro depot in the early 90s.

There is also information about Metro-2 cars from one informed comrade from the Moscow Metro administration. All this was released between 1986 and 1987 in Mytishchi, just when Metro-2 lines 2 and 3 were built:

An interesting fact of the existence of a connection between the ordinary metro and D-6!

Before. If you go from Sportivnaya to the University, then on the left along the course after Sportivnaya, at first you can see the stage connecting with the path you are driving on (it goes from the opposite path). Then you see a branch to the left along the course of the train. Officially, this is a dead end. The contact rail in this tunnel breaks 20 meters before the lattice gates covered with fiberglass, behind them the next gate with a massive concrete block is visible. The tunnel continues further, dives under the tunnel of the Sokolnicheskaya line away from the center and immediately after a pair of pressure gates there is an arrow with the Vnukovo line D-6. This is the only gate of the regular metro and D-6. At the entrance to this tunnel is the only traffic light in the Moscow metro with two red ones.

Description of the ways of communication Metro-2.

The inner diameter of the tunnels practically coincides with the diameter of the civil subway. To be more precise, the inner diameter of the D-6 tunnels built over the past 20 years is 5.45 meters. Unlike conventional metro, in the new generation D-6 tunnels, there is a meter-long layer of foam concrete between the outer cast-iron tubing and the inner metal trim.

The whole system is single-track (it is foolish to build 2 tracks, because even in the case of the "Atom" signal - evacuation in case of an atomic war, the entire traffic flow is directed in one direction). Oddly enough, but the ventilation shafts from the D-6 tunnels are usually not camouflaged, although they are used much less frequently than in a conventional metro. In ventilation shafts, evacuation elevators are often used. The contact rail is not used. The rails themselves are recessed into carefully fitted concrete slabs, similar to tram tracks. in addition to rail transport, minibuses are also used. There are metal curbs on the sides of the tunnel at the bottom.

The D-6 stations are narrow platforms inside a tunnel like those at the PTO.

The depth of the D-6 varies greatly: from 50 to 200 meters.

Ventilation shaft. Top down view.

Civil haul VDNH-Alekseevskaya.
Closed Sanitary Node in case of emergency.

Take a closer look at the path on the right! And the contact rail then breaks after the boxes ... Suggests a certain thought ...

Semi-civilian haul used to supply state-owned households. warehouses.
The reinforced Hermetic door and a fragment of the suction system are visible (pipes on the left and right)

The same door, the thickness and guides on the floor are better visible.

but here it is much more interesting! You can see the combination of metro and car tunnels.

Everything is ascetic to the point of insanity.

Contact-battery electric locomotives type L

Electric locomotive L No. 0089.

In the early 1970s, the Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant began developing specialized rolling stock for strategic underground metro lines in Moscow and its suburbs.

Due to the absence of a contact rail in the D6 system, it was decided to use trains from ordinary metro cars driven by a contact-battery electric locomotive for operation on strategic metro lines. The design of electric locomotives was carried out under the guidance of the chief designer of the plant A.G. Akimov. Ezh3 cars (factory designation 81-710) were taken as the basis. The electric locomotives were assigned the letter L and the factory designation 81-711. Unlike ordinary cars, L has two cabins, instead of windows and doors of the cabin, there are corrugated walls. There is also no roof over the car, there is only a small arched ceiling in the middle of the car.

Electric locomotive L No. 0089. Photo from the archive of Yuri Zaitsev.

In 1974, 3 electric locomotives L were produced under the numbers 5686, 5710 and 5712. Their numbering was common with the Ezh3 cars mass-produced at that time, which supplemented the train with L, forming special trains. The usual composition scheme: Ezh3-L-Ezh3. Sometimes the compositions were formed in the form of Ezh3-L-L-Ezh3.

Coloring L release in 1974 is the same as that of Ezh3 - the upper part is green, the lower part is blue.

Contrary to popular belief, the speed of communication in D6 is very low: trains cannot reach speeds higher than 15 km/h on a battery run. When moving along the lines of a conventional metro, the speed of movement of the trains can be higher, but then the electric locomotive L is no longer the leader, but the follower - the Ezh3 cars control the train.

In 1986, a new batch of electric locomotives was produced to serve the new sections of the D6 system, also from three pieces. Outwardly, they differ from the L of the first batch: instead of two small groups of corrugations on the sides of the body, there is a solid “zebra” about two-thirds of the height of the body, and on the sides of the cabs above the central decorative strip there are three corrugations instead of two. New electric locomotives from the first batch also differed in color - it was light blue. Between departure from the factory and arrival at D6, the cars spent some time at the Sokol depot, where they were engaged in their final adjustment.

Electric locomotives L of release in 1986 received numbers 0087-0089. Their numbering was already common with cars of the 81-717 type. Complete with new electric locomotives, 4 cars of the Ezh6 type were produced. Around the same time (at the end of the 1980s), 4 cars of the Ezh3 type No. 5581-5584 were transferred from D6 to the Moscow Metro to work on the Zhdanovsko-Krasnopresnenskaya (now Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya) line, and the electric locomotive L No. 5686 was decommissioned and sent to the depot "Planernoye". Of the cars manufactured in 1974, Ezh3 cars No. 5580 and No. 5590 remained in operation in the D6 system - one of the first serial Ezh3 cars, and two electric locomotives L No. 5710 and No. 5712

From time to time, electric locomotives L with cars Ezh3 or Ezh6 pass through the connecting branch to the conventional metro system for maintenance and overhaul, as well as for recharging batteries. The main repair base is located in the Planernoye depot, more serious repairs are carried out approximately once every 13-16 years at the Moscow ZREPS or at the MMZ, and special cars come to ZREPS only one at a time. So, in July 1990, the first and so far the only major overhaul of the electric locomotive L No. 5712 took place at the Vykhinsky site of ZREPS. Cars L No. 0088-0089 and Ezh6 No. 0090-0091 were overhauled in Mytishchi in the summer of 1999, and the electric locomotive No. 0088 was converted to a diesel one during the repair. Electric locomotive L No. 5686 and, apparently, Ezh3 cars decommissioned from D6 in the late 1980s, did not undergo major repairs at all during the years of their work in D6.

This photo was taken at the sunset of an unusual day (winter solstice) in a place with a strange and not completely known history. I will tell it in the form in which I collected it from various Internet sources, I cannot vouch for its authenticity, but I think that in general terms it corresponds to reality.
Behind the high-rise building of Moscow State University for many years there was a huge wasteland. And below it is the underground city of Ramenki, designed for 15 thousand inhabitants, with its own subway and a pedestrian tunnel to the main building of Moscow State University. Its size can be judged by the fact that almost at the Moscow Ring Road, in the Troparevsky forest park, behind the Academy of the General Staff, ventilation shafts of the metro are visible.
In the mid-60s, there were deep ravines, cascades of ponds and rivers on the site of the current Vernadsky Avenue. In 1968-1970, all this was carefully covered with a large amount of soil taken from the construction of an underground city in Ramenki. One of the entrances to the underground city is a strange concrete factory south of Moscow State University.
The underground city was built and equipped with everything necessary in case of war. Even the readers of the Lenin Library could be evacuated to it along the “government” metro-2 line.
According to other sources, the construction of the underground bunker city began in parallel with the construction of the Moscow State University itself. According to unconfirmed reports, it has a depth of 7-8 floors and is designed for a direct hit by a nuclear strike, in some way even "damping the explosion."
The city is directly connected to the secret part of the metro - Metro-2, the branch of which runs in close proximity, and the nearest stations are located at the former Gorbachev's dacha on the street. Kosygin, the central building of Moscow State University and the Academy of the FSB on Michurinsky. Also, "Ramenki-2" is connected to key points of the city (headquarters, secret underground complexes,
Kremlin) underground roads.
Regarding the size, another source claims that "the underground city occupies an area approximately from Moscow State University to Udaltsov Street." The fact that it is supposedly up to the FSB Academy and beyond is nonsense. There are hundred poods of entrances to it in the former KGB skyscrapers.
Regarding the KGB skyscrapers, I can assume that these are houses of an incomprehensible purpose along Vernadsky Avenue, which in Soviet times were called NIBO Nauka. For some time they were in disrepair, some even began to be dismantled, but now they are being equipped and have a quite decent appearance.
The wasteland is gradually shrinking in size: intensive construction is being carried out along the periphery: the prestigious Shuvalovsky microdistrict has been built; residential buildings and a large shopping center have grown near the Universitet metro station. A fundamental library has been built right opposite the main building of Moscow State University, and several new educational buildings are nearby. But the central, gradually shrinking part is still torn apart - garages, landfills, construction sites and other unattractive territories.

The material for this post was three photo shoots. The first is the winter one, with which I started, dedicated mainly to the wasteland. The second is summer, from the prestigious Shuvalovsky microdistrict. And the third - from the new buildings of Moscow State University, with views from the upper floors.
And a few more words about Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, who turned out to be the founder of Moscow University (and I was sure that this was Lomonosov - another paradox associated with these places. Now the first curator of the University, count and favorite of Empress Elizabeth, sits opposite Lomonosov, in front of the Fundamental Library, opened in 2003. The academic building of Moscow State University and the microdistrict, which I will show, bear the name of Shuvalov.

Here it is, a wasteland above the underground city on a short snowless winter day

The sunset over the wasteland and over the houses behind it turned out to be somehow otherworldly, or something. Photo taken from the fundamental library.

In summer, these places look completely different. There is a stupefying smell of freshly cut grass and starlings running around.

The prestigious Shuvalovsky microdistrict, built in the style of a high-rise building of Moscow State University and the Stalinist Empire style, for some reason reminded me of New York from some old movie

Even though it looks good from the inside.

And now - the biggest photo session, made on the so-called day of student science, when free admission is open to two buildings of Moscow State University - the fundamental library and the new building of the humanities faculties. They are just built on the very strange territory.
The first thing I saw when I approached the building of the fundamental library was the children who stuck around the monument to Ivan Shuvalov

The building itself is quite pompous inside. It is obvious that they were trying to get into the Stalinist style of the main building (GZ) with the widespread decoration with wooden panels. I don't know how relevant all this is in the 21st century. But I will demonstrate the marble and the empress (?)

The building houses the Museum of the History of Moscow State University. I quickly ran through it, but only two exhibits were affected.
I have never been in a construction team, but this jacket did not leave me indifferent.

This is exactly how, with the exception of a typewriter and a telephone, the rooms of my fellow students in the dormitory in the GZ were furnished.

And this is the entrance to the new educational building. All the same stylization under the Stalinist style, completely different from the laconically faceless style of Brezhnev's boxes of the first and second buildings of the humanities faculties.

Unlike the library, this building managed to go beyond the area intended for visitors.
First, of course, I climbed to the last, eighth floor, where the elevator went. Here it is, the legendary wasteland

Here are some more top views.

Biological Faculty of Moscow State University, followed by CITY.

Fundamental Library

Microdistrict Shuvalovsky

Before you start reading this article, I want to make a reservation that everything that is written here is by no means classified information and was found on the Internet on public sites and simply logically compared.

There have been rumors about the underground city in Ramenki for a long time, but having become interested in this topic, I naturally did not find anything serious in Runet. Having shoveled forums and various sites, I found only unconfirmed statements about the existence of a secret branch of the Kremlin - Vnukovo and the presence of an underground city in the Ramenok area. The rest of the information comes down to statements like “a drunken plumber said he saw a tunnel”, “a neighbor’s grandmother hears train noises at night” or “an acquaintance of an acquaintance of my friend ...”. In general, zero information. Therefore, I dug a little in the other direction, comparing photographs, facts of the past and present, and my own childhood memories.

So. I think every second, and even the first, who is interested in this topic, has seen this photo from 1991:

All sites claim that these are mines. I haven’t been, I don’t know, now there is practically nothing of this, BUT taking a modern picture, with good eyesight, we suddenly find ... “mine number 3”.)))

Of course, it is now poorly distinguishable, in the motley roofs of garages, of which there are a great many, but nevertheless, this is it. Someone may say that the location does not quite match, but consider a slightly different angle and the fact that the area of ​​the rectangle sandwiched between Moscow State University, Michurinsky Prospekt, the Park of the 50th Anniversary of October and Vernadsky Prospekt is only 2x1.6 km and its central part is entirely visible on picture. It is difficult to get lost even for a small object here. Turning to the sites, we find absolutely unverified information that this is a mine disguised as a "concrete factory". Here is this factory for you, though from the opposite side:

Everything is abandoned, only a new thorn on the fence:

It is located here:

If you're looking at if you can imagine the view from above, then you can easily find the building in Yandex maps at least by a large shadow, and by zooming in, you will recognize all the roofs. "Zavodik" by the way can be seen from two sections of the main alley of the park.

At first, the booth upstairs alerted me, but rummaging through the Internet, I found factories from the times of the USSR with and without booths:

As a result, I had the first questions: Why do we need a concrete plant far from the roads, in this particular place (there used to be a wasteland, now there are garages) and why it has not been liquidated for all this time.

Now a small digression. For further narration, it is necessary to mention a few facts.

1. The "Concrete Plant" was already in the industrial area behind Michurinsky, built back in 1948 for the construction of Moscow State University. There were also other enterprises related to both conventional and railway construction. I remember the buildings of these factories, but finding information about them turned out to be a problem again. Now a residential complex is being built in their place, and in connection with this, a decree was issued with a list of liquidated enterprises, among which the largest territory is occupied by the Ramenskaya base Mospromstroy (area 8.45 hectares, ZhBI-10 JSC and Glavmosstroy (8.73 hectares), Mospromstroymaterialy ( 5.73 ha),Promzheldortrans (6.9 ha)

It was located here (the former industrial zone is outlined in red):

Apparently, such an assistant as the "concrete factory" from the photo was simply necessary for the industrial zone, which occupies several blocks.)))

2. There was a railway line in Ramenki, which operated from 1949 to 2002. It was built again for the construction of Moscow State University. Even marked on maps 20 years ago:

I personally remember diesel locomotives that crossed Michurinsky and created problems for motorists.)))

Given the above facts, questions arise: Why do we need a factory away from all construction sites, but not far from the industrial zone profiled for construction, with a railway line located much closer to Moscow State University. Second question: Why is the railway line so strangely curved? Many will easily find information that it seems that there were also industrial zones during the construction of Moscow State University, BUT looking at the map, it is clear that the railway line does not pass through them, but goes around the backyards. Having imagined the location of the “mines” from the first photo and mentally continuing the strange bend of the railway line, we get the following picture:

I’m not at all hinting at the fact that there was a branch going underground, it’s unlikely, but this area has always been deaf and quiet, no one really climbed there, and somehow there was no particular desire to wander into the eternally silent garages. In general, continuing the mental branch, we ended up in the area of ​​​​the so-called third skyscraper on Vernadsky Avenue (still with armed guards, by the way), randomly passing in the vicinity of the "mines".)))

For dessert, I'll mention one oddity:

Here, the Ramenka River is crossed by two pipes with a diameter of about a meter, leading from the residential area towards the center of the park. One of them (No. 2) can even be seen in Yandex satellite maps:

Of course, from the satellite they look completely undignified, here is one of them (No. 1)

Their purpose is not clear, the only building in the park is the administration, which is a small building with a yard for cleaning equipment and located in the middle of the park. To such buildings and at such a distance, meter pipes are not carried out.

If you have an explanation for these illogicalities and oddities or other considerations in this regard, I will be glad to know them!)))

Thanks for attention!

So what do we have...
Branch 1 goes from the Kremlin to the underground city of Ramenki, which is designed for 15,000 people.
Judging by the photograph, the command post mines are located exactly there, not far from Moscow State University.

military forces in transition. DOD. 1991

satellite view

The first serious information about these subway tunnels appeared in 1992 in one of the AiF issues. There, some aunt wrote that her friend worked as a cleaner in the KGB and she was taken to special facilities by special metro lines. "AiF" answered that this system is described in the annual publication of the US Department of Defense on the Soviet Armed Forces for 1991. The weekly published a simplified map and a list of lines as of 91 years.

The dotted line on the map shows the Metro-2 lines (illustration: Military forces in transition. DOD. 1991).

more recent diagram

In 92, other publications picked up the topic. With the light hand of the Ogonyok magazine, the system was called Metro-2. Through the efforts of the yellow press, an unrealistic amount of nonsense and tales was put into play, thanks to which most Muscovites generally doubt the existence of the system. There are a couple more articles that I still haven’t read: “In the second circle” in Moscow News for 08/02/92 and in Komsomolskaya Pravda in one of the Saturday issues of the fall of 92 on page 3. The theme was worked out in 1992 in the stories of the Saturday TV program "Center". In 1993 and beyond, the subject of Metro-2 almost completely disappeared from the press, someone, apparently, put very serious pressure on it.

Line 1
It was commissioned in 1967 (it is presumed that some part was put into operation earlier). Length 27 km. Stations:

  • Kremlin
  • Library named after Lenin (for evacuation to the underground city in Ramenki of all readers who are in the halls at the time of the Atom signal; maybe the Kremlin station and the Library are the same station)
  • A yellow house with a turret on Smolenskaya Square, designed by Academician Zholtovsky (this is a special house, it has entrances to 2 metro systems: to the Filevskaya line and to Metro-2, because of the elevators to the Metro-2 station in this house, legends about such stations a little or under every nomenklatura house in Moscow)
  • former residence of the first and last President of the USSR on the Lenin Hills
  • underground city near Ramenki (maximum capacity 12,000-15,000 inhabitants) with a pedestrian tunnel to the main building of Moscow State University (entrance at the checkpoint of zone B)
  • Academy of the FSB and the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics of the FSB of Russia (a huge brick building at the entrance to the Olympic village. In one of the occasionally open gates in the building, you can see a long corridor going far down, illuminated on the sides by small lamps)
  • General Staff Academy
  • emergency exit somewhere in Solntsevo
  • government airport Vnukovo-2

The book "Moscow Metro" of 1954 describes the fifth phase of the construction of the metro. If everything is clear with the Shcherbakov (now Riga) radius, then the continuation of the Frunze radius is confusing. A never-realized version with a tunnel under the Moscow River is described. The length of the section is 6.5 km. "Frunzenskaya" is according to the plan in the same place where it is now. "Usachevskaya" either became "Sportivnaya", or should have been located closer to Bolshaya Pirogovskaya. Luzhnikovskaya was supposed to be at the entrance to the stadium in Luzhniki on Novoluzhnetsky. Land vestibules of "Leninskiye Gory" were planned on the slopes of the Vorobyovy Gory and from the side of the Vorobyevskoye Highway (Kosygin St.). "University" is planned next to the main building of Moscow State University.

In 1957 and 1959 everything was built differently.

There is an implausible story that for the youth festival of 1957 a branch was built from the "Park of Culture" to the "University". In the spirit of Khrushchev's decision to reduce the cost of construction, the designers decided to lay part of the passenger route along the first line of the Metro-2 tunnel, which had already been built by that time. It would seem that there is a ready-made tunnel dug under the Moscow River, which means that it will not be necessary to spend time and money on building a new crossing through this water barrier. But at the very last moment, the "competent authorities" said decisively: no! And I had to flog a fever, changing the project, diverting the new metro route to the side and building a metro bridge with the Leninskiye Gory station. The memory of that long-standing "discrepancy" was the characteristic bend of this metro line near the station "Sportivnaya" and the miracle bridge that is now dying, which was built in a hurry with violations of construction technology. Frankly, I didn’t really believe in this story, but a few things make you think, maybe there is some truth in all this.

Initially, they wanted to build the "University" next to the MGU. But after all, the first line of Metro-2 passes just under the GZ, more precisely, through the 3rd basement or level-3, where there are cryogenic installations for generating liquid nitrogen to freeze the soil. Entrance through the checkpoint area B of the main building. By the way, in the first basement, almost exactly under the zone B checkpoint, there is a door with a combination lock and a TV camera.

According to the American DIA (Defence Intelligence Agency), the Metro-2 station of the first line is located under the former residence of the first and last President of the USSR (Gorbachev) on Leninskiye Gory, and this is exactly the place where the Leninskiye Gory station was planned.

Most likely, projects of tunnels and deep stations were developed. Then Khrushchev ordered to sharply reduce the cost of construction. Then they built a miracle bridge, in which there is more salt than concrete. And a bend with a rise after "Sportivnaya" appeared. But already in the 60s, when the bunker in Kuntsevo and the first line of Metro-2 began to be built, then the old projects were raised. What's the point of duplicating work? And slowly the tunnel was zababakhali according to old projects, but already single-track.

If you go from "Sportivnaya" to "University", then on the left along the course after "Sportivnaya" you can first see the stage connecting the path you are traveling with the opposite one. Then you see a branch to the left along the course of the train. Officially, this is a reverse dead end, but it continues further, descending between the main tunnels under the river and going in an arc steeply to the side. The contact rail in this tunnel breaks. The tunnel itself eventually rests on a steel gate. This the only one gate of the regular metro and Metro-2 in Moscow.

When planning the construction of the Temple in honor of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, there were several projects, one of them was to build a temple on Sparrow Hills. Construction has not started, as the ground here is very weak, which is not able to withstand a large building. But what the tsarist architects could not do, the Stalinist ones did. When the main building of Moscow State University was being built, they dug a huge foundation pit, filled it with liquid nitrogen, then put refrigeration units in the place that later became known as the 3rd basement or floor -3. This zone was given the status of super secret, since in the event of a possible sabotage and the failure of freezers, the building will float into the Moscow River in a week. The 3rd basement was in charge of the 15th KGB department. It is this level of Moscow State University that connects to the underground city in Ramenki and the Metro-2 station.

In the Troparevsky forest park, behind the Academy of the General Staff, you can see the ventilation shafts of the metro. The Academy of the General Staff itself is a building with a central building and side buildings around. If you look from the street, then they have 5 floors, but in fact it is much more. The elevator goes underground for a few more. Down there there are many very well guarded places where almost no one can go. From some sources it was pulled out that this is the exit to Metro-2.

When there was no "Pr. Vernadsky”, on the site of “Salute” there was a grandiose rugged terrain: ravines, a cascade of ponds, a river. In 68-70, all this was carefully covered with a large amount of soil, taken, probably, from the construction of the first line and the underground city in Ramenki.

If we draw a line from Yugo-Zapadnaya to Ochakovo and set aside 500 meters, we get to a place where there was something similar to a concrete factory with a lift with a wheel on top. Every morning a terrible crowd of people descended downstairs. Everything went on until the age of 79.

The main construction base of the first line is the same notorious concrete factory south of Moscow State University. It is there that materials are imported and land is exported.

There is evidence that the first line was lengthened in 1986-87. There are two interesting places in the suburbs. This is the military town of Vlasikha (aka Odintsovo-10). There, in 58-64, a command complex of the Strategic Missile Forces was built with a 4-tier bunker and the residence of their commander. In 1986-87 a new 12-tier bunker was built two kilometers from the old one. The rails below were seen for sure. There is also the town of Golitsino-2, the MCC of the military space forces. Quite interesting - the entrances to the bunker are in small houses, like residential ones. There is one square in the town on which there is a monument - an ancient radar station, everything is there. People working there know for certain that the branch to Vnukovo-2 runs there.

Directly in Odintsovo itself, in 1987, they began to build a residential area "new houses" for the builders of Metro-2. There is also a station there.

Line 2
Given at the beginning of 87. The length is 60 km (it turns out that the world record for metro tunnels). It starts from the Kremlin, then south parallel to the Varshavskoe highway through Vidnoe to the government boarding house "Bor" (there is a reserve command post of the General Staff).

There is a mothballed station on the line, to which the same mysterious passage from the Tretyakovskaya Kalininskaya line leads.

It is likely that the line should be extended to the new Voronovo bunker (somewhere 74 km south of the Kremlin). There is still inaccurate information that the line goes somewhere beyond Chekhov. Summer residents from Alachkovo tell about the local military town that they have an underground facility that goes 30 floors underground, they say they were in such an exercise: it stands in a huge hall (the eyewitness could not say the size, but says “just huge”) simple composition, they set it on fire from the metro, and then extinguish it. Those who live in Kryukovo (near Chekhov) sometimes wake up at night from the fact that a train passes under them. Summer residents in Vidnoye say that in the early 80s they dug something there and very deeply. They remember only in a few places the pits are large and deep, but the walls were reinforced with boards or something else, and the pits were one after the other, that is, on the same line.

The construction base of the second line is located somewhere in Tsaritsino.

Line 3

Cdan also at the beginning of 87 years. Length 25 km. It starts from the Kremlin, then Lubyanka (maybe there is a station near the Bolshoi Theater, because from the fountain on Teatralnaya Square it was possible to climb into the Metro-2 tunnel), the air defense headquarters of the Moscow Military District on Myasnitskaya, 33 (located next to public reception of the Ministry of Defense on Myasnitskaya, 37, which in turn has a car tunnel to Stalin's dacha in Kuntsevo. During the war, departments of the General Staff and air defense officers were located at the Kirovskaya station. Trains did not stop there, the platform was fenced off from the tracks with a high plywood wall After the war, traces of this activity were destroyed for a long time.Under the station and the building on Myasnitskaya, 33, a new bunker was built for the air defense headquarters) and the Air Defense Central Command (and the Main Air Force and Air Defense Headquarters there) in the village of Zarya, Balashikha District, where a military town with 20,000 inhabitants.

The line runs parallel to the Entuziastov Highway and through Izmailovsky Park. Most likely, it has a station near the Red Gate (this one is questionable, but there is definitely a huge Stalinist bunker there - with a manhole exit to the Red Gate platform).

People working in the Zarya bunker are called "moles". And also - "miners". Every day they go into an inconspicuous-looking brick house and descend on high-speed elevators to a depth of 122 meters. The last check of documents, a machine gunner next to a small border post, massive iron doors that slam shut automatically at the first sign of danger - and our heroes find themselves at one of the most secret military facilities in Russia. This underground city is the Central Command Post (CKP) of the air defense forces, the holy of holies of our defense power. Even the first government officials and important foreign guests cannot get here. Any excursion requires the personal permission of the Minister of Defense. The party ordered our military to burrow into the ground back in 1958. All the General Staffs and the Central Command Center were urgently transferred to the nearest suburbs. The "cold" war could turn into a nuclear one at any moment, and the very first bombardments of the capital could leave the army without "eyes", "ears" and "language". In order to prevent this, we decided to urgently bury all the most valuable things in the ground and lead the troops from powerful bunkers. The underground city was built in the Stakhanov style: already in the 61st year, the first "moles" celebrated a housewarming party. For this, thanks to the Marshal of the Soviet Union Pavel Batitsky and the metro builders - they were invited to carry out an important task for the Motherland. The bunker city provides everything to survive the end of the world: its own power plants, fire extinguishing systems, water and air purification, sewerage, food supplies. They say that there are even places where you can sleep comfortably and on white linen. Even the women who work here do not particularly complain about the conditions. The transport problem in the "city" built for 1,100 people has also been solved. There are four elevators at the service of the staff - two passenger and two cargo.

Line 4
Information about her is almost fictional. The budget of Russia in 1997 included the amount for its construction. Moreover, this fact caused a scandal and proceedings in Congress, because they had to build at the expense of American loans. Will start in the Smolenskaya or Kosygin area, as a branch from the first line, then under Pobedy Park (where it will share the infrastructure with the planned regular metro line) to the new A-50 bunker at 48 Rublevsky Highway - next to Yeltsin's house on Autumn boulevard. Then a sanatorium / bunker complex in Barvikha.

The entire Metro-2 system was previously under the control of the 15th department of the KGB (underground workers). This department subsequently came under the wing of the FSB. Metro-2 has nothing to do with the Office of the Presidential Affairs, which is headed by P. Borodin. He built and is building some kind of box where people are recruited from the usual metro construction. And they live, as I already wrote, in Odintsovo.

The system is little known, because it is not a government metro, that is, it does not transport top government officials (including Yeltsin) in peacetime. The main function is readiness for evacuation. In addition - economic transportation: cargo, service personnel, etc.

The whole system is single-track (it is foolish to build 2 tracks, because even in the case of the “Atom” signal - evacuation in case of an atomic war or something else terrible - the entire flow of traffic is directed in one direction). Unlike a regular subway, there are no ventilation shafts from the tunnels. Construction was carried out by a closed method, and without intermediate shafts (like a tunnel under the English Channel). The contact rail is not used on long hauls - only on central ones. One of the metro trains of the second or third lines consists of 4 cars - at the ends there are two contact-battery electric locomotives "L", in the center there are 2 saloon cars with Ezh6 curtains, made on the basis of the Ezh3 series with new nodes from 81-714. The train was undergoing scheduled repairs at the Izmailovo metro depot in the early 90s.

There is also information about Metro-2 cars from one informed comrade from the Moscow Metro administration. All this was released between 1986 and 1987 in Mytishchi, just when Metro-2 lines 2 and 3 were built:

0087 Contact-battery electric locomotive "L".
0088 Contact-battery electric locomotive "L".
0089 Contact-battery electric locomotive "L".
0090 Ezh6 series car.
0091 Ezh6 series car.
0092 Ezh6 series car.
0093 Ezh6 series car.

Trailer platforms UP-2 or MK 2/15 are used for the transportation of household goods.

The tunnels under the Metro-2 station are made of tubing 1.5 times larger than the tunnel ones. They resemble the track hall (third) of an ordinary 3-vaulted deep station. The exception should be the stations under the Lenin Library, the Kremlin and Ramenki.

The strategic importance of the subway tunnel system is enormous. It is not surprising that from the beginning of construction, stations and tunnels carried not only a transport, but also a military-defense function. The project for the construction of the second stage of the subway included the Sovetskaya station, located under Sovetskaya Square, between the Teatralnaya (Sverdlov Square in those days) and Mayakovskaya stations. In order to speed up the construction, the station was never built (for more details on the projects of the second stage, see the History of projects section). Using elements of the original design of the station, a highly protected bunker was built for the underground control room of the Moscow Defense Headquarters. The distillation tunnels run a few dozen meters from the bunker.

"... And now, around the clock in the bunker of the civil defense headquarters, there is continuous duty. All information about incidents in the city flows to the central console. And if something emergency happens, offices are ready here for those who will manage rescue and other urgent work on protection of the population. There is also equipment that allows you to intercept radio and television broadcasts and, if necessary, "wedged" into them with your messages. In closed cabinets, pre-prepared texts and recordings are stored in this case ... "
From an interview with I. Kuzyaev, Chief of the Civil Defense Staff of Moscow.

During the war, the Kirovskaya station (now Chistye Prudy) housed the departments of the General Staff and Air Defense. Trains did not stop there, the platform was fenced off by a high plywood wall. Later, a new bunker for the air defense headquarters was built under the station, now abandoned.

Having traveled a long enough way along the tunnel corridor, from the auxiliary rooms we get into the main halls. Now we quite clearly understand the whole scale and grandeur of these structures. Here, they did not stint on the marble cladding of the walls, and on the high ceilings, the same as in the subway familiar to us. Moreover, further travel showed that we ended up in a real abandoned underground city. Until quite recently, everything here was ready for the autonomous existence of the chosen people. They left this place in a hurry, hastily destroying the lighting and partially dismantling the valuable equipment...
...The first room we randomly stumbled upon was a huge shooting range. It does not leave the slightest doubt in the former owners of this entire world. However, already from the very entrance to the dungeon, everything was felt with dull military pedantry - from the lower parts of the walls carefully outlined in dark red paint to very original stenciled inscriptions on the walls and broken doors ...
...Behind the shooting gallery, we come across numerous life support rooms - generator rooms, electrical switchboards, plumbing. All of them are filled with a bizarre interweaving of thick metal pipes, painted in different colors...
...On the way, we constantly come across gloomy tunnels in different directions. Hundreds of cables of various thicknesses run along the walls of the tunnels. Many of them are cut off, but some of them are probably still active and under voltage...

Photos and text from the site "Video-9"

During the war, an underground bunker was built in Kuntsevo for the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander. Information about this bunker can be found in the magazine "Profile" N9 (81) dated March 9, 1998.

A similar bunker was built near the Izmailovsky Park station. Perhaps there is a transition from the station to the bunker. The middle track at the station, in addition to the planned larger passenger traffic, carried the function of Stalin's special track during ceremonial events.

Title "metro-2" the system of secret tunnels received after publication in the magazine "Ogonyok", in 1992 for the first time raising this topic. The real name of the system is "D6"

Judging by the diagram http://www.metro.ru/map/secret_map.html, more than 150 kilometers of lines were built in Moscow "metro-2", including a 60 km line to Chekhov, to Vnukovo and Domodedovo airports.

I will allow myself to disagree with the version presented there, especially since most of the facts described are not supported by real data. The construction of deep underground structures cannot be completely kept secret.
Even if during the construction of tunnels "metro-2" there were much fewer external manifestations of the work being carried out than during the construction of conventional tunnels, it would still be impossible to keep the construction secret. After all, no matter how much the KGB tried to hide the construction of the facility in Ramenki, the existence of this grandiose underground city is no longer a secret.

Even if we assume that not only in the center, but also on the outskirts and in the forests near Moscow, construction was carried out in a closed way, at great depths, all the same, construction shafts (and after construction they turn into ventilation), every 4-5 km ., a chain would mark the route of the line.
There is no need to talk about an attempt to keep the construction of lines in an open way secret.

And most importantly, the need for such facilities is not clear. For example, why special lines to Vnukovo airport? In the event of a nuclear strike in the entire Moscow region, there will be not a single aircraft capable of taking off, moreover, not a single runway suitable for this. And other emergencies that could lead to the need for a mass evacuation of the top party and military leadership were not expected at that time.

But by themselves, rumors do not come from nowhere. Based on fragmentary and incomplete information, the following, I emphasize, a very approximate picture emerges.


Under Moscow, there really is a network of secret tunnels and underground bunkers. The complexes of government buildings on Myasnitskaya, Staraya Square, the Kremlin, Vozdvizhenka and Smolenskaya Square are almost certainly connected underground.
This is evidenced by the stairways leading "to nowhere" at Arbatskaya, Kievskaya-radialnaya, and a number of other deep-laid metro stations in the city center. (It should be noted that unused flights of stairs at Tretyakovskaya-2 future second transition to Novokuznetskaya).

During German raids in 1941, an aerial bomb destroyed the ceiling of the Filevskaya Line tunnel. This was one of the reasons for the construction of a duplicating deep-laying section of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line in the 1950s. Probably, at the same time, the construction of a special deep-laying line was begun, connecting the complex in Ramenki, bunkers under the building of the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense, and facilities in the central part of the city.

The line starts near the Kremlin/Arbatskaya Square and runs southwest parallel to the Sokolnicheskaya line past the General Staff building complex on Frunzenskaya Embankment to Luzhniki.

Further, the line passes under the bottom of the Moskva River and is connected to the Sokolnicheskaya line through the tunnel, visible from the train following from "Sportivnaya" to "Universitet", on the left side in the direction of travel. Officially, this is a reverse dead end, but it continues further, descending between the main tunnels under the river and going in an arc steeply to the side. The tunnel rests against steel lattice gates covered with fiberglass. Behind them are the D28 pressure gates with a massive concrete block.

Steel pressure gates at the end of the tunnel from the station "Sportivnaya" under the bottom of the Moscow River.

A separate deep line from the center of Moscow to Ramenki was needed because sections of the Sokolnicheskaya line, from Frunzenskaya to Lubyanka, are shallow and, like the Luzhnetsky Metro Bridge, will be destroyed and cannot be used in the event of a nuclear strike.

The special line, it seems, was built simultaneously with the extension of the Sokolnicheskaya line from the "Park Kultury" to the "University". In the original project, instead of the station "Sportivnaya" there were two stations "Usachevskaya" and "Luzhnikovskaya" at the entrance to the stadium. Instead of a bridge, a tunnel under the Moscow River was supposed:

"... SMU-2 was preparing for the construction of the Luzhnikovskaya station and sinking under the Moskva River to the southwest. Glikin worked there for more than a year and a half: a shower plant, a boiler room, warehouses, a mechanical workshop were installed, a shaft, near-shaft workings were completed. And here, by order "from above," the head of SMU-2, F.I.
From the article "Golden Anniversary". "Metrostroyevets" No. 32 (13058) August 23, 2002

The project was hastily revised, the bridge and the tunnel were being built at the same time. The bridge crossing for the Sokolnicheskaya line, most likely, was chosen not only for reasons of cheapness and construction time, but also because of the relief, because the Sparrow Hills rise almost 100 meters above the river and there is an almost continuous rise to the Universitet station. Perhaps there is an intermediate station on the special line near the station "Universitet".

Carefully guarded kiosk of the ventilation shaft of the D6 system.

After the complex in Ramenki, the line continues further to the south-west, past the complex of the Academy of the General Staff. This is evidenced by the presence of an interesting object on the Vostryakovskoye Highway, which is under the jurisdiction of the GUSP. The territory is fenced with a fence with large letters "M" on the gate :-) and a sign "Main Department of Metros of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR. Laboratory for Testing and Measurements of the Moscow Metro".

Indirect confirmation of the existence of the D6 system was a few phrases of the former prefect of the Central Administrative District Muzykantsky during one of the interviews:

"... these are underground transport communications connecting the Kremlin with command posts, which are designed to ensure the stable operation of the country's top military and political leadership during an armed conflict, including a nuclear one. This is a gigantic system. It took 40 years to build. the amount of money. Until 91, the very existence, the very existence of this system was the highest state secret ... "

Here is another saying:
Komsomolskaya Pravda, July 6, 1998. article about "metro-2":

"...Khanan Isaakovich Abramson - candidate of technical sciences, a mining engineer with 60 years of experience, not only saw or heard, but he himself built a number of secret defense structures underground.
In an interview with the Tekhnika-Youth magazine, he said that "metro-2" as such does not exist. Only separate branches that connect underground government facilities. The branches are significantly removed from each other, laid either above or below the existing metro lines ... "

The entire system of secret lines was previously under the control of the 15th Directorate of the KGB.

Now the system of tunnels and bunkers is handled by the "Service of Special Objects". Created by Yeltsin's decree N350 of March 15, 1999 "ISSUES OF THE SERVICE OF SPECIAL OBJECTS UNDER THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION".

There are interesting phrases in the decree:
"... maintenance and operation in peacetime of technical means of special facilities, special vehicles, as well as their reliable functioning in wartime and in emergency peacetime conditions ..."
"...keeps special vehicles in readiness..."

This service is part of the Main Directorate of Special Programs under the President of the Russian Federation (GUSP), which is in charge of a huge economy: secret bunkers, tunnels and buildings throughout the country. Everything connected with the activities of the GUSP is shrouded in darkness. The head of this special service never reports publicly, unlike, for example, the director of the FSB.

The construction of special facilities is being carried out by Transinzhstroy OJSC (formerly Office 10A), a construction organization that built, among other things, the objects of the "ordinary" metro: the stations "Barrikadnaya", "Ulitsa 1905 Goda", "Krylatskoye" and "Park Pobedy".

Underground bunker under construction

Sites of OAO Transinzhstroy with mine headframes are found where no metro lines pass. The signs on the fence of these sites succinctly inform that OJSC "Transinzhstroy" is "constructing/reconstructing metro facilities" here.

All this suggests that secret underground facilities in Moscow continue to be built.

in metro 2, contact-battery electric locomotives of type L operate
detailed description here: http://vagon.metro.ru/special/l.html

(c) Yuri Zaitsev

Underground city of Ramenki
Officially, there are no metro stations in the Ramenki district. But deep underground there is a city of the same name, designed for 15 thousand inhabitants, with its own subway and a pedestrian tunnel to the main building of Moscow State University

The desert lands along the Ramenka and Setun rivers became known in the 14th century, when they passed into the possession of the Moscow metropolitans. The courtyards built here and the Church of the Three Hierarchs remained the summer residence of the Moscow metropolitans until the 18th century. True, Ramenki has long enjoyed "bad" fame - the pestilence of 1771 wiped out the entire local population - about 20 families. The census data for 1902 notes that only 441 inhabitants lived in Ramenki. But on the other hand, it has long been known that the lands near the Ramenka River have a mysterious, healing power. In the XVI-XVIII centuries in the village of Vorobyevo there was a country palace with a vast courtyard of the Moscow Grand Dukes and Tsars. The monarchs also preferred to escape from the enemy or improve their health on Sparrow Hills. When the Crimean Khan Mohammed Giray approached Moscow in the summer of 1521, Grand Duke Vasily III fled the city to his palace in Vorobyov. During the terrible fire of Moscow in 1547, Ivan the Terrible hid here. In the 17th century, the family of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich lived in a mansion on Sparrow Hills. His son, Tsar Fedor Alekseevich, was often sick, and no doctors could help the way the nature of Ramenok did.
Muscovites from the end of the 19th century liked to rent dachas here for the summer or just come for a walk. Each house had a garden with tables where samovars, teapots with tea leaves and simple pastries were served for a small fee. Wooden mountains were built on the slope of the Sparrow Hills, on which vacationers rode in special carts: a kind of summer Russian ice slides.
It seems that the mysterious power and beauty of these places disposed to something significant. In October 1813, they decided to build the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on Sparrow Hills in honor of Russia's victory in the war against Napoleon, according to the project of A. L. Vitberg. But the construction did not work out, and after 14 years, work was stopped due to subsidence of the soil. By the way, 140 years later, N. S. Khrushchev was going to build the Palace of Soviets on the same place, but also unsuccessfully.
In the 18th century, professors in the capital demanded that the authorities build a university building on Sparrow Hills. However, in 1775, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna refused the scientists and built a university in the center of Moscow, closer to the Kremlin, on the site of the current Historical Museum. Nevertheless, in 1949-1953, the high-rise of Moscow State University was nevertheless built, already on the Lenin Hills.
In order for the pride of Stalinist architecture (36 floors, 236 meters in height, the star on the spire weighs 12 tons) to stand on quicksand, they dug a huge foundation pit, filled it with liquid nitrogen, installed refrigeration units, and they began to build the building itself. The place where the refrigerators are located is called the third basement, since there are two more above it. This is a secret zone guarded by a special "underground" department of the FSB (formerly the 15th department of the KGB). The security measures are clear: if you turn off the refrigerators, in a week the building will float into the Moscow River. The third basement of Moscow State University is connected to the underground city of Ramenki and the station of the "government" metro-2.
Little is known about the underground city itself, for obvious reasons. Its size can be judged by the fact that almost at the Moscow Ring Road, in the Troparevsky forest park, behind the Academy of the General Staff, ventilation shafts of the metro are visible. In the mid-60s, there were deep ravines, cascades of ponds and rivers on the site of the current Vernadsky Avenue. In 1968-1970, all this was carefully covered with a large amount of soil taken from the construction of an underground city in Ramenki. One of the entrances to the underground city is a strange concrete factory south of Moscow State University.
The underground city was built and equipped with everything necessary in case of war. Even the readers of the Lenin Library could be evacuated to it along the “government” metro-2 line. Thus, the inhabitants of Ramenki are formally connected with the Kremlin, and with the Stalinist dacha in Kuntsevo, and with the reception of the Ministry of Defense on Myasnitskaya, and even with Vnukovo airport. And the residents, as compensation for the lack of a metro, were perfectly organized by ground public transport.

Video materials:
Secrets of Metro-2

Secret Subway (2006 renTV)