Hormones for healing and rejuvenation. "It's time to lose weight" - a diet when taking hormonal drugs What will happen if you do not drink hormones

Myth 1: Hormonal drugs are special contraceptive pills for women.

No. Hormonal preparations are medicines obtained synthetically. They act like natural hormones produced in our body. There are many organs in the human body that secrete hormones: female and male reproductive organs, endocrine glands, central nervous system and others. Accordingly, hormonal preparations can be different, and they are prescribed for a variety of diseases.

Female hormonal preparations (containing female sex hormones) may or may not have a contraceptive effect. Sometimes, on the contrary, they normalize the hormonal background and contribute to the onset of pregnancy. Preparations containing male sex hormones are prescribed to men with a decrease in the quality of the ejaculate (that is, sperm motility), with hypofunction, and a decrease in the level of male sex hormones.

Myth 2: Hormones are prescribed only for very severe diseases

No. There are a number of non-severe diseases in which hormonal drugs are also prescribed. For example, decreased thyroid function (hypofunction). Doctors often prescribe hormones in this case, for example, thyroxine or eutiroks.

Myth 3: If you do not take a hormonal pill on time, then nothing bad will happen.

No. Hormonal preparations should be taken strictly by the hour. For example, a hormonal contraceptive pill works for 24 hours. Accordingly, it is necessary to drink it once a day. There are drugs that you need to drink 2 times a day. These are some male sex hormones, as well as corticosteroids (eg, dexamethasone). Moreover, it is recommended to take hormones at the same time of day. If you drink hormones irregularly, or forget to drink at all, the level of the necessary hormone can drop sharply.

For example, if a woman forgot to take a hormonal contraceptive pill, the next day she should drink the forgotten evening pill in the morning, and another pill in the evening of the same day. If the interval between doses was more than a day (recall: a hormonal contraceptive pill is valid for 24 hours), then the level of hormones in the blood will decrease very much. In response to this, slight spotting will certainly appear. In such cases, you can continue taking birth control pills, but additionally use protection for the next week. If more than 3 days have passed, it is necessary to stop taking hormones, use other means of contraception, wait for the onset of menstruation and additionally consult a doctor.

Myth 4: If you take hormones, they accumulate in the body

No. When the hormone enters the body, it immediately breaks down into chemical compounds, which are then excreted from the body. For example, a birth control pill breaks down and “leaves” the body during the day: that is why it needs to be taken every 24 hours.

Need to know: The mechanism of long-term action of hormones is not associated with their accumulation in the body. This is simply the principle of action of these drugs: "work" through other structures of the body.

However, hormonal drugs continue to "work" after they have stopped taking them. But they work indirectly. For example, a woman takes hormonal pills for several months, then stops taking them, and in the future she has no problems with her cycle.

Why is this happening? Hormonal drugs act on different target organs. For example, female birth control pills affect the ovaries, uterus, mammary glands, and parts of the brain. When the pill "left" the body, the mechanism that it launched continues to work.

Myth 5: Hormonal drugs are not prescribed during pregnancy

Discharged. If a woman had hormonal disorders before pregnancy, then during the bearing of the fetus she needs drug support so that the production of female and male hormones is normal and the child develops normally.

Or another situation. Before pregnancy, the woman was fine, but with her onset, something suddenly went wrong. For example, she suddenly notices that intense hair growth has begun from the navel down and around the nipples. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor who can prescribe a hormonal examination, and, if necessary, prescribe hormones. Not necessarily female sex - it can be, for example, adrenal hormones.

Myth 6: Hormonal drugs have a lot of side effects, primarily weight gain.

There are almost no drugs without side effects. But you need to distinguish side effects that do not require discontinuation of the drug. For example, swelling of the mammary glands when taking contraceptive hormones is considered a normal phenomenon. Scanty spotting in the first or second months of admission in the intermenstrual period also has the right to be. Headache, dizziness, fluctuations in weight (plus or minus 2 kg) - all this is not a pathology and not a sign of a disease. Hormonal preparations are prescribed for a sufficiently long period. By the end of the first month, the body adapts, and everything returns to normal.

But, in order to avoid really serious problems associated with, say, blood vessels, it is imperative to be examined and tested before prescribing a medicine and while taking it. And only a doctor can prescribe you a specific hormonal drug that will not harm your health.

Myth 7: You can always find an alternative to hormones.

Not always. There are situations when hormonal drugs are indispensable. Let's say a woman under 50 had her ovaries removed. As a result, she begins to age and lose health very quickly. In this case, her body until the age of 55-60 must be supported by hormone therapy. Of course, provided that her underlying disease (due to which the ovaries were removed) has no contraindications to such an appointment.

Moreover, with some diseases, female sex hormones can be strictly recommended even by a neuropsychiatrist. For example, with depression.

Endocrinologists and gynecologists have been using hormonal preparations for a long time to restore hormonal levels and treat many diseases associated with a lack or excess of hormones. But for residents of Russia, especially those older than 40-45 years old, this is one of the biggest "horror stories", so the percentage of those taking these drugs is low, although this is a real chance to prolong youth, restore or preserve health.

Should I take hormonal drugs?

Hormones are involved in almost all processes occurring in a woman's body, regardless of age. Hormonal failure can occur as a result of any disease or be a consequence of the onset of menopause in a woman. To restore the background, it is simply impossible to do without special preparations.

After 45 years, hormone replacement therapy in England is taken by about 55% of women, and in Russia - less than 1%.

Hormonal drugs are widely used to treat and stabilize conditions caused by hormone imbalances.

Are hormonal drugs really that dangerous?

Preparations containing hormones, entering the body, interact with receptors that are sensitive to these proteins. As a result, low hormonal levels rise. This is called hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which is prescribed to a woman in such cases:

  • Thyroid dysfunction. As a result, there is an imbalance of the corresponding hormones, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy.
  • Diabetes. Without insulin-containing (hormonal) drugs, a woman's life is threatened.
  • Infertility. Often the reason for this is a high level of prolactin, the suppression of which with appropriate drugs will solve the problem.
  • Climax, including artificial. Occurs as a result of the extinction of ovarian function or their removal. It is they who produce estrogen and progesterone, which are responsible for reproductive function, youthful skin, the severity of symptoms such as hot flashes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis.

All of these cases are a direct indication for the appointment of HRT, without which the quality of life of a woman decreases, there is a threat of developing serious diseases.

Myths about HRT

Many do not know for sure why hormones should not be taken, they have no reasons for this, but there is a great fear. It is caused by the following myths:

  • They are only contraceptives. This is not so, because the effect on the body depends on the type of acting hormone, its concentration. HRT successfully fights a large number of different diseases.
  • It is a treatment for severe dysfunctions. In fact, even a slight deviation from the norm can cause health problems that can be easily solved by taking hormonal drugs.
  • Hormones should not be taken during pregnancy. This is a categorical misconception that leads to self-refusal of patients from taking prescribed drugs. This, in turn, leads to a threat to the life of the child and mother (thyroid dysfunction causes underdevelopment, including mental, in children).
  • Hormones accumulate in tissues. These substances cannot be stored for a long time, therefore, in the absence of a reaction with receptors, they are quickly destroyed.
  • HRT provokes weight gain. This is possible only with an incorrectly chosen dosage (self-medication), as a result of which a hormonal imbalance develops. It leads to improper absorption of nutrients.
  • HRT can be replaced with non-hormonal drugs. An alternative may be products based on phytoestrogens. But they are not able to fully replace hormones, and long-term use causes allergic reactions.
  • Young people are not threatened with hormonal failure. Imbalance can be caused by any factor, including stressful situations. Therefore, age is not a contraindication for taking replacement therapy.

Russian women have an absolutely unfounded fear of HRT, which is based on myths, not real facts.

Pros and cons of hormonal drugs

Women are afraid of hormones that are natural for their body, while boldly taking foreign substances - antibiotics. Estrogen and progesterone are of the greatest importance for women's health. Maintaining their normal balance will prevent the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, coronary disease, uterine fibroids, atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. They will also significantly reduce the manifestations of menopausal syndrome, will allow you to establish the menstrual cycle.

Only the attending physician, who has conducted the necessary examinations, can make a decision on the appointment of a particular drug and its doses.

Modern drugs are microdoses that are as safe as possible for a woman's health, and practically do not cause side effects. But sometimes side effects such as dizziness, nausea, indigestion, candidiasis, and a feeling of lack of air can occur. If you notice any deterioration in well-being, consult a doctor so that he can adjust the therapy.

Why are hormonal drugs dangerous for women?

The danger of taking hormonal drugs arises only in case of self-medication. There are a number of contraindications for prescribing HRT, and a detailed examination is also required beforehand.

Replacement therapy is contraindicated if there is:

  • Malignant tumors of the breast or uterus. This is a 100% contraindication, while benign neoplasms do not apply to the prohibition of prescribing hormone therapy. Recent studies show that modern drugs can prevent the development of any tumor processes.
  • Ovarian cyst. But the ban applies only to diseases caused by an imbalance of sex hormones. If the cause is pituitary hormones, then therapy is indicated for use.
  • High thrombosis. In this case, taking HRT can provoke the appearance of new blood clots.
  • Myocardial infarction as a result of coronary artery disease. This suggests that it is too late to take hormones.
  • Fibroadenoma. The risk of degeneration of a benign formation into a malignant one is increased.

Other types of cancer are not a contraindication to HRT.

Many girls, at the mention of the phrase "hormonal drugs", instinctively feel threatened and fearful. Indeed, in the understanding of the majority of the fair sex, who have nothing to do with the field of medicine, hormones are pills that have monstrous power and bring a large number of similar effects.

Features of the classification

The composition of hormonal drugs contains special substances that are similar in their properties to hormones. The development of the last elements occurs in the endocrine functions of a person, and they spread throughout the body along with the blood, affecting the systems they need.

The conditional classification of hormonal drugs suggests the existence of several groups.

pituitary - These are hormones such as gonadotropin, oxytocin. The funds can be used by any woman if it is necessary to take on the treatment of hypothyroidism, when there is insufficient production of her own hormones.

Pancreas- Traditionally, this group includes basic preparations, for example, insulin and parathyroid glands. This group involves the use of well-known drugs.

sex hormones are androgens, anabolics. These funds are taken if it is necessary to normalize the reproductive function after passing a special consultation with a specialist.

What is treated with hormonal drugs

Despite the fact that many people are wary of these drugs, it can be said that they play an important role in the lives of many women and are related to essential substances.

Why is hormonal therapy necessary?

  • Contraception - in this case, we mean hormone therapy during menopause in men and women;
  • In order to eliminate inflammatory processes in the body and various types of allergies;
  • If necessary, getting rid of hormonal deficiency - in the form of hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus;
  • The use of hormonal agents in oncological diseases of various types is justified.

Hormonal pills: benefit or harm?

Modern hormonal drugs are not designed to help people actively fight various problems.

That is, taking only them, you can not get rid of excess weight or excess hair growth, so taking it solely for cosmetic purposes is the wrong decision. If you decide to take such medications, then you should tune in to the fact that they will only help in getting rid of a few things.

It is STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED to take hormonal drugs without a doctor's prescription, since self-medication can lead to irreversible processes.

Only with the help of a competent doctor can you get rid of the problem, create protection and gain confidence in your own health. In this case, hormonal remedies can give not only an excellent internal state, but also improve your appearance, giving the skin beauty.

Many people are convinced that taking hormonal pills is a necessity for changes inside and out. In principle, if you go through a consultation with a good endocrinologist and go to a gynecologist, they can disprove this myth.

However, in many cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed in the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

Hormonal pills during pregnancy

Insufficient production of hormones can also be encountered during pregnancy, since hypothyroidism is often an unpredictable disease.

If there is a need to take funds designed to help in the fight against ailments, you can take drugs, but only if you have previously consulted with your doctor.

Hormonal pills for mastopathy

Means in the presence of this disease are also appointed by a specialist. Mastopathy is represented by a benign formation in the mammary gland, which grows pathologically and can lead to side effects in the absence of proper timely treatment.

If this disease appears, it is necessary to consult a physician - a mammologist, who will give several recommendations and help deal with the treatment.

Hormones in fibroadenoma

The occurrence and development of this disease is strongly influenced by the hormonal background of a woman, therefore it is necessary for treatment that the hormones are normal. If this factor is not present, the specialist prescribes high-quality and proven hormonal preparations.

The influence of the hormonal background on the conception of a child is undeniable. Elements such as prolactin, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and others appear here.

By the time of pregnancy planning, many women are faced with an insufficiently well-developed hormonal background, so a lot of effort has to be made to normalize it. In such cases, hormones may be prescribed by the attending physician.

It's important to know!

It is not recommended to take hormonal drugs along with antibiotics.
Thus, the effect of hormones on a woman's body is difficult to overestimate. If high-quality hormonal therapy is required, this fact should be discussed with the doctor.

Sex hormones for women in their body play a very important role. But recently, hormonal disorders have become quite common, which can be associated with poor ecology, constant stress and other negative factors. To bring the content of these elements back to normal, special preparations have been developed - female hormones in tablets. They not only help a woman to be healthy and beautiful, but also protect her from unwanted pregnancy.

Major sex hormones

The most significant hormones in women are progesterone and estrogen. The ovaries produce estrogen, which affects the health and puberty of the fair sex. In addition, this hormone affects the formation of the figure and the softness of the lady's character. If the body suffers from a lack of estrogen, then it begins to age quickly, but too much of it can lead to various disorders and diseases, such as overweight or, worse, benign tumors. Progesterone is also important for women's health, because the distribution of adipose tissue, the formation of the mammary glands, genital organs, and the development of the fetus depend on it. This hormone is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries and the placenta.

The use of hormonal drugs

To eliminate hormonal disruptions in the body of a girl, they are used in tablets. This is necessary, since an unstable one can provoke serious consequences, such as sudden changes in blood pressure, menstrual irregularities, chronic fatigue, digestive system disorders, and headaches. Everything will affect the appearance: acne, acne may appear, the hair becomes oily, the skin begins to peel off. They are also often used as contraceptives, which helps to avoid unwanted pregnancy. It is thanks to this that female hormones in tablets are widely used.

Types of hormonal drugs

Hormonal drugs produced in the form of tablets can be divided into two types:

It should be noted that it is necessary to take drugs of this kind only if they are prescribed by an endocrinologist or gynecologist. After all, the wrong intake of hormonal drugs can cause serious harm to a woman's body.

Many belong to hormone treatment with fear and distrust. It is believed that the consequence of such treatment may be excessive fullness. So what to be prepared for, what you need to know and what to fear if hormone treatment is prescribed?

What role do hormones play?

If the human body can be represented as a harmoniously playing orchestra, then hormones play the role of "conductors". Hormones are produced at the required intervals and in the right proportions. As a result, the body works well, and the person does not get sick. But, if the functioning of any gland is disturbed, then hormonal failure occurs in the body. To restore hormonal balance, hormonal treatment is prescribed.

Hormone treatment is prescribed for endocrine diseases, infertility in women and men, menopause, both female and male, osteoporosis, renal failure, psoriasis, bronchial asthma, coronary heart disease, skin diseases, acne. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed.

The action of hormones

When ingested, hormones are broken down into chemical compounds that act on certain organs. For example, hormonal contraceptives block the release of an egg from the ovaries, as a result, pregnancy does not occur.

Hormones in the body do not accumulate, but after about a day they are excreted. But, since they start a mechanism that continues to work even after removing them from the body. Therefore, in order to maintain the functioning of this mechanism, hormones must be taken regularly. Hormonal treatment can last several weeks, months and even years. In the latter case, the doctor prescribes breaks in treatment.

Do hormones cause cancer?

To date, it has already been proven that a high concentration of estrogen provokes the growth of breast tissue, and this can lead to. In men, especially if a man smokes, estrogen contributes to lung cancer.

During menopause, hormone therapy increases the risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer if taken for more than 10 years. 2-3 women per thousand fall into the risk zone.

Excess estrogen in men increases the risk of developing benign prostate enlargement, heart attack, and stroke.

How to take hormones

Before prescribing hormonal treatment, the doctor must conduct an examination, prescribe tests for the content of hormones in the body. He also assesses the state of the body as a whole, taking into account existing diseases. If the doctor boldly writes out a prescription without prescribing tests, beware.

At taking hormonal drugs strictly observe the dosage and frequency. To maintain the desired level of hormones in the blood, hormonal drugs are prescribed clearly by the hour, since after a certain time the effect of the drug ends, and it is necessary to take it again.

The instructions for hormonal preparations indicate the recommended time for taking them.

In order for the treatment to be effective, you should never skip taking the pills.

Consequences of hormonal treatment

At the same time, the reaction to taking hormones each person has an individual. But the most common consequences of taking hormonal drugs are: slight weight gain, active hair growth, skin rashes, dizziness, and digestive disorders. Taking male hormones can increase blood pressure and cause fluid retention in the body.
It is impossible to take hormonal drugs uncontrollably. For example, remedies for psoriasis and other skin diseases that relieve itching will not cure the underlying disease, but can cause addiction for life.

When not to be treated with hormones

Female homon estrogen should not be prescribed during pregnancy, malignant neoplasms, liver diseases.

You can not prescribe hormonal treatment to obese women, heavy smokers, people with vein diseases, fibroadenoma or cyst in the mammary gland, predisposition to trombones. If a breast tumor is suspected, hormones are urgently canceled. It is also impossible to take hormonal drugs after removal of the tumor.

If during the course of treatment an allergic reaction occurs, weight begins to rapidly gain, problems with blood vessels arise, hormonal treatment is stopped.

If during the course of treatment hormone therapy does not bring the desired result, the patient feels a deterioration in the condition, then the drug is changed or completely stopped. Do not expect relief immediately after giving up hormonal treatment, it will come after some time, when the mechanism launched by hormones ceases to operate.

Pros of Hormones

Local hormonal preparations (ointments, sprays, drops) quickly alleviate the condition and relieve symptoms.

Modern hormonal contraceptives not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also improve the skin, remove acne.

In men, hormone therapy facilitates the course of menopause, which occurs after 45 years. In men at this age, there is a decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood, which leads to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and coronary heart disease. A properly selected course of hormones will protect against the occurrence of these diseases, increase physical activity, sexual desire, relieve fatigue, irritability, which men suffer from during this period of life.

Do not be afraid hormonal treatment. Some diseases can only be treated with hormones. Be sure to undergo an examination before treatment, strictly adhere to the recommendations and in no case self-medicate. Then you will achieve recovery with minimal consequences.

People who have never taken hormonal drugs have little idea what they are for. Most people think that hormonal drugs are created specifically for women as a remedy for unwanted pregnancies. But it's not. So, why can't you take hormonal pills?

Hormonal drugs are drugs that help the body produce certain hormones that it is not able to produce on its own. Hormones are essential for the proper functioning of many organs. Hormonal pills are different, depending on which organ needs help.

Also, female hormonal agents do not always have a contraceptive effect. On the contrary, there are hormones that help pregnancy occur. With weak sperm motility in men, hormonal preparations are also prescribed.

There are a number of diseases in which hormones are prescribed:

  • female infertility;
  • Decreased quality of ejaculate;
  • Violation of the thyroid gland;
  • Depression, etc.

Each drug has contraindications. With the help of drugs, a person treats one disease, but can get a new problem. Hormonal pills are no exception.

First, let's look at the positive aspects of taking hormones:

  • Taking hormones is the most effective method of contraception;
  • Reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors;
  • Regular menstrual cycle;
  • Protect against anemia;
  • Prevent the development of osteoporosis;
  • Rejuvenate the skin;
  • Reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

With a large number of pluses, many people get scared when they are prescribed hormonal drugs. There is an opinion that if you value your health, you can not take hormonal pills. And this opinion is not unfounded.

So why not take hormones?!

With the constant use of hormonal drugs, there are many side effects. And hormones are usually prescribed for a long time.

Side effects:

  • When taking hormones, an exacerbation of previously undisturbed diseases may occur;
  • Bloody discharge, nausea, headache;
  • Weakness, apathy;
  • Frequent mood swings;
  • Sudden weight gain that is difficult to stop;
  • After long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time.

Hormones inhibit the processes of the egg and this cannot pass without a trace.

  • Many have excessive hair growth all over their bodies;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands;
  • Decreased sex drive;
  • If the regimen is not followed, complications arise;

As you can see, the list of side effects is rather long. At the same time, with some diseases it is impossible to do without hormonal pills.

If you decide to drink hormones, remember some rules:

  • Hormonal drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor. Even if these are hormonal contraceptives, the dosage is determined by the specialist for each patient individually;
  • Before starting the reception, it is recommended to take a general blood test and undergo an ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • Nursing mothers should stop taking hormones;
  • If you smoke, then you are forbidden to take hormonal drugs;
  • Cancer patients are not prescribed hormones;
  • In most cases, you can find an alternative to hormonal pills.

Your health is in your hands. No doctor will care more about you than you do yourself. Therefore, before deciding whether you need hormones or not, think carefully, weigh all the pros and cons. It will not be superfluous to undergo a complete examination of the body, get advice from narrow specialists.

Many women at least once in their lives faced with the fact that they were prescribed hormones. A logical question arises: to drink or not to drink? And faced with this dilemma, more and more often I hear some fantastic explanations from my patients why it is harmful and impossible to drink hormones. Today I want to dispel all these myths about the dangers of hormones. We are talking, of course, about hormonal contraceptives.

Myth 1. “And there is a hole in the old woman”

Namely, that hormonal contraceptives are not entirely effective. When taking pills, there is still a risk that a woman can become pregnant.

I hasten to dispel this myth once and for all. Taking combined oral contraceptives, the chance of getting pregnant is zero. This is because ovulation does not occur and, accordingly, there is no egg maturation, that is, it is impossible to get pregnant on hormonal contraceptive pills. While, for example, condoms often break, and sometimes allergic reactions occur on them. As for the calendar method of contraception, it only works with an ideal 28-day cycle. And most importantly, all these types of contraception are inferior in reliability to hormonal ones.

Myth 2. Hormones make you fat

Yes, indeed, when taking hormonal contraceptives, you can gain weight, but it is completely insignificant. The thing is that when taking some pills, fluid retention in the body can be observed, but this is only 300-500 grams, which are almost invisible visually. Women gain weight only from the fact that they do not eat properly. If you take a hormonal pill along with pizza or fried potatoes, then your chances of getting better will increase significantly, but not from the pill, but from nutrition. Women who lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to a balanced diet do not gain weight while taking hormonal contraceptives.

Myth 3. Hormonal pills (hormonal contraceptives) are harmful to health

I want to say right away that termination of pregnancy, the so-called "vacuum" or "abortion", is much more harmful to health. Taking hormonal pills for the purpose of contraception is not at all harmful. Let's make the only reservation that there are relative contraindications for some women to take hormonal drugs. Namely: hormonal contraceptives are undesirable to take

    women who smoke;

    nursing mothers (with the exception of specially designed drugs for lactating women);

    women with cardiovascular diseases;

    women with arterial hypertension;

    women with liver and gallbladder problems;

    patients who take anticonvulsants;

    cancer patients;

If all of the above does not apply to you, then most likely, 90% out of 100 you will be able to take hormonal contraceptives. But, of course, I am against self-treatment. Before taking it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Myth 4. From hormonal contraceptives, mustaches and beards grow, as well as vegetation on the body.

But it's just not, I'll tell you. Quite the opposite. As a rule, taking hormonal contraceptives, on the contrary, reduces excessive hairiness, and there are even drugs that fight the growth of vegetation, in particular on the face, and are prescribed for women with hirsutism.

Myth 5. The use of hormonal contraceptives reduces libido

Yes, indeed, very often hormones are accused of changing intimate life, but nevertheless, taking hormonal drugs does not lead to a decrease in physical desire. The most common causes in this situation are stress and lack of sleep, hypovitaminosis, or certain problems in the relationship between partners.

Myth 6. Hormonal contraceptives can cause cancer.

If you have no contraindications for taking hormonal contraceptives and if you do not have an anamnesis (that is, you and your close blood relatives do not have oncology), then taking hormonal contraceptives will not lead to the development of oncological diseases. But when taking pills, it is necessary to do a colposcopy with oncocytology at least once every six months, since long-term use of contraceptives can really provoke some problems on the cervix.

Myth 7. Hormonal contraceptives kill the liver.

They kill not only hormonal contraceptives, but everything that we eat and drink. As well as any medications, even vitamins. Everything is metabolized in the liver, and, accordingly, the liver, like a sponge, retains all bad substances. I will tell you this: drinking alcohol causes more harm to the liver than taking hormonal contraceptives. In any case, it is generally accepted that any combined oral contraceptives are hepatotoxic. Therefore, I always recommend that patients who take combined oral contraceptives for a long time take a biochemical blood test and a coagulogram every six months to determine if the liver is suffering and if the blood coagulation system is not disrupted.

Myth 8. Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives can cause infertility

Not at all. On the contrary, with prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives and their subsequent cancellation, a woman’s ovaries can produce not 1, but 2-3 or even 4 eggs and, accordingly, the possibility of becoming pregnant increases several times at once. This method, by the way, is very common for the treatment of certain forms of infertility.

Myth 9. Combined oral contraceptives should not be used by young girls or those who have not given birth under 18 years of age.

Hormonal contraceptives can be taken at a young age, and what's more: some of the menstrual irregularities that are observed in adolescent girls are just treated with microdosed hormonal contraceptives to prevent dysfunctional bleeding, which, by the way, often occurs when the menstrual cycle is not yet established.

Myth 10. Combined oral contraceptives should not be used by nursing mothers.

I will say right away that hormonal pills are contraindicated during lactation. But there are special drugs that do not affect lactation, and, accordingly, can be used in nursing mothers. But these pills have a certain feature, they must be used strictly in the "every 24 hours" mode, so as not to nullify the contraceptive effect.

Myth 11. Taking hormonal contraceptives, you need to take two or three breaks during the year

Interruptions in taking the drug do not affect either the incidence of complications or the possibility of a subsequent pregnancy. If you have no contraindications for taking hormonal contraceptives, then under the control of a complete blood count, biochemical blood test, coagulogram, colposcopy, oncocytology, hormonal contraceptives can be used for quite a long time.

In any case, do not engage in self-appointment and self-examination. If you think that hormonal contraception is the best way for you to prevent unwanted pregnancy or treat certain diseases, then be sure to consult your doctor before taking it. Go through certain examinations, the doctor will select the most appropriate method of contraception for you.

I wish everyone good health.

Most of the physiological processes that occur in the human body are controlled by hormones, which are divided into male and female, except for those that are present in both sexes. The difference lies in the fact that the body of the stronger sex contains a larger amount of male hormones and a very small amount of female hormones, in women it is the other way around. A person will be considered healthy not only in the absence of diseases, but also with a balanced hormonal background.

The hormones produced in the male body are mainly represented by testosterone and its varieties, it is on these hormones that:

  • Normal development of the genital organs;
  • Rougher facial features;
  • The structure of the body and hair according to the male type;
  • Behavior features:
  • Voice timbre;
  • Sexual desire and sexual power.

If a man's testosterone level drops, this can lead to mental depression, depressive thoughts, pain in the abdomen, poor health and sexual dysfunction.

Normally, a small amount of female hormones must be produced in the male body for its normal functioning. Since the stronger sex does not have ovaries according to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the body, the function of the synthesis of hormonal substances is taken over by the adrenal glands. The organisms of both sexes contain substances such as: estrogens, prolactin, progesterone and oxytocin, only the representatives of the weaker sex produce much more of them and they perform the functions of controlling the reproductive system, growth of the mammary glands and maintaining pregnancy.

Female hormones for men perform completely different functions:

  • Increased bone strength;
  • Protection against prostate cancer;
  • Regulation of blood sugar and fluid balance;
  • Stimulation of the brain;
  • Ensuring normal sexual activity and erection.

Oxytocin has a calming effect, and also lowers testosterone levels, which makes a man softer and less irritable, and also slightly reduces libido, but at the same time stimulates feelings of affection.

Excess female hormones

The normal amount of hormones in the male body is:

  • Estrogens - from 3 to 70 pg / ml;
  • Progesterone - from 0.5 to 6 nmol / l;
  • Prolactin - from 53 to 360 mU / l.

But not in all cases, the indicators of these substances in men are normal. Quite often there is an increased amount of estrogen in the stronger sex, which is fraught with:

  • Changing the figure according to the female type;
  • The appearance of gynecomastia, in which the mammary gland begins to grow;
  • An increase in body weight, most often fat accumulates in the abdomen;
  • Higher timbre of voice;
  • Emotional and mental disorders;
  • Decreased sex drive and erectile dysfunction.

If the amount of progesterone doubles, then the hormonal background will be disturbed, in which there will be a lack of sexual desire, the testicles may atrophy and infertility may appear.

The amount of prolactin increases dramatically with psychological trauma, nervous situations, heavy physical exertion, and this hormone, in turn, enhances the effects of estrogen, which can lead to reproductive dysfunction.

Female hormones in pills and the male body

Everyone knows about the existence of female and male hormones, and many are interested in what will happen if a man takes such substances in pills - will there be any global changes, and in what way they will be expressed.

If a man drinks the medication once, nothing special will happen, perhaps slight nausea may occur, but no more. In order for something to really change in the body, you need to take hormonal drugs for two or three months, and the final effect will depend on which substances are contained in the pill.

Taking progesterone-only medications can cause breast enlargement and reduce the amount of male-pattern hair. It is also quite possible fluid retention in the body and fever. Often, progesterone is used as an antiandrogen if there is a need to reduce the level of testosterone in the body. Other, more global changes, a man taking medication with progesterone will not notice.

Regular use of hormonal drugs

Another thing is if the representative of the stronger sex regularly drink medications containing estrogens. In this case, the external signs will begin to change to an exclusively female type: fat will begin to accumulate under the chin, on the abdomen, on the hips and sides, due to which the body will become more rounded, and the waist-to-hip ratio will change. Such consequences are possible if hormone therapy is continued for a sufficiently long time. In addition, the muscles will become weaker, the skin will become softer and pinker, and the hair will no longer be stiff.

In addition to external changes, if you take estrogen-based pills, the consciousness of a man will also begin to become more feminine, frequent mood changes and depressive thoughts may appear, as well as strong emotional sensitivity, which is more characteristic of women. Studies have shown that when taking hormones on a regular basis, the brain can even shrink to the size of a woman, which will not affect the level of intelligence in any way.

Doctor's prescriptions are checked online and are often not followed up. Hormonal drugs are especially “disliked”: “Doctor, not hormones!” How dangerous are these drugs? Let's figure it out.

case from practice

Young woman, 8 weeks pregnant. Elevated pituitary thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. I inform the patient that she has hypothyroidism - a decrease in thyroid function. I prescribe treatment, explain: a hormonal drug is needed for the normal development of the fetus. The patient appears already before childbirth. TSH is still high. He doesn’t take the medicine - the mother-in-law forbade: “These are hormones!”.

A few years later we meet by chance on the street, she leads her son by the hand: “Hello, doctor, this is my Mitya.” Mitya has an absent look, he does not speak yet, he is noticeably behind in development from his peers. His mother has a pale, swollen face, her voice has become rough, low: it seems that hypothyroidism is progressing. The outcome could have been different. But the “iron” argument came out against the doctor’s prescriptions - “I don’t want to drink hormones!”.

Set in motion

Hormones are produced by special endocrine glands. "Hormone" is translated from Greek as "I set in motion, excite, induce." Hormones act distally, that is, at a distance from the gland where they were formed, their effects are diverse and unique.

When there are few or many

We have many different hormones, and their production is subject to strict laws. But in some diseases, the formation of hormones is disrupted.

Sometimes the work of the endocrine glands is reduced. If the correct diagnosis is not made in time and the correct treatment is not started, trouble will happen. And what is the correct treatment for a lack of a particular hormone? Of course, compensation for the missing factor. Here are some examples.

Type 1 diabetes A disease in which the hormone insulin stops being produced. Without it, glucose does not enter the cells and the energy necessary for the body is not formed from it. Thanks to insulin preparations, people with diabetes live a full life.

Another example - adrenal insufficiency: weakness increases, weight loss, blood circulation is disturbed. Fortunately, there are medications similar to adrenal hormones (glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids).

Hypothyroidism- decreased thyroid function - requires compensation for the deficiency of levothyroxine, a thyroid hormone. It is inactive, but, getting into cells, it turns into active triiodothyronine, which is in charge of protein biosynthesis.

hypogonadism- insufficiency of the function of the sex glands. It occurs in both men and women. The main symptom is infertility. Treatment with drugs of sex hormones can solve the problem.

It happens the other way around: too many hormones are produced. The cause may be an adenoma of the endocrine gland or the appearance of stimulating antibodies that make the gland work in the “pot, cook!” mode.

An excess of hormones is no less dangerous than a deficiency: "a flood is no better than a drought." It is treated with drugs that block the gland or by removing the "naughty" gland.

From allergies to sclerosis

All of the above applies to diseases of the endocrine system and the principles of their treatment. However, the use of hormones in medicine is much wider. So, drugs similar to the hormones of the adrenal cortex (glucocorticoids) treat autoimmune diseases: bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and others.

Glucocorticoids quickly improve the patient's condition. But they are prescribed, observing certain principles, so that the therapeutic effect is optimal, and side effects are unexpressed.

female hormone preparations(estrogens and progestins) are used as effective and safe contraceptives, as well as for the treatment of perimenopausal symptoms.

Male hormone preparations, anabolic steroids, are used in the treatment of dystrophic conditions. Alas, these drugs are sometimes abused by athletes to increase muscle mass, forgetting about possible complications: damage to the liver, heart, sexual function.

Do not forget: any medicine, if used incorrectly, can be harmful. Drugs, including hormonal ones, are prescribed by a doctor who, when planning treatment, takes into account many different factors: your gender, age, weight, concomitant diseases, bad habits and previous allergic reactions, heredity.