Dementia and Courage: Why Men in a Midlife Crisis Are Unbearable. Recklessness and courage: why do the States rattle aircraft carriers What does the expression dementia and courage mean

And we are forced to warn you about the most important thing: a midlife crisis can punish your sweetheart at any moment and no one can tell you exactly when. Psychologists to the question “When will it explode ?!” give vague answers in the spirit of "Usually after 40 years, but not necessarily, because everyone is individual." And this means the following: if you have a man, then a valuable fur-bearing animal has already entered the warpath. For your soul.

The first, but by no means the most innocuous, symptom you will notice is hypochondria. Real hypochondria, not your usual solo performance "I have a runny nose and 37.2, call the children, I will say goodbye." Oh no. The man will begin to wither before his eyes, die, itch like a mangy dog, and diligently seek out terrible sores in himself. And you will believe that he really has them. Because there are no fools to voluntarily carry tests to the clinic, swallow hoses from a gastroenterologist and take swabs from tender places. If these fools don't die, of course. So something is really wrong with him!

Exactly. He has a crisis. He, for the first time, realized that he was really mortal, found in himself all the symptoms of an imminent untimely death and is trying to delay the inevitable. And this, in fact, would even be good (even though it is being examined), if not for one thing: the faithful companion of hypochondria is depression. Not the one that is clinical and is being treated by a psychiatrist, but the one for which you want to hit him painfully. Because he whines and whines and whines. Because it's cold or hot, Friday or Monday, there's intrigue in the office, and bay leaves in borscht. And it's all your fault, by the way. How dare you smile when he's in such pain?


However, you can still somehow put up with his whining, but not so much with unreasonable aggression. “You don’t sit like that, you don’t whistle like that, you fly low!” - this is it. However, your happiness if he rushes only at you. No, we're not joking, it's really your happiness. Because then you might not have to blush for him. But this, frankly, is unlikely. Most likely, you will have to apologize for him to the housing and communal services workers and console grandmothers near the entrance. Because in the socialist competition "Nakhami to your neighbor" a man in crisis has no equal. He even picks up well-deserved cloakroom attendants and security guards in the supermarket like kids.

At the same time, it is you who will be appointed to the role of his personal Judas: it was you who never understood him, always offended him and, finally, treacherously betrayed him! How could you, oh, insidious! No, no, don't make excuses, we know that you didn't do anything like that - well, almost. But he remembers how back in 2007 you didn’t let him go to Andryukha’s bachelor party (because she was giving birth), in 2012 you threw away his favorite sweater (or rather, his remains, because he spilled battery fluid on it), and just yesterday, you heartlessly pushed him off the matrimonial bed and kicked him out into an icy April night. No, it's not because the dog asked to go outside. This is to humiliate him!

And if you can somehow get away from his invented grievances, then you will have to share paranoia and hallucinations with your sweetheart, whether you like it or not. After all, there are enemies all around, and he is the only warrior in the field. At work, they sit him up, in stores they sell genetically modified cookies, and you cheat on him. Yes, yes, he has already gone through your phone and hacked into your mail. There is nothing there - this means that you are definitely unfaithful to him. You cover your tracks too well, treacherous!

Around this stage, you will finally run out of steam and decide, if not on a divorce, then on a grandiose scandal for sure. Ha ha, no time! The crisis will already pass into the stage of fatalism and reflection: “Do I want to, can I, am I a trembling creature, but it doesn’t matter, we will all be there.” Theoretically, this stage should give you some respite, but practically everything will only get worse: since it’s quite difficult to just take and open your own metaphysical giblets, your dear will turn to the experience of older comrades. And this means that now you will only watch art house, listen only to Oksimiron or Letov and read Castaneda. Aloud. Before bedtime. By roles. We highly recommend stocking up on chocolate and alcohol. In a critical situation, lock yourself in the kitchen, barricade the door, open the wine, turn on Shevchuk and call your mother. She will come and save you.

We clarify: you yourself will not be saved in any way, because he quit his job a long time ago (“This is not what I dreamed of all my life!”) And you live on yours. So you have no money for a taxi and karaoke.

At some point, it will seem to you that the patient is recovering: he will regain self-confidence and the desire to move mountains with one left. And he, believe me, will do it. The only problem is that he has already diligently devalued all his past achievements and does not intend to repeat the mistakes of the past now. Translated into human terms, this means that he will never get a job, but he will certainly receive some kind of consolation diploma that fails in triathlon competitions, ice fishing or high-speed vaping. And be proud of it, yes. But the fact that he has not paid for an apartment for 4 months, your crisis cat will delicately keep silent.

At this moment, you will understand that you urgently need to save someone - either yourself or him. And, alas, we have disappointing news for you: it will not be possible to save him, because he will fall into sociopathy and misanthropy. Simply put, he will become such a grump that even you can not stand it. And the joke about how to beat a person to death with a tea bag will no longer seem funny to you, because it will become pure truth: now you are capable of it. Worse, it turns out that everyone else is capable of this: all those people to whom your dear will crush their favorite calluses, stick red-hot nails into sore points and spit in the soul. Spoiler: this is generally all the people he knows. And you. Including your boss.

And if at this stage you do not give up everything that is acquired by back-breaking work, including a mortgage, an old cat and two completely new kids, catharsis awaits you. That is, if you are still with him, then you probably thought that love and fidelity will grind everything, it will be easier further, “and this too will pass.” And then you - hop! - a bucket of red-hot tin was poured down the collar. In the sense that his Organ of Valor will collapse and will not respond to resuscitation procedures. For the first time. That is, in fact, no: this had already happened to him at the dawn of his youth, but then there was a good reason, and now there is no reason, except for the crisis. Which, we recall, the patient denies. So he will decide that it's you and try to test the program with bugs on another machine. That is, he, most likely, will get himself a mistress or just cheat on you once or twice. Well, or try.

History knows many swindlers and swindlers who misled entire states. "Around the World" tells the adventures of people who, due to circumstances, embarked on the most risky ventures and abandoned their own name and past for the sake of fame, success and thrills.

Arnaud du Thiel

In the summer of 1556, a man came to the French village of Artiga, who called himself a peasant Martin Guerre. He said he left his wife and child eight years ago after his own father accused him of stealing grain. The returned "Guerr" convincingly described the details of his adventures, and then his sisters, uncle and wife Bertrand recognized him, although they had some doubts.

The stranger turned out to be from the neighboring village of Sazha. His real name was Arnaud du Til. He decided to impersonate a missing peasant when two people mistook him for Garr. From the father of a peasant, du Til inherited, and Bertrand bore him two daughters.

Arrest memorandum for Garr

It was possible to establish the truth thanks to the doubts that arose in Uncle Garr: he heard a soldier passing through Artiga tell that his real nephew had lost his leg in the war. Du Til was brought to trial several times, but each time he got away with it thanks to his amazing resemblance to Guerre, talented lies and the testimony of his wife. In the end, the deception was exposed when the real Guerre showed up at the trial in Toulouse with a prosthesis for a leg and exposed du Til. The deceiver was hanged in front of the house in which he lived with Bertrand.

George Salmanazar

Little is known about George Salmanazar, who lived at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries. He went down in history under a false name, and his origin remains a mystery over which experts have been puzzling for centuries. Salmanazar posed as both a pilgrim from Ireland and a Japanese who converted to Catholicism, but he achieved the greatest fame by pretending to be from the island of Formosa (Taiwan). In 1704, Salmanazar wrote a book about the history, geography and culture of the inhabitants of the island, which was very popular, but had no real factual basis.

A page from Salmanazarov's work on Formosa with the "alphabet" of the inhabitants of the mysterious island

The adventurer in everyday life followed the customs he himself invented, more and more convincing others of the truthfulness of his lies. So, he ate raw meat with lots of spices and slept sitting on a chair. Salmanazar explained his light skin tone by the fact that in Formosa, representatives of noble families lived underground. He also invented a special alphabet, language and drew the traditional clothes of the inhabitants of the island. As a representative of a different culture, he was invited to speak to English aristocrats, as well as to lecture at Oxford University. As a result, he himself confessed to his deception, first to close friends, and then to the general public.

Mary Baker-Willcox

In 1817, a woman appeared in the English town of Almonsbury, posing as Princess Caraboo from the distant exotic island of Yavasu. She spoke in an incomprehensible language, was strangely dressed and expressed herself with gestures. Due to the difficulties in communicating with a stranger, for a long time it was impossible to achieve anything from her, except for the word “Karabu”.

Edward Baird, Caraboo, Princess of Yawasu, 1817

A Portuguese sailor who appeared in time helped to find out the “truth” about the origin of the princess, who understood her language and explained that she was a Chinese-Malay princess who escaped from the pirates who abducted her from her native country and ended up on British territory.

The False Princess was a wonderful actress who did not succumb to the provocations of those who doubted her foreign origin, and also did not show that she understood English. There were many publications about her in the press, so Mary had fears that sooner or later her deceit would be revealed. She even tried to run away, but she was recognized and brought back.

Mary's former employer helped establish the truth by seeing her portrait as a princess in a magazine and recognizing her. She also remembered that the girl entertained her daughters by talking to them in a language of her own composition. In the end, the Bristolian family, who believed in the noble birth of Mary and gave her shelter, sent the adventurer to the United States after a ten-week masquerade.

Dorothy Lawrence

Aspiring English journalist Dorothy Lawrence decided at all costs to get into the army during the First World War. British newspapers were not interested in her services, so the 19-year-old Lawrence went to Paris herself. At first, she tried to enter the Volunteer Medical Unit, but she was not accepted. Then Dorothy went to the war zone as a freelance war correspondent, but she was detained by the French police.

After that, it occurred to Lawrence to try to get to the front, disguised as a man. In this she was helped by familiar British soldiers. The girl created for herself a special corset that made her figure look like a man's, cut off her hair, used a potassium permanganate-based product to make the skin on her face and hands become rougher and darker, and also scratched her chin with a razor. She even managed to get documents in the name of Denis Smith.

Dorothy got to the front line, where she found new assistants, but did not take into account that army conditions would affect her health: the girl began to faint, she was constantly shivering, and she suffered from rheumatism. So that during one of the unconscious states the truth would not be revealed, she herself confessed everything to the command. She was sent to her homeland, where the authorities did not allow her to write about her adventures until the end of hostilities. When her book, Minesweeper Dorothy Lawrence: England's Only Female Soldier, came out, she was not successful, as everyone wanted to forget the horrors of war as soon as possible. Failures affected Dorothy's psyche: after the publication of the book, she ended up in an insane asylum, where she spent 39 years and died.

Ferdinand Demara

Born in 1921, the American Ferdinand Demara went down in history as the "great impostor". During his life, he changed many names and professions, in many of which he achieved success thanks to his phenomenal memory and ability to win over people. So, during the Korean War, he posed as a surgeon Joseph Kayre and got a doctor's job aboard a Canadian destroyer. He prevented an epidemic on the ship through the generous use of penicillin. He also had to demonstrate his abilities when 16 wounded were on board. While the assistants prepared the victims for operations, Demara hurriedly studied the textbook on surgery. As a result, none of those he operated on died. Information about one of these episodes appeared in the newspaper, where the mother of the real Dr. Kaira stumbled upon it. Although Demara was exposed, no charges were brought against him and he was able to return to US soil.

"The Great Pretender" Ferdinand Demara

Demara talked about the fact that in any organization there are free resources and power that can be appropriated without taking them away from anyone. Also, you need to expand your powers not at the expense of the capabilities of others, but by discovering something new. Demara adhered to two principles: "Let the one who accuses prove" and "If you are in danger, attack."

During his life, he managed to visit a civil engineer, deputy sheriff, assistant warden, specialist in applied psychiatry, lawyer, monk, editor and teacher. Demara even founded a college that still exists in the United States and became Walsh University.

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Recklessness is a personality trait or a temporary behavioral manifestation, expressed in choosing actions or making decisions contrary to sound reasoning and logical justifications. The meaning of the word recklessness is often used as a characteristic of a cheeky lifestyle, unrestrained fun, bordering on recklessness, when a person does not pay sufficient attention to the critical consequences of actions in the future.

Also, recklessness implies actions based on the most sincere impulses of the soul and feelings, without criticism of practicality. It is this behavior that is characteristic of lovers when they throw themselves into a fire or patriots who sacrifice their lives for the sake of their homeland. This is similar to the self-willed manifestations of the soul, which finally received the necessary space. Since in a social society people live, focusing on the framework, and build their lives, guided by logic and pushing back the realization of spiritual ones. Similar trends in Western society are considered generally accepted, correct and reasonable, but things are a little different in the East. That is why, a society, clamped in the rule of reason, condemns those who are guided by feelings, calls them reckless and crazy. Sometimes it delights and gives an example to follow your dream, and not follow the beaten reliable paths. Sometimes this is annoying and causes a lot of indignation, because it violates the public peace or touches the inner deep existential needs of the critic.

What is recklessness

The meaning of the word recklessness can be used to characterize both positive and negative manifestations, without having one spectrum. What remains unchanged in the perception of such a personality trait is that recklessness leaves no one indifferent. Perhaps this can be explained by the fact that the sincere manifestations of the soul evoke in response the same sincere movements of other souls.

Recklessness causes people to risk everything they have in their lives, and often life itself. The power of manifestation of such a personal state is truly colossal and not everyone is able to withstand it with dignity and apply it in a creative way. But not only recklessness helps a person to make many mistakes in the heat of passion. Excessive rationality, the desire to calculate all the risks, the need for thorough checks and forecasts before committing any action ruined many destinies. Deeds not done in time or not done at all due to the fact that logical reasoning gave low probabilities for a favorable outcome, someone was stopped from a love confession and left alone for life, and someone was saved from moving to another city, than the final development as an individual and a professional.

There is a certain dependence in the brightness of the manifestation of this trait and age characteristics. It has been noticed that the highest level of recklessness, as well as carelessness and self-confidence, falls on youth and youth. This is due to the fact that most of the children's fears have already been successfully overcome, there are the necessary survival skills in the adult world, as well as huge reserves of energy resources and their own ideas. The craving for knowledge and transformation of the world slightly distorts self-perception, and youthful maximalism helps not to think about the consequences, and it's easy to shake off and move on. But with age, the level of rationality increases. This is due to a decrease in physical and mental activity, which means an increasing fear of not coping with life's difficulties. The preservation of the former and stability is becoming more urgent, rather than the conquest of the new and development. In addition, the luggage of the earned mental experience is full of various traumas, which subconsciously begin to regulate a person's activity and incline to a reasonable and logically calculated choice, remembering the previous failures of the choice to follow desires.

In addition to the age influence, there is a difference in the manifestation of recklessness depending on gender. Thus, women are more prone to impulsive and drastic actions under the guidance of an exclusively sensual sphere, since its influence is decisive in the feminine worldview. In order for a man to succumb to such a push, it must either be emotions of greater intensity, or they must also satisfy some of his other goals. For example, he can climb to the tenth floor to a woman not only out of great love for her, but also understanding the increase in his social status if such a woman is nearby, and possibly getting rid of the youthful loser complex.

Do not confuse recklessness with moments of unconscious action or the behavior of people with psychopathology. Behavior and actions committed in a state of any type of intoxication, caused by schizotypal, are not related to reckless behavior, but are characterized as pathological disorders of the intellectual-cognitive sphere of the individual. Violations of the characterological type (at the level of personality) and pathological (at the level) of the psyche have a different nature, although sometimes they are similar in their manifestation.

How to distinguish courage from recklessness

In terms of courage and recklessness, the difference lies in the moment of presence of a conscious choice. So, courage is a kind of psychological attitude, an act of will, courageous deeds are committed, overcoming fear and having an ultimate goal.

Recklessness is guided by unconscious attitudes, it is not driven by will. But energy born from a high internal need and value of what is happening. With recklessness, a person does not overcome fear, but simply does not feel it or feels it, but in a critically minimized amount, which is not even considered a real threat.

Courage always reflects the psychic ability to maintain the stability of the manifestations of the psyche in changing external circumstances. Recklessness, on the other hand, is characterized by a high degree of mobility of mental processes, which themselves change ideas about the surrounding space.

Also, the difference in the concepts of courage and recklessness is in the amount of rational activity. Courage is mainly based on understanding and a sober assessment of the situation, a conscious choice with the acceptance of all possible risks.

Recklessness does not notice risks or situations, only needs and motivating feelings. It is more like when a person is simply carried by the current, but whether it will be the shores of new opportunities or a fall from a high waterfall is not known. So courage begins to assess the situation, to control the carrier flow, and recklessness is given to the process.

Courage can be distinguished by the presence and anxiety of a person moving forward. Such feelings are normal for the state of the hero and the manifestation of courage, the value is manifested not in ignoring, but in the success of overcoming these states. In many martial arts, it is important to maintain sensitivity to danger, as this is what gives the necessary level of alertness. Courage is also characterized by greater accuracy and possibly slowness of the decisions made.

You can recognize recklessness by the absence of fear and excitement, which entails a certain randomness of actions and quick reactions. In some moments, this gives an undeniable advantage, since it gives rise to non-standard solutions and moves a person forward directly, where even courage will bypass.

There is no opinion which of these is correct. Rather, everything is due to individual situations and the scenario originally laid down in a person, how to cope with life's twists and turns. Sometimes reckless behavior can prevent a person from achieving what they want, and can even contribute to achieving it. The habit of focusing on the opinion of society seriously paralyzes spontaneous manifestations and slightly mortifies some pieces of the human soul. Full surrender to the sensual sphere requires high awareness and responsibility, since for people of low mental organization this results in anarchy and frustration, degradation not only of the individual himself, but also of those around him. At the same time, if a psychologically mature person chooses maximum spontaneity, having worked through his own injuries and got rid of stereotypes imposed by society, this gives rise to a new unique way of being his true individual essence.

“It takes two things to succeed in life: ignorance and confidence,” Mark Twain wrote over a hundred years ago.
Today I discovered that, in fact, nothing has changed. Moreover, this principle, which is equally true for any business, has evolved. Now it can be described as "dementia and courage."
Remember, a few years ago, on the Internet, there was such a picture with Dale the Chipmunk from Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers? But for some part of the Russian audience, the image of Dunno from the cartoon of the same name will probably be closer. This guy will crawl everywhere without soap, it doesn’t cost him anything to throw out some kind of feint. But is it really his fault? We will not argue now about whether Nosov was a visionary or simply ridiculed the American way of life that existed at that time. The fact remains that the shortest path to success in modern society is dementia and courage.
Do you notice that it is precisely such people who increasingly come to what we now call success? They have money, power, connections and everything else just to satisfy their own ego or even make fun of others. Our society is simply suffocated by such "successful" people who poison everything or almost everything they touch. They are like King Midas, greedy and stupid enough to touch everything and turn it into gold. And then become a golden bobblehead yourself. They are like a child who wants to touch everything he sees, maybe even damage or completely break. It doesn't matter if he likes it or he just doesn't understand what he's doing. The fact remains: dementia and courage.
You have to be an absolute idiot not to pay attention to anyone and nothing around, and infinitely brave not to be afraid to get the first number for your deeds. Seriously, if you've ever wanted to know the ultimate recipe for success, here it is. Take and use. Forward. It's simple and pretty fast.
No, wait! One more minute. Let's think about what this will lead to. What will happen in the near future if more and more brave half-wits rise above society, making their way to the top in a variety of ways, but always sweeping away everything and everyone in their path?
What will happen to education, which such people perceive one-sidedly and flatly? It will turn into memorizing wording for tests and will turn people into an empty-headed herd.
What will happen to healthcare? It will become a market tool to weed out many segments of the population, often unable to pay inflated amounts for simple hospital services, and make people disabled and dead.
What will happen to social policy? There is simply no place for it in a society that cares about health and education, and people will pay taxes because “it’s customary here”, absolutely not understanding their role and forgetting about their rights.
What will happen to the economy in the end? All the juices will be sucked out of it, creating hundreds of financial bubbles, and then all these bubbles will begin to burst, one after another, causing more and more crises. The crisis will not be a turning point, but the norm, a permanent state of the system, which is run by brave idiots.
You can go on for a long time. The bottom line is that for every action there must be a reaction. What, do you believe that in our country there are no reasonable people capable of honest and selfless deeds? Yes, full. It's just that many of them do not have time to move on, because they think for a long time and are not as brave as their "colleagues". It is worth looking around - and everything is already taken. Well, you remember who. Don't care about conscience, don't care about ethics, don't care about people. Those whose motto is “Dementia and Courage” do not think and, in principle, cannot think (here, to put an end to it, but no) about anyone but themselves. And they are dangerous precisely because of this, and not because they succeed. Yes, let them get what they want. But the main disadvantage of the current economy, which for some reason everyone considers a “market economy”, is the axiomatic influence of the law of compensation. Say, if it arrived somewhere, it means that it left somewhere. The brave fools are unaware that no one needs as much money as they have taken from others.
Yes, even if they were selected only because others think for a long time. But why can't everyone win? Why steal from your own fellow citizens, without thinking about conscience or the consequences? What is the main motive? Yes, none. "Dementia and Courage", remember, right? “I can, so I’ll take it. I want - it means mine. Why should I think about others, let others think about others.
And, in fact, what am I. Maybe it's time to show "colleagues" that conscience and concern for others is a much stronger weapon than dementia and courage? Our brave half-wits act tactically, absolutely not thinking about tomorrow. It was possible before. Now it's already difficult. Further it will be worse. Resources are not unlimited. And if you do not think about conscience and concern for others, then there will be no strategic development. Only a beautiful word will remain on a piece of paper, rotting on a deserted planet in a couple of hundred years. To avoid this, you need to take one simple action: be kinder. To yourself, to others, to the world. Damn, when was the last time you smiled? Unless, of course, you are not an idiot, but a sane person. So, if there is no reason to smile, you need to create it.
Our task is to give new generations a different choice. Other concepts of "success". Other traditions not based on dementia and courage. Weak, huh?

And finally, I will give an excerpt from the same Dunno:
Why do rich people need so much money? - Dunno was surprised. - Is it possible for a rich man to eat several million?
- "Eat"! snorted the goat. - If only they could eat! After all, the rich man satiates his belly, and then begins to satiate his vanity.
- What kind of vanity is that? - Dunno did not understand.
- Well, this is when you want to put dust in the nose of others.

Recklessness and courage: why do the States rattle aircraft carriers

Events unfolded as follows:

First, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson stated that Pyongyang's aggression threatens the entire world. Then the United States Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said that the United States has many options to protect itself and its allies from the threat of the DPRK. “If North Korea continues its reckless behavior, if the United States has to defend itself or protect its allies in any way, North Korea will be destroyed ”, Haley promised, speaking of a nation of 25 million.

And now, in early October, US and South Korean exercises will be held in the Sea of ​​Japan with the participation of an American nuclear aircraft carrier. It is possible that Japan will also join the maneuvers. The media say that the exercises will be a response to North Korea's nuclear missile tests.

Naturally, the DPRK will react to the exercises right under its nose. And, for sure, Kim is already figuring out what and where to send so that the excitement around the Korean Peninsula does not decrease. In addition, the Koreans have nothing to lose - the maximum number of possible US sanctions against them have been introduced. And, obviously, there is no useful action from them.

Now it will be very important to draw an analogy with how the American administration acted under other presidents. Bush Jr. was looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and invaded the country.

Obama was looking for chemical weapons in Syria, but failed.

Now Trump is looking for a nuclear bomb in North Korea. More precisely, he has already found a bomb and is now provoking a war.

And Pushkov rightly said today that the situation is a dead end. To use the weapons of the Koreans as an excuse to kill millions of people - no country in the world should even allow itself to talk about such things. Promising that you will destroy the country as part of a defensive campaign, but at the same time provoking attacking actions in every possible way, is also, to put it mildly, a dead end.

Before declaring war in any country, isn't it logical to hear approval from neighboring states with which the United States seems to have agreements and joint maneuvers? After all, Seoul and Tokyo will be the first to arrive. And it is not known whether the Koreans will complete the construction of such a missile that they can reach the American base ...

American-Korean ping-pong is: "Well, hit me, hit" - "Right now I'm going to launch a rocket at you." But if Washington has to resort to such direct forceful measures in order to infiltrate a regime it doesn't like, a crisis of power has definitely set in in the United States. Never before have such clumsy methods been used to move those they don't like.