Horoscope all talismans for May Pisces. Horoscope for May Pisces. Family and relationship horoscope, love horoscope

The month will be unpredictable in terms of personal relationships. You will be excited about all the changes, experiencing a different range of emotions. Your mystery will attract the attention of the opposite sex. Just don’t close yourself off or push the other person away with your feigned inaccessibility.

Despite the active changes taking place in love and family relationships, you will still feel some loneliness within yourself. You've convinced yourself so much that you don't deserve the fairy tale story you read about in book novels that you've started to believe it yourself. And such an internal conviction does not give you the opportunity to build relationships correctly. Get rid of your insecurities, and your personal life will immediately improve.

The chances of meeting your other half are very high. But stop wishing so much for it and preparing every day for a fateful meeting. As soon as you let go of the situation and start taking care of yourself, everything will happen immediately.

Relationships that began quite recently and are still romantic can end at any moment. And only you will have yourself to blame for this. Your detachment and fear of getting closer prevents you from acting calmly and correctly. Therefore, if you want to maintain this connection, become more active and proactive.

Everything will go smoothly in family life, but only if you stop imposing views on your loved ones that they do not agree with. Respect your partner's personal space and then there will be no problems.

Pisces Woman: Love Horoscope for May 2019

Get ready to face some difficulties in your personal life. You are quite happy with your partner, but because your friends think that you deserve more, you can start to delve into the relationship. As a result, your constant nagging and dissatisfaction will tire your other half, and your loved one will want to take a break. And it can drag on for a long time. You shouldn’t listen to your friends who may simply be jealous of your happiness like a woman.

Now more than ever, you must listen to your inner voice. Your intuition is your most important assistant, but you are not always ready to be guided by it. However, now, in order to properly build a relationship and preserve the passion that has begun to become chilly, you better turn to your instinct.

If you do everything correctly and do not create provocative situations, then you can safely hope that they will propose marriage to you. And you are already really tired of waiting for him.

As a family, try to take matters into your own hands. And if you lack lightness and ardor in your relationship with your spouse, add playfulness to your behavior.

Pisces Man: Love horoscope for May 2019

You need to take your mind off the accumulated problems and worries. And a wonderful person who you should meet soon can help you with this. This will happen completely by accident. But communication will be easy and very positive. And, perhaps, if you yourself want it, it will turn into something more serious and lasting.

Go on a short trip with your wife. Even if this will be a short trip, it will allow you to unite your relationship and finally give each other the opportunity to speak out. After such a joint journey, you will again feel an irresistible attraction to each other.

Sometimes there may be a misunderstanding with your significant other. But you shouldn’t plunge into yourself again because of this and try to distance yourself. This will only make the situation worse. Enter into a dialogue immediately and find out everything to the end so that there are no misunderstandings left. Then there will be no reason for torment and groundless doubts.

Pisces in May 2017 will be sufficiently focused and purposeful to achieve good results. Leave all prejudices and excuses behind and get down to business. What you have so carefully planned and dreamed about for a long time may come true this month. You just need to make every effort and focus on the main thing, without wasting energy on all sorts of distracting little things. Remember that daily household chores and current problems will exist tomorrow, and in a week, and always. But now gather your willpower into a fist and do what is long overdue. Try not to explain the course of your actions and the direction of your thoughts to strangers. You will only waste your precious time. The faster your reaction and response, the greater your chances of success. Now it is important to change your perception of the world around you and look at problems differently. Only in this way will you understand that there were no problems at all, and that you were simply exaggerating and deceiving yourself.

In the first ten days of May 2017, the stars advise Pisces in conflict situations to put themselves in the enemy’s place in order to see the situation through his eyes, and, accordingly, to fight with his own weapons. Don't make mountains out of molehills. After all, most of the barriers and obstacles on your path are simply invented by you. Focus your attention on achieving your main goal. Now you have great opportunities for success. Try to use your time wisely, as there will not be enough time during this period. Basically, the location of the planets suggests that all troubles will bypass Pisces, you just need to strive and persistently move towards your happiness. You should not sacrifice yourself, your time and health for petty results. Target the “big fish” and very soon he will be hooked.

In the second ten days of May 2017, the professional side of life for representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign should be quite eventful. The position of Mercury suggests that Pisces will receive an excellent reward for their nobility and reliability. But during this period, you will have to change tactics to make people around you respect your dignity. Do not take responsibility for the mistakes of your colleagues and do not agree to provide them with services if this goes against your principles or will negatively affect your well-being or personal life. Be firm in your decisions. In the end, announce yourself to the whole world. You have those qualities that many lack - you are quite hardworking and smart. And this is quite enough to win everyone’s respect and strengthen your authority. In mid-May, you will likely be asked to take on some responsibilities that are not listed in your job description. If you are afraid of offending your superiors, try to refuse as tactfully as possible. Stop being a superman who always helps everyone out, but is deprived of even the slightest reward and gratitude. Live for your own pleasure. Rest as much as possible, do not burden yourself with extraneous problems. The most important thing in success in the professional field is to begin solving current affairs with a cheerful spirit and in a great mood. And all you need for this is just a good night's sleep. You have many pleasant moments ahead, including a salary increase or a transfer to a worthy position, and maybe generous bonuses.

In the third ten days of May 2017, Pisces in love will be like dumplings in butter. It's time to put everything in its place and have a heart-to-heart talk with your loved one. The influence of Venus aspects will have the most favorable effect on mutual understanding and harmony in your relationships. Therefore, you should not remain silent and worry within yourself about all sorts of little things that irritate you. Calmly and without emotion, tell your chosen one about the problem. He will understand and support you. Avoid dividing the family budget into mine and yours. This can lead to resentment. Let the money be common. Just plan your expenses together and make unanimous decisions. Pisces are secretive by nature and are accustomed to acting independently, but just for the sake of the purity of the experiment, try asking your partner for advice before each decision. You will see how your relationship, and your loved one himself, will transform. Yes, it will be a little difficult, but believe me, it will be worth it. You will enjoy it, and you are unlikely to want to return to your previous lifestyle. Moreover, you have good adaptive abilities, take advantage of this.

The horoscope for the Pisces woman for May 2017 promises a lot, a lot of joy, good luck, light and warmth! Throw away all the doubts that tormented your thoughts and already exhausted heart, surrender completely to the wise flow of time and accept everything that happens with gratitude! The immense kindness and tenderness inherent in every Pisces woman will create an inexpressibly alluring aura around her personality - expect an influx of secret admirers and very obvious admirers! Don’t forget to attract them with a smile in May 2017: a gloomy, depressed mood risks reducing the full power of natural charm to nothing. Willingness to meet your love at any moment is the key to success!

Financial horoscope for the Pisces woman for May 2017

Now our accurate horoscope foretells the arrival of a worthy reward for the previously expended time and volitional resources. Expect a replenishment in your wallet: a bonus, vacation pay, or even the prospect of career growth with a proportional increase in salary levels is what you truly deserve. It is better not to hide the good news behind seven locks, but to celebrate it among your closest friends. In case of triumph, give due attention to your colleagues - they will be the key to your success in the future. It will be a pleasure to receive and spend finances! – says the horoscope for the Pisces woman for May 2017.

In the last month of spring, Pisces, sociable and in the spotlight, will feel like the absolute master of the situation. This statement applies not only to her professional employment, but also to her entire personal life. A creative approach to work will allow you to create a good atmosphere in your team, and your conscientious work will contribute to excellent material wealth.

There is a state of affairs that you cannot change in May. But there is no need to be upset about this. Let your energy be directed towards achieving other good goals. The horoscope for May 2018 Pisces advises providing support to those who need it. It’s not for nothing that people turned to you for help!

Pisces's compliance and sociability will be reflected in her love relationships. In May 2018, you may find yourself in a situation where your loved one turns away from you. The situation can be corrected, but for this you will have to forget about your pride for some time. At the end of spring, you will meet interesting people. Business relationships can begin with them, which will imperceptibly flow into romantic relationships.

What to pay attention to in May for the sign of Pisces:

Name: Olga

Color: Azure

Stone: Tourmaline

Number: 13

Plant: Birch

Animal: Roe deer

Favorable days: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 20, 23, 26, 28, 30

Unfavorable days: 1, 6, 12, 22, 31

Family and relationship horoscope, love horoscope

Lonely Pisces who will not go with the flow in May 2018, the love horoscope promises a number of exciting meetings, a lot of entertainment and a lot of romance. Start an active movement, use your imagination to the fullest, and your main ally in winning hearts will be the spring sorceress.

The number of your dates may be so large that you may lose count, but it's not about quantity, it's about quality. Maybe you will be lucky and the first person you meet will be exactly the one you need, but the love horoscope in May 2018 does not recommend counting on such a miracle. Try to find out as much as possible about your new acquaintance. If his plans are serious and honest, then he has nothing to hide from you.

Majority family Pisces will have an excellent relationship with her spouse. But some representatives of this sign, especially those born in the last ten days of the month, may encounter problems in family life. We are most likely talking about adultery, which will be complicated by the fact that it will become public. Not everyone will be able to survive mental pain, as well as outside reproaches and ridicule, and some family unions will simply collapse. But the number of such dramas out of the total number of married couples will be simply insignificant.

Most family Pisces will feel confident in marriage, and many of them will even be quite happy. Get your whole family out into nature, have picnics and various recreational activities. May your family union be strong and happy!

Work and finance, money horoscope

In May 2018, Pisces can be proud of their successes in the professional field. They may not be too great, but they are well deserved. Be prepared for the changes that are already awaiting many representatives of your sign. If you really want to, you can extract the maximum benefit from any situation.

Having not completed its past affairs, Pisces should not take on new projects, even if there is strong pressure on it from above. You will definitely complete your task, just do everything in order. First of all, accept offers on terms that are favorable to you. The vast majority of them do not contain any catch. And the career horoscope for May 2018 advises Pisces to immediately refuse offers associated with risk.

In material terms, the month of May will be one of the most successful for Pisces. Even those projects and affairs for which there was no hope will bring good income. True, you will be doing your work both on holidays and on weekends. Many of those who have been busy looking for a new job will finally realize their dream, and everyone else should not despair.

It won't be long before you find your place in life. You may not find it as attractive as you would like, but you have to start somewhere. Don't cling to your past, but move firmly and confidently into the future. Time will pass and you will make him happy!

Well-being and mood in May

Unfortunately, Pisces are prone to anxiety, mood swings and depression. All this may adversely affect their well-being in May 2018. But you don’t have to succumb to all the ailments listed above, and then you won’t even have to think about the problem as such. So tune in to the positive, think only about the good, and everything will be fine in this regard.

Start your day with exercise and a cool shower. After you get a little stronger, you can move on to morning jogging and exercises that develop flexibility. And the most resilient Pisces can do strength exercises of any complexity, and no depression will be scary for them.

Recommended cosmetic procedures for the Pisces sign in May are hair cutting, manicure (after the 20th the most successful). You can do pedicures, as well as body contouring procedures. During this period, a fasting diet will work great - you will be able to lose several kilograms that will not return.

In May, a favorable period will begin for the Pisces zodiac sign, filled with bright events and unforgettable acquaintances. This month, single people will not be bored - they will meet a person with whom they will experience mutual love. The Pisces horoscope in May 2018 promises an improvement in your financial situation, but for this you will have to work hard. Hardworking and persistent representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to complete long-standing projects by the end of spring and lay the foundation for building a successful career.

At the beginning of May, Pisces will want external transformations, so they will visit a beauty salon and update their wardrobe. Thanks to these changes, they will become more confident and courageous, which will have a positive impact on their personal lives and careers. Pisces will easily make new acquaintances, and will easily win the heart of a person for whom they have long had sympathy. In addition, they will have many fans, and some of them may be too intrusive.

While Pisces will improve their lives, friends will begin to impose themselves on them with their advice and moral teachings. But you shouldn’t listen to them - do as you see fit. But the stars advise not to forget about your past mistakes, and to do everything to prevent their repetition. You will be able to verify the correctness of your decisions already in mid-May, when progress in business will be noticeable.

Health horoscope

To ensure that physical health does not fail in May, the stars recommend that Pisces engage in spiritual development, because people with a strong psyche are less likely to succumb to illness. It is necessary to bring something new and interesting into life in order to fill gray everyday life with bright colors and positive emotions. For example, you can find an exciting hobby, start practicing art, or discover the mysterious world of yoga and meditation. Many representatives of this zodiac sign will discover creative talents in themselves and will actively begin to develop them.

Pisces will need a lot of energy in May to keep up with everything. But instead of consuming large quantities of coffee and energy drinks, you should adjust your daily routine:

  • do exercises in the morning or go for a run;
  • take a contrast shower;
  • Healthy food;
  • replace snacks at work with full meals;
  • take walks in the evening;
  • go to bed early.

To improve your well-being, stars advise giving up alcohol and smoking. After just a week, Pisces will notice that waking up in the morning is easier for them, there is no irritability, and their brain works more productively throughout the day.

Career and finance horoscope

In May 2018, Pisces may experience difficulties in the work sphere that could negatively affect their financial situation. You will have to do a lot of routine work, and often you will have to redo it. Such hassle will significantly damage the psyche of Pisces, so it is not surprising that squabbles with colleagues will arise. You will have to be patient and try to efficiently complete the assigned boring tasks, because despite the fact that at first glance they are quite insignificant, they are remunerated much more than for large projects.

If Pisces shows themselves at work as a restrained and responsible person, then at the end of May you can expect praise from your boss. It is possible that representatives of this zodiac sign will be entrusted with a particularly important project that will affect their career development. Don’t doubt your abilities and refuse a task without even trying to figure it out - you will succeed.

Pisces is categorically not advised to make drastic changes in the professional sphere in May. It is better to devote this period to completing current affairs, as well as making plans for the future. If you encounter financial difficulties, you should look for a part-time job, but under no circumstances should you borrow money. In addition, it’s time to learn how to spend money economically, and not spend it on completely unnecessary things.

Family and relationship horoscope

Pisces have a hidden and mysterious nature, so few people know what they really are. These qualities often prevent representatives of the sign from building romantic relationships, because they simply do not express their feelings and behave rather closed. The horoscope advises Pisces to become more decisive and open in May. Don’t be afraid to be the first to admit your feelings and invite the person you like on a date, because you are so charming that it’s impossible to refuse you.

In May 2018, Pisces should not trust everyone, because... you can fall into the “net” of a mercantile and deceitful person. You will have to learn to understand people in order to accurately determine the true intentions of an obsessive admirer. Before you start a relationship with someone, you need to get to know them better. For a happy life together, representatives of this zodiac sign should look for a serious and responsible person for whom family values, sincerity and loyalty are important.

Married Pisces will have to deal with housing issues in May 2018. For those living with their parents, it's time to rent an apartment and live separately, especially since some couples will find out this month that their first child will soon be born. In addition, independent living will allow you to cultivate responsibility and self-sufficiency.