The first trimester of pregnancy, my feelings and experiences. The first trimester of pregnancy: the size and weight of the fetus, the condition of the pregnant woman, the necessary tests How the pregnancy proceeds in the first trimester

The very first, and at the same time one of the most important cells of the unborn child is the zygote. The zygote contains genes that are inherited from the parents, and the reason for its formation is the fusion of the germ cells of the father and mother.

From this moment on, each part of it gives rise to the formation of a certain structure of the embryo. And all other cells that subsequently arise in the new organism will be daughter cells of the zygote.

What it will be depends entirely on the sex chromosomes. Thanks to the fusion of the egg with the sperm responsible for the X chromosome, the result will be a girl, if the fusion occurs with the sperm with the Y chromosome, a boy. As a result, there is no doubt that the sex of the child is directly dependent on the sex chromosomes belonging to the father.

The division of the zygote begins simultaneously with the journey towards the uterus along the fallopian tube. After three days from the time of fertilization, the embryo acquires a structure of 32 cells, and its shape resembles a mulberry. Approximately by the end of the first week, the number of cells will grow to 250, and due to its shape it will look like a kind of ball with a diameter of 0.1 - 0.2 mm.

The embryo receives its nutrition from the available reserves of essential nutrients in the egg, and the secretion of the fallopian tube is also a source of nutrition.

When the embryo reaches the uterine cavity (this will happen approximately 5-6 days after fertilization), it will begin to actively penetrate into the uterine tissue. This process was given the name of implantation. From this time, the placenta begins its development - the main organ responsible for ensuring the vital activity of the fetus for the entire period (9 months) of pregnancy.

This most important period will be accompanied by the laying of all organs and tissues, the development of the heart and limbs will begin, a new formation will begin to form, otherwise called the fetal neural tube, is considered the prototype of the central nervous system. (central nervous system), which is why the correct bookmark, as well as its timely closure, are events of no small importance. An equally important role in this event is assigned to folic acid taken by a pregnant woman and the use of B vitamins.

At the beginning of the first trimester of pregnancy, threats and dangers may arise, such as adverse factors that can disrupt the development of the embryo, the cost may be its death and, as a result, the pregnancy will spontaneously terminate.

2 month (or 5-8 weeks)

During the 2nd month, the rudiments of the main organs will begin to appear, the formation of the larynx and trachea - the upper respiratory tract, and the formation of the heart. The genitourinary system, as well as the heart and blood vessels, will continue to develop.

It is at this stage that the neural tube closes. This means that the baby's central nervous system is intensively formed. Blood formation begins inside the blood vessels, due to which blood stem cells are formed, which will contribute to the development of all blood cells. The thyroid gland begins to develop.

The intensity of the development of the placenta is noticeable - a special organ subsequently responsible for nutrition, respiration, protection of the fetus, and for the production of hormones. The formation of the body of the fetus is fully completed. There are rudiments of the appearance of the upper and lower extremities. Fingers are already forming.

The embryo at this time is distinguished by rapid growth. For comparison, its length is 1.5-2.5 mm, and 8 weeks corresponds to 7-13 mm.

3 month (or 9-12 weeks)

Intensive development of the brain is characteristic - thus, already 9 weeks gives rise to the formation of the cerebellum (that part of the brain that provides coordination of movements). Limbs begin to form: there is an actively expressed development of bones and joints, as well as fingers and toes. This week may be the beginning for the first spontaneous movements.

To the beginning, the elbow joints were formed, and, accordingly, the fingers and toes, as well as the upper lip, auricles. The distinctive features of the face of the future baby are already noticeable. The end of the 12th week of pregnancy is marked for the baby by fully formed main organs.

Signs of pregnancy in the first trimester

Today, girls and women have become too independent and busy, so most often they find out about their pregnancy in the second month. The first days of conception are completely asymptomatic. But if a woman is attentive, she will ask herself the question: “Why didn’t menstruation begin?” This is the first sign of pregnancy. Also, there are a number of harbingers of pregnancy, namely:

  • Dizziness for no reason. Not from fatigue, but so - for no particular reason.
  • Drowsiness. Since the body began to rebuild, it needs the expectant mother to sleep a lot and thereby give more energy to the formation of processes.
  • Irritability. Women take this factor more for PMS and do not pay attention.
  • Enlargement and discomfort in the chest. Often the areola of the nipples and the breast itself begin to hurt.

All these signify the presence of new life in the mother's body. About what the first trimester of pregnancy and what to expect, we will tell further.

First trimester of pregnancy: belly

Despite the fact that during this period the tummy is still not visible at all, there will be plenty of worries. Doctors recommend weaning from sleeping on your stomach in the first months of pregnancy.

In women, the stomach often swells and it seems to them that something is going wrong. But that's all right. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the stomach does not hurt much, only aching and pulling sensations.

Women may observe that they have a fatty layer in the lower abdomen - and this is a natural process. Thus, the body protects the baby from external irritants, cold and discomfort.

Pregnancy first trimester pain

Now a pregnant woman should especially carefully listen to her body. In principle, pain during this period is natural, because global changes are taking place in a woman's body. Why are there pains in the first trimester?

  • Hormonal reorganization. At 2-3 weeks, a woman may feel chest pain. It increases in size and begins to get sick chronically.
  • Constipation. At 6-7 weeks, women often have pain in the lower abdomen. If you rarely visit the restroom, then you should drink at least 2 liters of water a day and the pain will stop.
  • Uterus. At 7-8 weeks, the uterus reaches 8-10 cm in diameter. She begins to put pressure on the internal organs, causing pain.
  • Ligament tension. At week 12, there may be constant pain in the lower abdomen, but this is also natural, since the growing uterus is supported by ligaments, which causes pain.

Pain in the first trimester of pregnancy

Pain may not be physiological, but on the contrary, signal the presence of problems. Constant, stabbing sensations in the lower abdomen may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. Uncharacteristic pain in the 1st trimester:

  • Progressive pain. If you feel that the pain is on the rise, then hurry to the doctor, otherwise there is a real threat of miscarriage.
  • Local pain. If only one part of the body constantly hurts (lower abdomen, right or left side), then this may indicate that an inflammatory process has begun in the body.
  • Pain and bleeding. There is no doubt that you need to seek help. The discharge of blood from the vagina during gestation is completely excluded, so this is a signal that not everything is in order with the body.

In any case, in the first trimester, you need to be especially careful in order to protect yourself and your baby from death, because during this period the threat of miscarriage is maximum.

Vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy

Vitamins in the mother's diet will help not only the baby, but also the woman herself. Indeed, due to the fact that many microelements and minerals are taken into the structure and formation of the crumbs, the expectant mother needs to constantly fill this gap. What vitamins do mom and baby need?

Vitamins for babies

  • Folic acid. Protects the neural tube of the fetus, allowing the baby to form strong and healthy.
  • Vitamin E. Forms the placenta.
  • Vitamin A. Develops the skeleton, the visual apparatus.
  • Iodine. Important for the development of the nervous system and thyroid gland.

Vitamins for mom

  • Vitamin C will help to cope with viruses and bacteria.
  • Vitamin E strengthens pregnancy (the risk of miscarriage is minimized).
  • B vitamins will help to cope with early toxicosis.

Useful substances for mom and baby

  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Magnesium

It is advisable to use foods that contain vitamins, but also do not forget about multivitamin complexes, which are available in the form of tablets and syrups.

Frozen pregnancy first trimester

The fetus can freeze in the mother's body at any time. A missed pregnancy is considered a woman's condition up to 28 weeks. It is very difficult to determine for what reason this irreversible process occurs. Many factors influence this:

  • genetic predisposition.
  • Constant stress.
  • Diseases: inflammatory, viral, bacterial, etc.
  • Genital tract infections: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc.
  • abortion. If a woman previously got rid of a late pregnancy, then the next fetus is likely to die.

Which factor affects this remains a mystery to doctors to this day.

Frozen pregnancy signs in the first trimester

This condition is dangerous because it can occur without symptoms, but in rare cases. In women, this manifests itself in different ways and it does not immediately become clear that the fetus is frozen. Main features:

  • Constant lethargy and fatigue.
  • Bloody discharge (not frequent, but significant).
  • Termination of early toxicosis (nausea, vomiting) without any special reasons.
  • Stops sore and swollen breasts.
  • Elevated temperature.

The final verdict can be heard on the ultrasound, which determines that the baby's heartbeat is missing.

First trimester of pregnancy: discharge

Discharge during pregnancy is dangerous and not dangerous. Non-dangerous leucorrhoea includes transparent or white discharge, which has no smell, blood impurities, and in structure they are mucous, but not dense. Also, they do not have flaky lumps and are not cheesy in texture.

This phenomenon is natural, as the female body undergoes hormonal changes. What discharge is considered pathological?

  • White and curdled. They usually have a sour smell. Such discharge indicates the presence of a fungus (candidiasis). Very often it manifests itself due to a violation of the normal microflora, reduced immunity.
  • Green mucous discharge. Usually it is a genital tract infection. In this case, the discharge is accompanied by a sharp unpleasant odor.
  • Yellow mucous discharge. If the consistency is not thick and does not have a characteristic odor, then there is no reason to panic. But if the discharge is thick and has a musty smell, this is purulent inflammation. The cause may be E. coli, staphylococcus and other bacteria.
  • Brown and scarlet discharge. They are the most dangerous and pose a great threat to the baby and you. There are a lot of reasons for such secretions: detachment of the fetal egg, internal bleeding, fetal fading, polyps, erosion, etc.

With these types of discharge, you need to urgently rush to the doctor and eliminate the cause, otherwise they can negatively and even fatally affect the health of your baby.

Colds - first trimester of pregnancy

Catching a virus or infection during this period of pregnancy is fraught with consequences. It is clear that you need to take care of yourself, dress warmer, but if you already have a cold, you need to competently eliminate it in a short time. No matter how much a woman drinks vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy, she will not be 100% protected from viruses.

The first step is to immediately consult a doctor. Only he, after passing the tests, will prescribe an adequate treatment. You may have to drink complex drugs, but this will be a better solution than infecting the fetus, because the disease is transmitted to the baby through the placenta, and this suggests that various pathologies can develop in an unformed, weakened baby.

If you have a cold, you need to constantly rinse your nose with sea salt or saline. They destroy viral cells. Do not forget about drinking plenty of water (wash out the infection from the body). Herbal teas with honey and lemon. The main thing is to immediately engage in treatment and fundamentally extinguish the foci of the disease.

Sex in the first trimester of pregnancy

Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to make love in the first trimester of pregnancy. Doctors do not recommend having sex in the early stages, since the woman's genitals also undergo restructuring: the walls of the vagina become looser, the mucosa is more sensitive, which is why there is a high risk of injury during the act. It also reduces the protective function of the microflora, which can lead to inflammation and infections.

If a woman is healthy and does not suffer from toxicosis, then sexual intercourse is possible, but it is better to consult with your gynecologist, because as soon as he knows all the features of your pregnancy.

Temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy

The body temperature of a woman is 36.6 degrees, but during pregnancy this figure can rise to 37-37.2 degrees. This phenomenon is physiological, so there is no reason to panic. If the body temperature is kept at 38 degrees and does not drop for two days, then you should consult a doctor and take a urine and blood test to detect diseases.

It can be both SARS and an inflammatory process, so you should not delay visiting a doctor, otherwise you can harm yourself and your baby.

Ultrasound - first trimester of pregnancy

Ultrasound is one of the fastest and most informative ways to examine a pregnant woman. In the first trimester, ultrasound is done twice: to set the gestational age (and also to detect) and at 10-14 weeks, the first screening is done.

Diagnosis by ultrasound is the most effective and efficient. A pregnant woman may additionally be prescribed an examination according to indications. Thanks to this equipment, many pathologies and diseases can be prevented at their very beginning. Therefore, it is not worth neglecting systemic trips to ultrasound.

Women rarely refuse ultrasound, in contrast to taking tests. After all, you can at least through the screen, but personally look at your baby. The first trimester of pregnancy is very responsible for the health of mom and baby.

Author of the publication: Marianna Pavlei 

The 1st trimester of pregnancy is the initial, but very important stage of pregnancy, during which the formation of all organs and systems in the unborn baby takes place.
The first trimester is also quite difficult for mom, since right now she will have to face most of the difficulties of the entire pregnant period.

1st trimester of pregnancy: how many weeks is it, when does it end

The early period of pregnancy or the first trimester lasts 13 obstetric weeks. It is counted from the first day of the last menstruation, after which conception occurred. Many young mothers are perplexed why, at the first examination by a gynecologist, just a week after the delay, they are given a period of 5-6 weeks, although in fact the baby in the tummy is no more than 3.5-4 weeks.

The answer to this riddle is simple - the first month of pregnancy in medical practice lasts 6, not 4 calendar weeks, since those 14 days from the start of the last menstruation, when the egg was preparing for fertilization, are also taken into account. This is the period when your unborn baby makes a serious "journey" through the fallopian tubes towards the uterus, which will become his home for the next nine months.

First trimester of pregnancy: what happens

The first trimester, like the next two three-month periods of bearing a child, has its own characteristics. During this period, important processes take place in the body of the pregnant woman and the embryo that set the course for the entire course of pregnancy. Depending on the individual characteristics of the early stage of pregnancy, each woman endures differently.

Almost constant companions of all mothers in the first weeks are:

  1. impassable fatigue
  2. nausea
  3. headache and fainting
  4. drowsiness
  5. depression and irritability
  6. thrush
But feeling unwell can be easily overcome if you tune in correctly. Revision of lifestyle will help to cope with toxicosis and raging hormones. Try to rest more and walk in the fresh air, change your diet, replacing the sandwich menu with healthy food - this will help you quickly "adapt" to the appearance of a "tenant" in the stomach.

What happens to the child:
In the first three months, the embryo actively develops. On the fifth week, serious processes take place in his body to lay important organs: the liver, kidneys and digestive system. At the sixth week, the baby completes the formation of the heart, which from that moment begins to contract. By the 12th week, the embryo is already completely similar to a little man - its height is 5-6 cm, and its weight is 9-14 g.

Nutrition during pregnancy 1st trimester

Nutrition in the first trimester is an urgent issue for women in labor suffering from toxicosis, against which there is an absolute disgust for everything related to food. What to eat at an early stage in order to provide the developing baby with all the necessary nutrients in full?

The diet and diet in the early stages is best chosen from your individual preferences, especially when toxicosis is raging and all foods in the eyes of a pregnant woman are divided into two categories - it is impossible to eat and acceptable. Fractional nutrition will help to fight this problem - a little bit, but often.

What is useful to eat and drink: boiled meat and fish, vegetable soups, fruits and vegetables in any form, dairy products. You need to give up everything fried, spicy and sour, although it is better to leave pickled cucumber or sauerkraut on the menu - they cause appetite and help smooth out the symptoms of toxicosis.

A healthy first trimester menu should include the following dishes:

  • Bran flakes, muesli and cereals;
  • Vegetable soups with light broth and stews;
  • Salads from vegetables and fruits;
  • Meat and fish steam cutlets, casseroles
  • Milk puddings
For a snack, it is better to give up fast food and sandwiches, and stock up on biscuit cookies and juice, which you can “eat” nausea in several passes between main meals.

Tests for pregnant women in the first trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is the busiest in terms of medical examination. It is during this period that women are prescribed many tests in order to draw up the correct plan for monitoring the course of pregnancy.

The list of mandatory tests and examinations includes:

  1. blood for HIV / AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, TORCH infections, hepatitis B and C, group and Rh factor, hemoglobin;
  2. general urine analysis;
  3. a smear on the microflora from the vagina;
  4. heart electrocardiogram.
Also, at an early stage, gynecologists issue a referral to a pregnant woman for medical examination by narrow specialists: a neuropathologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist, surgeon and therapist.

Discharge during pregnancy in the first trimester

The first trimester is considered the most dangerous period of pregnancy, during which a miscarriage can occur. The main symptom of threatened miscarriage and miscarriage is bleeding.

Very often, in the first three months, expectant mothers have vaginal discharge of a different nature and shade. Mucus discharge of a whitish hue, which is aggravated by the influence of the pregnancy hormone - progesterone, is considered the norm.

You should urgently consult a doctor if:

  • Dark yellow, yellow, yellowish or brown discharge. They may indicate the presence of a sexual infection or the fading of the fetus.
  • White discharge of curdled consistency. They are a sign of thrush, which can cause pathology in the fetus.
  • Spotting or spotting, which may be a sign of a miscarriage.

Sex in the first trimester of pregnancy

In the 1st trimester, when future parents are not yet accustomed to their new status, the question of sex becomes acute in married couples - is it possible or not? Obstetricians in the first trimester very much allow intimate relationships for mothers, if there is no threat of miscarriage.

But at this stage, the opponents of sex are often women who, against the background of a hormonal surge and constant malaise, no longer want to have an intimate relationship. This problem can only be solved on an individual basis. Psychologists recommend that caring daddies do not despair and wait a little - when the expectant mother "gets used" to pregnancy, she will definitely remember her husband, who needs her affection.

Sports during pregnancy first trimester

It is often difficult for expectant mothers who lead an active lifestyle before pregnancy to give up sports. According to obstetricians, this is not worth doing, since today the concept of “not shaking” the baby in the stomach is considered outdated in any case, and for easy births, gynecologists even advise women to go to the gym, but without fanaticism.

Of course, you should give up training with increased physical activity, active running and rocking the press. But cycling, swimming, yoga or gymnastics - these activities will even be useful for the expectant mother.

First trimester of pregnancy: do's and don'ts

The first trimester is a very important period in a baby's development. What can and what can not be done in the first three months, so as not to harm the child?
Indeed, with the onset of pregnancy, women have to give up many habits. But this does not mean that you need to radically change your lifestyle. At the same time, it is still worth familiarizing yourself with the categorical “taboos”, as they promise a danger to the crumbs.

Categorical "no" first trimester:

  1. alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and soda;
  2. prolonged exposure to the sun;
  3. physical exercise;
  4. stress;
  5. toxic substances;
  6. medicines without a doctor's prescription.
The main “cans” of the first trimester are:
  1. tranquility,
  2. complete rest,
  3. outdoor walks,
  4. sleep and healthy eating.

Pregnancy 1st trimester: what you need to know

Are you becoming a mother for the first time and were confused when you saw two stripes on the test, not knowing what to do first? The algorithm is simple: visit a gynecologist, register with a antenatal clinic, undergo the necessary examination and enjoy your interesting position.

At this stage, it is not necessary to give up work and travel, if they are planned. With good health and the absence of medical contraindications, flights by plane are allowed, so you can safely go to hot countries - this will not harm either the baby or the mother.

It is important to remember that during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, any colds and medications are dangerous. Even with a common cold, you should immediately visit a gynecologist and get qualified recommendations without self-medicating with the use of even those drugs that are sold without a prescription.

There are countless factors that can have a negative impact on pregnancy in the first trimester. But do not despair - it is possible to avoid problems when carrying a child.

The rules of the first trimester: calmness and following all the recommendations of the gynecologist, proper rest and sleep, elimination of stress and overwork, healthy nutrition and a full drinking regimen.

And do not forget, bearing a child is not a disease that needs to be treated, but a wonderful condition given to a woman by nature. Enjoy it, and then the pregnancy will pass for you as one happy moment.

The entire period of pregnancy is usually divided into three approximately equal periods of time, which are called trimesters. It is counted from the first day of the last menstruation to 12 weeks (during this period, fertilization occurs - the fusion of the egg and sperm and the formation of the organs of the fetus and placenta). The second trimester lasts from 13 to 28 weeks (at this time there is an active growth and development of the fetus). From 29 weeks until the moment of delivery, the third trimester of pregnancy begins (the period of 28 weeks is the border between the second and third trimesters, because the fetus born after 28 weeks of pregnancy, with appropriate treatment and nursing, is capable of further growth and development outside the mother's body).

It should be noted that the calculation of the obstetric gestational age, which is set in the antenatal clinic, with ultrasound and when calculating the expected date of birth, is usually carried out not from the moment when conception occurred, but from the first day of the last menstruation. The embryonic gestational age is also distinguished, the calculation of which is carried out from the moment of conception (as a rule, it is two weeks less than the obstetric one). Calculating the obstetric period is more convenient, because it is rather difficult to determine the exact date of conception, and the expectant mother can almost always tell the date of the first day of the last menstruation.

embryo development

The life span of an egg in anticipation of fertilization is 24 hours, and the viability of spermatozoa is 3-5 days. If, after the release of a mature egg from the ovary (which happens, as a rule, in the middle of the menstrual cycle), it meets and merges with the sperm, fertilization occurs, resulting in the formation of a unicellular embryo - a zygote, which gives rise to a complex process of laying all organs and systems future child.

A day after fertilization, which occurs in the ampullary (expanded) section of the fallopian tube, the embryo begins its journey to the place of permanent "dislocation" - into the uterine cavity, while not stopping to divide continuously.

From 4 days in the embryo, consisting of a group of cells similar to a raspberry (at this stage of development it is called a morula), the process of embryogenesis begins - the laying of all organs and tissues. 5-7 days after fertilization, having reached the uterine cavity, the embryo, which during this period is in the blastocyst stage and consists of approximately 200 cells, begins the process of penetration into the uterine mucosa - implantation, which occurs on the 21-24th day of the menstrual cycle. In the process of implantation, continuously dividing cells of the embryo secrete special enzymes that melt a section of the mucous membrane of the uterus - the endometrium, and penetrate inside. After implantation, the smallest blood vessels of the outer part of the blastocyst and the endometrium merge, through which the life support of the embryo begins (until the moment of implantation, it was fed from its own reserves, which are significantly depleted by the time they enter the uterine cavity). In the future, the chorion is formed from these vessels, and then the placenta, which is the most important organ that provides nutrition and growth of the fetus.

The dividing cells of the embryo form 3 sheets, which give rise to certain organs and tissues. The outer leaf gives rise to the development of skin, hair and nails, teeth, epithelium of the ears, eyes and nose, and the nervous system. From the middle leaf, a chord is formed - the basis of the future spine, skeletal muscles, cartilage, internal organs, blood vessels, sex glands. From the cells of the inner leaf, the epithelium of the respiratory and digestive systems, the liver and pancreas will be formed.

After implantation is completed, the outer cells of the embryo (trophoblast) begin to synthesize the hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which, spreading with blood flow throughout the body of the future mother, gives a signal for hormonal restructuring of its organs and systems in connection with the onset of pregnancy. Thus, from the 10th day after fertilization (which corresponds to the 24th day of the menstrual cycle), hCG, by which one can judge the presence of pregnancy, begins to be determined in the blood and a little later in the urine of the pregnant woman.

By the end of the first month of pregnancy (at 4 weeks), the embryo looks like a tube, at one end of which there is a thickening - the future head of the child, at the other end - the coccyx rudiment. The heart begins to form, while still having a single-chamber structure, the nervous system (21 days after conception, the laying of the brain and spinal cord occurs). At week 4, the rudiments of internal organs, eye sockets, and limbs are formed. The size of the embryo by the end of the first month is about 1.5 mm.

In the second month of pregnancy (at 5–8 weeks), the embryo looks like a “comma” due to the large size of the head, which makes up more than one third of the body, and still not very developed limbs. During this period, there is a process of rapid growth (its rate reaches 2–3 mm per day!), Amniotic fluid begins to be produced, in which the unborn child spends the entire period of intrauterine existence, through which the metabolism of the fetus is carried out and which performs protective (shock-absorbing) function. On the head of the embryo there are 4 depressions where eyes and ears are formed. The central nervous system is actively developing: the layers of the cerebral hemispheres are being laid. By the end of the second month of pregnancy, a tiny heart begins to contract in the embryo (this can be seen with ultrasound), the kidneys begin to function, there is a nose and mouth on the small face, fingers form on the limbs, which are still tight with membranes, the muscles acquire the ability to contract. By the end of the second month of pregnancy, the growth of the embryo reaches 2.5 cm.

By the beginning of the 3rd month of pregnancy (9–12 weeks), the period of laying human organs ends - the embryonic period, the embryo acquires a characteristic human appearance, therefore, after 8 weeks of development (or 45 days after fertilization) it is already called a fetus: the so-called fruiting period begins development.

Within 3 months, the baby continues to actively grow and develop: the heart already has a four-chamber structure, like in an adult, facial features become clearer, the stomach and intestines are formed, limbs and fingers are fully formed, on which tiny marigolds grow, convolutions are formed in the brain and furrows. Muscles are actively working, due to which the fetus moves its arms and legs (but due to its too small size, the expectant mother cannot yet feel these movements), the fetus can also compress and unclench its fists, open and close its mouth. The cartilaginous tissue that makes up the skeleton of the fetus begins to harden at the so-called ossification points. The skin of the unborn child at this stage is very thin, blood vessels shine through it, due to which the skin has a red color. The growth of the fetus by the end of the third month of pregnancy is already 9-10 cm, weight - 13-14 g.

1st trimester: a woman's feelings

During the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is actively rebuilding to a new mode of operation (the volume of circulating blood gradually increases, the heart, lungs and kidneys begin to work in an enhanced mode, etc.), in which everything is aimed at bearing and developing the fetus. In this regard, even in healthy pregnant women, changes are often observed both in the physiological and psychological spheres of life. It must be remembered that these changes are temporary and are signs of a restructuring of the hormonal background, which is necessary for the normal growth and development of the unborn baby.

General well-being. So, at a time when you still may not know that a new life has arisen inside you, you may feel general weakness, fatigue, constant drowsiness, absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate on any important matter, periodically occurring dizziness. These symptoms are one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and are associated with the effect of the hormone progesterone (which begins to be produced by the ovary from the moment of fertilization) on vascular tone. The vessels of the uterus and small pelvis during pregnancy expand significantly, which is necessary for relaxation of the uterus and good blood supply to the fetus. Due to the fact that the vessels of the future mother's body are in an expanded state and a large amount of blood accumulates in the pelvic organs, a decrease in blood pressure is often noted in a pregnant woman in the first trimester, the symptoms of which are weakness, drowsiness and other listed ailments.

Psycho-emotional sphere. The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by sharp mood swings, instability of psycho-emotional reactions, which can be manifested by excessive touchiness, the appearance of tears for no apparent reason, and reactions to ordinary stimuli that are uncharacteristic for this woman. These changes can have varying degrees of severity, as well as different durations: for some, the phenomena of emotional lability (as specialists call these manifestations) disappear after a few weeks from the onset of pregnancy, and for some women they are observed during the entire first trimester or even the entire pregnancy, which depends on the initial characteristics of the character, reaction and relationships of the people around the future mother. Sudden mood swings are caused by the processes of significant hormonal changes during pregnancy.

Change in appetite. During the first trimester of pregnancy, many women experience changes in appetite as well as a pronounced preference for certain foods. Some pregnant women notice a sharp decrease in appetite, especially in the morning, which may be associated with the phenomena of early toxicosis, others remember the constant irrepressible desire to eat during the first months of pregnancy. Some have an irresistible desire to eat something sweet or salty, others have an aversion to the taste or smell of any food. In some cases, the food habits of pregnant women take on exotic forms: expectant mothers feel like eating chalk, sand, etc. If you are irresistibly drawn to eat something harmful (for example, pickles or smoked meats, tangerines or strawberries), it is advisable to choose an analogue that brings benefits the body of the expectant mother and growing baby. So, pickles can be replaced with crackers or nuts, sweets - with dried fruits or muesli bars, soda - with freshly squeezed juices or natural fruit drinks.

Metamorphoses of eating behavior can be associated with a deficiency in the expectant mother of precisely those substances that she lacks for the growth and development of the fetus (protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, certain trace elements), so the body insistently requires exactly the missing components, showing this by changing taste preferences . Therefore, if you notice cravings for unusual foods or completely inedible things, you need to inform the doctor who is observing your pregnancy so that he can identify the lack of which substances is associated with a change in taste preferences and give the necessary recommendations to replenish them.

As a result of hormonal changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy, there is an aversion to the taste and even the smell of any products (most often meat and fish). In such cases, you should not overpower yourself, as you can always find an alternative - for example, if you cannot look at meat, then dairy products, legumes, etc. can be an excellent source of protein.Remember that all these "pregnancy fads" are transient , and as the pregnancy progresses, everything will gradually fall into place.

Condition of the skin and mammary glands. In addition to changes in mood and appetite, the expectant mother in the first trimester of pregnancy may also experience external changes that may affect the skin, as well as the condition of the mammary glands. Since the mammary glands are hormone-dependent organs, under the influence of hormonal changes that occur in connection with pregnancy, women from the first weeks of pregnancy may notice a feeling of fullness (engorgement), tingling, discomfort and even soreness in the chest area. Any, even light touch to the mammary glands can cause discomfort. As a rule, they spontaneously pass by the end of the first - the beginning of the second month of pregnancy. In the area of ​​the areola (peripapillary circle) of the mammary glands, under the influence of estrogen hormones, pigmentation increases, which increases throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.

At the 3rd month of pregnancy, there may be an increase in the volume of the mammary glands and nipples, which is due to the active growth of glandular tissue to prepare the breast for lactation. If breast growth occurs very quickly, stretch marks may appear on the skin - striae; at first they are red, and over time they turn pale. Stretch marks are skin tears that are replaced by connective tissue as a result of the fact that the skin does not have time to adapt to such a rapid increase in breast volume. The possibility of the appearance of stretch marks is due to the individual characteristics of the structure of the skin of the expectant mother. Unfortunately, stretch marks cannot be completely removed, but over time they will become significantly less noticeable.

It is possible to take measures in advance against the appearance of stretch marks, and then they will either not appear at all, or will be minimally expressed. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks, it is necessary to clearly monitor the dynamics of weight gain, avoiding its sharp jumps and large gains in a short period of time (normally, a pregnant woman adds 300–400 g per week). Particular attention should be paid to skin care during pregnancy, since today there is a wide range of special products for the prevention of the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the chest, abdomen and thighs. It is necessary to apply creams for the prevention of stretch marks containing nutrients, vitamins, collagen after a warm shower 1-2 times a day, which helps to moisturize the skin and increase its elasticity.

As pregnancy progresses, under the influence of estrogen on the skin of the face, in some cases, pigmentation of the skin in the facial area - forehead, cheeks, chin, upper lip - may increase. The risk group for the appearance of hyperpigmentation includes brunettes, women with dark skin. Also, expectant mothers who spend a lot of time in the open sun have a risk of increased pigmentation. As a rule, pigmentation disappears on its own after childbirth, but in rare cases, to one degree or another, it can persist for a long time.

You might be interested in the article "1st trimester: I'm pregnant, what should I do?" on the website

Possible Complications

early toxicosis. The very first complication that a pregnant woman may encounter is undoubtedly early toxicosis. Most often, it is manifested by nausea, especially disturbing a woman in the morning, and vomiting, which in severe cases can occur up to several dozen times a day. More rare symptoms of early toxicosis are salivation (in this case, the amount of saliva secreted can reach a liter or more per day), dermatoses (skin manifestations, most often in the form of itching), etc. The mechanism of early toxicosis is not completely clear, but it has been established that the development of this complication of pregnancy is due to violations of the regulatory influence of the central nervous system on changes in the organs and systems of the woman's body in connection with pregnancy. If early toxicosis occurs in a mild form (vomiting occurs no more than 3-5 times a day, the general condition of the pregnant woman is not significantly disturbed), then the treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis.

In case of early toxicosis, fractional meals are recommended: to make you feel better, you can have breakfast immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, you need to eat often - after 2-3 hours, in small portions. It is important to normalize the daily regimen (sufficient sleep, exclude work at night, etc.), the creation of a therapeutic and protective regime - protection from any stressful situations, obtaining the maximum amount of positive emotions. Early toxicosis of medium (vomiting up to 10–12 times a day, signs of dehydration of the body appear) and severe (vomiting 20 or more times a day, severe dehydration of the body) are to be treated in a hospital.

Threat of abortion. The second most common complication that can develop during the first trimester is the threat of spontaneous miscarriage. This fact is due to the fact that during this period of pregnancy, when processes of active growth and development of the fetus and placenta take place, there is an increased sensitivity to damaging factors, under the influence of which abortion can occur, the death of the embryo or the occurrence of malformation of the fetus. Such periods, when the fetus is especially vulnerable to the effects of damaging factors, are called critical periods of pregnancy.

In the 1st trimester, the number of critical periods is maximum: the first such period is the moment of implantation of the ovum (the first 2–3 weeks of pregnancy), the next is the period of organogenesis (3–7 weeks, when the tissues and organs of the fetus are laid) and placentation (9–12 weeks pregnancy, when the placenta is actively forming). That is, in fact, almost the entire first trimester of pregnancy is a critical period. Adverse factors that can have a negative impact on the course of pregnancy are harmful environmental conditions (high temperature, radiation, vibration, hypoxia, etc.), infection, hormonal disorders, taking medications that are contraindicated for pregnant women, stress and overwork, and well as physical overload.

Signs of threatened miscarriage are:

  • feeling of "heaviness" in the lower abdomen;
  • aching, pulling pains (similar in nature to premenstrual);
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract of any intensity (from scanty spotting to abundant).

If the above symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. In the presence of only pulling pains in the lower abdomen, treatment is started on an outpatient basis. If there is no effect from such treatment or spotting appears, the expectant mother is hospitalized for treatment and observation in a hospital.

Rules of behavior

From the moment pregnancy is established, a number of simple rules must be observed, thanks to which complications can be avoided:

  • It is necessary to adjust your daily routine in such a way as to ensure sufficient sleep (at least 8 hours at night), as well as leave 1-2 hours for walks in the fresh air. Often, pregnant women in the first trimester experience a pronounced need for daytime sleep, which is due to the influence of hormones, so it is desirable to provide the opportunity to sleep during the day for 1-2 hours.
  • Physical activity should be within the usual, everyday. However, as a precaution, it is necessary to exclude weight lifting, sudden jumps, loads associated with tension in the abdominal muscles, strength training.
  • You need to protect yourself as much as possible from adverse factors that can harm you and your unborn baby: avoid stressful situations, work on night shifts, refrain from being in a smoky room and, moreover, do not smoke yourself, completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages.
  • Minimize the chance of contact with people with colds, especially if the first months of pregnancy fall during periods of seasonal fluctuations in the incidence.
  • It is recommended to take vitamin complexes for pregnant women: they contain the optimal doses of vitamins and trace elements necessary for normal growth and development of the fetus. Of particular importance is the intake of folic acid in the first trimester of pregnancy. This substance plays a special role in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), as it participates in the process of active cell division, laying and development of organs and tissues of the embryo. It has been proven that with a lack of folic acid intake during pregnancy, malformations of the nervous system of the fetus are formed, leading to spontaneous miscarriages or the birth of sick children. Folic acid can be taken both as part of vitamin complexes for pregnant women, and separately, the required dose will be recommended to you by a gynecologist.
  • To ensure the successful course of pregnancy, it is necessary to register with the antenatal clinic. The optimal period for this is 8–10 weeks, since the examination in the first trimester in order to detect concomitant diseases early and their timely treatment are the key to the birth of a healthy child. When registering, a number of standard mandatory examinations are carried out, which will allow a comprehensive assessment of the health of the expectant mother. Upon registration, healthy pregnant women will be assigned blood tests - general and biochemical, blood clotting (coagulogram), urinalysis, testing for syphilis and HIV, hepatitis B and C, infections that can provoke the formation of fetal malformations (cytomegalovirus, rubella , herpes, toxoplasmosis). Electrocardiography (ECG) will also be performed, consultations of doctors - a general practitioner, dentist, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist - will be held.
  • At a period of 10-12 weeks, to detect an increased risk of genetic abnormalities and fetal malformations, biochemical screening is carried out - the so-called "double" test - a blood test for chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A).

If the future mother has any chronic diseases, the volume of examination and consultations of narrow specialists will increase depending on the type of pathology.

At 11-12 weeks of pregnancy, the first ultrasound is also prescribed, the purpose of which is to establish the fact of the presence of a uterine pregnancy and the viability of the fetus, determine the duration of pregnancy, and identify pathologies in the development of the fetus. It must be remembered that ultrasound must be done exactly at the time recommended by the gynecologist leading your pregnancy. The fact is that some symptoms that indicate trouble in the development of the baby are informative only at well-defined periods of pregnancy.

An example is the size of the collar zone of the fetus, an increase in which may signal the risk of developing Down syndrome. But this symptom is informative only up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Given that the diagnosis of genetic disorders of fetal development is still quite difficult today, it becomes clear that it is necessary to strictly adhere to the terms of additional studies in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The first trimester of pregnancy is one of the most important periods for the future baby and mother. During this period of time, the development of the fetus occurs rapidly. The first weeks of pregnancy are of great importance, during which the internal organs of the baby, the immune system, are laid.

The first trimester is how many weeks?

For the convenience of assessing the condition of the fetus and the expectant mother, obstetricians conditionally subdivide the entire gestation period into trimesters. In total, pregnancy lasts 3 trimesters, in each of which important changes occur. The most responsible are the 1st and 3rd - the beginning and end of the entire period of bearing a baby. According to the observations of specialists, most of the pathologies and complications of gestation occur at this time.

The future mother should be attentive to the state of her body. Knowing the number of the current week of gestation, pregnant women cannot always answer the question of what trimester it is. The first trimester of pregnancy is how many weeks? A similar question can be heard from the lips of a woman bearing her first child. In obstetrics, the first trimester is called the weeks from 1st to.

First trimester in weeks

Having learned how long the first trimester lasts for weeks, women are often interested in the main events of this period. One of the first to be noted is the formation and development of the placenta. This unique organ is the link between the mother's body and the fetus. It directly delivers oxygen and nutrients to the baby. The hormonal background in the female body changes, which causes a change in the appearance of the pregnant woman.

Child development in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy begins from the moment of fertilization. However, in practice, women often cannot give the estimated date of the last sexual contact. Given this, doctors are forced to start counting from the first day of the last menstruation. In this way, the obstetric period is established.

The first trimester is the period of fetal development. It consists of 12 weeks, each of which is characterized by its own changes. Let's single out the main processes that occur with the unborn baby at this time:

  1. 1- obstetric week- does not happen yet, the body is just beginning to prepare for a possible pregnancy, the egg is maturing.
  2. 2nd week- ovulation occurs - the release of a mature egg into the abdominal cavity for further fertilization.
  3. 3rd obstetric week- corresponds to the first week from conception. At this time, fertilization and migration of the fetal egg into the uterine cavity occurs.
  4. 4th week- the cells of the embryo are actively dividing, which ensures its growth. The fetal membranes become visible, each of which gives rise to its own organ system:
  • endoderm - digestive tract, liver, thyroid gland, pancreas, respiratory system;
  • mesoderm - bone skeleton, muscle and connective tissue, excretory and circulatory systems, genitals;
  • ectoderm - yolk sac, chorion, amniotic membrane.
  1. 5 weeks- the laying of the musculoskeletal system, kidneys, liver, intestines. The chorion develops, from which the placenta will form.
  2. - the front part of the skull is formed: the rudiments of the nose, eyes appear, the chin, cheeks, auricles acquire clarity.
  3. - the muscular system and limbs are improving, the baby begins to carry out the first movements. The liver synthesizes blood cells.
  4. 8–10 weeks- the formed placenta begins to function, which is involved in the synthesis of hormones.
  5. 11–12 weeks- the formation of organ systems is completed, the child reacts to external stimuli. The external genitalia become visible, the first assumptions can be made about the sex of the baby.

First trimester of pregnancy - sensations

The early stages of pregnancy are rich in new sensations that a woman had not experienced before. One of the frequent manifestations that accompany the first trimester is nausea. It appears by the end of the second month of gestation and is associated with a change in the hormonal background in the female body. In general, the change in the sensations experienced by a woman during the first trimester of pregnancy can be described as follows:

  • 3rd–5th week- there is a slight malaise, increased fatigue, drowsiness;
  • 6th–7th week- the condition is normalizing, the woman feels great;
  • 8th–10th week- the time of the appearance of the first: headaches, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to odors, changes in taste preferences - the main manifestations of this disorder;
  • 11–12 weeks- manifestations of toxicosis intensify, the woman gradually gets used to her new position. The chest becomes edematous, increases in size.

First trimester of pregnancy - discharge

Throughout the first trimester, vaginal discharge has a thick consistency. Due to this, their volume may decrease. This is due to hormonal changes in the female body. The reason for this is progesterone. Under the action of this hormone, a kind of plug is formed in the cervix, as obstetricians call it.

In its consistency, it resembles a clot of mucus, which completely covers the entrance to the uterine cavity. In this way, the reproductive system protects the fetus from possible exposure to pathogenic microorganisms penetrating the outside of the vagina. The exit of the mucous plug occurs on the eve of childbirth or during the first stage of delivery.

The first trimester of pregnancy - what is possible, what is not?

Every expectant mother should be aware of the dangers that accompany the first trimester of pregnancy, what you need to know in order to avoid possible complications. With the onset of gestation, a woman is forced not only to change her usual lifestyle, but also to make adjustments to her diet. There are a number of restrictions for pregnant women, the neglect of which is fraught with a violation of the process of intrauterine development of the fetus.

First trimester of pregnancy - what can you do?

In order for the first trimester of pregnancy to pass without “accidents”, the expectant mother must lead a healthy lifestyle and follow a number of rules. Doctors recommend that pregnant women take walks in the fresh air more often in the early stages. This will help strengthen the immune system, saturate the body with oxygen. It is important to pay special attention to rest. Frequent nausea, vomiting, headache affect the well-being of a woman who cannot sleep for a long time. It must be remembered that sleep has a positive effect on the nervous system, allowing you to quickly restore strength.

First trimester - what not?

Almost the entire 1st trimester, the body of a pregnant woman gradually gets used to her new position. Given this, the expectant mother should be attentive to her well-being. Giving up bad habits is one of the first conditions for a successfully developing pregnancy process. We must also not forget that during the first trimester, the immunity of a pregnant woman is weakened, so the risk of infection increases many times over. A cold in the 1st trimester can lead to a disruption in the process of fetal formation.

Excessive physical activity, sports training are contraindicated throughout the entire gestation period. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to completely eliminate physical activity. Habitual running, classes in the gym can be replaced by walking. In this case, you must be careful about the choice of clothing. The belly in the first trimester of pregnancy is almost invisible, but you should not wear clothes with a belt or tight jeans. They will disrupt the blood flow in the pelvis.

First trimester - nutrition

For the entire first trimester of pregnancy, nutritionists advise to completely exclude fatty and hard-to-digest foods from the menu. In this case, the basis should be protein foods. If familiar foods provoke attacks of nausea, you can replace them with cottage cheese, chicken eggs, cereals. The changed hormonal background often causes constipation, so the menu, 1st trimester, must necessarily contain foods high in fiber:

  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • bran bread;
  • berries.

Meals should be frequent and fractional. A pregnant woman can safely consume her favorite foods and dishes. However, some need to be limited:

  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • pickles;
  • smoked meats;
  • acute;
  • fast food.

Vitamins for pregnant women - 1 trimester

There are a large number of vitamins for expectant mothers on the pharmaceutical market. The complex of minerals and vitamins is selected taking into account the gestational age, so before using the drug, you should consult your doctor. It must be remembered that the best vitamins for pregnant women, 1 trimester, are those that do not cause side effects and are well tolerated by the expectant mother. Among the most popular:

  • Vitrum;
  • Elevit;
  • Alphabet;
  • Complivit Trimestrum 1 trimester.

First trimester - tests and doctors

Almost all pregnancy, the first trimester in particular, is accompanied by examinations and tests. These measures allow timely identification of possible deviations, which, in the absence of attention from doctors, can develop into complications and pathologies. The first trimester of pregnancy is the time when a woman becomes registered. In this case, the pregnant woman undergoes the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • dentist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • surgeon.

Among the mandatory analyzes of the first trimester:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • analysis for blood group and Rh factor;
  • examination for sexual infections;
  • blood for hepatitis B and C;
  • setting sugar levels.

Ultrasound screening of the 1st trimester

Doctors rarely prescribe ultrasound in the early stages. 1 trimester - the period when the fetus is just being formed, not all organs and systems are functioning yet. Given this feature, the study is carried out at the end of the first trimester. Ultrasound is part of screening - a comprehensive examination, which is aimed at diagnosing pathologies and anomalies in the development of the fetus. It is carried out from the 11th to the 13th week of gestation. The main parameters evaluated by ultrasound, their normal values ​​are shown in the table below.

Biochemical screening of the 1st trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is a period during which there is a high risk of intrauterine anomalies, developmental pathologies. To diagnose them at an early stage, the concentration of hCG and PAPP-A is set. Chorionic gonadotropin reflects the development of pregnancy, and plasma protein A indicates possible genetic diseases. The norm indicators of these two substances are displayed in the table.

During this important period, women feel differently, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. In the first trimester of pregnancy, all the tissues of the fetus and its organs, limbs and nervous system are laid down. The prototype of the central and peripheral nervous system is the neural tube. Its proper development, timely closure is the most important event that takes place in the first trimester.

Unfortunately, it is the first trimester that is the period of the most frequently occurring abortions due to the impact of adverse factors.

Changes in the female body

A common symptom for all that accompanies the first trimester of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. Small bleeding from the vagina in some women is still possible. They are so similar to menstrual bleeding that a pregnant woman may not be aware of her condition for 3 months.

Colic in the lower abdomen

When there is a threat of termination of pregnancy in the discharge, there may be blood clots that look very similar to pieces of raw liver. Bleeding has a different character, it is not abundant, one-stage, may be accompanied by cramping pain in the abdomen, radiating to the shoulder. Vaginal discharge during miscarriage is insignificant, may have a brownish, gray or pinkish tint, last 3-4 days.

In any case, if atypical vaginal discharge occurs, accompanied by pain of any nature, you should immediately consult a doctor for an examination and ultrasound. Only a specialist will be able to distinguish the symptoms of abortion from other pathologies.

In this condition, the fertilized egg begins to develop not in the endometrium of the uterus, but in the fallopian tube. The fetus grows outside the uterus, and at the same time, the danger to the life of a woman grows, since a rupture of the tube can result in severe bleeding and even death. A characteristic symptom of this pathology is a pronounced dull pain in the lower and side of the abdomen, radiating to the shoulder. At the same time, a woman first has a slight brown vaginal discharge, or bleeding, similar to menstruation.

When a pipe breaks, the pain is so severe that women lose consciousness from the pain shock. Frequent cases of a critical condition with which a woman goes to the hospital are explained by the fact that until the last moment she does not realize that she is pregnant.

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy:

    Infections of the reproductive organs in history;

    Previously transferred ectopic pregnancy;

    Complications after surgery in the form of adhesions in the abdominal cavity, blocking the patency of the pipes;

    The use of an ectopic device;

    Pregnancy after IVF or ICSI, when the embryo is inserted into the fallopian tube artificially.

At the first suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, you should consult a doctor for an ultrasound of the uterus and fallopian tubes, if indicated, perform a puncture of the retroperitoneal space. The level of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood of a woman with a tubal pregnancy increases, which is also an important diagnostic sign.

If the diagnosis of "ectopic pregnancy" after the examination is confirmed, the woman undergoes a cavity or laparoscopic operation to remove the tube. Recovery after the intervention takes 6-8 days. After 2 menstrual cycles, the next pregnancy is possible. The functions of the removed tube will be taken over by the remaining fallopian tube, and ovulation will occur regularly.

The reasons for the fading of the fetus against the background of complete well-being often remain a mystery for both the woman and the doctor conducting the pregnancy. This pathology can occur at any time of the first and next trimester (up to 28 weeks). The fact that the fetus does not show signs of life, a woman may not immediately determine. Some women claim that they simply "stopped feeling pregnant" - the nausea, soreness and swelling of the breast disappeared. A woman with a missed pregnancy has atypical vaginal discharge: bloody, bloody, the lower abdomen may hurt a little.

Causes of pregnancy fading:

    Infectious diseases of the reproductive system;

    Inflammatory gynecological diseases in history;

    Genetic and chromosomal pathologies of fetal development;

    Artificial termination of pregnancy, produced by a woman earlier.

When diagnosing a missed pregnancy, the doctor removes the dead fetal egg, conducts conservative treatment to prevent infection of the woman's body. The next pregnancy can be planned in 6-12 months. In most cases, it ends successfully.

Pregnancy management is carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist in the antenatal clinic. In the first trimester, a woman should visit her doctor at least once a month, unless she has special health problems.

At the first appointment, the doctor will prescribe a woman to conduct tests for a comprehensive examination of her health:

    Blood test for Rh factor;

    General analysis of blood and urine;

    A smear for urogenital infections;

    Blood chemistry;

    Vaginal smear for flora and cytology;

    Test for rubella, toxoplasmosis, and herpes virus.

In case of trouble in the work of some organ, specialized specialists will deal with the treatment of a pregnant woman, taking into account her condition.

At 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, as part of the screening of the first trimester, an ultrasound of the fetus is performed. A short period allows it to be carried out by the transvaginal method, less often the study is carried out transabdominally, that is, through the abdominal wall. Timely ultrasound will reveal possible pathologies of the fetus, uterus and placenta.

If problems arise (pelvic pain, bleeding, suspected ectopic pregnancy), an ultrasound examination is performed unscheduled. It allows you to exclude genetic and chromosomal pathologies of the unborn child.

Vaginal discharge in the first trimester

During the entire period of pregnancy, clear or white mucous leucorrhoea is considered normal vaginal discharge. They have a small volume, almost odorless. Atypical vaginal discharge requires urgent medical advice:

    Green color with an admixture of mucus, with an unpleasant odor - indicate infection of the reproductive organs;

    Thick yellow leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor - attachment to the microflora of the vagina of cocci or Escherichia coli, purulent inflammation;

    White flakes in the form of cottage cheese are a sign of vaginal candidiasis, a fungal infection due to reduced immunity;

    Bloody discharge of brown or scarlet color is a symptom of dangerous conditions and diseases (detachment of the fetal egg, missed or ectopic pregnancy, cervical erosion, miscarriage that has begun).

Any atypical discharge requires a doctor's consultation, a thorough examination and treatment.

Normally, in the first trimester, a slight increase in body temperature up to +37.5? C. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, the acceleration of metabolism. If the temperature values ​​​​are higher than these figures, and, possibly, a pregnant woman has acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections.

The danger of this condition is that pathogens can penetrate the placental barrier and harm the fetus. In addition, the use of drugs in the first trimester should be limited, since many of them have a teratogenic effect, that is, they can cause fetal deformities. Colds should only be treated by a doctor. Most likely, he will recommend bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids to detoxify the body, rinsing the nose with sea water, and gargling with saline or soda solution. Herbal preparations should be used with caution, as some of them increase the tone of the uterus.

Sexual relations between spouses in early pregnancy are not prohibited, provided that there are no contraindications:

    twin pregnancy;

    Sexual infections in one of the spouses;

    Habitual miscarriage.

During the hormonal restructuring of the first trimester, the structure of the genital organs of a pregnant woman changes somewhat - the tissues of the vagina and cervix become looser, easily damaged with the formation of abrasions of the mucous membrane. Early toxicosis of pregnancy changes a woman's perception of the world around her, she becomes irritable, quickly gets tired. These factors can lead to a temporary restriction of intimate contacts between spouses.

In order for the first trimester of pregnancy to become a time of well-being and well-being for a woman, it is necessary to undergo an examination in a timely manner, engage in feasible physical education, and properly form your diet.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.