Decks for passing the heroic mode of the league of explorers. Passing the hall of researchers in normal mode

The third wing of the "League of Explorers" has already been published and we continue the series of articles - "Heroic Explorer League Walkthrough". This time you have to fight three heroic bosses: Lord Slippery Spear, Great Fin And Lady Naz'jar. In the third wing, you'll be fighting alongside the incredible Sir Finley Mrrgglton, but in normal mode, you'll have to first free him from Lord Slipperyspear's cauldron.

If you want to complete the heroic mode without hints, then it is better not to read further.

Walkthrough Heroic - Ruined City:

Lord Slippery Spear

The boss starts the game with 30 health and 15 armor. This time will not be at the start, as it was in normal mode and the hero power will summon strengthened nagas. Each turn, the boss will automatically summon a naga with +1/+1 characteristics for 0 mana, so after the 5th turn, creatures 6/6, 7/7, and so on will already come out. But if you use cards with the effect, then the nagas will become 1/1. In heroic mode, the boss will not use the second hero power.

  • You need to gain control of the table, various spells will help you with this.
  • OTC and Mill (fatigue) decks are good choices for dealing with Lord Slippery Spear.
  • I advise you to use the following cards in your decks:,.

Best Decks Against Heroic Lord Slippery Spear:

Great Fin

The boss starts the game with 30 health, 15 armor and 50 cards per deck. Flipper now draws 2 extra cards each turn with his Hero Power. His deck consists of a bunch of murlocs and a very nasty card, which now resurrects 5 murlocs.

  • 50 cards in a Great Fin deck, so forget about Mill decks.
  • Control is the theme of the third wing, so pick effective control decks.
  • Perhaps for the first time it can pay for itself.
  • I advise you to use the following cards in your decks:, and others of this plan.
  • can dig you.

Best Decks Against Heroic Greatfin:

Lady Naz'jar

Now Lady Naz'jar will only upgrade her creatures, and yours will simply be replaced with others with the same cost.

  • You simply must put up a creature on your first turn, and your deck should be designed so that you can put up creatures every turn.
  • At the end of the turn, all of Lady Naz'jar's creatures will be replaced with creatures that cost 1 mana more. So don't let the boss force the table with creatures.
  • Decks should consist of a mix of the following cards: , and , . This way you will force the table with creatures and after the transformation, you will receive more creatures due to the death rattle.

Best Decks Against Heroic Lady Naz'jar:

We pass the heroic League of explorers together

Although I'm not a fan of new maps, I really liked the design of the new adventure and, of course, the bosses themselves (the last boss in the first quarter of the Explorers League is especially amusing). Again, this is my opinion, not everyone agrees with me, so some of our readers will probably be interested in the passage of the first quarter of the adventure - the Temple of Orsis. Especially when it comes to heroic mode. Well, let's go, a couple of comments about the boss and a video of the walkthrough, so that it would be more convenient to perceive the information and act on your own.

Walkthrough Zinaar in heroic mode

The boss is uncomplicated, constantly spamming cheap creatures on the table (often new ones from the League of Explorers), and most importantly, his native free ability, which gives him a mana crystal and a card from the deck, and us a wish card. Wish card (there are also several of them) - allows you to unearth (discover) random spells or creatures (some also determine the mana cost of unearthed cards). Because of these free wish cards, the best choice for the boss in any mode is the tempo mage, the arsonist will scatter a ton of damage, if only he came early. And here is a video of Zinaar's walkthrough in heroic mode:

Phaeriks Reaver Walkthrough in Heroic Mode

A very interesting boss. Your game with him turns into a battle for the wand, which gives him invulnerability and an automatic buff for the wand itself, and you just have a 0-5 creature. Whoever kills him takes the rod. Phaeriks is using Thieves' weapons ( and ), new creatures from the League of Explorers, (be careful!). The boss, even in heroic mode, is very easy to pass if you take a priest specially assembled against him, which was done by the author of the video. You will see his deck after recording the passage, or you can simply scroll if you want to see the deck itself. The second option is a handlock, but I see it subjectively weaker than the priest's control in the case of this boss, but it's up to you to decide - in any case, it's really interesting and fun.

Temple Escape Walkthrough on Heroic Mode

This is the most fun boss of all adventures, albeit rather monotonous in terms of its actions. In any case, it is always very interesting to pass it for the first time. The boss won't hit you with weapons or draw cards, he doesn't have a face (the baby facehunter is already crying in the corner) and you have to play in a very defensive style. Your best assistants are all kinds of freeze spells and provocations (preferably with divine shields), your goal is simply to survive and escape from the temple. Each move will help you a little, but in order not to spoil, I will not describe everything in detail, nor will I talk about the monotonous moves of the final boss. If you still can’t escape from the temple yourself, then watch the video and the deck of its author, then you will surely succeed :)

Hello again. With you Kucha. Most recently, the first wing of a new adventure called League of Explorers, which was successfully passed by me (). Unfortunately, the cost of those decks was quite high, and not all Hearthstone fans have the necessary cards in their arsenal. For this reason, I went through the heroic mode again, but this time I used cheaper decks.

This boss has 30 hp, 15 armor, and he also draws an additional card every turn, gets an additional mana crystal and gives us a free spell. With this spell, we can unearth a random creature, spell, or card for 4 mana. Due to the fact that Zinaar takes a large number of cards and gives us access to free spells, I decided to build a Mill Rogue deck. This deck has a great opportunity to completely clear the board with Blade Flurry, Vanish, and also help the opponent empty their deck faster with Vashj'ir Oracle. Free Spells give us a permanent Activator of Combo, and makes the Adventurer an incredibly powerful creature for only 3 mana.
Mulligan: Deadly Poison Sap , Eviscerate , Annoyer , Adventurer , SI:7 Agent .
If you have no other adventures, then replace Gathering with Cold Blood, and Death Lord with Mental Technician and Adventurer.

Reaver Phaeriks
Just like the first boss, Phaerix the Reaver has 30 health and 15 armor. The main threat of this boss comes from Staff of the Sun, which has the characteristics of 3/8, and makes the opponent invulnerable. The second big problem is the Tol'vir Defender 5/5 for 3 mana, on death it deals 5 damage to both players. I decided to play an Aggro Druid deck in which we have access to 4 cards with Silence to destroy the Staff of the Sun, and the potential to kill the enemy faster than he can us with his creatures. This deck has incredibly explosive hands and is able to defeat the boss in 5-6 moves. The first couple of turns we play ramp cards and Silence, then we force the table with the maximum number of creatures and end the fight with Feral Roar. Sometimes it's more profitable to kill the Tol'vir Defenders in order to deal more damage to the opponent.
Mulligan: Insight , Wild Growth , Darnassus Fighter , Ironbeak , Keeper of the Thicket .

Temple Escape
This boss has neither HP nor armor, but every turn he exposes very strong creatures, and we suggest that we survive for 10 moves.
Here is what happens on the battlefield during this time:
1) Summons a 6/7 Boulderfist Ogre and offers us the choice of drawing a card or getting a mana crystal (I chose a crystal).
2) Summons a 7/7 Obsidian Crusher. Offers us to take 5 damage, or get 10 damage with a 50% chance (I chose the second option, because random is fun).
3) Summons 2x Guardians of Orsis 8/8 with the Divine Shield ability, and puts a Rolling Boulder on our side, which destroys the leftmost creature at the end of my turn.
4) Offers us to take 2 cards or get 10 lives, calls to the side of the enemy Animated statue 10/10. (we take 2 cards to find the Disappearance and additional provocateurs).
5) Destroys all creatures on the field.
6) Summons 2x Anubisath - temple guardian 6/15.
7) Summons a 7/7 Obsidian Crusher. Offers to reduce the number of turns before saving by 1, in return puts a 7/7 War Golem. (I chose to take a short cut since the 7/7 Golem is easier to counter than the 5/9 AoE Statue).
Do not abbreviate:
8) Summons a 5/9 Flaming Statue that deals 5 damage to all our characters at the end of the boss's turn.
9) Summons 3x 10/6 Giant Insects.
8) Summons 3x 10/6 Giant Insects.

Your task in this match is expose provocateurs and wait for Disappearance. Vanish is the key card of this deck, and only using it on the last turn, to destroy three 10/6 Giant Insects, allows us to pass this boss. For this reason, don't spend Vanish unnecessarily.
Mulligan: Anything cheaper than 3 mana crystals + Vanish .
If you don't have Other Adventures, then replace the missing cards with other taunt creatures.

That's all. I hope that it was not in vain that I spent the whole night and my experience will help you get past the bosses and get closer to the coveted shirt. See you next week.

And Adventure Black Mountain. And in the first and in the other, there are more than enough tests. You can get a lot of class cards and new legends.

It will also open up new cards, a total of as many as 45 (!). The new decks will be great and the fights will be colorful! This cannot be missed.

The player is waiting for:

  • 4 new quarters
  • 9 bosses (4th quarter will provide even more)

Well, let's start. And the main thing that players are interested in is what kind of class challenge will this Hearthstone adventure open up?

In total, you will be given the opportunity to play 9 class challenges and unlock new class cards. In order to have at least some chance of winning in these difficult battles, we recommend playing with pre-built decks.

Show all your knowledge and skills acquired earlier.

Adventure League of Explorers in Hearthstone

Passing all the proposed class and not only tests is very cool. Adventure League of Explorers in Hearthstone will require you to have a lot of experience and the obligatory (!) Passage of the first two adventures. It is still difficult to say how difficult it will be or what you will have to face, but each open map means new adventures and new locations. Only the strongest cards will be dealt on the table. And the decks will become even more unpredictable and special.

Fans of intriguing passages will fully satisfy their cherished desire - participation in hardcore missions.

For example, for completing the heroic mode of the League of Explorers, players will receive this cool shirt:

Those who pass further will also celebrate other cool buns. In particular, a new game mechanic called "Excavation". Its essence is that you can choose only one of 3 random cards. And the other two will be mixed into a common deck. Who remembers, this principle is painfully similar to Tracking the Hunter:

As you progress through this amazing adventure, you will discover a new game world and meet the famous dwarven historian and explorer Brann Bronzebeard. Also, the list of your new acquaintances will include other members of this League, For example, Dashing Hunter Reno Jackson, gentleman and ser in one person - Finley Mrrgglton and the beautiful elf Eiza Stargazer. This is also one of the most long-awaited and cool legends. With it, your game will become more impressive. And if you manage to play it, we advise you to make your own video review about it.

Class trials are cool to pass. But it’s even cooler to discover hidden opportunities for the passage of the heroic mode. The reward for passing will be amazing. But only the strongest and most capable players will be able to pass this mode. Those who are ready to work with their heads and solve abstruse and cunningly wise puzzles and rebuses. In this mode, the prerequisite is to play the strongest and best deck. Compiling which is extremely problematic (but real!)

Structure prices:

In the meantime, it remains to wish everyone good luck in the difficult exploration of the mysterious excavation sites in Azeroth. You have to find ancient and very valuable treasures. Brann Bronzebeard will be your faithful companions throughout the adventure. But the most interesting thing is what to find? This is the Staff of Creation. One of the most ancient and fabulously expensive artifacts. Do not forget that you are not the only one hunting for him. Your enemies can be smarter and more cunning.

The "League of Explorers" in Hearthstone brought players not only several hours of fun battles against the computer, but also 45 new cards. The players also appreciated the new ability - "excavation". It helps to adapt to the enemy in each individual game taken.

After completing the adventure on normal difficulty, you can try to beat the heroic bosses. They are strong and dangerous. Under each of them it is necessary to collect a special deck. Let's try to make out the passage of bosses from the first quarter of the "League of Explorers".

Killer Djinn Zinaar

Boss Features.

Zinaar is the first boss of the League of Explorers. With his zero cost ability, he adds a mana crystal to himself and draws an extra card. In return, we get a Wish card, a 0-mana spell that digs cards for you. This is his feature and you need to use to win.

The idea of ​​a winning deck.

Zinaar gives us a Wish every turn. In turn, it gives more cards. In a situation where the enemy is actively building mana crystals, we need a cheap deck to counter early. It is desirable that the drawing of Desires brings some additional benefit. You can try this option:

Explanation of the cards.

With the help of Desires, it is easy to swing the Mana Serpent. Pyro and Adventurer also have good synergy. The first will pour fiery rain on enemies, the second will actively increase its characteristics. Ice Barrier and Ice Block are needed for survival. The Mad Scientist will help you get them out ahead of time. Sorcerer's Apprentice pairs well with Pyro and offensive spells.

In the initial hand, we are trying to get Pyro, Sorcerer's Apprentice. A good start would be:

On the first moves, we do not spend Desires. We are waiting for the Pyro to be placed on the field. After that, we clean the table with it. From Desires we take what suits the game situation. Your task is to drag the game to the late stage and win thanks to the synergy of Firestarters and Wishes.

Reaver Phaeriks

Boss Features.

In Heroic Difficulty, a 3/8 Wand immediately spawns on the table in Phaeriks. While he is with him, the boss is invulnerable. When you kill a wand, it goes into your hands with stats 0/5. If the enemy destroys him, he will return to his master again. Also, the enemy likes to put pretty strong creatures that, when they die, cause damage to both heroes. If Phaeriks is with a staff, it will make him neither cold nor hot.

The idea of ​​a winning deck.

Once the staff is the main weapon of Phaeriks, then it must be deprived of it. Any spell or creature with the Silence effect will work for this. It will also be useful for depriving enemy creatures of special properties (the same Anubisates sentries). Additionally, we will need removal and healing. Therefore, we choose the Priest:

Explanation of the cards.

Silence and Ironbeak are the key cards that will allow you to disable the main weapon of Phaeriks - the staff. Shadow Word: Pain and Death will help in the fight against enemy creatures. Burial is also a good late stage removal. Master of Death combined with Velen's Chosen, Power Word: Shield, and Inner Fire creates an invincible creature that the computer simply won't attack.

In the initial hand, at any cost, we are trying to get Ironbeak or Silence. We also leave the Lord of Death. Our first task is to neutralize the staff. Then we wait for a convenient moment and put the Lord. We heal him and destroy the boss.

Boss Features.

This boss has unusual mechanics (neither in Naxxramas nor in Blackrock Mountain). To win, we need to hold out for 10 moves. The boss has no HP. Each turn, certain events will occur to which we will have to react.

The idea of ​​a winning deck.

Since we do not need to kill the enemy, it means that we need maximum survivability. In other words, taunts, removals, healing cards are just asking for a deck. A variation of the frosty Jaina is ideal for such purposes. For example, like this:

Explanation of the cards.

Do we need to last? OK. Each Ice Block is at least one life turn. Ice barrier will add HP. The Mad Scientist will help you draw these cards ahead of time. Cone of Cold, Frost Nova and other frost spells will effectively slow down enemy creatures. It's much easier than killing them - they're pretty thick. 6-7 HP minimum.

Steaming will destroy one attacking enemy (thus saving us HP), Annoyance, Slime Belcher and Mirror Images will also effectively delay enemies.

In the initial hand, we try to get the Mad Scientist, the Ring of Ice, the Cone of Cold. In principle, almost everything will do, except for Belcher and Blizzard - they are too expensive. Each turn, enemies will appear on the table. Also, we will usually be offered to choose one of the bonuses. For example, on the second turn, you need to choose between an additional card or a mana crystal. Crystal is preferred. It should be borne in mind that on the 6th move (that is, when we have 6 or 7 mana), the game event (collapse) will completely clear the table. This must be taken into account in your game.

The boss is pretty simple. Delay the enemy and survive - victory will not be long in coming.