Beautiful girls with short, shoulder-length hair. Women's haircuts for hair to the shoulders. Shoulder length haircuts for fine hair

Shoulder-length haircuts are popular due to the fact that hair of this length is easy to style, and hairstyles are spectacular. They are suitable for girls and women of any age, and from all their variety it is possible to choose a hairstyle that emphasizes the dignity of your appearance as much as possible.

The benefits of hairstyles

Shoulder-length haircuts have a number of advantages, thanks to which they are popular with the beautiful half of humanity.

  1. Laying does not take much time.
  2. There is an opportunity to experiment with different images.
  3. You can choose a haircut according to the features of your face.
  4. Hairstyles for medium length hair look feminine and stylish.
  5. On curls of this length look good various techniques staining.

The average length of hair is universal, because it is comfortable to work with, easier to care for, and hairstyles look no less impressive than on short or long hair.


One of the popular shoulder-length haircuts is a bob. There are different varieties of this hairstyle that you need to choose depending on your appearance and hair.

For girls with straight hair, the classic version or more daring, with torn strands, is suitable. Kare can also be done on curly curls. An asymmetrical or graduated haircut will look good on thin hair. You can also combine bob and bangs, which you need to select based on the proportions of your face.

A caret on curly hair creates a romantic look. If you want to add a touch of rebellion to the image, you can style the strands in a chaotic manner. And to make the haircut more spectacular, you can make burnt strands on your hair or perform ombre coloring.


A shoulder-length haircut in a cascade style looks very impressive. Thanks to the multi-stage hairstyle, it turns out to be voluminous. Therefore, this haircut is perfect for owners of thin hair. It can also be combined with bangs, choosing according to the features of your face.

The cascade keeps its shape perfectly, so you can significantly save time on styling. It looks especially impressive on thick hair. You can curl the ends both away from the face and inward - the strands will beautifully frame it, adding romance to the hairstyle. It is important that both sides of the haircut are symmetrical.

You can emphasize the features of the haircut with the help of coloring. For this, dyeing techniques with alternating light and dark strands are suitable. And any kind of highlighting will add even more volume.


This is one of the most sophisticated shoulder length haircuts with bangs. Her hallmark is a straight bang, which smoothly passes into another part of the hair. It turns out such a semicircular haircut, which makes your look very feminine and soft.

The page looks perfect on straight hair and is more suitable for petite girls with an oval face shape. This haircut allows you to visually make the hair thicker and focuses on facial features.


A shoulder-length haircut (the photo of which is presented below) in the style of a ladder looks stylish, bright, dynamic. At the heart is a smooth transition from short strands to longer ones. If you decide to make a ladder with bangs, then the steps should start from it. If you didn’t do it, then the transitions start from the chin line.

You can do the entire length or just the strands framing the face. All transitions must be smooth. The advantage of the ladder is that it is suitable for hair with split ends. In the process of creating hairstyles, split ends are cut off, thereby your curls become healthier. Ladder haircut allows you to create different voluminous styling for any look.


This is the perfect haircut for curly hair. It allows you to emphasize the beauty of your curls and make them more obedient. This hairstyle does not require much time in styling and always looks spectacular. But you need to take into account some of the nuances of the bean so that it suits your hair type as much as possible.

If you have thin hair and want to add volume to it, a layered version will do. A slightly careless styling will look most effective. The graduated nape will also increase the volume of the hairstyle. It looks stylish and original - this option is suitable for girls who like to stand out from the crowd.

If you do not want to cut your hair short, you can opt for an elongated bob. But in order to keep the shape of the haircut neat, you need to do minimal styling every day. This hairstyle looks stylish and focuses on facial features.

How to choose the right bangs

It depends on the right bangs how effective the haircut below the shoulders will turn out. She can adjust the proportions of the face, making them more harmonious:

  1. The classic version is a straight bang. Suitable for any haircut, but it should not be done on curly hair.
  2. Triangular bangs have an original shape, which is best emphasized by dark-colored hair.
  3. The asymmetrical version will refresh your haircut, making it more daring. But such bangs are not suitable for owners of curly hair.

These are the main types of bangs. Of course, they need to be selected individually so that they decorate a woman and emphasize her dignity.

How to choose the right hairstyle

Women's shoulder-length haircuts should be selected not only based on how beautiful they look, but also taking into account the characteristics of your hair type and face shape:

  1. If you have thin hair, or want to add even more volume to your hair, then choose a cascade, ladder. Asymmetrical versions of layered haircuts will look good, best of all in combination with bangs - this will also add extra volume to the hairstyle.
  2. Also, if you want your haircut to appear more voluminous, you can complement it with coloring using techniques such as ombre or highlights.
  3. Those with curly hair can wear layered haircuts. In addition, they are quite simple to install.
  4. On soft hair, a bob or bob will look good.
  5. Any haircut is suitable for girls with straight hair, but a cascade or ladder will look especially impressive.
  6. Girls with a rectangular or square face need to choose elongated haircuts or options with strands framing the face. So you can correct the angularity of the face and make it more feminine and soft.
  7. For owners of a triangular type, a cascade is suitable, the steps of which must be made from the ear line. Styling with curled curls will also look spectacular.
  8. Girls with an oval face shape are suitable for almost all types of haircuts.

When choosing a hairstyle, a qualified master will be able to take into account the features of your appearance in order to choose a haircut that will emphasize your individuality and make the image even more beautiful.

Styling options

One of the most significant advantages of shoulder length haircuts is the variety of styles. Of course, romantic curls are a favorite among styling, which look appropriate both as a daily and evening option. Curled inside tips emphasize the beauty of a multi-stage haircut.

Easy careless styling, slightly tousled strands, arranged in a chaotic manner, are perfect for creative people or those who lead active image life. Light artistic mess on the hair looks stylish and beautiful.

You can also make the root volume to make your hairstyle even more magnificent - it is suitable for all haircut options. You can stretch the strands with an iron, it looks especially impressive on a bob or bob haircut.

For an evening look, you can make not just a beautiful styling, but an interesting hairstyle. You can complement it with hair accessories that match the outfit. When using hot tongs, do not forget about thermal protection so as not to damage the hair structure. After all, the hairstyle will look beautiful only if your hair is healthy and well-groomed.

Shoulder-length haircuts or just below look beautiful without styling. But to make the hairstyle look more spectacular, minimal styling will be enough. Haircuts made at this length are easy enough to update. But you need to visit the master in order to maintain the shape of the hairstyle.

Properly selected and professionally done haircut will emphasize your beauty. You can make almost all of the listed haircut options by keeping their length and significantly updating the image. After all, the average hair length allows you to create various interesting images.

Your hair is medium length and you don't know how to style it properly? Perhaps the time has come when you should choose a haircut that suits the length of your hair.

Hairstyle can be chosen at your discretion, from thick curls and clear lines, to cascading volume. Shoulder-length haircuts for women have been relevant at all times, due to the fact that they do not need long and uncomfortable styling.

Cascading haircut to the shoulders

Haircut cascade on medium hair will help to add volume to the hairstyle. Smooth transitions of the strands make the face visually younger. The bangs, which will cover the forehead and move a little to the side, will be able to hide the flaws of the face.

If, in addition to everything, you also dye your hair with light blond paint, as well as highlight some strands in purple, you can get a stylish hairstyle.

long bob haircut

One of the popular shoulder length haircuts is the long bob. If this type of hairstyle is performed using a cascade with graduated tips, then this hairstyle will be in perfect harmony with red or dark blond hair colors.

In order to style such a hairstyle, special knowledge is not required. In this case, you can simply pull out the strands, or you can create a casual look that will make you look gorgeous and unpredictable. Bob is perfect for women with thick and thin hair.

Haircut ladder to the shoulders

This hairstyle is a practical and convenient choice. The ladder is easy to fit, looks beautiful both with curls and with strands elongated with an iron. With the help of strands cut with a ladder, you can add volume to the cheekbones and visually correct an elongated, thin face or a sharp chin.

Shoulder-length haircut with bangs

Shoulder-length haircuts are also simple, since it is they who often emphasize a woman's sophistication and sophistication. The hair is cut at the back in a straight line, while gradually disappearing on the sides. Simple haircuts are perfect for women with an oval face shape, as it will bring out all the natural beauty.

Elizaveta Krasnova

Stylist-image maker

Articles written

Shoulder-length haircuts are loved by a huge number of women who have no time to deal with complex styling, braiding, and creating other hairstyles every day. This length is becoming more popular, it is universal, easily fits into any image. This great option for those ladies who do not dare to have a short haircut, but want to always look stylish and well-groomed.

Shoulder-length haircuts are comfortable and do not require complex care. Other advantages of medium length include the following qualities:

  1. haircuts fit perfectly on curls of any type - rare, voluminous, straight, curly;
  2. do not take much time for care, styling;
  3. shoulder-length strands are an excellent basis for hairstyles for any occasion (everyday, solemn, romantic, business);
  4. haircuts are suitable for absolutely all ladies, regardless of social status, occupation, age group;
  5. various hairstyles will help to emphasize the advantages of appearance, to hide certain flaws.


Shoulder-length haircuts: a variety of options

Haircuts for medium length hair are extremely diverse, many-sided: they can be with or without bangs, tousled and smooth, reaching to the shoulders or going down a little lower. With so many options, choosing the right one is not difficult at all.

Kare and long bob

The bob hairstyle is indispensable and loved by many girls. A shoulder-length milled haircut with bangs will make the image stylish, glamorous, mysterious. Perfect for round and oval faces.

Kare can be worn without bangs - then the face will remain open, the look is feminine, light. A hairstyle with elongated front strands will help mask rounded cheeks, wide cheekbones, and make other facial flaws softer. This option looks original, elegant. For owners of an elongated oblong face, an elongated haircut will help bring the silhouette closer to the correct shape if you add volume to the hair in the cheekbones. Curly strands fit the classic type of elongated caret, reaching shoulder level.

Bob is one of the most sought-after women's haircuts that has not lost ground for many seasons. It combines the elegance of lines, ease of care, a variety of styling. Hairstyle helps to give airiness to thin, devoid of volume strands. For curly, curly curls, it is advisable to choose a multi-layer version of the bean. The length of the hair will allow you to turn from a strict lady into a romantic young lady or an eccentric rebel in 10-15 minutes.


A ladder of medium length is always fashionable, modern, interesting, attractive. Main feature hairstyles - a smooth transition from short to elongated curls. The short flight of stairs can start from the level of the bangs, in its absence - on the line of the chin.

Haircut perfectly refreshes the face, gives expressiveness, youth, dynamism to the appearance. Extravagance will bring asymmetrical bangs, a pair of brightly colored strands.

You should not make a ladder on split ends, otherwise all the flaws will be in sight, it is better to treat the hair first. Another contraindication is a square-shaped face.

A haircut below the shoulders is ideal for curly curls; with a shorter length, they will bristle ugly and be difficult to style.

Cascading hairstyle

Cascade can rightly be called a popular, sought-after haircut. Curls keep their original shape well, do not require complex care, special efforts for styling. They look alive, voluminous, incredibly attractive.

The cascade for shoulder-length hair has several options:

  • if the curls are cut evenly, then the steps become perfectly even;
  • a torn cascade is a bold decision for bright young girls, in which the strands are cut in several levels with different thicknesses;
  • many soft steps give the hairstyle smooth, light contours.

The cascade makes facial features expressive, graceful. The hair becomes visually more lush, light, thick. Highlighting, balayazh, ombre will favorably emphasize the multi-stage form, make the image bright, attractive, memorable.


Women's shoulder-length haircuts, made in grunge style, create a touch of negligence, audacity. If you want to turn into a hooligan, a bold rocker, this hairstyle is suitable option. The image will suit creative young ladies, young "party girls" and even adult energetic ladies.

Grunge without bangs does not look harmonious. She is cut obliquely, milled, often has a torn silhouette. It is worthwhile to think carefully in advance whether such an element suits you.

Grunge is easy to fit: we process the curls with mousse, separate the strand, twist it, and run it with a hot iron. The hair is given a chaotic direction, an “artistic mess”, disheveledness, asymmetry is created on the head. For owners of curls, it is enough to beat the strands after washing, dry the hair - the rebellious image is ready.


Aurora hairstyle is the “big sister” of the cascade so beloved by everyone, born several decades ago, but not losing ground on fashion catwalks. Stylists often return models to retro looks. If you want to look stylish, eccentric, elegant - choose aurora for medium strands.

Lush "hat" in the area of ​​the crown, oblique mysterious bangs, cascading wave of curls in the occipital area - the main features of the hairstyle. The ends are trimmed with thinning scissors. The reception creates a spectacular volume on the hair, facilitates the styling process, making the strands obedient.

The hairstyle draws attention to the eyes, emphasizes the cheekbones, successfully hides the rounded or angular shape of the face.

A haircut just below the shoulders or a length of the shoulder blades gives the image tenderness, softness, femininity. However, for the sake of an attractive silhouette, you will have to sacrifice the bulk of the hair that the hairdresser cuts.


Page is another option for retro hairstyles. The famous Mireille Mathieu, an unsurpassed, charming singer, set the fashion for a haircut. Soft contours, long thick bangs, edging are the main features of the page.

The hairstyle has a French charm, attractive femininity, is easy to style, but requires a confident master's hand in execution. The page suits the owners of thick straight curls, the curls will have to be straightened regularly, otherwise it will not be possible to get an elegant silhouette.

Selection of hairstyles for medium length curls

It is no secret that a haircut must be selected, focusing on the type of face, its features. Skillfully executed and selected form helps to visually correct unattractive features, idealize contours. Various options shoulder-length haircuts do a great job with this task.

  1. A moon-faced, rounded face is pulled out by asymmetrical, slanting bangs, randomly styled strands, and multi-stage hairstyles. Image makers recommend creating volume at the top of the head - this technique visually lengthens the silhouette.
  2. The triangular face should be made wider at the bottom, slightly cover the massive forehead with bangs. An even straight line or oblique cut bangs, voluminous curls curled in the lower third will cope with such a task.
  3. Square and rectangle will help soften light curls that frame the contour of the face, profiled or ragged bangs of medium length. Vertical strict lines, smooth strands are prohibited.

Great importance in the selection of hairstyles is given to the structure, condition of the hair:

  1. weakened, thin hair needs volume, oblique uneven bangs, asymmetric haircuts, layering will give them lightness;
  2. the attractiveness of wavy, curly strands will be emphasized by a short flight of stairs, an elongated version of a square, a bob, complemented by newfangled coloring techniques - shatush, ombre, balayage, it is recommended to make a haircut just below the shoulders;
  3. straight curls will be lightened by cascading multi-stage hairstyles, thinning strands;
  4. bob, bob of any type is suitable for soft hair.

Shoulder-length curls are a universal length that suits most girls. By combining types of bangs and haircut styles, you can easily create new looks and update your image. The scope for imagination is huge. It remains to choose a suitable hairstyle and rush towards change.

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According to statistics, every third girl in Russia is the owner of fine hair, and for many this becomes a huge problem.
Thin hair they get confused, have no volume, get dirty faster and practically do not hold the styling. Such hair is easily damaged, so it often becomes dry, brittle and lifeless.

The main task of girls with thin hair is right choice haircuts. A good specialist will help you choose for thin hair according to your appearance and face shape.

The main tasks of haircuts for thin hair

Owners of thin hair need to carefully approach the choice of haircuts for hair. When we are dealing with thin hair, the main tasks of a haircut are:

- right choice of length, the hair should not be too long, otherwise they will often get confused;

- creating visual volume on the hair, thanks to some haircuts, thin hair can be given a significant volume. The main rule when choosing a haircut for thin hair is that the shorter the length, the easier it is to create volume.

- ease of installation or even the absence of it, since thin hair does not hold styling well, it is necessary to choose a haircut that will look attractive even without styling.

It's all about color

Choosing the right color is half the battle. Hair color plays an important role for thin hair, because the right color can make your haircut multifaceted and “alive”.

An unsuccessful hair color can ruin any haircut, so first we will decide which shades and coloring methods are suitable for fine hair.

What you need to know when coloring thin hair?

1. Avoid coloring in 1 tone, such coloring will make the hairstyle “flat”, and the hair will seem even smaller.

2. Choose light and warm shades for coloring, it is better to use several adjacent shades of the same color. For example, a golden blond with strands a little darker will visually add volume to the hairstyle.

3. Highlighting makes the hair more voluminous, but at the same time it severely damages it, so it is better to choose more gentle methods, such as dyeing shatush or bronding.

4. In no case do not dye your hair black and colors close to it, growing light roots and visible skin on your head will visually make your hair sparse.

5. Fine hair can be dyed with henna, which thickens the hair and makes it thicker.

“Measure seven times” or choose the length of a haircut for thin hair

The ideal length for thin hair is shoulder-length hair, this length allows you to choose many interesting haircuts that will give you the missing volume and at the same time look feminine.

Short haircuts for thin hair will also look great, but here you need to take into account one nuance, the haircut must be done correctly so that thanks to it we get a voluminous hairstyle, and not smoothly fitting hair.

Haircuts for long thin hair also have the right to exist, you may not be able to get the desired effect of hair density, but a good master will definitely help you, for example, by offering coloring that visually gives volume to the hair.

Short haircuts for thin hair

When choosing a short haircut for thin hair, it is best to choose the length to the earlobe or chin line, thanks to this length, you can create a lush hairstyle and the hair will not look sparse.

Pixie - naughty haircut for thin hair

The versatile short pixie cut is at the peak of popularity, it is suitable for any age and for almost any type of face. has many different variations, torn or asymmetrical bangs, tousled nape or perfectly smooth hair.

Thanks to this haircut, thin hair can be given volume and texture on the hair. Styling a pixie haircut is not difficult, and thanks to various styling products, you can experiment with styling.

Short haircuts for thin hair with bangs

Bangs can be a bright accent for a short haircut, especially if we are talking about not thick hair. For thin hair, it is better to choose a torn or asymmetrical bang on one side, such a haircut will look stylish and modern.

Textured haircuts for fine hair

This haircut is also called graduation, thanks to this technique, your short haircut will always look great, even without much styling. Textured haircut is suitable for thin and sparse hair.

Properly performed graduation will allow you to create a beautiful texture that can be emphasized with the help of styling products. To do this, you need to take a little foam or hair mousse, rub it in your palms and lightly beat your hair, individual strands can be emphasized intentionally and give them texture.

Haircuts for medium thin hair

If you have thin, medium length hair, then choosing a haircut can be confusing, as there are so many haircut options. Consider the most popular:

Bob haircut for thin hair

One of the most popular haircuts, it is not only suitable for all girls, but also perfect for thin hair.
If you have perfectly straight and thin hair, then the bob will be the perfect haircut for you, you just have to choose which bob is right for you.

A bob for straight hair with bangs will add gloss and style to the image, clear lines will suit slender girls who know a lot about fashion. Such a haircut will visually enlarge the eyes, and most importantly, it does not need volume.

When choosing a bob haircut, think carefully about the cut of the hair, it can be perfectly even or the hair will be slightly bent inward. Also, on thin hair, an asymmetrical bob looks great.

The perfect bob haircut for fine hair

For many years it pleases women all over the world, it does not go out of fashion and constantly surprises with its metamorphoses. Every season, stylists try to give the “bean” a zest, to reveal the haircut from a new side, to show one more facet of this infinitely original haircut.
Owners of thin hair should pay special attention to the bob haircut, because it is simply created for this type of hair.

The trend of this season is a tousled bob, it looks perfect on thin hair. You can also pay attention to the elongated strands near the face and massive beveled bangs.

Layered haircuts for thin hair

Layered haircuts are the undisputed leaders among haircuts that allow you to create volume on thin hair. The master performs a haircut in a certain way, creating several layers of hair. Thanks to this technique, the hair looks "alive" and moving. And if you perform styling on such a haircut, then your hairstyle will certainly be lush and voluminous.

Straight cut haircuts

Girls with thin hair are usually afraid to make haircuts with a perfectly even cut, but this type of haircut can be taken into account if you do not have thick hair.

The fact is that thin hair breaks off more often and becomes thinner towards the tips, so looking at them, it seems that there is very little hair, an even cut can solve this problem. The hair will look thicker as the amount of hair doesn't decrease towards the ends, so straight cut haircuts are the way to go.

Haircuts for long thin hair

Thin hair rarely grows long and beautiful. Because of the structure of the hair, they will begin to get confused, tear and break, so the main rule for girls with thin hair is well-groomed and healthy hair, and only then you can think about the length. But if you still managed to grow thin hair, then you can start choosing a haircut.

There are not so many haircut options for thin long hair, only a cascade and graduated haircuts can be distinguished.
Haircuts with even bangs and even cut are also suitable, this option is possible only on smooth healthy hair.

Haircut styling for thin hair

Let's assume that you made a wonderful haircut at the master and in addition he styled your hair, everything would be fine, but in the morning there was no trace of styling ... How can you style your own haircut on thin hair? No panic! We read the basic rules and secrets of styling thin hair and return them to an excellent look.

1. Do not use styling products in large quantities, these include: varnish, gel, mousse, foam, styling, hair waxes. Such products will make the hairstyle heavier, and the hair will fit more tightly to the head, lose volume.
However, some styling products can and even should be used, they should be light in texture, not sticky to the hair, they can be used on the roots and then dried with a hair dryer while lifting the hair.

2. Thin hair is easy to damage and dry out, so it is better to refuse tongs, curling irons and a hot hair dryer. The hair dryer can only be used at low temperatures - cold or warm air. An alternative to curling irons is thermal curlers, they injure the hair less, however, frequent styling of curlers should be abandoned.

To style short thin hair, you can use a little foam or hair gel, the main thing here is not to overdo it, rub a little in your palms and fluff up your hair.

4. Bouffant for thin hair is also contraindicated, due to frequent bouffant hair will deteriorate and break. This type of styling is best used for a specific case. In no case do not comb the bouffant, it is better to just wash your hair well and apply hair balm, it will help the hair to unravel.

5. To shape the styling, you can dry your hair with a hair dryer with a round comb, again do not forget that it is not recommended to use too hot air.

Shoulder length haircuts are getting more and more popular year after year. And no wonder: in the rush of everyday life, there is rarely enough time to take care of long hair, and many girls prefer the alternative medium length.


Benefits of shoulder length haircuts

  1. Does not require long styling.
  2. Wide scope for imagination: in one moment, a strict business woman turns into a romantic girl with curly curls.
  3. You can choose an option for any type of hair: thin, thick, curly, curly, straight.
  4. The ideal haircut is easily selected for any type of face.

A few photos of different styling for any occasion:

Variations of medium haircuts depending on the type of hair


Layered asymmetry will look good, for example, a cascading ladder with bangs to the side. Asymmetric strands will add volume to the curls and make them visually thicker. So, the women in the photo cannot boast of density, but its effect was created using a cascade.


The best option would be cascade. If you have soft hair, a bob is perfect. You can stay on the square: straight, asymmetrical, with or without bangs. If you cut your hair correctly, then a haircut without styling will look stylish and beautiful.


Ideally straight hair, again, a cascade is suitable, which will add volume. Meanwhile, girls with this type of hair can experiment with the length of their hair: the curls will lie perfectly without additional styling and the use of mousses and varnishes.

Video tutorials for creating the perfect styling, as in the photo:

shoulder length standard hairstyles

Kare offers a wide variety of variations:

  • Direct caret.
  • Graduated.
  • Asymmetrical.
  • Ragged haircut.
  • Highlight strands in bright colors.
  • Make curls or twist the ends.

The following video clearly shows the laying of the caret.


Bob is very popular because it fits to any type face and hair, adding volume to the latter. If a girl has a round face, then a shoulder-length bob will be a real find. A long bang goes well with it, which, if necessary, can be stabbed or combed back. It is better to avoid a short and wavy bob: it will only emphasize the roundness of the face.

For a square face, it is better to choose a graduated bob: make the strands in front longer and shorter in the back. Bob emphasizes the features of an oval face, like the girl in the photo.

Bangs are straight, oblique, conical and graduated. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the face, the texture of the hair, the hairstyle itself. So, short and graduated bangs are not the best. the best choice with curls. And for girls with a rectangular face, it is recommended to choose a long straight bang.

How to cut your face shape

Round face: it is necessary to visually narrow the shape, slightly lengthen it. This effect is created by elongated strands, haircuts to the chin, cascade and graduation.

oval face any styling will do: be it a “hedgehog” or a classic square. There are no limits for experiments!

If you have rectangular face, then you can stop at graduated haircuts below the chin with elongated bangs. Perfectly straight hair should be avoided.

The elongated strands of the girls in the photo soften the rectangular face.

Advantages square face accentuate the length just above shoulder level with graduation at the tips and side parting to soften the lines from the temple to the chin. And lush strands or smooth hairstyles are best avoided.

The curly locks of Keira Knightley in the photo soften the sharp lines of the face.

At triangular the face is given a hairstyle that will remove the narrow bottom of the face: slightly curly strands, short bangs, bob. It is better to avoid combing back.

The girls in the photo chose the perfect hairstyle for a triangular shape.

Haircuts to the shoulders open up a lot of scope for the imagination. It remains only to choose something to your liking and change for the better.