Address your prayers to specific angels

HOW TO WORK WITH ARCHANGELS AND ANGELS. For He will give His angels to watch over you, to keep you in all your ways. (- Psalm 91:11) We are living in an amazing time of change. The world around is rapidly changing, time is accelerating, new energies are coming. Mankind is now restless: the Earth is being cleansed and this causes inevitable destruction; people's bodies also change, which can worsen overall well-being. In such conditions, the usual landmarks and points of reference are lost. What can a person rely on in such a situation? From time immemorial, majestic Essences of Light live next to people, messengers of the Creator himself - beautiful Archangels and Angels. They are always there and ready to help anyone who sincerely turns to them for help. These Luminous Keepers of people and the Earth are filled with love and compassion, wisdom and power. They can heal the body and soul, send insight, protect and save in trouble. What is needed in order to receive the help of the Archangels and Angels? Just ask from the bottom of your heart and direct your request to the right address. Archangel Michael and the angels of protection: If you or your loved ones need protection and patronage, contact Archangel Michael and the Angels of Protection. Archangel Michael is the leader of the heavenly host. Its colors are white-blue, blue and gold. Call on Michael if you want to be free from fears, get protection from physical and mental attacks, restore justice, strengthen your faith, get support in serving others. When you call on the Archangel Michael and his army, imagine how blue radiance surrounded by golden rays surrounds you, creating an invisible shield that can protect and save from evil, fill you with strength and courage. Archangel Raphael and the Angels of Healing: If you need healing, your body is hard to adapt to the new energies coming to Earth, your soul is heavy and sad - seek help from Archangel Raphael and the Angels of Healing. The color of Raphael and his angels is green. Call on Raphael and his angels and instruct them to heal your body or soul. Imagine how the healing emerald light surrounds you, and the angels lovingly restore and fill with light every cell of the diseased organ. If you are a doctor, healer or massage therapist, call on emerald angels when you work with people. They will help you choose the most harmonious way of healing for everyone, neutralize negative energies, and speed up the process of healing and rehabilitation. Archangel Zadkiel and the Angels of Joy: Archangel Zadkiel and the Angels of Joy bring spiritual gifts to people, free the soul, purify the mind, give joy and happiness, teach forgiveness and acceptance. Their color is purple. If you cannot get rid of negative memories, invoke the violet flame of Zadkiel, which will cleanse the memory and soul of old wounds. Old clichés of resentment, discontent, sadness, longing, pain and everything that limits us are burned in the violet flame, creating negative karma. You can also call on the violet flame to clear the energy field, protect yourself from any viral infections, cleanse the body of pesticides and other harmful chemicals, toxins created by alcohol or drug addiction. Archangel Gabriel and messenger angels: Archangel Gabriel and messenger angels guide people on the right path. If you need spiritual guidance, understanding of your life mission, help in a difficult choice - call on this beautiful Archangel and his angels. Gabriel's color is white. When the Divine Heralds descend, you are enveloped in a white radiance. Listen carefully to your thoughts - at this moment the angels transmit the necessary information from the Single Source. Archangel Chamuel and the Angels of Love: Archangel Chamuel and the Angels of Love will teach us self-love, compassion and mercy. Chamuel's color is pink. Beautiful angels, woven from the thinnest and most tender light, will bring you the greatest Gift of God - the Gift of Love. If you feel that your soul has hardened in the ups and downs of life, call on Chamuel and open your heart to him. The Angels of Love with the greatest care will take up his healing and transformation. Give Archangel Chamuel your burden and receive Love in return. Archangel Chamuel and his angels will help you find lightness and vigor, teach you harmonious partnership, open your eyes to true beauty, and help you in creativity. Archangel Uriel and the Angels of Peace: Archangel Uriel and the Angels of Peace bring tranquility and peace to our souls. The purple-gold flame of Uriel is able to cleanse any space around and inside a person. If quarrels and disagreements reign in your team or family, call on the Angels of Peace and they will help transform the hotbeds of tension, creating in their place a space of peace and light. In the purple light of Archangel Uriel, your resentment, anger and anger will be transformed into peace, acceptance and love. The archangel and his angels help to move on to decisive action without destroying harmony. Uriel is able to harmonize the connection of the body with the soul and spirit. The energies of this beautiful archangel and his angels enhance friendliness, self-confidence and cheerfulness. Archangel Jophiel and the Angels of Illumination: Archangel Jophiel and the Angels of Illumination descend to the people in a yellow glow. Call on them if you lack inspiration, if you feel a lack of creative strength, are waiting for insight, want to learn clairvoyance, clairaudience or clairsentience, if you practice meditation, work with dreams and divination systems. Angels of Illumination help scientists who create inventions that serve the benefit of the Earth and people. If you want to learn how to hear the voice of your intuition, comprehend the multidimensionality of our being, find out about your hidden abilities, talents or gift, contact Archangel Jophiel and his angels. Divine Archangels and Angels will definitely respond to your call if it comes from the heart and is free from selfishness, evil thoughts and intentions. If you call on angels to help others, be sure to include in your request the formula: “If the soul of ... (Elena, Peter, etc.) agrees, please help her / him in such and such. . ." Always thank the angels for their help, and angelic light and love will flow into your soul, body, and life in an endless stream. May the Guardian Angel guide and protect you on the path of life. Peace, love and light to you.

How to Work with Angels (book by Elizabeth Clare Prophet)

How to work with angels: a ten-step plan
The first thing to understand is who angels are and why they don't answer our prayers. They are to God what rays are to the sun. God created angels to help and serve people. Answering our prayers is the purpose of their existence.
If what you are asking them to do is good, does not harm others, and does not conflict with your life plan, the angels will answer the call. You can ask for help not only for yourself personally, but also guide them ...

1. Make room for angels in your life.
Angels live in the world of the Spirit, the heavenly world, and we live in the world of matter. Angels feel good surrounded by thoughts of peace and love, and not in an atmosphere of irritation and aggression. ... get rid of irritation by starting to communicate with the angels at least for a few minutes a day. Talk to the angels the way you talk to your best friends, share problems, joys and sorrows, happiness and positive emotions with them.

2. Pray out loud.
Angels answer many silent prayers or urgent desires of the heart. There is a power in the human voice - a power of creation or destruction. By using the gift of speech, you too can bring about change in your life.
Decrees allow God and man to work together to constructively change lives. These are spoken prayers that enable you to direct the energy of God into the world.
Speak your decrees in a firm, strong voice. Say them at home, or on the street, or in the mountains, in emergencies. And see how heavenly streams will pour out on you!

3. Use the name of God.
God is within you. And if you use the energy of the God that lives in you to guide the angels, they will be able to respond with all the power of the universe. Whenever you say "I AM..." you are truly saying "God is in me..." and thus you are attracting all these qualities to yourself. When you say "I AM illumination" you are saying that God in you is drawing this quality to you, making you more enlightened than you were before. I AM THAT I AM.

4. Give your prayers and decrees daily.
Angels are always with you. But we don't always know how to contact them. The best way communicate with them - every day, set aside a few minutes to communicate with the angels. The angels are looking for those who regularly call upon the light of God to be their partners in the work of healing the planet. Your daily prayers will bring change to the world.

5. Ask for help.
Angels respect our free will. In very rare cases, they may intervene without you asking them, but more often, out of courtesy, they wait to be called.

6. Repeat decrees and prayers.
Decrees and prayers become more powerful as you repeat them. The reason for the increased effectiveness of prayer with repetition is that each recitation of it increases the amount of light energy that you send to God and the angels.

7. Send your prayer to the right address.
Angels have different jobs. And they use energies of different frequencies (corresponding to different colors) in order to fulfill it. You can connect more closely with these angels by calling on an archangel whose angels specialize in the specific work you would like to see done.

8. Be specific.
The angels answer your call accurately and are proud of it. The more specific the request, the more accurate the answer will be. As long as you live in harmony with the universal Source and give your energy to help others, hosts of angels will help you in everything, down to the smallest details of life. The more details your request contains, the more satisfied you will be with the result.

9. Imagine what you want to happen.

You can increase the power of your prayer by maintaining a stable mental picture of what you want to happen. In addition, visualize a radiant light that surrounds the situation or problem.

10. Expect surprises.
Angels hear all our prayers. But in order to satisfy the request, they must meet three conditions:
1) they cannot interfere with God's plan for your Soul (or your Karma);
2) they must not harm you or anyone else;
3) the time must be chosen correctly.

Blue color.
ARCHANGEL: Michael - "Who is like God."
Ask them:
About spiritual gifts: about freedom from fear and self-doubt, about strengthening faith, about perfecting your soul.
About practical help: about protection from physical and spiritual fears (from traffic accidents and burglaries to mental attacks), about casting out demons.
About world service: about inspiration for leaders, about improving the system of public administration.

Yellow color.
ARCHANGEL: Jophiel - "The Beauty of God".
Ask them:
About spiritual gifts: about wisdom, illumination, understanding, inspiration, knowledge, clairvoyance. connection with your Higher Self.
About practical help: in the perception of information, in the preparation and passing of exams, in liberation from bad habits and addictions, in getting rid of ignorance and pride, limited thinking.
About world service: about exposing all wrong actions, about helping in the fight against pollution and about cleansing our planet.
Command to the angels of illumination:
Bright Angels from the starry heights!
Light up my being and mind!

Pink colour.
ARCHANGEL: Chamuel - "He who sees God."
Ask them:
About spiritual gifts: about love, compassion, mercy, creativity, forgiveness; about getting rid of selfishness, dissatisfaction with oneself, self-condemnation and lack of self-respect; about preparing to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
About practical help: about protection from malice, slander and misunderstanding, about friendship and love, about correcting damaged relationships, about help in finding a job, in finding lost things.
About world service: about the improvement of the interethnic and interracial situation.


White color.
ARCHANGEL: Gabriel - "God is my strength."
Ask them:
About spiritual gifts: about guidance in your spiritual life, about discovering your plan and purpose of life, about liberation from indecision, about joy, happiness and accomplishment.
About practical help: about establishing discipline and order in your life, about organizing your emotional, mental and physical environment, including such things as shopping and new directions in your education and career.
On World Service: On Help in peacekeeping, about rendering assistance to the starving and sick, about alleviating the situation of victims of natural disasters.

Green color.
ARCHANGEL: Raphael - "Healing of God."
Ask them:
About spiritual gifts: about wholeness, vision, spiritual insight, inspiration of truth.
About practical help: about healing the body, mind, soul and spirit, about inspiration in learning and work - in music, mathematics, science and as traditional. and alternative medicine, about meeting the physical needs for food, shelter.
About world service: about improving international relations, about healing the wounded on the battlefield, about inspiration for the development of new methods of curing diseases.

Color: lilac with gold and ruby ​​splashes.
ARCHANGEL: Uriel - "Fire of God".
Ask them:
About spiritual gifts: about inner world, peace of mind, about untying the knots of anger and fear in your psyche, about new hope.
About practical help: about personal resolution of problems in personal, social and professional relationships, in creating a harmonious environment for the manifestation of creativity and growth.
About world service: about stopping wars, about restoring peace, about brotherhood and mutual understanding, about the manifestation of divine justice.

Color: purple.
ARCHANGEL: Zadkiel - "God's Righteousness".
Ask them:
About spiritual gifts: about the liberation of the soul, about happiness, joy, forgiveness, justice, mercy, about getting rid of painful memories and negative traits.
About practical help: about tolerance, diplomacy, inspiration for scientists, engineers, architects, actors and performers.
About world service: about the dissolution of memories of interethnic and interethnic differences, about inspiration for constructive communication and the creation of laws, rules, monetary and economic policy, trade and peace agreements.

Guardian Angels are assigned to each person to protect, guide and protect him until the time comes to go to another, spiritual world. The guardian angel is with you from the very moment of your birth and will remain with you throughout your life, helping in everything, although you may not see him and not know where he sends his love to you from. The Guardian Angel can intervene and help you without your permission only if you are in mortal danger. This is usually called angelic intervention. Many delightful stories are told in the world about mysterious strangers who appeared out of nowhere and saved people at a difficult moment, and then disappeared, and so quickly that the saved person did not even have time to thank the savior.

Guardian Angels are constantly working for our benefit and often have time to turn us away from potential trouble, and without our knowledge. They do this by either subtly influencing us, or directing us along a different route, or instilling in us a desire to move to another job, or encouraging us to return home by a different route, or to postpone something already planned. Angels can also act in this way - for example, you cannot find the keys to the car or house, because, as it turns out, you put them in another place. They can temporarily disable the car engine - and all so that you avoid some kind of misfortune that is not given to know about. Often, when this happens, we get angry, angry and upset, however, the angels are happy to help us, not expecting gratitude from us, because we do not know how we receive protection from them. The next time something unexpected and inexplicably delays you, think for a moment - your guardian angel may have intervened, and he always does everything for your good, even if at that moment it seems to you that this is not so.

The Guardian Angel feels all your emotions, both joyful and sad, he is also aware of your worries and fears along with hopes, desires and dreams. Guardian Angels know what is your greatest potential in this earthly life and want to help you discover it. They go out of their way to subtly influence you to move you in the right direction so that you can complete your life tasks and learn spiritual lessons.

The Guardian Angel will look for opportunities to remind you to get back on track when you deviate from your original life plan. Guardian Angels do this in all sorts of ways, such as appearing in dreams to help uncover some important message and get it through the filter of your conscious mind. Dreams are often used to get through to us, especially when a person is mentally overwhelmed and therefore unable to connect with their intuition - the channel through which Angels are most likely to awaken your mind. However, if a person strays from the intended path and the Guardian Angel fails to reason with him, then he allows himself what is known as wake up call. Such a call may be needed to help a person re-evaluate the direction of the current life.

This awakening call can often lead initially to some struggle and temporary difficulties, which in fact provide additional opportunities for spiritual growth. And once you have found what you need from the wake-up call or re-evaluate the current direction of your life path with the intention of making a positive and important change, you will overcome your troubles and start moving forward, gaining spiritual strength and reaching a new level of spiritual maturity.

Many people ask the question ‘Is my Guardian Angel a woman or a man?’ Angels do not have a gender as such. When you learn spiritual vision and begin to feel the Angels around you, you may be able to distinguish between the Angels belonging to the feminine or masculine aspect, due to the energy that they radiate - soft feminine or strong masculine. The angels do this for our good and to help us get in touch with them in the most convenient way for us.

Your Guardian Angel in its natural state is a wondrous spiritual creation, consisting of an energy field that vibrates at a very high frequency, akin to the energy of light, which we cannot see with our physical eyes. To get some idea of ​​their natural state, just imagine being outdoors on a beautiful sunny day and noticing glints of light all around you, very reminiscent of sunbeams. Now, by connecting the imagination, we can create a beautiful Angel in this magical image of dancing bunnies - this light energy is pulsating around you. Guardian Angels can sparkle with multicolored energies of light and frequency, and sometimes you can catch a quick glimpse of these glowing Angels with your physical vision.

If you think about your Guardian Angel, you will draw him closer to you, and this in turn will help you establish an initial connection with him. Angels are energy beings. When we think, energy pervades our thoughts. Therefore, when we turn to the Guardian Angel, the mental process itself will help create an energy connection, and then the Angel will gladly do everything to let you know that he is there. The most affordable way start actively interacting with the Guardian Angel - just ask him for spiritual help.