How to get a good education. Way of the winner: how to get a good education abroad? Preparatory stage before admission

Education is the starting step in the future working life. What do you mean by "good" education? A survey was conducted, the purpose of which was to find out the opinion of respondents about what they mean by the phrase " a good education".

Total sample size: 1600 respondents.

Study population: Russian population aged 18 years and over.

Question: What do you mean by "good education"?

The opinions of the respondents were divided as follows:

Here are the most typical opinions of the respondents:

Prestigious university, prestigious faculty:

"The children of the elite hang out there. After all, success is 99% dependent on who you have built a relationship with. If you do not have good connections, you are nobody."
(Manager for work with corporate clients, 44 years old, Moscow);

"If a person was able to enter, and, most importantly, FINISH a prestigious university and a prestigious faculty, about which they talk a lot, where they are afraid to do because of high competitions, then it is clear that behind all this lies a huge amount of work. And the result of work in studying at a university is just a good education."
(Foreign Economic Activity Manager, 23 years old, Minsk);

"A prestigious university, a prestigious faculty - this is a social circle."
(Manager, 23 years old, St. Petersburg).

Education that forms skills, key competencies:

"Skills and practice are needed in the work. A good education is an education where the student spends 80% of academic hours for laboratory work, practical exercises. Good example to the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State University, the Academy of Management and other universities.
(Director, 49 years old, Moscow);

“I wanted to choose an education that teaches self-education, but I can’t even imagine how this can be taught, but how to give a person the necessary skills and competencies (even for the same self-education in the future) I can and consider this the most important.”
(Coach, 33 years old, Moscow);

"A good education is an education that gives skills, knowledge that helps to work successfully in the future."
(Economist, 22 years old, Moscow region);

"Self-education and education that allows you to understand the direction of movement - "find the right vector", that's good!"
(HR manager, 39 years old, Moscow);

"The main thing, in my opinion, in education is to learn to" catch a fish ".
And the need for self-education for life (the period after receiving a diploma and employment) is inherent in very few people and is highly dependent on psychological features character of the individual, his temperament. But simply put, does a person have a "motor" that does not allow him to stop in his development.
(Assistant auditor, 36 years old, Moscow).

Education that teaches "self-education" and acquire knowledge independently throughout life:

"You can graduate from Cambridge and be an ass for the rest of your life. Graduating from a university is not the same as finishing your studies."
(Head of the supply department, 51 years old, Moscow);

"In all the prestigious universities that give a good education, you can't learn, but you need to study all your life. There are no limits for growth. Therefore, in addition to a basic good education, you need to be able to study on your own and have a desire for it if you want to be successful!"
(Financial manager, 40 years old, Magnitogorsk);

"The name of a prestigious university - this can help in life, but if you are essentially an idiot - in your future work practice this will come to light for sure. In my opinion, the institute only teaches how to use knowledge, and you have a very long time to learn your profession, and getting into production after a university, in most cases you have to start learning the profession again.If a person is interested in his profession, he must improve himself all his life, constantly monitor everything new that appears in literature in order to constantly be aware of everything new.Usually this is combined with a high reputation of the university."
(Administrator, 52 years old, St. Petersburg);

"A good education is an education that provides quality training in basic disciplines, instills versatility and flexibility of thinking, the ability to self-study and is given in a university that has a good reputation, recognized in the world."
(Engineer for maintenance of magnetic resonance computed tomographs, 61 years old, Voronezh);

“As one of the philosophers said: “I know that I don’t know everything ...” An “educated” person, in my understanding, is a person who, receiving this or that knowledge, applying it in life, does not stop there, and only over the years it improves, self-educates. The main thing is the knowledge that remains in the head, and it doesn’t matter where you get it. And in prestigious universities, often unfortunately, children of highly paid parents study today. And they don’t worry much about their knowledge, because then "daddies will attach" .... "
(PR service specialist, 30 years old, Krasnodar).


"What is in demand in the labor market."
(Head, 37 years old, Moscow);

"If a person has a desire to learn something in life and become someone, then not in a prestigious university, but with good teachers without bribes, he will receive a "good education."
(Senior teller, 26 years old, Moscow);

"Often life presents us with such situations that we can only solve them ourselves, and no matter what education you have. You can achieve everything without a higher education."
(Office manager, 37 years old, Mariupol);

"Education that gives you the opportunity to get a good job." (Secretary, 22 years old, Moscow);

"You can get a high-paying job without difficulty."
(Technologist-expert in certification of agricultural products, 21 years old, Moscow).

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What is a good education?

Education is the starting step in the future working life. What do you mean by "good" education? A survey was conducted, the purpose of which was to find out the opinion of respondents about what they mean by the phrase "good education".

It's time to apply to the university, you have USE scores in your pocket, how to spend them wisely? How to choose the right university and get a good higher education?

You have already decided that you will enter a higher educational institution. University is your path to the future professions. You can hear the opinion that in Russia today it does not matter what color your “crust” is, where you studied, as long as you have a higher education. But this is far from true. Both secondary vocational and higher education should not be chosen "for show". A good university is a springboard for future professional activity. Some university graduates cannot find a job for a long time, while others are offered employment in large companies during their studies.

To enter the university of your dreams, you need to carefully approach the choice of a place of study. Here are some practical tips for building your educational path wisely.

1. Choose a profession first
This advice is one of golden rules of career guidance: if you set off on a journey, then you need to know where you are going and see the goal. Choose a suitable profession, and then start compiling a list of universities that will provide the best knowledge and conditions for obtaining the desired profession. If you approach the issue from the other side - "First I will get an education, and then I will decide where to work"- then you run the risk of being among those unemployed university graduates who do not know what to do with their diploma.

2. Make your own university rankings
On the Internet you can find Russian and international rankings of universities, where Moscow State University, Baumanka, Vyshka will always be in the lead. Of course, these ratings combine many indicators that are important for education, and, having graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, you will receive additional benefits in relation to graduates of less rated universities. But your personal pyramid of universities does not have to match the official rankings.

When building your own hierarchy of universities, highlight thoseindicatorsthat are important to you personally.

    The level of education. How many hours a day will you study, how difficult is it to master the program, what will your store of knowledge and skills be for the final exams? If you choose a more complex program, then most likely your choice will bear fruit in the future. It will be hard for you in teaching, but easy in battle. But it is important not only to enter the university, but also to study worthily in it. So don't forget the proverb: "Take the burden on your own, so as not to fall when walking".
    State or commercial university. Now there are state-funded places in both public and private universities, but in private ones there are much fewer of them. When choosing a university, it is important that it has state accreditation. Only if you have it will you be able to receive an official state diploma and (for young men) a deferment from the army. Usually, universities that have not been given accreditation do not gain 1 course. Be sure to make sure that the universities you select are not blacklisted as unaccredited or inefficient (close to losing accreditation). You can check the university on the Rosobrnadzor website.
    The complexity of admission and the passing score on the exam. When choosing a university, you will have to take into account the results of the state exam. A higher score or not high enough, in your opinion, a score on the exam - be prepared for any result. Include in your pyramid the universities that you will go to with the most favorable passing of exams, and provide for an "alternate airfield" in case of an insufficient score in the Unified State Examination.
    Is it possible to get on the budget? If your parents are ready to act as your investors, then it may not be so important to enter a budget place. On the other hand, education on a budget increases self-esteem and develops student independence, and these qualities are very important for achieving professional success. We would recommend focusing on budget places or keeping in mind the possibility of switching to a budget basis with excellent training. Self-reliance is an immensely valuable life skill.
    Availability of contracts with foreign universities. Double degree programs expand the opportunities for education and further employment. These programs require students to receive a diploma from both a Russian and a foreign partner university when they graduate from an educational institution. Similar partnerships with European and Asian universities have already been established at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian State University for the Humanities and some others. More detailed information about a double degree should be found on the website of the university and the specific faculty, because it is individual faculties that establish relations with foreign universities, and not the entire university as a whole.
    Educational activity. A good library, a strong teaching staff, guest lecturers, the equipment of language laboratories, an administration that quickly responds to student requests, internships, expeditions and other signs that the university management cares about the effectiveness of the educational process. College should be interesting to study. You can get such information on the official website and from student reviews.
    Student life and extracurricular activities. Kapustniki, KVN, sports achievements - if not only education is important to you at the institute, but also a fun atmosphere, study

Parents want to give their children a good education, but not everyone can explain what exactly this concept includes and why some students are successful, and some never find themselves in life.


1. For many parents, a good education is the education of a child in a good school, and then a university. That is, the rating of the school and university, an in-depth program and a prestigious diploma become the key to an excellent education for a child. In most cases, this is true. If school teachers and the university program seriously require good knowledge and practical skills from their students, the child will receive this knowledge. When teachers do not treat their work properly, the student is likely not to expect a good education.

2. However, not all students from prestigious educational institutions and not every student of a good university will be able to achieve great success in life, to put into practice all the knowledge that they have been given. Why it happens? There are several reasons for this, the main among them is that the schoolchild and student do not have the proper motivation to study well and acquire knowledge. Even while studying in an excellent educational institution, a student can skip classes, not complete assignments, and not listen to the teacher. Consequently, the money of parents for paid education and tutors will be wasted.

3. Therefore, getting a good education consists not only of the knowledge and skills that teachers can give to the student, and not only of their competence, but also of motivation, the desire of the student himself to achieve heights in learning, to find himself in this life, knowledge of what exactly he wants reach. After all, sometimes even students with poor grades at school and university revealed great talents in themselves and sought to achieve more, expand human knowledge in various fields: science, literature, music, politics, sports. Examples of such people can be found among the most famous talents on the planet.

4. A good education is built not only from the knowledge that is taught at school, but also from the personal interests of the student. Only what the student is passionately interested in, what he wants to know with all his heart, can be put into his mind without memorization, easily and naturally. So, such knowledge will remain with him for a long time. It is necessary to look closely at what interests the child, what gives him satisfaction, what he is really good at. Perhaps it is this area that should later become his vocation. It is not at all necessary that one can write a doctoral work on it or make it the object of a profitable business. And yet it is necessary to try to satisfy all the interests of the child in this area, to give him a good education.

Where is the best place to learn? How to get a good education? Which university to choose? Where to study? These questions many graduates of schools and colleges begin to torment every day until admission. Choosing a university is one of the most important choices in life. A lot depends on what you graduate from - your future profession, place of work, earnings, social circle, marital status, standard of living, etc. Often, choosing a university is also associated with self-assessment of your knowledge and capabilities. And how not to miscalculate here?

How to assess the real level of your knowledge and capabilities?

So, it’s not that you are faced with a choice, but you don’t even know what to choose from. In this case, you need to push off from something. Try to push off from yourself, from your knowledge and capabilities.

Such self-assessment should be based not on personal feelings, but on facts. First, get independently tested. To do this, contact a specialized center where you can be provided with such a service. Secondly, talk to your parents and find out from them what kind of financial assistance they can provide you during your studies, whether they can pay for it if they enter the contract, and if they enter another city, help with renting housing. It is very important. You need to be confident in your knowledge and capabilities.

What are the criteria for choosing a university?

To choose a good university, you should stock up on patience and time. What is it for?

Choosing a good university is a careful work with details. To do this, you will need to collect all the necessary information.

To start collecting information, you must decide on a future specialty.

Profession chosen? Then you need to start looking for a university.

1. Determine the circle of universities that train specialists in the direction you need.

2. Go to the websites of these universities, read everything that is written. Pay particular attention to exams and passing scores. The higher the passing scores, the more prestigious the university, which means that graduates are in demand.

3. Read the information on your chosen direction on professional forums. Very often among professionals there is some sympathy for graduates of a particular university, and sometimes antipathy. For example, the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov is considered one of the most prestigious. This is explained by the name of the university, the location of the faculty in the center of Moscow, opposite the Kremlin, and the students themselves maintain such an image, but among professionals, graduates of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University are perceived ambiguously. There is another example, among economists, specialists who have graduated from an industry university, for example, Timiryazevka, Guba, Stankin, etc., are highly valued; in addition to economics, a specialist knows the features and nuances of the industry where he will work, but graduates of purely economic universities such as Pleshka and HSE are much less valued, because they know the economy well, but without being tied to a specific area of ​​production or activity. So take into account the opinions of professionals who are already working about universities.

4. Read student reviews. However, keep in mind that mostly negative reviews are published on the Internet. This happens because an offended or dissatisfied person wants to pour out his hatred somewhere and the Internet is the most suitable place for this. A much smaller number of people (there are almost none) who are satisfied with their education will go to write about it on the pages of reviewers, they simply do not need it. Read the reviews, of course, this information will be useful to you in the sense that you will know what you might encounter in a particular university.

5. Go to the job search site in the "Resume" section. Enter your future profession into the search engine and see which university graduates are most looking for work. This simple manipulation will help you, firstly, to find out the labor market, where you will have to go after receiving a diploma, and secondly, if there are incomparably more graduates of a university looking for work than others, then this is an alarming sign. This means that the university produces unclaimed specialists and it is better not to go there.

Portrait of a good university

It is worth boldly going to act if

  1. Do you have a specialty?
  2. It is difficult to enter, as the passing scores are high;
  3. In a professional environment, a university diploma is highly valued;
  4. The university is loved and respected by students;
  5. Graduates quickly find a job, rather than looking for it for years.

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