The last words of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Farewell letter from Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Smile, don't give pleasure to trouble

Fourteen years ago, a poem appeared in one of the Peruvian newspapers "Doll", which was also called the writer's farewell letter Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

The text is sincere, from the heart. He so impressed the public with his expression that people began to memorize his passages by heart. And some quotes even use in Everyday life, turning them into "winged".

Let's bring it, it's small...

“If for a moment God forgot that I was just a rag puppet and gave me a piece of life, then I would probably not say everything I think, but I would definitely think what I say.
I would appreciate things, not for how much they cost, but for how much they mean.
I would sleep less, dream more, realizing that every minute we close our eyes, we lose sixty seconds of light.
I would walk while everyone else is standing, stay awake while others sleep.
I would listen when others are talking and how I would enjoy the wonderful taste of chocolate ice cream.
If God gave me one more moment of life, I would dress more modestly, lie in the sun, exposing not only my body, but also my soul to the warm rays. Lord, if I had a heart, I would write all my hatred for ice and wait for the sun to come out.
I would paint a dream/dream of Van Gogh on the stars a poem by Benedetti, and Serrat would become a serenade that I would give to the moon.
I would pour tears on roses to feel the pain of their thorns and the scarlet kiss of their petals...
I would convince every person dear to me of my love and live in love with love.
I would explain to those who are mistaken, believing that they stop falling in love when they grow old, not realizing that they grow old when they stop falling in love!
I would give a child wings, but let him learn to fly on his own.
I would convince the old people that death does not come with old age, but with oblivion.
I learned so much from you people, I realized that the whole world wants to live in the mountains, not realizing that real happiness is in how we climb the mountain.
I realized that from the moment when for the first time a newborn baby squeezes his father's finger in his little fist, he will never let him go again.
I realized that one person has the right to LOOK UP TO ANOTHER only when he HELPING THEM UP.
There are so many things that I could still learn from you people, but, in fact, they are unlikely to be useful, because by the time they put me in this suitcase, I, unfortunately, will already be dead.
Always say what you feel and do what you think.
If I knew that today is the last time I see you sleeping, I would hug you tightly and pray to God that he would make me your guardian angel.
If I knew that today is the last time I see you walking out the door, I would hug you, kiss you and call you again to give you more.
If I knew that this was the last time I heard your voice, I would record everything you say on tape so that I can listen to it again and again, endlessly.
If I knew that these are the last moments when I see you, I would say: I love you, and did not assume, fool, that you already know this.
There is always tomorrow and life gives us another opportunity to make things right, but if I am wrong and today is all we have left, I would like to tell you how much I love you and that I will never forget you.
Neither a young man nor an old man can be sure that tomorrow will come for him.
Today may be the last time you see the ones you love.
So don't wait for something, do it today, because if tomorrow never comes, you will regret the day when you didn't have time for one smile, one hug, one kiss, and when you were too busy to fulfill the last wish.
Support the people close to you, whisper in their ear how much you need them, love them and treat them carefully, take the time to say "I'm sorry", "I'm sorry", "please and thank you" and all those words of love that you know.
Ask the Lord for wisdom and strength to speak about how you feel.
Show your friends how important they are to you. If you don't say it today, tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. And if you never do this, nothing will matter ... ".

2000 Gabriel G. Marquez:

"Love like you've never been betrayed.

Work like you don't need money.

Dance like no one is watching you.

Sing like no one can hear you.

Live as if you live in paradise...

It just turned out not so long ago that the author of this work is not at all global famous writer, and a Mexican ventriloquist named Johnny Walsh. And he dedicated this speech not to all mankind, but only to his doll.

Later, both acknowledged the fact of the mistake, this was even reported on the official website of the writer. Why the name of Marquez appeared under the work of Welsh remained a mystery.

Nevertheless, "Marquez's farewell letter" was widely circulated and made a splash among admirers of the Colombian writer's talent.

Some still believe that it was Marquez who wrote this letter. And on the Internet this message is now roaming on behalf of Paolo Coelho ...

Anastasia NOVIKOVA, -Marquez did not write the famous "Farewell Letter"

And for those who like to enjoy wisdom catchphrases"in the cinema", here's the video:

Farewell letter from Gabriel Garcia Marquez

The great Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who was seriously ill with cancer of the lymphatic glands, addressed his readers with a farewell letter:

“If the Lord God for a moment forgot that I am a rag doll and gave me a little life, I probably would not say everything I think; I would think more about what I say. I would value things not by their value, but by their significance. I would sleep less, dream more, knowing that every minute with my eyes closed is the loss of sixty seconds of light. I would walk when others abstain from it, I would wake up when others are sleeping, I would listen when others are talking. And how I would enjoy chocolate ice cream!

If the Lord would give me a little life, I would dress simply, rise with the first ray of the sun, exposing not only the body, but also the soul. My God, if I had a little more time, I would put my hatred in ice and wait for the sun to come up. I would paint under the stars like Van Gogh, dream while reading Benedetti's poetry, and Serra's song would be my moonlight serenade. I would bathe the roses with my tears to taste the pain of their thorns and the scarlet kiss of their petals.

My God, if I had a little life... I wouldn't go a day without telling the people I love that I love them. I would convince every woman and every man that I love them, I would live in love with love. I'd
proved to people how wrong they are in thinking that when they grow old they stop loving: on the contrary, they grow old because they stop loving! I would give a child wings and teach him to fly myself. I would teach old people that death does not come from old age, but from oblivion. I also learned a lot from you people. I learned that everyone wants to live on top of a mountain, not realizing that true happiness awaits them on the way down. I realized that when a newborn first grabs his father's finger with a tiny fist, he grabs it forever. I realized that a person has the right to look down on another only to help him get back on his feet. I've learned so much from you, but to tell the truth, it's all of little use, because after stuffing my chest with it, I'm leaving."

Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't want to spend it with you!

Never stop smiling, even when you're sad: someone might fall in love with your smile.

No person deserves your tears, and those who do will not make you cry.

If you love something, let it go. If it is yours, it will return.

Don't waste time with people who don't have time for you.

If one day you do not want to hear anyone, call me - I promise to be silent.

How wrong people are when they think that when they grow old they stop loving: on the contrary, they grow old because they stop loving.

We choose in a person only what we ourselves need, what we lack or what we are weaker in. "I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I'm with you!!"

A minute of reconciliation is more valuable than a lifetime lived in friendship.

Don't put in so much effort, the best things happen unexpectedly.

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want doesn't mean they don't love you with all their heart.

If a woman is involved in something, I know that everything will be fine. It is very clear to me that women rule the world.

Great tribulations have always produced great abundance. They make people want to live.

To err is a human property, and the property to shift one's guilt onto another is doubly human.

You need to listen to the voice of the child that you once were and that still exists somewhere inside you. If we listen to the child within us, our eyes will shine again. If we do not lose connection with this child, our connection with life will not break either.

Love, like nothing else, is a natural talent. Either you know how to do it from birth, or you never know how to do it.

… She had the rare gift of not existing until she was needed.
"One Hundred Years of Solitude"

The secret to a peaceful old age is to enter into a worthy collusion with loneliness.

Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for someone you are the whole world!!!

Every moment of life is an opportunity

The whole world wants to live in the mountains, not realizing that real happiness is in how we climb the mountain.

He did everything for her, it seems, everything that is possible, except for one thing: he forgot to ask if all these efforts of his are capable of making her happy.

The past is a lie, there are no ways back for memory, each past spring is irrevocable and the most insane and enduring love is just a fleeting feeling.

I don't wear a hat so I don't take it off in front of anyone.

Money is the litter of the devil.

…I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.

Do not be deceived, do not think that something you are waiting for and hoping will last longer than your eyes see.

knowledge and wisdom come to us when they are no longer needed.

Get better and figure out who you are before you meet a new person and hope they understand you.


Ask the Lord for wisdom and strength to speak about how you feel. Show your friends how important they are to you. If you don't say it today, tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. And if you never do it, nothing will matter. Make your dreams come true. This moment has come."

Don't be afraid," he said, lowering his voice. “It's not the first time a woman has gone crazy over a man.

Easily obtained happiness cannot last long.

Smile, do not give pleasure to trouble.

A man is not born once and for all on the day his mother brings him into the world, but life forces him again and again - many times - to be born again himself.

The weak will never enter the kingdom of love, the laws in this kingdom are harsh, women give themselves only to brave and determined men, they promise them reliability, and this is what women need in life.

You can't think of anything wiser than life

She was not committed to order, although she seemed to be, she just had her own desperate method: she hid the mess.

The memory of the heart destroys bad memories and exalts good ones, and it is thanks to this trick that we manage to bear the burden of the past.

However, that first experience, for all its transience, did not leave bitterness in her, but only a clear conviction that married or not, without God and without law, but life is not worth a penny if there is no man in bed nearby.

She stared at me intently, but I still could not understand where I had seen this girl before. Her moist, anxious look shone in the uneven light of the kerosene lamp, and I remembered that every night I dream about this room and the lamp, and every night I meet here a girl with anxious eyes. Yes, yes, it is her that I see every time, crossing the unsteady line of dreams, the line of reality and sleep. I found cigarettes and lit a cigarette, leaning back in my chair and balancing on its hind legs - tart sour smoke curled up. We were silent. I - swaying in a chair, she - warming thin white fingers over the glass cover of the lamp. Shadows trembled on her eyelids. It seemed to me that I should say something, and I said at random: “The eyes of a blue dog,” and she answered sadly: “Yes. Now we will never forget it." She stepped out of the luminous circle of the lamp and repeated: “The eyes of a blue dog. I wrote it all over"

She turned and walked over to the dressing table. Her face appeared in the round moon of the mirror, a reflection of her face, its optical image, a double, ready to dissolve in the quivering light of the lamp. Sad eyes the color of cooled ash looked sadly at me and lowered, she opened a mother-of-pearl powder box and touched her nose and forehead with a powder puff. “I am so afraid,” she said, “that this room will be dreamed of by someone else, and he will mix everything up here.” She clicked the lock on the powder box, got up and went back to the lamp. "Don't you get cold?" she asked. “Sometimes…” I replied. She opened her chilled hands over the lamp, and the shadow of her fingers fell on her face. "I'll probably catch a cold," she complained. “You live in an ice city.”

The kerosene flame made her skin copper-red and glossy. “You have bronze skin,” I said. “Sometimes it seems to me that in real life you should be a bronze statuette in the corner of some museum.” No, she said. “But sometimes I myself think that I am metal - when I sleep on my left side and my heart beats loudly in my chest.” "I've always wanted to hear your heartbeat." - "If we meet in reality, you can put your ear to my chest and hear." - "If we meet in reality ..." She put her hands on the glass cap and said: "The eyes of a blue dog. I repeat these words everywhere."

Blue dog eyes. With the help of this phrase, she was looking for me in real life, these words were the password by which we were supposed to recognize each other in reality. She walked the streets and repeated, as if by chance: "The eyes of a blue dog." And in restaurants, after placing an order, she whispered to young waiters: "The eyes of a blue dog." And on the misted panes, on the windows of hotels and train stations, she drew with her finger: "The eyes of a blue dog." People around him just shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment, and the waiters bowed with polite indifference. Once in a pharmacy she smelled a smell familiar from dreams, and she said to the pharmacist: “There is a young man whom I see in a dream. He always repeats: "The eyes of a blue dog." Maybe you know him? The apothecary laughed in distaste and moved to the other end of the counter. And she looked at the new tiled floor of the pharmacy, and the familiar smell tormented and tormented her. Unable to stand it, she knelt down and wrote on the white tiles with lipstick: “Eyes of a blue dog.” The pharmacist rushed to her: “Señorita, you ruined my floor. Take a rag and wipe it off immediately!” And all evening she crawled on her knees, erasing the letters and repeating through her tears: “The eyes of a blue dog. Eyes of a blue dog. And in the doorway the onlookers who had gathered to look at the madwoman were chuckling.

She fell silent, and I sat swaying in my chair. “Every morning,” I said, “I try to remember the phrase by which I should find you. In my sleep it seems to me that I have memorized it well, but when I wake up, I cannot remember a single word. “But you yourself invented them!” - "Yes. They came to my mind because you have ashy eyes. But during the day I can’t even remember your face.” She clenched her fingers in despair: “Ah, if only we knew the name of my city!”

Bitter lines formed at the corners of her lips. “I want to touch you,” I said. She looked up, flames danced in her pupils. "You never said that," she remarked. "Now I'm talking." She lowered her eyes and asked for a cigarette. "Why," she repeated, "can't I remember the name of my city?" “And for me - our cherished words,” I said. She smiled sadly: "I dream about this room just like you do." I got up and went to the lamp, and she stepped back in fright, fearing that I would accidentally step over the invisible line between us. Taking the proffered cigarette, she leaned towards the light of the lamp. “But in some city in the world, all the walls are covered with the words “eyes of a blue dog,” I said. “If I remember these words, I will go in the morning to look for you all over the world.” Her face lit up with the reddish light of a cigarette, she took a deep drag and, twisting the cigarette in thin fingers, said: “Thank God. I seem to be starting to warm up, ”and she sang in a singsong voice, as if repeating after the writing pen:“ I ... begin ... - she moved her fingers, as if folding an invisible piece of paper into a tube as I read the words written on it, - to warm up ... ”- the piece of paper ended and fell to the floor - wrinkled, tiny, turned into ash dust. “That's good,” I said. "I'm always scared when you're cold."

So we have been meeting with her for several years now. Sometimes at the moment when we find each other in the labyrinth of dreams, someone out there drops a spoon on the floor, and we wake up. Little by little we came to terms with the sad truth that our friendship depends on very mundane things. A spoonful at dawn could end our short meeting.

She stands behind the lamp and looks at me. He looks the same as on the first night, when I found myself in the middle of a dream in a strange room with a lamp and a mirror and saw a girl with ashy eyes in front of me. I asked, "Who are you?" And she said: “I don’t remember ...” - “But it seems that we have already met?” - "May be. You could dream of me, in this very room. ”-“ Exactly! - I said. “I saw you in a dream.” “How funny,” she smiled. “So we meet in dreams?”

She took a drag, staring intently at the flame of her cigarette. And again it seemed to me that it was made of copper, but not cold and hard, but warm and pliable. “I want to touch you,” I repeated. “You will ruin everything,” she feared. "The touch will wake us up and we won't meet again." “Not likely,” I said. "Just put your head on the pillow and we'll see each other again." I held out my hand, but she didn't move. “You will ruin everything…” she whispered. “If you cross the line and go behind the lamp, we will wake up abandoned in different parts of the world.” “And yet,” I insisted. But she only lowered her eyelashes: “These meetings are our last chance. You don't remember anything in the morning." And I stepped back. And she put her hands on the lamp and complained: “I can never sleep after our meetings. I wake up in the middle of the night and can no longer close my eyes - the pillow burns my face, and I keep saying: “The eyes of a blue dog. Eyes of a blue dog.

“Dawn is coming soon,” I said. “The last time I woke up was at two o’clock, and a lot of time has passed since then.” I went to the door and grabbed the handle. “Be careful,” she warned. “Difficult dreams live behind the door.” - "How do you know?" “Just recently I went out there and with difficulty came back. And when I woke up, I noticed that I was lying on my heart. But I opened the door anyway. The door opened, and a light breeze brought the smell of fertile earth and cultivated arable land outside. I turned my head towards her and said, “There is no corridor here. I can smell the field." “There, behind the door,” she said, “sleeps a woman who dreams of a field. She always dreamed of living in the countryside, but she never made it out of the city.” It was getting light outside the door, and people everywhere had already begun to wake up. "I'm probably expected for breakfast," I said.

The wind from the field became weaker, and then died down. Instead, he heard the even breathing of a sleeper who had just rolled over in bed on the other side. The wind died down, and with it the smells died.

“Tomorrow we will definitely get to know each other,” I said. “I will look for the woman who writes on the walls: “Eyes of a blue dog.” She smiled sadly and put her hands on the cooling cap of the lamp: "You don't remember anything during the day." Her sad silhouette was already beginning to fade in the pre-dawn light. “You are an amazing person,” she said. "You never remember your dreams."
From the website

Farewell letter from Gabriel Garcia Marquez

“If for one moment God forgot that I was just a rag puppet and gave me a piece of life, then I probably wouldn’t say everything I think, but I would definitely think what I say. I would appreciate things, not for what they cost, but for what they mean.I would sleep less, dream more, realizing that every minute we close our eyes, we lose sixty seconds of light.I would walk while everyone else is standing, not I would sleep while others sleep.I would listen when others were talking.And how I would enjoy the wonderful taste of chocolate ice cream!

If God gave me one more moment of life, I would dress more modestly, lie in the sun, exposing not only my body, but also my soul to the warm rays. Lord, if I had a heart, I would write all my hatred on ice and wait for the sun to come out. I would paint Van Gogh's sleep on the stars with a poem by Benedetti, and Serrat's song would become a serenade that I would give to the moon. I would pour tears on roses to feel the pain of their thorns and the scarlet kiss of their petals. ...

Lord, if I still had a piece of life left, I WOULD NOT SPEND A DAY NOT TELLING THE PEOPLE I LOVE THAT I LOVE THEM. I would convince every person dear to me of my love and live in love with love. I would explain to those who are mistaken, believing that they stop falling in love when they grow old, not realizing that they grow old when they stop falling in love!

I would give a child wings, but let him learn to fly on his own. I would convince the old people that death does not come with old age, but with oblivion. I learned so much from you people, I realized that the whole world wants to live in the mountains, not realizing that real happiness is in how we climb the mountain.

I realized that from the moment when for the first time a newborn baby squeezes his father's finger in his little fist, he will never let him go again. I realized that one person has the right to LOOK AT ANOTHER HIGH only when he HELPING HIM Rise.

There are so many things that I could still learn from you people, but, in fact, they are unlikely to be useful, because by the time they put me in this suitcase, I, unfortunately, will already be dead.
Always say what you feel and do what you think. If I knew that today is the last time I see you sleeping, I would hug you tightly and pray to God that he would make me your guardian angel.

If I knew that today is the last time I see you walking out the door, I would hug you, kiss you and call you again to give you more. If I knew that this is the last time I hear your voice, I would record everything you say on tape so that I can listen to it again and again, endlessly. If I knew that these are the last moments when I see you, I would say: I love you and did not assume, fool, that you already know this.

There is always tomorrow and life gives us another opportunity to make things right, but if I'm wrong and today is all we have left, I would like to tell you how much I love you and that I will never forget you. Neither a young man nor an old man can be sure that tomorrow will come for him. Today may be the last time you see the ones you love. So don't wait for something, do it today, because if tomorrow never comes, you will regret the day when you didn't have time for one smile, one hug, one kiss, and when you were too busy to fulfill last wish. Support the people close to you, whisper in their ear how much you need them, love them and treat them carefully, take the time to say: “I'm sorry”, “forgive me”, “please and thank you” and that's it those words of love that you know. NO ONE WILL REMEMBER YOU FOR YOUR THOUGHTS.

Ask the Lord for wisdom and strength to talk about how you feel. Show your friends how important they are to you. If you don't say it today, tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. And if you never do it, nothing will matter. Realize your dreams. This moment has come." Farewell Letter Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"If for an instant God forgot that I am just a rag puppet, and would give me a piece of life, I would then probably not say everything I think, but I would definitely think that I say. I would value things, not for how much they are worth, but for how much they mean. I would sleep less, have more dreaming, knowing that every minute that we close our eyes we lose sixty seconds of light. I would go until vseostalnye are not sleeping, while others are sleeping. I would listen when drugiegovoryat. And as much as I enjoyed the wonderful taste of chocolate ice cream!

If God gave me one more moment of life, I would dress modestly, to lay in the sun, exposing the warm rays moetelo not only, but also the soul. Lord, if I had a heart, I would write vsyusvoyu hatred on ice and wait until the sun comes out. I would draw a dream of Van Gogh on the stars a poem by Benedetti, and a Serrat song would be the serenade that I would give the moon. I would water the roses with tears, to feel the pain of their thorns and the incarnated kiss of their petals. ...

Lord, if menyaesche have remained a piece of life, I would not have spent a single day without SKAZAVLYUDYAM that I love, that I love them. I would urge each dear person to me in my love, and I would live in love with love. I would obyasniltem who are mistaken, thinking that no longer fall in love when age, not realizing that the age when a stop falling in love!

A child I would give wings, but allowed him to learn how to fly. The old I would teach that death comes not with old age but with oblivion. I learned so much from you men, I realized that the whole world wants to live in the mountains, not realizing that true happiness is how we climb up the hill.

I realized that from the moment when for the first time a newborn baby will tighten in his little fist his father"s finger, he shall never let not his testimonies. I realized that one person has a right to look at DRUGOGOS HIGH only when he helps him up.

There are so many things that I could still learn from you people, but, in actual fact, they are unlikely to be useful, because when I put in the suitcase, I, unfortunately, already be dead.
Always say what you feel, and do what you think. If I knew that today is the last time I see you sleep, I would have hugged you and prayed to God that he would have made me your guardian angel.

If I knew that today was the last time I see how you get out of the door, I would hug would kiss you and be called again to give you more. If I knew, I heard your voice one last time, I would have taped all that you say, to listen to it again and again, endlessly. If even I know this this is the last moment when I see you, I would say: I love you and I did not expect a fool, you know this is true.

There is always a tomorrow and life gives us another opportunity that would fix it, but if I am wrong and today is all we have left, I would like to tell you how much I love you, and that you never nezabud. Neither the young man nor the old man can not be sure that he will come tomorrow. Today may be the last time you see the ones you love. So do not wait for something, do it today as if tomorrow will never come, you"ll regret the day when you have not had time for a smile, a hug, a kiss, heard, and when you were too busy to perform recently zhelanie.Support people close to you, whisper in their ears as you need them, love them and treat them with care, find time for chtobyskazat: "I"m sorry", "forgive me", "please and thank you" and all the words of love that you know. NOBODY remember you for your thoughts.

Ask the Lord for wisdom and strength that would say that chuvstvuesh. Show your friends how important they are to you. If you do not say this today, tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. And if you do not do it ever, nothing will matter. To realize their dreams. That moment has come. "

The great Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who was seriously ill with cancer of the lymphatic glands, addressed his readers with a farewell letter:

“If the Lord God for a moment forgot that I am a rag doll and gave me a little life, I probably would not say everything I think; I would think more about what I say.

I would value things not by their value, but by their significance.

I would sleep less, dream more, knowing that every minute with my eyes closed is the loss of sixty seconds of light.

I would walk when others abstain from it, I would wake up when others are sleeping, I would listen when others are talking.

And how I would enjoy chocolate ice cream!

If the Lord would give me a little life, I would dress simply, rise with the first ray of the sun, exposing not only the body, but also the soul.

My God, if I had a little more time, I would put my hatred in ice and wait for the sun to come up. I would paint under the stars like Van Gogh, I would dream while reading Benedetti's poetry, and Serra's song would be my moonlit serenade. I would bathe the roses with my tears to taste the pain of their thorns and the scarlet kiss of their petals.

My God, if I had a little life... I wouldn't go a day without telling the people I love that I love them. I would convince every woman and every man that I love them, I would live in love with love.

I would prove to people how wrong they are in thinking that when they grow old they stop loving: on the contrary, they grow old because they stop loving!

I would give a child wings and teach him to fly myself.

I would teach old people that death does not come from old age, but from oblivion.

I also learned a lot from you people.

I learned that everyone wants to live on top of a mountain, not realizing that true happiness awaits them on the way down.

I realized that when a newborn first grabs his father's finger with a tiny fist, he grabs it forever.

I realized that a person has the right to look down on another only to help him get back on his feet.

I have learned so much from you, but to tell the truth, there is little use for all of this, because after stuffing my chest with this, I am leaving.”

reference . Gabriel García Márquez (1928-2014) Colombian novelist, journalist, publisher and political activist. Winner of the Neustadt Prize for Literature (1972) and the Nobel Prize in Literature (1982). He became one of the most iconic figures in world literature of the 20th century.

The world-famous masterpieces of Gabriel Garcia Márquez (short list, only the most famous. However, the list of masterpieces can include almost all the works of this literary genius):

Novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude"
The novel "Love during the plague"
The story "No one writes to the Colonel"
The story "The Eye of the Blue Dog"
The novel "Autumn of the Patriarch"
The novel "About love and demons"
The story "Memories of my sad whores" (one of recent works, which Marquez wrote after almost 20 years of silence)

Ask the Lord for wisdom and strength...

If for a moment God forgot that I was just a rag puppet and gave me a piece of life, then I would probably not say everything I think, but I would definitely think what I say. I would appreciate things, not for how much they cost, but for how much they mean. I would sleep less, dream more, realizing that every minute we close our eyes, we lose sixty seconds of light. I would walk while everyone else is standing, stay awake while others sleep. I would listen when others are talking and how I would enjoy the wonderful taste of chocolate ice cream.
If God gave me one more moment of life, I would dress more modestly, lie in the sun, exposing not only my body, but also my soul to the warm rays. Lord, if I had a heart, I would write all my hatred for ice and wait for the sun to come out. I would paint a Benedetti poem with Van Gogh's dream on the stars, and Serrat's song would become a serenade that I would give to the moon. I would water roses with tears to feel the pain of their thorns and the scarlet kiss of their petals... Lord, if I still had a piece of life left, I would not spend a single day without telling the people I love that I love them . I would convince every person dear to me of my love and live in love with love. I would explain to those who are mistaken, believing that they stop falling in love when they grow old, not realizing that they grow old when they stop falling in love! I would give a child wings, but let him learn to fly on his own. I would convince the old people that death does not come with old age, but with oblivion. I learned so much from you people, I realized that the whole world wants to live in the mountains, not realizing that real happiness is in how we climb the mountain. I realized that from the moment when for the first time a newborn baby squeezes his father's finger in his little fist, he will never let him go again. I realized that one person has the right to look down on another only when he helps him up. There are so many things that I could learn from you people, but really, they are unlikely to be useful, because by the time they put me in this suitcase, I, unfortunately, will already be dead. Always say what you feel and do what you think. If I knew that today is the last time I see you sleeping, I would hug you tightly and pray to God to make me your guardian angel. If I knew that today is the last time I see you walking out the door, I would hug you, kiss you and call you again to give you more. If I knew that this is the last time I hear your voice, I would record everything you say on tape so that I can listen to it again and again, endlessly. If I knew that these are the last moments when I see you, I would say: I love you and did not assume, fool, that you already know this. There is always tomorrow and life gives us another opportunity to make things right, but if I am wrong and today is all we have left, I would like to tell you how much I love you and that I will never forget you. Neither a young man nor an old man can be sure that tomorrow will come for him. Today may be the last time you see the ones you love. So don't wait for something, do it today, because if tomorrow never comes, you will regret the day when you didn't have time for one smile, one hug, one kiss, and when you were too busy to fulfill the last wish. Support the people close to you, whisper in their ear how much you need them, love them and treat them carefully, take the time to say "I'm sorry", "I'm sorry" and "thank you", and all those words of love that you know. No one will remember you for your thoughts. Ask the Lord for wisdom and strength to talk about how you feel. Show your friends how important they are to you. If you don't say it today, tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. And if you never do it, nothing will matter. Realize your dreams. This moment has come.