Swimsuit painting with acrylic paints. Leotard pattern for rhythmic gymnastics: step by step instructions, diagram and features. How to remove the stomach, depending on its type

Makeup and bodypainting guru Joan Gair works with the most prominent magazines, labels, companies and photographers. Madonna, Cindy Crawford, Demi Moore, Olivia Wilde - they all gave their bodies "to be torn apart" by Gare's art, trusting in her ability to create an illusion literally from nothing. So are the girls of our today's review. You see them posing in beautiful swimsuits, but... there is really nothing on the girls!

Joan Gare(Joanne Gair) acts as a kind of illusionist. She is able to draw any clothes on the body and present it in such a way that it will not be so easy to notice the catch. The most eminent publications resorted to her services: Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, Playboy - and the most famous cosmetic companies (L'Oreal, Maybelline, Revlon, Oil of Olay, Rimmel), not to mention an impressive list of designer clothing labels.

Joan's breakthrough "on the big stage" was the cover of the August 1992 issue of Vanity Fair, which featured a seated Demi Moore. Demi was wearing absolutely nothing but a painted suit. This unusual image of the famous actress opened the door for Gare to all doors, including the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue project presented in our article. All painted swimsuits are copies of real ones, but in Gare's version they really "fit perfectly", there's nothing to complain about.

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Rhythmic gymnasts, for whom sport is a matter of life, devote the lion's share of their time to training and participating in competitions. During this period, they manage to demolish more than a dozen gymnastic leotards. Therefore, mothers of young athletes are constantly faced with the problem of acquiring "overalls". And if everything is more or less clear with the uniform for training (you can buy it in a sports store), then outfits for competitions are a task “with an asterisk”. And you can solve it by sewing the right outfit with your own hands.

Where to begin?

This will help for But before you do it, you should buy the right material and thread (nylon will do). Usually, supplex or mesh is chosen for sewing such outfits, but polyamide can also be used in combination with lycra and cotton. Let's take a closer look at how to build a leotard pattern for rhythmic gymnastics.

First, let's decide on a costume sketch (this is an important point, since there are rules approved by the technical committee for their design and cut).


So, the pattern of a leotard for rhythmic gymnastics should correspond to the following nuances:

  1. Correct design, transparent material of the swimsuit from the neck to the chest is not allowed.
  2. Gymnastic leotards with thin straps are prohibited.
  3. On the chest, the maximum depth of the cutout should not be lower than the middle of the chest, on the back - the end of the shoulder blades.
  4. The lower part of the swimsuit cannot be with a cutout, above the inguinal folds.
  5. The leotard for must be tailored along the contours of the body; a non-fluffy skirt is allowed.
  6. Suits should be the same length on both sides, covering the legs, but different patterns or ornaments can be used.

Of course, you can simplify your task, because on the Internet for a small amount there is always a basic ready-made leotard pattern for rhythmic gymnastics. But, if you still decide to go all the way on your own, detailed instructions for cutting and sewing will help. The advice of experts will not be superfluous.

In order for the swimsuit to sit well after the cut, you should take measurements very carefully and build a pattern that exactly matches the size.


  • A sports leotard is sewn without darts and only with main seams, since they (albeit slightly) hinder movement, which is not very convenient for gymnasts.
  • It is better if the base is solid, then it is convenient to sew a skirt on top of it and adjust it higher or lower for a more favorable fit.
  • The sleeve opening should fit snugly under the armpit.
  • It is better to make a skirt asymmetrical (longer in the back than in the front).
  • A thoughtful stylish design in itself looks expensive and profitable, and then you need to decorate the product to a minimum, which will save on consumables.

Leotard pattern for rhythmic gymnastics: step by step instructions

Any pattern begins with measurements. So, we measure and write down: bust, waist, sleeve length.

  1. The next step is to build a preliminary pattern on paper. To do this, you need to take the most comfortable panties of your young athlete and circle them along the contour on paper on both sides, slightly increasing the cutout on the hips. This is done so that nothing hinders the movements of the gymnast during performances.
  2. An old t-shirt from your daughter will help in creating the top of the swimsuit. It must be placed next to the panty pattern on paper and similarly circled along the contour (following the proportionality of the two parts of the swimsuit). The sleeves of the T-shirt are extended to the desired size along the side seam.

The resulting pattern is cut out and applied to the fabric. Having added 2 cm for allowances, we cut out separate halves of the swimsuit from it. In order not to spoil the knitwear, it is better to circle the pattern with chalk.

final stage

We try on the “draft” of the swimsuit on our daughter (previously swept away) and mark the intended depth of the neck with chalk, measure the length of its circumference and cut out the appropriate strips for the undercut (width - about 5 cm).

Further, the pattern of a leotard for rhythmic gymnastics involves processing the side, bottom and shoulder seams. The next step is turning the neck. It is carried out by stitching to the cutout of a previously cut strip of knitted material (both parts of the fabric should face each other with the front side). The folded strip must be basted to the product, then stitched (front side).

This is followed by finishing the bottom of the panties and sleeves. At this stage, it is important not to forget to insert the cotton gusset. The final stage is the design of the waist line with an elastic band so that it moves freely and does not hinder movement.

The leotard pattern for rhythmic gymnastics, the step-by-step instructions for creating which is given above, can be done in other ways.

Consider another simple option

Sequence of steps

  1. Creating a sketch of a swimsuit with the marking of details, the location of sequins and jewelry.
  2. Construction of a pattern of all fragments of a mesh product (back, front and two lower parts). It is very important to remember about when cutting out details.
  3. Cut the same details, but directly from the fabric, which should be stretchy and elastic (stretch, lycra, supplex).
  4. Marking fragments of fabric and mesh, stitching them on a sewing machine.

Finishing and decoration

Building a leotard pattern for rhythmic gymnastics is the basis for creating any competition costume. Decorations make it original and corresponding to the theme of the performance. There are several ways to make a gymnastic leotard unique:

  1. Finishing with sequins and rhinestones - pebbles are applied with a special glue to a pre-designed pattern on the suit.
  2. The painting on the fabric of the gymnastic leotard is performed before the leotard fragments are sewn together.
  3. Acrylic paint can also make a performance outfit unique. The paint, previously diluted to a liquid state, is applied with a brush to a damp material (it is better to practice on an unnecessary piece of fabric first). To avoid spreading the paint, it must be dried immediately with a hair dryer. The advantage of this method is that if the drawing fails, the swimsuit can be washed and redrawn.

In order for the acrylic to be firmly fixed, a hot iron is passed over the fabric through a rag (but only after the paint has dried).


Summing up, it can be noted that the pattern of a leotard for rhythmic gymnastics, created by oneself, - task within the power of a loving mother. And skillful hands, imagination and natural taste will help with the tailoring and finishing of the outfit so that your daughter makes an indelible impression on the audience and judges at the competitions.

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Find out 14 popular ways to decorate a swimsuit with your own hands in our article. Thanks to our tips, you will decorate your swimsuit with your own hands and make it unique!

The beach season is the time when you want to surprise, not only with your figure, but also with beach outfits. All representatives of the weaker half of humanity sooner or later have a question: “how to decorate a swimsuit with your own hands?”. After all, often the purchased swimsuit does not always satisfy all the needs of fashionistas. I want to add my own zest to it, add ruffles or rhinestones, make sexy cutouts or shift the accents.

That's what we're going to do by presenting you with 14 of the most popular ways to transform your swimsuit, which we found on the Internet. Watch and try:

2. Making a sexy draped neckline along the swimsuit:

3. We make a trikini from a one-piece swimsuit:

If you have knitted swimming trunks, then you can decorate them in this way:

5. Making sexy cutouts on the bust without cups:

7. We make designer inserts from jewelry or haberdashery:

8. Decorate the swimsuit with rhinestones:

9. Making bright contrast bandeau ties:

11. Change the style of the top of the swimsuit: