Will the collaborators be returned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The decision to transfer the fighters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sobr and riot police to the National Guard will be made after the adoption of the law. New shape and numbers

The transfer of special police units - OMON and SOBR - to the Russian Guard caused a number of conflicts between the fighters of these structures and the leadership of the "guards". Thus, President Vladimir Putin and FSVNG Commander-in-Chief Viktor Zolotov received a letter from an SOBR officer from Ryazan, gazeta.ru reports.

“We also continue to work with the Interior Ministry’s operas, so why burden the already loaded paper bureaucracy with additional approvals through fifth hands? What kind of efficiency can we talk about when, not so long ago, being part of the criminal police, we left on the first call. The specificity of operational units is that they are needed here and now, and not sometime in a week, or even two,” the author writes.

The SOBR fighter is outraged not only by this. He is dissatisfied with the fact that the fighters of the unit are sometimes forced to clean up the territory, since “with the transition to the FSVNG units, janitors and cleaners disappeared in all units. Probably guided by the logic that we, like soldiers, from morning to night should spend a park and economic day. But the question arises: when to engage in combat training? I came to the special unit not to wash the floors and sweep the streets,” the appeal says.

This letter is not the only manifestation of dissatisfaction with the commandos. Gazeta.ru has at its disposal a copy of a written appeal to the Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Zolotov, this time from an OMON officer. He also believes that after the transfer of this unit to the National Guard, many new shortcomings were revealed there.

“Combat training is conducted on paper. All service is conducted on the principle of internal troops. All the best that has been worked out in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is cut off and not accepted.

The service is based on window dressing and constant reports, which distracts from service and combat tasks. By all means, initiative, the ability to take responsibility and make decisions are eradicated. We often hear from the leaders of the internal troops that the effectiveness of our units is low, while the explosives are positioned as professionals, better than us in everything, ”the author of the appeal writes.

The press service of the Central Command of the National Guard of the Russian Federation reported to the publication that these appeals did not go unnoticed by the leadership of the FSVNG.

- The leadership of the Russian Guard pays special attention to the moral and psychological climate in the OMON and SOBR units and does not ignore a single appeal, including anonymous ones, from employees of the above units. Upon the appeals indicated in the request dated June 27 and August 21, 2017 addressed to the director Federal Service National Guard troops Russian Federation comprehensive service checks were carried out, the press service said.

The command of the Central District of the National Guard Troops held a meeting with the SOBR officer from Ryazan, and in a calm atmosphere discussed all the facts indicated in his letter, the press service added.

- The author was given exhaustive explanations about the decisions taken by the district command. All of them were adopted in accordance with the governing documents and, above all, in the interests of service and security. personnel divisions. At the same time, they absolutely do not have a negative impact on the efficiency of the operational activities of the unit. At the same time, the opinion of the employees was taken into account, the district command decided to consider proposals for introducing workers responsible for cleaning the premises, including SOBR and OMON, to the staff of the territorial department, the press service of the FSVNG noted.

As a source familiar with the situation explained to Gazeta.Ru, no negative consequences for the officer after his letter will not be:

- He was told that there were no complaints about his service.

The press service of the Russian Guard also emphasized that the author of another appeal is not and has never been an employee of the special forces of this department. The press service did not explain who he is and what prompted him to write a letter addressed to the Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Zolotov.

Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs faced similar problems when moving into the guards in other regions. For example, a video recently appeared on YouTube where a man in the uniform of a serviceman of the Russian Guard explains in detail to clearly elderly men in camouflage how to make beds. Those in the front listen very attentively, while those in the back make fun of the situation.

A gazeta.ru source familiar with the situation explained that the events shown in the video took place recently in the training of machine gunners of the Russian Guard in Omsk, where about 30 OMON fighters from other regions arrived, and among them were mainly employees with many years of experience services.

“Classes on making beds for them were conducted by a major, the battalion commander,” the source of the publication explained.

newreform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to hold the newly appointed head of departmentVladimir Kolokoltsev . The Russian media write about it today. Although this information has not yet been officially confirmed, there is evidence that the goals of the reform are to return professional personnel dismissed as a result of the last certification and change the system for recording crimes. On the air of the radioVesti FM Mikhail Pashkin, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the Trade Union of Moscow Police Officers, commented on the possibility of returning previously dismissed professionals to the ranks.

Pashkin: On account of our trade union there are at least 15-20 professional employees who were fired. And if we take the country as a whole, then there will be several tens of thousands. If these people are returned, if they want to come back again, that's the problem. After all, they may not even want to say: guys, well, you, I went to civilian life, I'm better here. Much better than there. Therefore, it all depends on what conditions will be created for them when they return. If everything goes well, then, I think, even despite the decisions of the courts that refused to restore, the leadership can make a decision and accept them into service on a new one.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia planned to reassign 2.5 thousand soldiers of the former special forces of the abolished Grom Federal Drug Control Service to police chiefs in regional headquarters, in fact, turning them into an analogue of the SOBR transferred to the Russian Guard. However, the idea was criticized by Vladimir Putin. Now the fate of the commandos is again in question, says the interlocutor of Gazeta.Ru in law enforcement agencies.

Speaking at the extended board on March 9, he spoke about the meeting with the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "in an informal setting", which took place on the weekend the day before. According to Putin, service issues were also discussed at it, “including interaction with the National Guard.”

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs still has its own, so to speak, law enforcement agencies designed to ensure operational activities, but a significant amount of work is still carried out by the National Guard.

I would very much like this interaction to be preserved, but we would not observe the growth of this force component. And in no case do we need ... ”the president said.

"... the creation of a second National Guard," Kolokoltsev finished his thought for the head of state.

“Yes, we don’t need the creation of a second internal troops, a second National Guard, but we need good cooperation, as it has always been. I don’t see any reason for there to be any failures,” Putin confirmed, adding that he doesn’t see any failures yet and expects that “this will continue.”

The President once again recalled the transformations to transfer the structures of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Migration Service to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the internal troops, OMON and SOBR units from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the created National Guard. According to Putin, this reform was "actually painless for the relevant areas of work, and this, of course, is a great merit of both the leadership and the personnel of the relevant units, and the ministry as a whole."

According to the presidential decree of April 5, 2016, the staff of the FMS and the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) are transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Among others, the presidential decree did not mention the units of the special forces and the Investigative.

The latter could not remain in the anti-drug headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since the investigation of the police was separated into a separate department, and the special forces of the drug police could no longer be placed in the OMON and SOBR, which were generally transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the National Guard created by a parallel decree.

At the same time, the document stated that all employees of the Federal Drug Control Service who wished to continue their service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the preservation of special ranks could continue.

In December, it became known that the special forces did not enter the Russian Guard. This was told, in particular, by the head of the department of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops for Tatarstan. According to him, a special rapid response detachment, Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny mobile detachments were transferred to the department from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. special purpose, a special-purpose aviation detachment, divisions of the Office of Private Security and the Center for Licensing and Permit Work - a total of 3 thousand people.

“The Thunder unit was not included in the Russian Guard. We do not have any restrictions on the admission of special forces employees who previously worked in the state drug control bodies. Anyone can serve in the National Guard on a general basis, ”Gumerov noted.

As early as January, there were reports of the creation of Grom special forces units in the regional headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, within the framework of the drug control department. This, for example, was announced at a press conference on January 26 by the head of the Chelyabinsk Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“Efficiency and speed of response are often important in the work to stop the spread of drugs. And this activity will be an order of magnitude more efficient if the profile department has an appropriate structure. Therefore, we are creating Thunder, ”Sergeev quoted

At the same time, the publication called the unit "an analogue of the SOBR transferred to the Russian Guard." “Bailiffs and border guards have special detachments of power cover and rapid response. However, the police lost them, ”the publication said.

According to a Gazeta.Ru source, a similar situation has developed in all regions. Moreover, Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev ordered to increase the number of "Thunder" in Moscow and the Moscow region by 65 and 60 fighters, respectively, "due to the minister's personal reserve."

“A third of the employees of the department for combating drug trafficking in the Moscow region are special forces. At the same time, other units should apply for security support during detentions to the National Guard,” the source said.

In practice, the fighters of the "Thunder" have already been involved in security measures outside the framework of ensuring the activities of the anti-drug units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the source of Gazeta.Ru continues.

For example, the head of the police of the Belgorod Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Zhigailo, at the end of January, at a press conference, bluntly told reporters that the regional headquarters left Grom in its structure "to solve problems in a difficult operational environment."

“At the request of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, we were supported taking into account the border situation, and the Thunder special unit was created, whose employees are ready to fulfill the tasks of detaining armed criminals in the fight against drug trafficking. This is a unit that is physically, mentally, technically ready to carry out any operational and combat missions,” Zhigailo told local media. - The functions of the National Guard are mainly related to the fight against terrorism and extremism. Our unit will perform functions on the territory of the region, participate in the detention of armed criminals, gangs in the fight against drug trafficking and in solving some other tasks.

According to him, now "Grom" has remained in the structure of the anti-drug department of the police, but its number has been doubled, and the unit will be involved "in an environment where there is a threat to police officers."

After the president's words, at the last collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the preparation of an order to subordinate Grom directly to the regional police chiefs, and not to anti-drug departments, will at least be suspended, says Gazeta.Ru's interlocutor. In his opinion, perhaps the Ministry of Internal Affairs should have defended the preservation of the SOBR in the department with the transfer of the Russian Guard OMON at the stage of preparing the reform, and now they will have to come to terms with the coordination of all military operations with the guards.

In this profession, it is not customary to give interviews. But in it it is customary to fulfill one's official duty to the end, no matter what - from military operations in a hot spot, to dispersal of "dissenting marches." Some revere them for guardians of order, tranquility and stability. Others are called "cosmonauts" and fighters against the people. In an exclusive interview, Andrey Ivonin, deputy commander of the Primorsky Territory OMON, told the site what every riot policeman should be ready for, what threats the opposition poses, and also about how the Russian special forces differ from their Western counterparts.

I would go to the riot police

“How to get into the OMON? First, you have to serve in the army. Then have physical training. Have no problems with the law. We pay attention even to traffic violations. Now all candidates are tested on a polygraph for drug use and alcohol abuse. You also need to pass a medical examination. Suitability for it is group A, that is, absolute health. After that, the candidate is allowed to pass the standards for physical training. When we accept offsets, we take into account that a person may not be immediately prepared. The main thing is that he has a core, desire and potential. If we see that it is hard for him, and he does it with clenched teeth. Well, let's build muscle."

“When a young employee comes, a mentor is assigned to him, who forms his worldview and attitude to the service. A newly arrived person never feels abandoned. Coming to the detachment, he takes a three-month course for a young soldier. During these three months, he is being trained to become a fighter. To acquire skills and become experienced in the OMON, you need to serve from three to five years.

“OMON is not a profession. This is a diagnosis. Maybe for some this phrase sounds a little ridiculous, but it explains everything. If you came to the riot police at the call of your heart, then you must give your all to this work. Of course, many come here for a decent salary and stability, but if this principle does not suit them, then they turn out to be "passengers", as we call them - for a year or three and leave. By order, you must be ready to move to the “hot spot”, without looking for reasons for yourself not to leave and not complete the task.”

Did not serve - not a man

“Once there was a social survey in Vladivostok among students. They were asked the question: if there is a war, will you go to defend your homeland, your family? One said, “No. That's what soldiers are for." I was shocked by this, because every man should be ready to defend his family, his homeland. I don't know, maybe there isn't enough patriotic education at school or at the institute. We remember the school of Soviet times, where we were taught respect for elders, for veterans. I'm glad it's being revived now. But not for all categories of the population. It comes from family. I had two grandfathers who were veterans. I looked at them with admiration. For the fact that they went through such a war. Four years in the trenches, four years in the war. These people should have great respect. It is possible to conduct lessons of courage at least every day, but if these traditions are not supported in the family, then you will achieve little.

“What interests did the youth of the 90s have? Yes, none. Now look and go to the section and do sports. A young man must do military service in order to have some skills.”

Maidan, opposition, West

“You look on the Internet, many people have the opinion that the OMON was created to fight the people, but this is absolutely wrong. Let's remember first Chechen campaign where did we have riot police? - There. Let's remember the same Bolotnaya - why do we want a repetition of the Kiev events, the Maidan? And the opposition leads to this. And a lot of people are supportive. I would like to address them: well, look what happened in Ukraine. Let's remember 1917 and up to 1924. Brother against brother - as a result, the country is in ruins, hunger, poverty. Not a single revolution has yet brought benefits. Only for those who made it. Any revolution - death, devastation, famine.

“We have Federal Law No. 54 “On Processions and Rallies”. So, no one will give a command to use the special forces, if the work of transport, administration, and vital facilities is not disrupted. That's why the riot police stood in Kemerovo (at a rally after the fire in the Zimnyaya Cherry shopping center)? Because we have certain oppositionists who can turn this whole situation into riots. The same people work in the OMON and they absolutely understand that grief has happened, their relatives could have been standing there.”

“We see how the police or special forces work in the West. How many times the police use firearms against citizens, how many injuries and deaths, and how many we have. And everything will become clear. Let's see how the riot control units work there. - gas, water cannons, rubber bullets. And how many victims after the dispersal of peaceful demonstrations. Therefore, all the cries: “we have a police state” and “special forces are created to fight the people” - all this is nonsense.

“I would change the legislation in the field of mass media and Internet resources, because the opposition involves young people, first-second-year students. Who have no life experience, nothing. He may eventually realize that he was wrong. But for this, time must pass, and they are used as material in the present. Therefore, I would tighten the legislation on the media and Internet resources. because young people get it all from the Internet.”

Valeria Pavlova, Andrey Goryunov

The merger of the former special forces - OMON and SOBR - with the troops of the Russian Guard (FSVNG) is not without problems. As it became known to Gazeta.Ru, some experienced employees of these structures are dissatisfied with a number of innovations that have appeared after the transition of the special forces to the guard.

In particular, one of the officers of the Ryazan SOBR wrote an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir and the commander-in-chief of the FSVNG Viktor. It was received by the electronic reception of the Russian head and is at the disposal of Gazeta.Ru.

“We also continue to work with the MIA operas, so why burden the already loaded paper bureaucracy with additional approvals through fifth hands? What kind of efficiency can we talk about when, not so long ago, being part of the criminal police, we left on the first call. The specificity of the operational units is that they are needed here and now, and not sometime in a week, or even two, ”the author writes.

The SOBR fighter is outraged not only by this. He is dissatisfied with the fact that the fighters of the unit are sometimes forced to clean up the territory, since

“With the transition to the units of the FSVNG, janitors and cleaners disappeared in all units. Probably guided by the logic that we, like soldiers, from morning to night should spend a park and economic day. But the question arises: when to engage in combat training?

I came to the special unit not to wash the floors and sweep the streets, ”the appeal says.

This letter is not the only manifestation of dissatisfaction with the commandos. Gazeta.Ru has at its disposal a copy of a written appeal to the Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Zolotov, this time from an OMON officer. He also believes that after the transfer of this unit to the National Guard, many new shortcomings were revealed there.

“Combat training is conducted on paper. The entire service is conducted on the principle of internal troops (on their basis, the National Guard was created - Gazeta.Ru). All the best that has been worked out in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is cut off and not accepted.

The service is based on window dressing and constant reports, which distracts from service and combat tasks. By all means, initiative, the ability to take responsibility and make decisions are eradicated. We often hear from the leaders of the internal troops that the effectiveness of our units is low, while the explosives are positioned as professionals, better than us in everything, ”the author of the appeal writes.

Further, he complains that during a business trip to the North Caucasian District, his unit lived in tents of 15-20 people without basic living conditions, and, according to the author of the letter, mobile phones were taken away from the special forces.

“We were forced to beat off the beds, level the pillows, during the day they forbade us to sit on the bed, they forced us to line up 10 times a day, go to the dining room in formation. In general, they treated us like conscripts. Only "conscripts" are 30-35 years old and most of of them in the rank of senior officers, ”the letter says.

The wipers were found, but the sediment remained

The press service of the Central Command of the National Guard of the Russian Federation reported to Gazeta.Ru that these appeals did not go unnoticed by the leadership of the FSVNG. “The leadership of the Russian Guard pays special attention to the moral and psychological climate in the OMON and SOBR units and does not ignore a single appeal, including anonymous ones, from employees of the above units. On the fact of the appeals indicated in the request dated June 27 and August 21, 2017, complex service checks were carried out in the name of the director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, ”the press service said.

The command of the Central District of the National Guard Troops held a meeting with the SOBR officer from Ryazan, and in a calm atmosphere discussed all the facts indicated in his letter, the press service added.

“The author was given exhaustive explanations about the decisions taken by the district command. All of them were adopted in accordance with the governing documents and, above all, in the interests of the service and safety of the personnel of the unit. At the same time, they absolutely do not have a negative impact on the efficiency of the operational activities of the unit. However,

the opinion of the employees was taken into account, the district command decided to consider proposals for the introduction of employees responsible for cleaning the premises, including SOBR and OMON, into the staff of the territorial department, ”

- noted in the press service of the FSVNG.

As a source familiar with the situation explained to Gazeta.Ru, there will be no negative consequences for the officer after his letter: “He was told that there were no complaints about his service.” The press service of the Russian Guard also emphasized that the author of another appeal is not and never was an employee of the special forces of this department. The press service did not explain who he is and what prompted him to write a letter addressed to the Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Zolotov.

Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs faced similar problems when moving into the guards in other regions. For example, a video recently appeared on Youtube, where a man in the uniform of a serviceman of the Russian Guard explains in detail to clearly elderly men in camouflage how to make beds. Those in the front listen very attentively, while those in the back make fun of the situation.

A Gazeta.Ru source familiar with the situation explained that the events shown in the video took place recently in the training of machine gunners of the Russian Guard in Omsk, where about 30 OMON fighters from other regions arrived, and among them were mainly employees from years of service experience. “Classes on making beds for them were conducted by a major, a battalion commander,” explained the interlocutor of Gazeta.Ru.

The fighters burst into the "Thunder"

“There are many shortcomings after the transfer to the Russian Guard in the OMON. But among them there are several critical ones. The most important thing is the red tape in making decisions about the use of our unit. In order to “summon” us, an operative needs to write a statement addressed to the head of the region’s police, after his signature, the head of the department where this opera serves, must bow to the territorial department of the Russian Guard, where you have to sit in line at the reception of a native of the internal troops, who may not know all the features of the work of the riot police.

Then you have to explain to him the essence of the task, and then it turns out that something is written in the papers that is not military-style and everything needs to be redone. It is not surprising that the opera from the criminal investigation department prefer not to contact us once again. The criminal will not wait,” said Andrei, a 39-year-old riot policeman from one of the detachments in the Sverdlovsk region.

According to him, the leadership of the FSVNG also pays increased attention to cleaning up the territory of the unit, which often comes at the expense of combat training. “For some reason, we were forced to start a book of those who arbitrarily left the OMON unit. The men here are over 30 years old, where will they run away from their place of work?” Andrey asks.

“I don’t want to throw mud at the Internal Troops, there are a lot of decent people who performed combat missions, including in the North Caucasus. But the leadership of the National Guard, from my point of view, has a poor understanding of the tasks of the OMON, and therefore is trying to make soldiers out of us. The situation with physical training is also extremely poorly set, at least in my detachment. Because of all the innovations, they began to allocate less time for it. Besides,

sparring between fighters was canceled - and this is the basis of the foundations for us! But the management considered that this would lead to an increase in injuries, ”

the commando said.

Including because of this, many riot policemen went to the Grom detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which appeared in the police after the disbandment and transfer of some of the fighters to the police. It was created for power support of operational services. According to Andrei, OMON may face a shortage of experienced officers in the future, and there will remain young fighters who do not know how to think outside the box, are worse prepared, but will be absolutely loyal to the leadership of the National Guard.

However, some special forces have a different point of view. “I didn’t notice any significant changes. I was already frightened by the drill. I usually reply that I won't march unless I want to. As for the changes, it is better to ask someone from the management. They seem to have added documents significantly. I tend to characterize people who don't like something as whiners. And recommend looking for a Sobrovsky salary in the national economy. In addition to the mentioned salary, it seems to me that one should not forget, first of all, about the oath given by both the military and the police, ”explained Viktor, a SOBR fighter from Ryazan.

A source familiar with the situation told Gazeta.Ru that the conflict between a number of OMON and SOBR officers and the commanders of the National Guard has several reasons. “Both the Internal Troops and the above units were recently part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The leadership of the ministry was, as a rule, civilian and often did not support the initiatives of the command staff of the internal troops. In a number of regions, the heads of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs believed that it was not worth listening to the “VVEs”, as they were called, although this was unfair: the fighters of the Internal Troops, for example, were and were serving in crowded places, helped the police in the subway, in a word, did their job and did it well.

With the transition of the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the guards, the military leaders introduced certain elements of the army order. And this was not liked by all the “civilians”,

— said the interlocutor. According to him, soon the OMON and SOBR fighters will become military personnel, but for now they continue to wear special ranks of police officers.

“This is also a cause for concern among many special forces: it seems to them that after this they will have more duties and fewer rights. And they won’t be able to quit the Russian Guard so easily, since the status of a serviceman imposes a number of restrictions on the terms and the possibility of dismissal, ”the source said.

He noted that now the former police officers who joined the National Guard are being “adjusted” to new tasks and requirements. “It’s too early to draw conclusions, let’s see what will happen in six months or a year, when they all become military personnel. It is clear that there will be negative, those who are satisfied with everything will not write appeals, they will calmly serve. It’s just those who are dissatisfied who write,” he summed up.