An expanded meeting of the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Ryazan region was held. The personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Internal Affairs Directorate for Cao met with the new head Zhigarev Igor Alekseevich FSB

Higher degree, specialty biology and chemistry, in 1983 he graduated with honors from the Moscow Pedagogical State University, (Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin) Faculty of Biology and Chemistry.
1983-1986 postgraduate study of the department of zoology and ecology of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute
1993-1996 doctoral studies at the Department of Zoology and Ecology, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Topic of Ph.D. thesis

Influence of recreation on the population of mouse-like rodents in the south of the Moscow region, 1990

Topic of doctoral dissertation

Organization and sustainability of recreational communities (on the example of small mammals), 2006

Courses of the current academic year

General ecology
Global environmental problems
Geoinformation systems in ecological research
Biological basis of human reproductive behavior
Ecology. Biological Sciences
Educational (field) practice for obtaining primary professional skills and abilities (ecology of plants and ecology of animals)
Educational practice for obtaining primary professional skills (urban ecology)
Educational practice for obtaining primary professional skills and abilities (ecology)


  1. Zhigarev I.A. Small mammals of recreational and natural forests of the Moscow region (population aspect). Monograph. – M.: Prometheus, 2004. 232 p.
  2. Zhigarev I.A. Local density and individual areas of the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) in the conditions of the southern suburbs of Moscow // Zool. zhurn, 2005. V. 84, No. 6. S. 719-727
  3. Zhigarev I.A. Changes in the population density of mouse-like rodents under the influence of recreational pressure in the south of the Moscow region. // Zool.journal. 1993. T.72. Issue 12. pp. 117-137.
  4. Zhigarev I.A. Patterns of recreational violations of phytocenoses // Uspekhi sovr. biology. T. 113, issue 5. 1993.S.564-575.
  5. Zhigarev I.A. Influence of recreation on reproduction and mortality of rodents in the conditions of the southern suburbs of Moscow // Zool.zhurn. 1997. V.76. No. 2. S. 212-223.
  6. Zhigarev I.A. Estimation of the population stability of small mammals // Reports of the Academy of Sciences "General Biology", 2005, V.403, No. 6. pp. 843-846
  7. Zhigarev I.A. Competition or coexistence? The effect of "Release of resources by violation" // Ecology, evolution and taxonomy of animals: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Ryazan: NP "Voice of the province". 2012. S. 24-27.
  8. Zhigarev I.A. Disturbances and species richness of communities. The effect of "release of resources by violation". Scientific works of the Moscow Pedagogical State University. Physical-mathematical and natural sciences. Digest of articles. - M .: Publishing house "Prometheus" MPGU, 2007 S. 339 -350.
  9. Zhigarev I.A. Anthropogenic (recreational) disturbances and relationships between rodents in the community // Ecological ordination and communities. M.: Nauka, 1990. S. 32-42.
  10. Nurimanova E.R., Zhigarev I.A., Alpatov V.V. Some mechanisms of trophic adaptations of the bank vole (Сlethrionomys glareolus) in the recreational forests of the Moscow region. Bulletin of RUDN University. Series "Ecology and safety of life". No. 3. 2009. S. 10-20.
  11. Chernyshev N.V., Schwartz E.A., Zhigarev I.A. Popov I.Yu. Materials for the characterization of the role of small mammals in the ecosystems of spruce forests - sorrel forests of Valdai // Structure and functioning of ecosystems of the southern taiga of Valdai. M., 1986. S. 269-285.
  12. Zhigarev I.A., Bolshakov N.M. To the question of the concepts of abundance and density, their assessments and classification of accounting methods in zoological research // Readings in memory of Professor V.V. Stanchinsky. Issue. 2. Smolensk, 1995. P. 131-135.
  13. Zhigarev I.A. Forest biological communities under conditions of recreational disturbances // Anthropogenic dynamics of ecosystems, Nauch. ed. N.M. Chernova. Scientific works of MNEPU, series "Reimers Readings", M. Publishing House of MNEPU, 2003, pp. 92-116.
  14. Zhigarev I.A. Approaches to the study of the animal population in recreational forest biocenoses // Scientific readings in memory of Professor V.V. Stanchinsky. Publishing house of SSPU. Smolensk. 2004, pp. 135-140.
  15. Zhigarev I.A. Changes in the microbiotopic relationships of rodents under the influence of recreational environmental disturbances. // Readings in memory of Professor V.V. Stanchinsky. Issue. 2. Smolensk, 1995. P. 100-104.
  16. Zhigarev I.A. Recreational pressure and microbiotopic relations of rodents in forest biocenoses. // Collection of scientific papers of the Faculty of Ecology. Issue 1. Series: "Ecology". - M.: Publishing House of MNEPU, 1999. S.105-113.
  17. Zakharov K.V., Zhigarev I.A. Impact of urbanization on mustelids in Moscow // Scientific works of MSGU. Ser. natural Sciences. M.: Prometheus, 2005. S.434-438.
  18. Kostin A.B., Zhigarev I.A. On the transportation of young by Eurasian Woodcock // Wetlands International-WSSG, Newsletter N 31. 2005. P. 12.
  19. I.A. Zhigarev, V.V. Lapkovsky, V.V. Alpatov, V.M. Malygin Identification of twin species of Microtus arvalis sensu lato, and their hybrids by electrophoresis methods Theriofauna of Russia and adjacent territories. International meeting. M.: Association of Scientific Publications KMK. 2011, p. 165.
  20. Zhigarev I.A. Influence of recreation on the population of mouse-like rodents in the south of the Moscow region. Abstract of diss. … cand. biol. Sciences. M., 1990. 21 p.
  21. Zhigarev I.A. Organization and sustainability of recreational communities (on the example of small mammals) Abstract of diss. … Doctors of Biol. Sciences. M., 2006. 48 p.
  22. Zhigarev I.A. Ecology. Tutorial. M.: Publishing House of the gymnasium "Open World", 1995. 32 p.
  23. Zhigarev I.A. Workbook for "Fundamentals of Ecology, 9". Handbook for students of educational institutions. M. "Enlightenment", 1997, 80 p.
  24. V.T. Butiev, E.N. Derim-Oglu, I.A. Zhigarev, V.M. Konstantinov, I.F. Kupriyanova, A.V. Mikheev, A.G. Rezanov, S.P. Shatalova. Vertebrates and observations of them in nature. Textbook for students of biol. fak. ped. universities. -1 and 2nd ed., Rev., M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999, 2000. 200p.
  25. Konstantinov V.M., Shatalova S.P., Zhigarev I.A., Butiev V.T., Babenko V.G., Shubin A.O. Laboratory workshop on vertebrate zoology: Textbook for students. higher ped. textbook institutions./ Ed. V.M. Konstantinov. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 272 p.
  26. Zhigarev I.A. 350 tasks and answers on ecology. M.: MPGU, 2001. 119 p.
  27. Zhigarev I.A. Atlas of animals for schoolchildren, artist A. Sichkar.// M .: Rosmen-Izdat LLC,. 2000, 2001, 2005, etc. 95 p.
  28. Zhigarev I.A., Antoshchenkov V.F., Asoskova N.I., Batalov A.E., Kotenkova E.V., Pastukhov V.M., Shavrina E.V., Sharova I.Kh. General ecology: excursions, practical and laboratory work. Tutorial. Ed. I.A. Zhigarev. - M.: MPGU, 2002. - 96 p.
  29. Zhigarev I.A., Gromov V.S., Kotenkova E.V., Shubin A.O., Voznesenskaya V.V. Ecology and behavior of animals. Textbook for field practice in "General Ecology". M.: Publishing house "Prometheus" MPGU, 2007. 92 p.
  30. Konstantinov V.M., Galushin V.M., Zhigarev I.A., Chelidze Yu.B. Rational use natural resources and nature conservation. Textbook for students. higher textbook establishments. Ed. V.M. Konstantinova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2009. - 272 p.
  31. Zhigarev I.A., Ponomareva O.N., Chernova N.M. Fundamentals of ecology 10 (11) class: Collection of tasks, exercises and practical work. Moscow: Drofa, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2011. 1st-4th edition. 207 p.
  32. Blokhin G.I., Alpatov V.V., Zhigarev I.A., Shatalova S.P. etc. Encyclopedia of animals. Rooss. 2012. 704 p.
  33. Kuznetsova N.A., Zhigarev I.A., Bokova A.I., Shitikov D.A., Sharikov A.V. Verification tasks on general ecology. Teaching aid for the disciplines "General Ecology" and "Fundamentals of Ecology". M.: MPGU, 2012. -96 p.
  34. Zhigarev I.A. What is happening with school education in Russia? //Biology, Publishing House "First of September" No. 45, 2003.
  35. Konstantinov V.M., Zhigarev I.A., Shatalova S.P. Scientific school of S.P. Naumov and A.V. Mikheev: ecology of terrestrial vertebrates. Scientific schools of the Moscow State Pedagogical University: Issue 1. - M .: Publishing House "Prometheus" MPGU, 2008 P. 83 -94.
  36. Sharova I.Kh., Makarov K.V., Zhigarev I.A. Reflection of modern science in the textbook "Invertebrate Zoology" for higher education // Science and School. M: Prometheus, 2013, No. 6, pp. 114-120.
  37. Zhigarev I.A., Galushin V.M. Methodological guide to the textbook N.M. Chernova, V.M. Galushina, V.M. Konstantinov "Ecology. A basic level of. 10-11 cells. M.: Bustard, 2013. - 54 p.
  38. Sharova I.Kh., Makarov K.V., Zhigarev I.A. Modern systematics of unicellular protists, adapted for studying in the course of zoology of pedagogical universities and secondary schools // Science and School. 2014. No. 5. pp. 113-124.
  39. Purysheva N.S., Pyatunina S.K., Vinnik M.A., Petrosova R.A., Teremov A.V., Kutuzova N.M., Zhigarev I.A. Natural science. Textbook for grade 11 educational institutions. Moscow: National Book Center. 2014. 368 p.


1. "Management educational activities university (leadership of the department)”, State Coordinating Center for Information Technologies, December 11-17, 2006, 72 hours.
2. "Innovations in solving problems of modern biology and ecology: priorities and methodological approaches", GOU VPO Irkutsk State University, September 10-22, 2007, 72 hours.
3. " Modern forms organization of postgraduate studies in German universities and innovative approaches to the preparation of working curricula for postgraduate students "International Academy DAAD (IDA), (Free University, Berlin; Ruprecht Karls University, Heidelberg; German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), German Research Society ( DFG), German Rectors' Conference (HRK), Bonn, University of Cologne, Cologne; Ruhr University, Bochum), 20-30 October 2008.
4. "Computer and network technologies in the practice of teaching biology", Moscow State Pedagogical University, October 11 - December 27, 2010, 72 hours
5. "Remote support of the educational process", Moscow State Pedagogical University, September 30 - December 25, 2013, 72 hours
6. "Methodology of ecological and landscape studies of forest and steppe ecosystems and measures for the protection, protection and reproduction of forests" Orenburg State Agrarian University, 13.06.2017, 72 hours
7. "Integrated security", additional professional program of FSBEI HE "Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)", from 11/27/2017 to 12/08/2017, 72 hours

State and departmental awards

1. Sign of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "For the development of research work of students", 2001, order dated 12/17/2001
2. Laureate of the competition "Grant of Moscow" in the field of natural sciences, 2001.
3. Laureate of the competition "Grant of Moscow" in the field of science and technology in the field of education, 2002 and 2003
4. Diploma of the 3rd degree of Moscow State Pedagogical University for the textbook (2000)
5. Diploma of Moscow State Pedagogical University as a laureate of the 1st degree of the competition for the best scientific work (2001)
6. Awarded with the medal of K. A. Timiryazev for his great personal contribution to the development of agricultural science and education, 05/30/2011.
7. Certificate of honor of the Academic Council of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (November 2012) For many years of fruitful work, great success in educational, scientific, pedagogical activities
8. Medal "150 years since the birth of V.I. Vernadsky" 08.11.2013
9. Diploma for active work within the framework of the Permanent Organizing Committee All-Russian Conference for environmental education, for contribution to the promotion of environmental education and public awareness, organization and holding of environmental events, November 7, 2013
10. Gratitude of the rector for holding a lecture on the topic "Traditions and innovations at the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry" within the framework of the VIII Science Festival at Moscow State Pedagogical University (2014)
11. Certificate of honor of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District (2014)
12. Gratitude of the rector for the lecture during the University Saturdays (2014)
13. Diploma of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Orenburg Region (2017)
14. Certificate of honor of the Government of Moscow (2017)

Course archive

social ecology

Research projects and grants

1. Grant No. D 1.56 of the Special Fund for the payment of personal scholarships and grants to talented young scientists (1994);
2. Grant of the State Committee for Science, program "Biodiversity" (1994-1997);
3. Grant No. 400 FTP “Integration” “Joint Educational and Scientific Center “Chernogolovka” IPEE RAS, Moscow State University and Moscow State Pedagogical University” (1997-1998);
4. Federal Target Program Grant “Integration” A 0084 “Joint Educational and Scientific Biological Center of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems named after. A.N. Severtsov RAS, Moscow State University and Moscow State Pedagogical University” (1998-2001)
5. Grant No. 14-6 of the ROLL-2000/ROLL-2000 Foundation "Replication of experience in creating centers of continuous environmental education",
6. Grant No. E-0140, FPTs "Integration" "Educational and research expedition: a comprehensive study of the organization and sustainability of recreational communities", 2001
7. Grant No. 01-04-97014 RFBR-Moscow region "Ecology of science cities of the Moscow region: a comprehensive study of the organization and sustainability of recreational communities and assessment of the species diversity of vegetation, birds and small mammals" (2001-2003)
8. Laureate of the competition "Grants of Moscow" in the field of natural sciences, 2001.
9. Grant UR.07.01.018 "Universities of Russia" "Organization and sustainability of recreational communities", 2002
10. Grant No. B0079 FTP Integration “Fundamental and applied research in the joint biological educational and scientific center of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution named after. A.N. Severtsov RAS and universities"
11. Laureate of the competition "Grant of Moscow" in the field of science and technology in the field of education, 2002
12. Grant No. Ya 0047 FTP "Integration" "Creation of jobs for students and graduate students on the basis of a joint biological educational and scientific center of the Institute of Ecology and Evolution named after. A.N. Severtsov RAS, Moscow State University and Moscow State Pedagogical University (2002)
13. Laureate of the competition "Grant of Moscow" in the field of science and technology in the field of education, 2003
14. Grant No. 06-04-90811 Mol_a RFBR, “Strategy for adaptation of small mammals to anthropogenic disturbances environment(on the example of Central Russia and Moldova)”, 2006-2007
15. RFBR grant No. 08-04-01769a, "Organization and sustainability of recreationally disturbed communities: the role of interspecific relations in the formation of groups of small mammals", 2008-2010
16. "Development of educational and scientific centers of MSGU as integrated scientific and educational structures based on interaction with specialized institutions and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences", 2011
17. No. 4871 AVCP “Development of the scientific potential of higher education” “Scientific and educational zoological museum: methodological approaches, provision of educational and research activities” (2009-2010, extended 2011)”
18. RNF16-14-10269 “Intra- and interspecies relations of rodents: a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of evolutionary aspects of social behavior and communication” A.N. Severtsov RAS, 2016-2018

How the alignment of forces in the Russian special services is changing

Law enforcement agencies and special services are a territory closed from prying eyes, but the processes within these departments affect the entire internal and foreign policy Russia: undercover games are going on in ministries and intelligence departments, entire units appear and disappear, leaders change - all this then results in detentions, arrests and special operations. A year ago, Republic spoke about important reshuffles in the special services. What has changed since then? Journalist Ilya Rozhdestvensky lists the four most important plots of the last year and the main characters.

To Rosneft and back

Those following the Aleksey Ulyukaev case must have heard of Oleg Feoktistov, whose role in last year's most notorious criminal trial has yet to be clarified. A native of the FSB, Feoktistov came to the post of head of the security service and vice president of Rosneft in September last year. And in November, Ulyukaev was detained with $2 million right at the exit of the office of the oil company. Already in March 2017, it became known that Feoktistov left Rosneft and, as the head of the company Igor Sechin put it, "returned to the service."

Why Feoktistov spent only half a year at his new place of work is still unknown, but a high-ranking interlocutor of Republic in the FSB explains the logic of events as follows: in the pre-election year, the president did not want to strengthen the position of an already powerful company at the expense of one of the most influential security officials; according to the source, this decision was also due to "exceptional activity" in the case of Ulyukaev. As The Bell notes, there was no place for Feoktistov in counterintelligence, that is, at his old place of work. This is also confirmed by two Republic sources in the FSB. One of them points out that the general was too "exposed" in the media to continue working in the FSB. A source close to the leadership of the FSB says: “Now Feoktistov is in the FSB reserve and is waiting for a pension.”

According to investigators, ⁠Ulyukaev demanded a ⁠bribe of $2 million

According to our sources in Lubyanka, Feoktistov began to deal with the Ulyukaev case even before moving to Rosneft. According to investigators, ⁠Ulyukaev demanded a ⁠bribe of $2 million for a positive assessment by the ministry of the deal to purchase Bashneft by Rosneft. Ulyukaev himself claims that he was set up. “A provocation was committed against me by the FSB with the participation of the head of Rosneft Sechin and the head of the security service of Rosneft Feoktistov,” the ex-minister said during the first court hearing in his case.

Feoktistov's move from the security services to business last year was partly forced. At that time, the general served as deputy head of the Office own security The FSB oversaw the investigation of many high-profile criminal cases, including those against Interior Ministry generals Denis Sugrobov and Boris Kolesnikov, as well as the ex-governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh. At the same time, Feoktistov's immediate superior, the head of the CSS, Sergei Korolevlet, was appointed head of another unit in the Lubyanka - the Economic Security Service (SEB).

Igor Sechin

The SEB is one of the most influential units within the intelligence service, it is engaged in counterintelligence support in all areas related to the economy: for example, it monitors the activities of banks, industrial and transport enterprises, fights with the withdrawal of funds from the country, cashing money and smuggling. The activity of the CSS is directed at the special service itself: the department deals with cases of violation of the law by FSB officers and takes part in the investigation of criminal cases involving counterintelligence officers. But this division of powers is very conditional: everything depends on the alignment of forces in the Lubyanka, the influence and interests of specific officers. So, if necessary, the CSS can join in the operational support of a criminal case against a governor, a minister or a major businessman.

Last year’s personnel changes in the leadership of the FSB, in fact, began with several criminal cases of smuggling: one of them is accused by an influential St. in other cases, charges were brought against several businessmen from St. Petersburg, whom the Russian Investigative Committee considers major smugglers. Republic's interlocutors agree: Korolev successfully took advantage of the fact that the names of high-ranking officers of the FSB and other departments appear in the investigation materials. As a result, several security officials left their positions, and Korolev received a promotion.

Having strengthened his position, the new head of the SEB lobbied for the post of head of the CSS head of the 2nd service of management Alexei Komkov, and the head of the 1st service of the CSS Anatoly Filippov became his first deputy. Why didn't Feoktistov get this position? Two interlocutors in the FSB indicate that Feoktistov was not a man from the team of Sergei Korolev: the generals sometimes had a difficult relationship. In addition, claims were heard from the Kremlin regarding Feoktistov: it was this general who in the summer of 2016 oversaw searches at the home of Andrei Belyaninov, who at that time headed the Federal Customs Service. After the searches, the media published photographs of old paintings in Belyaninov's house and boxes of money found in his possession. A few months later, in December 2016, Vladimir Putin commented on those events at a press conference: “The fact that all kinds of investigative actions, including searches and something like that, were thrown into the media, I consider unacceptable. They damage the business and personal reputation of any person.” They then apologized to Belyaninov and returned everything seized.

Internet battle

Personnel changes in the leadership of the Lubyanka and the strengthening of Korolev affected the work of other counterintelligence units. So, on December 5, 2016, Colonel Sergei Mikhailov, deputy head of the Center for Information Security, was escorted from a meeting of the FSB collegium with a bag over his head. On the same day, Dmitry Dokuchaev, senior detective of the 2nd department of the operational management of the CIB, Dmitry Dokuchaev, head of the department for investigating computer incidents at Kaspersky Lab, Ruslan Stoyanov, and businessman Georgy Fomchenkov, were detained. They were charged with treason.

Ruslan Stoyanov

The Information Security Center fights cybercrime, including in the field of e-commerce and the illegal distribution of personal data. Kommersant and RBC called the leadership of the CIB "curators of the Internet" in Russia.

What exactly the defendants in the case are accused of was not officially reported, but, as Reuters wrote and two interlocutors of the Republic confirmed, those arrested are charged with transferring secret information to CIA agents: the information was received, for example, by the private American company Verisign, and from it the data allegedly got to the American special services . A Republic source familiar with the investigation insists that we are talking on the transfer of data collected as a result of operational development; At the same time, not only the CIA, but also the FBI could receive information, and the employees of the bureau then transferred secret information to the well-known cybercrime specialist Brian Krebs, author of the book Spam Nation.

The FSB has been aware of Mikhailov’s possible contacts with foreign intelligence services since at least 2010: Pavel Vrublevsky, the founder of ChronoPay, indicated in his complaint to counterintelligence that the officers could work for Western intelligence services. The entrepreneur himself, however, was a person of interest: it was Mikhailov who at that time was investigating a criminal case against the businessman about organizing a DDoS attack on the Assist payment system, because of which the main client of Assist, Aeroflot, suffered. Vrublevsky was later found guilty.

Why did it take almost seven years before the FSB officers were detained on suspicion of treason? The interlocutor in the leadership of the FSB explains this again by the change of leadership in key units of the special service in 2016: it entailed a regrouping of forces in the entire counterintelligence. A source familiar with the investigation agrees with this opinion. He notes that the case of treason is “multi-component”: on the one hand, the reshuffling in the SEB and CSS had an effect, and the new authorities wanted to “put the Internet under their control.” On the other hand, the old rivalry between the two centers in the FSB also had an impact: the Center for Information Security traditionally competed with the Center for Information Protection and Special Communications, their areas of responsibility overlap, and relations have always been difficult.

Another interlocutor close to the investigation team claims that they began to actively drag TsIB officers for interrogations six months before their arrest, that is, around the time when Korolev was appointed head of the FSB SEB. Finally, all sources acknowledge that criminal prosecution officers - in many ways a game for the public, otherwise it would not have been necessary to detain the colonel of the special services in such a picturesque way at the collegium of the department. The same interlocutors explain the qualification of the officer's actions as treason: according to two sources, Mikhailov and the others could have been charged with exceeding official powers during recruitment, but they chose a more severe article. The result of the criminal case was a change in the leadership of the CIB: as follows from the data of the state register of legal entities, Andrey Gerasimov left the post of head of the Center, and Sergey Skorokhodov, Gerasimov's deputy, took his place from the end of July.

Ministry of State Security

In September 2016, in the wake of talk about changes in the special services, Kommersant spoke about plans to create the Ministry of State Security on the basis of the FSB. According to the publication, the structure of the new department was supposed to include the Foreign Intelligence Service and most units of the Federal Security Service. “Today's FSO will remain in the form of the President's Security Service, which, in addition to security, will control special communications and transport services for senior officials,” the newspaper wrote.

Rumors about the upcoming emergence of new law enforcement agencies appeared, however, back in the spring of 2016. And in the summer of that year, for the leadership of one large Russian company An analytical note was drawn up in which the idea of ​​​​creating the MGB was personally attributed to Putin. As follows from the document (its copy is at our disposal), together with the MGB another structure was to be created - the Federal Investigation Service, which was planned to include the TFR and "all investigative units of other law enforcement agencies", that is, the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigation FSB control. “A large-scale reorganization of the FSB and the TFR inevitably involves the removal of all employees from the staff and certification, giving Putin a wide scope for personnel maneuver,” the report concluded. Another variant of the unification, which two of our interlocutors in law enforcement agencies spoke about in the fall, is the merger of the FSB and the FSO, and the reform was supposed to take place by the beginning of winter.

The creation of the ministry is not without meaning, the source of the Republic on Lubyanka admits: if the FSB, the SVR and the FSO report to the president about the same thing, then it is logical to unite them. On the other hand, the source points out, such an idea is unlikely to be implemented, especially in the pre-election period: even taking into account the separation of the investigation into a separate structure, the emergence of the MGB will upset the balance of law enforcement agencies, and the ministry itself will be poorly managed. Rumors and leaks about the appearance of the superministry have not appeared for many months.

Guided Permutations

Although the FSO has not merged with the FSB, the special services work closely together. Thus, as a result of a joint audit in November 2016, General Gennady Lopyrev, who headed the FSO in the Caucasus, was arrested on suspicion of taking a bribe (for example, the presidential residence Bocharov Ruchey is under the authority of this unit). The interlocutor in the FSO claims that talk of Lopyrev's resignation began in May - immediately after the director of the security service was replaced - Dmitry Kochnev took over from Yevgeny Murov.

General Gennady Lopyrev was arrested on suspicion of taking a bribe

What is the new head of the FSO known for? The choice was made because of his personality, says another Republic source. According to him, another contender for the position was Putin's former personal adjutant Oleg Klimentyev, who, after Viktor Zolotov, led the Security Service of the President of the FSO. However, preference was given to Kochnev, since he is "tougher" and able to solve "difficult personnel issues." The new director, according to two employees of the FSO, replaced about ten people from among the management team. In particular, Sergey Kravchenko became the new head of the Security Service in the Caucasus of the FSO, and Nikolai Kondratyuk, assistant to the ex-Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, former head of the administration of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow Region, and since 2014 - head of the Security Service in the Crimea of ​​the FSO, received the post of deputy director of the FSO.

Cooperation with the FSB affected another department. In the fall of 2016, RBC reported on the impending resignation of the chairman of the ICR Alexander Bastrykin: his career prospects were affected by the criminal case against the generals of the Investigative Committee, who were suspected of collaborating with people of criminal authority Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy). As the interlocutor, who is familiar with the state of affairs in the TFR, explains, Bastrykin's dismissal did not take place, since he was eventually able to find a common language with the FSB. As a result, the two departments brought criminal cases against Nikita Belykh and Aleksey Ulyukaev to court, are jointly investigating a terrorist attack in the St.

The increased activity of the FSB also affected another power department - the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The detention of Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko - the same one who had 8.5 billion rubles during the search - led to the liquidation of the T department (fuel and energy complex and chemistry) of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK), where the officer worked , and after the arrest of the head of the Main Department of Internal Security for the North-Western District, Yuri Timchenko, who was suspected of taking a bribe in the amount of 100 million rubles, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the abolition of the regional departments of internal security. A high-ranking employee of one of the law enforcement agencies indicates that there were no other consequences for the Zakharchenko case: there were no large-scale layoffs in the GUEBiPK, as after the arrest of generals Sugrobov and Kolesnikov, when the central administrative apparatus was reduced three times, and the head of the central office Andrei Kurnosenko retained his post. But, be that as it may, the Ministry of Internal Affairs lost an important link that dealt with its own security, but retained the anti-corruption department, whose reputation, however, was dealt another blow.

Ilya Rozhdestvensky

"New Newspaper" , 18.08.17 , "Operation Vertical"

Ex-Minister Alexei Ulyukaev in court called his arrest a provocation organized by FSB General Oleg Feoktistov. For the security officer himself, this special operation was the last, but not the most important page in the story of the transformation of the Lubyanka into a mega-regulator of the Russian power market.

Before the end of the summer, President Vladimir Putin will sign a decree on the dismissal of FSB General Oleg Feoktistov from military service. The news that the ex-deputy head of the Department of Internal Security (SSB) of the FSB and vice-president of Rosneft was finally leaving Lubyanka spread in news agencies in early spring. Then the general was sent on a two-month vacation.

Certain patrons of Feoktistov, however, did their best to keep him in the reserve of the special services. Some of them even sought the appointment of an officer to the post of deputy head of the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB with the right to supervise the Office for Counterintelligence Support for Oil and Gas Enterprises (Department "P").

Petr Sarukhanov / "New"

But all efforts to keep Oleg Feoktistov in the state security system were in vain - in early August, documents for the dismissal of the serviceman were received from the personnel department of the FSB to the presidential administration. The draft decree on dismissal, according to sources in Lubyanka and Staraya Ploshchad, has already been prepared and, after approval by the Security Council, sent for signature.

And although history remembers examples of a sharp change in presidential plans, the future of Oleg Feoktistov can hardly be associated with military service - Lubyanka never gave a return ticket even to those who left it of their own free will and without conflicts. The dismissal of the general is also confirmed by The Bell sources.

In principle, personnel rotation is a natural and habitual phenomenon for any body. state power, and the current event may seem far from the main news. But this is only at first glance. Yes, General Feoktistov was not a federal minister or governor, but he occupied, to put it mildly, no less significant positions on the political and economic map of the country. To some extent, the general could be considered a key figure: one way or another, big business and industry departments closed on him, which Feoktistov, by virtue of the functionality entrusted to him, had to keep an eye on.

IN last years the name of the general was heard not only by his potential "objects" - journalists wrote about him as soon as reports appeared in the criminal chronicle about the detention of another major official or businessman. The last time Feoktistov spoke was in the context of a criminal case on the receipt of a large bribe by Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukaev.

Ex-Minister Alexey Ulyukaev. Photo: Valery Sharifulin / TASS

The arrest of the minister in November 2016 was the last and most high-profile operation for the general. But far from the most important and bright.

Oleg Feoktistov not only has more than a hundred complex operational measures behind him, but is considered, no less, one of the architects of the current security system.

Largely thanks to the Special Specialist General, the FSB gained what the Soviet KGB never had - control over the country's law enforcement and fiscal agencies.

The process of turning modern Chekists into the main regulators of the power market was long and difficult - none of the parallel law enforcement structures was willing to give up their independence voluntarily. It began in the second half of the 2000s, when the FSB imprisoned the top of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN), and ended last summer with the resignation of the director of the Federal Security Service (FSO) Yevgeny Murov and the replacement of the generals of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) with personnel Chekists. Within ten years, within the FSB itself, a dozen deputy directors and heads of departments were replaced, each of whom was appointed by the president and formed his own vertical, which complicated expansion.

In this heterogeneous and constantly changing environment, a person was needed who would execute the director's order, bypassing a long executive chain. A kind of universal soldier, not burdened with a specific direction, but able to solve any problem. This person was Oleg Feoktistov.

Little is known about the general’s biography: he began his service in the Stavropol border detachment of the Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR, in the 90s he graduated from the Academy of the FSB, and in 2004, under the patronage of the head of the CSS of the FSB, Sergei Shishin, he headed the 6th service, which is called the “six” in the Lubyanka .

Formally, the service was created to provide state protection to witnesses and victims, and therefore its backbone was made up of fighters from the elite special forces of the FSB Special Purpose Center. In reality, the “six” was not limited in its powers.

Maybe that's why it deserved a rather bright nickname - the Inquisition.

Yesterday's Alfovtsy and Vympelovtsy, accustomed to working in combat conditions, did not differ in depth in operational work, but they knew how to find methods of influencing witnesses and suspects. For Feoktistov, it was even more convenient - he preferred to build operational combinations himself.

FSKN. First blood

In 2005, FSB CSS operatives, together with the department for combating smuggling and corruption in the customs authorities of the Department "K" of the FSB SEB (counterintelligence in the credit and financial sphere), stopped large-scale smuggling of consignments of Chinese clothing imported through the Far Eastern customs department by rail and destined for sales in the capital Cherkizovsky market.

As part of the criminal case, which was being processed by the head of the Department for the Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Committee (IC) under the Prosecutor General's Office, Vladimir Lyseyko, many people were in custody - from clerks of little-known brokerage firms to seaside officials.

The Cherkizovsky market, considered the main selling point for cheap imported consumer goods, belonged to the Azerbaijani billionaire Telman Ismailov, a close friend of the then mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, a lover of luxurious receptions and a great benefactor. In the circle of good friends whom the businessman received at the Prague restaurant on Novy Arbat, he liked to flaunt his close relationship with the country's leadership and showed joint photos without hesitation. Therefore, after receiving information about the detention of Chinese clothes in Vladivostok and in order to avoid searches, he turned to a frequent visitor to his restaurant, the head of the Presidential Security Service (SBP), Viktor Zolotov, for help.

Information about the circumstances and details of the FSB operation first interested Deputy Interior Minister Andrey Novikov, and then Director of the Federal Drug Control Service Viktor Cherkesov, who instructed his deputy, head of the operational support department Alexander Bulbov, to conduct a covert check. The fact is that the ambitious General Cherkesov saw himself as the director of the FSB, and therefore the FSKN made attempts to get into investigations of cases related to smuggling.

FSKN General Alexander Bulbov. Photo: RIA Novosti

Bulbov, in the course of studying the stages of illegal imports through the Far East, came across an amazing find - the place of transshipment of imported goods was the warehouse near Moscow of the military unit of the rear service of the FSB, with which the carriers entered into lease agreements. So the criminal case, which the Chekists sought, turned against them: the FSKN began to develop the leadership of several key departments in the FSB at once with a view to involvement in the organization of the commodity smuggling channel.

Former employees of the Federal Drug Control Service said that as part of the operational and technical measures carried out by Bulbov, they allegedly managed to document the negotiations between the leadership of the FSB CSS and representatives of the Prosecutor General's Office, at which the prospects for excluding the most serious criminal structure - the creation of an organized criminal group - were discussed. Viktor Cherkesov, who at that time allowed himself to publicly criticize the activities of the FSB, spoke about the report to the president on this matter.

What facts this report contained is not known for certain, but a few months later a number of high-ranking FSB generals were fired by presidential decree. Among them were the head of the organizational and inspection department Yuri Anisimov and the head of the CSS Sergey Shishin. The latter received the position of vice president at VTB Bank and joined the board of directors of Rosneft. In May 2006, Prosecutor General Yury Ustinov was dismissed, and Yury Chaika, who held this position, soon resumed the investigation of a high-profile criminal case of smuggling furniture in Three Kita stores. Operational support was provided by the Federal Drug Control Service - General Cherchesov gradually brought his ambitions to life.

General Alexander Kupryazhkin (at one time he worked as a seconded FSB officer in the tax police, whose successor the FSKN became), was soon appointed the chief special officer of the Lubyanka. His deputy was Oleg Feoktistov, who was instructed to develop symmetrical measures.

Checking the interests of the Federal Drug Control Service led General Feoktistov to St. Petersburg and Krasnodar region, where the smuggling channels of Chinese and Turkish clothes worked, all imported for the same "Cherkizon". The organizers of the channel, as established by the 6th service of the FSB CSS, turned out to be the owners of the St. Petersburg customs forwarder "Rosmoravia" and the heads of the Krasnodar law enforcement fund "Consul", associated with some officers of the Presidential Security Service.

In the summer of 2009, Vladimir Putin, at a meeting with the heads of law enforcement agencies, was indignant at the inaction of the latter in connection with the published information about consignments of smuggled clothing worth $ 2 billion, which is located on the Cherkizovsky market.

The very next day after the meeting, the "six" detained the owners of "Rosmoravia" on suspicion of evading customs payments on an especially large scale. It is noteworthy that the employees of the 2nd department of the St. Petersburg FSB who oversaw the northwestern customs department were not under investigation. And it's not about a system that does not give up its own - thanks to this operation, Oleg Feoktistov got the opportunity to recruit individual employees of the St. Petersburg department for further work.

The recruitment of valuable personnel will subsequently become the hallmark of the general, who will create a powerful agent network in many law enforcement agencies.

However, the country nevertheless saw the trial of high-ranking security officials: in September 2007, the "six" detained FSKN General Alexander Bulbov and his subordinates on suspicion of illegal wiretapping of FSB officers. The basis for the criminal prosecution of drug trafficking fighters was the testimony of two Moscow police officers about the use by Bulbov of the USTM (Department of Special Technical Measures) of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow to control security officers.

Despite the rather meager evidence, the FSKN operatives were taken into custody, and a joke was born on the Lubyanka: Oleg Feoktistov introduced the Old Testament practice of proving guilt with two testimonies into the Code of Criminal Procedure. It should be noted that there is some truth in this joke - the detention of people on the basis of testimony was often practiced by the Internal Security Service of the FSB, which many law enforcement officers paid attention to.

But General Feoktistov, unlike his fellow theorists, trusted practice more, which formed an indisputable truth: any apparatus intrigue in the name of which the president's name and trust is allowed to be abused is the main proof of guilt.

General Cherkesov was dismissed. Billionaire Telman Ismailov left the country and has been on the wanted list ever since. All photographs from his office were confiscated by FSB officers during a search.

Prosecutor General's Office. How to beat the casino

Prosecutor Alexander Ignatenko. Photo: RIA Novosti

In March 2011, an information bomb went off on the air of federal channels: several regional prosecutors of the Moscow region were detained by the FSB as part of an investigation into the activities of underground gambling establishments. The fault of the prosecutors, according to investigators, was of a corrupt nature - they protected the casino network from encroachment by control services for regular bribes from its owner, businessman Ivan Nazarov.

This criminal case was the first high-profile investigation for the Investigative Committee and its chairman Alexander Bastrykin, who, as a result of the adoption of a federal law, left the departmental subordination of the Prosecutor General's Office and became an independent element in the Russian law enforcement system.

The shock fist in the investigation group formed by the chairman of the ICR was made up of people from the Volgograd administration, who moved to Moscow after Bastrykin's deputy Valery Alyshev. Among all, the young "important" Denis Nikandrov stood out, who years later was to become the main star of the investigating authorities.

From the very first day, the investigation was accompanied by constant leaks in the media of the materials of the criminal case. All this was seasoned with regular hints from anonymous sources of news agencies about the possible involvement of high-ranking employees of the Prosecutor General's Office in the crime. TV viewers, who daily watched footage of prosecutors being detained and Alexander Bastrykin's biting comments, should have had the impression that the initiator and engine of this criminal case was the Investigative Committee. Heads of the investigative body public consciousness began to be perceived as something self-sufficient and weighty, this image was supported.

But after the main sensation ran on TV channels - the son of the Prosecutor General Artem Chaika was summoned for interrogation at the TFR in Technical Lane - information appeared in the public space about the FSB's active participation in the investigation. This became clear after the personal intervention of the then President Dmitry Medvedev: first, he held a meeting with Alexander Bastrykin and Yuri Chaika, demanding that they stop disclosing investigation materials and speculating on the names of relatives, and then fired Vyacheslav Ushakov, deputy director of the FSB (an internal audit showed his connection with information leaks).

Prosecutor Dmitry Urumov. Photo: RIA Novosti

The “case of Moscow region prosecutors”, which for the first time in history forced the Prosecutor General’s Office headed by Yuri Chaika to appeal to the Constitution in defense of its employees, was initiated by the Investigative Committee on the basis of operational materials of the 6th service of Oleg Feoktistov. In 2009, the special officers received the first signal collection about the connection of employees of the supervisory department near Moscow with the owners of underground casinos back in 2009. The next two years, the information seems to have been carefully prepared for implementation. As the now arrested worker of the ICR later admits, the operation against the prosecutors of the CSS of the FSB was prepared jointly with the chief special officer of the ICR Mikhail Maksimenko, his deputy Alexander Lamonov, and Valery Alyshev. They performed the operational tasks of the Chekists.

This criminal case, which promised to be unprecedented in terms of the political level of potential defendants, as a result, hardly reached the court. District prosecutors were released, the Prosecutor General's Office personnel changes, in scale more like cosmetic repairs. But for the FSB, this was hardly bad news: Yury Chaika and his deputies, who had previously treated the Lubyanka generals without much piety (and therefore did not support the petitions of the investigation when choosing a preventive measure for their suspects and did not approve the indictments in some criminal cases), became noticeably more loyal. And Deputy Prosecutor General Vladimir Malinovsky, who canceled the decisions of the investigators in the framework of the "gambling case", further defended the position of the ICR and the FSB CSS in the case against the General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sugrobov.

MIA. Endgame for the general

Interior Ministry General Denis Sugrobov. Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS

In the spring of 2014, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was shaken by a loud scandal: high-ranking employees of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the ministry were arrested on charges of abuse of office, which was expressed in the illegal prosecution of officials and entrepreneurs. Subsequently, the Investigative Committee, on the basis of operational materials of the 6th service of the Internal Security Service of the FSB, accused them of participating in a criminal community, the organization of which was imputed to the head of the central office, Denis Sugrobov.

about this case" New Newspaper”wrote as part of the special project “The Case of the Special Services”. The police arrests were preceded by a protracted conflict between two generals - Sugrobov and Feoktistov, the true reasons for which both prefer not to talk about.

The news of the impending dismissal of the former special officer from the FSB made it possible to find out new, as yet unexplored circumstances of this confrontation.

Feoktistov and Sugrobov met long before their units became advanced in the law enforcement system, and even managed to carry out several joint operational implementations. The police general admitted in his testimony that a trusting relationship developed between them then, and he even introduced his colleague to the head of the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the future Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

The reason for the discord in the relationship between the two generals, as Sugrobov himself said, was his former colleague at the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the predecessor of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) Andrey Khorev. This officer transferred to ORB No. 7 in the middle of the 2000s from the tax police, where he worked under Viktor Cherkesov, and in 2010 was considered as Sugrobov's main competitor for the position of head of the newly created GUEBiPK. Both policemen experienced mutual hostility, which was not hidden even in front of junior officers. Personal relations were superimposed on working relations as well - investigating high-profile economic crimes, they collected incriminating information against each other.

Shortly before Dmitry Medvedev ordered to draw up a list of candidates for the post of head of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs, Andrey Khorev unexpectedly suggested that Denis Sugrobov bury the hatchet.

The settlement of mutual claims took place over lunch at the Starlite Diner cafe, opposite the ministry building on October Square. Sugrobov chose this place after he found out that following their conversation, Khorev was going to meet with his friend. The next day, he was already studying the tacit audio recording of these negotiations by Khorev - all the cafes close to the ministry, by order of the young general, were equipped with means of objective control.

Having heard the characteristics addressed to him and learning about the future plans of the old-new enemy, Denis Sugrobov showed the transcript to the management and began the active development of Andrey Khorev. Soon, ORB No. 10 of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Denis Sugrobov, received a statement from the top manager of the Russian representative office of the Danish developer of video systems Bang and Olufsen, which reported extortion of a large amount of money from Khorev's subordinates. Since Denis Sugrobov did not trust the police special officers (GUSB MVD), he suggested that Oleg Feoktistov, deputy head of the FSB Directorate of Internal Affairs, realize this information. But the operational experiment was not destined to take place.

Officers from Sugrobov's inner circle calmed down their boss for a long time, who did not know about main line colleagues from the FSB: he preferred to turn potential victims into loyal vassals.

The next meeting of the two generals took place already in 2011 in the building of the FSB CSS, where Denis Sugrobov came to get acquainted with General Alexander Kupryazhkin. Sugrobov recalled how Feoktistov in his office tried to persuade him to make peace with Khorev. Since then, relations between the generals have only worsened: employees of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (which was eventually headed by Sugrobov) developed everyone who could be involved in undercover cooperation with the "six" or was in the status of a confidant of special officers.

Bankers, officials of the Moscow government, customs officials and even employees of the GUSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs fell into the scope of the police general. Some of them held business meetings in the closed rooms of the restaurant in the Nautilus shopping center opposite the FSB building on Lubyanka, where employees of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out operational and technical measures.

It is difficult to understand what motivated Denis Sugrobov at that moment: the desire to remove the leadership of the 6th service of the FSB CSS, to recruit its agents, or a simple human insult. Once Sugrobov admitted that he was forced to do this by the instructions of the presidential assistant for personnel policy Yevgeny Shkolov, who once recommended the general to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

One way or another, it is unlikely that operational control over the environment of the “six” can be explained by the fight against corruption: the information collected was never implemented, and the agents of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the same bankers, officials and security officials) are, by and large, nothing from “colleagues in the shop” did not differ - they held similar meetings, discussed the same topics.

I do not know exactly when General Feoktistov found out about the actions of Sugrobov's subordinates, who did not entrust the development of the Nautilus even to his closest subordinates. For a long time, the FSB CSS did not show aggression against the anti-corruption head office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and began to act only in 2013 - after the detention by the GUEBiPK officers of Alexander Romanov, adviser to the head of the FSUE ROSTEK subordinate to the customs service and partner Andrey Khorev.

Just at this time, the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs became close to the FSB Department "M". This unit provides counterintelligence support in law enforcement agencies, coordinating large assignments, and promptly serves the Lefortovo special detention center (SIZO 99/2) and the Matrosskaya Tishina special block (SIZO 99/1). A wide range of technical tools for operational work made it a structure comparable to the 6th service of the FSB CSS.

The main backbone in this department was made up of people from the Rostov department of the FSB, who paid special attention to two areas - the transport police and the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Sugrobov's subordinates and the operatives of the Department "M" of the FSB closely cooperated: the former carried out some operational tasks of the curators, and they, in turn, did not interfere with their work and career growth.

Some employees of the police headquarters, among whom were even those close to Denis Sugrobov, were under operational control in the "M" Department of the FSB. Boris Kolesnikov, Sugrobov's deputy, his close comrade and right hand in operational work (by the way, he also worked with trusted representatives of the police in the field of business and the state apparatus).

In the FSB Directorate “M”, for a long time, the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was supervised by Sergey Gribanov, but officer Dmitry Senin, who transferred to work in the organizational and inspection department of the FSB (essentially performing the functions of the control and audit department of the Lubyanka), retained influence on him.

FSB colonels Senin and Gribanov, as well as their subordinate Major Yevgeny Lobanov, played a key role in the defeat of the GUEBiPK MVD.

They managed to convince Boris Kolesnikov and his subordinate Alexei Bodnar of the need to start developing a manual for the 6th service of the FSB CSS, the purpose of which was to document the fact of corruption and undermine the positions of Oleg Feoktistov. The blow to the "six" did not contradict the opinion of the highest generals of the special services, the curators assured Kolesnikov - and promised to cover his back.

Then the deputy head of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs began planning an operation to document corruption in the 6th service of the FSB CSS. The operation ended with the arrest of the policemen themselves and the beginning of a large investigation, the defendants of which were Kolesnikov and his subordinates, and ultimately Denis Sugrobov.

Only three years later it turns out that Senin, Gribanov and Lobanov at that time were carrying out the operational task of the 6th service of the FSB CSS, which pushed the policemen to provocation. They were assisted by the deputy head of the GUSB Ministry of Internal Affairs Igor Zhigarev, who even today carries out the delicate requests of the Chekists.

It is hard to believe that Sugrobov was not privy to the details of the upcoming operation against the "six" - any operational measures against those who were somehow close to Oleg Feoktistov were agreed with him personally. Rather, the police general, who for his great love for chess received the nickname Grandmaster among his relatives, simply did not know about the moves of the opponent, who had already seen what kind of endgame this game would have.

This spring, the Moscow City Court sentenced Sugrobov to 22 years in prison (his subordinates also received large sentences - from 17 to 20 years).

While in Lefortovo, Denis Sugrobov recalled a detail from the biography of Dmitry Senin - among his associates in the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was a native of the Rostov tax police department, Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, with whom the Chekist was also related to kinship.

General Feoktistov, on the other hand, did not even seem to know about the existence of the Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: when recruiting the most significant officers, his agent network also included agents of the latter, who effectively used the power given to them for their own purposes, becoming multimillionaires.

FSO. How the guards got kicked out

Billionaire Dmitry Mikhalchenko. Photo: RIA Novosti

In March 2016, operatives of the 6th service of the CSS of the FSB detained the co-owner of the Forum holding, billionaire Dmitry Mikhalchenko. The entrepreneur, whose structures monopolized the market for state orders in the field of restoration, was considered close to the family of the director of the FSO, Yevgeny Murov. Mikhalchenko was charged with the smuggling of parties of expensive alcohol intended for sale in his Buddha-Bar restaurant, and his junior business partners were charged with embezzlement during the restoration of objects of the Ministry of Culture and the construction of the Novo-Ogaryovo and Bocharov Ruchey residences. Shortly after the arrest of Mikhalchenko, the long-term director of the FSO, Yevgeny Murov, was relieved of his post.

Since its inception, the FSO has been a special service comparable to the FSB in terms of authority and technical equipment. Possessing its own system of operational-search activities (SORM), it could exercise independent operational control over the means of communication of officials, businessmen and fellow security officials. It is no coincidence that employees of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the times of Denis Sugrobov used the SORM of the operational management of the FSO to wiretap telephone conversations and remove information from the technical communication channels of the objects of interest to them.

But it was not the technical side of the issue that made the special service a competitor for the FSB, but the figure of its boss: Yevgeny Murov was not just a permanent member of the Security Council, but also the person physically closest to the president. (The presidential security service, which protects Vladimir Putin, is part of the FSO.)

Entrepreneur Dmitry Mikhalchenko often used this argument for personal gain in many business negotiations: his structures entered into contracts with the Ministry of Culture, as well as state enterprises different regions of the country.

Partners and comrades of Mikhalchenko, who witnessed his harsh statements regarding the leadership of the FSB and references to the president in negotiations, deliberately moved away from the businessman - as if they had a premonition of trouble. True, the opposite was also observed: the remaining environment pushed Mikhalchenko to such actions.

All this happened in 2015, when the St. Petersburg department of the FSB had already received instructions from colleagues from the central office to listen in on Dmitry Mikhalchenko’s conversations and document his business meetings. At the same time, FSB Advisor to Minister Vladimir Medinsky Mikhail Kozhemyakin, assigned to the Ministry of Culture by the Service for the Protection of the Constitutional System and Combating Terrorism (SZKSiBT), received an order to collect information for a future criminal case.

The implementation of operational information occurred in March last year: security officers detained numerous managers of construction companies that were part of the Forum holding, and then Dmitry Mikhalchenko himself. The co-owner of the holding had no formal relationship with the companies, therefore, during interrogations, as a witness, he referred to ignorance.

Six months later, the businessman had already petitioned for additional interrogation, but was refused time after time. His testimony as part of the investigation into the smuggling of alcoholic products was not recorded as irrelevant to the case.

The operation against Dmitry Mikhalchenko, who on the day the measure of restraint was chosen in court laughed at the smuggling imputed to him, revealed another unique quality of General Oleg Feoktistov: in fulfilling the task, he looked for the object of development of a crime that excluded the prosecution of persons who were not seen on the Lubyanka among the accused.

Immediately after the arrest of Mikhalchenko, Yevgeny Murov headed the board of directors of Transneft, and the structures of the Forum continued to fulfill existing government contracts, but with renewed management - Nikita Murov, the grandson of the former director of the FSO, entered the board of directors of the holding.

FCS. Reverse calculation

Search at the head of the Federal Customs Service Andrey Belyaninov. Photo: Gazeta.Ru

At the end of July 2016, operatives of the 6th service of the CSS of the FSB came with a search to the office and country houses of the chairman of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov.

The country's chief customs officer became the target of the FSB in 2010, when he was able to achieve full customs autonomy from Lubyanka. This happened after Belyaninov pointed out to the president the presence of commercial ties between the owner of the Cherkizovsky market, Telman Ismailov, and his deputy, Igor Zavrazhny. This venerable FSB general, seconded to customs at the beginning of the 2000s, led the operational units of the FCS and acted with an eye only to the Lubyanka.

The scandal surrounding the Cherkizovsky market was not limited to the recall of only one Zavrazhny to the office of seconded FSB officers - all the employees of the customs operational units closed to him lost their jobs in customs. The FSB suspected that information about the infiltrated officers was declassified by their colleague Leonid Grachkov, a relative of the head of the K department of the FSB SEB Viktor Voronin and one of the few officers who removed the security officer's shoulder straps for further service in customs.

General Voronin, by the way, wrote a letter of resignation in June 2016.

And a month later, the Lubyanka special officers raided the possessions of Andrei Belyaninov. Investigative actions took place in the framework of the case of alcohol smuggling by Dmitry Mikhalchenko. In search of evidence of the crimes of the St. Petersburg businessman, operatives of the 6th service of the CSS of the FSB obtained evidence from businessman Anatoly Kindzersky, whose company Kontrail Logistic North-West carried out the import and customs clearance of alcoholic beverages.

This company, among other things, had the status of an authorized economic operator of the Federal Customs Service, which allowed customs declaration of the cargo within a month after its actual release for free circulation.

Former partners of Dmitry Mikhalchenko said that Kindzersky was bribed by the promised prospect of getting a customs terminal in the Bronka port, the construction of which was being completed by the structures of the Forum holding, and therefore he agreed to this dubious enterprise.

At the same time, people from Kindzersky's entourage shared that the customs operator, when making risky deliveries, always consulted with the St. Petersburg department of the FSB.

Be that as it may, immediately after the arrest, Kindzersky concluded a pre-trial agreement, under which he testified about the agreements with the head of the security service Dmitry Mikhalchenko, but most importantly, he revealed the circumstances of obtaining the status of an authorized economic operator.

Thanks to these testimonies, the FSB obtained grounds for a search in the companies of the Arsenal group of businessman Sergei Lobanov, who was a member of the inner circle of the chairman of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov, as well as in the office of the head of customs himself.

As a result of the searches, Andrei Belyaninov was dismissed - his place was taken by the presidential envoy in the North-Western Federal District, Lieutenant General of the FSB Vladimir Bulavin, who returned the seconded employees of the Lubyanka to the customs.

This is a personnel decision, as shown further developments, was spontaneous and unprepared: President Vladimir Putin, during his message to the Federal Assembly, criticized the investigating authorities for publishing photographs taken during a search in Belyaninov's house (they showed seized large amounts of cash and jewelry).

The matter was not limited to public scolding: many high-ranking employees of the FSB and the TFR lost their posts, but the main personnel sensation was the resignation from the post of deputy head of the FSB FSB, General Feoktistov.

It is possible that the leadership of the FSB considered that he was responsible for his subordinates, who took photographs in Belyaninov's house.

But it is unlikely that he could influence the decision of the leadership of the federal channels on the use of these personnel in news releases.

Be that as it may, with the end of the FSB crusade against the "allied" General Feoktistov was sacrificed.

The general was defended by the executive director of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, who achieved the transfer of Oleg Feoktistov to his company for the position of vice president for security - as a seconded employee of the Directorate "P" of the FSB SEB.

Minister. Last operation

In the fall of 2016, Rosneft received the right to buy out a controlling stake in Bashneft, which belonged to the Republic of Bashkortostan, and General Feoktistov was sent to Ufa to conduct a comprehensive audit.

The state of affairs in Bashneft was well known to General Feoktistov even during his service in the FSB CSS, where he was investigating a criminal case against billionaire Vladimir Yevtushenkov, the owner of AFK-Sistema, which at that time owned the asset.

At the end of 2014, the Investigative Committee of the ICR, led by Valery Alyshev and with the operational support of the 6th service of the Internal Security Service of the FSB, detained Yevtushenkov on suspicion of legalizing property obtained by criminal means. Such property, according to investigators, was a controlling stake in Bashneft, bought out by Yevtushenkov from the structures of the son of the ex-head of Bashkortostan, Ural Rakhimov.

Shortly before the arrest, the current head of Bashkortostan, Rustem Khamitov, addressed a letter to President Vladimir Putin, in which he noted economic problems in the region and drew attention to the loss of his main asset - a controlling stake in Bashneft.

High-ranking officials of the presidential administration noticed at the same time that complaints against the management of Bashneft were primarily related to the activities of new shareholders - the allegedly built chain of oil production, its processing at Belarusian refineries and sales enriched oil traders, but not the republican budget. Then AFK-Sistema voluntarily transferred the shares of Bashneft to the Ministry of Property of Bashkortostan, and the criminal prosecution of Yevtushenkov was terminated.

Close acquaintances of the billionaire observed strong changes in his behavior: the entrepreneur, who once married his daughter to the son of the head of the FSB Special Purpose Center, General Alexander Tikhonov, managed to avoid problems with the Lubyanka for a long time.

Already as vice president of Rosneft, Oleg Feoktistov had to upset the businessman again. As the security service of the state-owned company established, shortly before the transfer of shares to the Republic of Bashkortostan, the board of directors of Bashneft decided on the future sale of significant volumes of oil to several offshore companies.

The price of the transactions concluded in Rosneft was considered unreasonably low, but they did not challenge it in foreign courts - litigation could drag on for years and did not guarantee a positive outcome.

In this regard, this spring, Rosneft filed a lawsuit with the Bashkortostan Arbitration Court against AFK-Sistema for compensation for losses allegedly incurred from the reorganization of Bashneft in 2013-2014. The substance of this claim has been criticized legal service"Systems", but the oil company made it clear: the defendant knows what exactly he will have to pay for ...

General Feoktistov, who worked on preparing the company for this lawsuit, soon returned to his usual and beloved operational work.

In November 2016, FSB officers detained Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev while taking a $2 million bribe at the Rosneft office for not obstructing the privatization of Bashneft.

For the first time in a long time, General Feoktistov, who began developing the minister as deputy head of the FSB FSB, personally took part in operational and investigative actions.

Oleg Feoktistov was in good spirits while instructing the employees of the Directorate "K" of the FSB SEB (which was headed by the head of the 6th service of the FSB FSB Ivan Tkachev), sent to the operational experiment.

The circumstances of this criminal case, leaked to the press, caused a critical assessment among lawyers: the official did not insist on a meeting, but received an invitation from the executive director of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, and even canceled the planned meeting at the Ministry of Economic Development.

But at Lubyanka they made it clear: like the former leadership of Bashneft, the ex-minister knows the true reason for his criminal prosecution ...

One way or another, the day after the arrest, Alexei Ulyukaev took Alexander Vershinin, a close friend of Oleg Feoktistov, as his lawyer, and to this day he answers questions about the circumstances of the criminal case: “Provocation.”

As part of this case, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and Presidential Aide Andrei Belousov were interrogated as witnesses, and Oleg Feoktistov, who had perked up in spirit, began to be congratulated on a historic event - the last time a current member of the Cabinet of Ministers was detained more than half a century ago. And although today it is unlikely that many people remember who exactly arrested Lavrenty Beria, it is rather symbolic that the effective operation against Alexei Ulyukaev was the last for General Feoktistov.

In March of this year, he was recalled from Rosneft to the office of seconded FSB officers, where he was informed of his dismissal. The reasons for this decision were not reported to the general public, but at the same time, the oil company withdrew the claims against Transneft, which Oleg Feoktistov also began work on.

After the news of the dismissal of the general, a hypertensive crisis overtook - an ambulance was called directly to the Lubyanka. Famous for his stamina and toughness in the performance of state tasks, sending officials, security officials and billionaires to the cells of pre-trial detention centers, the general gave up due to the loss of his job. It is not difficult to guess what exactly this work was for him.

Andrey Sukhotin

Carried out the day before international day the fight against corruption, the FSB operation in St. Petersburg ended with the detention of a senior officer of the Main Directorate of Internal Security (GUSB) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who extorted a bribe of 100 million rubles, the dismissal of two of his bosses and the reform of the GUSB itself. It is this department that is responsible for combating corruption in the departments of the internal affairs bodies.

As Kommersant was told in the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR in St. Petersburg, the 41-year-old head of the 17th department ("West") of the regional department of own security (RUSB) of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of Russia Yuri Timchenko tried to get a very substantial amount from the leadership of one of the largest Russian logistics companies - LLC "Business Lines". This company had problems in September 2016, when the Main Investigative Directorate of the ICR opened a criminal case on the fact of tax evasion (Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to the investigation, “unidentified persons” acting in the interests of this LLC “included in their VAT returns for the tax periods from 2011 to 2013 knowingly false information about the right to apply tax deductions in the total amount of 516.103 million rubles.” In addition, the Investigative Committee claims that data on fictitious expenses were entered in the cargo carrier's declarations in these years, "reducing the taxable base for corporate income tax by 2,867,239,000 rubles." As a result, according to the TFR, "Business Lines" managed to avoid paying VAT and income tax in the amount of 1,089,551,000 rubles.

Representatives of Delovye Linii did not deny involvement in tax fraud, intending to pay off the debt, which would automatically lead to the termination of the criminal case. But the company had certain difficulties in paying its debts, since, at the request of the ICR, the court arrested 1.6 billion rubles in its accounts.

According to the investigation, Colonel Timchenko decided to take advantage of the current situation - a native of the traffic police, who rose to the rank of head of the GUSB department, stationed in St. Petersburg and controlling police activities throughout the North-Western Federal District.

In November, having learned about the tax case and the arrest of the accounts of Delovye Linii, the colonel, through two intermediaries, offered the company's management to solve these problems for 100 million rubles. Moreover, he demanded to pay half of the amount no later than December 8, and to transfer the remaining money after the removal of the arrest from the settlement accounts of Delovye Linii.

The participants in the investigation believe that the date was not set by chance - the colonel found out through his own channels that the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR plans to unblock the accounts so that the company can pay its debts before the new year and avoid the accrual of regular fines, and decided to take advantage of the situation.

The businessmen, in turn, preferred to contact the FSB, and all their further negotiations with the police officer took place under the control of the Chekists.

On December 8, at about 20:00, in the parking lot of the Galeria shopping center on Ligovsky Prospekt, Mr. Timchenko's acquaintances, co-owner of the law firm Sergey Zinovenko and businessman Konstantin Marchenkov, received a bag from a representative of Delovye Linii LLC, which was supposed to contain 50 million rubles. In fact, only some of the bills were real, and the rest were "doll". But the bag, barely stuffed with banknotes, was placed in the trunk of their car, and the FSB special forces stepped in.

A few minutes later, the head of the "West" department was also detained. The officer was taken in the center of the city, at the moment when he was driving in an official car to a meeting with intermediaries. According to unofficial data, at the last moment, the colonel, apparently having received a message about the capture of his people from an observer who was in the parking lot of the Gallery, tried to change the route, but, turning into a small alley, got stuck in a traffic jam, where he was found by FSB operatives.

Based on the materials of the FSB, a criminal case was initiated against the colonel under Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (taking a bribe on an especially large scale), and his accomplices became suspects of mediation in bribery (part 4 of article 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In the near future they will be arrested by the Smolninsky District Court of St. Petersburg.

Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev reacted very harshly to the corruption scandal in the GUSB, which counteracts corruption in the internal affairs bodies. According to the results of an internal audit, according to the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Irina Volk, Mr. Kolokoltsev decided to petition the president for the dismissal of Anton Romeiko-Gurko, deputy head of the Main Directorate of Internal Security, who oversees the RUSB unit deployed in the districts. However, Colonel Romeiko-Gurko had already written the corresponding report himself. Vladimir Tsvetkov, deputy head of the RUSB GUSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, decided to resign from the authorities. The very same regional department of its own security will be reformed.

Vladislav Litovchenko, St. Petersburg; Nikolai Sergeev

The chief of the Moscow police, Oleg Baranov, introduced to his personnel the new head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central District of Moscow, Zinoviev Igor Viktorovich became him. This was reported to the newspaper Tverskaya 13 in the press service of the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Newspaper Tverskaya 13: Igor Zinoviev

At the stages of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Igor Viktorovich proved himself to be a professional and principled leader. Possessing good organizational skills and extensive practical experience.

Help Newspaper Tverskaya 13:

Zinoviev Igor Viktorovich

Head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow since April 06, 2018. Previously - Head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. Major General.

Born in 1964 in Moscow. In the internal affairs bodies since 1985. In 1989 he graduated from the Higher Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. He began his career in the internal affairs bodies as an operative of the criminal investigation department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow. In 2000, he was appointed head of the criminal police of the Western Administrative District of Moscow. In 2002, he was the head of the criminal police of the Central Administrative District of Moscow. In 2002, he was awarded the rank of police colonel. In 2011, after undergoing recertification by the Order of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow with the rank of police colonel. On December 17, 2011, by Decree of the President of Russia, he was appointed Head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Northern Administrative District of Moscow. January 2014 - appointed Deputy Chief of Police - Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow. October 7, 2016 - appointed head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. During his service, he was awarded state and departmental awards, including medals "For Distinction in Service" I, II, III degree, "For Impeccable Service" III degree, "For Combat Commonwealth". Zinoviev Igor Viktorovich is married and has a daughter. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 556 of June 12, 2013, he was awarded the rank of Major General of the Police.

The main personnel changes in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the beginning of 2018

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 6, 2018 No. 143, the following were appointed to the positions of the highest commanding staff:

Police Colonel Balashov Ivan Ivanovich - Head of the URI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Police Colonel Butranov Igor Alekseevich - Deputy Head of the GUNK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - Head of the Department for Providing Special Events; Police Colonel Dedov Alexander Vladimirovich - Head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kaluga Region; Major General of Police Zinoviev Igor Viktorovich - chief of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow; Major General of Police Kovalev Igor Viktorovich - head of the OSHU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, with the special rank of Major General of the Internal Service; Major General of Justice Patapenya Nikolai Kirillovich - First Deputy Head of the SD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Internal Service Colonel Vitaly Stanislavovich Rozanov - Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Police Major General Sklyar Igor Alexandrovich - Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Interior Ministry of Russia; Colonel of Justice Shilov Maxim Nikolaevich - Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Perm Territory - Head of the GSU.

Major General of Police Pavel Bugaev, Major General of Police Alexander Guk, Major General of Police Alexander Pervukhin, Major General of Justice Vitaly Shevchenko were relieved of their positions by the same Decree.

Petr Sarukhanov / "New"

Before the end of the summer, President Vladimir Putin will sign a decree on the dismissal of FSB General Oleg Feoktistov from military service. The news that the ex-deputy head of the Department of Internal Security (SSB) of the FSB and vice-president of Rosneft was finally leaving Lubyanka spread in news agencies in early spring. Then the general was sent on a two-month vacation.

Certain patrons of Feoktistov, however, did their best to keep him in the reserve of the special services. Some of them even sought the appointment of an officer to the post of deputy head of the Economic Security Service (SEB) of the FSB with the right to supervise the Office for Counterintelligence Support for Oil and Gas Enterprises (Department "P").

The draft decree on dismissal, according to sources in Lubyanka and Staraya Ploshchad, has already been prepared and, after approval by the Security Council, sent for signature.

And although history remembers examples of a sharp change in presidential plans, the future of Oleg Feoktistov can hardly be associated with military service - Lubyanka never gave a return ticket even to those who left it of their own free will and without conflicts. The dismissal of the general is also confirmed by The Bell sources.

In principle, personnel rotation is a natural and habitual phenomenon for any public authority, and the current event may seem far from the main news. But this is only at first glance. Yes, General Feoktistov was not a federal minister or governor, but he occupied, to put it mildly, no less significant positions on the political and economic map of the country. To some extent, the general could be considered a key figure: one way or another, big business and industry departments closed on him, which Feoktistov, by virtue of the functionality entrusted to him, had to keep an eye on.

In recent years, the name of the general was heard not only by his potential "objects" - journalists wrote about him as soon as reports appeared in the criminal chronicle about the detention of another major official or businessman. The last time Feoktistov spoke was in the context of a criminal case on the receipt of a large bribe by Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukaev.

Ex-Minister Alexey Ulyukaev. Photo: Valery Sharifulin / TASS

The arrest of the minister in November 2016 was the last and most high-profile operation for the general. But far from the most important and bright.

Oleg Feoktistov not only has more than a hundred complex operational measures behind him, but is considered, no less, one of the architects of the current security system.

Largely thanks to the Special Specialist General, the FSB gained what the Soviet KGB never had - control over the country's law enforcement and fiscal agencies.

The process of turning modern Chekists into the main regulators of the power market was long and difficult - none of the parallel law enforcement structures was willing to give up their independence voluntarily. It began in the second half of the 2000s, when the FSB imprisoned the top of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN), and ended last summer with the resignation of the director of the Federal Security Service (FSO) Yevgeny Murov and the replacement of the generals of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) with personnel Chekists. Within ten years, within the FSB itself, a dozen deputy directors and heads of departments were replaced, each of whom was appointed by the president and formed his own vertical, which complicated expansion.

In this heterogeneous and constantly changing environment, a person was needed who would execute the director's order, bypassing a long executive chain. a kind

a universal soldier, not burdened with a specific direction, but able to solve any problem. This person was Oleg Feoktistov.

Little is known about the general’s biography: he began his service in the Stavropol border detachment of the Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR, in the 90s he graduated from the Academy of the FSB, and in 2004, under the patronage of the head of the CSS of the FSB, Sergei Shishin, he headed the 6th service, which is called the “six” in the Lubyanka .

Formally, the service was created to provide state protection to witnesses and victims, and therefore its backbone was made up of fighters from the elite special forces of the FSB Special Purpose Center. In reality, the “six” was not limited in its powers.

Maybe that's why it deserved a rather bright nickname - the Inquisition.

Yesterday's Alfovtsy and Vympelovtsy, accustomed to working in combat conditions, did not differ in depth in operational work, but they knew how to find methods of influencing witnesses and suspects. For Feoktistov, it was even more convenient - he preferred to build operational combinations himself.

FSKN. First blood

In 2005, FSB CSS operatives, together with the department for combating smuggling and corruption in the customs authorities of the Department "K" of the FSB SEB (counterintelligence in the credit and financial sphere), stopped large-scale smuggling of consignments of Chinese clothing imported through the Far Eastern customs department by rail and destined for sales in the capital Cherkizovsky market.

As part of the criminal case, which was being processed by the head of the Department for the Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Committee (IC) under the Prosecutor General's Office, Vladimir Lyseyko, many people were in custody - from clerks of little-known brokerage firms to seaside officials.

The Cherkizovsky market, considered the main selling point for cheap imported consumer goods, belonged to the Azerbaijani billionaire Telman Ismailov, a close friend of the then mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, a lover of luxurious receptions and a great benefactor. In the circle of good friends whom the businessman received at the Prague restaurant on Novy Arbat, he liked to flaunt his close relationship with the country's leadership and showed joint photos without hesitation. Therefore, after receiving information about the detention of Chinese clothes in Vladivostok and in order to avoid searches, he turned to a frequent visitor to his restaurant, the head of the Presidential Security Service (SBP), Viktor Zolotov, for help.

Information about the circumstances and details of the FSB operation first interested Deputy Interior Minister Andrey Novikov, and then Director of the Federal Drug Control Service Viktor Cherkesov, who instructed his deputy, head of the operational support department Alexander Bulbov, to conduct a covert check. The fact is that the ambitious General Cherkesov saw himself as the director of the FSB, and therefore the FSKN made attempts to get into investigations of cases related to smuggling.

FSKN General Alexander Bulbov. Photo: RIA Novosti

Bulbov, in the course of studying the stages of illegal imports through the Far East, came across an amazing find - the place of transshipment of imported goods was the warehouse near Moscow of the military unit of the rear service of the FSB, with which the carriers entered into lease agreements. So the criminal case, which the Chekists sought, turned against them: the FSKN began to develop the leadership of several key departments in the FSB at once with a view to involvement in the organization of the commodity smuggling channel.

Former employees of the Federal Drug Control Service said that, as part of Bulbov’s operational and technical measures, they allegedly managed to document the negotiations between the leadership of the FSB CSS and representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office, at which the prospects for excluding the most serious criminal structure, the creation of an organized criminal group, were discussed. Viktor Cherkesov, who at that time allowed himself to publicly criticize the activities of the FSB, spoke about the report to the president on this matter.

What facts this report contained is not known for certain, but a few months later a number of high-ranking FSB generals were fired by presidential decree. Among them were the head of the organizational and inspection department Yuri Anisimov and the head of the CSS Sergey Shishin. The latter received the position of vice president at VTB Bank and joined the board of directors of Rosneft. In May 2006, Prosecutor General Yury Ustinov was dismissed, and Yury Chaika, who held this position, soon resumed the investigation of a high-profile criminal case of smuggling furniture in Three Kita stores. Operational support was provided by the Federal Drug Control Service - General Cherchesov gradually brought his ambitions to life.

General Alexander Kupryazhkin (at one time he worked as a seconded FSB officer in the tax police, whose successor the FSKN became), was soon appointed the chief special officer of the Lubyanka. His deputy was Oleg Feoktistov, who was instructed to develop symmetrical measures.

Checking the interests of the Federal Drug Control Service led General Feoktistov to St. Petersburg and the Krasnodar Territory, where smuggling channels for Chinese and Turkish clothing were operating, all imported for the same Cherkizon. The organizers of the channel, as established by the 6th service of the FSB CSS, turned out to be the owners of the St. Petersburg customs forwarder "Rosmoravia" and the heads of the Krasnodar law enforcement fund "Consul", associated with some officers of the Presidential Security Service.

In the summer of 2009, Vladimir Putin, at a meeting with the heads of law enforcement agencies, was indignant at the inaction of the latter in connection with the published information about consignments of smuggled clothing worth $ 2 billion, which is located on the Cherkizovsky market.

The very next day after the meeting, the "six" detained the owners of "Rosmoravia" on suspicion of evading customs payments on an especially large scale. It is noteworthy that the employees of the 2nd department of the St. Petersburg FSB who oversaw the northwestern customs department were not under investigation. And it's not about a system that does not give up its own - thanks to this operation, Oleg Feoktistov got the opportunity to recruit individual employees of the St. Petersburg department for further work.

The recruitment of valuable personnel will subsequently become the hallmark of the general, who will create a powerful agent network in many law enforcement agencies.

However, the country nevertheless saw the trial of high-ranking security officials: in September 2007, the "six" detained FSKN General Alexander Bulbov and his subordinates on suspicion of illegal wiretapping of FSB officers. The basis for the criminal prosecution of drug trafficking fighters was the testimony of two Moscow police officers about the use by Bulbov of the USTM (Department of Special Technical Measures) of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow to control security officers.

Despite the rather meager evidence, the FSKN operatives were taken into custody, and a joke was born on the Lubyanka: Oleg Feoktistov introduced the Old Testament practice of proving guilt with two testimonies into the Code of Criminal Procedure. It should be noted that there is some truth in this joke - the detention of people on the basis of testimony was often practiced by the Internal Security Service of the FSB, which was noticed by many law enforcement officers.

But General Feoktistov, unlike his fellow theorists, trusted more practice, which formed an indisputable truth: any apparatus intrigue in the name of which abuse of the president's name and trust is allowed is the main proof of guilt.

General Cherkesov was dismissed. Billionaire Telman Ismailov left the country and has been on the wanted list ever since. All photographs from his office were confiscated by FSB officers during a search.

Prosecutor General's Office. How to beat the casino

Prosecutor Alexander Ignatenko. Photo: RIA Novosti

In March 2011, an information bomb went off on the air of federal channels: several regional prosecutors of the Moscow region were detained by the FSB as part of an investigation into the activities of underground gambling establishments. The fault of the prosecutors, according to investigators, was of a corrupt nature - they protected the casino network from encroachment by control services for regular bribes from its owner, businessman Ivan Nazarov.

This criminal case was the first high-profile investigation for the Investigative Committee and its chairman Alexander Bastrykin, who, as a result of the adoption of a federal law, left the departmental subordination of the Prosecutor General's Office and became an independent element in the Russian law enforcement system.

The shock fist in the investigation group formed by the chairman of the ICR was made up of people from the Volgograd administration, who moved to Moscow after Bastrykin's deputy Valery Alyshev. Among all, the young "important" Denis Nikandrov stood out, who years later was to become the main star of the investigating authorities.

From the very first day, the investigation was accompanied by constant leaks in the media of the materials of the criminal case. All this was seasoned with regular hints from anonymous sources of news agencies about the possible involvement of high-ranking employees of the Prosecutor General's Office in the crime. The viewers, who daily watched footage of the detentions of prosecutors and biting comments by Alexander Bastrykin, should have had the impression that the initiator and engine of this criminal case was the Investigative Committee. The leaders of the investigative body, which began to be perceived in the public mind as something self-sufficient and weighty, supported this image.

But after the main sensation ran on TV channels - the son of the Prosecutor General Artem Chaika was summoned for interrogation at the TFR in Technical Lane - information appeared in the public space about the FSB's active participation in the investigation. This became clear after the personal intervention of the then President Dmitry Medvedev: first, he held a meeting with Alexander Bastrykin and Yuri Chaika, demanding that they stop disclosing investigation materials and speculating on the names of relatives, and then fired Vyacheslav Ushakov, deputy director of the FSB (an internal audit showed his connection with information leaks).

Prosecutor Dmitry Urumov. Photo: RIA Novosti

The “case of Moscow region prosecutors”, which for the first time in history forced the Prosecutor General’s Office headed by Yuri Chaika to appeal to the Constitution in defense of its employees, was initiated by the Investigative Committee on the basis of operational materials of the 6th service of Oleg Feoktistov. In 2009, the special officers received the first signal collection about the connection of employees of the supervisory department near Moscow with the owners of underground casinos back in 2009. The next two years, the information seems to have been carefully prepared for implementation. As the now arrested worker of the ICR later admits, the operation against the prosecutors of the CSS of the FSB was prepared jointly with the chief special officer of the ICR Mikhail Maksimenko, his deputy Alexander Lamonov, and Valery Alyshev. They performed the operational tasks of the Chekists.

This criminal case, which promised to be unprecedented in terms of the political level of potential defendants, as a result, hardly reached the court. District prosecutors were released, and personnel changes took place in the Prosecutor General's Office, which, in terms of scale, were more like cosmetic repairs. But for the FSB, this was hardly bad news: Yury Chaika and his deputies, who had previously treated the Lubyanka generals without much piety (and therefore did not support the petitions of the investigation when choosing a preventive measure for their suspects and did not approve the indictments in some criminal cases), became noticeably more loyal. And Deputy Prosecutor General Vladimir Malinovsky, who canceled the decisions of the investigators in the framework of the "gambling case", further defended the position of the ICR and the FSB CSS in the case against the General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sugrobov.

MIA. Endgame for the general

Interior Ministry General Denis Sugrobov. Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS

In the spring of 2014, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was shaken by a loud scandal: high-ranking employees of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the ministry were arrested on charges of abuse of office, which was expressed in the illegal prosecution of officials and entrepreneurs. Subsequently, the Investigative Committee, on the basis of operational materials of the 6th service of the Internal Security Service of the FSB, accused them of participating in a criminal community, the organization of which was imputed to the head of the central office, Denis Sugrobov.

Novaya Gazeta wrote about this case as part of the special project The Case of the Special Services. The police arrests were preceded by a protracted conflict between the two generals, Sugrobov and Feoktistov, the true reasons for which both prefer not to talk about.

The news of the impending dismissal of the former special officer from the FSB made it possible to find out new, as yet unexplored circumstances of this confrontation.

Feoktistov and Sugrobov met long before their units became advanced in the law enforcement system, and even managed to carry out several joint operational implementations. The police general admitted in his testimony that a trusting relationship developed between them then, and he even introduced his colleague to the head of the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the future Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

The reason for the discord in the relationship between the two generals, as Sugrobov himself said, was his former colleague at the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the predecessor of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) Andrey Khorev. This officer transferred to ORB No. 7 in the middle of the 2000s from the tax police, where he worked under Viktor Cherkesov, and in 2010 was considered as Sugrobov's main competitor for the position of head of the newly created GUEBiPK. Both policemen experienced mutual hostility, which was not hidden even in front of junior officers. Personal relations were superimposed on working relations as well - investigating high-profile economic crimes, they collected incriminating information against each other.

Shortly before Dmitry Medvedev ordered to draw up a list of candidates for the post of head of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs, Andrey Khorev unexpectedly suggested that Denis Sugrobov bury the hatchet.

The settlement of mutual claims took place over lunch at the Starlite Diner cafe, opposite the ministry building on October Square. Sugrobov chose this place after he found out that following their conversation, Khorev was going to meet with his friend. The next day, he was already studying the tacit audio recording of these negotiations by Khorev - all the cafes close to the ministry, by order of the young general, were equipped with means of objective control.

Having heard the characteristics addressed to him and learning about the future plans of the old-new enemy, Denis Sugrobov showed the transcript to the management and began the active development of Andrey Khorev. Soon, ORB No. 10 of the DEB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Denis Sugrobov, received a statement from the top manager of the Russian representative office of the Danish developer of video systems Bang and Olufsen, which reported extortion of a large amount of money from Khorev's subordinates. Since Denis Sugrobov did not trust the police special officers (GUSB MVD), he suggested that Oleg Feoktistov, deputy head of the FSB Directorate of Internal Affairs, realize this information. But the operational experiment was not destined to take place.

Officers from Sugrobov's inner circle spent a long time reassuring their boss, who did not know about the main feature of his FSB colleague: he preferred to turn potential victims into loyal vassals.

The next meeting of the two generals took place already in 2011 in the building of the FSB CSS, where Denis Sugrobov came to get acquainted with General Alexander Kupryazhkin. Sugrobov recalled how Feoktistov in his office tried to persuade him to make peace with Khorev. Since then, relations between the generals have only worsened: employees of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (which was eventually headed by Sugrobov) developed everyone who could be involved in undercover cooperation with the "six" or was in the status of a confidant of special officers.

Bankers, officials of the Moscow government, customs officials and even employees of the GUSB of the Ministry of Internal Affairs fell into the scope of the police general. Some of them held business meetings in the closed rooms of the restaurant in the Nautilus shopping center opposite the FSB building on Lubyanka, where employees of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs carried out operational and technical measures.

It is difficult to understand what motivated Denis Sugrobov at that moment: the desire to remove the leadership of the 6th service of the FSB CSS, to recruit its agents, or a simple human insult. Once Sugrobov admitted that he was forced to do this by the instructions of the presidential assistant for personnel policy Yevgeny Shkolov, who once recommended the general to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

One way or another, it is unlikely that operational control over the environment of the “six” can be explained by the fight against corruption: the information collected was never implemented, and the agents of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the same bankers, officials and security officials) are, by and large, nothing from “colleagues in the shop” did not differ - they held similar meetings, discussed the same topics.

I do not know exactly when General Feoktistov found out about the actions of Sugrobov's subordinates, who did not entrust the development of the Nautilus even to his closest subordinates. For a long time, the FSB CSS did not show aggression against the anti-corruption head office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and began to act only in 2013 - after the detention by the GUEBiPK officers of Alexander Romanov, adviser to the head of the FSUE ROSTEK subordinate to the customs service and partner Andrey Khorev.

Just at this time, the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs became close to the FSB Department "M". This unit provides counterintelligence support in law enforcement agencies, coordinating large assignments, and promptly serves the Lefortovo special detention center (SIZO 99/2) and the Matrosskaya Tishina special block (SIZO 99/1). A wide range of technical tools for operational work made it a structure comparable to the 6th service of the FSB CSS.

The main backbone in this department was made up of people from the Rostov department of the FSB, who paid special attention to two areas - the transport police and the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Sugrobov's subordinates and the operatives of the Department "M" of the FSB closely cooperated: the former carried out some operational tasks of the curators, and they, in turn, did not interfere with their work and career growth.

Some employees of the police headquarters, among whom were even those close to Denis Sugrobov, were under operational control in the "M" Department of the FSB. Boris Kolesnikov, Sugrobov’s deputy, his close comrade and right hand in operational work, was responsible for interaction with counterintelligence officers (he, by the way, also worked with policemen’s proxies in business and the state apparatus).

In the FSB Directorate “M”, for a long time, the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was supervised by Sergey Gribanov, but officer Dmitry Senin, who transferred to work in the organizational and inspection department of the FSB (essentially performing the functions of the control and audit department of the Lubyanka), retained influence on him.

FSB colonels Senin and Gribanov, as well as their subordinate Major Yevgeny Lobanov, played a key role in the defeat of the GUEBiPK MVD.

They managed to convince Boris Kolesnikov and his subordinate Alexei Bodnar of the need to start developing a manual for the 6th service of the FSB CSS, the purpose of which was to document the fact of corruption and undermine the positions of Oleg Feoktistov. The blow to the "six" did not contradict the opinion of the highest generals of the special services, the curators assured Kolesnikov - and promised to cover his back.

Then the deputy head of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs began planning an operation to document corruption in the 6th service of the FSB CSS. The operation ended with the arrest of the policemen themselves and the beginning of a large investigation, the defendants of which were Kolesnikov and his subordinates, and ultimately Denis Sugrobov.

Only three years later it turns out that Senin, Gribanov and Lobanov at that time were carrying out the operational task of the 6th service of the FSB CSS, which pushed the policemen to provocation. They were assisted by Igor Zhigarev, deputy chief of the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who even today carries out the delicate requests of the Chekists.

It is hard to believe that Sugrobov was not privy to the details of the upcoming operation against the "six" - any operational measures against those who were somehow close to Oleg Feoktistov were agreed with him personally. Rather, the police general, who for his great love for chess received the nickname Grandmaster among his relatives, simply did not know about the moves of the opponent, who had already seen what kind of endgame this game would have.

In the spring of this year, the Moscow City Court sentenced Sugrobov to 22 years in prison (his subordinates also received large sentences - from 17 to 20 years).

While in Lefortovo, Denis Sugrobov recalled a detail from the biography of Dmitry Senin - among his associates in the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was a native of the Rostov tax police department, Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, with whom the Chekist was also connected by family relations.

General Feoktistov, on the other hand, did not even seem to know about the existence of the Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: when recruiting the most significant officers, his agent network also included agents of the latter, who effectively used the power given to them for their own purposes, becoming multimillionaires.

FSO. How the guards got kicked out

Billionaire Dmitry Mikhalchenko. Photo: RIA Novosti

In March 2016, operatives of the 6th service of the CSS of the FSB detained the co-owner of the Forum holding, billionaire Dmitry Mikhalchenko. The entrepreneur, whose structures monopolized the market for state orders in the field of restoration, was considered close to the family of the director of the FSO, Yevgeny Murov. Mikhalchenko was charged with the smuggling of parties of expensive alcohol intended for sale in his Buddha-Bar restaurant, and his junior business partners were charged with embezzlement during the restoration of objects of the Ministry of Culture and the construction of the Novo-Ogaryovo and Bocharov Ruchey residences. Shortly after the arrest of Mikhalchenko, the long-term director of the FSO, Yevgeny Murov, was relieved of his post.

Since its inception, the FSO has been a special service comparable to the FSB in terms of authority and technical equipment. Possessing its own system of operational-search activities (SORM), it could exercise independent operational control over the means of communication of officials, businessmen and fellow security officials. It is no coincidence that employees of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the times of Denis Sugrobov used the SORM of the operational management of the FSO to wiretap telephone conversations and remove information from the technical communication channels of the objects of interest to them.

But it was not the technical side of the issue that made the special service a competitor for the FSB, but the figure of its boss: Yevgeny Murov was not just a permanent member of the Security Council, but also the person physically closest to the president. (The presidential security service, which protects Vladimir Putin, is part of the FSO.)

Entrepreneur Dmitry Mikhalchenko often used this argument for personal gain in many business negotiations: his structures entered into contracts with the Ministry of Culture, as well as state-owned enterprises in different regions of the country.

Partners and comrades of Mikhalchenko, who witnessed his harsh statements regarding the leadership of the FSB and references to the president in negotiations, deliberately moved away from the businessman - as if they had a premonition of trouble. True, the opposite was also observed: the remaining environment pushed Mikhalchenko to such actions.

All this happened in 2015, when the St. Petersburg department of the FSB had already received instructions from colleagues from the central office to listen in on Dmitry Mikhalchenko’s conversations and document his business meetings. At the same time, FSB Advisor to Minister Vladimir Medinsky Mikhail Kozhemyakin, assigned to the Ministry of Culture by the Service for the Protection of the Constitutional System and Combating Terrorism (SZKSiBT), received an order to collect information for a future criminal case.

The implementation of operational information occurred in March last year: security officers detained numerous managers of construction companies that were part of the Forum holding, and then Dmitry Mikhalchenko himself. The co-owner of the holding had no formal relationship with the companies, therefore, during interrogations, as a witness, he referred to ignorance.

Six months later, the businessman had already petitioned for additional interrogation, but was refused time after time. His testimony as part of the investigation into the smuggling of alcoholic products was not recorded as irrelevant to the case.

The operation against Dmitry Mikhalchenko, who on the day the measure of restraint was chosen in court laughed at the smuggling imputed to him, revealed another unique quality of General Oleg Feoktistov: in fulfilling the task, he looked for the object of development of a crime that excluded the prosecution of persons who were not seen on the Lubyanka among the accused.

Immediately after the arrest of Mikhalchenko, Yevgeny Murov headed the board of directors of Transneft, and the structures of the Forum continued to fulfill existing government contracts, but with renewed management - Nikita Murov, the grandson of the former director of the FSO, entered the board of directors of the holding.

FCS. Reverse calculation

Search at the head of the Federal Customs Service Andrey Belyaninov. Photo: Gazeta.Ru

At the end of July 2016, operatives of the 6th service of the CSS of the FSB came with a search to the office and country houses of the chairman of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov.

The country's chief customs officer became the target of the FSB in 2010, when he was able to achieve full customs autonomy from Lubyanka. This happened after Belyaninov pointed out to the president the presence of commercial ties between the owner of the Cherkizovsky market, Telman Ismailov, and his deputy, Igor Zavrazhny. This venerable FSB general, seconded to customs at the beginning of the 2000s, led the operational units of the FCS and acted with an eye only to the Lubyanka.

The scandal surrounding the Cherkizovsky market was not limited to the recall of only one Zavrazhny to the office of seconded FSB officers - all employees of the customs operational units closed to him lost their jobs in customs. The FSB suspected that information about the infiltrated officers was declassified by their colleague Leonid Grachkov, a relative of Viktor Voronin, head of the K department of the SEB FSB, and one of the few officers who removed the Chekist's shoulder straps for further service in customs.

General Voronin, by the way, wrote a letter of resignation in June 2016.

And a month later, the Lubyanka special officers raided the possessions of Andrei Belyaninov. Investigative actions took place in the framework of the case of alcohol smuggling by Dmitry Mikhalchenko. In search of evidence of the crimes of the St. Petersburg businessman, operatives of the 6th service of the CSS of the FSB obtained evidence from businessman Anatoly Kindzersky, whose company Kontrail Logistic North-West carried out the import and customs clearance of alcoholic beverages.

This company, among other things, had the status of an authorized economic operator of the Federal Customs Service, which allowed customs declaration of the cargo within a month after its actual release for free circulation.

Former partners of Dmitry Mikhalchenko said that Kindzersky was bribed by the promised prospect of getting a customs terminal in the Bronka port, the construction of which was being completed by the structures of the Forum holding, and therefore he agreed to this dubious enterprise.

At the same time, people from Kindzersky's entourage shared that the customs operator, when making risky deliveries, always consulted with the St. Petersburg department of the FSB.

Be that as it may, immediately after the arrest, Kindzersky concluded a pre-trial agreement, under which he testified about the agreements with the head of the security service Dmitry Mikhalchenko, but most importantly, he revealed the circumstances of obtaining the status of an authorized economic operator.

Thanks to these testimonies, the FSB obtained grounds for a search in the companies of the Arsenal group of businessman Sergei Lobanov, who was a member of the inner circle of the chairman of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov, as well as in the office of the head of customs himself.

As a result of the searches, Andrei Belyaninov was dismissed - his place was taken by the presidential envoy in the North-Western Federal District, Lieutenant General of the FSB Vladimir Bulavin, who returned the seconded employees of the Lubyanka to the customs.

This personnel decision, as subsequent events showed, was spontaneous and unprepared: President Vladimir Putin, during his message to the Federal Assembly, criticized the investigating authorities for publishing photographs taken during a search in the Belyaninov house (they showed seized large sums of cash and jewelry).

The matter was not limited to public scolding: many high-ranking employees of the FSB and the TFR lost their posts, but the main personnel sensation was the resignation from the post of deputy head of the FSB FSB, General Feoktistov.

It is possible that the leadership of the FSB considered that he was responsible for his subordinates, who took photographs in Belyaninov's house.

But it is unlikely that he could influence the decision of the leadership of the federal channels on the use of these personnel in news releases.

Be that as it may, with the end of the FSB crusade against the "allied" General Feoktistov was sacrificed.

The general was defended by the executive director of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, who achieved the transfer of Oleg Feoktistov to his company for the position of vice president for security - as a seconded employee of the Directorate "P" of the SEB FSB.

Minister. Last operation

In the fall of 2016, Rosneft received the right to buy out a controlling stake in Bashneft, which belonged to the Republic of Bashkortostan, and General Feoktistov was sent to Ufa to conduct a comprehensive audit.

The state of affairs in Bashneft was well known to General Feoktistov even during his service in the FSB CSS, where he was investigating a criminal case against billionaire Vladimir Yevtushenkov, the owner of AFK-Sistema, which at that time owned the asset.

At the end of 2014, the Investigative Committee of the ICR, led by Valery Alyshev and with the operational support of the 6th service of the Internal Security Service of the FSB, detained Yevtushenkov on suspicion of legalizing property obtained by criminal means. Such property, according to investigators, was a controlling stake in Bashneft, bought out by Yevtushenkov from the structures of the son of the ex-head of Bashkortostan, Ural Rakhimov.

Shortly before the arrest, the current head of Bashkortostan, Rustem Khamitov, addressed a letter to President Vladimir Putin, in which he noted the economic problems in the region and drew attention to the loss of his main asset - a controlling stake in Bashneft.

High-ranking officials of the presidential administration noticed at the same time that complaints against the management of Bashneft were primarily related to the activities of new shareholders - the allegedly built chain of oil production, its processing at Belarusian refineries and sales enriched oil traders, but not the republican budget. Then AFK-Sistema voluntarily transferred the shares of Bashneft to the Ministry of Property of Bashkortostan, and the criminal prosecution of Yevtushenkov was terminated.

Close acquaintances of the billionaire observed strong changes in his behavior: the entrepreneur, who once married his daughter to the son of the head of the FSB Special Purpose Center, General Alexander Tikhonov, managed to avoid problems with the Lubyanka for a long time.

Already as vice president of Rosneft, Oleg Feoktistov had to upset the businessman again. As the security service of the state-owned company established, shortly before the transfer of shares to the Republic of Bashkortostan, the board of directors of Bashneft decided on the future sale of significant volumes of oil to several offshore companies.

The price of the transactions concluded in Rosneft was considered unreasonably low, but they did not challenge it in foreign courts - litigation could drag on for years and did not guarantee a positive outcome.

In this regard, this spring, Rosneft filed a lawsuit with the Bashkortostan Arbitration Court against AFK-Sistema for compensation for losses allegedly incurred from the reorganization of Bashneft in 2013-2014. The substance of this lawsuit was criticized by Sistema's legal department, but the oil company made it clear: the defendant knows exactly what he will have to pay for...

General Feoktistov, who worked on preparing the company for this lawsuit, soon returned to his usual and beloved operational work.

In November 2016, FSB officers detained Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev while taking a $2 million bribe at the Rosneft office for not obstructing the privatization of Bashneft.

For the first time in a long time, General Feoktistov, who began developing the minister as deputy head of the FSB FSB, personally took part in operational and investigative actions.

Oleg Feoktistov was in good spirits while instructing the employees of the Directorate "K" of the FSB SEB (which was headed by the head of the 6th service of the FSB FSB Ivan Tkachev), sent to the operational experiment.

The circumstances of this criminal case, leaked to the press, caused a critical assessment among lawyers: the official did not insist on a meeting, but received an invitation from the executive director of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, and even canceled the planned meeting at the Ministry of Economic Development.

But at Lubyanka they made it clear: like the former leadership of Bashneft, the ex-minister knows the true reason for his criminal prosecution ...

One way or another, the day after the arrest, Alexei Ulyukaev took Alexander Vershinin, a close friend of Oleg Feoktistov, as his lawyer, and to this day he answers questions about the circumstances of the criminal case: “Provocation.”

As part of this case, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich and Presidential Aide Andrei Belousov were interrogated as witnesses, and Oleg Feoktistov, who had perked up, began to be congratulated on a historic event - the last time a current member of the Cabinet of Ministers was detained more than half a century ago. And although today it is unlikely that many people remember who exactly arrested Lavrenty Beria, it is rather symbolic that the effective operation against Alexei Ulyukaev was the last for General Feoktistov.

In March of this year, he was recalled from Rosneft to the office of seconded FSB officers, where he was informed of his dismissal. The reasons for this decision were not reported to the general public, but at the same time, the oil company withdrew the claims against Transneft, which Oleg Feoktistov also began work on.

After the news of the dismissal of the general, a hypertensive crisis overtook - an ambulance was called directly to the Lubyanka. Famous for his stamina and toughness in the performance of state tasks, sending officials, security officials and billionaires to the cells of pre-trial detention centers, the general gave up due to the loss of his job. It is not difficult to guess what exactly this work was for him.