International Literacy Day. Methodological development in the Russian language (Grade 10) on the topic: Methodological development of the extracurricular event "International Literacy Day"

Literacy Day.

(competitive program for students in grades 1-4)

Goals: to acquaint children with the holiday "Literacy Day", contributing to the development of children's oral speech, the ability to clearly answer the questions posed.

1 .Teacher: Every year more and more people learn to read and write, in the world now over 4 billion people are considered literate. But more than 860 million adults remain illiterate and about 100 million children do not go to school.

What is literacy? "Literacy is the ability of a person to meaningfully read and write simple texts in their native language. For a child, the minimum degree of literacy is considered to be regular visits to elementary school" (Great Soviet Encyclopedia).

International Literacy Day is one of the international days celebrated in the United Nations system. It was established by UNESCO in 1966 on the recommendation of the "World Conference of Ministers of Education for the Eradication of Illiteracy", held in Tehran in September 1965.


Literacy is always important

This is not new to us:

Changed one letter

And another word.

Happy literacy, friends,

I want to congratulate you

Wish you commas

Put in the right place.

For there to be no doubt

How to write correctly

And in good mood

Stay constantly.

2 .Despite notable progress in many countries, more than 860 million adults remain illiterate and more than 100 million children do not go to school. Countless children, young people and adults covered by school or other educational programs, do not meet the level required to be considered literate in today's increasingly complex world.
Fewer than 50 countries provide universal access to primary education.
About 20% of the adult population of the world is illiterate.

The elimination of illiteracy in the USSR began in 1918. Then schools began to open en masse for teenagers, as well as illiterate adults. Special courses were created to train teachers to work with the illiterate population. By the 1930s, the problem of illiteracy had ceased to be of an acute social nature, by the 1940s the task of eradicating illiteracy was almost solved, and already in the 1950s the USSR had become an almost completely literate country.

Recall that every year the International Literacy Day is held under different slogans.This year the motto of International Literacy Day is The Power of Literacy (we will translate it into Russian, paraphrasing Francis Bacon, as follows: “Literacy is power!”To modern man could be classified as a literate person, it is not enough for him to be able to only count and write. In our time, it is necessary to be a comprehensively developed personality.


You don't have to go to your mom

No need to go to grandma

Please read! Read!

You don't have to beg your sister.

Well, read another page!

You don't have to call.

No need to wait.

Can you take

3 .Literacy is a human right, a means of expanding individual freedoms and opportunities, as well as a tool for the development of individual human potential and society as a whole. Opportunities for further education are also determined by the level of literacy.

Literacy is at the heart of basic education for all, it is prerequisite to eradicate poverty, limit population growth, achieve gender equality and ensure sustainable development, peace and democracy. Education for All (EFA) is based on literacy, and for good reason.

A quality basic education gives students the skills they need for later life and for further learning. Literate parents are more likely to send their children to school. A literate person has more opportunities for lifelong, continuing education, and literate societies have the best mechanisms adaptation to emerging development challenges.


To be smart -


And the illiterate


If to school

Do not walk,

You can become

At all


4. LITERATURE, grammar well. ability to read and write; sometimes only the first, the ability to read. The people say: know literacy. || Gramata name any royal letter, the writing of a sovereign person; now rescript; || a certificate for granting rights, possessions, awards, distinctions to a person or community. || The people are calling gramma or grammar any letter or note, and even any piece of paper. Live in silence, and write grammar to us. He writes grammar, but asks for memos. Learning to read and write is always useful. Literacy is firm, but the tongue is lisping. From old memory, that according to grammar. According to the letter, he stopped short, the figure was not given. And he himself is not happy that he is much literate. Literacy is not dry. living letter, oral speech. dead grammar(fortress) not free

The alphabet is science, and the guys are beech (flour).

Choose a book like you choose a friend.

Learning to read and write is always useful.

Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge from books.

From time immemorial, the book raises a person.

The book is not gingerbread, but beckons to itself.

The book is not an airplane, but it will take away thirty lands.

Reading a book is like flying on wings.

The world is illuminated by the sun, and the world by knowledge.

An illiterate person is like a blind man, but a book opens his eyes.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

One good book is better than many treasures.

To know books - to gain mind.

Good book- best friend.

5. The most ancient Russian books that have come down to our time date back to the 11th century. But handwritten books, of course, existed before. They came to us along with the adoption of Christianity. Russia needed literate people. At that time, children learned to read and write in parochial schools from books that were in Russia: the Apostle, the Gospel and the Psalter. Here is how the poetess N. Konchalovskaya writes:

Reader. And in the old days children studied -

They were taught by a church clerk, -

Came at dawn

And they repeated the letters like this:

A yes B - like Az and Buki,

V - as Vedi, G - Verbs

And a teacher for science

On Saturdays, he flogged everyone.

That's how wonderful at the beginning

Our letter was!

TEACHER: Dedication to first-graders as readers. (Give booklets)

Riddles for first graders:

1. Thirty-three sisters -

Small growth.

If you know our secret

We will show the whole world. (Letters.)

2 I don't know the letter, but I've been writing all my life. (Pencil, fountain pen.)

3 .has no language,

And who will visit

He knows a lot. (Book.)

4 .At the wall is large and important

The house is multi-storey.

We're downstairs

All tenants have already been read. (Bookshelf.)

5. Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but tells. (Book.)

Competitive program. Presentation.


1.V.I.Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people. Moscow: I. "EKSMO", 2007.

2. My school holiday: scripts, competitions, quizzes. - Donetsk: I. "Donechchina", 2006.

3. Presentation "International Literacy Day" and "Competition program"

At school, we are taught good spelling and reading. Over time, most understand that literacy plays one of the first roles in shaping a person as a person. It is easier for educated people to walk through life, doors open before them, they can realize their potential and develop inclinations, talents and abilities. Literacy is not only a right, but also a duty for everyone. It was for the purpose of its distribution among the population of the Earth that the world holiday was approved.

When they celebrate

International Literacy Day is celebrated annually on September 8th. It was established by UNESCO in 1966. In 2019, this date is celebrated for the 54th time.

Who is celebrating

International Literacy Day is celebrated by those who are just starting to learn its basics or have been “nibbling” this granite of science for a long time, as well as those who share knowledge with children and students. In some cities, villages and towns in Russia, Olympiads and quizzes in the Russian language are held, leaflets are distributed, literacy classes are taught in libraries, and books are distributed.

history of the holiday

On this day, September 8, 1965, the World Conference of Ministers of Education on the Eradication of Illiteracy was opened, which was held in the capital of Iran. It was at the suggestion of its participants that this holiday was approved.

On December 7, 1987, the United Nations General Assembly, in its Resolution No. A/RES/42/104, proclaimed 1990 the "International Year of Literacy". On January 18, 2002, in a similar document under No. A / RES / 56/116, she approved the “UN Decade of Literacy” from January 1, 2003. A year later, by resolution No. A / RES / 57/166, the “UN Action Plan for the Decade literacy”, in which UNESCO is appointed as the coordinating body.

During the UN World Education Forum, which took place in Dakar (Senegal) in April 2000, commitments were made to improve the quality of education and literacy rates by 2015. One of the activities is to carry out activities to develop the degree of education of girls and women who, for various reasons, do not attend (did not attend) school. Every year this international holiday is dedicated to a different theme, but the goal remains the same - to increase the literacy rate of the population.

In 1989, the Republic of Korea established the King Sejong Award for work in this field. The winners are awarded a prize in the amount of 20 thousand US dollars.

World statistics have shown that a larger percentage of illiterates (37% of adults) live in India.

The 2010 population census showed that in Russia the main general and higher education have 91% of the country's inhabitants, of which 60% have vocational education. Thus, the number of illiterates has decreased by almost 2 times in comparison with 2002.

© Depositphotos

International Literacy Day is one of the days celebrated all over the world under the auspices of the United Nations. The main goal of this event is to intensify the efforts of the international community to promote literacy, one of the main areas of UNESCO's activities, as a tool for empowering all people.


What are the most common mistakes you make in speaking? © Depositphotos

More than half a century ago, since 1966, UNESCO officially began to celebrate International Literacy Day on September 8th. The date was not chosen by chance. A year before, Tehran hosted the World Conference of Ministers of Education on the Eradication of Illiteracy, which recommended intensifying the efforts of society to spread literacy among the world's population.

In 2002, the United Nations General Assembly declared the United Nations Literacy Decade, which ran from 2003 to 2012. under the motto "Literacy for All". UNESCO acted as a coordinator for the stimulation and international revitalization of the activities carried out within the framework of the Decade.


International Literacy Day - the meaning of literacy

International Literacy Day 2018 © Depositphotos

What does literacy? It is not only the ability to write at the most primitive level. According to UNESCO, literacy for a person is equated with freedom.

One of the meanings of the word "literacy" is the possession of a whole range of socially necessary knowledge and skills that allow people to consciously participate in social processes, as well as to communicate freely in different languages ​​and in different cultures in modern world.

It could be assumed that in our 21st century, the time of the development of the latest information technologies, the problem of illiteracy is completely irrelevant. But according to UNESCO, today over 260 million children do not go to school, and almost one in nine adults in the world is illiterate!

The problem is that many of the world's children and adolescents, despite being educated, are not up to the standard to be considered literate in today's complex and ever-evolving world.


Events dedicated to the International Literacy Day

UNESCO's literacy programs provide people with information about protection environment, about hygiene, about the dangers of drugs, and also teach how to use and apply information technology. For this purpose, numerous programs have been developed: "Humanities Education", "Education and Human Rights", "Education and Information Technologies", "Education, Science and Technology", etc.

Every year, International Literacy Day is dedicated to various topics: "Literacy and Health", "Literacy Empowers Personal Opportunities", "The Importance of Literacy for Women", "Literacy and Peace", "Reading the Past, Writing the Future" and others. So International Literacy Day 2018 is held under the motto "Literacy and skills development".

Also on International Literacy Day, UNESCO is awarding individuals $15,000 in cash prizes for the most effective initiatives to combat illiteracy. First of all, these are projects in the countries of North Africa, South-East Asia, Latin America, United Arab Emirates, China. Usually the largest number of illiterate people are the poor, women and adolescents.

In Russia, the holiday has not yet become widespread, but even now we can say about some emerging traditions.



Extracurricular activity:

International Literacy Day -

Explanatory note.

How good it is to be able to read!
International Literacy Day is celebrated on September 8th.
In 2002, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the years 2003-2012. Decade of Literacy.

This day is intended to draw public attention to the problems of literacy of mankind, because so many adults are still illiterate, and many children also do not attend schools due to lack thereof, or for other social and financial reasons. Moreover, even those who graduated from high school or other educational institutions cannot be considered literate, because do not correspond to the level of the modern world and an educated person.
On a global scale, the fight against illiteracy is still the most important task.
The UN system states that literacy is of the utmost importance. After all, this is the most important step in basic training, which is essential tool effective participation in society and economic activity in the 21st century.

In Russia, the holiday has not yet become widespread, but even now we can say about some emerging traditions.
School quizzes and Olympiads in the Russian language timed to coincide with this day draw the attention of schoolchildren to this problem. Activists distribute leaflets with the rules of the Russian language, and literacy classes are held in libraries.


Choose the suggested word synonym (or a word that is close in meaning)different grammatical gender.

"Luck" is masculine.


"Photography" is masculine.

(Picture, frame.)

"window" is masculine.


"Disease" is masculine.


"Picture" is masculine.


"Smell" is masculine.


"Coquetry" is masculine.


"Torso" is masculine.

(Body, torso.)

"Tissue" is masculine.


"Success" is feminine.


"House" is feminine.


"Forest" is feminine.

(Grove, thicket, forest, taiga.)

Table is feminine.


"Venik" is feminine.


"Car" is feminine.

(The car.)

"Congestion" (road) female.


Competition - "Dialects"
V.I.Dal, composing " Dictionary living Great Russian language”, painted the map of Russia in different colors not according to the terrain, but according to the peculiarities of the language. The words that I will name are used in a certain locality. What are their names?
Task: determine lexical meaning dialectism. The answer is given by the first one who knows whether the scores are calculated by the jury or the counting team.
Legs - socks
Yunitsa - teenage girl
Izdyovlenok - joker, wit
Slippers - slippers
Shmygalo - a mobile person
week - week
Armrest - assistant (cf. assistant)

Competition - "Obsolete words"
No wonder Dahl noted that language is a living phenomenon. It is actually a developing organism. Why do they say so?
Task: name the modern names of body parts.

Eye - eye
forehead - forehead
Vyya - neck
Womb - belly
finger - finger
Percy - chest
Eyelids - eyelids
Lanites - cheeks
Mouth - lips
Ramo - shoulder
Hand - palm
Shuytsa - left hand
Hand - right hand
Loins - waist, hips
Jaw - face (arr. from the forehead + mouth)
Snout - nose
Metacarpus - palm with fingers

Competition - "Old - new"
L.V. Uspensky wrote: “Each word in the language can receive two, three and many more meanings; but some meanings are only temporarily and accidentally connected with words, while others are forever connected with them and give them a completely new meaning; they make them new words.” About such old - new words and will be discussed further.
Task: determine the lexical meaning. The game goes in a circle, if the first team did not answer, the second one answers, etc.
Previously, this word was called the owner of the inn, now it is a worker who maintains order in the yard and on the street (janitor)
Previously - a merchant, merchant, mostly foreign; now - an acquaintance whom you receive in your house (guest)
Previously, a person who received accommodation and meals in a strange family for a fee; now - the one who lives on other people's means (freeloader)
Previously - an artist who painted buildings or walls, ceilings in a room; now - the one who subscribed to any printed publication (subscriber)
Previously - unborn, belonging to the lower class; now - dishonest, low, treacherous (mean)
Previously - furs, fur goods; now - things that have become unusable, junk (junk)
Formerly - a rich women's dress for the ball; now - rough work clothes (robe)
Before - to lose a horse; now - to be confused by surprise, surprise, fright (to be taken aback)

Competition - "Foreign words"
Developing according to its own laws, the language sometimes rejects native words and replaces them with foreign ones. At one time, A.S. Shishkov proposed to replace the German "galoshes" with Russian "wet shoes". However, this word and many others similar to it did not take root in the Russian language, they were replaced by foreign ones, and we got used to them and no longer think about their origin.
Assignment: I name the word - the Russian name of something, you need to guess its meaning by sound or root. If the team answers correctly on the first attempt - 2 points, on the second - 1 point.

Soap - bath
Lyubomudr - philosopher
Disgrace - a spectacle
Beef - cattle
Toptalishche - sidewalk
Healing - medicine
Strength - mechanics
Wind blower - fan

Competition. .

Who, according to the Russian proverb, does the feet feed?

a) a horse
b) a runner;
c) a shoemaker
d) a wolf.

2. Who has to whistle on the mountain for something impossible to happen?

a) nightingale the robber;
b) the president;
c) cancer;
d) a police officer.

3. Who is smooth because he ate and on his side?

a) bedbug;
b) a wolf;
c) a bear;
d) a cat.

4. What berry is compared to a very good, free life?

a) strawberry;
b) raspberries ;
c) cherry;
d) gooseberry.

4. What plant exists?

a) Petka-and-Vasily Ivanovich;
b) Tom and Jerry;
c) Sasha-and-Masha;
d) Ivan da Marya.

5. What banks do milk rivers usually have?

a) cottage cheese;
b) sour cream;
c) jelly;
d) oils.

6. Which bunny jumped under the Christmas tree?

a) white;
b) small;
c) grey;
d) chocolate.

4. What breed of shepherd dogs does not exist?

a) Scottish
b) German;
c) Caucasian;
d) Antarctic.

On September 8, 2019, many countries around the world, including ours, celebrate International Literacy Day. This holiday was established in 1966 by UNESCO.

The program of events includes meetings with writers, journalists and publishers, conferences, round tables, lectures in libraries and educational institutions, performances by creative teams. We offer you one of options school event dedicated to this holiday.

Scenario of the event for the International School Literacy Day

The holiday can be started with the performance of the hosts:
- Dear Guys! Today we celebrate International Literacy Day. Unfortunately, the problem of its distribution remains unresolved in many countries. About 860 million adults worldwide cannot read or write.

Long years The population of our country basically remained illiterate: at the end of the 19th century, it was 80% of Russians. In the first years of Soviet power, a decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the Elimination of Illiteracy in the RSFSR" was adopted. According to this document, the entire population of the country aged 8 to 50 years old, who could not read or write, was obliged to learn to read and write in their native language or in Russian (optional).

- The decree provided for the creation of "schools for overage", schools at orphanages, colonies and other institutions. In the autumn of 1923, the All-Russian Voluntary Society "Down with Illiteracy" was created. As a result, by the end of the 1930s, about 90% of Russians aged 16 to 50 were literate.

– It would seem that this problem in our country has been solved once and for all. However, since the 1990s, a decrease in the literacy of the population has begun in Russia. This is evidenced by various studies.

“According to the results of one of them, conducted by the International Reading Institute, the students of our country took only 32nd place out of students from 40 countries. AT recent times in our newspapers and magazines, illiterate ads are increasingly common, in ordinary speech - ear-cutting tongue-tied tongue.

– I love my mother tongue!
It is clear to everyone
He is melodious
He, like the Russian people, is many-sided,
As our power, mighty.
He is the language of the moon and planets,
Our satellites and rockets.
At the round table
Speak it:
unambiguous and direct,
It is like the truth itself.
(A. Yashin.)

- Our beautiful language -
Rich and resonant
That powerful and passionate
It's softly melodious.
It also has a smile.
Both softness and kindness.
Written by him
And stories, and fairy tales -
magical pages,
Exciting books!
Love and keep
Our great language!

Then, according to the scenario of the Literacy Day at the school, quotes from the classics about the native language will be heard:

- Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said: "The Russian language is an expressive and sonorous language, flexible and powerful in its turns and means." It is characterized by "stately smoothness, brightness, simplicity and precision."

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol wrote: “You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, large, like pearls themselves, and, really, there is another name even more precious than the thing itself.”

- Leo Tolstoy believed: "The Russian language is real, strong, where necessary - strict, serious, where necessary - passionate, where necessary - lively and lively."

- Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev dedicated a prose poem to the Russian language: “In the days of doubt, in the days of painful reflections about the fate of my homeland, you are my only support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! .. If you weren’t, how do not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is done at home. But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

After that, the leaders will again take the floor:
Is it important to be literate? Remember the cartoon about Vovka in Far Far Away, when one comma (in the sentence “You can’t be pardoned”) could decide the fate of a person.

Imagine that you are an employee of the personnel department of a large enterprise. You have received a letter from a job seeker who wants to apply for a job. You read the text - and there are solid errors, typos, small letters instead of large ones, a lot of extra commas ... Will you hire such an employee? Most probably not.

– While gadgets can help correct mistakes, they won’t help you find the right word to express your thoughts, nor will they correct a word from one style for a word from another.

Our whole life is connected with language. Without knowledge of the language it is impossible to engage in science, master technology, get a job. Good work. Therefore, guys, learn your native Russian language!

Then the presenters will give funny mistakes from the essays, which the guys will be asked to correct.
The scenario of a school event for Literacy Day may include other tasks in the Russian language, for example, as follows.

In each of the rows, eliminate the word that does not match the rest in meaning:

  • briefcase, pencil, pen, felt-tip pen, chalk;
  • forest, wolf, bear, cow, hare;
  • road, street, highway, sidewalk, floor;
  • cat, letter, towel, plum, fast;
  • table, room, garden bench, chair, bookcase.

- From each word, take only the first syllables and make a new word:

  • car, brake (author);
  • ear, company, vase (ko-ro-va);
  • milk, spawning, cockroach (mo-not-ta);
  • bark, loto, boxer (ko-lo-bok);
  • ram, wound, attendant (ba-ra-ban).

- Explain what phraseological units mean:

  • skin and bones (thin);
  • even blood from the nose (mandatory);
  • at hand (close);
  • leaky memory (forgetful);
  • under full sail (fast);
  • wash the bones (discuss);
  • like a fish in water (sure).

One misspelled letter can change the meaning of what is said. Write the words correctly:

  • There are no roads in the swamp. I'm hopping and hopping for cats.
  • The sea shines before us. T-shirts fly over the waves.
  • The bug did not finish the booth: reluctance, tired.
  • My uncle was driving without a vest, he paid a fine for it.
  • We collect cornflowers, we have puppies on our heads.
  • Painters paint a rat in front of the children's eyes.

And at the end of the event on International Literacy Day at school, children will read poems:

- Many languages ​​​​in the world of different -
I couldn't learn them all
They are all beautiful in their own way.
Each has its own zest.

They speak French in Paris
Berlin speaks German;
My dear, familiar, Russian, is dear to me,
For me, he is the only one.

Melodic, flexible and melodious,
He has fascinated me since childhood.
And not in vain the great and mighty
Turgenev named our language.

Developing rapidly, dynamically,
Absorbing different words
The new one was great
But the wisdom of the ancestors is alive in him.

Yes, and only our, Russian speech
You can sing free Russia!
Our Russian language will live forever
And I can not, I believe, die!
(M. Kryukov)