How to make a bench: original ideas (drawings, photo reports). Do-it-yourself garden bench: we use drawings to make wooden benches Beautiful benches made of wood

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To make your household plot comfortable to use and beautiful, you need to use such elements landscape design, like flower beds, paths, and gazebos. Garden furniture is especially important. It is she who guarantees your convenience.In our review, we will find out how a do-it-yourself garden bench with a back is constructed. Drawings and detailed photos will allow you to make the best design.

Comfortable garden furniture is a wonderful addition to the garden ensemble

Before you make a bench for a summer residence with your own hands, let's see what varieties of this design exist. Classification can be made taking into account factors such as material, functionality and characteristics.

Benches can only be a piece of furniture designed for sitting, or have a multifunctional purpose. For example, to be used as a rocking chair or a table.Popular and original benches - swings. Designs with backs that are stationary are in demand. They are made of brick or concrete. There are also folding benches.

For the manufacture of products, the following materials are most often used:

  • plastic options they are light in weight, and also endowed with resistance to all kinds of climatic changes;
  • wood great solution for anyone suburban area. This is a traditional option that has many advantages;

  • metal can be used in two configurations, from profile lines or as a forged structure;

  • the most durable material a rock. For a bench, you can take two boulders, as well as use purchased material.

You can even make a product out of concrete. There are also combined options for garden benches with a do-it-yourself backrest. Drawings will help to build a structure from any material. You can combine a metal frame with wooden planks. You can also combine stone and wood.

Benches can have a different design:

  • a simple option - a bench without a back;
  • you can build a bench with a backrest with your own hands;
  • a bench with a table is suitable as an option for the garden;
  • a bench with a canopy is used as a miniature gazebo.

When creating designs in an artistic style, special attention is paid to appearance. All kinds of shapes can be used instead of the side parts.

When creating drawings, it is important to consider general form products, as well as all dimensions of the structure. Furniture made of wood, forged steel or stone will fit perfectly into a garden created in a classic style. And plastic products are suitable for landscape design in modern style. It matters where the bench is placed. You can put it near the porch, and also place it in the depths of the garden under a beautiful tree.

Note! A bench made of wood can be comfortably used at any time of the year, since the level of thermal conductivity is lower than that of stone and metal.

Original benches for summer cottages made of metal and wood

You can try to make a metal or wooden bench with a backrest with your own hands. Metal products are known for their exceptional durability. However, they do not require constant attention. They can be coated with a special anti-corrosion compound only once a year.Modern designs using forged elements are performed using a welding machine.

Benches are made from wood beautiful design. Such products are suitable for almost any landscape design. To protect such structures, you can use special varnish compositions.

This will protect wooden surface from the development of mold, fungi, as well as from sunlight. It is rare that anyone uses completely metal products, as they cool down a lot in the cold season and heat up in the heat. Most often, load-bearing elements and legs are made from this material, and the back and seat are made of wood.

From profile pipe rectangles are made, and then jumpers for support are welded to the side walls. You can build a more functional design with armrests, soft pillows and a backrest.

To create smoother lines, you can bend the pipes. This will result in furniture with rounded edges.Board benches are popular. The design can be made in the form of a sofa, and pillows can be placed on top.

You can also build simple bench handmade from wood. In this case, the legs can be in the shape of the letter X. From the boards, you can make a bench in the form of the letter P. In this case, it is necessary to ensure a rigid fixation of the seat and legs.

Note! The use of special coating compositions will allow for a long time to preserve the natural pattern of such materials.

Photo of do-it-yourself benches made of stone

Do-it-yourself garden bench with a back can be made of stone. This material is characterized by high performance properties, as well as significant strength. Stone structures can be used for any garden style and design. The use of stone elements to complement the overall design. Such furniture looks good against the background of a building that has individual parts from stone.A bench made of stone will make a wonderful combination with stone flower beds, steps, ponds and paths. Similar benches are often combined with wood.

Note! Often marble is used for the construction of such benches. Sometimes quartzite and even coarse-grained granite are used.

Photo of garden benches with your own hands: how to make from improvised materials

Plastic products are also endowed with certain advantages. Here they are:

  • low weight of the structure, which ensures its ease;
  • affordable price;
  • a wide variety of colors;
  • practicality.

You can use all sorts of combined combinations that will differ or combine in texture, color palette and materials. A good solution is the combination of stone and wooden parts.

Try to make original combined designs. It can be a sandbox bench for children, as well as a flowerbed bench.

How to make garden benches and benches with your own hands: popular technologies and ideas

To make a bench with a wooden back with your own hands, you first need to understand its design. A simple device involves a seat on some kind of support. But there are also products that have a non-standard configuration, designs with forged or carved parts, as well as furniture with armrests.

An easy solution is to use two drawers and a couple of boards. In this case, the boxes will be installed as supporting elements. They can be filled with soil and made into them beautiful flower bed. A seat is mounted from the boards, which is installed between the boxes. Be sure to sand the surface with sandpaper. For a more practical design, you can replace the drawers with stone or concrete pedestals. Seats can be built from halves of logs or from processed boards. You need to fix the seat with the help of metal corners. Dowels are used to attach them to concrete foundations. And fixing to the tree can be done using self-tapping screws and through bolts.

ImageStages of work
It will take detailed drawing with all sizes
The blanks must be polished. The rear legs are also a support for the back. All blanks are pre-marked.
At a height of 40 cm, mark the place for fixing the seat. Then the board is cut at an angle of 20 degrees. The front and rear legs are attached with a bar.
The side parts are attached with seat boards. They are screwed in with screws. To fix the structure, you need to strap with a beam. Two boards are attached to the back.
Finally, a special coating is made that protects against precipitation.
Helpful information! As supports, you can use flowerpots with ornamental bushes and dwarf trees.

Bench with storage box

You can build a convenient design with storage boxes. At the same time, it is worth using old furniture. Before work, you need to choose the right screws. Their thickness should correspond to the thickness of the wooden elements.

A bench with a drawer is a wonderful solution for a loggia and a balcony. In this case, you can use the old balcony. The design with a box consists of two walls, a seat and sidewalls. It is also recommended to make the bottom of the box. As fasteners, you need to use metal corners.The design can be varnished. And in order to make it comfortable to sit, additionally arrange soft pillows.

Features of a do-it-yourself wooden garden bench

It is easy to make a bench out of wood with armrests. To do this, you will need special bars for supports, boards for the back and seat, glue, saw, dowels, milling machine.First, a drawing of a wooden bench with a back is made. Then, according to the schemes, templates are cut. Contours are placed on all blanks, and why parts are cut with a saw. Sections must be polished. Holes are made in the backrests. First you need to fill them with glue, and then insert the dowels into the carrier beam. Planks are fixed with dowels. Then the bench is covered with a special varnish composition.

The secrets of designing a country bench with your own hands from a log

A practical solution is a garden bench made of logs. For sitting, the tree trunk is sawn into two parts. The backrest can be constructed from a trunk that is thinner than the seat element. Legs can be built from the remains of a log. Connections are made with metal pins. Here's how it's done:

  • holes are made in the details for the pins;
  • the pin is driven into the middle of the length;
  • on top of the free edge is the second part and is also clogged.

Fasteners are installed with a hammer. Pins suggest a strong connection to enhance fixation. The surface of the structure must be sanded.

How to make garden benches with a backrest in ethno style with your own hands

A rustic and ethno style bench will fit perfectly into the courtyard setting. With its help, you can create a magnificent natural corner. To build such structures, wood is used with or without bark. In the manufacture of benches, you can use a variety of curved shapes. Before construction, all parts must be sanded and processed.To create a seat, an unedged board is used. All construction details are rounded.

Ethno-style benches are perfectly combined with wicker fences. In this case, you can build a back in the form of weaving. Branches should be placed tightly. But you need to leave gaps between them. Materials such as stone, wood, bamboo or even rattan are suitable for creating ethno-style furniture.

Here are some popular designs:

  • for the Moroccan style, you can use threaded parts;

  • bamboo benches are suitable for Chinese-style landscape design;

  • small furniture is used in Japanese style;

  • British-style furniture involves the use of solid woods, as well as intricate patterns.

Do-it-yourself drawings of benches for giving: photos and diagrams

When performing the bench, individual needs are taken into account, as well as certain parameters. To create quality construction you will need a drawing with all dimensions.An important point is the calculation of the amount of materials, which will depend on the final design parameters. Profiled timber is especially convenient. To round the edges, you can use a special cutter.

Do-it-yourself garden bench with a backrest drawings: double designs

Benches can have different capacities. Most often they are designed for 2-4 people. For a double structure, you will need bars and boards. To build such a product will take no more than one day. Before cutting, you need to choose the right drawings.

Do-it-yourself bench for giving from a tree: how to do it step by step

First of all, boards for sitting are being prepared. In this case, the material is cut and processed. A grinder or milling machine will help in this matter. You can also use sandpaper, but it will take much more time. With the help of bars, you can build strong legs. The areas where the fasteners will be placed must be marked.

Metal pins are used as fasteners. For greater strength, you can use special glue. The pins are also used for reliable fastening of the backrest. After marking, you need to measure the distance from the edge.

The assembly goes like this:

  • the bars are stacked on top of each other;
  • all parts are fastened with clamps;
  • holes are made in the center and along the edges;
  • through the holes made, the parts are fixed with studs.

How to make a simple design look at the video:

The seat boards are then attached to the legs with nails. After that, the nail heads can be masked with a mixture of mastic and sawdust. Be sure to cover the surface with paint or varnish.

Do-it-yourself garden bench from improvised materials: from pallets

You can make a bench from pallets with your own hands. You can see photos of interesting options on our website. Such furniture can be placed not only in the garden, but also in country house or on the veranda. For installation work you will need three pallets.

This is how the assembly goes:

  • the pallet is divided into two halves. These halves will be used for the back;
  • two pallets are connected together with nails;
  • then the back is attached to them;
  • a mattress of suitable dimensions is placed on top.
Note! Soft objects can be fixed with straps.

Video: how to make a simple pallet bench

Do-it-yourself drawings of a garden bench with a wooden back: a transformer option

A transforming structure is independently constructed. To do this, you need boards and bars.

Do-it-yourself transforming bench manufacturing technology

You can build a structure by doing the following:

  • 3 boards are attached to the supporting part, a seat will be made of them. Insert 4 screws into each board;
  • when assembling units, it is necessary to apply carpentry glue to these zones;
  • legs for backrest support must be sawn from the end side. Then the legs must be connected in pairs;
  • then you need to make a back, which, when transformed, will transform into a countertop.
  • boards are fastened so that there is a gap;
  • in the support board, it is necessary to make 3 holes with a diameter of 0.8 cm.

Here is a convenient transformer design:

To create an axis of rotation, you need to make two holes on the back leg. The backrest is attached to the base with bolts.


Benches and benches in the country and in the garden are primarily a place of rest. But just putting up a bench is not interesting. After all, you can create a beautiful corner. In order not just to relax, but to enjoy nature and the fruits of your labor. There are many interesting ideas. Moreover, the simplest designs are often played up, such that any person whose hands grow from their shoulders can make these benches with their own hands.

Photo of original benches (ideas for summer cottages and gardens)

Everyone knows what ordinary benches look like - they have seen it more than once. But the usual - the simplest - something does not want to. Especially if you have already begun the process of decorating the site or are just planning. Why not start from the bench? And there and other decorations will catch up. It's worth just getting started.

In the garden or near the house, I want to have more greenery: beautiful and different flowers. - that's good, but why not combine them with a bench.

What could be easier? Two wooden boxes in which flowers are planted and between them a pair of planed and polished boards. You can put this bench near the wall, and fill a couple of long boards on the wall - there will be a back.

Not everyone likes flower beds made of wood: wood requires care, and without it it quickly loses appearance. It is especially difficult to care for a tree that comes into contact with the soil. Instead of wooden boxes can be, for example, stone or concrete pedestals.

It is very easy to make such a bench in the country with your own hands. You can find ready-made concrete flower beds or do something similar. You can buy a board processed, or you can do it yourself. Instead of a board, there may be half a log - depending on the style in which the site is made out. It is easier to fix the seat with a metal corner. It is attached to concrete with dowels, to wood - with self-tapping screws from below or through bolts.

If someone has large plants in durable flowerpots, you can implement the following idea. In this embodiment, the bench covers the plants. To avoid surprises, flowerpots must be very durable ....

There is a similar version of a bench made of boards and without plants: it may need to be placed on or in. The supports are made up of boards of the same size, and the seat is made of timber.

Bench made of boards - a non-standard option

And another variation on the same theme: hollow building blocks are used as a support. Processed bars are inserted into the holes. This is the bench seat. Just round the edges of the beam, or it will be uncomfortable to sit.

For this garden bench, it is desirable to find large blocks with thick walls. If not, you need to securely fasten the blocks one to the other. The whole task is to fix the blocks first (for example, with studs), and then to them - the bars (with bolts or dowels).

Log benches

If your site is decorated in a rustic or ethno style, the standard approach will not work for you. It is best to use logs in this case - with or without bark - this is your choice.

Seat for a bench made of logs - sawn along the trunk of a large or medium diameter. The back is either a smaller diameter trunk, or just a cut closer to the edge. The legs can also be made from narrow pieces of logs (see the photo below).

Log bench - quick and easy

The legs and seats are interconnected with metal pins: a hole of a slightly smaller diameter is drilled under the pin in both parts. The pin is hammered into one of them, the second part is planted and also hammered, but they are not hitting the pin, but the wood. So that there are no traces, they lay a piece of an unnecessary board and knock on it with a hammer (or sledgehammer). Such a connection should be quite reliable, but to be sure, you can install two or three pins, or you can chop off a little log, making a flat area of ​​the same size on both connected parts. By increasing the area of ​​​​support, increase the reliability of the seat fastening: after all, the log weighs a lot.

Bench option without back

Another interesting option in the style of "ethno" is presented in the photo above. It is implemented in stone, but you can also make this bench from a log. The seat is a very thick board, the legs are the bulk of the large diameter deck. A groove is cut in the deck for laying the seat. If you have a tool (you can make a cutout with an ax, a grinder or a chainsaw), it's easy to do.

Often in the country you need a desktop. From a log you can make not only a bench, but also a table. A variant of such an ensemble is in the photo. Only the tabletop is made of boards, all other details are logs of different diameters or from half.

A greater degree of processing is inherent in the next bench in the same style. The back, legs, armrests are made of thick and not very thick branches, the seat is made of sanded and processed (peeled and sanded) not edged board.

Another bench is almost also made. Only boards and branches are located in a different direction and a different view is obtained. A do-it-yourself bench of this type does not require much skill. AT this case The more careless the work is, the more decorative the result.

Wicker back - you will meet infrequently

Around the tree, you can make a platform for relaxation and a bench. The designs are simple, making the flooring is generally simple.

You can add a rest group and. And you can put it above the bench - this is the "progenitor" of the usual arch - one of the types of light gazebos. And so that relaxation is completely complete, you can do, or.

From metal and wood

Few people will put fully metal benches in their country house. They, of course, can be very beautiful, but in the summer they heat up to incredible temperatures, and it gets a little colder - you can’t sit on them, as they are too cold. Benches made of metal and wood are deprived of these shortcomings. The legs and supporting structure are made of metal, and the seat and back (if any) are made of wood. Moreover, there are also interesting benches in modern design.

Rectangles are welded from the profile, jumpers are welded to the side walls, on which the seat boards rest. Simple, stylish, reliable, functional.

In a more advanced form - with armrests, backrest, soft cushions on the seat, this design may look like in the photo. The wide seat turns the bench into a sofa, and cushions add comfort - fabric-covered furniture foam rubber. The tables are made in the same style - a frame made of corrugated pipe and a tabletop made of boards.

One important point: if you are making a seat or tabletop from several adjacent elements, they do not need to be joined back to back. There should be a gap of 3-4 mm between adjacent boards / bars. Wood swells and shrinks. In order for the surface to remain relatively flat during these processes, a gap is needed.

If smoother lines are needed - for families with children - you can bend the pipes and make garden benches and a table with rounded edges. This garden furniture is completely safe. The usual round or professional pipe is bent, leaving on the sides in the shape of the letter "P" with a wide back. The length of this back is the length of the bench. For the table, the dimensions are made a little larger: the legs and the back are longer.

Make two identical blanks on the table and bench. Next, cut the boards of the same length. For a seat about 40 cm, for a tabletop at least 55 cm. They are attached to the pipes with furniture bolts with a flat head. To prevent the caps from sticking out, a hole of a slightly larger diameter is drilled under them.

Board benches

The largest group is benches and benches made of boards. There are designs that are more reminiscent of sofas, especially if you put soft pillows on them - and you can lie down.

Garden furniture in a modern style is easy to assemble: rectangles with partitions made of thinner boards, interconnected.

Even conventional design A country bench can become exclusive if you approach it with imagination: wooden wheels are used instead of legs and armrests. It turned out to be a designer thing.

A bench made of boards with a back and wheels instead of sides - looks interesting

And the simplest possible one is a board with legs in the form of the letter “X”. Such shops were built centuries ago, you can see them today.

From the boards you can make a bench in a modern style: in the form of the letter "P". With this design, the main task is to ensure rigid fixation of the legs and the seat: the bursting forces are not compensated by anything. In this case, it is important to take a thick board or timber so that it does not sag. You can put the board "on edge": so the rigidity will be greater. To increase reliability, you can install corners from below.

The photo shows a 45° cut. Having a miter box or a circular saw makes it easy to achieve an accurate cut. By precisely docking the workpieces and fastening them, we get an angle of 90 °. If the seat does not bend, it will serve for a long time ...

An interesting and reliable version of the bench is shown in the photo below. The legs are assembled from boards of different lengths: every second one is shorter by the width of the board for the seat. Interesting idea. It is easy to make such a bench: it is important to maintain the dimensions, and everything is connected very simply: with nails into the face of the seat.

original benches

Here, it seems, what else you can think of .. but it turns out, a lot. For example, attach the seat to a large stone.

Make a structure out of bamboo trunks.

Or stone.

Sitting in winter will be unpleasant, but beautiful ...

How to make a bench: photo reports

We will not make benches from stone - not everyone has the equipment, but from different pieces of wood - we can. Let's talk about the manufacture of simple, but unusual designs. So that a bench made with your own hands is a source of pride.

Bench without back

The design is simple, but it looks interesting due to the specific material. For the legs, a bar with rounded edges is used. If you have logs small size, you can trim them on the sides. You get almost the same effect. Such material is not so rare, the legs are unusually assembled from it: the bars are laid one on top of the other flat. This adds zest and adds appeal.

This bench without a back has a length of about 120 cm, a width of about 45 cm, a height of 38 cm. You can round the edges of the beam with a cutter, or you can find a similar profiled one. It costs more, but it will be easier to work with it: it is already well processed and connects simply.

Depending on the found section of the beam, calculate the length that you need. Determine how many bars will have to be stacked one on top of the other to get the height you need. In this case, it took 5 bars per leg. Total 45 cm * 5 pcs - 2.25 m. It took 4.5 m of timber for two legs. A board 40 mm thick and 90 mm wide was used on the seat. For the seat you need 5 boards 1.5 meters long. It turned out 1.2 m * 5 pcs = 6 m.

First, we cut and process the boards for the seat. Their edges must be rounded. If not grinder or a milling cutter, you will have to work with sandpaper, but you can find such a board or arrange at a sawmill to have it processed and polished for you: there will be much less work. So, we cut the boards of the same length, grind and varnish (with or without tinting - your choice).

Fold the leg bars one near one, aligning their edges. Using a square and a pencil, draw lines where the fasteners will be placed. The distance between the lines is 7-10 cm.

You can take metal pins, or you can make dowels - carved from wood. Holes are drilled under them slightly smaller than the diameter, the depth of the hole is half the length of the pin. Then they are hammered into one part, a second part is pushed into the same hole from above. The connection is reliable, but to be sure, you can add glue, although then the design will turn out to be one-piece.

With a pin connection, the main task is to make holes strictly one above the other, so that the parts mounted on the pin give a smooth edge. We did part of the work - we drew lines where we will drill, now we need to measure the same distance from the edge. Let's create a template for this. We take a piece of plank with a width of about 1.5 cm. At this distance from the edge of the bars, we will drill holes. Having applied it exactly along the edge, we mark the intersections with the applied perpendicular lines.

We will install the pins in a checkerboard pattern, so we will drill holes through one intersection. We also make holes on one bar from different sides in a checkerboard pattern. In a similar way - on the pins - the legs are connected to the seat: two pins for each bar.

Technologically, this type of connection is correct, but it is complex and requires a certain skill. You can do it easier. Fold all the bars one on top of the other, secure with clamps, drill through in two or three sets - in the center and along the edges, connect with a long hairpin, with washers placed under the cap and nut. To the legs of the seat strip assembled in this way, you can nail it on top or try to make a pin connection.

The bench is made by hand. Remaining finishing work

If you nailed the seat, take some wood putty of a suitable color, add some very fine sawdust and stir. Coat the joints with this composition. When dry, smooth with sandpaper. Sand all parts to a smooth finish and coat with lacquer or wood paints for outdoor use (preferably not covering, but which leave the grain of the wood visible).

How and with what you can paint wood read. In her in question about lining, but painting techniques remain the same, and the compositions must be taken for outdoor use.

DIY bench from broken chairs

In any household you can find two old chairs. They should be the same and still strong enough. We disassemble the chairs, leaving the part with the back and legs. We connect the two backs with the help of bars of a suitable section.

For greater rigidity at the bottom, at a distance of about 20 cm from the floor, where the chairs used to also have jumpers, we make another frame with transverse rails. It can be used as a footrest or for storage of any things.

After grinding, we paint the resulting structure. This time the paint should be ordinary: different types of wood can only be painted over with covering paints. Apply with a brush or spray bottle.

The point is small: cut the seat out of thick plywood (thickness 8-10 mm) and cover it with foam rubber and fabric.

Pallet garden chair/bench

Everything is useful in the economy. Even from cargo pallets you can make garden furniture. Moreover, there is no need to disassemble them: we use one for the seat, we will make the back from the second. All you need is well-crafted planks for the armrests and bars for the legs.

In one of the pallets, we strengthen the attachment points by inserting pieces of bars. After inserting, we fasten it with self-tapping screws on one side and on the other.

From a beam with a cross section of at least 100 * 100 mm, we cut four identical segments 80 cm long. We fasten them in those places that have just been reinforced. We leave 20-25 cm on the legs. We fasten with four long self-tapping screws - 150 mm and not shorter.

It is important to maintain verticality and leave the same distance on the legs. Then the seat will stand straight. If there are errors in height, you can try to file, but then you will have to cut from above - so that the armrests are even. So try to screw it straight. Deviations from the vertical can be dealt with only by screwing the leg again.

We attach a second pallet to the rear racks, and on the sides - planks for the armrests.

It remains to cut a piece of furniture foam rubber and cover it with a cloth. You can make pillows for the back. If you are not going to process everything thoroughly, but to make a loft-style chair, go over with sandpaper or a grinder, treating all surfaces to smoothness. You can cover with paint, giving the wood a dark color.

Drawings of benches made of wood

Video lessons

A few videos on how to make benches with your own hands.

One of the attributes of a garden or a recreation area in a suburban area is a bench, sitting on which you can read a book alone or, conversely, spend a few fun hours with friends. How to make an ordinary bench comfortable and at the same time turned into an element of garden decor? The way out is simple - a do-it-yourself bench for a summer residence. Only your own exclusive creation will fully satisfy your personal aesthetic needs.

Before you start sketching or drawing a product, you need to consider the place of its installation. The material of manufacture also depends on this. For example, in an old garden with large branchy trees, a wooden bench in a wrought-iron frame looks good (as an option - a log product on a stone base), and in a young garden - a light, even openwork bench in a romantic style.

A small white bench stands out in contrast against a dark green hedge

If it is placed in a quiet secluded corner, near or surrounded by flowering flower beds, it will become a wonderful place of solitude and relaxation, where you can spend a few pleasant minutes alone with yourself after a labor “warm-up” in the beds.

Old Brick wall, a bench made of grayed wood and flowers look mysterious and romantic

Often benches are an integral part of verandas, arbors, summer playgrounds for a picnic. In this case, there should be several products designed in the same style. One example is a garden table with two benches on the sides, where you can have a family tea party or play board games on a summer evening.

Deliberately rough and comfortable wooden structure- table, two benches and an armchair

It is better to install the bench in such a way that it does not offer a view of the neighbor's fence or garage, but of a pond, flower garden or. The surrounding picture should be pleasing to the eye, and not remind you that you need to refuel the car or renew the paint on the gazebo. It is also appropriate to place benches on the playground, by the pool, near the main entrance to the house.

A bench by the pond surrounded by flowers and greenery is a great place to relax and think

One of the best places is in the garden, near the beds. It is better if the bench will stand in the shade, for example, under the spreading crown of a tree or under a canopy, as it is designed to rest from physical labor - digging, weeding, watering or harvesting.

Rest in the shade of a flowering bush is a real pleasure

You can think of a decorative frame: a do-it-yourself garden bench looks good surrounded by low flowering bushes, specially arranged flower beds, on a small hill or on a platform made of natural stone or.

Preparatory work is half the battle

First you need to take a piece of paper and make a sketch or drawing of the proposed product. Even at this stage, questions may arise: what height will be optimal or how many legs should the bench have? There are general standards that should be followed when drawing up a diagram:

  • 400 mm - 500 mm - seat height;
  • 500 mm - 550 mm - seat width;
  • 350 mm - 500 mm - back height.

If you plan to create a product with a back, you should determine for yourself how the back will be attached to the seat. Depending on whether the bench is portable or not, legs are planned: for a non-portable product, they are firmly fixed in the ground.

It is not difficult to fix the legs of the bench: you need to dig holes right size and fill them cement mortar by lowering the wooden parts there

According to the drawing, you can estimate how much material is needed for work. Usually, a product of this kind takes a minimum of financial investment: in the country there are always a lot of wooden blanks left over from the construction of a house or a bath, fasteners (self-tapping screws, nails, bolts, staples), paints and varnishes for wood processing.

If you collect leftovers wooden products and blanks from all over the country, you can come up with an unusual model

Found in the back room and essential tool. If the main material for manufacturing is wood, you should prepare: a plane, a saw, a jigsaw, a hammer, sandpaper, a tape measure and a pencil.

Making benches: six simple projects

You will never go wrong by choosing wood for work - soft, pliable in processing and at the same time durable material that can serve for decades. From wood, you can create elements of various shapes and sizes, curly inserts, voluminous and miniature details.

Project No. 1 - a simple bench with a back

If there are difficulties with drawing up a sketch, you can use the finished drawing of a garden bench.

All parts are cut according to the dimensions on the drawing.

This bench is traditional for city parks, similar specimens can be found at river stations, near theaters or shopping centers - in those places where you have to spend some time waiting. The advantage of this option is the ease of preparation of parts and the speed of assembly. For work, you will need thick bars for support (3 large and 3 smaller), bars or boards for the seat and back.

The color of the parts can be changed using impregnation or varnish of a darker shade.

This model is portable - it can always be rearranged to another, more convenient place. In order for it to always stand level and not sway, when installing the supports, it is necessary to monitor the exact location of the parts - even a slight discrepancy will cause the product to skew.

At the end of the work - and this applies to any wood product located on the street - all wooden parts must be treated with special impregnation against mold or varnished, which also contains protective components. Treated wood resists moisture, lasts longer and looks like new for a long time.

Project No. 2 - a bench in a classic style

This option is more solid than the previous one. A bench with a rectangular seat and the same back looks great against the backdrop of a house built from any material - wood, brick, stone.

Scheme of assembly of armrests and backs of a bench in a classic style

For a change, you can change the color, choose a shade that is closer to summer cottages. The back of such a bench is a real find for those who like to dream up and translate their ideas into wood. Straight vertical bars can be replaced with crosswise slats.

This bench can easily accommodate several people.

The upper horizontal bar would look good if it was covered with elegant carvings or colorful ornaments. Armrests and legs can also be curly - but it all depends on the desire and skill of the master. To make such a bench for a summer residence, it will take only a few evenings, and you can enjoy your vacation on it for more than one year.

Project number 3 - a table with benches

The garden set for relaxing with the whole family consists of a comfortable table and two fixed benches.

A convenient and practical table with a couple of benches is useful in any country house.

All large parts (table, benches) are assembled separately, and then assembled into a single whole with the help of 4 lower bars - 2 on each side.

Assembly diagram of the whole set

The table is a tabletop with legs set crosswise.

Table assembly diagram

The benches are assembled easily, from bars or boards of various lengths.

Shop assembly scheme

At the last stage, the benches are first fixed - to give the structure stability, then - the table, exactly in the middle.

Initial assembly - connecting benches

Simple in appearance, but comfortable table will become a gathering place for family and friends in the evenings - for communication, evening tea drinking, relaxation.

Such a table with benches can be placed directly on the lawn

You can download more detailed drawings and photos of this project.

Project No. 5 - video master class

Variety of material, shapes and styles

Wood is a traditional, “warm” material for making benches, which is why products made from it are so different. Instead of machined bars, you can take natural material of natural shapes - and we have before us not just a bench, but a real masterpiece.

The original bench is made from large pieces of sawn and processed logs.

It turns out that stone benches also exist, but they are valued rather than for functionality, but for aesthetics. You want to sit on a stone product only in the warm season, but you can constantly admire it.

A small stone bench harmoniously fits into the flower landscape

They look elegant and elegant, but only a professional blacksmith can create a bench for a garden with his own hands from metal.

Wrought iron bench among the violent colors looks more than appropriate

Combined benches and benches look interesting, built of stone and wood or decorated with textile items - capes, pillows.

Small pillows in pink and white, neatly laid out on a bench, make the garden corner cozy and homely.

That's all for today. We hope you found something useful for yourself. If you have any questions or wishes - you are welcome in the comments.

Garden benches are the most popular small architectural forms. You can make them of any size and design, but in addition to their direct purpose, the benches also perform a decorative function. You can make a garden bench for yourself with your own hands, using our drawings and photographs.

How to make a bench from "junk" materials

The easiest way is to make a bench out of wood. This is the traditional material for garden furniture available and easily processed. But even in this case, you can save money by choosing as the main material the one that literally lies under your feet.

The first option is trees, poles and stumps from your own site or a nearby forest plantation, in which sanitary felling is carried out.

Carefully cutting off a couple of medium-sized stumps, they can be put on the base of the bench. From the poles, make the lower crossbar for structural rigidity. And for sitting, dissolve part of the trunk on the circular. If there is no equipment for longitudinal sawing, then you can take an unedged board with a thickness of 75 mm.

In this example, the bench is already more comfortable - in addition to the seat, it also has a backrest. The model is a little more complicated, since you will have to find a higher part of the trunk and process it in two steps - first make a profile cut with a “ledge”, and then dissolve the workpiece into two halves.

And to assemble the next bench, you will need:

  • two short logs of the same diameter for the base;
  • two medium-thick poles for supporting the back;
  • one long log, sawn into two halves (for the seat and back).

In short logs, you need to choose a groove so that a long log fits into it. Then the seat is fixed in the grooves, and each pole is fixed at two points - to the base and the seat. For fastening, it is better to choose powerful self-tapping wood bolts.

Another budget material for a country bench is pallets ( wooden pallets). But not every pallet is suitable for the manufacture of garden furniture. Ideally, you need from a good edged board, the so-called euro pallet, which can be recognized by the EUR marking.

In principle, the standard width of the euro pallet is somewhat large for the seat - 80 cm. It can be shortened to 67 cm by cutting along the contour of the central bar. But you can not do this. Here are some examples simple designs with different options for bases and seats:

1. Bench of four pallets uncut in width. Three serve as a base, and the fourth as a back. At the pallet for the back, you will have to remove part of the support bars, and ensure the rigidity of the bench with wooden slats.

2. In this case, four pallets are also used, but already cut. Three ropes woven obliquely are used to fix the back, and wallpaper nails are used for decoration.

3. This bench is made from just two pallets. One is intact, and the second is cut and, as it were, bent at an angle - it serves as both a seat and a back. The design is good for its mobility - there are small wheels as legs.

Perhaps the only inconvenience of using euro pallets as a starting material is standard sizes 80x120 cm. They limit the possibilities for creativity to some extent. The use of ordinary lumber (boards, bars and beams) allows you to make a bench for giving for every taste.

Board and bar

It should be said right away that any bench drawing can be adjusted for specific conditions. The only limitation is that the thickness of the board and the section of the bar are sufficient to fulfill the load-bearing properties.

Below is a drawing of a bench, which is made of only three “paired” elements:

  • seat and back;
  • short support (back leg) from a board in the form of a trapezoid;
  • long support (front leg).

1- front leg; 2 - rear leg; 3 - seat; 4 - back; 5 - front view; 6 - side view

The result is a stable structure with a triangle at the base and two transverse stiffeners.

This is what the bench looks like in real life.

In this drawing, the bench is in a more complex design. For its manufacture, you need a 40x140 mm board (supports, back and seat), a 40x70 mm bar (short bundles of supports) and a 20 mm board (long bundle between the sidewalls).

And this is the same design, but using a board and a bar 75 mm thick. Small differences in the base and attachment of the ligaments are not fundamental.

There is only one condition in principle - the boards in the seat are attached with a small gap, sufficient to compensate for the expansion of the tree in high humidity.

large forms

Wooden benches in a "large format" look original.

For example, here is such a “thick” unedged board across the entire width of the log. Covered with clear varnish, it conveys the natural beauty of wood with all color transitions.

From rounded logs, you can build not only a summer house or a bathhouse, but also such a garden bench.

And from a bar you can assemble an original chair that can serve not only under a canopy, but also in the open air - removable pillows can be easily brought into the house in bad weather.

stone and wood

Stone, like wood, also organically fits into the landscape of a suburban area. Of course, a flat slab is practically never found in nature, but sawn stone can be used.

The next option is easier to perform - the bench is made of small blocks of wild stone. And since such a surface is not only cold, but also uneven, you can’t do without pillows.

Pillows add comfort, but they have to be constantly brought in and out. That is why for seats in garden benches, regardless of the base material, wood is used. This is how it is with such an original bench, at the base of which a gabion is used (a mesh cage filled with stone, rubble or pebbles).

Concrete is no less popular for making the base of the bench. But it is difficult to make a form for pouring a complex contour at once, but a small formwork is simple. And even a “cold joint” when pouring in two steps will not affect the strength of the structure (such as in this photo).

Another option artificial stone- hollow building concrete blocks. It is enough to fasten them together with good masonry glue, and lay a bar in the cavity, and the bench is ready.

metal and wood

The simplest benches on a metal frame use a square profile.

It is possible to weld two sidewalls from a profile pipe in the form of the letter “H”, and a wooden seat made of solid wood will also serve as a “stiffening rib”.

In the following example, solid wood is also used as a stiffening element, but the supports are made in the form of a square with a cross member for attaching the seat.

And this is the simplest self-supporting construction of a square profile, in which the strength and rigidity of the welded base is sufficient to make the seat from a wooden bar.

The following photo shows a factory-made bench.

But if there is a pipe bender in the home workshop (and it’s easy to do it yourself), then bend two types of arches and a “wave” from round pipe simply. Then the metal blanks must be welded, put plastic plugs on the legs (sold for any profile and size of the pipe) and fix the bars on the “wave”.

- the oldest piece of furniture that has become available to man. A wooden snag, just a little hewn with a stone ax and brought into a cave - this is the great-great-ancestor of all modern furniture, closer to which are wooden benches, which have not lost their relevance and demand - neither in the house, nor, especially, in landscape design.

Garden benches made of wood: choose a style

It only at first glance may seem that the bench is far from the most important element in landscape design, but real professionals say that it is from the bench that garden design begins and ends on it. Otherwise, why then all these efforts and labors, if no one can enjoy and appreciate them?

That is why it is important to place the bench correctly, choosing a place from where the most beautiful and attractive view opens, and the bench itself can become an elegant accent that complements the beauty of the garden.

A comfortable bench in the garden will become the place where you can hide from the hustle and bustle, admire nature, read a book or listen to music, dream, just relax. At the same time, wooden benches for summer cottages are a powerful and effective “weapon” of landscape design, they can be used for zoning a site, marking boundaries, etc.

At the same time, garden benches differ in their functional purpose:

  • front doors - they are installed at porch, at the entrance of the house. These are wooden decorative benches, richly decorated with carvings, they become a favorite place for photo shoots.
  • dining - they are usually placed at B-B-Q, on the terraces, in those places where the family likes to dine in nature
  • garden - small benches, next to flowerbeds, flower garden or plot, they are good to sit down and relax while working in the garden. Usually it is of a very simple form, without decorations and aesthetic frills.
  • relaxation - usually they are "hidden" in the most secluded corner of the site, away from strangers, and even their own eyes, where the whole situation is conducive to relaxation. The main criterion is comfort, and you can not be modest with the size - you can climb on such a bench with your feet and even lie down

To make the bench comfortable, you should adhere to the following dimensions:

  • the optimal height is about 40-50 cm, while the legs will comfortably rest on the ground and rest
  • seat width - about 50-55 cm. The seat is made with a slight inclination inward - 5-12 cm, so it is more convenient to lean
  • back height - 35-50 cm
  • back tilt - within 15-45 degrees
  • if armrests (handrests) are installed, then the optimal height for them is 15-20 cm, counting from the seat

Advice! When choosing material for a bench, preference should be given to wood that is especially resistant to moisture and decay - oak, larch, hazel, cherry. But teak is considered to be the "champion" in terms of strength, its wood contains natural resins that protect it from rot and insects (bark beetles, termites).

The choice of the shape and type of bench depends both on your preferences and the style in which the garden is decorated.

For country style, a bench that is as simple as possible in shape, natural color or painted in a discreet brown shade, is suitable. For the Provence style - a little semi-antique shop, rather modest in terms of decoration, painted in blue , white , Violet or blue.

  • the bench must be periodically painted (opened with varnish). It is best to do this at the beginning of the season, before carefully cleaning the tree from the remnants of old paint.
  • in hot weather the bench should be placed in the shade - it will be comfortable not only for you, but also for the tree - ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the quality of the wood
  • regularly check the fasteners (bolts, screws, nails), if necessary, fasten them to the stop, do not loosen the structure
  • if you notice traces of rot on one board, replace it immediately, do not let it spread further