Interesting ideas for home, garden. Ideas for the interior with your own hands Unusual interior with your own hands

A stylish apartment is a dream that many people think is unattainable. It is generally accepted that only the efforts of professional designers and huge financial investments will turn an apartment into an ideal one. But the fact is that to create a harmonious and sophisticated interior, you do not need to hire specialists and spend astronomical sums. It is enough to show a little imagination.

Skillful hands can work wonders even in a tiny apartment. Don't believe? Look online. On a variety of sites, you can get great ideas for the interior with your own hands. Everything is here: revitalization old furniture, decoration of the room, the creation of unusual decor elements from improvised material. Even an old lamp, scattered volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica, or a broken chair that has been lying idle on the balcony for many years can become a chic decoration for your bedroom or living room. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Decoupage furniture wallpaper

Do you have pieces of old wallpaper, left over from the last repair, gathering dust on the mezzanine? Do not rush to take them to the trash as unnecessary trash! They will help breathe life into old interior items, turning them into designer items.

A coffee table will look spectacular if you put a piece of elegant wallpaper under glass on it. No need to fiddle with glue. If the pattern is tired, you can change it at any time.

Decorating the lampshade with wallpaper is an excellent idea: the thing becomes bright and sophisticated. In addition, the included lamp illuminates the pattern, casting bizarre shadows around the room. Isn't it beautiful?

An unusual headboard can be made by simply gluing a piece of wallpaper in a contrasting color over the bed. This solution is especially convenient for beds without backs.

Wallpaper in black and white, striped or plaid is a stylish decoupage option.

Wall murals pasted on cabinet doors allow you to create unique furniture in exotic styles.

IMPORTANT: In order to make cleaning easier in the future, choose an easy-to-clean wallpaper, such as vinyl.

Decoupage cabinet wallpaper

A boring table pasted over with scraps of wallpaper or a shabby wardrobe will turn into a work of design art that enlivens the atmosphere. This type of decoupage is very simple to perform and accessible to everyone. Take advantage of great ideas like:

  • Pasting with pieces of wallpaper with the same ornament. A boring white wardrobe will become much more expressive! Make sure that the pattern matches, and the color is in harmony with the color of the walls and the overall appearance of the room.
  • Patchwork technique. Pasting furniture with pieces of wallpaper with a different pattern looks creative, as when sewing a patchwork quilt. The main thing is that the “patches” are combined with each other and create a harmonious composition.
  • Wallpapering from the inside. A laborious but effective idea for open shelves. Allows you to create a bright composition by making the back wall of the rack and the shelves themselves a design element.

IMPORTANT: before proceeding with gluing, use sandpaper and acrylic paint to clean the work surface from stains, cracks and scratches.

Other types of decoupage

Exquisite compositions for decorating furniture are also created by other means.

Napkins for decoupage. They are easy to find in specialized craft stores. Diverse in style, they allow you to decorate furniture in accordance with the overall style of the room.

Textile. Decorating with fabric is an effective way to breathe life into old furniture. It is convenient to use old curtains for this. The closet, pasted over with pieces of fabric, looks elegant and unusual. Reupholstering an old chair will give you a stylish piece of decor.

Varnish. A simple and elegant way is to stick decoupage napkins and varnish them. The idea of ​​using a special varnish for craquelure is spectacular: such a varnish creates beautiful cracks on the surface.

Paint toning. Furniture tinted with colored paints looks bright and elegant. An extravagant option is to paint the table through tulle, getting an elegant pattern. Skillful toning can artificially “age” the furniture, giving it a nobility appearance. The effect of antiquity is created by decorating with gold or silver paint. Luxurious gold or silver will make even the most nondescript furniture stylish.


The headboard is the main decorative element of the bed. It is easy to make it a bright accent in the design of the bedroom, if you show imagination:

  • soft headboard: a piece of polyurethane foam is glued onto a solid base and covered with velvet, velor or other material. Use buttons to decorate;
  • natural tree. A huge selection of ideas: noble wooden panels, exquisite wooden lattice, pretty shelves and much more. The headboard made of natural branches looks spectacular;
  • a rock. Paste from natural stone ennoble the headboard. Fans of spectacular designs can make a panel of sea pebbles for the headboard;
  • bamboo. An exotic material that allows you to create unique headboards - from an elegant panel to an exotic headboard assembled from bamboo sticks of different heights;
  • image. A favorite picture or photo that evokes warm memories will become an exquisite headboard and expand the space of the bedroom;
  • installation. Here you can show your imagination by using the most unexpected items for decoration. The result is stunningly beautiful. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Roman curtains

Roman blinds are a convenient and stylish solution for the interior of any room in your home. They are a piece of canvas in the size of a window with sewn-in trims. Thanks to the latter, Roman blinds can be assembled like blinds, forming beautiful folds.

Simplicity and elegance make Roman blinds a great decorative element. They can decorate the living room or bedroom, hang in the nursery. This is practical option for kitchen. A wide selection of colors allows everyone to find an option to their liking.

Roman blinds are easy to make yourself. To do this, you will need a piece of fabric of your choice and old blinds:

  • measure the width and length of the window, add 1 cm on each side for seams and cut off a piece of fabric. Iron with an iron and stitch along the seams;
  • remove excess strips from the blinds, glue the rest to the curtain from the inside;
  • hang up a curtain.

Instead of blinds, you can use wooden beams. In this case, the slats are glued or sewn in, as you choose. Don't forget to sew on loops to pass the cord through.

Wall decor from photo

Gorgeous photos from a personal archive or from the Internet will become an exclusive interior detail. You just need to try a little!

Photo frames are not the only way to hang photos on the wall. Consider ideas such as:

  • Photo on the substrate. Find a thick, firm, and lightweight base (styrofoam or styrofoam is ideal). Print the photo so that it is 5 cm larger than the substrate: the gap is necessary for the folds. Carefully glue the photo to the backing, folding the ends in. Process the photo with glue so that the image shines. If you cut the photo into several parts, you get a spectacular modular picture.
  • Photo on canvas. You will need a canvas stretched over a frame and a printed image in size. Apply a thick layer of medium glue to the canvas, press the image firmly against it and leave it for several hours, not forgetting to moisten it with a spray bottle. Then carefully peel off the paper and apply another layer of gel medium to the canvas for protection. It turned out a chic image with spectacular scuffs!

There are many creative ideas for using photos in the interior. Enjoy!

original rugs

It's hard to believe how magically the interior is transformed thanks to a pretty rug. It is also easy to make it with your own hands from improvised materials, the choice of which is very large.

Leather belts. A dozen genuine leather belts (their number depends on the width of the future rug) are fastened together using metal staples or rope. Looks great!

Textile. You can thread the scraps through the holes in your bath rug to create a fluffy surface, or you can weave a pretty rug out of narrow strips of fabric. Old T-shirts or fluffy bath towels are great materials.

Wine corks. About two hundred wine corks, cut in half and glued to a water-repellent backing, make an incredibly stylish rug. From traffic jams you can lay out a pattern.

Wool threads. Having put on pompoms from woolen threads and fastening them together, you will get an incredibly cozy rug. The choice of shades is the richest!

Sea stones. The beautiful pebbles you collect on the beach can turn into a spectacular bath rug. Incredibly stylish!

cozy pillows

Soft sofa cushions create a feeling of comfort and serve as a bright accent in the interior. If you find it difficult to find a pillow that meets your tastes in the store, do not worry: it is easy to make it yourself.

Pillow with your own hands. Every craftswoman who knows how to handle a sewing machine can sew a pillow or a soft ottoman of any size and shape for herself. Update your old sofa cushions with pretty pillowcases. A rich selection of fabrics and stuffings in stores guarantees the realization of any idea.

Coloring. If you don’t know how to sew, it doesn’t matter: boring pillows can be easily dyed in a new color using special fabric paints. A spectacular option is a drawing or pattern applied using a stencil. Especially suitable for coloring white pillows.

Ombre. For a fashionable and surprisingly effective color, dip the pillowcase in the dye for 2/3 of the length and immediately remove 5 centimeters from the liquid. Wait another 5 minutes and take out the next 5 cm, and so on until the end. The result is a stylish gradient.

Decorative lampshades

The original lampshade will become a real decoration of the room. You can make it yourself, getting a truly exclusive item. The choice of materials for manufacturing is very large:

  • paper. An elegant carved cap will not only decorate the lamp, but will also cast bizarre shadows. A creative lampshade will turn out from a world map or favorite photos;
  • the cloth. Needlewomen can sew a lampshade to their liking or decorate the one that already exists with ribbons, appliqués, draperies;
  • threads. Wrap the lampshade tightly with twine and fasten: simple and elegant! With the help of an inflatable ball, thick threads and glue, you can make a stylish lampshade in the shape of a ball;
  • beads or buttons. Sew or glue them on table lamp and it will turn into a work of art. Another way is to string beads on threads and, attaching them to a metal hoop, make an elegant lampshade;
  • twigs. Collect even twigs and fasten them together. Get an unusual lampshade made of natural material.

You can do this and much more yourself: just skillful hands and imagination are enough. Don't be afraid to create!

Living decor from succulents

Living plants as decoration are truly magical. The succulent design element is sure to evoke admiring exclamations from your guests. It is hard to believe that such beauty can be made at home with your own hands:

  • Wall of succulents. Shallow drawer closes at the top metal mesh with a wooden frame. Soil is poured inside (any mixture for cacti is suitable). A composition of succulents is planted. These unpretentious plants feel great in the most difficult conditions. The design is fixed vertically and pleases the eye.
  • "Plantation" on the table. You will need a thick countertop with a recess in the middle. Put a box of succulents in there and admire the extraordinary "plantation" that is green in the middle of your table in the living room.
  • "Green" coffee table with glass top. Its lower part turns into a flower pot, where a variety of succulents are planted. Decorate the composition with elegant pebbles.

IMPORTANT: to create a composition, choose plants that are diverse in shape and color.

Glass containers in the decor

Glass bottles, jars, bubbles have been accumulating in our homes for years. Surprisingly, these useful everyday items can turn into an exquisite decorative element. They are easy to make even for a beginner.

Decoration. With the help of a brush, paints and inspiration, you can turn an ordinary jar or bottle into a work of art. Threads, beads, fabric, paper, adhesive tape and all materials that come to hand are also suitable for decoration. The finished container can become an exclusive vase or a nice souvenir.

Lamp. The simplest way- put the LED strip into a bottle of colored glass and get a spectacular holiday lantern. If you cut a bottle or cut a hole in it, you get an unusual candlestick or original shades for a chandelier.

Exclusive tableware. It is enough to cut the bottle and grind it well. From a bottle sawn across, you get a unique glass or vase. Saw the bottle lengthwise - and you will have exclusive coasters for food.

There are hundreds of ideas available on the Internet for using glass containers in decor. Take action!

Bold do-it-yourself design ideas for your home can be easy to implement! Sometimes it only takes a few bright spots to spice up a boring interior. We present you a selection of 20 of the most original design solutions. Their authors found an unexpected use for materials at hand.

1. Graphics and lyrics

Chris and Saule Smariga from Maryland hung this homemade miracle in their living room. The text of the song Stereo Heart by Gym Class Heroes is woven in black and white on the canvas. Saule admits that the scale of the picture and at the same time its stylish conciseness never cease to impress. And the participation of the son in the work on this masterpiece added pleasant memories!

2. Letter gender

Katie Lo from Canada covered her bathroom floor with Scrabble tiles. Not everyone immediately accepted the originality of the idea, but in the end they appreciated its creativity. It took 2 days of work and 7,000 parts to make the floor. Real words are hidden among the character set: about 60 names of cities, names of family members and iconic phrases. Letters are attached to plywood with polyurethane glue, and topped with 5 layers of water-based sealant.

3. From rags to riches

Australians Will Onus and Simone Viljoen have painted the laundry room in an original way. Viljoen, as a model and artist, took several shots of rubbish from a trash can and retouched them in Photoshop. The photos were printed and placed under glass.

4. Direct beauty

Abby Taylor from Washington admits that the mosaics and triangles inspired her to create two huge geometric canvases in the living room. By combining patterns in different ways, you can achieve an unexpected effect.

5. 50 shades of blue

A splash of color in this design house's kitchen contrasts beautifully with the monochromatic, industrial style. Timothy Mitanidis enlisted the help of his brother to create this mesmerizing painting of blues, whites and greens printed on Lexan polycarbonate.

6. Map of the world

Bryan and Jen Danger, who live in Portland, decorated the walls with a map of the world. Travelers marked places they had already visited with orange dots. The long winding line is reminiscent of a year-long van tour.

7. Big plans

For Jason Kays of Austin, the world map takes center stage in his office. It marks the places where the owner of the house would like to visit. Cinder-block, wood and Ikea boxes hold memorabilia.

8. Light as a feather

Katie Lo from Canada decorated her home office with original white-painted cork boards and decorated Ikea kitchen coasters. No important document or reminder sticker will be lost now. The designer's plans include original sliding doors.

9. If the walls spoke

Camille Dickson from Texas adorned the walls with pages of books: French textbooks and a couple of cheap novels. The sheets are fixed with a stapler. Complements the interior of grandfather's piano.

10. Artist's bedroom

Cody Derrick, a resident of Salt Lake City, has set up two large blackboards at the head of his bed and now draws pictures with washable markers whenever he feels like it. The bedroom was originally very small, painted in different colors and cluttered with cabinets. Cody redid everything in monochrome and added drama with wall-to-wall curtains.

The bed is set on a podium of a larger perimeter, and the shelves are hidden under the very ceiling, along with ventilation: for convenience and to hide the wiring. The artificial lighting at the head of the bed can be used for reading. They are controlled remotely.

11. Cross stitch

Cross stitch inspired Jennifer Kinder from Texas to create a cozy wall art. Her 10-year-old daughter helped the designer colorize the sketch.

12. Artist's workshop

Oregon-based artist Richard Murray's studio home features high ceilings and generous workspaces. Living area separated original walls from used palettes. “They are amazingly beautiful on their own,” admits Richard. He also thought about lining the walls of the dining room with them, but in the end he preferred the railing.

13. Wine collections

Canadian Jessica Schmid decorated the kitchen with wooden dice from boxes of wine. Some boards are over 25 years old.

14. Aladdin's lamp

Washington DC-based artists Buffy Cribbs and Bruce Morrow have turned oil lamps into reading aids. The lamps are brightly colored to match the colored headboard.

15. "Wallpaper" from coasters

Inspired by a trip to Ireland, Caroline and David Denis built a minibar in their home. The table top has been repurposed from old furniture, and a collection of travel beer coasters adorns the wall. The bar is complemented by homemade shelves, photographs and souvenirs.

16. The bench is not for sitting

Northern California landscape designer Chris Kukula has transformed an old, rusted-iron-framed shop into a flower bed for daisies and echeveria.

17. Waste-free production

Jen and Bryan Danger from Oregon used nails and a tool kit to mark the number of their studio house in an original way.

18. With a signature for memory

Texans Harper and Jimmy Quill have achieved comfort in the house in an unusual way. Jimmy, a musician and producer, set up a recording studio and video clip location there. Artists visiting the couple leave their autographs on a chalkboard in the bathroom.

19. Green alphabet

Jeran McConnel from California has not only assembled a herbarium from photographs of tropical plants from her family garden, but also framed it in a homemade frame.

20. All your own

Los Angeles-based designer Kristin Korven used woven Mexican linens and wood chips fished from the ocean to decorate her daughter's nursery. The painted crib from Ikea also fits perfectly into the interior.

What original materials do you use?

When decorating a home, it is difficult to find the right balance between functionality, comfort and style. No matter how much money we spend on decent furniture, rooms are always missing something and as a result they look nothing like ideal apartments that we see in the logs.

Sometimes the situation can be solved with the help of small tricks that take only a few minutes of your time and do not require any money at all. Read the following tips to find out how you can make your home more stylish and inviting with minimal effort.

1. Take care of the front door

We should not forget about front door even if you live in apartment building, as it is she who creates the first impression of your home. Take care of her just like you would interior doors. Put out some flower pots, hang a seasonal wreath or decorations, update your license plate, or paint your door a bright color.

2. Arrange objects according to the rule of three

As in many areas and disciplines, the rule of three is heavily used in decorating and styling. The trio of items looks visually more appealing and more balanced, especially when it comes to size, height and materials.

Start small and decorate little corner in your living room or table. For example, put a vase of flowers, a basket of books and a clock. You will see how cute and cozy this composition looks. But do not oversaturate the room with such decorative trifles, otherwise the effect will be misread.

3. Lay out carpets in several layers

Lay a small, thick rug on top of a larger, more neutral rug. This is also a great way to check how you feel about bold experiments in the interior, and such a design move will make the room more comfortable and stylish. Thanks to this tip, you can divide the space into zones or make accents on the necessary places.

4. Arrange books in alternative ways

A vertical or slightly inclined stack of books is the canon for a classic interior. Alternative placement speaks of a bold and modern style. Try alternating shelves, arranging books either vertically or horizontally. Horizontal lines will break the pattern of vertical lines and draw attention. You can put additional items on the shelves with books. Just make sure the order is random, as the rigid layout is very conspicuous.

5. Display things that have a story to tell

This advice is a little more complicated than it sounds, because not every person wants to showcase objects dear to their hearts and realize that no one else but themselves is impressed with them.

In order to grab people's attention, your favorite things need to stand out from the crowd. environment and immediately catch the eye. Don't forget that you don't have to cross the ocean to find an item worth telling others about. As long as you have a precious memory associated with a thing, you can captivate your guest with this topic.

6. Make a cute thing out of an old bottle

The next time you have beautiful bottle from under alcohol, milk or perfume, do not dare to throw it away. Save it and use it as a vessel for liquid soap or vases. Alternatively, fill it with beads and tie a bow with twine. But first, soak the bottle in warm, soapy water until all the labels come off easily. The transparent vessel looks very stylish and futuristic.

7. Dust often

Nothing kills style like dust. Maybe you only cleaned yesterday, but the dust will quickly find its way back. Take a closer look and find the surfaces on which it is most visible in daylight, and be sure to wipe these places between “general cleanings”. Thus, you can enjoy clean air and not worry when guests unexpectedly arrive.

8. Arrange the flowers randomly

When you receive bouquets, put them somewhere in the corner of the room, and never on central location. Bonus points if they are field or garden flowers. Random placement creates the feeling that flowers are an integral part of your home, and you are not trying to show off or impress others with them.

9. Move furniture between rooms

We are used to moving things within the same enclosed space and it is not natural to move furniture from room to room. In fact, things may look much better in a new space, or they may serve more functionality. When you don't have the time or budget to buy new home furnishings, the quickest way to freshen up any room in your home is to rearrange the furniture.

10. Store white towels in the bathroom

This is a personal choice for everyone, but the white color of the towel gives a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Plus, having more than one towel in your bathroom adds a touch of relaxed hospitality and attention to detail.

11. Always keep a few books on your coffee table.

Books instantly add style and serve as entertainment for guests. Be sure to put your favorite book and a few works of different genres. You can put only books or mix them with magazines and photos. This is the perfect place to apply the rule of three and combine books with decorative elements and small objects.

12. Serve water in a pitcher

Whether you drink tap water or bottled water, keep it in a jug. There is nothing cuter than putting it on the table during lunch with the family or dinner with guests. If it is a transparent jug, you can add slices of cucumber or lemon to the water.

Leave the pitcher on your bedside table to humidify the air and add some style points at the same time.

13. Paint some things the same color as the walls or trim.

Most often, things in the apartment do not fit together well due to different style, colors and finishes. Paint some pieces of furniture the same color as the walls, or match the curtains/carpet/cushions to match. This will create a certain unity of space. Such items should be scattered throughout the room, not too close to each other. There is no need to repaint everything - even a small dose will help create a harmonious composition.

14. Keep napkins on the table even if you don't eat anything.

This may seem counterintuitive, but it actually creates the illusion of cleanliness in the house and order in the family (especially if you have children). Doilies are also a great way to add color and pattern to your kitchen decor. They can be inexpensive, plastic, rubber or paper. You can also make napkins with my own hands by cutting the fabric into small squares. The main thing to consider color scheme.

15. Decorate the house with variations of the same element

Choose one type of product that you have enough. For example, fruits, and the brighter the color, the better. You can also use some kind of vegetable or simple elements that are found in nature, such as rocks or wood.

Put them in a vase or bowl and put them in a prominent place, but not in the center. The goal is to attract attention, so the vase should be of simple shape and common material.

16. Group candles

Collect all the candles you have and arrange them in small groups throughout the apartment. The living room is the first place. Lighting candles in groups is much more effective than individually, as they provide more light, which is ideal for an evening with guests.

When shopping for candles, avoid flashy designs and scents. Best of all - white classic candles, which are ideal for grouping.

17. Add houseplants

Plants not only bring freshness and color to the room, but are also an important decorative element. Place them near large pieces of furniture or use them to fill in empty corners. Small plants can be mixed in the composition, guided by the rule of three.

18. Remove some accessories

If you are a fan of small knick-knacks, decorative items, works of art, carpets, pillows, your home most likely resembles a museum of folk art. Minimalism in a home interior looks much better than an abundance of unnecessary things. Try removing some accessories, replacing them, adding something else until you are happy with the result. It is best to decorate the house with one kind of decorative items. It looks stylish and cozy.

19. Keep a small blanket on the couch

A light blanket not only creates coziness, but also allows you to add textures and colors to a fairly flat or neutral room. If you only want to add one bright touch, make sure that the blanket is not neatly folded, but casually thrown over the back.

20. Arrange baskets around the house

The basket is a lifeline when you need to clean up the mess before guests arrive or move things from room to room. They seem much more expensive and exotic than they really are. Baskets can come in a variety of sizes and shapes, but they should be made from the same material or have a common color so as not to create too much chaos. They can become a completely unique and loud spot in your room's neutral space. If the interior of your house is made in light colors, pick up baskets in darker shades, and vice versa.

21. Store Food in Containers

This is The best way organize the space in your kitchen and add a stylish touch to the interior. Store cereals, spices, cookies, and other foods in containers. Glass containers look nice, but they can be expensive. Use inexpensive options. The point is not to have the whole set. The key is to keep the containers in the same material and color to create a clean and organized look in your kitchen or pantry.

22. Hang things on the walls

Many people avoid decorating walls because they don't have enough money for expensive art. But you don't need fancy pictures because anything can be art as long as it makes you feel. Hang magazine pages, photos, and your own drawings in random order to add dynamics to the wall. From time to time, change the images to update the interior a bit.

23. Show off your hobby

Feel free to openly show off your hobby. First, it will be a topic for interesting discussions. Secondly, you can hang the results of your work on the walls, or randomly place them on shelves or just leave them on the floor. It is guaranteed to add uniqueness to your home.

24. Use unnecessary things in unexpected ways.

Whether it's a fireplace, an old piano, large furniture, appliances, empty corners... Place books, vases, plants there, and unnecessary items will instantly turn into stylish interior elements.

25. Let your home reflect your personality.

Most of the stylish houses are decorated with photographs of their occupants. But the houses from real life, in which interesting personalities live, are filled with things that the owners like. Musical instruments, books, old cassettes... After all, the easiest and most reliable way to make your home more stylish is to add more information about who you are and what you like.

Take the time to turn your home into not only stylish, but also the most beloved place on earth!

If you have a fabric umbrella, it is easy to convert it for this you need to take:

  • transparent elastic film;
  • scissors;
  • wide braid;
  • thread with a needle.
Open the fabric, attach it to the film, cut out a similar-shaped top for an umbrella from it. On the sewing machine or on your hands, stitch the braid along the edge, making a seam on one side, and then on the second, which will be parallel to the first.

Make a small circle in the center of the cellophane circle. To make this place strong, not torn, it is also better to sew a braid here. Put a cellophane cover on the umbrella, on your hands sew it from below to the knitting needles, piercing the braid with a needle. After that, you can cover the sown seeds.

There are others interesting ideas gardens, gardens, which are very easy to implement with your own hands.

This is how beautiful the signs of what is planted where can be. On dark stones, write with white acrylic paint, and on light ones - with color.

Pets won't trample on beds with still weak sprouts if you stick disposable plastic forks left over from a picnic here. In the course will go and knives from the same material. On them you can write with a simple pencil where it is planted.

Speaking about what interesting ideas for a garden garden with your own hands can be quickly implemented, let's focus on the next one. Summer residents know how quickly the soil dries up in street planters. If there has been a heavy downpour, water, on the contrary, can stand in a pot and lead to rotting of the roots of the plant. Ordinary baby diapers will help create optimal soil moisture in such a container. They will absorb excess moisture, and in a drought they will give it away.

To do this, simply lay a diaper on the bottom of the planter, fill in the soil, water it, plant a plant. Now you don’t have to worry about how green pets feel in the country while you are in the city at work.

How to make a pond from a tire in the country?

Using interesting creative ideas, you will create it with ease. Look at the photo of the master class, which shows the stages of work. Then prepare what you need, this is:

  • tire;
  • durable film;
  • decorative stones;
  • plants;
  • cement;
  • sand.
If you plan to use the tire as a small decorative artificial pond, then you can take a tire from a car. If you want to take in such a makeshift pool water procedures on a hot day, in this case you will need a tire from a truck, tractor or special equipment.

Clean the tire from dirt, leaving only one side of the wheel, cut off the second with a sharp knife.

To make it easier to cut the tire, lubricate it laundry soap. Cut the cord with a hacksaw.

The tire can be completely dug into the soil or only a third. Put it in place, outline the outline of the wheel with a shovel. Dig the soil to the desired depth. If you want to make a decorative pond to decorate an area in which they will not swim, then lay thick cellophane inside the tire. Secure the edges with stones.

Make sure that the film is not too stretched, but is freely placed in the tire so that the cellophane does not tear during operation.

Prepare a mortar of cement, sand and water. Using it, lay the rest of the stones along the edge of the pool. When the concrete dries well, it remains to pour water, and you will have a decorative pond in the country. It is pleasant to plant aquatic plants near it with your own hands.

If you plan to swim in it, then you need to dig recesses in the soil along the contours of the wheel, select the ground, pour a gravel-sand cushion, pour it with cement on top. When it dries, place a tire on the platform, pour 2 more buckets of concrete into it, level it so that there are no holes left between the bottom and the walls of the pool.

AT ornamental pond water can be cleaned with a net or by periodically adding preparations to clean it. And in a do-it-yourself pool, the water must be drained after it is contaminated in order to replace it with clean water. See how the drain system works.

Creative ideas will tell you how to decorate such a pond or pool in the country. Before filling with water, it can be painted inside and out.

If you plant moss along the edge of a dug-in pond, such a pond will also look great. Inside you can place small pebbles.

The exterior decoration of the pond made of stones that are “planted” on a concrete solution looks beautiful.

If you don’t have a dacha, but you want to have a small decorative pond, make it from a large planter and put it on the windowsill. Among indoor flowers, this one looks wonderful and creates the humid microclimate they need.

For a small home pond you will need:
  • flower pot or pot;
  • a strip of roofing felt, corrugated iron or other waterproof material;
  • clay soil;
  • water;
  • aquatic plants.
Bend a piece of waterproof material near one side of the pot, fill in the soil here, plant the plants. Pour water into the planter, plant pond plants such as lilies here.

And if you have not one, but several tires in your country house, then, in addition to a pond or a pool, you can make a swing for children. For the first, you must first cut a notch on the side of the tire, turn the tire to the other side. Both sides are cut in the form of petals. It remains to tie 2 strong ropes, and a children's swing
ready to give.

You can make such a swing for the kids. For these use:
  • tire;
  • wooden board;
  • bars;
  • saw;
  • paint;
  • self-tapping screws.
Saw the tire in half. Attach a board to any half, mark where the bars will be located. Also attach them to the tires with self-tapping screws. It remains to paint your creation, let the coating dry, and the swing is ready to give the photo shows the stages of work.

How to decorate a mirror in the house?

Not only on suburban area you can embody a lot of interesting things with your own hands, the ideas of your home will tell you how to decorate a backyard or city dwelling at the lowest cost.

See how to decorate a mirror to make it stand out. If you spent a vacation at the sea, brought shells from there, use this design element. You can also buy them in the store. To decorate the mirror, take:

  • mirror;
  • degreasing solution;
  • shells;
  • glue.
Shells can be glued around the perimeter on the mirror itself or on its durable frame. If you want the decor to be in the same style, take shells of various shapes, but of the same color scheme.

When decorating rectangular mirrors, place large elements in the corner. Arrange identical shells in groups.

The pebble looks nice too. See how the decor of the mirror is done with the help of such smooth pebbles.

In order for the shells and stones to hold well, do not forget to first degrease the surface, and then glue these decorative elements to it.

And here are other ideas for the home, which are also interesting to implement with your own hands. See how to decorate a mirror with a mosaic.

For work, take:
  • sheet of thin plywood or hardboard;
  • jigsaw;
  • glue;
  • mosaic tiles;
  • double sided tape;
  • mirror.
We follow these instructions:
  1. Put the mirror on a sheet of hardboard or plywood, outline it, leaving the same allowances for the frame on all sides, cut it out. If you have a wood or plastic frame ready, use that.
  2. Attach the mirror to the base with double sided tape.
  3. When applying glue to the frame, apply mosaic elements here. They can be left as such or at the end of the work, apply grout, let it dry, remove the excess with a soft cloth.
And here's how to decorate a mirror with ordinary plastic spoons.

For this idea, use:
  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • plastic spoons;
  • paint in a can;
  • pencil;
  • mirror.
  1. Cut off the handles of the spoons. We do not need these elements.
  2. Put a mirror in the center of a sheet of cardboard, outline. Outline the outer line along which to cut the frame.
  3. We begin to glue blanks from spoons first inside, stepping back from the place where the mirror will be glued. After completing the first row, go to the second, then to the next.
  4. When all the blanks are glued, cover them with spray paint, let it dry.
  5. Glue a mirror to the center of the frame.
By the way, from spoons, but from metal ones, wonderful interior items are obtained. If the old lampshade has become unusable or burnt out, drill holes in the upper part of the spoons, thread the fishing line here, tie it to the upper ring of the lampshade.

Having cut off the handle at the metal fork, bend the rest with pliers and get such an original ring.

A grater will help you store your earrings in an original way and never lose them at home.

Crafts from kinders

Children love to receive kinder surprises as a gift, eat chocolate, and take out a toy. Do not throw away plastic packaging, they will also give a lot of interesting ideas for your home, garden.

Let a vase with flowers flaunt on the table that will never wither. For such an interior decor, take:

  • plastic packaging from under kinder surprises of different colors;
  • straws for a green cocktail;
  • scissors;
  • small glass jar.
Take two halves of a kinder egg, cut in a zigzag pattern at the bottom. The next step should be taken by adults. Clamp the nail with pliers, heat it over the burner, make a hole on the back of the half of the egg. Insert a straw here.

To secure it, cut with scissors or tie directly into the tulip over the hole in a knot.

After the kinder toys are removed from the eggs, plastic packaging can be used to make interesting entertainment for young children.

This will require:
  • kinder surprise packaging
  • a hammer;
  • nail;
  • pliers;
  • lace;
  • caps from plastic bottles.
Lay the lids on a work surface and use a nail and hammer to make holes.

And in a plastic container, make it with a hot nail. When the blanks have cooled, you can use them. Pull the string through the hole in the plastic egg, tie a knot on the back.

Educational toy for children is ready to use. Let the baby string the lids on the string.

So that the end of the lace does not fray, grease it with natural glue made from starch brewed with boiling water. Do not use artificial glues for such a children's toy.

To diversify useful entertainment, invite your child to string lids with holes on the pyramid, and its elements on a string.

Such a pyramid and a kinder toy also looks good in the interior, as well as a tea set.

For him, the child will need:
  • Kinder surprise containers;
  • plasticine;
  • a sheet of glossy cardboard.
To make a teapot, let the child roll a thin “sausage” out of plasticine, cut it in two. One half will become the spout, and the other half will become the handle of the teapot. Develop fine motor skills other actions will also help: let the baby make another oval of plasticine, cut it into circles with a plastic knife. The largest one needs to be attached to the top of the teapot, and decorate it with the rest.

By the same principle, a sugar bowl is made and cups are decorated. Saucers - from plasticine.

From thin paper ribbons, you can make elements using the kanzashi technique and attach them by making: a teapot, a samovar, cups, a sugar bowl.

Such DIY ideas for the home will help unity with the child, make the living room even more comfortable. After all, then you will play tea drinking with him, seating dolls and animal figures next to him. To do this, make these stools with your children, for which you need:
  • hair bands;
  • toothpicks;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
To make a seat for the first stool, glue elastic bands folded in half to the cardboard, for the second one, the rubber bands are sewn in pairs and then interconnected. For a yellow seat, the elastic bands of this color need to be twisted. To do this, the second is threaded into the first, twisted, then the third into the second, and so on.

The rubber blanks are glued or sewn to the cardboard, then you need to glue 4 toothpicks on each stool - these are the legs.

For a kinder collection, several chocolate eggs are required. And from the remaining container you can make a Christmas wreath or just decorate your home. To do this, plastic packaging needs to be painted acrylic paints, and then glue together in the form of a ring.

If you want to get such funny chickens, then glue red paws from colored paper on them. From the same material make eyes and beaks.

Putting 4 black rubber bands on each yellow package from under the kinders, you need to bend the wire in the form of antennae, glue paper wings, and paint the muzzle. You get such mischievous bees.

And here are other ideas for creativity that will decorate the house. Let children's work be placed on the stand. Show them how to make these adorable animals using plastic containers from kinder surprises and plasticine.

And if you cut out strips from cardboard, fold each into a pentagon, glue them together, then you get such honeycombs. Plant bees here, and you will have a natural corner at home.

Similar material is useful outside the city. Such ideas for giving will tell you how to decorate a mesh fence.

And to make juicy strawberries, take:
  • Kinder egg packaging;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brush;
  • pencil;
  • wire;
  • green plastic bottle;
  • scissors;
  • candle.
Manufacturing instructions:
  1. If your Kinder packages are not red, cover them with paint of this tone.
  2. When it dries, by lowering the pencil lead into black paint, make dots on the berries.
  3. Cut off the neck of the bottle. Next, working with scissors, cut the tape from the bottle in a spiral. To attach it to the wire, heat sections of it over a flame and wrap it with plastic tape.
  4. Cut out a small circle from the bottle, make its edges zigzag. This is the green of the berry.
  5. Heat the remaining free tip of the wire over the flame, pierce the greens of the “berry” with it first, then it itself. Bend this end of the wire with pliers.
  6. Use glue or a flame to attach the green plastic leaves to the trunk. Here is the garden figurine you got.

If you want to see other interesting ideas for giving from improvised material, watch the video.

The second one tells how to decorate mirrors with film and rhinestones.

Our selection of creative home ideas that can turn the usual idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing.

Sometimes it is enough for us that things are simply beautiful and functional. Everyone wants to have a thing in the house that would make their friends jealous and make a dull life easier and more fun.

And not necessarily these are trinkets, from which there is no use in the house. Creative things can become a real helper in the house and make life easier. By the way, you can make them yourself. The main thing is to show imagination and a little humor.


The front door can perform not only its direct function. It can also turn into a ping pong table.


Creative things can not only decorate the interior, but also please pets.


A lamp can turn a house into a mysterious forest.


The hammock becomes a comfortable place to sleep.


Fans of a ride on the stairs can now protect themselves from injury thanks to a special wooden slide.


A staircase that simultaneously functions as a bookcase is the dream of any owner.


The stairs can also be a convenient place to store things.


The garden can be organized not only in the area adjacent to the house, but also right in the kitchen.


An unusual solution for wine cellar equipment, isn't it?


To drink a bottle of wine on the beach, it is not necessary to go to warmer climes. A beach and a place for a fire will decorate any yard.


There will also be an outdoor cinema.


A tree house for a child will look harmonious in the room.


Staircases can be used as a hammock.


Stained-glass windows in the door replace the lamp.


The kitchen can turn into a real skate park.


However, any rounded wall will do for a skateboard.


A pool for the lazy or ... for lovers of everything amazing.


Normal dinner table can be…

Place for billiards.


A swimming pool instead of the usual floor in the house will save you on those days when you do not want to sunbathe.


A small coffee table can serve as a fireplace.


A coffee table on wheels can also become a place for a fire.


The head of the bed will not seem boring if you turn it into an aquarium.


It's easy to work and feel like you're sitting on the beach at the same time! You just need to get a small home sandbox.


Not only the interior, but also the facade of the house can be amazing. It is enough to install an open podium for walking cats.


A home slide for those who have kept a piece of their childhood.


Such a mobile office can be placed almost anywhere.


Balcony pools look luxurious and intimidating at the same time.


The swing table will make ordinary family gatherings memorable.


A portable ping pong seat can be placed directly on the kitchen table.


The bathroom can be made right... on the site of an abandoned elevator shaft.


An ordinary bathtub will become a real decoration if it becomes transparent.


And a place to sleep can become unusual if you turn it into a pirate ship.


Such a homemade ice cave will be remembered by your guests for a long time.