Robotics at school pencil drawing. Simply, beautifully and with pleasure we draw a cool robot. Drawing special robots

But it's not too much good way learn to draw, because such drawings require quite good skills in this matter. Let's take something faster. I propose draw Bender from Futurama.

Everyone has probably seen the popular American sci-fi satirical animated series created at 20th Century Fox by Matt Groening and David Cohen.

There are many interesting characters that I will draw in the future and write lessons on how to do it step by step, so stay tuned for updates and new drawing lessons. But the Bender robot is especially interesting. Although they try to show him as a bad hero: they call him a foul language, a bending robot and a kleptomaniac, he still remains the idol of millions of viewers.

I especially liked him clear phrases, which subsequently became motives for jokes, anecdotes and comics. I also tried to make something similar to a comic. It turned out to be a single frame like a meme, but still looks pretty funny. I used one of famous phrases Bender in the animated series.

Read the article to the end and you will see for yourself!

Now let's move on to the lesson.

First of all, we must imagine what does a robot look like. Use the recommendations that I gave in the lesson "". If you haven't read this tutorial yet, then by all means do it. And here I will give a few basic recommendations.

How should it look preparation for drawing:

  • Carefully inspect your object;
  • Watch how it is positioned;
  • Do a warm-up;
  • Draw circles, vertical and horizontal lines.

Why all this is needed, I think it’s already clear - this is a warm-up. Just like all great athletes, singers, writers, you should warm up. You need not only to feed the imagination, but also to teach your hand to draw easily and naturally.

If you are too lazy (??) You have already done all this, go to the first stage of drawing.

We make a sketch of the future robot. In the middle is a square symbolizing the body, later arms, legs, and we mark the approximate location (perhaps even height) of the head on top with a horizontal line. Don't try draw it in its entirety as in the first picture, it is enough just to depict the location of all parts of the body with a stroke. We'll get to the details later.

Step two. There's always room in Bender's belly for all sorts of rubbish, a bottle of alcohol, money, necessary, in this moment, button and knob. We draw this door as well as the location of the torso itself.

Step three. We make the head look like a cylinder and fasten the antenna from above. In the animated series attached great importance this accessory (gee-gee). Bender's antenna is compared in value with manhood.

Step four. Already applied strokes can be earned with an eraser and refine the edges. Let's move on to detailing the head. Bender's eyes are two balls (these are lamps along the way, I still don't understand). And in place of the mouth we will make a checkered surface.

Also look closely at your hands. There are some folds, circles in the shoulder part. You can first draw the circles completely, and then remove the excess with an eraser to make them smoother. Although I think, after a warm-up, they should be even for you anyway.

Step five. The applied strokes are again removed slightly with an eraser and we apply an already confident bold line. We detail the elements of the head. We draw hands. Bender has only three fingers and they are bent into a fist.

Step last. Remove all auxiliary lines and circle the outlines of the robot. Here's how you should have done it.

In this lesson, we will again draw a robot with a pencil in stages, but first we will practice again in drawing squares in perspective! In this drawing, this is the most important basis. Take a blank piece of paper and draw 15 squares in perspective. Follow the first three steps very carefully. In a few more days you will be able to draw those squares with your eyes closed!

1. Place two dots far apart. Make your drawing full page of the album.

2. Place your finger in the middle between these points and draw two more: one above and one below the finger. Now you have two points far apart and two points close in the middle. These first points are very important for the correct construction of the entire drawing. If they are even slightly skewed, then the whole pattern will “melt” as in microwave oven! Be very careful in the location of these first points.

3. Connect the dots, completing the square in perspective. This is a very important figure. With it, you can draw huge skyscrapers, a cruise liner sailing in pacific ocean or even a spaceship!

4. Make sure the middle line is drawn a little longer. Remember the rule that near objects are lower on the paper? This is the law of location (to brush up on all the basics, go to the article ""). Therefore, to make the bottom edge of the box look closer, draw the middle line a little longer.

5. Connect the bottom edges of the box, this will be the body of the robot. Now we draw the near leg, again we make the middle line longer. We hid the upper leg behind the torso using the law of overlap. Also, we must use "size": the near leg should be larger than the far one. In one drawing, all the drawing rules in 3D must be combined, so we will give the effect of depth and volume to the drawing. Have you noticed that it is necessary to move the midline of the leg away from the midline of the torso? This gives the image more character.

6. Relax your hand, make light lines. Add guide lines at the bottom of the legs. These lines will also help in drawing the large feet of the robot.

7. Guess what's next? More guides! Use the lines drawn in the previous step to draw new ones. Now you understand how important that first square was in perspective. Each line drawn after the first square is built according to it, from the "top to toe" of the robot.

8. Add more guides to the feet.

9. Complete the feet. Note that even the casting shadow follows the guides. Let's outline the shape of the head and draw the holes for the arms in perspective. The arms will cover the sleeves, and the contour lines will give them volume and shape. Another circle in perspective will be in place of the face. A circle in perspective is as important a figure as a square. I want you to draw 15 perspective circles on a blank sheet of paper to practice. Here's a tip: start with two dots spaced far apart, and then connect them to form an oval. Keep it flat, just like a square. If the oval is too open, almost like a circle, it will change the construction of the whole drawing.

10. It's time for the fun part. Apply shadows, face, cool helmet, antenna and hands. Compose the story of your robot: where is it from, what is its mission?

Leave your robots and stories about them in

Drawing a robot is interesting and fun, and a friendly and funny one is doubly so. The next video is the best proof of that.

Interesting to know! The word "robot" was coined by the Czech writer Karel Capek, who first used it in one of his plays in 1920. Now, the once fantastic inventions of screenwriters have become powerful machines, indispensable helpers of man, which surround us everywhere.

How to draw a robot step by step

All boys simply adore robots - mechanical soldiers with superpowers, transformers and valiant defenders. Watch the step-by-step robot drawing diagram and draw with me.

1. Draw lines representing the figure and pose of the robot.

2. Use the 3D boxes, cylinders and circles to sketch out the body parts of the cyborg.

3. Guided by the drawing and your imagination, add features to the robot. I'm sure you will easily succeed, because you are still a dreamer, right?

4. Improve the drawing: draw clear, even lines, add small details.

5. Once again, carefully outline the main details of the robot's body.

6. Erase extra lines.

7. Color the image.

Great job!

Interesting to know! Camel races are very popular in the countries of the East. However, the rider is a heavy burden for the animal, so earlier, children from 4 years old were often used to control camels. Moreover, they could not be fed for a long time in order to reduce the weight of the child. Fortunately, child labor has been banned in the UAE and Qatar. This has led to the mass production of jockey robots that are guided remotely.

How to Draw a Terminator Robot

Hasta la vista, baby! - Who doesn't know the legendary expression of the Terminator? The phrases of this iron warrior instantly scattered into quotes. If you are also in awe of the formidable Terminator agent, the savior of mankind, then the next step by step diagram - just for you.

1. Sketch the body and arms of the robot.

2. Draw the glasses, hair and fingers of the Terminator. With light movements, draw the details of the gun.

3. Now move on to drawing the face, in particular the nose and lips. Shade the glasses, some parts of the head and neck. Draw the folds on the clothes.

4. Erase the guide lines. Clearly draw the contours of the body. Ready!

Interesting to know! Do you know, friend, that the smartest robot today is Honda's ASIMO? This humanoid machine moves independently, recognizes faces, responds to its name and can change behavior depending on the circumstances. And if "ASIMO" accidentally sees you with friends playing football, it will not refuse to play once.

How to draw a simple robot

A simple scheme for those who want to draw a robot quickly and effortlessly. A robot is created from squares, rectangles, trapezoids and circles, so you can easily reproduce the drawing. Forward!

1. First, draw a square in the middle of the sheet. This is the torso. Add details.

2. Now draw the head. Detail images.

3. Draw the limbs.

4. And now add details on the stomach and arms of the robot.

That's all.

How to draw a Lego Ninjago character

The men from the animated cartoon "Lego Ninjago" are very reminiscent of robots. Let's learn how to draw one of them.

1. First draw the eyes and eyebrows. Determine the width of the head. Above the eyebrows, sketch a star, and draw a curve under the eyes to cover the face.

2. Now draw the head and the bandage that covers the nose and mouth.

3. Sketch the body and draw the armor on the shoulder.

4. Designate the location of the legs and arms. Draw a bandage.

5. And now draw the hands and outline the shape of the legs.

6. Now it's up to the small - draw swords and fold lines on the body.

Interesting to know! The more automatic device resembles a person, the more we like it. But when this similarity reaches a certain point, the robot begins to frighten us, most likely due to minor inconsistencies with reality. This effect is called "evil valley". That's why the creators of animated cartoons deliberately draw goodies-robots not too similar to people.

Congratulations! Now you know how to draw a robot, so good luck with your drawings and, as they say, "I "ll be back."

And how to draw the heroes of popular cartoons, read here:

Robots are often seen in a variety of cartoons and movies. Every child at least once, but saw this hero. Many people think that it is difficult to portray him, but in fact it is not. According to our instruction on how to draw a robot with a pencil step by step for children, even a beginner in this type of creativity will cope with these drawings.

Friendly robot

If you succeeded, then there will be no problems with this work. This drawing is simple, even if you are new to this art. The main thing is to follow our instructions. Before starting the creative process, prepare an album and felt-tip pens.

Have you prepared? Now we will tell you how to draw a robot in stages:

The picture is ready. Since you learned how to draw a robot for a child, let's continue our fine art lessons with other paintings.

cute robot

If we coped with the previous drawing, let's portray the hero in a different way. For this work, you will need the same tools and materials as for the previous image. But the creative process itself will be more difficult.

Let's start drawing:

Ready. This lesson is not difficult, even if you are a child, you can easily cope with it.

Robot Wall-E

We will not stop there. We offer to portray a character from one popular cartoon. Drawing, of course, is difficult for beginner artists, but if all the requirements are met, you can handle it without much difficulty. Prepare a simple pencil, an album for creativity and a set of colored tools, we took pencils.

Ready? Let's start drawing:

Wall-E is ready..

Baymax in armor

And the previous versions of the work, we propose to draw one of the main characters of the animated film "City of Heroes" by Baymax. For work, you will need felt-tip pens and an album for creativity.


The drawing is ready. Now you know how to draw a robot for a child. And if you involve him in this creative process, then he will be much more interesting.

Blacktop in full growth

Let's continue to draw characters from popular films and cartoons. This time we propose to find out how you can draw the Blacktop robot with pencils using step by step instructions for a child.

This character is one of the main characters from the movie Real Steel. Almost everyone who watched the movie knows what this hero looks like. Therefore, the difficulties with creative process will not arise, and if you are a beginner and decide to start studying immediately with this drawing, we recommend that you follow our instructions.

Prepare, pencils and an album and start drawing:

  1. In the middle of the sheet we draw two lines connected in a corner.
    Draw another corner to the inside of the corner. From the three upper corners we draw small segments upwards. With in the middle of the figure, draw a square and divide it into parts by horizontal lines.
  2. We complete the sketch. Above this figure we show a rectangle. We show eyes on the face of the character. We specify the details in the drawing, and depict the helmet. We shade the middle of the helmet.
  3. Under the head with vertical segments we show the neck. We draw a horizontal line under this part. Add lines in the upward direction and connect them to the neck.
    We also direct a line that is identical in turns. We draw a rectangle with expanding sides. From every corner of this figure. We direct the lines down. Immediately below the rectangle we show the main part.
  4. Draw three circles under the drawn part. We detail them and direct the elements. We finish the bottom of the body and complete the drawing with the beginning of the arms. Separate them with a thick line. We continue to draw the bottom, while highlighting areas in the form of stripes.
  5. Add a rectangle with a narrowed bottom to the bottom of the silhouette. On the sides of the bottom, add one inclined rectangle. In the middle of the silhouette we depict one element of protection. Refine the sides. Draw the upper parts of the legs. We add details and display the lower limbs. Detailing the image.
  6. Draw up, hands. We refine and direct all the details of the hands. We circle the entire character with a pen and you can color it.
  7. We paint the main part of the body in red. Gray paint the areas on the hands. Black sketch all the other parts. We cover the eyes and details on the body with yellow.

The drawing is ready. Now you know how to draw a robot in an easy way.

Good afternoon, today we are drawing transformers again, or rather, we are drawing Shockwave from the cartoon “Transformers”. To begin with, we will tell a little what kind of transformer it is. Shockwave is one of the most dangerous Decepticons. In terms of strength and firepower, he is able to compare even with Megatron. Astromagnesium cannon on his right hand- a powerful and dangerous weapon. The most noticeable feature of the appearance of the transformer ...

Good afternoon, today we are drawing Hiro Hamada and Baymax - characters from the cartoon "City of Heroes", which was released in cinemas in the winter of 2014. The main characters of this full-length cartoon, cheerful and cheerful Hiro Hamada and his faithful friend robot Baymax immediately became loved all over the world. Still, which of the boys and girls would not like to have such ...

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