Intimate services of a virgin in Krasnodar. Lawlessness in the Krasnodar Territory, judges make decisions in favor of their sponsors Viktor Syrtsov biography

Sochi resident Andrei Dzyatkovsky was sentenced to fourteen years in prison for the murder of businesswoman Liana Syrtsova. The woman was shot dead in March 2012 near her own store "Venice" in the center of Sochi, the criminal also wounded a passerby. The defendant Dzyatkovsky pleaded guilty and named the organizer of the crime, who, according to him, ordered the murder of a woman because of a long-standing conflict with the Syrtsov family.

The Central District Court of Sochi has sentenced Andrei Dzyatkovsky, a 36-year-old employee of a private security company: he was found guilty of the murder of businesswoman Liana Syrtsova, as well as the attempted murder of Dmitry Anenkov, who happened to be at the scene of the crime. The court sentenced Dzyatkovsky to 14 years in a strict regime colony. The hearing was held in a special order, the defendant pleaded guilty and entered into a pre-trial agreement.

Liana Syrtsova died from a hitman's bullet on the evening of March 22, 2012 - a woman left her own Venice store on the main street of Sochi and went to a butcher's shop, at that moment a man approached her and shot her in the back of the head. Two more bullets hit a bystander. After that, the killer fled, throwing a Glock pistol on a flower bed. The crime took place in a crowded place, but eyewitnesses could not describe the killer in detail, and it was not possible to catch him in hot pursuit.

Law enforcement officers came to the trail of the killer only five years later. The investigation found that at the time of the murder, Andriy Dzyatkovsky's car was near the crime scene, and a sample of biological materials taken from the gun matched the man's DNA. As a result, the accused confessed to the murder, explaining that the weapon was given to him by his acquaintance, for whom he worked as a driver and security guard.

According to Dzyatkovsky, in 2012 his boss told him that a certain woman allegedly intended to organize his murder and the murder of his relatives. Dzyatkovsky was given the signs of a woman, after which he, together with his acquaintance Kirill Novikov, began surveillance, and then, choosing a convenient moment, attacked the woman.

After the murder, Andrey Dzyatkovsky received the documents of a citizen of Ukraine and went to Thailand, where he activated bank cards given to him by his boss, which received about 60 thousand rubles a month, according to the defendant, this was the fee for the murder. In 2017, Dzyatkovsky was detained in Thailand and extradited to Russia. After that, the alleged initiator of the murder fled and was put on the federal wanted list.

The prosecution suggested that Dzyatkovsky be sentenced to 14 years in prison. When imposing a sentence, the court took into account data about his personality, in particular, the status of a combat veteran and the medal "For Courage", which he received during a special operation in Chechnya.

Lawyer Timur Filippov, who represents the Syrtsov family, told Kommersant-South that the victims are satisfied with the verdict, they consider it lawful and justified. “It took great efforts on the part of law enforcement agencies, which identified the criminal and collected irrefutable evidence of Andriy Dzyatkovsky's guilt,” the lawyer said.

In the near future, the court will receive a criminal case against Kirill Novikov, who is charged with complicity in the murder.

As Kommersant-South wrote earlier, three relatives of businessman Viktor Syrtsov died in Sochi several years ago (disappeared in 2002, the disappearance remained unsolved): in 2010, Syrtsov's son-in-law Eduard Kagosyan was killed, in March 2012, Viktor Syrtsov's wife was killed Liana, and in October 2012 Kagosyan's son-in-law Timur Mamulia was killed. According to investigators, all three murders were committed due to a long-standing conflict in which the family has been involved since the nineties. The Syrtsov-Kagosyan family controlled various businesses, including the Melodiya shopping center and Sochi Furniture Factory LLC, construction companies, catering enterprises and hotels. In 2017, the trial of the murder of Kagosyan and Mamulia ended in the Krasnodar Regional Court - the jury acquitted the defendants Denis Murdalov and Timur Matua, but the Supreme Court overturned the verdict, and soon the case will be sent for a new trial.

Anna Perova, Krasnodar

Veteran of the war in Chechnya, a resident of Sochi, Andrey Dzyatkovsky, was sentenced to fourteen years in prison for the murder of businesswoman Liana Syrtsova, committed more than six years ago. The court took into account his cooperation with the investigation, as well as the medal received for participation in hostilities in Chechnya.

Liana Syrtsova was shot dead in March 2012 near her Venice store in the center of Sochi, while the attacker wounded a bystander. Representatives of the investigation claimed that they had suspects, but due to publications in the media, they managed to escape.

A 36-year-old employee of a private security company, Andrei Dzyatkovsky, suspected of murder, was detained in Thailand in 2017 and extradited to Russia, TASS informs.

Andrey Dzyatkovsky pleaded guilty, entered into a pre-trial agreement and named the organizer of the crime, who, according to him, ordered the murder of a woman because of a long-standing conflict with the Syrtsov family, Kommersant informs on July 16.

The hearing was held in a special order. The court sentenced Dzyatkovsky to 14 years in prison in a strict regime colony. When imposing a sentence, the court took into account data about his personality, in particular, the status of a combat veteran and the medal "For Courage", which he received during a special operation in Chechnya.

As follows from the testimony of Dzyatkovsky, in 2012, his acquaintance, for whom he worked as a security guard and driver, the chief told him that a certain woman allegedly intended to organize his murder and the murder of his relatives. Dzyatkovsky was given the signs of a woman, after which he began spying, and then, choosing a convenient moment, attacked the woman.

The alleged initiator of the murder escaped and was put on the federal wanted list.

Lawyer Timur Filippov, representing the Syrtsov family, said that the victims were satisfied with the verdict. “It took a lot of effort on the part of law enforcement agencies, which identified the offender and collected irrefutable evidence of the guilt of Andrei Dzyatkovsky,” the lawyer quoted the publication as saying.

Liana Syrtsova was the wife of businessman Viktor Syrtsov, who went missing in 2002 and the disappearance remains unsolved. In 2010, her son-in-law Eduard Kagosyan was killed; in October 2012, Kagosyan's son-in-law Timur Mamuliya was killed. In 2017, the trial of the murder of Kagosyan and Mamuliya ended in the regional court - the jury acquitted the defendants Denis Murdalov and Timur Matua, but the Supreme Court overturned the verdict.

Andrey Dzyatkovsky

Veteran of combat operations in Chechnya Andrei Dzyatkovsky was deported to Russia from Thailand in mid-2017, where he was hiding from justice for almost 5 years, receiving 60 thousand rubles a month on bank cards from those who ordered the murder.

The Central District Court of Sochi sentenced 36-year-old Andrey Dzyatkovsky, whom the court found guilty of the contract murder of businesswoman Liana Syrtsova, as well as the attempted murder of Dmitry Anenkov, a Sochi resident who happened to be at the scene of the crime. This is reported by the publication "Kommersant-Rostov-on-Don".

The court sentenced Andrey Dzyatkovsky to 14 years in a strict regime colony, taking into account the pre-trial agreement he concluded with the investigation, the status of a combat veteran and the medal "For Courage", which he received during a special operation in Chechnya.

Defendant Dzyatkovsky pleaded guilty, naming the organizer of the crime, who, according to him, ordered the murder of a woman because of a long-standing conflict with the Syrtsov family. The publication does not name the customer, however, it was previously reported that Liana Syrtsova was killed during a vendetta between two Sochi criminal clans. The son of crime boss Nikolai Huseynov, businessman Roman Huseynov and his cousin Salih Hasanov were named as customers of the media.

Liana Syrtsova, the wife of Viktor Syrtsov (Viktor Nerussky), a "authoritative" businessman who went missing in 2002, was shot dead in March 2012 near her own Venice store in the center of Sochi. The killer also wounded a bystander, after which he fled, throwing the Glock from which the murder was committed into a flower bed.

It was not possible to catch the killer in hot pursuit, but after 5 years he was detained in Thailand and extradited to Russia. All these years, having received the documents of a citizen of Ukraine, Dzyatkovsky lived in Thailand, where he received about 60 thousand rubles monthly on bank cards from the customer as a fee for the murder.

During the investigation, Dzyatkovsky confessed to the murder. According to Dzyatkovsky, Liana Syrtsova was ordered by his employer, for whom he worked as a driver and security guard. The customer informed him that Syrtsova intended to organize the murder of him and his relatives. After that, the alleged initiator of the murder fled and was put on the wanted list.

The lawyer of the Syrtsov family told the publication that the victims are satisfied with the verdict, they consider it lawful and justified. In the near future, the court will receive a criminal case against Dzyatkovsky's accomplice Kirill Novikov, who, on behalf of the killer, followed the victim on the eve of the murder

As The CrimeRussia reported earlier, Liana Syrtsova was also known as the mother-in-law of a local authority from the retinue of thief in law Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan), businessman Eduard Kagosyan, nicknamed Karas. He himself was killed in Sochi two years earlier by his mother-in-law, and in October 2012, Timur Mamuliya, the son-in-law of Kagosyan himself, was killed. According to investigators, all three murders were committed due to a long-standing conflict in which the Syrtsov-Kagosyan family clan has been involved since the 90s.

In 2016, the alleged organizer of the murders of Eduard Kagosyan and Timur Mamuliya and accomplice Pyotr Pinchuk was extradited from Greece.

Petr Pinchuk

In February 2017, a jury of the Krasnodar Regional Court found Denis Murdalov not guilty of the murders of Kagosyan and Mamulia, but in May of this year, the Supreme Court overturned this decision, sending the case back for a new trial. The materials regarding Pinchuk were submitted to the court in December 2017. It was reported that his case could be merged with that of Denis Murdalov.

The heir of the criminal Sochi cooperator Nikolai Huseynov - Roman Huseynov - expands his possessions with the help of killers
We talked about the fact that in the pre-trial detention center in Rostov-on-Don there is an idle Petr Pinchuk, who is accused of organizing the murders of a prominent Sochi businessman Eduard Kagosyan and his relatives Timur Mamuliya and Liana Syrtsova. Last summer, Pinchuk was extradited from Greece, where he had been hiding from Russian investigators since the end of 2012. The accused is awaiting trial and refuses to testify about the person who ordered the crime; according to our information, he was promised freedom for his silence - a verdict of not guilty.
According to the version previously expressed by the operatives, the customer of the brutal crime is a friend of Pinchuk, a businessman who fled Russia. Roman Huseynov. He inherited his father's business empire Nicholas (Huseyn) Huseynov, who created it by criminal means in the dashing 1990s.

N. Huseynov

It is known that N. Huseynov, born in 1946, is a native of Dagestan, at the age of 17 he was convicted for rape, at 27 for robbery. In the 1980s, having been released from prison, he moved to the Black Sea, to Sochi and got a job at the Leader cooperative.
Soon, the Dagestani started extensive connections in the local underworld, his own group of "jocks" and began to enjoy credibility with crime. “Everyone knows that Sochi is Huseynov’s zone, and none of the criminals can come here without his permission,”- accomplices told about him.
Huseynov got things that were inaccessible to many at that time - foreign cars and a foreign passport, which allowed him to rest in Germany.
The authority had connections not only in the criminal world, but also in power, law enforcement structures. As a result, in Sochi at the turn of the 1990s, under the leadership of Huseynov, there were halls for "jocks", halls for slot machines, for which the most successful places in the city were assigned. Huseynov was even appointed director of the show program of the Sokrapol concern (according to the first syllables and letters of the words “Sochi”, “Krasnaya Polyana”, “Olympic Games”), they tried to promote him to the deputies of the Sochi City Assembly. But Huseynov did not manage to get a mandate - he once again went to prison, this time for the murder of racketeer Nikolai Tremzin. Tremzin, who arrived from Arkhangelsk, and his group imposed a "tribute" on the public catering of Dagomys, which was considered the patrimony of Huseynov. Soon a busy gathering of criminals took place at the Primorskaya Hotel, after which the racketeer was killed, and his accomplices fled from Sochi.

Primorskaya Hotel, Sochi

In the case of the murder of the Arkhangelsk racketeer Huseynov received only four years in prison in 1991 - the investigation and the court qualified the crime as "murder on the basis of a quarrel." Most likely, his patron, a Dagestani compatriot from the Sochi Department of Internal Affairs, helped knock down the term of authority Taigib Taigibov .
After returning from prison, Huseynov continued to build a future business empire, using connections with corrupt officials and law enforcement officers and criminal methods such as raider seizures. In the late 1990s, he gained control over the Mayak beach, which was located in the center of Sochi near the Marine Station, and built on it night club"Malibu". In the early 2000s, the Mayak water park and the Fregat restaurant were opened here. The former main beach of the resort town and the embankment became part of the empire of a criminal businessman. In the same 1990s, Huseynov also took over the Sochi-Magnolia hotel, a number of shops, and "supervised" the local alcohol and real estate markets. Allegedly, without his knowledge, no decisions were made in the resort city to allocate land to developers.
Luzhkov’s relatives had the audacity to present and kill prosecutors, to sell stolen buses for all kinds of government summits, - one of the commentators on the Web writes about Huseynov.
By the early 2000s, N. Huseynov had become a major Sochi businessman. He lived with his family (he has two sons) behind a high fence in a private cottage village on Dmitrieva Street. Here he was killed - in April 2003, two killers shot Huseynov and the driver when they left the house in a Mercedes.
Huseynov's business empire passed to his widow, sons Roman and Ruslan, nephew Salih Hasanov (nicknamed Alik Chechen) and " right hand» Oleg Turutkin(his nickname is Charlie). Huseynov's longtime patron, Taygib Taygibov, has always had an interest in this business. By the mid-2000s, the policeman made a career in the Sochi Department of Internal Affairs, heading the investigative department in it. A few years ago, Taigibov officially received a share in the empire business by giving his daughter Liana married the eldest son of Huseynov, Roman.

Liana Huseynova

The wedding was played at the Malibu nightclub, with a confluence of a large number"know". As Sochi bloggers said, among them
the guests were high-ranking city, regional, federal officials, security officials, prosecutors, judges and representatives of the leadership from neighboring republics.

Club "Malibu", Sochi

- And when the head of the investigative department marries his daughter to the son of such a person ... That's not right at all, Sochi bloggers write.
Now Taigibov's daughter, Liana, along with representatives of the Huseynov clan (husband Roman, his brother Ruslan, cousin Salih Hasanov and Oleg Turutkin) owns a hotel "Sochi-Magnolia".
Meanwhile, the citizens and the public of Sochi are calling for a revision of the criminal privatization of the 1990s, when both the Magnolia Hotel and beach "Mayak" along with the embankment were in the hands of Huseynov. In the last few years, the city hall has been freeing the embankment and the seashore from the buildings cluttering them - cafes, shops, entertainment venues. The Mayak water park, which today belongs to Roman Huseynov and Oleg Turutkin, also fell under this campaign. But businessmen oppose the authorities in the courts, local and federal "yellow" media, not wanting to part with profitable business. In 2000, Novaya Gazeta reported that taxes from the Mayak water park amounted to about 389 thousand rubles a year, which is equal to "three days of revenue from this noisy establishment." While the water park's shady profits "significantly exceed one and a half million dollars a year."
Fighting the criminal business empire of the Huseynovs is not easy for Sochi Mayor Pakhomov, because she has strong support in the person of Taygib Taygibov.

The now former head of the investigative department of the Sochi Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has retained connections in law enforcement structures, he is also supported by an old friend, the presidential envoy to the Southern Federal District Vladimir Ustinov. Taigibov's daughter Liana has a joint construction business with the influential ex-head of Norilsk Nickel, the owner of the Aqualoo complex, Johnson Khagazheev. Finally, Taygibov's son Ruslan works as a judge in Central region Sochi, and son Timur is connected with law enforcement structures. It is not for nothing that today in Sochi they are talking not just about the Huseynov clan, but about the Huseynov-Taygibov clan. Or about the Dagestan mafia that controls the resort city, which includes criminal businessmen, bandits, law enforcement officers, judges, and officials.
Moreover, the clan not only seeks to preserve the objects that were privatized in the criminal 1990s, but also to seize new ones. This desire of Roman Huseynov, according to one version, was the reason for the murder in 2010-2012 of a major Sochi businessman Eduard Kagosyan and his relatives Timur Mamuliya and Liana Syrtsova. Soon R. Huseynov fled the country, and is now on the international wanted list, and his wife Liana and father-in-law T. Taygibov are doing everything possible to take him away from punishment.

Roman Huseynov

For this, it is necessary that Pyotr Pinchuk, who is sitting in the Rostov pre-trial detention center, kept his mouth shut and expected an acquittal. Representatives of the Dagestani clan of the Huseynov-Taygibovs, according to our information, are now actively working for the freedom of Pinchuk.
F. Voropaev

"Golden" Khakhalev - "diamond" Dunyushin?

While bloggers and journalists enthusiastically studied the issues of the origin of the "golden judge" Elena Khakhaleva of millions for their daughter's luxurious wedding, the rest of the judges of the Krasnodar Regional Court did not sit idly by. But they actively worked with these hands to improve their own well-being in order to keep up with their already world-famous colleagues. Tellingly, when studying the biography of Khakhaleva (Zilkimiani), who defended the interests of the Georgian thief in law Petso in the judicial system, journalists found in her fate a noticeable similarity with the career of the ex-judge of the Arbitration Court already convicted of fraud Rostov region Svetlana Martynova, whose career was generously sponsored by the "owner of Kuschevka" Sergey Tsapok (

Secretly "supervising" the consideration of all land issues in the Krasnodar Regional Court today, Khakhaleva controls that their consideration is entrusted exclusively to the judges entrusted to her. Such, for example, as the "new star" of the Kuban justice Natalya Dunyushina. According to press reports, Dunyushina achieved “high-profile successes” in refereeing not only with the knowledge of Khakhaleva, but also under the direct supervision of the aforementioned Svetlana Martynova, who was arrested in June 2017 on charges of especially large-scale fraud. For 40 million rubles received from representatives of the Pokrovsky concern, Martynova promised the concern, but never re-registered 13 thousand hectares of land that previously belonged to Nadezhda Tsapok.

As the Kommersant newspaper ( reported, after a criminal case was initiated against Martynova in early 2017, she maliciously evaded investigative measures, in view of which she was declared in federal search. Perfectly versed in jurisprudence, Martynova did not appear on the calls of the investigator, referring to her allegedly unsatisfactory state of health. At the same time, as established in the TFR, Martynova provided legal services by participating in court proceedings of the Krasnodar Arbitration Court. Including in the case considered by Judge Dunyushkina.

And indeed, by opening the website of the television program “Moment of Truth” (, we will find the material “The Incident of Judge Dunyushkina”, in which Andrey Karaulov, known for his journalistic investigations, writes about how at least a very strange court decision by the same judge Natalya Dunyushkina, by which on February 28, 2017 she canceled her own previous decision from 2014 on repayment of all debts to the victims of the criminal activities of the Tsapkov gang residents of the Kuban at the expense of the property of Arteks-Agro LLC, the founder of which was designed by Nadezhda Tsapok.

As a result of this court decision, taken by Judge Dunyushkina three years later, the lands that were first given to Anna Danko, a resident of Kushchevka, labor veteran Anna Danko, on account of the debts of Artex-Agro LLC, were suddenly transferred with the wording “for immediate execution” to Agrocomplex Kushchevsky LLC. Noting that Agrocomplex Kushchevsky LLC had no rights to this land, Karaulov focuses on the very procedure of legal proceedings, in which the interests of Agrocomplex Kushchevsky were represented by the aforementioned Svetlana Martynova, who was already under investigation.

Karaulov emphasized in his material the procedure for making a court decision in this case. Obviously illegally relying in making his “strange” decision on the decision of the Chairman of the Kushchevsky District Court Viktor Seroshtan, already canceled by the collegium of the Krasnodar Regional Court, Dunyushkin makes a decision in favor of “Kushchevsky Acrocomplex LLC”, despite the arguments that Seroshtan’s decision has already been canceled. “But instead of listening, she exchanged glances with Svetlana Martynova, a representative of the Kushchevsky Agrocomplex, who was present in the hall. It is not otherwise that the former judge Martynova possesses some kind of magical power that makes the representatives of the law “strange” first Seroshtan, and then Dunyushkina, ”writes Karaulov.

A no less “strange” decision was made by Judge Dunyushkina on September 12, 2017, when about 100 equity holders of the Krasnodar residential complex “Valentina” and residential complex “Southern” came to the Krasnodar Regional Court from all over Russia, who suffered from fraudulent actions by the developer David Israelyan, his brother Vardan Israelyan and civil wife Stella Simonova. Opening the site Novaya Gazeta Kuban” (, we will find a publication under the self-explanatory title “Dunyushkina haste”, which tells about the next “miracles of judicial proceedings” in the Krasnodar Regional Court. And again Judge Dunshkin appears in all its glory.

Repeatedly postponing the court session and forbidding video filming, on September 12, 2017, Dunyushkina canceled the decision of the Prikubansky District Court previously made in favor of the defrauded equity holders and ruled in favor of Israelyans, already involved in a similar fraud with the construction of the Rostov residential complex Evropeisky. Dunyushkina thoroughly prepared for the adoption of a “difficult” decision. On this day, in the courtroom, deceived citizens were met by a whole detachment of bailiffs in bulletproof vests, who fenced her off from the people. With the help of bailiffs, Dunyushkina, apparently, decided to protect herself from the wrath of numerous and indignant interest-holders.

Due to the fact that Dunyushkina refused video filming to equity holders three times, the victims realized that there was no hope for the judge's objectivity and filed a motion to challenge her. Administration Representative municipality The city of Krasnodar in the trial also supported the removal of the judge. But the case continued to be considered in the same composition. As a result, Dunyushkina considered the case on the merits on the same day and overturned the decision of the court of first instance, taking the side of the Israelyan swindlers. The injured equity holders, leaving the courtroom, chanted: “Shame on the court!”, But what difference does that make? Judge Dunyushkina continues to make similar “strange” decisions, the adoption of which clearly traces the interests of ethnic organized crime.

As you know, Zilfimiani is far from the only "authoritative" Georgian surname in the Kuban, which has land interests. A very great influence on the judicial system of the Kuban is already long years possesses the well-known "business woman" of Georgian origin Liana Syrtsova, who is the sister of the Sochi crime boss Anzor Syrtsov. At the same time, if Elena Khakhaleva's husband Robert Zilpimiani has "business relations" with "thief in law" Peco, then Syrtsova's brother Anzor is more often mentioned in connection with the even more influential "thief in law" Shakro Molodoy.

Last summer, the influential Liana Syrtsova, not unreasonably counting on her wide connections, began illegal construction in Sochi on her land plot with a total area of ​​3,462 sq.m. on Estonskaya street, 73 in the village of Estosadok. On the site in this resort village, where the Olympic ski facilities are located, Syrtsova in July 2017 received permission to build three two-story cottages, with equal built-up areas of 297 sq.m. However, soon the construction of a multi-storey building with a total area of ​​1324 sq.m. was discovered on the site. with structures on the second floor.

Seeking the demolition of the illegal building, the Sochi mayor's office files a lawsuit against Liana Syrtsova in the Adler District Court, which on October 16, 2017 makes a decision to ban the construction, connection of the facility to utilities and registration actions. In turn, Syrtsova immediately files the regional court, where on December 14, 2017, Judge Dunyushkina quite predictably cancels the decision of the Anapa District Court and makes a decision contrary to the norms of the law and simple human logic in favor of Syrtsova, allowing her to continue illegal construction. Naturally, the Sochi mayor's office decided to protest such a ridiculous decision, also filing an appeal. Just as predictably, this appeal again went to Judge Dunyushkina, who, on March 22, will probably make another “strange” decision in favor of Liana Syrtsova and legitimize another building disgrace.

For Judge Dunyushkina, it is not a new decision to make such decisions. As Sochi social activist Valery Suchkov ( wrote in February 2017 in his blog on the Sochi website, “Judge Dunyushkin of the Krasnodar Regional Court, in the name of the Russian state, spits on the opinion of the Sochi administration, on his fellow judges who twice recognized this "arbitrary" violation as so gross that SUCH an object is subject to demolition - cancels the decisions of the two courts and recognizes it as legal. Telling in his publication “Are we trembling creatures? Everything is possible with us... And to anyone who wants to...?”, About the high-rise building erected without permission on Maly Akhun, Suchkov describes exactly the same construction site that Liana Syrtsova is conducting today in Estosadka. And at the same time, Suchkov writes about the “strange” decision of Judge Dunyushina, which is identical to her decision on the illegal construction site in Estosadka.

Summing up the “successes of justice”, which are administered by such judges as Elena Khakhaleva, Svetlana Martynova and their faithful student Natalya Dunyushina, I would like to end this article with the heartbreaking words of Valery Suchkov: “Well, okay, let's admit that our state is rotten to the core ... Rotten so that any lawlessness becomes lawful, any lie - the truth. We have no head of the city, no governor, no prosecutor, no FSB, no qualifying board of judges ... There is only one question left: who are we all, allowing this to be done to ourselves? Why, endlessly tolerate any lawlessness? And who is the next victim of this thieves' power?

Golden Judge Khakhalev

Lawlessness of the judges of Krasnodar!

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