Joy and consolation on a walk. Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God "joy and consolation". New modern forms of temple architecture

Icons of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" or the Temple-Memorial of Russian Sorrow on the Khodynka field

Khodynka Pole is an area in the north-west of the capital, named after the Khodynka River, which is now enclosed in a pipe. In the 19th century there were military camps, in the late XIX-early XX centuries - the Nikolaev barracks. In particular, the Don 1st Cossack Regiment and the 1st Grenadier Brigade of Count Bruce stood on Khodynka Field - it was for them that State Councilor I. Kolesnikov decided to build. Also in his application for construction, he indicated that he wanted to build (at his own expense) in memory of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, who lost his life in the heat of the 1905 revolution.

In fact, the monastery was built in honor of all those who died at the hands of the revolutionaries, doing their duty, so its second name is Temple-monument of Russian Sorrow. The solemn rite for the foundation of the temple was performed on April 29, 1907, on the birthday of the Grand Duke. The consecration of the monastery took place in April 1909.

Fidelity magazine, photo, 1910

According to the idea of ​​the architect V. Adamovich, it was erected in the Russian-Byzantine style. The walls are lined with yellow and red bricks, the columns and stucco molding are imitation of stone. The main volume of the building is supported by four massive pylons, each of which is crowned with a small squat dome. The central dome is located on a wide light drum, decorated with arcade-columnar belt. A three-arched belfry rises above the western wall, the outer arches of which are supported by graceful columns. The building is pierced by tall slit-like windows; the western entrance is designed in the form of a perspective portal. In general, the exterior is replete with arches, arcs, columns, and the cornices are decorated with ornaments, which is typical for Russian-Byzantine architecture.

The interior of the monastery was also rich. It contained an iconostasis made of white marble trimmed with gold and a shroud embroidered with silk and gold (according to a special drawing by V. Vasnetsov). royal doors(the main doors of the iconostasis), side doors to the altar, as well as chandeliers and various utensils were made of gold and silver. On the walls of the holy monastery were huge marble plaques with the names of those killed in 1904-1907. officials, also written in gold. All the icons of the temple, except for one, belong to the hand of V. Guryanov - "The Last Supper" was written by Vasnetsov. A few more images Temple-monument of Russian Sorrow received as a gift.

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" or the Temple-Memorial of Russian Sorrow on the Khodynka field

Everyone came to pray on the Khodynka field - from ordinary soldiers to royal people. Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna was also here. But, unfortunately, everything changed after the 1917 revolution - the name of Sergei Alexandrovich was hated by the new authorities, and the monastery was rich, and they began to rob it. In 1922 they took out silver utensils with a total weight of about 31 kg. And in February 1924 Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" on the Khodynka field closed and partially destroyed.

IN different time in its building there was a club, a hostel, a warehouse and a construction shop of an aircraft factory. In the 80s, they wanted to demolish the building in order to make more space for cars driving up to the mortuary of the hospital. Botkin. However, the head physician offered to restore the monastery. As a result, in January 1991 Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" returned to the believers.

The first spring flowers in Moscow bloomed near the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation", which is located on Khodynka Field at 16 Polikarpova Street. This temple is not so ancient, it is just over 100 years old, nevertheless, its history is reflected all Russian cataclysms of the last century.

At the beginning of the 20th century, for the 1st Grenadier Artillery Count Bruce Brigade and the 1st Don Cossack Generalissimo Prince Suvorov Regiment, the Nikolaev barracks were built near the Khodynka field. According to the project, the church was not provided for at the barracks, but on December 2, 1906, S.K. Gerschelman was entered with a petition by an honorary member of the Russian Monarchist Assembly in Moscow, a real state adviser I.A. Kolesnikov. The petition said:
“Fully recognizing the extraordinary efforts that the defenders of Moscow suffered in the sad December days for the benefit of its peaceful inhabitants, and wanting to thank them to the best of my ability for the labors incurred, I, a native of the quiet Don, had the intention to build at my own expense and under my personal supervision, the Temple for the Cossacks of the 1st Don Cossack Generallisimo Prince Suvorov Regiment and the 1st Grenadier Count Bruce Brigade, at their location on the Khodynka field, on the following conditions:
1) This temple is being built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called "Joy and Consolation". May our dear Cossacks and artillerymen in this temple receive in prayer "consolation" for the labors they have endured and "consolation" in case of grief that befalls them.
2) This temple is being built in memory of the former Moscow governor-general and commander of the Moscow military district, His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, who, by his death at the hands of a villainous revolutionary, sealed his devotion to the Tsar and the Motherland.

1. On the Khodynka field, next to the Nikolaevsky barracks, a plot of land was allocated, according to the project of the architect V.D. Adamovich approved the plans and facades of the new church.

2. On the birthday of Prince Sergei Alexandrovich on April 29, 1907, with a huge crowd of people, they made an unusually solemn laying of the Church-monument of Russian folk sorrow, which began at 11 o'clock in the morning with a majestic procession from the Kremlin.

3. The church was consecrated on April 5, 1909 by Metropolitan Vladimir of Krutitsy and Kolomna in the presence of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

4. The built temple was a bit like Thessalonica Church of the Twelve Apostles. The wall cladding was made of yellow and red bricks. Four massive pylons supported the walls of the temple with a dome, in which 12 oblong windows were made.

5. The pylons ended with domes, which gave them the appearance of five domes. Facade laid out facing brick, stucco molding and columns were made of imitation stone.

6. On the western side there is a rich belfry.

7. The temple, which freely accommodated 500 people, was richly decorated. There was a unique marble 2-tiered iconostasis with gold trim and a shroud embroidered with silk and gold by the nuns of the Moscow Alekseevsky monastery according to a special drawing by V.M. Vasnetsov, and the icon "The Last Supper" by his own brush. The rest of the icons were made by the Moscow icon painter V.P. Guryanov. By interior walls there were huge memorial plaques made of white marble with the names of officials killed for political reasons in 1904-1907, including non-Orthodox, that is, all "victims killed by seditious people in 73 provinces, regions, cities and military units, in the amount of 1845 people". Marble plaques, placed on both sides of the temple, seemed to be connected by an inscription on the middle arch: "No one has more sowing love, but who will lay down his life for his friends."

8. Subsequently, with the participation of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, the Community of Sisters of Mercy was organized at the temple.
The temple operated for only 12 years, bringing joy and consolation to people, but already in 1922 all silver items were seized. Then it housed the Red Army club, a hostel, a warehouse, and finally, the construction shop of the aircraft factory. All five chapters were demolished, the belfry was destroyed, the fence built into the new concrete fence was only partially preserved. From the surrounding modern buildings, the building was distinguished only by the remains of red and white masonry, imitating Byzantine traditions. On February 5, 1924, the temple was closed.

9. The temple building was scheduled for demolition in connection with the reconstruction of the Botkin hospital. However, thanks to the efforts of the chief physician of the hospital, I.P. Kuzin, in February 1990, the temple building was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church. The liberation of the building from the production equipment took place only on January 5, 1991, in the same year the temple was consecrated, and the restoration lasted until 1996.
On November 16, 2017, the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" on the Khodynka field was granted the status of "Cossack".

10. Under the beautiful golden canopy in the northern part of the temple is its main revered shrine - the icon of the Virgin "Joy or Consolation". This icon was painted on Athos with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II especially for the temple and is a list from the miraculous image located in the Vatopedi monastery.

On Kakhovka Street in Moscow there is a new Orthodox church built in honor of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation". The Temple of Joy and Consolation in the capital Kakhovka is active. Divine services, the sacraments of confession and various church rites are performed here daily.

The icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" is a miraculous image, revealed in the Vatopedi Monastery on Athos. Initially, it was an ordinary icon of the Virgin Mary with the baby Christ in her arms. Once, in an hour of danger for the monastery, she came to life to warn the monks of the misfortune that threatened them.

After this message, the figures of the Theotokos and Jesus Christ froze in a different position. This image enjoys great honors throughout the Christian world. He is truly miraculous. The image protects believers from various misfortunes, natural disasters, enemies and diseases. Day of veneration of the icon - January 21.

The Temple of Joy and Consolation in Moscow on Kakhovka Street is dedicated to the miraculous image of the Virgin. The holy image of the Mother of God for this monastery was painted and consecrated directly on the original in the Vatopedi Monastery. It is an exact copy of Our Lady of Vatopedi. The scroll written on Athos was solemnly brought into the temple on November 7, 2016. From now on, every believer can come and bow to the holy image and ask him for protection.

Today, the Temple of Joy and Consolation is a small wooden building erected in 2014. In the near future, a large brick temple is planned to be built in its place.

The church needs funds from benefactors to help complete construction works and decorate it Holy place.

There is a Sunday school at the temple, which began its work in 2014 with the blessing of the rector of this monastery, Alexander Melin. Children between the ages of 3 and 16 can study here. In the classroom, Sunday School students learn:

  • law of God
  • choral church singing,
  • history of Orthodox Russia,
  • needlework.

The holy monastery on Kakhovka has a social service, as well as various social events, such as bike rides, holiday concerts, festivals, Shrovetide, Christmas and Easter celebrations, open lessons and screenings of films on theological topics.

Useful information:

  • The official website of the temple:
  • Opening hours: daily from 08:00 to 19:00.
  • How to get to the church: the temple is located at the intersection of Kakhovka and Azovskaya streets. It is within walking distance from the Kakhovskaya metro station.

Note! Details for donations are listed on the official website of the church. As stated in Holy Scriptures: "He who sacrifices gains doubly."

Worship Schedule

The schedule of services in the temple changes in Great Lent and on major church holidays. In addition, periodically one weekday is allocated for the needs. You can follow the schedule of services on the official website of the church.

Another Orthodox church is located in Moscow, built in honor of the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Joy and Consolation”. Its history spans over one century.

The church was erected at the beginning of the 20th century on a plot of land allotted on the territory of the Khodynka field next to the barracks. It was consecrated in the presence of Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova.

Important! History: what is its meaning and how does it help.

Later, with the participation of the noble princess, an order of mercy was created within the walls of the monastery, which helped all suffering and needy people to overcome a difficult life period and gain faith in the Lord. However, under Soviet rule, the church was twice on the verge of demolition. But by the grace of God, it survived and today it receives within its walls numerous believers who wish to offer prayer to the Lord.

Important! The temple on the Khodynka field is located at the address Moscow, Polikarpova street, 16. You can get to it by metro, the church is a 15-minute walk from the Begovaya station.

The Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" on the Khodynka field is located next to the Botkin hospital. Thanks to this location, patients and relatives can visit the holy place to receive comfort in illness, pray and ask God for healing.

This holy church is located near the metro station Begovaya. You can get to it not only by metro, but also by regular buses.

Church sacraments of baptism, communion, confession, weddings, unction and priesthood are performed within the walls of the monastery. If necessary, if a person cannot come to church on his own, the priest can come to his home or hospital to perform the sacrament.

At the Botkin hospital there is also another temple, consecrated in 1911 in honor of the holy unmercenaries of Asia Cosmas and Damian. Initially, it was used to conduct the sacrament of the funeral. Today this small church is assigned to the temple of the icon of the Virgin "Joy and Consolation". Here the clergy conduct services, read prayers for the sick and the akathist to the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”. The church can be visited at any time to light a candle, offer praise and thanks to God.

Useful video

Summing up

The Orthodox church at the intersection of Kakhovka and Azovskaya streets was built relatively recently - in 2014. It was erected in honor of miraculous icon Mother of God "Joy and consolation". An exact copy of the icon of the Vatopedi Monastery is kept within the walls of this holy place. Any believer can turn to her in order to receive protection from enemies, threatening danger and serious illness. In Moscow, on the Khodynka field, there is another church consecrated in honor of the Vatopedi Mother of God. It is located on Polikarpova Street not far from the Botkin Hospital.

In contact with

In 2017, with the blessing of the Patriarch, construction began on a new Moscow church, the Church of the Image of Our Lady "Joy and Consolation" on Kakhovka.

More famous is the so-called "Cossack" temple of the same Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" on Khodynka. After all, this church, as the most “counter-revolutionary”, was one of the first nationalized by the Soviet government, and its restoration, which began in the 90s, was completed under Patriarch Alexy II.

The history of the temple and its sights

The church was erected in 1906-1909, under the motto "in gratitude for the efforts to preserve the peace of civilians in the sad days of the December events."

On the website of the temple, you can still see the motto from Scripture: "to those who lay down their lives for their friends."

Important! The temple was planned as a spiritual Orthodox center of memory, grief and those who defended the innocent. The temple of the image of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" on Khodynka was the first and only spiritual monument of the government's victory over the first Russian revolution of 1905.

No wonder it began to be built in 1906 at the barracks of the most distinguished in suppressing the rebellion (which, as is now widely known, was sponsored by the Old Believers as well) of the units ─ the First Grenadier Brigade and the Fourth Don Cossack Regiment.

Church "Joy and Consolation" on Khodynka field in Moscow

The architectural solution of the building, found by the Orthodox architect Vladimir Adamovich, is curious. Already knowing about the purpose of the temple, and about what kind of icon they were going to dedicate it to, the architect, like many Orthodox Russians who had repeatedly visited Mount Athos, decided to build the church not in his contemporary, but in the early Byzantine style: in imitation of the famous buildings of the monasteries of this pure and ancient source of our faith.

As a result, the building came out squat, based on massive pylons, small in appearance, but capable of accommodating about five hundred parishioners at a time. On Mount Athos, one can often see similar buildings erected in the 9th-12th centuries.

Before the revolution, the church became famous not only because of the dedication to the defenders of the fatherland in 1905. She was decorated best work Orthodox painters:

  • iconostasis with a shroud embroidered by nuns based on sketches by V.M. Vasnetsov;
  • icon by V. M. Vasnetsov;
  • icons of the then famous icon painter and Christian painter V.P. Gurianova;
  • colorfully designed martyrology of the victims of the revolutionaries in 1905-1906. on the walls of the main temple;
  • a list of the miraculous icon of the 10th century "Joy and Consolation" sent from Athos.

With the greatest difficulty, all these more artistic work were restored by 2000. The “Old Byzantine” masonry of the walls has also been preserved in the main.

But the unique belfries and the "golden domes" of the church had to be completely restored again. But the restorers were guided by the preserved photos of the church from the beginning of the 20th century, since V. Adamovich's sketches were not preserved.

The famous church on Khodynka was one of the first churches nationalized by the Soviet government, not only as a "place for worship", but also because of the obvious anti-revolutionary orientation of the Temple. In the late 80s, they wanted to demolish the unique building altogether.

Belfry of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation"

But since 1990, when it was again transferred by the state to the Moscow Patriarchate, restoration work was carried out in the church. Both at the expense of the ROC and voluntary donations. Moreover, today's Bishop of Krasnogorsk, the rector of the church in 1996-2002, hegumen Irinarkh worked harder than others.

The most famous clergymen of the temple

The tragic and still somewhat controversial figure of Hieromonk Hierax (I.M. Bocharov) entered the history of Russian Orthodoxy forever. After this follower of Elder Zosima lost his church at the age of 44, the parishioners of the temple not only remembered him with warmth, but also interceded with Patriarch Tikhon for him to be awarded a golden pectoral cross.

Hieromonk Hierax did not accept the declaration of Metropolitan (later - Patriarch) Sergius Stragorodsky and in the 1930s went underground. In 1943 he was arrested and sent to the Gulag, where, however, special conditions were created for him, like the famous Bishop of Kovrovsky, Bishop Athanasius. Both left the Gulag alive and subsequently lived in houses for former political prisoners.

On a note! O. Ieraks-Bocharov was convicted for underground anti-Soviet activities and for "pro-fascist sentiments" in 1943, when the attitude of Stalin and his entourage towards the church began to change for the better. But it was precisely in that year that the former Metropolitan Sergius, whose “declaration” the hieromonk subjected to sharp obstruction in 1927, became the Russian Patriarch. So it is not clear on whose initiative the arrest took place.

Temple "Joy and Consolation" today

Today, the church "on Khodynka" again attracts believers and curious tourists, being one of the unique Moscow sights.

Cossack Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation"

The temple has been completely restored and is what it was intended to be more than a century ago: the spiritual center of Russian grief for the innocent. Externally, the church also attracts the eye because of the unusual architectural style and new belfries. No wonder she is included in the list of "forty forties", the most interesting churches Moscow.

How to get there

The temple is located near the Botkin hospital, on Polikarpova street, 16. It is very convenient to get there even without a personal car, the navigator of which will always tell you how to go.

The Joy and Consolation Church is located in the Khoroshevsky District, in the triangle between the CSKA, Begovaya and Dynamo metro stations. It will be most convenient to go to Polikarpova Street from Begovaya, although from other stations this walk around Moscow will take you 10-15 minutes.

Attention! The main thing is not to confuse this famous temple with the new church in the metropolitan courtyard, dedicated to the same icon. In this case, instead of the center of Moscow, you run the risk of finding yourself in the South-Western region and looking for the intersection of Kakhovskaya and Zyuzina streets for a long time.

Current activity

The honorary rector of "Joy and Consolation", as well as the church of Cosmas and Damian assigned to the Botkin hospital, is Pokrovsky LN, Metropolitan Kirill of Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk. The church itself is led by:

  • rector John Kudryavtsev;
  • Archpriests Dimitry Shumov (higher art education), Sergiy Rozhdestvensky (higher technical education) and Vladimir Kuparev.

They are assisted by two priests and two very young deacons.

The temple works according to the usual schedule for Russian Orthodox churches. To find out which of the priests conducts which service, you can find out by calling the church administration (7-985-241-40-52) or on the church’s website, which has a version for people with visual impairments: https://otrada-i-uteshenie. en/schedule.

Bishop's Liturgy in the Temple in Honor of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation"

The Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" is located in Moscow on the Khodynka field at Polikarpova Street, 16. This temple is not so ancient, it is just over 100 years old, nevertheless, all Russian cataclysms of the last century were reflected in its history.

At the beginning of the 20th century, for the 1st Grenadier Artillery Count Bruce Brigade and the 1st Don Cossack Generalissimo Prince Suvorov Regiment, the Nikolaev barracks were built near the Khodynka field. According to the project, the church was not provided for at the barracks, but on December 2, 1906, S.K. Gerschelman was entered with a petition by an honorary member of the Russian Monarchist Assembly in Moscow, a real state adviser I.A. Kolesnikov. The petition said:
“Fully recognizing the extraordinary efforts that the defenders of Moscow suffered in the sad December days for the benefit of its peaceful inhabitants, and wanting to thank them to the best of my ability for the labors incurred, I, a native of the quiet Don, had the intention to build at my own expense and under my personal supervision, the Temple for the Cossacks of the 1st Don Cossack Generallisimo Prince Suvorov Regiment and the 1st Grenadier Count Bruce Brigade, at their location on the Khodynka field, on the following conditions:
1) This temple is being built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called "Joy and Consolation". May our dear Cossacks and artillerymen in this temple receive in prayer "consolation" for the labors they have endured and "consolation" in case of grief that befalls them.
2) This temple is being built in memory of the former Moscow governor-general and commander of the Moscow military district, His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, who, by his death at the hands of a villainous revolutionary, sealed his devotion to the Tsar and the Motherland.

1. On the Khodynka field, next to the Nikolaevsky barracks, a plot of land was allocated, according to the project of the architect V.D. Adamovich approved the plans and facades of the new church.

2. On the birthday of Prince Sergei Alexandrovich on April 29, 1907, with a huge gathering of people, an unusually solemn laying of the Temple-Monument of Russian Folk Sorrow was made, which began at 11 o'clock in the morning with a majestic procession from the Kremlin.

3. The church was consecrated on April 5, 1909 by Metropolitan Vladimir (Bogoyavlensky) of Moscow in the presence of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

4. The built temple was a bit like Thessalonica Church of the Twelve Apostles. The wall cladding was made of yellow and red bricks. Four massive pylons supported the walls of the temple with a dome, in which 12 oblong windows were made.

5. The pylons ended with domes, which gave them the appearance of five domes. The facade was laid out with facing bricks, stucco molding and columns were made of imitation stone.

6. On the western side there is a rich belfry.

7. The temple, which freely accommodated 500 people, was richly decorated. There was a unique marble 2-tiered iconostasis with gold trim and a shroud embroidered with silk and gold by the nuns of the Moscow Alekseevsky monastery according to a special drawing by V.M. Vasnetsov, and the icon "The Last Supper" by his own brush. The rest of the icons were made by the Moscow icon painter V.P. Guryanov. On the inner walls there were huge memorial plaques made of white marble with the names of officials killed for political reasons in 1904-1907, including non-Orthodox, that is, all "victims killed by seditionists in 73 provinces, regions, cities and military units, in the amount 1845 people". Marble boards, placed on both sides of the temple, seemed to be connected by an inscription on the middle arch: "No one has more sowing love, but who will lay down his life for his friends."

8. Subsequently, with the participation of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, the Community of Sisters of Mercy was organized at the temple.
The temple operated for only 12 years, bringing joy and consolation to people, but already in 1922 all silver items were seized. Then it housed the Red Army club, a hostel, a warehouse, and finally, the construction shop of the aircraft factory. All five chapters were demolished, the belfry was destroyed, the fence built into the new concrete fence was only partially preserved. From the surrounding modern buildings, the building was distinguished only by the remains of red and white masonry, imitating Byzantine traditions. On February 5, 1924, the temple was closed.

9. The temple building was scheduled for demolition in connection with the reconstruction of the Botkin hospital. However, thanks to the efforts of the chief physician of the hospital, I.P. Kuzin, in February 1990, the temple building was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church. The liberation of the building from the production equipment took place only on January 5, 1991, in the same year the temple was consecrated, and the restoration lasted until 1996.
On November 16, 2017, the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" on the Khodynka field was granted the status of "Cossack".