Whose relics are in the Nikolo Ugresh monastery. The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Jumping the Baby" (Ugreshskaya). Saints and shrines

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To venerate the relics of St. Nicholas, you can go to the Italian city of Bari. And you can - in the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery.

In addition to icons, Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery there are other shrines. In the Transfiguration Cathedral there is a particle of the riza Holy Mother of God, as well as a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas and the relics of St. Pimen Ugreshsky. After the restoration of Father Pimen's native monastery, his relics were transferred to the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior and, after the glorification of the saint, they took their place under the decorated canopy in a silver shrine. To bow to them - as well as to the relics of St. Nicholas - believers come every day. On Tuesday, at the evening service, in front of the relics of St. Pimen reads an akathist. On Thursday, an akathist is read in front of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In the Nikolsky Church there is a part of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. But the largest number shrines - mainly particles of relics - are stored in the Assumption Church. Among them are the relics of such saints as St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk, St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, Great Martyr George the Victorious, St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, St. Siluan of Athos, St. Gregory the Theologian, Great Martyr Barbara, Apostle Andrew the First-Called, St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. John Chrysostom, St. Anthony the Roman . In addition, particles of the relics of the Kiev-Pechersk saints are collected in a special ark.

A great blessing is the opportunity to venerate the relics of so many saints, gathered in one place. An involuntary trembling is experienced by the soul, being near the remains of people who loved God so much. Some of them loved Him "even unto death" - that is, they accepted the crown of martyrdom. And, of course, the veneration of holy relics is not "paganism", but is an expression of love for those who were once clothed in flesh that became relics. In fact, this has been said for centuries. Here is what he wrote to his

Above: Patriarch Alexy II in front of the reliquary with the relics of St. Nicholas.

In the center: The ark with the relics of the set. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov).

Right: Cancer with the relics of St. Pimen Ugreshsky is located in the Transfiguration Cathedral.

opponent on this occasion, Rev. Isidore Pelousiot at the beginning of the 5th century: “If it tempts you that for the love of martyrs for God and for their constancy we honor the ashes of martyr bodies, then ask those who received healing from them (relics), and find out in what sufferings they give healing. Then not only won't you laugh

over what is being done, but, of course, you yourself will be jealous of what is being done.

Other shrines found in the Assumption Church are no less remarkable than the relics of saints. These are, first of all, parts of the Holy Sepulcher and the Sepulcher of the Most Holy Theotokos. And, of course, the list of local shrines would be incomplete without a piece of the robe of St. Nicholas.

Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery is ancient monastery with more than six centuries of history, in which buildings from the 17th century have been preserved, and at present it is a pearl among Moscow monasteries. Wherever we approach it, no matter how we look at it, it seems to us surprisingly well blended into the surrounding landscape. Attractive for everyone who has ever seen this monastery at least once are: the bell tower with the chimes, the domes of the Transfiguration Cathedral, the monastery pond and the bizarre "Palestinian Wall" ("One of the most original structures of the second half of XIX century. In the architectural forms of the wall, motifs of the images of cities in the works of ancient Russian painting were used, ”says the inscription preserved on the slab). The walls of the monastery testify to the past, about the events that they had to see, about the personalities associated with the history of the monastery.

The Nikolo-Ugreshskaya monastery appeared in the 14th century in the place that, according to legend, “warmed the heart” of the Grand Duke of Moscow, Saint Blessed Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. When, having received the blessing of St. Sergius of Radonezh for the battle, Dmitry Donskoy stopped for the night and prayed, then to console him, the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared on a tree, and an encouraging and inspiring voice was heard. It was there, in 1380, in gratitude to the Lord and Nicholas the Wonderworker for the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo, that the Nikolo-Ugresh Monastery was founded. At the place of prayer of Dmitry Donskoy, a source of the purest spring water appeared, which pleases everyone who comes to him to this day.

The history of the Russian state, complex and diverse, rapidly developing, rich in people and events, left its imprint on the monastery of St. Nicholas on Ugresh. From those ancient times until the 21st century, the monastery has experienced quite a few different events. Like many other monasteries in the Moscow region, the Ugreshsky Monastery was destroyed and rebuilt more than once throughout its existence. In 1521, it was completely burnt down by the Crimean Khan, but rebuilt again within a few decades. In the eighteenth century, with the transfer of the capital to St. Petersburg, the monastery lost its significance, and the question of its abolition was raised. In the middle of the 19th century, the monastery experienced an unprecedented dawn, at the same time a majestic Transfiguration Cathedral and the Palestinian (Jerusalem) Wall. In the Soviet years, the monastery was again ruined. On the territory of the Ugresh settlement there was a labor commune, by the time it closed in 1938, there were about 14 thousand people. Many monastery buildings were demolished, the monastery cemetery was desecrated and liquidated. But by the grace of God, at the end of 1990, the first monks appeared in the monastery and the restoration of the monastery began again.

Shrines of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery.

At present, the main shrines of the monastery are: a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas, transferred to the monastery in 2000 from the monastery of St. John the Baptist, on the island of Peloponnese, as well as the relics of St. Pimen of Ugresh, which are in the Transfiguration Cathedral. In addition, the cathedral houses: a revered copy of the image of the Mother of God "Vygranie" and a copy of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Feodorovskaya". During divine services, in the cathedral, for prayer worship, an ark with a particle of the robe of the Mother of God and a reliquary, in which particles of the Savior's crown of thorns and the relics of the holy apostles are collected, are worn out from the altar. On the right temple column of the cathedral there is a large revered icon of "All Saints of Ugresh". Since the summer of 2014, abundant myrrh-streaming began from this icon, which continues to this day.

In the Assumption Church there is a revered copy of the “Tikhvin” Icon of the Mother of God, handed over to the reviving monastery in 1992, as a sign of the patriarchal blessing. The relics of the holy saints of God are kept in the church: St. John the Baptist, Great Martyr George the Victorious, Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, Hieromartyr Antipas of Pergamon, St. Ignatius of the Caucasus, St. Innocent of Penza, St. Joseph of Astrakhan, St. Herman of Alaska, Righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye, St. Solovetsky, St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Reverend Fathers of the Kiev Caves, the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, St. Ludmila of Czech, and many other saints.

In St. Nicholas Cathedral there is a list from the miraculous "Ugresh" image of St. Nicholas, the venerated icon of the Mother of God "Blaherna" with particles of the relics of the saints of God, as well as a particle of the wood of the Cross of the Lord.

In addition, the monastery is famous for its two museums: the Museum - the sacristy and the Museum of the Emperor - the martyr Nicholas II and royal family. The first museum-sacristy was opened in the monastery, which stores various church antiquities and art objects. A real event for the entire Moscow region was the transfer in the spring of 2008 by A.V. Renzhin of the collection he collected, dedicated to the Passion-Bearer Emperor Nicholas II and his family. In this museum, you can see and get acquainted with a unique collection of documents and various items that tell about the life of the royal family and Russia during the 19th-20th centuries.

A visit to the Nikolo-Ugreshskaya monastery leaves a bright, warm and indelible impression in the memory of pilgrims, as well as a desire to visit this historical holy place again and again.

MOSCOW, December 19 - RIA Novosti, Olga Lipich. On the feast day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Moscow State United Museum-Reserve Kolomenskoye-Lyublino-Lefortovo donated to the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery in the city of Dzerzhinsky near Moscow an icon and a fold with particles of the relics of St. Nicholas of the 19th century.

The director of the united museum-reserve, Lyudmila Kolesnikova, handed over the shrines personally to Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia, who celebrated the Divine Liturgy and prayer service on Tuesday at the Transfiguration Cathedral of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery.

The reliquary icon includes 24 reliquaries with images of St. Andrew the First-Called, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Zosima and Savvatiy of Solovetsky and many other saints. The icon also contains particles of the Holy Sepulcher, the Sepulcher of the Mother of God and the robe of St. Nicholas.

The reliquary contains particles of the relics of John the Baptist, Andrew the First-Called, John Chrysostom and other saints of the Ancient Church, as well as saints who shone in the Russian land.

The Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery was founded by the holy Prince Dmitry Donskoy on the site of the appearance of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to him and in gratitude to God for the subsequent victory of the Russian army on the Kulikovo field in 1380.

“He saw the image of St. Nicholas and in the morning said to his entourage: “This is my sinful heart.” That is, this vision warmed his heart,” the patriarch explained the name of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery at the celebrations on the occasion of the 625th anniversary of the Battle of Kulikovo.

According to him, during all these years, with the exception of the period of Soviet rule, when the monastery was defiled, it was one of the largest spiritual centers in Russia and "prayers were offered up in it for our Fatherland and our long-suffering people."

Saint Nicholas lived in the III-IV centuries and became famous as a great saint of God, therefore, among the people he is usually called Nicholas the Pleasant. Christians believe that to this day he performs many miracles to help people who pray to him. In addition, St. Nicholas is considered the patron saint of all wanderers.

He was born in the city of Patara in Asia Minor (now - the territory of Turkey) in a family of pious parents and became a priest, and then the bishop of the city of Lycian Myra. Church tradition has preserved evidence not only of the miracles performed by St. Nicholas, but also of his extraordinary mercy. So, when a previously rich man conceived to save his family from starvation "give up for fornication" three of his adult daughters, the saint, grieving for a dying sinner, secretly threw three bags of gold out the window at night.

Making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Nicholas the Wonderworker, at the request of desperate travelers, calmed the raging sea with a prayer. Through his prayer, a sailor who fell from the mast and crashed to death came to life. Holding the sword of the executioner, Saint Nicholas saved from death three husbands who had been innocently condemned by the greedy mayor.

Saint Nicholas died in the middle of the 4th century at a ripe old age. According to church tradition, the relics of the saint were preserved incorruptible and exuded a wonderful myrrh, from which many people were healed. In 1087, due to the threat of the Muslim invasion, the relics of Nicholas the Pleasant were transferred to the Italian city of Bar (Bari), where they are still located.

The Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery, in Dzerzhinsky, Moscow Region, (official site) appeared at the end of the 14th century. During its history, it has faced several ruins, the Second World War and the Soviet regime. After the collapse of the USSR, it was reopened.

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The monastery was founded by Dmitry Donskoy. The legend says that while driving through the Kulikovo field, Dmitry saw the image of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

It is important to know: the name "Ugreshsky" came from the prince's expression "I have sinned my heart" - "The vision of the icon warmed my heart."

The monastery was ruined several times, but the royal visits and pilgrimages made it possible to quickly collect money and recover. However, this did not help much: in the first half of the 19th century, only 6 people remained on its territory, and the question arose of closing. It was only the intervention of Metropolitan Filaret, who instead of abolishing, appointed a new rector.

In 1917, the monastery passed into the hands of the Soviet government and was converted into a monastic artel of labor. It was led by Metropolitan Macarius. There was a colony for children, subordinate to the People's Financial Commissariat. A few years later, the labor colony was converted into a commune, and after a while it was completely closed.

note: in the 40th year of the XX century, the oldest Nikolsky Cathedral (XVI century) suffered - it was completely dismantled.

In the Second World War, to disorientate the enemy and protect against air attacks, they removed the domes of cathedrals with the top of the bell tower, which could become landmarks. The subsequent restoration was carried out only in the 70s.


The second discovery took place after the collapse of the USSR, when the place was handed over to the Russian Orthodox Church and restoration began. This allowed the restoration of many buildings, as well as the construction of new ones. At the same time, a revival of monasticism began.

7 years after the transfer, a spiritual school appeared on the territory of the monastery, on next year became a seminary. A pilgrimage center was also created, which deals with excursions and accommodation for pilgrims.

Current state

Today monastery is active and is considered one of the most important and beautiful in Russia. In addition to the beautiful temples and churches of the XVIII-XIX centuries, there are several churches of the late XX - early XXI centuries, bell towers and chapels, as well as the chambers of the patriarch, abbot and sovereign. The walls have survived, including the Palestinian (Jerusalem), the Holy Gates, several towers and other outbuildings.

The monastery conducts significant social and educational activities:

  1. Conducts spiritual conversations and takes part in charity events for children suffering from oncology;
  2. Works with children from a boarding school;
  3. A summer camp is organized for children, as well as special programs: a choral and creative studio, a military-patriotic movement for boys;
  4. Classes are held for seriously ill children;
  5. It has its own Sunday school, TV show and newspaper.

The architectural ensemble of the monastery

We will give a description of some buildings of the monastery:

  • Transfiguration Cathedral

Construction began in the 80th year of the 19th century. Exterior finish was completed 5 years earlier than the internal one. After the closure of the monastery, it was badly damaged: its domes were demolished, additional windows were cut through. Restoration began only at the end of the last century, a new iconostasis was installed in 2000.

Take note: the restoration was started on the anniversary of the monastery - the 500th anniversary of its founding.

The building is quite elegant: it is made of white stone with 5 domes - central gold and blue side ones. Its height is almost 70 meters, up to 7 thousand parishioners can be inside;

  • Nikolsky Cathedral

It first appeared at the end of the 14th century and, according to researchers, was originally made of wood. A stone version was erected at the beginning of the 16th century, when the cathedral was damaged in a fire. The building survived several reconstructions - at the end of the Time of Troubles and in the 19th century. It was completely demolished in 1940.

Interesting fact: if the temple had not been demolished, it would have been the most ancient building.

In the 21st century, it was decided to restore the cathedral using the remaining images from the 16th century building. Today, on the site of the old building, there is a single-domed white temple;

  • Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The second name is the Assumption Church. Erected on the site of the Sovereign's Chambers after their demolition. After the repair, a chapel of St. Mary of Egypt was added to the building. Despite the closure and ruin, the murals of the 19th century have been preserved in the church.

  • Church of Matthew the Apostle and Paraskeva Pyatnitsa

Located on the lower floor of the Church of the Assumption. It looks like a two-story building made of dark red brick. It has white decorations and a green roof, as well as an extension of 3 floors, which is crowned by 1 dome.

Keep in mind: under the altar there was a crypt with the graves of the Alexandrov spouses, who were engaged in charity work in favor of the monastery, but after the closing of the monastery, their graves were looted.

  • Church of Pimen Ugreshsky

Dedicated to the rector Pimen, it was built at the end of the 19th century. At first, a chapel with the ashes of the abbot stood on this site, but after that it was expanded and rebuilt. After closing, the building was demolished, and a cemetery was located on the vacant land. Restoration of the building began after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

This is a small, modestly decorated snow-white church with 1 dome. It has some resemblance to the Church of the Intercession, towering on the Nerl River;

  • Church of Peter and Paul

The second name is Petropavlovskaya. Erected in the middle of the 19th century, it was a skete - it belonged to the skete, which occupied the northwestern part of the territory. Refurbished at the end of the 20th century.

Good to know: a skete is a monastic settlement with stricter rules.

The church clearly stands out from the rest of the buildings. This is a wooden building on 2 floors, made by a "ship". Painted in bright blue and has a golden dome;

  • Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"

Built in the 50s of the 19th century, it is geographically located in the northeast near the hospital and was intended for visiting patients. Like other buildings, it was looted and closed, then restored.

Interesting to know: the main icons were "Savior Not Made by Hands" and the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow".

The structure looks like a tall yellow church located near the hospital building. It has a roof-tent and 5 domes;

  • Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist

You can find it on the second tier of the bell tower; it was placed there in the 40s of the last century. Closed simultaneously with the entire monastery with the advent of Soviet power. Restoration began only at the beginning of the 21st century: the iconostasis was installed, the inside was repaired.

note: some of the icons that previously belonged to the monastery were returned to the church.

  • Chapel of the apparition of the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker

Also called the chapel of St. Nicholas. This is an important place in the monastery: a piece of a pine trunk is kept inside, on which the image of a holy icon appeared to Prince Dmitry. With the closing of the monastery, the chapel was completely destroyed and restored only in the 98th year of the twentieth century.

The small building is very beautiful, it resembles an exotic oriental lantern. At its base lies a polygon, on each side there are high arched windows. The semi-circular roof is painted blue and has golden stars on it. Inside is a source of holy water.

Remember: It is forbidden to take pictures inside the chapel.

  • Bell tower

Erected in the 18th century, later a hospital building was erected near it, rebuilt and given the second tier for a temple. With the advent of the USSR, the bell tower was closed.

The structure was reconstructed only at the beginning of the XXI century. Today, near it are the Assumption Church, St. Nicholas Chapel and prosphora;

  • Chapel "Recovery of the Lost"

It was erected in memory of the icon of the Mother of God of the same name near the monastery pond at the beginning of our century.

Note: until the 20th year of the twentieth century, another chapel stood in its place, which was destroyed.

The current building is small, stone, snow-white, has huge windows throughout the wall. A simple golden cross is mounted on a low tent;

  • Chapel of the Passion of the Lord

This is a modern building: the construction and small consecration took place at the beginning of the 21st century. The low snow-white chapel is made in the ancient Russian pictorial style and erected on a hill. The Crucifix hangs inside the building - this symbolizes Golgotha ​​and the suffering of Christ.

It is important to know: one of the inhabitants of the monastery became the architect - thanks to the careful work, the chapel organically fit into the ensemble.

  • Palestinian wall

It is also called "Jerusalem". The project was developed by the rector Pimen Ugreshsky and has been preserved in excellent condition. It is a red and white wall carved with the symbolic Holy Jerusalem: houses with windows, towers, stairs and other "pieces" of the city.

  • Monastery Museum

Today there are 2 museums:

  1. Sacristy: is a repository of ancient items of church life and works of art;
  2. Emperor Nicholas II: it was opened a few years ago on the basis of a collection of documents and belongings of the imperial family, which were donated by the donor Renzhin.

Both museums are open daily and offer guided tours by appointment.

Advice: You can sign up through the pilgrimage center.

Children's ministries of the monastery

A lot of time and services are devoted to children, as the future of our country, in the monastery. Here are some of them:

  • Military Patriotic Club "Dozor"

Only boys from 10 to 17 years old are accepted for training. The club conducts training for future soldiers - here they teach disciplines that are useful and necessary for a soldier, accustom them to rigor and teach the Orthodox understanding of the need to protect the family, country and faith. Boys receive combat, tactical, fire and engineering training, study medicine, rock climbing and topography. There is even a website.

  • Music and choral studio

She appeared in 2010. The goal of the studio is to unite all participants thanks to a common cause and familiarization with Orthodoxy. Popular folk songs are performed, as well as works by Russian and foreign authors, classical and modern.

The training lasts 4 years and includes the study of individual and choral performance skills: choir, solfeggio, vocals and church singing. Children also attend guitar and piano, rhythmics, the basics of Orthodoxy, and musical literature.

Advice: You can also enroll your child in private lessons.

  • Creative studio "Sphere"

The studio appeared in the monastery a few years ago. The main task of its teachers is to help the child to discover talents and self-expression. Among the available circles are fine arts, work with ceramics and the creation of animation. Since 2014, on the basis of the "Sphere" there was a "branch" called "Children of the Sun". This is a program for children with severe congenital ailments involved in art.

Saints and shrines

Among the most important relics are.