People from the future real stories Carlson. "Time Travelers" tells about a terrible future. Nobody believes them. Future Millionaire Andrew Karlssin

The story about the mysterious Andrew Carlssin is the leader both on the global Internet and in its Russian segment. And no wonder - the details are breathtaking. FBI agents reportedly arrested Andrew - a 44-year-old man - in New York. And accused of fraud on the stock exchange. Like, he used the so-called insider information. That is, he entered into a criminal conspiracy with the managers of companies trading in shares, receiving commercial information from them, thanks to which he had a major financial success. Allegedly, owning only 800 dollars, Karlsin earned as much as 350 million in two weeks. At the same time, he made 126 transactions - very risky, but turned out to be incredibly profitable in the end. Moreover, profits, as a rule, came as a result of unexpected events in the business world - those that were impossible to predict.


The tremendous luck that accompanied Andrew aroused the suspicion of the Market Commission valuable papers United States (SEC). The man was arrested, demanding to extradite his accomplices.

However, he denied allegations of criminal conspiracy. And he said that he worked alone. And he received information from ... the future. From it, he, in fact, came to us in a time machine. Specifically from 2256. “We all know that your era was characterized by extreme instability of the stock market,” Karlsin said. - Archival data is also available, owning which it is easy to make a fortune. And it was very difficult to resist such a temptation. According to Andrew, he planned to work carefully, periodically losing, so that investments did not look suspicious. But he could not control his thirst for profit and got caught. In prison, Karlsin offered the investigation a deal. He promised in exchange for freedom to give away the place where bin Laden is hiding. And explain how to make a cure for AIDS. But flatly refused to point out the place where his time machine was hidden.
“Karlsin is lying and will be in prison until he tells the truth,” the investigators said.


A number of Russian newspapers told about the "time traveler" for some reason not on April 1, but a little earlier. The story was immediately picked up by Internet news portals. And I got the impression

Like it just happened. Moreover, it has nothing to do with jokes. A small investigation showed that for the first time Karlsin "appeared in our time" in mid-March 2003. The tabloid Weekly World News (WWN) wrote about him. Moreover, he sharpened the suspicion that the "player" could really come from the future. He cited the words of one of the investigators. He said that, of course, he did not believe the fables about the time machine. But his attempts to find references to a man named Andrew Karlsin were unsuccessful. Like, there is no information that it existed before December 2002 ...


The finest hour for the story came after it was posted by the news portal Yahoo. It was from there that she went for a walk around the world - on thousands of sites, on blogs. No mention of the original source. And became a global legend Numerous forums

Filled with responses. Including from Wall Street brokers. Their essence: even with insider information, it is unrealistic to earn so much. So Karlsin is not lying that he came from the future. That is, millions of people believed that such a person exists and, in fact, was arrested. However, there is a suspicion - on the verge of absolute certainty - that the WWN just made up this whole story. Actually, he is famous for such jokes. And he doesn't have to wait until April 1st to prank readers. The tabloid has the whole year - April 1st. But those who believed in the reality of the "millionaire from the future" did not know about it. At least because they considered news sites to be the primary source.


The story didn't end in 2003. Made the second circle around the world in 2006. Already with new details, the roots of which were lost in the wilds of the Internet. But WWN definitely had nothing to do with them. It was said that someone made bail for Andrew in a million
dollars. He got out of prison and, of course, disappeared. He is rumored to be hiding somewhere in Canada. And by e-mail shares some information from the future. For example, he claims that enormous oil reserves are hidden in the Canadian province of Alberta. And here it is supposedly possible to produce 300 billion barrels a day. Although with difficulty, since the oil is heavy, deep deposits of sand are saturated with it. Then, in 2006, he promised to appear to the world in 2007. But he didn't show up. Now history seems to have entered its third round. But with one suspicious oddity. There is no trace of Andrew Karlsin on the Weekly World News website. It's not on Yahoo News. All details remained only in copies. And this gives rise to a terrible suspicion: what if the tabloid did not lie? It happened to him...

Time travel is a favorite subject of science fiction writers and the dream of their fans. However, there are those who claim that they actually came from the future - some are fleeing from the special services, some are trying to warn humanity about the impending disaster. told the stories of the most odious guests from the future.

Soldier from 2036

In 2000, the story of John Titor, who supposedly arrived from the year 2036, captured the minds of Americans. He registered on one of the resources and talked about his experience, casually demonstrating his time machine.

Titor confessed that he was a soldier who was sent back in time to deliver an IBM 5100 computer to scientists. The programmers of the future must fix bugs in it that will cause problems in 2038. However, Titor decided to temporarily stop in 2000 to talk with his family, collect photographs lost in a future war and prevent the coming catastrophe - the Third world war.

Titor suggested learning basic weapon skills and having everything ready to "leave the house in ten minutes and never return there." He even assembled a team of volunteers ready to go with him to 2036. “I do not set myself the goal of being believed,” Titor explained. - I will reveal to you little secret: No one loves you in the future. We consider you to be a generation of lazy, self-centered and utterly ignorant sheep. I think this should worry you more than my person."

Titor appointed a global catastrophe for 2015. It was supposed to begin with a Russian nuclear strike against the United States, which collapsed during the 2005 civil war. The cause of the war was the conflict between Arabs and Jews. As a result, almost the entire world would have to lie in ruins: Russia and Europe would have disappeared from the face of the planet, and only a few military bases remained of the United States.

Titor finally disappeared from the Internet in 2005, when one after another his predictions turned out to be false. In 2008, private detectives determined that neither John Titor nor his family existed. The only person to confirm Titor's existence was his lawyer, Larry Haber. Some fans still believe in the reality of Titor, and unfulfilled predictions are explained by a temporary paradox: since he told about them, they did not happen. The Habers, on the other hand, were simply friends of the guest's family from the future, with whom he stayed, - therefore, he accessed the Internet from their computer.

Nuclear strike on the bitcoin rich

In 2003, a story appeared on the entertainment resource Weekly World News about the arrest of an unusually successful economist. Someone named Andrew Carlssin allegedly made $350 million in two weeks on a risky investment with just $800. Such an exceptional case could not fail to attract the attention of the policemen who arrested the newly-minted rich man. During interrogation, he did not reveal fraudulent schemes, but admitted that he came from 2256. This was told to journalists by a source in the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Under interrogation, Karlsin admitted that he was too carried away: he planned to invest in both successful and unsuccessful business projects, but “it was too difficult to resist the temptation,” so all of his 126 investments brought him instant profit. According to journalists, they could not find any data about him until December 2002, as if before that Karlsin really did not exist.

For his release, he promised the government to tell the whereabouts of bin Laden and reveal the secret of the AIDS cure, but flatly refused to admit where the time machine was located and explain its device, as he was very afraid that the unit would fall "into the wrong hands." He was refused to be released from prison until an unknown well-wisher paid a bail of one million dollars for him. Karlsin was released, in April 2013 he was supposed to appear in court, but disappeared on the way to the hearing.

The story was picked up by many world media: publications about Karlsin appeared in The New Yorker, The Scotsman. But most of all, the mysterious story of Andrew Karlsin surprised not newspaper readers, but employees of the FBI and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Journalists literally tortured them with requests to comment on the “time traveler”. The refusal of the special services to comment on the Karlsin case only incited conspiracy theorists, who are sure that the authorities are simply hiding the truth.

His prophet was also found on the entertainment resource. In August 2013, a user under the nickname Luka_Magnotta wrote an appeal to the Americans with a request to abandon bitcoin. According to him, the use of cryptocurrency can lead to nuclear war, and he arrived from 2026 to warn humanity about this and force them to stop in time.

Luca said that in his time, dollars familiar to people had already disappeared. After the cost of bitcoin reached a million dollars, humanity became disillusioned with other currencies and abandoned them: “Now all wealth exists in only two forms: bitcoins and land.” The population, according to him, is suffering from hunger, since all the money is concentrated in the Citadels - completely robotic fortress cities where the cryptocurrency rich live. But the availability of money does not guarantee a comfortable life: at least every fourth bitcoin owner is tortured to find out his password.

Not everything is fine with politics either: most governments have been destroyed, as people prefer to hide income and stop paying taxes. Russian hackers stole 60 percent of Africa's wealth in two days, after which the Civil War, which only two of the richest countries, Saudi Arabia and North Korea.

Luca claimed he was planning a nuclear apocalypse to end the dominance of the bitcoin rich. With the help of 20 nuclear submarines, he is going to kill all underwater Internet cables and launch missiles into densely populated areas. He ended his story with a request to nip bitcoin in the bud because “he knows how this will all end.”

Magnotta's prediction was remembered in November 2017, when bitcoin reached the ten thousand dollar mark, as the "guest from the future" predicted.

The future is hazy

The latest fashion among self-proclaimed time travelers has been the display of photographs from the future. Guests from other times prefer to do it on YouTube-ApexTV channel dedicated to the paranormal. Only since the beginning of 2018, three time travelers have already shown their pictures: from the year 6000, 10000 and 2118. All photos are similar in one thing: for some reason they are not clear.

An alien from the year 6000 explains the blurry image by the fact that when traveling in time, they are distorted. He was also lucky that the same did not happen to his insides: according to him, scientists have observed this as well. He stated that he was born in the 20th century and participated in experiments in the 1990s, when researchers sent several people into the future, in different periods. He is forced to hide his name and face and change his voice to avoid being caught by the mysterious "they".

Frame: ApexTV / YouTube

According to the "guest from the future", this will be the world in a hundred years.

After 40 centuries, according to him, everyone will be able to teleport and move in time. But don't worry about time paradoxes: travelers will be invisible and will not be able to interfere with the course of history (how he was able to star in the video, he does not explain). The world will be ruled by artificial intelligence, devoid of emotions, it will also reduce people in size so that they take up a minimum of space and consume fewer resources.

A man who visited the year 10,000 attributed the fuzziness of the image to “a change in the electromagnetic properties of the Earth,” which caused cameras to work differently. According to him, while studying in America in 2008, he met a professor who offered him to fly into the future. After some hesitation, he made up his mind. According to him, in the future, grass grows everywhere, and skyscrapers are so high that their tops are not visible behind the clouds. All cars fly through the sky, and aliens walk on the ground. People also learned to fly, and the time traveler suggested that nanotechnology helps them in this. Soft robots and holograms were everywhere. He really wanted to fly into the future again, but when he came to the professor the next day, he was not at home, and the time machine disappeared without a trace.

Alexander Smith, who moved from 1981 to 2118, and then to 2018, that the government seized the original image from the future, and only a copy remained with him Bad quality. According to him, he is wanted, so he lives in hiding and hides his real name. As for the future, the robots told him that "intelligent aliens will come to Earth in the middle of the 21st century." Smith called global warming the most terrible danger to humans and asked the inhabitants of 2018 to think about the environment “at least for the sake of their children and grandchildren.”

On the same channel, several interviews have already been released with a guest from 2030 under the pseudonym Noah. He even passed a polygraph test, and he passed the test with honor: to a direct question whether he was a guest from the future, he answered “yes”, and the polygraph showed that this was true.

Noah looks about 20 years old, but says that he is twice his age and retained the appearance of a young man thanks to the "secret medicine". According to him, scientists have learned to travel in time already 15 years ago, but hide it from the public. And only in 2028 the government will allow anyone who wants to go to the past or the future. Then humanity will go to Mars.

Frame: ApexTV / YouTube

According to him, by 2030, humanity will learn how to treat many forms of cancer, robots will run the house, and almost everyone will have some kind of Google-glasses of the same power as today's computers. Bitcoins will finally come into circulation, but traditional money will not disappear either. Due to global warming, the climate will become hotter in the US and colder in Europe. He also said that the US president would be re-elected for a second term, but refused to provide evidence so as not to “cause a temporary paradox.”


The story of the mysterious Andrew Carlssin leads both in the global Internet and in its Russian segment. And no wonder - the details are breathtaking.

FBI agents reportedly arrested Andrew - a 44-year-old man - in New York. And accused of fraud on the stock exchange. Like, he used the so-called insider information. That is, he entered into a criminal conspiracy with the managers of companies trading in shares, receiving commercial information from them, thanks to which he had a major financial success.

Allegedly, owning only 800 dollars, Karlsin earned as much as 350 million in two weeks. At the same time, he made 126 transactions - very risky, but turned out to be incredibly profitable in the end. Moreover, profits, as a rule, came as a result of unexpected events in the business world - those that were impossible to predict.


The amazing luck that accompanied Andrew aroused the suspicion of the US Securities Commission (SEC). The man was arrested, demanding to extradite his accomplices. However, he denied allegations of criminal conspiracy. And he said that he worked alone. And he received information from ... the future. From it, he, in fact, came to us in a time machine. Specifically, from the year 2256.

“We all know that your era was characterized by extreme instability of the stock market,” Karlsin said. - Archival data is also available, owning which it is easy to make a fortune. And it was very difficult to resist such a temptation.

According to Andrew, he planned to work carefully, periodically losing, so that investments did not look suspicious. But he could not control his thirst for profit and got caught.

In prison, Karlsin offered the investigation a deal. He promised to give away the place where bin Laden was hiding in exchange for freedom. And explain how to make a cure for AIDS a. But flatly refused to point out the place where his time machine was hidden.

Karlsin is lying and will be in prison until he tells the truth, the investigators said.


A number of Russian newspapers told about the "time traveler" for some reason not on April 1, but a little earlier. The story was immediately picked up by Internet news portals. And it felt like it had just happened. Moreover, it has nothing to do with jokes.

A small investigation showed that for the first time Karlsin "appeared in our time" in mid-March 2003. The tabloid Weekly World News (WWN) wrote about him. Moreover, he sharpened the suspicion that the "player" could really come from the future. He cited the words of one of the investigators. He said that, of course, he did not believe the fables about the time machine. But his attempts to find references to a man named Andrew Karlsin were unsuccessful. Like, there is no information that it existed before December 2002 ...


The high point for the story came after it was posted by the news portal Yahoo. It was from there that she went for a walk around the world - on thousands of sites, on blogs. No mention of the original source. And became a legend on a global scale Numerous forums filled with responses. Including from Wall Street brokers. Their essence: even with insider information, it is unrealistic to earn so much. So Karlsin is not lying that he came from the future. That is, millions of people believed that such a person exists and, in fact, was arrested.

However, there is a suspicion - on the verge of absolute certainty - that the WWN just made up this whole story. Actually, he is famous for such jokes. And he doesn't have to wait until April 1st to prank readers. The tabloid has the whole year - April 1st. But those who believed in the reality of the "millionaire from the future" did not know about it. At least because they considered news sites to be the primary source.


The story didn't end in 2003. Made the second circle around the world in 2006. Already with new details, the roots of which were lost in the wilds of the Internet. But WWN definitely had nothing to do with them.

It was said that someone posted a bail for Andrew for a million dollars. He got out of prison and, of course, disappeared. He is rumored to be hiding somewhere in Canada. And by e-mail shares some information from the future. For example, he claims that enormous oil reserves are hidden in the Canadian province of Alberta. And here it is supposedly possible to produce 300 billion barrels a day. Although with difficulty, since the oil is heavy, deep deposits of sand are saturated with it.

Then, in 2006, he promised to appear to the world in 2007. But he didn't show up.

Now history seems to have entered its third round. But with one suspicious oddity. There is no trace of Andrew Karlsin on the Weekly World News website. It's not on Yahoo News. All details remained only in copies. And this gives rise to a terrible suspicion: what if the tabloid did not lie? It happened to him...

Sources at the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) confirmed to Yahoo Weekly World News that Andrew Carlssin, 44, gave a rather bizarre explanation for his odd success in the stock market after he was handcuffed and interrogated. "We don't believe this guy's story - he's either just a sleepwalker or a pathological liar," one SEC official with close knowledge of the case said on condition of anonymity. (I see no reason for anonymity. Elite)

However, the fact remains that, having invested the initial $800, two weeks later Karlsin had a portfolio valued at $350 million. Each trade that this investor made increased the total capitalization of the portfolio due to unexpected business events that cannot be foreseen with simple luck. According to an anonymous SEC official, the only way Karlsin could trade so accurately and successfully was through illegal inside information. (Anonymous from the SEC, of ​​course, knew the only other way - to be associated with specialists generating quotes. Elite) Investigators are determined - "Karlsin will sit in a prison cell until he agrees to show all the cards." (Please pay attention to a fundamental point. While you are draining your deposit from your broker, everything is fine and no one bothers you. And if you suddenly made a long series of successful transactions, then your broker not only takes your money from you, but also sits You are in jail and tortured until you give out all the secrets! You automatically become a thief who knows insider information and must prove that he is not a camel. Elite)

Several recent years The downturn in the US stock market has left so many investors weeping in desperation over their half-empty mugs of beer. And Carlsin came to the attention of Wall Street's watchdogs when he made 126 high-risk trades in a row and turned out to win every time. "When a company's stock went up due to a merger or technological breakthrough, which in any case assumed the secrecy of the reason, Mr. Karlsin inexplicably knew about it in advance," the representatives of the investigation say. When they began interrogating the strange investor, they got even more than they expected, namely a stunning four-hour confession.

According to Karlsin, he traveled back in time from a future more than 200 years away from our era. “Knowing that your era was marked by the worst stock market crash is common among us, and anyone, armed with information on selected stocks, can make a fortune on this,” Karlsin says, “but the temptation is hard to resist. I planned to look natural, you know, lose a little here and there so that my investment doesn't look so suspiciously brilliant. However, I couldn't resist and got caught."

Elite. Now what really happened? We saw part of the invisible struggle between specialists (market makers) and their clients.

The fact is that some clients of specialists (marketers of market makers) sometimes stop paying money for quotes and do not even display their total position to them. Specialists are not fools, and sell data on future quotes to some familiar traders. What happens next? The trader wins from his DC - marketer, and he, having seen the losses, begins to either withdraw the total position to the specialist, or takes money from his successful trader. Here is such a game.

Of course, there is another explanation. A specialist could use a poor-quality random number generator, and Andrew Karlsin simply approached the matter like a cryptanalyst and restored the sequence of ticks. Actually - generating real random numbers in a computer system - a big problem. Many Web-casinos got burned on this. A computer usually uses a pseudo-random number generator - however, after a certain period, numbers begin to repeat in such a generator, and this can and should be used. Of course, on the stock exchange, specialists who set prices are different. Some are smart, some are not. So the "guest from the future" may have taken advantage of the illiteracy of a specialist. Or directly bought future quotes from him.