The situation between the US and the DPRK (North Korea). "fire and fury": what is happening between the usa and the dprk and how it threatens the world

Workers who live without breaking the law and do their job well receive up to 1,000 grams of rice, meat and eggs in return. It is constantly reported on TV that residents of other countries do not have all this and live much worse. Check it out ordinary person beyond the power, since only verified individuals are allowed to communicate with foreigners.

Life in North Korea is about complete obedience. If a person keeps a radio in his house, listens to music by foreign performers or watches foreign TV channels (although this is practically impossible), he will face a link to hard labor or prison. The situation is aggravated by the fact that repressions are imposed not only on the offender, but also on his entire family. And the whole family gets into the so-called black list. This is fraught with the fact that no one will be admitted to the university, there will be no work, entry into the capital is also prohibited. For particularly serious crimes, a person is publicly executed.

Such laws have one huge advantage: crime is practically non-existent. The nation is growing healthy and strong, because from childhood everyone attends sections, is regularly examined by doctors and does not eat much. No woman has the right to pick up a cigarette.

The birth rate of North Korea exceeds that of South Korea. But soon these numbers will equalize, as the government of the country is pursuing a policy to reduce the number of children in families.

Decreased life expectancy

No matter how strange it may sound, but even though Koreans often do not have bad habits their life expectancy is reduced. Now he is 66 years old. This figure is constantly falling due to the fact that women and children suffer from the general situation in the country.

An expert on US foreign affairs said that the amount of food that is assigned to one person is not enough to restore vitality. Therefore, life expectancy in North Korea, especially for ordinary workers, is only falling.

The problem with this system is that some areas of the country simply do not receive it. All due to the fact that the state has a basic rule - to notify the government of intentions to visit any area.

The impact of the Korean War on the economic development of the country

The war, or police operation, was carried out from 1950 to 1953. This confrontation is also called the "Forgotten War", as it has not been mentioned in official publications for a long time.

In fact, this conflict unleashed thanks to bad relations between the US with its allies and China. The northern coalition consisted of the DPRK, the army) and the USSR. The last two countries did not officially participate in the war, but actively supplied weapons and financed. The southern coalition consisted of the Republic of Korea, England and the United States of America. In addition to these countries, the UN was also on the side of the South.

The reason for the war was the desire of the president of both North and South Korea to unite the peninsula under his leadership. Such a militant mood radically changed life in North Korea, photos of those times are indisputable evidence. All men were liable for military service and had to serve without fail for more than 10 years.

During the preparations for the confrontation, the government of the Soviet Union was afraid of the outcome of the Third World War, which was the reason for the non-fulfillment of some requests from North Korea. However, this did not affect the supply of weapons and the military. The DPRK gradually increased the power of its army.

The war began with the occupation of Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea. It ended with India making a proposal to create a peace treaty. But since the south refused to sign the document, Clark, a UN general, became its representative. A demilitarized zone was created. But interesting fact what remains is that the treaty to end the war has not yet been signed.

Foreign policy

The DPRK is being very aggressive, but at the same time reasonable. Political scientists in other countries suspect that the leader of the state has experts who are able to suggest the right decisions and predict the consequences in a given situation. It is worth noting that North Korea is a nuclear state. On the one hand, this forces hostile countries to reckon with it, on the other hand, it is quite expensive to maintain such weapons, many European countries have long abandoned them.

Relations with developed countries and their influence on the development of the economy of North Korea

  • Russia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, relations with the Russian Federation almost faded away. Only during the reign of Vladimir Putin were signed agreements on cooperation in many areas. In addition, in 2014, all debts of the north to the Russian Federation were written off. In some way, this made life a little easier for the North Koreans.

  • USA. Relations with the United States are currently quite strained. America to this day stands on the side of South Korea and supports it in every possible way, which helps to significantly develop the economy. What can not be said about the northern part of the state. Representatives of the United States expose the DPRK as an aggressor and often accuse it of provoking its southern neighbor and Japan. Some serious publications conducted investigations and wrote that the northern government is trying to kill the president of South Korea, shooting down planes, sinking liners. This attitude of America does not contribute to the economic development of the country, and this does not improve life in North Korea for the common people.
  • Japan. Relations with this country are completely severed and can at any time escalate into a full-fledged war. Each state after the Korean War imposed sanctions on each other. In 2009, North Korea openly declared that if Japanese planes flew into Korea, they would open fire to kill.
  • South Korea. Due to strained relations and aspirations to unify the peninsula, kidnappings, murders and attacks occur regularly. Skirmishes are often heard on the outskirts of countries, they are also fixed on the land border. A few years ago, North Korea announced its decision to launch a nuclear attack against Seoul. However, this event was prevented. This is one of the main reasons why life in North Korea is dangerous and leads to the fact that young people try to leave for permanent residence in other countries at the first opportunity.

Military life of men

In 2006, there were more than 1 million people in the army of the People's Democratic Republic. There were more than 7,500,000 in the reserve, and 6,500,000 people were members of the Red Guard. About 200,000 more work as security guards at military installations and in other similar positions. And this despite the fact that the population of the country is no more than 23 million.

The contract with the ground military is for 5-12 years. A man has the right to choose where to go to serve: in the army, division, corps or brigade.

The time of service in the navy is slightly less: from 5 to 10 years. Due to the fact that the government does not spare money for the development of its army, people are fully equipped with the necessary instruments, weapons and protective suits.

Unlike other countries, the state in question is investing in the development of intelligence, which significantly worsens the lives of people in North Korea.

Most of the military is concentrated in the area of ​​the demilitarized zone. The people's army has at its disposal more than 3,000 main and 500 light tanks, 2,000 armored personnel carriers, 3,000 artillery pieces, 7,000 mortars; the ground forces also have approximately 11 thousand anti-aircraft installations. Such uniforms require the investment of large sums of money, which could bring the country out of stagnation.

Life in North Korea (reviews of ordinary people confirm this) due to such a militant attitude has no progress, or rather, it simply stands still. Indigenous people do not even know that it is possible to exist somehow differently. No wonder the rulers of the country came up with a slogan, the essence of which is not to envy anyone and live only on their own. Such a policy helps in some way to maintain control over the common population.

What is life like in North Korea? Reviews of foreigners

Unfortunately, all people living in the country are forbidden to talk about how hard life is for them. However, tourists who have visited North Korea willingly share all their memories and impressions.

According to travelers, entry into the country is carried out only with the help of travel agencies. All the time a person or a group of people is under supervision and moves around the city or region only with a guide. Radios, phones, any other gadgets are not allowed to be imported. This is contrary to the beliefs of the government. You can take pictures only what is allowed by the guide. In case of disobedience, a person is added to the black list, he is prohibited from entering North Korea.

You can immediately see with the naked eye that people live average. Badly dressed, empty roads. Cars appear very rarely, which is why many children play on the roadway.

There are many soldiers on the streets, who are also forbidden to photograph, especially if they are resting.

People move on foot or on bicycles. Tourists are given a free ride near the hotel. By the way, the corridors in the building resemble horror films. There was no repair for a long time, people appear here extremely rarely. In addition to bicycles, residents use bulls.

Both women and children work in the fields. Abandoned territories, which are located on military bases, are rich in small tricks that look like tanks.

Some buildings have escalators that have appeared recently. People are not yet accustomed to them and are poorly oriented in how to use them.

Electricity is supplied to the houses for several hours. Trees and small monuments are whitewashed not with a brush, but with hands.

In the spring, people eat ordinary grass added to dishes, which can be quickly and quietly picked up on a nearby lawn.

Economic spheres

The economy in North Korea is underdeveloped. Due to the fact that since 1960 the country has become closed and has ceased to publish production statistics, all conclusions are given by independent experts, they cannot be 100% reliable.

  • Industry. North Korea (the everyday life of citizens depends on the level of development of the state in this area) is moving well in the direction of mining. In addition, there are oil refineries on the territory.
  • Engineering. The country is engaged in the production of machine tools that the Russian Federation imports. However, the models are outdated, they were produced in the USSR several decades ago. It produces cars, SUVs, trucks.
  • Electronic sphere. After North Korea imported several million more smartphones and ordinary cell phones in 2014 than in 2013, everyday life in North Korea has become better. Over the past 5-7 years, companies have produced tablets, several smartphones and a special computer for working in factories.
  • Agriculture. Due to the lack of fertile land in the country, Agriculture poorly developed. Most of the country is occupied by mountains. The main crops planted are rice, soybeans, potatoes and corn. Unfortunately, there are few greens and vegetables that can be eaten raw. And this leads to poor health and, as a result, reduces the life expectancy of ordinary Koreans. Livestock breeding is dominated by poultry and pig breeding. Because of poor development country harvest is harvested by hand.

Comparison of the standard of living of people in North and South Korea

The most closed country is North Korea. The life of ordinary people here is not the best. The only way to get around the city is by bike. Cars are an unprecedented luxury that an ordinary worker can hardly afford.

Anyone wishing to enter the capital must first obtain a pass. However, it's worth it. There are picturesque places, various monuments and monuments, and even the only subway in the whole country. Outside the city, you can drive up on a ride. The military must always be brought up - this is accepted by law.

All residents of the DPRK must wear badges with the leaders of the state. Also, citizens who have reached working age should get a job. But since there is often simply not enough space, local authorities come up with new activities, such as baling hay or sawing old trees. Those who have retired also have to do something. As a rule, the parties allocate a small plot of land, which the old people undertake to look after.

Everyone has long known that North Korea, where the life of ordinary people sometimes turns into hell, has cruel laws and follows in the footsteps of fierce communism. However, there is something that this country attracts and attracts to itself. These are parks, reserves and simply very beautiful places that you can admire indefinitely. What is the "Dragon Mountain", which is located a 30-minute drive from Pyongyang.

The life of women in North Korea is very hard. Mostly men are involved in the army, there is practically no benefit from them for the family, so the weaker sex became more active and was able to prove that they could live in such conditions. Now the main breadwinners are women. It is they who work around the clock because of the somewhat inadequate laws of the DPRK, aimed only at protecting the state. If we compare modern life with any historical era, it is safe to say that Korea lives in 1950. The photo below is proof of that.

South Korea is a country of cinema, music, prosperity. The main problem of the country is alcoholism. In terms of drunkenness, the state ranks 7th in the world, but this does not prevent it from advancing, expanding its sphere of influence and becoming a powerful power. The Government of the Republic is leading its foreign policy in a way that has good relations with many European countries.

The people living in the country are kind, helpful, they always bow and smile at passers-by. And this feature is especially manifested in the service sector: in cafes, restaurants, cinemas. The buyer, or rather, the person who pays the money, is treated like God. In no case should he wait long for his turn. Due to such rules, service in this country is distinguished by quality and speed.

Education is what distinguishes South Korea. It is at the highest level. Poor academic performance, which entails failure in high school, means exclusion from society.

The army is not as well developed as in the north, but everyone is obliged to serve here - from workers to pop stars. The consequences that await after attempts to evade service are constantly reminiscent of the planes of North Korea constantly cutting through the sky. The call of men is carried out closer to 30 years. As a rule, Koreans marry very late, often after demobilization.

Their apartments look mean. At home, only those who work tirelessly can afford it. The citizens themselves laugh at the apartments and other housing that is shown on TV and published in magazines, saying that this is just a fantasy game.

North and South Korea, whose standard of living is very different, unfortunately, do not even think of uniting with the world. Some kind of conflicts and risks of resumption of war constantly arise, which hits hard on ordinary citizens of the north and forces them to migrate to other countries.

I managed to see the outback of the DPRK and take photographs for which they are shot in this country. How does the most closed country in the world really live? Where is the truth, and where is the show? Why hide the Korean province? Beware, there are many photos of North Korea inside!

There were very few foreigners in these places, so I take the liberty of saying that you will see many of the shots for the first time. For me personally, such a trip was much more interesting than the tourist route scheduled in seconds in Pyongyang.

I drove over 500 kilometers through the most remote corners of North Korea. Was it dangerous? Definitely. But the risk was worth it.

Leaving Dandong, China, I headed north. Interesting place, here to Korea no more than ten meters. Everything is in the palm of your hand. And so do I, of course.

On the Chinese side, the border is almost not guarded, but the Koreans have towers every three hundred

And there are constant foot patrols. This border is special: all over the world they are needed so that the enemies do not enter, but here it is the other way around, so that our own people do not run away.

View from the Korean village to the Chinese village. No matter how much propaganda tries to hide the real state of affairs, calling things by other names, it is enough for the inhabitants of the border region to open their eyes and look at their neighbors. How then to believe the TV?

That's why Koreans can't go to see the world, it's harmful. You can't even visit China, the bridges have been blown up.

Some of the bridges were destroyed by the Americans during the Korean War.

But the rest were “finished off” much later, when they tightened the screws and isolated the DPRK from the outside world.

The Chinese have already traveled around the world, now they are interested in their own country and neighbors. Domestic tourism is developing by leaps and bounds, even here.

They develop routes, build hotels, put up signs with which everyone is photographed.

And all for the sake of sights - a half-collapsed bridge. It was here that the Chinese army crossed over to enter the war against the United States and support the brotherly Korean people.

Now this fraternal people is looking through binoculars and sights.

Two sides, two sides. The Chinese have grown a whole tourist town with hotels.

The North Koreans...

do not confuse countries.

This city is located exactly across the river from the village from the last photo.

Koreans see that China sometimes directly teases them, but they can’t do anything about it. They are trying to build Potemkin villages, but what else is left for them?

It is terrible to think that once both countries were in approximately the same conditions.

The DPRK has a very beautiful nature.

New quarters on the Chinese side are being built in the traditional Korean style. Oops!

But stop looking at China. Onward to North Korea! Let's see a small border town by the river.
Washing machines have not yet been invented, everyone goes to the river. But the clothes of ordinary Koreans turned out to be not as gray and monotonous as the imagination had drawn.

A man walks bulls in the yard of a high-rise building.

The main form of transport is a bicycle, in three days I met literally a couple of cars: none of them were cars.

A house of glass and concrete was built on the shore. Of course, empty inside. What for?

High school.

Physical education class in North Korea. Children carry stones, help build a neighboring house.

Grandfathers were at war. Memorial of the Korean War 1950-1953.

All the people I saw on the shore were busy with some kind of work. No one sat and admired the views, no one walked just like that.

The work was physical and hard.

I'm not the only one watching the life of ordinary Koreans. Soldiers are the only people in the country who are allowed to sit and do nothing. They are at work. The border is guarded.

From afar, Korean towns look neat and even pretty.

And if you take a closer look, you will see: only the first line of houses is painted, then real slums begin. And again it looks like Russia.

Slogans, slogans everywhere. A person should not think for himself, the wise Party takes care of him.

The railway station looks like a propaganda poster. Immutable portraits of leaders. In North Korea they are deified.

The train is the only link to the rest of the country. The roads are only unpaved, there is no public transport. But this train is not a passenger one either. Why would they go anywhere?

But the line is electrified. In a country where there is no electricity in most settlements.

This is what a real Korean village looks like. Very different from what is shown on the border with South Korea.

This station is being renovated. The portraits of the Kims were carefully hung with white linen.

Village council.

Empty houses in a Korean village.

There are several hydroelectric power stations on the river, which are under joint Korean-Chinese management. They are being built with Chinese money.

The entire border runs along the Yalu River.

Deaf farm.

The Koreans raised the alarm and started burning grass so I couldn't take pictures 🙂

How beautiful! The city of Rodongzhagu is located in a picturesque valley surrounded by mountains. This is where life itself should be, otherwise all the villages and holes!

What beautiful neat white houses, what majestic slogans that can be seen hundreds of meters away.

In this city, everything says, no, even shouts how wonderful it is to live in North Korea!

The streets and squares are decorated with pictures from the life of the leaders, the great leaders of the Korean people.

I had thoughts that this city is a showcase for foreigners. All facades and slogans look towards the border. On the other hand, where should they look, not at the mountains.

But there are a lot of flaws and "blunders" if they wanted to make a beautiful ostentatious city.

Hundreds of identical whites beautiful houses. And not cardboard, residential, there are people almost everywhere. But look at the paths between them... why the other ones, because there are no cars?

The only car in big city there was this blue truck. Not on wood, and that's good. There were a lot of people in the truck.

This part of the district was not completed and abandoned. Strange, it is closest to the river. And at the same time, people live even in unfinished buildings: do you see plastic bags instead of windows?

The city-forming enterprise is a factory.

And this factory seems to be closed. Not a single person, not a single car - how are they going to export products?

The central square is not crowded.

We return to China. He's teasing Koreans again with his lights and shop windows. Shatters the system? It is unlikely that the Chinese have much more effective methods to destroy the DPRK in a matter of months.

We do not say goodbye to North Korea, in the coming days I will show something else, you will like it.

On February 23, US President Donald Trump and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull held a joint press conference at the White House, during which Donald Trump spoke about the so-called "second phase" in the US strategy against North Korea if sanctions against the DPRK prove ineffective:

“We have to see how things develop. I don't think I'm going to play that particular card, but we'll be watching. And if the sanctions don't work, we'll have to move on to the second phase. The second phase can be very, very rough. Perhaps very, very unfortunate for the whole world. Therefore, I hope, I hope that the sanctions will work, the whole world supports us in this direction. At the same time, North Korea is an unpredictable country. If we can make a deal with them, that would be great. And if we can't, then something has to happen. So let's see."

Donald Trump's statement caused a series of disturbing comments from experts and the press, since since the summer of last year, the White House has not received threats from the White House against the DPRK, such as "fire and fury", "a bloody nose" and other things. Now numerous experts do not know what to think.

Is Donald Trump's "Phase 2" warning just another round of empty verbal skirmish between the White House and North Korea, or is it already time to grab your panic bags and rush to the nearest anti-nuclear bunker?

The situation with the understanding of what is happening is further complicated by the tightening of information screws in the United States itself. If six months ago, numerous video blogs posted videos with trains of military equipment waiting for loading in US ports, today this channel is almost blocked and even forums are carefully controlled.

The latest example is the closure of the domain by the US intelligence services on February 23rd. was engaged in eavesdropping on the Pentagon's radio communications.

As everyone knows and understands perfectly well, negotiations between the US military take place over encrypted channels, and even for the intelligence services of other states it is a very difficult task to decipher these signals. However, no cryptosystems can do anything with data volumes, and if this transmission volume suddenly jumps at times, any radio amateur can notice this, logically assuming that at that moment there is some kind of emergency situation in the Pentagon.

In addition, aircraft pilots often conduct their negotiations in an almost open text, and there, too, one can understand something. In general, not the most excellent source of information about what is happening in the world, but a source. And on February 23rd it was closed:

Naturally, the situation caused some panic in conspiracy forums. Everyone immediately assumed that during the period of February 24-25, that is, when the closing ceremony of the Olympics with lights and fireworks will take place in Korea, the United States will launch a preemptive strike against the DPRK, as shown in the mysterious cartoon I, Pet Goat II:

After the FBI had a conversation with the admins of "", the resource seemed to work, but its value is now doubtful. Similar to what happened with after a similar conversation with the guys in gray raincoats, the resource concentrated on moving armored vehicles in the Middle East and what is happening in the US ports no longer sees point-blank.

Nevertheless, having some idea of ​​how the war machine works, one can judge what is happening on the basis of indirect and even very indirect facts.

In early February, at one of the American forums, we came across a private message from an honest American citizen whose family nurse went to South Korea on a military contract. According to her, there are already 150,000 Americans there. A similar kind of source from the “one grandmother said” series claimed that China had already pulled up 500,000 soldiers to the border with the DPRK. Thus, despite the importance of this information, its reliability leaves much to be desired.

However, we read an report on February 20th: The US and South Korea have announced plans for military maneuvers with more than 320,000 troops:

The article further explains that of the 320,000 participating in the exercise, 300,000 will be Koreans and only 17,000 Americans. This imbalance is somewhat surprising. And why did the United States not limit itself to participating in the maneuvers of a company of marines? Why as many as 17,000?

We can neither deny nor confirm the movement of half a million Chinese soldiers to the border with the DPRK, but the Chinese moved several hundred thousand for sure - there were both official reports and photos from the roads about this. The question arises: why are the Chinese so alarmed?

The ground forces of South Korea number 600,000 people, this crowd has been sitting with machine guns around Seoul since 1953, and China, with its 300 million (according to the most conservative estimates) mobilization reserve, did not pay any attention to this microscopic neighborhood, limiting itself to a couple of armored cars of border guards . And suddenly, for some reason, Beijing was so frightened of the South Korean maneuvers that it began to hastily move forces.

Based on these confirmed Chinese military movements, it can be assumed that more than a hundred thousand Americans actually gathered on the Korean Peninsula. The armor for these soldiers arrived there a little earlier:

The latest official US reinforcements on the Korean peninsula are 12 MQ-1C Gray Eagle attack drones, which have been deployed there since last March and seem to be innumerable.

We have already reported about all the previous transfers to the Korean Peninsula of additional US anti-missile destroyers, additional strategic bombers, and so on, so there is no point in repeating. For everyone following the situation around the DPRK, it has long been clear that the United States is preparing a large-scale military operation there. And most likely it will result in the Third World War, for which the media is already actively preparing the mass consciousness.

In mid-February (and, interestingly, almost simultaneously), some “experts” appeared in Russia and the West, who began to talk about “in nuclear war there will be nothing terrible” and about “in the event of a massive use of nuclear weapons, 95% of the people on the planet will survive”:

It's pointless to argue with these guys. If (more precisely, when) a nuclear war does happen and all these “experts” fall not into the epicenter, but into the zone of weak destruction, where their skin will peel off the bones like wet toilet paper- "experts" will reconsider their opinion about nuclear weapons, they will have a little time for this. But the very fact of the work of these propagandists is very important: the talking heads of people are preparing for the perception of a very cruel, maddening coming reality:

Where did Alex Jones get this information from? Kim Chae-un called him on the program and said that the period of March 28 - April 2, the DPRK will launch a nuclear strike on the United States? Or did someone else call?

US TV talks about nuclear war in plain text, calling for preparations:

Senator James E. Risch, at a security conference in Munich: "If this starts (a war in the DPRK) ... it will be the most catastrophic event in the history of our civilization ... mass casualties will be on a scale that this PLANET has never seen before ... ".

Thus, seeing the preparations for the event in potential theaters of operations (theaters of war), seeing how the media is preparing for this event, the issue of the Third World War is already a settled issue and, probably, there is even a clear plan of who, when, by whom and where to hit. But the public not initiated into high degrees can only guess both about the time of the outbreak of hostilities and about their scenario.

On the this moment the critical event is the South Korean Olympics, as we detailed in Florida Shooting: Another Sign of World War III Coming?

On February 25, the closing ceremony of the games will take place, so already on this day, either the United States may launch a “probing” preemptive strike on North Korea, or Pyongyang again decides to test something, thereby provoking a response from the United States.

However, if February 25 passes quietly for the world, the Olympics will not end there yet. From 9 to 18 March 2018, the Paralympic winter Games, so the scenario, possibly encrypted in the cartoon I, Pet Goat II, will remain valid until March 18th.

And then it will be March 20, 2018, that is, as it were, the deadline for the readiness of North Korean nuclear forces for a missile attack on the United States: CIA Director: Third World War will start within the next 12 weeks. But rather, much earlier.

Thus, March is unlikely to be a calm month and the US will move into a “second phase” in North Korea much earlier than it can assess the effectiveness of its new sanctions. But when will it be? In March? In April? Or even in February? We do not know this for sure, but we are closely monitoring any information hinting at the start of a war.

NBC, citing intelligence sources, reported yesterday that the United States may launch a preemptive strike on North Korean military facilities to prevent a nuclear test, which is timed to coincide with the 105th anniversary of the birth of North Korean founder Kim Il Sung on April 15.

The Pentagon has already deployed two destroyers 500 kilometers from the North Korean nuclear test site. Earlier, the US authorities sent an aircraft carrier strike group to the shores of the Korean Peninsula, and Pyongyang threatened Washington with a nuclear strike.

Deputy Foreign Minister of the DPRK Han Song Ryul in an interview with The Associated Press blamed US President Donald Trump in creating a "vicious circle" of tension, promised to respond to reckless US military maneuvers with a preemptive strike, stressed that Pyongyang is not going to "sit idly" waiting for a US preemptive strike: "We will go to war if they choose." At the same time, Han Song Ryul focused on the nuclear potential of the DPRK.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said in parliament yesterday that North Korea could fit missile warheads with sarin. And the National Security Council of Japan began studying the necessary measures in the event of an "unforeseen situation" on the Korean Peninsula in February, immediately after the first official meeting of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with US President Donald Trump.

U.S. National Security Adviser Herbert McMaster said on April 9 that Pyongyang's nuclear arsenal was "unacceptable," stressed the legitimacy of a forceful solution to the problem, and added that Donald Trump had asked the military to "offer the full range of options to eliminate this threat."

US strike potential

The "spectrum" of the Pentagon, which we saw earlier in the Middle East, makes it likely that the Korean War, suspended in 1953, will continue in the very near future.

In East Asia, the Americans have significant military potential and are capable of attacking North Korea with the forces of the US Seventh Fleet, ground and air groups stationed in Japan and South Korea (about 70,000 troops in total).

American aviation is actively patrolling the airspace over the Korean Peninsula. The US Navy aircraft carrier strike group (AUG), led by the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Carl Vinson, is located to the west of the Japanese island of Kyushu and is heading through the Korea Strait to the Sea of ​​Japan to the coast of the DPRK. In addition to the aircraft carrier, the group includes the missile cruiser Lake Champlain, the destroyers Michael Murphy and Wayne Meyer. AUGs are supported by multi-purpose nuclear submarines with Tomahawk cruise missiles on board.

The US Air Force B-52, B-1B and B-2 strategic bombers from the air base on the island of Guam in the western part may be involved in the region Pacific Ocean. Without the transfer of additional forces, the Americans are capable of inflicting massive strikes from the sea and air, and conducting landing operations.

Among options Pentagon considering return to South Korea atomic bombs(exported 25 years ago), the physical elimination of the North Korean leader, the transfer of special forces to the territory of the DPRK to sabotage nuclear infrastructure facilities.

Donald Trump called North Korea the main threat to the United States. At the same time, the positions of neighboring Russia and China are ignored.

The US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) assesses the survival of the leadership of Russia and China after a nuclear strike.

China and the US failed to agree on specific measures regarding North Korea's nuclear program. US President Donald Trump threatened North Korea with nuclear submarines through Chinese leader Xi Jinping. And on April 2, Trump said that Washington could "deal with Pyongyang" without the participation and consent of Beijing, which categorically opposes the use of force to resolve the North Korean problem and the strengthening of the US military presence in East Asia.

Tokyo highly appreciates Washington's position on North Korea and, as an ally of the United States, cannot but support military actions against the DPRK, although it is aware of the consequences.

Possibilities of Pyongyang

North Korea has an impressive military potential and is ready to defend itself. The number of the DPRK Armed Forces exceeds one million people. This is almost twice as much as the South Korean Armed Forces. According to Global Firepower, Pyongyang has 4,300 pieces of artillery, 2,400 multiple launch rocket systems, has succeeded in building short and medium-range missile systems, and has mastered the technology of miniaturizing nuclear warheads, which are now mounted on ballistic missiles.

Against the backdrop of joint military maneuvers between the United States and South Korea, four North Korean missiles volleyed into outer space on March 6.

Earlier, the DPRK launched ICBMs from a submarine. Let North Korean warheads so far fly at a distance of up to a thousand kilometers, but a missile launch from a submarine allows even a geographically distant state to adequately respond. The submarine is capable of stealthily approaching any of the American military bases in Japan and even the US coastline at the optimal distance for a missile attack. And Pyongyang is focusing on the development of sea-based missile weapons.

Numerous military conflicts of recent decades show that the national security of any state depends on its defense capability. And North Korean leader Kim Jong-un considers nuclear weapons to be the main factor of peace in the region, a guarantee of the economic development of the DPRK.

North Korea's nuclear weapons are an imminent threat to the US, and the Pentagon should not make any sudden moves on the Korean Peninsula. It is more rational to conclude a peace treaty. Here is the American analytical publication Project Syndicate: "Since 1953, North Korea has never launched large-scale hostilities against South Korea, and its threats to Japan are limited to bellicose rhetoric."

Source - RIA Novosti