Post-apocalypse - the world after a nuclear war

Incredible Facts

A nuclear war can bring destruction and mass death, and therefore it is better for people to learn how to get along with each other.

But if such an event suddenly happened, and the earth was irradiated and plunged into nuclear winter, what would happen to life on our planet?

Would everyone die or would someone survive? Here are some of the most resilient creatures in the world.

1. Amoeba

The amoeba, being perhaps the simplest form of life and perhaps the basis of all subsequent ones, will certainly survive. Amoebas have the ability enter sleep mode, wrapped in a protective layer, and remain in this state for an indefinite period of time.

They are resistant to radiation, and as a single-celled organism, they have no mutation problem during reproduction. Amoebas reproduce on their own very quickly, they can be found all over the world in huge numbers, and they are very small, so the probability of their survival is very high.

2. Cockroaches

The cockroach is perhaps the most well-known of all animals with great potential for survival. Cockroaches are able to withstand a moderate amount of radiation, and have been able to survive being 300 meters from the site where the Hiroshima bomb went off.

Of course, modern weapons are much more powerful, and cockroaches would hardly survive the current nuclear explosion. The "Mythbusters" in their tests demonstrated that 10 percent of cockroaches survived 10,000 rads of radiation. The Hiroshima bomb emitted 10,000 rads, so cockroaches might have survived far from the epicenter of the radiation.

On the contrary, people exposed to 10,000 rads of radiation would instantly suffer from a coma, and very soon this would lead to death. The ability of cockroaches to survive is due to their slow growth rate. Them cells reproduce every 48 hours which reduces the risk of mutations.

3. Scorpions

Everyone who has seen scorpions living in captivity knows that they are capable of withstand ultraviolet radiation. In addition, they have a chance to survive in the event of a nuclear explosion.

Scorpions live on every continent except Antarctica, and they can be frozen and brought back to life, which would help them in the event of a nuclear winter.

They are often found in burrows and crevices, which gives them some physical protection from radiation and radioactive fallout. Scorpions are very persistent and remained virtually unchanged throughout evolution due to the ideal form.

4 Braconid Wasps

Scientists have found that these wasps can withstand up to 180,000 rads of radiation, making them one of the most resilient animals in the world.

The only problem is whether they can find a prey to lay their eggs, but maybe they will. In addition, braconids can be taught to smell harmful and explosives like dogs.

5. Lingulata

Lingulata belongs to the class of brachiopods or animals with valvular shells. The name of these animals is translated from Latin as "tongue" because of the shape of their shells.

There have been five mass extinctions in Earth's history when most of life was wiped out. Lingulata survived all the mass extinctions, perhaps due to the ability to burrow deep into the ground during difficult periods and reappear later.

Despite their survival skills, scientists still don't know how they do it, but they probably also have a good chance of surviving a nuclear war.

6. Fruit flies

Fruit flies or Drosophila can survive at high doses radiation up to 64,000 rad.

Many insects are able to withstand radiation due to slow cell division and very rapid reproduction, as is the case with fruit flies. The ability to reproduce means that they can mutate very quickly with any changes.

The small size of fruit flies also works in their favor, since fewer cells are exposed to radiation and a smaller surface absorbs it.

7. People

Surprisingly, but quite maybe people can survive in a nuclear war. First, the number of nuclear weapons in the world is decreasing. And although existing bombs can wipe everything off the face of the Earth, this is unlikely, since people are scattered all over the world.

Now the bombs are 1000 times more powerful than the one that was dropped on Hiroshima, but this does not mean that 1000 times more people will die.

Given the dispersion of people in different parts of the world and in the presence of anti-nuclear shelters, it is likely that enough people can survive to maintain a viable population. Fortunately, we are endowed with intelligence to find a way out of many situations, which is primarily worth using in order not to drop atomic bombs.

8. Fundulus

Fundulus, no matter how strange its name sounds, is an ordinary fish. Fish usually do not survive as well and any changes in salt composition, water temperature and pollution can lead to their death.

Fundulus is a special fish because it can live in almost any environment. She lives in the most polluted areas of the sea with the strongest chemical spills.

Also this the only fish to have been in space. Several fish were launched into the Skylab orbital station in 1973 in plastic aquarium bags, and tests showed that they were able to swim in space, and their descendants were born the same as before.

The ability to survive is related to their ability to turn genes on and off on demand. The fish can even rearrange some body parts to adapt to the new environment.

9 Tardigrades

Tardigrades or "little water bears" refer to extremophiles. This means that they are able to withstand extreme conditions environment. They can be boiled, crushed, frozen, they survive in space, without water, they can be revived a decade after they were practically clinically dead.

In the light of this unpleasant information, it would be logical to give some advice to sane people who, instead of howling idiotic prayers that "nuclear war will not be, because it will never be!", soberly assess the current political moment, which dictates a high degree danger of attack.

To begin with, in connection with the complete collapse of the Institute of Civil Defense (GO) of Russia, there is no one to convey information about what needs to be done to save yourself and your loved ones during a nuclear attack to those who need it most - to US, the population Russia, so I will try to fill this gap.


IMPORTANT. Try to understand: the propaganda assertion that a global nuclear explosion will lead to total radioactive contamination and the death of all life on Earth is a cynical lie, and the "nuclear winter" that has been scaring us for 40 years is a modern fairy tale about the Snow Queen.
Remember - man-made nuclear disasters (like Chernobyl, Fukushima) in terms of contamination with radionuclides are several orders of magnitude more dangerous than the use of nuclear weapons - on the edge of the funnel from the explosion of a medium-sized nuclear warhead, you can stand without danger to life in a month!
Practice says the same - the inhabitants of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, destroyed by the first nuclear bombs (extremely dirty), immediately rebuilt, settled, and live happily until now.

Yes, nuclear weapons are one of the most destructive elements in the human arsenal. However, its ability to destroy human civilization, and, moreover, the Earth's biosphere, is significantly exaggerated and politically distorted - in violation of all the principles of science, which has sufficiently studied nuclear weapons and the possible consequences of its use.

Therefore, it is necessary to know that after the exchange of nuclear strikes, in Russia:

1. From 70 to 80% of the population will survive, and the mournful percentages (20-30) include not only those who die from the damaging factors of nuclear weapons immediately, but also die later from exposure, burns and contamination with radionuclides.

2. Temporarily unsuitable (due to infection) for living and running households. the activity of the territories will be no more than 5-7%.

3. Long-term uninhabitable territories (large cities, the vicinity of nuclear power plants, chemical plants, military facilities and other industrial enterprises) - about 10%.

4. In large cities (excluding Moscow, where at least 80% of the inhabitants will immediately die), subjected to an attack by several nuclear BBs and made uninhabitable, contrary to popular belief, the percentage of survivors, if it is below average, is insignificant.


Based on the preamble, we clearly understand that there is NO reason for tantrums, suicide and other madness!

On the contrary, there is a reason to strive to SURVIVE. Here's what to do.

1. BEFORE the start of JA:

We all need to understand that it will depend only on our readiness, composure, calmness, sober calculation and assessment of events whether we ourselves will be saved and whether we will save our loved ones.

Primarily you need to contact the civil defense unit or the Ministry of Emergency Situations at the place of residence and find out from them where the shelter or shelter closest to your house or apartment is located - this will not cost you anything.

City dwellers it is desirable to have a house in the countryside as a "support base" - away from large cities. The house should be located away from any industrial facilities (including from hydroelectric power stations and areas flooded in the event of the destruction of their dams), nuclear power plants, military units, and transport routes.
The house should have a grocery bookmark for at least a couple of months for the whole family and other useful things that will give you a chance to survive in the conditions of radioactive contamination and the destruction of state institutions:

household dosimeter, clothes, gas masks + elements for them, capes, raincoats, a supply of food in sealed packaging for long-term storage, drinking water, strong alcohol (alcohol and vodka) flashlights + batteries, matches, HF-VHF receiver, a large first-aid kit which includes various general-purpose drugs, military special first-aid kits to reduce the effects of radiation, a car (Niva, or UAZ), as well as a good supply of detergents and household cleaners for decontamination and disinfection of clothes, shoes, a car, permitted weapons and ammunition, a gas generator + fuel supply to it and car.

Your city apartment should have: trekking equipment for all family members, documents, money, weapons, small first aid kit, canned food, bottled water.
All this should be at your place in readiness and each family member should know where it all is, how to use it and what to do in certain situations. It is necessary to determine collection points in advance and have means of communication like wokie-toki - mobile communications will not work.

It’s clear that such training is far from affordable and affordable for everyone, so the minimum program may look like the one described above, starting with the words: “... your city apartment should have:” - this is not difficult and not expensive.

2. During a nuclear attack:

You need to know that when you see a flash of a nuclear explosion, it's too late to seek shelter - you need to quickly take cover in the nearest ditch, moat, underpass, metro station, stone building, and lie down with your feet towards the explosion, and cover your head with your hands. After the shock wave passes, you need to find a more serious shelter or quickly get to your apartment or house, tightly close all windows, doors, cracks, turn off all electricity. If you live in a large city, then most likely several BBs will be used on its territory, so it makes sense to spend some time after the first nuclear explosion at the place where the first explosion caught you. Remember - the duration of the nuclear explosion is not four years, but from 1 to 3 hours.

3. Right after the nuclear attack:

You survived and that's great! It must be borne in mind that the level of radiation two days after the explosion will decrease by 8 times, so it will be relatively safe to leave the destroyed, contaminated city and go to a clean area.
If you have a dosimeter, then you need to turn it on as often as possible and check the level of radiation. As you move, the p/background level should fall, which means that you are moving away from the epicenter of the explosion. If there is no dosimeter, it does not matter, you need to move in the direction where you see less destruction.

Important. The highest safe level of radiation is 50 microroentgens per hour. Natural background 2-10 microroentgen/h. The dose of radiation is considered to be the multiplication of the current level by the time spent in a dirty place: 100 roentgens captured by you are dangerous to health, at 300 - certain death outside a special hospital, and what kind of special hospital after a nuclear attack?

Where to go? It would be good even in peacetime to outline a path that would run far from important industrial and military facilities, nuclear power plants, oil and gas pipelines, since with a high probability such facilities will also be subjected to nuclear strikes.

Remember: if you are a resident of the outskirts of large cities, or your "support base" is near the city, then you will have to leave your house as soon as possible, even if it is completely intact and is not located in the zone of radioactive contamination. This must be done because a millionth wave of exodus from the ruined city will sweep through you, and this wave will consist of hungry, embittered, sick, aggressive and often insane people.

Be Realistic- you will not be able to protect your oasis of well-being even if you have weapons - you will die yourself, and destroy your relatives. Therefore, taking the maximum number of goodies for survival, drop everything and leave. On foot, because the roads will be completely blocked by abandoned cars.

Pretty much the same tactics. must be followed if you, all so prepared and equipped, find yourself in an "exodus wave" from a major city. You need to get out as quickly as possible not only from the destroyed, infected city, but also from the crowd of aggressive, demoralized, hungry people, most of whom do not even have a can of canned food.
You need to discard hypocrisy and clearly understand - the time has come for the "man-to-man wolf", the priority is the survival of your family, and those who are outside the circle of the family are your potential enemies. If you do not understand this, you will perish yourself and destroy your family.

Do not panic! Your survival is the priority of the work of the civil defense forces and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they have at their disposal all the necessary forces and means, as well as a wonderful organization like ROSREZERV will allow you to live for at least 6 months, since this organization has extensive material reserves, ranging from food and medicine to excavators, metal, tents and diesel generators. These reserves are designed to provide the entire population of Russia for 6 months.

They have at least some sense, but what I know and see tells me that hoping that you will be saved, warmed, comforted and fed ("now I will eat, now they will feed me!" (c) - do not costs.
Gotta be realistic- the civil defense system has been dismantled, and it is naive to expect that in a state completely destroyed by a nuclear strike, one of the enthusiasts will break into a cake in order to save a hungry multi-million herd.

Rosrezerv? Yes, of course, after a nuclear strike, some of its storage facilities will certainly survive, but something tells me that in these storage facilities even now, before the strike, for a long, long time, there is far from so much everything, everything, everything, in order to "provide for six months the entire population ".
And most importantly- the surviving vaults will no doubt be seized by armed units that have turned into gangs, which, after a short period of meager distribution of nishtyaks to the survivors, will logically judge - "we can't feed everyone, so we'll leave it to ourselves."

So, soberly assessing the situation, I can advise you to rely only on yourself, and if you hear on your receiver that there is at least some kind of power somewhere, and the civil defense forces will really do something in some places in some area, then it is necessary to strive by any means to reach these areas and then act according to circumstances.

However, in any case, you will have to act according to circumstances, and taking into account the fact that, according to a sober, impartial assessment, after the first calendar winter since the nuclear cataclysm, out of 80% of the surviving population, no more than 20% will survive - the rest will die of starvation, epidemics and hellish, deadly fights for grub.

In general, it will be necessary to try VERY hard to be in these 20%.

You really try, friends, and I will be very happy if my advice will help you survive!

Have a nice weekend, friends!

We all live in difficult period of history. The situation in the world is far from stable, and threat of nuclear conflict though not great, but invisibly hovering in the air.

In the first part of our material, we analyzed in detail why this particular country can become a catalyst for nuclear Armageddon.

The second part will be devoted to those things and activities that you need to have with you and complete in the event of a real nuclear conflict.


First of all, it should be remembered that at the beginning warnings about the use of nuclear weapons by the enemy(this can be television, radio, the sounds of the siren of the civil defense and emergency services) you have no more than 5-10 minutes to get to the hideout.

Depending on the distance from the epicenter of the explosion and the power of the used weapons of destruction, the danger to humans will decrease. So within a radius of 4 km from the point of detonation there will be a complete defeat of all living and non-living. Within a radius of 8 km- almost 100% destruction, the probability of survival is minimal. 15 km– medium damage, good chance of survival. 15-30 km– minor damage, the risk of death is minimal. The most dangerous in this case are the secondary factors of destruction by nuclear weapons - radiation, toxic precipitation at a distance of more than 20 km (depending on weather conditions). Other damage factors are shock wave, light radiation, electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

In the case of being in an open area during a nuclear strike need to protect the respiratory system. For this, a gas mask, a special respirator or (in extreme cases) fabric bandages are suitable. The ideal option at the time of a nuclear strike would be in a bomb shelter or basement of a "capital" house. The probability of survival there is much higher than in open areas.

If an alarm is triggered in the city, you should immediately proceed to the nearest shelter, the location of which will be notified accordingly. If the alarm does not stop after the first strike, then the risk of its repetition is high. You are unlikely to be able to use the phone, the network will be heavily overloaded, and after the occurrence of EMR, its work will be paralyzed. For residents of large cities additional the nearest metro stations can become a shelter. Especially deep-seated, as, for example, in Moscow.

If the alarm caught you in an apartment or office and there is no time to quickly get to a specialized shelter, it is necessary to secure your location as much as possible. Close all entrances and exits, plug the cracks doorways and windows, use furniture and improvised means to strengthen walls and doors from the effects of a shock wave.


At the beginning of a mass evacuation or you yourself decided to leave the city, you must have at hand minimum set of things and food- wearable supply, based on your physical capabilities and your family members.

What you need to have on hand:

maps and compass(GPS, GLONASS, cellular network and alternative navigation options will stop working);

knife and ax(it's not only essential tool, but also a means of self-defense);

canned food and cereals(rice is stored longer than buckwheat, and sweets and flour products will quickly become unusable);

first aid kit(if you need to take specialized drugs, you should stock up on them in advance and in sufficient quantities, iodine, and more, it will also not be superfluous to put it);

matches and candles;

fabric and bags(fabric can be used as a dressing, and bags are needed to put garbage in them, which will be in excess during a long stay in the shelter);

mechanical watches;

flashlight and batteries;

documentation identity cards (for yourself and family members);

soap(unsanitary conditions and the troubles that arise with it can be worse than what is happening outside the safe zone);

drinking water(A person can survive much longer without food than without water; an adult needs at least 2.5 liters of water per day, nursing mothers and children up to 3.5 liters).

This list is presented only with the most necessary things that do not hurt to have on hand in case of a complication of the situation.

Hygiene and medicine.

Water is your main ally. It not only supports life in the body, but also useful for washing wounds and personal hygiene.

If it is not possible to throw garbage out into the street, then it must be stored away from everyone, in boxes, buckets or bags. Maintaining cleanliness in the new "dwelling" plays an important role in the conditions of nuclear war and its damaging factors. In the absence of electricity and saving water - a broom to help.

The presence of medical knowledge and skills will be very useful when you are away from medical facilities. At least one person in the family must be able to provide medical care, know the indications for the use of medicines and methods of treating wounds.

How to act.

In conditions of disorganization, it will become important for you knowledge of the state strategy and action plan to ensure the safety of the population in a nuclear war. If you do not have such knowledge, you must work out your plan and provide for any scenarios in it. From the most negative to the most favorable, as well as your response in the event of certain circumstances.

After some time, you decide get to the surface. The first days after a nuclear explosion are the most dangerous for humans. If the shelter is secure and there are enough supplies, then you need to stay in the shelter as long as possible.

Coming to the surface, beware of wind and precipitation coming from the side of impact, protect your respiratory organs and move towards filtration points outside the city where help awaits you.

We hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

The State Duma in the third, final reading, by the votes of United Russia, adopted another anti-democratic law on punishing citizens for expressing disrespect for the authorities. Thus, this power only adds reasons not to respect it. Here are 10 of the most obvious ones. 1. Raising the retirement age…

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It seems to me that in Russian prisons and hospitals they are fed the same way. Remember my suffering from hospital food? It was so tasteless that I had to order from restaurants. And after all, someone defended this burda, assuring that it was “homemade” and “dietary”! Well, what about the Germans? Let's show that...

You give her, high society pomaded fool, gifts. You try, you run around noisy boutiques in search of panties with rhinestones or a virgin look of a newfangled veil, and she - bam and wanted to shit on your gifts, throwing them into a distant deep chest. Or here's another. Fuck her, you bastard is not us ...

By the fifth anniversary of the events after which Russia and Ukraine from two fraternal peoples, through the efforts of their elites, have turned into bitter enemies. That is, they fulfilled the age-old dream of all our enemies from Bismarck to Hitler and the State Department. I think that for this, Putin and Poroshenko will face another shame in court and ...

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Everyone has probably already heard that Russia is going to close the Internet in its country, ostensibly creating its own, isolated, Internet. Well .. Europe is not far behind. And where is this threat to humanity .. or rather, to the authorities? IN INFO!! Remember the famous saying...

Thousands of years ago, astrologers, creating a calendar, set in it 7 days of the week, which corresponded to certain planets and luminaries. Uh-huh .. it’s astrologers .. the very ones who discovered these planets and that 365 days a year and 12 months and 24 hours a day and 7 days a week .. Thanks to ...

As they say - if a gun hangs on the wall, it will fire someday. The same can be said about stockpiles of nuclear weapons in different countries. It sounds terrible and sad, but a nuclear explosion may not necessarily occur as a result of military aggression. This can happen due to improper storage and transportation, due to testing errors, in quality.

Let's hope our society is smart enough to never start a nuclear war. But you still need to know how to behave in any life situation Therefore, we advise you to familiarize yourself with these rules.

1. Nuclear alert

At modern means communications and alerts, it is simply impossible not to find out about the impending danger. Here you can object that the people will know about everything last, when it is already useless to save themselves. But if the incident is really serious, you will learn about it even from a neighbor, and even from a cat.

Turn on the TV or radio immediately and listen carefully to the information about and further instructions. The main thing is to listen to everything to the end and not to panic.

2. Bomb shelter

When you hear the siren's lingering signal, know that you have about 10 minutes to hide in a safe place. If you live in a metropolis, take cover, but keep in mind that after the alarm, the subway entrance will close in 5 minutes. In addition, under many high-rise buildings built in Soviet time there are bomb shelters. Even if they have already been remade for other purposes a long time ago, the walls remain the same and they will save you from trouble.

If you are far away from any bomb shelters and cellars, or just started to panic, take cover in any building or behind stone wall, cover your head with your hands and open your mouth. Remember: in no case do not look at the explosion, even if you are far from the epicenter. You may be blinded by the flash. Taking a selfie is the dumbest idea ever.

3. About cover classes

From messages on the radio or from the Internet (here it is better to do this in advance) you will learn about the location of bomb shelters in your city. It is important to understand what their labeling means. The class of shelters is determined by the ability to withstand excess pressure from the shock wave: A-I (0.5 MPa), A-II (0.3 MPa), A-III (0.2 MPa) and A-IV (0.1 MPa ). The first 3 are intended for valuable specialists and the military. But do not despair, because often these objects are subject to further attack.

4. Threats of nuclear explosion

People who are "lucky" to be at the epicenter of a nuclear bomb explosion do not survive. can withstand an explosion, but the blast wave will destroy all life. If you see a huge crowd of people trying to get into a bomb shelter in a panic, it’s better not to push with them, but quickly hide in some basement. That way you'll have a better chance of saving your life.

5. Explosion of a nuclear bomb

Under the conditions of a nuclear threat, the main task is to survive at the moment of a nuclear missile strike. Therefore, do not try to waste time collecting jewelry and a wardrobe for all occasions. It is enough to take the documents.

The survivors of the explosion need to urgently get away from the epicenter of the explosion. AT this case. The military will create special points where they will provide the necessary assistance, identify the victims and restore order.

6. Radiation

If at the time of the nuclear explosion you were in a bomb shelter, then stay in it for a few more days. The fact is that, which will be on the surface, it is enough to kill a person. Within 3-4 days, especially dangerous radioactive substances will reduce their deadly effect. The longer you take refuge in a shelter, the more likely you are to stay alive and healthy.

7. In case of destruction of the shelter

If the bomb shelter is partially destroyed, it is not worth staying in it, even if there is enough water and food. The main reason is the same - radiation. area of ​​the epicenter of the explosion.

8. Exposure precautions

Follow these instructions when you go to the surface. Protect your respiratory organs with a gas mask or a construction mask, in extreme cases a damp rag will do. If possible, avoid moving during the wind. It is better to drink bottled water, which was packaged before the explosion. If there is none, you can drink from sources flowing towards the epicenter of the explosion, and not vice versa.

Try to cover all parts of the body so that radioactive dust does not fall on them. Until you leave the affected area, hide from the rain. Every drop can be deadly.

9. Decontamination

Upon arrival in a safe area, immediately take a bath, change clothes and that are given by the doctors. Do not panic and help others to cope with the trouble as much as possible.

The faster you leave the affected area, the more chances you have to survive and stay healthy. But if your strength has left you, remember: you should not lie down on the ground. And try to avoid the lowlands.