How to survive after nuclear explosions, if the third world still starts. How to survive after a nuclear war

We all live in difficult period of history. The situation in the world is far from stable, and threat of nuclear conflict though not great, but invisibly hovering in the air.

In the first part of our material, we analyzed in detail why this particular country can become a catalyst for nuclear Armageddon.

The second part will be devoted to those things and activities that you need to have with you and complete in the event of a real nuclear conflict.


First of all, it should be remembered that at the beginning warnings about the use of nuclear weapons by the enemy(this can be television, radio, the sounds of the siren of the civil defense and emergency services) you have no more than 5-10 minutes to get to the hideout.

Depending on the distance from the epicenter of the explosion and the power of the used weapons of destruction, the danger to humans will decrease. So within a radius of 4 km from the point of detonation there will be a complete defeat of all living and non-living. Within a radius of 8 km- almost 100% destruction, the probability of survival is minimal. 15 km– medium damage, good chance of survival. 15-30 km– minor damage, the risk of death is minimal. The most dangerous in this case are the secondary factors of destruction by nuclear weapons - radiation, toxic precipitation at a distance of more than 20 km (depending on weather conditions). Other damage factors are shock wave, light radiation, electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

In the case of being in an open area during a nuclear strike need to protect the respiratory system. For this, a gas mask, a special respirator or (in extreme cases) fabric bandages are suitable. The ideal option at the time of a nuclear strike would be in a bomb shelter or basement of a "capital" house. The probability of survival there is much higher than in open areas.

If an alarm is triggered in the city, you should immediately proceed to the nearest shelter, the location of which will be notified accordingly. If the alarm does not stop after the first strike, then the risk of its repetition is high. You are unlikely to be able to use the phone, the network will be heavily overloaded, and after the occurrence of EMR, its work will be paralyzed. For residents of large cities additional the nearest metro stations can become a shelter. Especially deep-seated, as, for example, in Moscow.

If the alarm caught you in an apartment or office and there is no time to quickly get to a specialized shelter, it is necessary to secure your location as much as possible. Close all entrances and exits, plug the cracks doorways and windows, use furniture and improvised means to strengthen walls and doors from the effects of a shock wave.


At the beginning of a mass evacuation or you yourself decided to leave the city, you must have at hand minimum set of things and food- wearable supply, based on your physical capabilities and your family members.

What you need to have on hand:

maps and compass(GPS, GLONASS, cellular network and alternative navigation options will stop working);

knife and ax(it's not only essential tool, but also a means of self-defense);

canned food and cereals(rice is stored longer than buckwheat, and sweets and flour products will quickly become unusable);

first aid kit(if you need to take specialized drugs, you should stock up on them in advance and in sufficient quantities, iodine, and more, it will also not be superfluous to put it);

matches and candles;

fabric and bags(fabric can be used as a dressing, and bags are needed to put garbage in them, which will be in excess during a long stay in the shelter);

mechanical watches;

flashlight and batteries;

the documents identity cards (for yourself and family members);

soap(unsanitary conditions and the troubles that arise with it can be worse than what is happening outside the safe zone);

drinking water(A person can survive much longer without food than without water; an adult needs at least 2.5 liters of water per day, nursing mothers and children up to 3.5 liters).

This list is presented only with the most necessary things that do not hurt to have on hand in case of a complication of the situation.

Hygiene and medicine.

Water is your main ally. It not only supports life in the body, but also useful for washing wounds and personal hygiene.

If it is not possible to throw garbage out into the street, then it must be stored away from everyone, in boxes, buckets or bags. Maintaining cleanliness in the new "home" plays an important role in conditions nuclear war and its damaging factors. In the absence of electricity and saving water - a broom to help.

The presence of medical knowledge and skills will be very useful when you are away from medical facilities. At least one person in the family must be able to provide medical care, know the indications for the use of medicines and methods of treating wounds.

How to act.

In conditions of disorganization, it will become important for you knowledge of the state strategy and action plan to ensure the safety of the population in a nuclear war. If you do not have such knowledge, you must work out your plan and provide for any scenarios in it. From the most negative to the most favorable, as well as your response in the event of certain circumstances.

After some time, you decide get to the surface. The first days after a nuclear explosion are the most dangerous for humans. If the shelter is secure and there are enough supplies, then you need to stay in the shelter as long as possible.

Coming to the surface, beware of wind and precipitation coming from the side of impact, protect your respiratory organs and move towards filtration points outside the city where help awaits you.

We hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

The world is on the verge of a new world war. The political, economic and social conflicts that have sharply escalated in recent decades have pushed humanity to the brink of the abyss, in such conditions a global armed conflict is inevitable, and, according to independent analysts, will take the lives of more than a third of the world's population. At least half of the survivors will receive various injuries and diseases, and all the rest will face post-war famine and epidemics even more terrible than all the trials before. And this will happen because of the massive use of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons in a future war. No one can escape the terrible fate! However, as many people as possible must remain on the planet in order to restore the destroyed economy, and the first task that a person who has taken care of this goal faces is to survive the atomic bombing.

Now, in the pre-war period, officials and the media are saying that the use of nuclear weapons in the coming conflict is unlikely. The main argument in favor of this point of view is fatal for environment the consequences of such bombardments, making their use suicidal. In fact, it is believed that the assessment of the impact of nuclear explosions on the environment is greatly exaggerated. In particular, I would like to remind you that during the entire existence of this type of weapon on Earth, more than one thousand test explosions of various capacities were carried out, but this did not lead to irreversible consequences, "nuclear winter" did not come, the climate did not change. Of course, in a real war, the scale of the use of weapons (and, accordingly, the results) will be different, the bombing will affect rivers, fertile lands, cities, which will put humanity on the brink of extinction, but this will not stop the military!

To date, only two Russian cities are considered protected from a direct missile strike: Moscow and St. Petersburg. And according to intelligence data, now only the United States is targeting about two thousand different objects on the territory of our Motherland. In the very first minutes of the war, Russian silo-based missiles capable of delivering a retaliatory strike on the aggressor, as well as radar stations and fleet bases, will be destroyed. The next target will be the production facilities of the Urals and the Volga region, and Siberia will undergo the least massive strikes in order to preserve Natural resources: Siberian taiga, Tyumen oil and Kuzbass coal. The atom is a blitzkrieg weapon, and the very first attack is capable of decapitating a country, leaving behind telecommunications destroyed by neutron radiation, destroyed production and transport routes. Massive forest fires will start, due to which the air will be mixed with poisonous smoke. The population will panic, and the majority of officials and deputies, accustomed to only care about their own well-being, will betray their homeland by fleeing to the southern hemisphere. Russia will plunge into chaos, but this will only be the beginning!

In the face of death, there is no one to rely on, it remains only to believe in your own strength. How can an ordinary layman somehow resist the nuclear threat? Most of us remember only life safety lessons in schools: turn on the radio or receiver, wait for signals from the Civil Defense, then, following their instructions, take cover in the nearest bomb shelter. As elsewhere in our country, it is smooth only on paper - an atomic bomb explosion in the city limits will instantly turn off radio stations, television, and computer networks. It is not a fact that the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations headquarters itself will survive and be able to take the situation under its control. Everyone remembers the earthquake that shook Kuzbass in the fall of 2003? Where was this headquarters then, why were the radio stations silent while people ran out of their high-rise buildings? Yes, someone was punished for negligence, but who can guarantee that something has changed since then?

Since the middle of the last century, many of the houses under construction have been equipped with bomb shelters that can save people from a nuclear catastrophe. The people lived quietly, but then someone decided that the threat had passed, giving way to much more pressing issues. The shelters were privatized, turning into warehouses, clubs and shops, some were simply abandoned and plundered by non-ferrous metal seekers. Now in all of Kemerovo there are only TWO "active" shelters capable of receiving people in case of war. Both are located in the city center. It is clear that they will be intended for "those in power", but someone has simply saved on our security! The death of one person is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic?

One of the places where people can be saved from the consequences of an atomic bomb explosion are the basements of residential buildings. True, one can speak very conditionally about salvation here, such an impromptu shelter provides radiation protection only basic, and in the event of a building destruction it is easy to be locked under the rubble (in specially equipped shelters there is an additional exit to a non-filled territory, that is, remote from the nearest buildings at a distance, equal to their height + 3 meters). However, there is water in the basement that has not yet been contaminated with radiation, which cannot be said about its external sources. It is necessary to seal the room as carefully as possible with improvised means in order to reduce the penetration of radiation and harmful substances. Depending on the type of charge and proximity to the epicenter of the disaster, staying in the shelter should last from a day to a month; in the absence of any reliable information, one should stay in the shelter for the maximum possible time.

If a nuclear explosion is taken by surprise, the task of survival becomes more difficult. In no case do not look at the flash and its attendant phenomena - light radiation at almost any distance can not only instantly deprive a person of vision, but also cause severe burns, as well as ignite combustible surfaces. The next damaging factor is penetrating radiation, the flow of gamma rays and neutrons, which destroys the living tissues of the body and leads to radiation sickness. And finally, a powerful shock wave will appear, causing large-scale destruction by analogy with traditional bombs. How to escape from the explosion? First of all, you need to hide from the deadly effects of particles. Everything is decided by the speed of human reaction. Between the source of radiation and your own body, you need to create an obstacle from any material, whether it be a concrete fence, a car or a trash can. It is better not to hide behind the walls of houses and tall objects - they can collapse from the shock wave, filling up with debris. Metal retains radiation most effectively, although much depends on the thickness of the material. In case there is nowhere to hide or there is no time for this, the easiest way is to fall to the ground, covering your head with your hands. This will help reduce the impact of the explosion. At home, it is best to hide in the bath, its thick cast iron will help the reinforced concrete walls to significantly reduce radiation exposure. In addition, in the event of the destruction of the house, being in the bath will help not to be crushed by the slabs and will give access to at least some water reserves under the rubble.

At the first safe opportunity, you should leave the space that has undergone nuclear contamination, moving in the direction opposite to the epicenter of the explosion (usually trees felled by the shock wave are directed there). And before that, protect yourself from radiation as much as possible by putting on as many clothes made of dense material as possible. Our skin itself is a protection against some part of the residual radiation, so the most dangerous is the penetration of deadly particles through the respiratory tract. You need to breathe only through a gas mask or respirator, and in the absence of such - through a moistened cloth. Fatal will also be the consumption of food found in the contaminated area and water from open sources. The main goal is to meet other survivors on your way and unite with them. Some people can be aggressive, so contact should be made with caution. Don't touch the corpses and the dying - it's dangerous. Perhaps the local authorities will even organize evacuation activities, but the number of serviceable vehicles will not be enough even for the few who will be saved in this hell!

What will happen next? Nobody knows about it. Probably, those who die will be considered lucky by the survivors, the catastrophe will be so global and terrible. The world will change, transformed beyond recognition, but let's still hope that people will find the strength to unite and cope with the consequences of a devastating war. The most annoying thing is to realize that this is our future, which we don’t want to think about, but which is inevitable. After all, the world has accumulated not only too much a large number of weapons, but even more people who do not realize their responsibility for the future of mankind.

After the bombs begin to fall, the appearance of the planet will change beyond recognition. For 50 years, this threat has lurked in every moment of our lives. The world lives with the knowledge that one person just needs to press a button and a nuclear holocaust will come.

We stopped thinking about it. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the idea of ​​a massive nuclear strike has become the subject of science fiction films and video games. But in reality, this threat has not disappeared. The bombs are still in place and waiting in the wings. And there are always new enemies to be destroyed.

Scientists conducted tests and calculations to understand what life would be like after the atomic bombing. Some people will survive. But life on the smoldering remains of a destroyed world will be completely different.

10. Black rains will begin

Almost immediately after a nuclear strike, heavy black rain will begin. It won't be the little rain that puts out the flames and kills the dust. These will be thick black jets of water with an oil-like texture, and they can kill you.

In Hiroshima, black rain began 20 minutes after the bombing. It covered an area with a radius of about 20 kilometers from the point of explosion and flooded the countryside with a thick liquid, from which one could receive 100 times more radiation than at the epicenter of the explosion.

The survivors of the explosion ended up in a burning city, the fires burned out oxygen, and people died of thirst. They were so thirsty as they made their way through the fire that many opened their mouths and tried to drink the strange liquid that fell from the sky. There was enough radiation in this liquid to make changes in a person's blood. The radiation was so strong that the effects of the rain are still felt in the places where it fell. We have every reason to believe that if the bomb falls again, it will happen again.

9. An electromagnetic pulse will cut off all electricity

A nuclear explosion produces an electromagnetic pulse that can disable electrical appliances and even turn off the entire electrical network of the country.

During one of the nuclear tests, the impulse after the detonation of the atomic bomb was so powerful that it disabled street lights, televisions and telephones in houses at a distance of 1600 kilometers from the center of the explosion. Then it happened by accident, but since then there have been bombs designed specifically for this purpose.

If a bomb designed to send an electromagnetic pulse exploded at an altitude of 400-480 kilometers above a country the size of the United States, the entire electrical network throughout the territory would be cut off. Therefore, after the bombs fall, the lights will go out everywhere. All refrigerators for storing food will be turned off, all computer data will be lost. Worst of all, the treatment facilities will stop and we will lose clean drinking water.

It is expected that it will take six months of hard work to return the country to a normal working regime. But this is on condition that people will have the opportunity to work. For a long time after the bombs fall, we will have a life without electricity and clean water.

8. Smoke will block the sunlight

Areas around the epicenters of explosions will receive an incredible amount of energy, fires will break out. Everything that can burn will burn. Not only buildings, forests and fences will burn, but even asphalt on the roads. Oil refineries, which have been one of the main targets since the Cold War, will be engulfed in explosions and flames.

The fires that start around the epicenter of each explosion will release thousands of tons of toxic smoke that will rise into the atmosphere and then higher into the stratosphere. At an altitude of about 15 kilometers above the Earth's surface, a dark cloud will appear, which will grow and spread under the influence of the wind until it covers the entire planet and blocks access sunlight.

This will drag on for years. For many years after the explosion, we will not see the sun, we will only be able to see black clouds overhead that will block out the light. It is difficult to say exactly how long this will last and when blue skies will reappear above us. It is believed that in the event of a global nuclear war, we will not see clear skies for about 30 years.

7. It will get too cold to grow food.

When the clouds cover the sunlight, it will start to get colder. How much - depends on the number of bombs exploded. In extreme cases, global temperatures are expected to drop by as much as 20 degrees Celsius.

In the first year after a nuclear disaster, there will be no summer. Spring and autumn will become like winter. Plants will not be able to grow. Animals all over the planet will starve to death.

This will not be the beginning of a new ice age. During the first five years, the growing seasons of plants will become a month shorter, but then the situation will gradually improve, and after 25 years the temperature will return to normal. Life will go on - if we can live up to this period.

6. The ozone layer will be destroyed

However, this life can no longer be called normal. A year after the nuclear bombing, holes in the ozone layer will begin to appear due to atmospheric pollution. It will be destructive. Even a small nuclear war that uses only 0.03 percent of the world's arsenal could destroy up to 50 percent of the ozone layer.

The world will die from ultraviolet rays. Plants around the world will begin to die, and those living beings that manage to survive will have to go through painful DNA mutations. Even the most resilient crops will become weaker, smaller and much less likely to reproduce. So when the skies clear and the world warms up again, growing food will become an incredibly difficult task. When people try to grow food, entire fields will die, and farmers who stay in the sun long enough will die of skin cancer.

5. Billions of people will starve

After a full-scale nuclear war, it would take about five years before anyone could grow a reasonable amount of food. With low temperatures, deadly frosts and damaging ultraviolet radiation from the sky, not many crops can live long enough to harvest. Millions of people will die of hunger.

Those who survive will have to find ways to get food, but it won't be easy. People living near the ocean may have a slightly better chance because the seas will cool more slowly. But life in the oceans will still be scarce.

The darkness from the blocked sky will kill the plankton, the main food source that keeps the ocean alive. Radioactive contamination will also accumulate in the water, reducing the number of living organisms and making any animal caught dangerous to eat.

Most of the people who survive the explosions will die within the first five years. The food will be too scarce and the competition too fierce.

4. Canned food will remain safe

One of the main ways people survive in their first five years will be to drink bottled water and canned food - just as it is described in fiction, tightly sealed food bags will remain safe.

Scientists conducted an experiment in which they left bottled beer and soda water near the site of a nuclear explosion. The bottles were covered with a thick layer of radioactive dust on the outside, but their contents remained safe. Only those drinks that were almost at the epicenter became radioactive, but even their level of radiation was not lethal. However, the testing team rated these drinks as "unfit for food".

It is believed that canned foods will be as safe as these bottled drinks. It is also believed that water from deep underground wells may be safe to drink. Thus, the struggle for survival will be a struggle for access to village wells and food.

3. Bones will suffer from radiation

Regardless of access to food, survivors will have to fight widespread cancer. Immediately after the explosion, a huge amount of radioactive dust will rise into the air, which will then begin to fall all over the world. The dust will be too fine to see, but the level of radiation in it will be large enough to kill.

One of the substances used in nuclear weapons is strontium-90, which the body mistakes for calcium and sends directly to the bone marrow and teeth. This leads to bone cancer.

It is not known what the level of radiation will be. It is not entirely clear how long the radioactive dust will begin to settle. But if it takes long enough, we can survive. If the dust begins to settle in only two weeks, its radioactivity will decrease by 1000 times, and this will be enough for survival. Cancer will increase, life expectancy will shorten, birth defects will become commonplace, but humanity will not be destroyed.

2. Widespread hurricanes and storms will begin

During the first two or three years of cold and darkness, unprecedented hurricanes can be expected. Dust in the stratosphere will not only block out sunlight, but will also affect the weather.

Clouds will become different, they will contain much more moisture. Until things return to normal, we can expect it to rain almost constantly.

In coastal areas it will be even worse. Although a global nuclear winter will come due to a cold snap, the oceans will cool much more slowly. They will be relatively warm, which will cause massive storms along all coasts. Hurricanes and typhoons will cover all the coasts in the world, and this will last for years.

1. Humanity will survive

Billions will die in a nuclear war. We can expect that about 500 million people will die immediately, and several billion more will die from hunger and cold.

However, there is every reason to believe that the hardiest handful of people can handle it. There won't be many of them, but it's a much more positive vision of a post-apocalyptic future than what came before. In the 1980s, all scientists agreed that the entire planet would be destroyed. But today we have a little more faith that some people will be able to survive.

After 25-30 years, the clouds will dissipate, the temperature will return to normal, life will begin again. Plants will appear. They may not be as fluffy as they used to be. But in a few decades, the world may look like modern-day Chernobyl, where dense forests rise above the remains of a dead city.

Life will continue and humanity will be reborn. But the world will never be the same again.

So, here it is, day or night, catastrophe. In most professed religions, something similar is called the "day of judgment." In everyday life: "the end of the world." Among the most educated citizens, it is called the "apocalypse". Scientists call it a short-term nuclear war, and politicians say that this is the unfortunate outcome of a political intrigue, game or scam ... I would simply call it: "the result."

Yes, the result of everything: a war that ordinary citizens do not need and, in everyday language, to a light bulb; the result of all life and the entire time of the existence of mankind, which, unlike other types of living beings, destroyed itself. In any case, nuclear war is the only possible outcome of the policy of all the leading countries of the world (there will be no country that would not be touched by this conflict hanging over us).

As I have already said (you may disagree with me, your will), the two main and most massive nuclear strikes against Russia will be inflicted on Siberia (if not on its entire territory, then on Western Siberia for sure) and on the capital of Russia - Moscow.

Siberia. I do not know if our missile forces there will be able to strike back in any way, but the fact is that she will face a catastrophe, the scale and damage of which I simply cannot describe. The exact location of the "poplars" is still not known for certain, so there (in Western Siberia) a gray, ashen-colored, lifeless desert is formed, disfigured by 2-3 craters.

Moscow. nuclear version. Rockets will fall on the far border (or somewhere closer) of the Moscow region, thereby causing enormous damage. I don't want to give figures of potential victims, but their fate will be far from worse... A large-scale earthquake will occur in Moscow itself, and a thick black veil will hang over the capital for at least a month. About half of the inhabitants will die, the rest will suffer.

In Moscow, there will be an increased background radiation and those few “lucky ones” will die a painful death. The survivors of the Moscow bomb shelters will, decades later, populate the dead city by expanding the shelters and using the blueprints, instructions and weapons stored there. Of course, a nuclear explosion, albeit a relatively distant one, will entail new mutations among the inhabitants of Moscow, although they are still taking place.

Special firearms will disperse acid-bearing clouds as they approach the capital of the former, by that time, Russia. All of Moscow will be surrounded along its truncated border by a number of defensive points from outside attacks in the form of machine-gun nests, mortar positions, etc.

biological version. Knowing about the possible deviation from the target of nuclear missiles, the state(s) unfriendly to us will use biological weapons. The trick is that whether we shoot down such a weapon or not, it will still have a direct impact on the whole of Moscow and its region. The composition of such weapons can be very different: from bird flu to some kind of rage virus, or maybe something else ... St. Petersburg will be less affected.

Armed gangs whose members were rejected by Moscow will appear all over. Siberia will be considered a dead territory, where the Geiger counter will simply break down, not having time to show the level of radiation. The Volga region will be abandoned (except for the crazy loners who wander around Russia simply because long-term parking is life-threatening). New types of living creatures will appear, among which there will be former people, aggressive, passive and neutral creatures.

The only thing I can say more or less confidently (although of which one can be sure here) is about the attempt to establish a connection between the two former capitals ... Returning to the biological version, everything is the same here: after some time, the survivors will still get out of the bomb shelters and clear (as far as it's possible) Moscow... "How glad I am that I won't survive this day..." - last words a resident of the Moscow region, who died in terrible agony, but with a smile on his face ...

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The last resource is especially interesting. These are materials from the book by A.S. Ginzburg "Planet Earth in the post-nuclear era". Every writer who imagines himself a "fiction writer" should study it immediately.)) Thank you all. Good luck and creative success.)

10/19/2008 08:46 PM, fsd

everything will be like in Metro 2033

01.12.2008 00:16, BORN

12/16/2008 01:48, Guest

Missiles will arrive faster - not ballistic, but cruise. The first impact will occur in less than 10 minutes. Radar reconnaissance systems do not cover the entire territory of Russia, the number of operating nuclear submarines is decreasing every year. But even if there is no retaliatory strike, the whole world will be plunged into chaos. A complete catastrophe can be avoided only by delivering "pinpoint" strikes, incl. and nuclear weapons, completely securing themselves against enemy retaliatory actions. And it looks like we're on our way...

02/06/2009 18:40, Guest

Cruise missiles have to be launched from somewhere.

At the same time, they go astray much more effectively than ballistic ones.

As for the neutron bomb - (a) it exists, and not in prototypes; (b) they cause damage to the inanimate, although less, but this very inanimate begins to radiate itself - so this is not the most demanded weapon. Tactical nuclear weapons are much more interesting in this regard.

02/08/2009 00:47, Guest

Read real instructions special services in case of a nuclear threat ... Nothing needs to be invented. Firstly, the flight time of a missile from a nuclear submarine based in the Arctic Ocean is 7 minutes, from the territory of America - 14 minutes ... Cruise missiles are more difficult to shoot down than ballistic missiles, precisely because of the flight altitude ... Moscow will definitely be bombed, moreover, the bomb, if our valiant missile defense forces are all about ... t, will fall within the boulevard ring. If you want to win the war, destroy the capital first. The estimated time of impact is 10 am Washington time, which is approximately 6 pm Moscow time, rush hour. Only those who will be in the subway at this time will be able to survive, hermetic doors close immediately after the alarm. No one will wait until a crowd of people deigns to go down the escalator. And in general, no metro will help at the epicenter of the explosion, modern bombs are not "Baby" and "Fat Man", they will smash everything to the mother and that's it ...

05/03/2009 21:42, Guest

As for cruise missiles - yes, most radars are designed to search for targets in the high layers of the atmosphere, while cruise missiles fly lower, so they end up in the "dead zone", besides, they are able to perform "anti-aircraft maneuvers"; as for ballistic ones - do not forget that they are covered by decoys.

07/31/2009 21:27, Guest

Real "nuyu"" instrukciyu?? Eto real"naya instrukciya? Etot bred davno gulyaet po internetu, i eto est" nichto inoe, kak viderzhka iz knigi lydey vedetsya na etu ,instrukciyu"",da eshe i velichayut ee ,nastoyashey"" instrukciey, azh dlya specsluzhb! Children...

04/04/2009 07:56, Guest

fundamentally disagree with 14 minutes, you will still have time for missile defense to shoot down warheads, in the region of 20 minutes. They will hit strategically important objects, no one will send anything to the grandfather’s village, the retaliatory strike will be absolutely accurate, and not weaker, the Strategic Missile Forces need 3 minutes for the rockets to take off., And the metro will not save anyone, absolutely for sure

05/26/2009 12:17 PM, Guest

And why do you think that the strikes will be inflicted on Simbir and Moscow and St. Petersburg, and that in the same Arkhangelsk there is no base and a construction plant for submarines, a ship plant, etc. strikes, I think, will be delivered to all major cities and defense plants.

06/08/2009 14:10, Guest

I learned more from the comments than from the text itself. Well done guys, keep it up :)

06/10/2009 02:55 PM, Guest

About the mutation in Chernobyl, in this moment the mutation turned into an increased resistance of animals and plants to radiation, there are now horses in bulk, wild boars (often seen at checkpoints) in the speeches of huge catfish, strawberries the size of melons. radiation

11.06.2009 23:19, Guest

Much depends on the enemy, his goals and the causes of aggression. Yes, guess what, if someone needs it badly, they will gasp so that there will be an ass in Moscow and Siberia and Arkhangelsk and Murmansk and Sevastopol and Vladivostok, but the one who gasps will definitely be an ass, in short, they will answer for the market. Many military specialists have worked and are working on this especially, developing countermeasures and protection measures. But in general, no one has any doubts about the fact that war is the lot of tough men hardened by the same war. But if these adult serious uncles, inventing this whole hell, did not think about their children and grandchildren, potential inhabitants of this hell, then what is left for children and grandchildren but to express their opinions, fears and ideas in this form. So you should not react aggressively to such ideas about modern warfare, you need to be glad that they just do exist.

06/23/2009 19:44, Dimon16

I also want to write a saga about the post-apocalyptic life of a person. I don't know where to start...

06/29/2009 01:36 PM

The story is sympathetic, but the option with nuclear bombing is not relevant. Firstly, the missiles will not reach if they are launched at all (for example, the su 34 best attack aircraft of the world already flew in the year 90), so there are still technologies and which we will know, God forbid, in 20 years. There are projects of 70 years old with plasma that are already breaking through in the press ! the largest% of the gradual destruction of a person or a GMO country by local conflicts and internal instability (revolts, etc.) and then after the tavo, how can all this be presented as a blood-feeding system can be struck! and that is not nuclear, since the infected territory will be cleaned by those who do not bear the damage! Siberia disappears because there 1 they are underground bases. And which even the UFO does not know) and secondly there are deposits of resources! And the last ones on the planet are the BRIC countries Brazil, Russia, India, China. they are the masters of the planet America died Anglo-Saxons also in the same place where America is in full [-----] so we don’t need a parrot

07/09/2009 01:30, Ressik

And you try to print on your knees in a moving car!

10/16/2009 13:07, Guest

10/16/2009 13:08, Guest

Firstly, why burn the entire territory of Russia with all its natural resources?

Secondly, one should not think that the heads of state can take and launch missiles into Russia like this for no reason. Before such a large-scale war, there should be at least several months of negotiations, discussions on television and in newspapers of everything that happens.

Even if a nuclear war takes place ... the theory of nuclear winter has not been tested and all the warheads in the world will not be enough to cover the atmosphere with a layer of dust. And even if enough is enough by that time, then this dust will not hover in the clouds for "20 years" but will soon settle.

About our beloved matants ... nonsense from radiation die, and do not become four-legged jocks ....

And if the nuclear war passes, then the survivors will not fight off the crowds of monsters and zombies for several years, and in a few days they will be surprised to see enemy paratroopers and their planes in the air. The enemy troops will attack and soon take over. And we will live in another country with other orders. This will be the so-called "last war" ...

03/18/2010 00:32, Maxim

The idea of ​​a private bunker is not new, but I didn’t know who actually carries out such orders in Russia. I called SpetsGeoProekt (this is the one - the guys in the subject explained everything very popularly. Price tags start from 3 million with the project together with all the equipment (2 ventilation modes for 2 weeks of autonomy). If you add more, you can put the RP. In general, such a concrete submarine. Then, however, you still have to emerge. But they say in 2 weeks the main rubbish breaks up (the main thing is not to eat anything on the street and not to drink). Then we put on a suit and go out!

21.03.2010 03:39, SkyGuard

Yes, yes, I read about this topic, but not everyone has enough money for such shelters, I’ll be saved in the cellar XD, it’s concrete and it has a double iron and aluminum lid at the bottom, and I have enough food with compote, XD mdaaa current to run I won’t have time for it, although it’s almost near my entrance, but seriously, what’s the point of building something ?? anyway, then you don’t want to live in that shit, what will remain of this world, I wouldn’t want to Pts .... and you ??





01/03/2011 15:59, KonstantinTokmakov

Nuclear winter is, of course, a myth, but no one prevents them from dropping a thermonuclear warhead of 20 megatons on the same Moscow. We have not had such a strong missile defense system for a long time to defend ourselves, especially if we launch several at once on the most important targets warheads.

Further. I am sure that the exact location of, if not all, then most of the nuclear missiles in Russia is known to the US intelligence agencies. The first blow will be dealt to them, as well as to military bases for other purposes. And in just a few minutes, thermonuclear missiles aimed at large cities and industrial centers will begin to fall on Russia, practically cleared of air defense and missile defense systems ...

Outcome: The European part of Russia is completely destroyed (with the possible exception of part of the northern coast). In Siberia and the Urals, all large cities have been destroyed; in the Urals, up to 90% of the population of small towns and villages also perish. The situation will be better to the east - up to 2/3 of the non-urban population have a chance to survive there (however, it is worth considering that in Siberia most of the population lives in relatively large cities). In general, up to 15-20 million people will survive in Russia.

And at the same time, it is worth considering that we still have a chance to deliver a retaliatory nuclear strike. And the United States does not have such a stretch of territory, and they will suffer more damage, despite superiority in nuclear weapons. In addition, about a third of the US population lives in a seismically hazardous zone (the West Coast, the Rocky Mountains and the center of the country), and multiple nuclear and thermonuclear explosions will cause numerous movements of the earth's crust, many volcanoes will wake up (including the famous Yellowstone supervolcano), so they we will still arrange a small local "volcanic-nuclear winter". And, of course, it is worth considering the large number of nuclear power plants located on their territory - for sure, missiles will also be launched at them, and the result will be much cooler than Chernobyl.

Well, it is worth considering that China also will not stand aside. However, I will not enumerate further consequences - you yourself will think of it.

12.07.2011 10:55, Gergard

It’s a pity that after a nuclear war there will be no mutants, en-weapons, organizations .... ((((but in general this is a bad thing, 95% of the earth’s flora and fauna will die or degenerate (if there is a world nuclear war) So what is better to write on this topic, play, think and not live with her with the knowledge that she is there ....

After the collapse of the USSR, many stopped taking the possibility of nuclear war seriously. But the threat of a nuclear apocalypse exists and has not disappeared. At any moment, powers with nuclear weapons can simply press one button and our world will change beyond recognition. But what will happen to our planet and to us if the last war on Earth does happen? Scientists have conducted various calculations, experiments and tests to find out how life on the planet will change after the bombardment. Many people will survive, but their life in the destroyed world will be completely different. So what's in store for us? Let's find out together.

black rain

After a nuclear strike, it will begin to rain almost immediately. But the water falling from the sky will be thick (resembling oil) and black in color, and there will be so much radiation in it that it can kill you. When the US dropped atomic bomb to Hiroshima, it began to rain like this in about twenty minutes. The survivors, making their way through the remains of their homes, were very thirsty, so much so that many opened their mouths trying to drink this strange liquid.

During a nuclear explosion, a powerful electromagnetic pulse that has arisen will disable all electrical appliances and turn off the country's electrical network. Lights will go out everywhere, all electrical appliances will turn off, sewage treatment plants will stop working ... Scientists have calculated that it will take at least six months to partially return everything to its previous course. And until that moment, you will have to live without electricity and water supply.

After a nuclear explosion, the epicenter area will receive an enormous amount of energy. Fires will break out everywhere. Everything will burn: buildings, forests. The smoke from the fires will rise into the stratosphere and at a height of fifteen meters from the surface of the Earth a black cloud will appear that will cover the entire planet. Long years survivors will not see the sun. Scientists believe that after the nuclear apocalypse, the surviving humanity will see the blue sky not earlier than in thirty years.

After the smog and smoke block out the sunlight, nuclear winter will begin. The ambient temperature can drop to twenty degrees Celsius. Plants and animals around the world will begin to die. People will begin to suffer from lack of food. Spring and summer will become like winter. This weather will last for about twenty-five years.

Due to atmospheric pollution, the destruction of the ozone layer of the Earth will begin. The planet will begin to die due to ultraviolet rays. Plants will die first, then the turn of living beings will come. Due to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, the DNA mutation of living beings will begin.

Mass famine

Due to the death of plants and animals, the surviving people will not have enough food. It takes at least five years, after the end of a nuclear war, to grow the right amount of food, despite frost, ultraviolet radiation and mutation. It will be a little easier for those who live near the oceans and the sea, the water in them will cool much more slowly, but still there will not be enough scarce food. In addition, without sunlight, plankton, which is the food source of many inhabitants of the seas, will begin to die. In addition, radioactive contamination will accumulate in the water, killing the organisms living in it and making the surviving creatures unsafe for human consumption. That is why most of the surviving population of the Earth will die within the first five years.

To make it easier to survive the first five years, after the nuclear apocalypse, people can eat canned food and bottled water. Scientists conducting experiments found that if you leave bottled water near the epicenter of the explosion, then despite the fact that the bottle of water will be covered with nuclear dust, its contents will be usable. It is believed that canned foods will be as safe as bottled drinks. In addition, survivors can use water from deep underground wells to quench their thirst.

Despite the amount of food available, the surviving population of the planet will suffer from cancer. After a nuclear explosion, a large amount of radioactive dust will rise into the air, which will then begin to settle all over the world. This dust will be so small that it will be difficult to see, but the level of radiation in it will be high enough to kill living beings. At the moment, it is not yet known how long the radioactive dust will begin to settle: the later this happens, the more chances we have for survival. For example, if the dust begins to settle after 15 days, then its radioactivity will decrease by a thousand times.

The weather will turn bad

The first years after the war, the Earth is expected by powerful hurricanes and a typhoon. It will rain almost every day. Many survivors will die due to bad weather conditions.

Humanity will survive

In the event of a nuclear war, approximately five hundred million people will die immediately, and several billion more will die during the first years from hunger, cold and disease. But despite this, a certain number of people will survive. Yes, there will not be many of them, but this number will be enough to start a new era of humanity. Enough to start over.

Approximately thirty years after the end of the nuclear war, the black clouds will dissipate, the ambient temperature will return to normal, new plants and animals will appear, forests will grow again. Life will go on and humanity will be reborn. But our world will never be the same again. It will be new era humanity! We will again begin to invent devices to make our lives easier (which we have already once invented), we will again begin to build our world so that someday in hundreds or thousands of years we will again be on the verge of a new nuclear war!

when writing the article, materials from the site were used