Rewarding the best. Library Director: "They tossed us a whole stack of books - The staff told us that they offered you linen and dry rations, but you refused

Natalia Sharina. Photo: Maria Kolosova / RSL

The director of the Library of Ukrainian Literature, Natalya Sharina, was detained after hours of searching the house and the library. During the night interrogation on October 28, she became ill; The ambulance stated a hypertensive crisis. The doctors demanded urgent hospitalization, but the investigators of the Investigative Committee took the 58-year-old woman to the Tagansky police department, where there was no one bed, no medical care. Despite the requests of Sharina and her lawyer, the extremist suspect was placed in a temporary detention center on Petrovka instead of a hospital. On October 30, the Tagansky court is to decide on a measure of restraint.

Time of action: October 29, 2015. 18.30.

Scene: Moscow, Vedernikov pereulok, 9, building 1, Tagansky OVD


Lyudmila Ilyinichna Alpern, Zoya Feliksovna Svetova, members of the POC;

Colonel Yuri Yuryevich Boyko, head of the Department of Internal Affairs;

police officers;

Aleksey Leonidovich Sharin, husband of Natalia Grigoryevna Sharina, director of the Library of Ukrainian Literature, detained on October 28 in Moscow;

Anna Pavlyukova, daughter of Natalya Grigoryevna Sharina.

We waited for Natalya Sharina for about an hour, while on the second floor of the Tagansky police department she was interrogated and confronted with 75-year-old Sokurov-Velichko, according to whose statement a criminal case was initiated on the distribution of extremist books in the Library of Ukrainian Literature in Moscow.

Colonel Boyko practically kicked us and Natalya Sharina's relatives out, saying that we had no right to be at the police station until the interrogation was over.

An hour later, two gloomy police officers brought Natalya Grigorievna, and we were able to talk to her in the detention room. Since the police station is undergoing renovations, there are no pre-trial detention centers and “monkeys” there, all administrative detainees are placed in one large cell with an area of ​​​​about twenty square meters separated from other rooms by two bars.

Despite the day without sleep and high blood pressure, Natalya Sharina impressed me as a person who was unbroken and strong. It seemed to me that she was outraged by what was happening to her and was going to fight.

I asked where she spent the night of October 28-29.

- They brought me here at 3 am (the police showed us a magazine where it was written that Sharina was brought at 5 am. - Open Russia). Men slept on all these wooden benches, there was only one woman. I am claustrophobic, and I asked to be placed in a chair between these two bars and, if necessary, handcuffed. The main thing is not to be locked up, I cannot stay indoors for a long time.

Photo: Artem Korotaev / TASS

“The employees told us that they offered you linen and dry rations, but you refused.

- No one offered me underwear, but somewhere in the morning an employee came up and said that soon an escort would come for me and take me to the hospital, and now he could give me water and food. I said, "Thank you." Then he handed me a paper, and I thought that I should sign that I agreed to be hospitalized. He asked: “Do you refuse dry rations?” And I signed that I refuse, because I wouldn’t gnaw this dry ration alone, because none of my neighbors were offered it.

- Why go to the hospital? Did you feel bad?

On October 28 at 7:30 a search began at my house. It lasted until 11:30, and then, together with the staff of the Investigative Committee, I went to the library, where the search lasted until 21:00. When it was all over, I was told that we were going for interrogation to the Investigative Committee for the Tagansky District. I demanded that the investigator write me a summons for interrogation. He wrote me a summons as a witness. And the investigator who conducted the searches “handed over” me to another investigator, who began to interrogate me.

How long was the interrogation?

- Until 23:55. I say: “The interrogation is over, what are we doing here then? Can I leave?" The investigator took away my passport and mobile phone. The door opened, a lawyer girl came in, two witnesses, and the investigator told me that I had been detained as a suspect. And I will sleep in the police department. I just managed to call my husband and tell him that I feel bad. I felt unwell, stuffy and asked the investigator to open the window. I had an attack of claustrophobia and panic.

- The investigator announced on what case you were detained?

- I understand that we are talking about the case that was initiated in 2010 and according to which they came to our library twice with searches - in December 2010, then the books were seized, and in January 2011, then the servers were seized. We were then accused of distributing an extremist book by Dmitry Korchinsky. But this book was removed from the library's collections in 2011. It was declared extremist in 2013. In July 2011, the case was dismissed for lack of corpus delicti. That is, on rehabilitative grounds.

What did they find during the search in the library this time?

— Law enforcement officers came to the library at 8:30 on October 28; then there was only a cleaner, and she let them in. I have reason to believe that they planted a whole stack of books on us, which they then "got" during the search. But I noticed that these books did not have a library stamp.

- Your husband said that after your call from the investigator's office, he called you an ambulance. What did the doctors say?

The ambulance arrived at a quarter past two. My blood pressure was 250/110. They stated that I had a hypertensive crisis and explained that they could only bring down the pressure by 20-30% and that I needed to be hospitalized. The investigator told the ambulance doctors that they themselves would take me to some prison hospital. And then the ambulance left. The lawyer girl (a lawyer by appointment. - Open Russia) wrote a petition asking me to be admitted to the hospital. I also wrote the same request. The investigator ran to the authorities, returned, gave me a protocol of detention to sign as a suspect, and said that he would take me to the police department, and the application for hospitalization would be considered within three days. They brought me to the police department and admitted that there was no convoy and that I had to spend the night here on a bench. And the ambulance doctors told me that in my condition I should be under medical supervision for 24 hours. But there is no medical assistance here in the police department.

- When did you call the second ambulance?

- At 14 o'clock, already on October 29. The doctors took my blood pressure. It was high again. But they said that hospitalization is not needed. At about 4 p.m., an investigator arrived and the interrogation began, but this time with a lawyer, whom my relatives found for me.

Did the investigator put any pressure on you?

- He wanted me to admit that, using my official position, from 2011 to 2015, I deliberately sowed ethnic hatred between the Russian and Ukrainian peoples. Even at the first interrogation, when I was with the appointed lawyer, the investigator asked me: “Reading the book, can you understand whether it is extremist, anti-Russian, Russophobic or radical nationalist?”

- What did you answer?

“I explained to him that I was a librarian, not an expert on literature, and it was not my job to distinguish between extremist and non-extremist literature. Then the investigator told me: “You must answer yes or no. If you don't answer my questions, I'll send you to jail."

I have already explained before, when I was called in for interrogations in 2010 and 2011, that the library is not a place for extremism. I told them that there was a time, I then worked in the Primorsky Library, when Bulgakov's books were banned and were not in the public domain. I explained that those books that are prohibited are kept in our special depository.

- Who is Sokurov-Velichko, who wrote a statement against you and today participated in a confrontation with you?

- He is Ukrainianophobic. He worked in our library and said that he came there to work in order to put things in order in the library. In 2010, he was fired, and when he left, he promised me all sorts of trouble. He said about me that I was the "orange spot" in the library. He accused me of holding events related to Ukraine instead of holding events in the library related to the anniversary of the death of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. But those events that we held were always within the framework of official dates approved at a higher level. We have always had curators in the library - the FSB, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Culture of the Central Administrative District.

— You were surprised when they came to you with a search: after all, the criminal case on extremism was closed in 2011 on exonerating grounds?

- In January 2015, library staff were summoned for interrogation to the Investigative Committee, and then the investigator somehow casually said that the political situation had changed ...

The convoy arrived, Natalya Grigoryevna was taken to the paddy wagon. She smiled goodbye to her husband Alexei Leonidovich and daughter Anna. Lawyer Yevgeny Smirnov asked the guards not to handcuff her.

They promised. Natalya was taken to the temporary detention center on Petrovka.

When Aleksey Leonidovich, Anna and I left the police department, we drove past Lubyanka Square. The action "Return of names" has not ended yet.

On January 17, 2014, in the assembly hall of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, a state-legal information and an extended meeting of the senior staff of the Internal Affairs Directorate were held, at which the issue of the results of the operational and service activities of the units of the Internal Affairs Directorate for 2013 was considered, which was conducted by the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Police Major General Viktor Kuzmich Paukov. The meeting was attended by representatives of various services, such as the Federal Security Service, the Federal Drug Control Service, the Prosecutor's Office of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, as well as the deputy chief of police of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow - the head of the UGIBDD, Major General of Police Alexander Vladimirovich Ilyin. Before the start of the meeting, the most distinguished employees in the service in 2013 were awarded by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow and the Department of Internal Affairs for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

For a conscientious attitude to the performance of official duties and high professional skills, the Deputy Head of the ECC, Police Lieutenant Colonel Drozdova Nona Anatolyevna, was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

Commendation from the Minister of the Interior Russian Federation was announced to the Deputy Chief of Police for Protection public order Police Colonel Yury Alexandrovich Zdorenko and the commander of the traffic police regiment of the traffic police, Police Colonel Tereshin Viktor Nikolaevich.

The diploma of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow was awarded to:

Police Captain Shapkin Andrey Valerievich

Lieutenant of Justice Volkova Oksana Alexandrovna, investigator of the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Arbat district

The badge of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow "For Service" was awarded to:

Police Lieutenant Colonel Boyko Yury Yuryevich, Head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Tagansky District

Police Major Bogolepov Alexander Alexandrovich, senior district police officer of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Zamoskvorechye district

Police Major Sergei Borisovich Sonkin

Gratitude from the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow was announced to junior police sergeant Monich Alexei Valerievich, a policeman of a separate company of the PPSP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Basmanny District.

A certificate of honor from the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow was awarded to police lieutenant colonel Shkolkin Aleksey Vasilyevich, head of the Russian Department of Internal Affairs for the Khamovniki district, police ensign Konstantin Anatolyevich Vladimirov, police driver of the commandant company of the Internal Affairs Directorate, senior police sergeant Danilin Kirill Viktorovich, policeman of a separate company of PPSP Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Presnensky District, senior police sergeant Robyshev Evgeny Alexandrovich, policeman-driver of the commandant's company of the Internal Affairs Directorate and many others.

12 police officers were thanked by the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

As well as cups for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place were awarded to the participants of the ATC championship in service applied sports.

I would like to wish all the awardees all the very best and further success in their work.

Commercial director, development, sales, UAH 40,000

Full employment.

Age: 43 City: Kyiv

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from 06.2015 to 10.2018 (3 years 4 months)
"Nimble Derun", Kyiv (A chain of fast food cafes)

Drawing up a business plan, searching for investors.
Development and approval of the name, logo, corporate identity, design.
Search for places for rent, repairs, purchase of equipment, hiring and training of personnel. Direct participation in all work processes: menu, pricing, work with suppliers, promotion, etc.
Participation in festivals ("Street food", etc.). Reaching agreements, concluding contracts, logistics, personnel, control.

Director of Sales

from 08.2012 to 05.2015 (2 years 9 months)
Publishing House "Ukrainian Media Holding", Kyiv

Setting goals, monitoring their implementation and managing the work of sales, subscription, direct sales, online store, call center, logistics, accounting and 6 regional branches (more than 100 employees)
Development and implementation of a dynamic system of motivation for managerial personnel according to KPIs that are relevant to the enterprise.
Budgeting, long-term and short-term planning based on the market dynamics of periodicals and promotional activities.
Control of the level of receivables/accounts payable.
Pricing, planning promotional activities.
Negotiation process at the level of top officials of large retail chains (Ukrposhta, Soyuzpechat, etc.), retail operators, contractors and partners.
Direct participation in the process of automating the work of departments. Setting tasks for programmers to optimize 1C 8.
Managing your own outlets.

Director of production and sales department

from 01.2005 to 08.2012 (7 years 7 months)
Publishing house "Media invest group", Kyiv (media, publishing business, retail sales)

Creation and adjustment of the work of the department of production and marketing
Development of Regulations on the Department, job descriptions, motivational schemes
Recruitment, training, task setting and control over the activities of managerial staff and regional representatives
Planning and control of the work of production, sales, subscription and logistics departments
Development of a marketing strategy for promoting products
Budgeting and monitoring the implementation of financial indicators by specific departments and the department as a whole
Formation of prices for the company's products
Introduction of publications to retail and wholesale networks of press distributors in Ukraine
Promotion of products in non-traditional points of sale: railways, buses, airlines, hotels, etc.

Commercial Director

from 08.2000 to 11.2004 (4 years 3 months)
"Homo ludens", Kyiv

Analysis of the market of printing services and printing products in Ukraine
Development of a pricing policy for the services and products of the company. Budgeting, planning and justification of short-term and long term prospects company development
Recruitment, training and management of managerial staff
Business trips, negotiation process, documentation
Expansion and maintenance of the wholesale and retail trade network in Kyiv

Sales Manager

from 08.1999 to 07.2001 (1 year 11 months)
LLC "Ocean of surprises", Kyiv (Printing. Design, layout, production and sale of congratulatory printed products)

Organization of trade retail network in Kyiv
Customer service, office work


from 12.1996 to 03.1998 (1 year 3 months)
LLC "Blagovest", Kyiv (Real estate)

Search for subjects / objects of sale, documentary support of the transaction



Faculty of Sociology, Bachelor of Sociology, Specialist social work, Kyiv
Higher, from 09.1997 to 07.2002 (4 years 10 months)

KU named after Shevchenko

Philosophical Faculty, Master of Philosophy, Kyiv
Higher, from 09.1997 to 06.2003 (5 years 9 months)

Professional and other skills

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MS Office, 1C - advanced user

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Ukrainian - fluent

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1994 -1996 Military service in armed forces Ukraine
Driving license A, B, C

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For the second year in a row, this regional police department ranks first among the territorial divisions of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Central District. The head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Tagansky district, police colonel Yuri Boyko, told our correspondent about the formula for success, the deeds and people of the advanced team.

Based on knowledge and experience

Yuri Yuryevich, you headed the Tagansky police department in December 2013. How did you get started in the new place?

At that time, the department worked much worse than now, there were incidents among personnel. I had to act very quickly, there was no time to build up. The basis of the activity of any team is, of course, personnel policy. Therefore, I began with the strengthening of service discipline, the renewal of personnel. Most of the heads of departments were appointed from among promising, qualified employees of the department in order to make the most of their experience, authority in the team, and knowledge of the specifics of the district.

For example, the head of the investigation department, police major Sergei Zaborny, is a local resident, he was born in Taganka, studied, and serves here. Ruslan Kovin, Lieutenant Colonel of Police, comes from a neighboring district and is Deputy Chief of Police for the Protection of Public Order. He has been working with us since 1998, he started as a district commissioner. Among the most experienced leaders and police lieutenant colonel Alexei Subbotin. Before joining the Tagansky district, he worked in three territorial divisions of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Central Administrative District. Now the Deputy Chief of the Department of Internal Affairs is the Chief of Police. We have known Alexey Valeryevich since the police school.

Did you benefit from your own experience?

I had to get out of a difficult situation more than once. Experience and knowledge certainly help. I myself am a native Muscovite, in the internal affairs bodies since 1992. Graduated with honors from the Moscow Higher Police School, Russian academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation. In the Central District for twenty years. Here he received hardening in the criminal investigation department. Worked his way up from detective officer to deputy head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District. Prior to the Tagansky Department of Internal Affairs, he worked in the Basmanny and Presnensky departments as the first deputy head. And then he was appointed head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Zamoskvorechye region. So I am well acquainted with the work on the "ground".

Two steps from the Kremlin

When I was heading to your area, the words of an old song were spinning in my head: “Taganka, why did you ruin me ...” Judging by folklore, there used to be a place for thieves. How about now?

Everything has changed. There is no longer a “central prison”, about which its “permanent prisoner” sang. The Taganskaya transit prison was demolished in the 1950s. The strongest Taganskaya criminal organized group has sunk into oblivion. The criminal wars of the 90s ended with executions, showdowns, and corpses. Today Taganka is a prestigious Moscow district, which is an integral part of the cultural and historical center of Moscow. The operational situation here is stable.

What features of the area affect the crime situation?

Tagansky is one of the five largest districts of the Central Administrative District, where about 125 thousand people live. Yet more people arrives to us daily from other districts and regions. There are eight metro stations in the area. Close to Kursk railway station. The most powerful transport interchange hub is the Ploshchad Ilyicha metro station and the Hammer and Sickle platform. Railway, of course, attracts crime, there is a tendency for an increase in crimes committed not by Muscovites, but by visiting guest performers.

The area is large and complex. The area is about 792 hectares, 173 streets. On the one hand, the Yauza and the Moskva River, the Kremlin, as they say, are located two steps away, and on the other, industrial zones, the former working outskirts. Of course, the closer to the historical center, the higher the responsibility. But the crimes do not take place near the walls of the Kremlin, but where there are electric trains, metro stations, ordinary residential areas.

A portrait of Vysotsky hangs in your office. Are you into poetry?

IN this case we are not talking about the poetic work of Vladimir Vysotsky. On the territory of the district there is the Taganka Theater, where the famous actor worked for a long time. For me personally, and for most police officers, the best image he created was the role of Gleb Zheglov, head of the anti-banditry department of the MUR, in the film “The meeting place cannot be changed.” Under the portrait, if you look closely, there are the words of the movie hero: "A thief should be in prison." IN famous phrase is the basic principle of our work. No crime should go unpunished. And for this it is necessary to conduct an offensive, consistent, qualified fight against crime.

Here crooks are uncomfortable

What can you say about the results of 2015, were there any obvious breakthroughs in your work?

The main result is a decrease in the level of crimes committed by organized criminal groups. In the region over the past year, compared with 2014, fewer burglaries were registered by 32.6%, car thefts - by 24.3%. There's a breakthrough in pickpocketing. We have practically brought pickpockets out of the territory we serve. The crooks on Taganka are uncomfortable, they know that they know how to catch them here. In the criminal investigation department, we have created groups that work on linear principle. For pickpockets and apartment thefts, for crimes against the person, robberies and robberies. I myself got out of the criminal investigation department, this situation is clear to me, I understand how to solve problems, where to concentrate the forces of operatives.

What about crime detection?

The overall clearance rate in 2015 was 42.2%, which is the first result in the Central District. The dynamics of disclosure of grave and especially grave crimes is good. We are going ahead in terms of open robberies and robberies. In 2015, the number of persons prosecuted increased by 13.5% compared to 2014. In addition, we have the largest number solved crimes double prevention, there is an increase of 15%. Detecting a crime in order to prevent a more serious one for the employees of our department is a priority. Prevention is the most powerful lever of prevention. Basically, such crimes are committed on a domestic basis, so we are intensifying work in the residential sector.

For the cause they ache with their soul

The calm situation in residential areas largely depends on the efficiency of the district police officers. How many solved crimes on their account?

Last year, the service of district police officers uncovered 124 crimes. And this year they don't disappoint. For example, on January 14, illegal gambling activities were detected and stopped in a house on Sergiy Radonezhsky Street. The gambling establishment was hidden under the sign of a business center. Leaded to an illegal gambling establishment and participated in the detention of its organizers by the senior district authorized police major Nikolai Zuev. This is our best mentor. Nikolai Vasilyevich has been working in the internal affairs bodies since 1979, for almost thirty years he has been a district police officer. Responsible for the restless area, which is adjacent to the Hammer and Sickle platform. He lives on Taganka, one can say that he is rooting for his area. And the residents speak well of him, thank him.

Which police officers can be noted?

The two divisions where the most effective work. These are the investigation department, headed by Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Tatyana Prokofieva, and the investigation department, headed by police major Sergei Zaborny. They know how to organize the investigation of criminal cases well. The average workload per employee in such cases is one of the highest in the Central Administrative District.

Good results are shown by a separate company of the patrol police service. Police Major Nikolai Svirin is an authoritative, honored commander. He has been working in our area for almost twenty years, he started as a police officer.

Among the inspectors of the PPSP, it should be noted senior police lieutenant Vladimir Semyonov. All loud, resonant detentions took place with his participation. It was he who detained a group of modern extremists and provocateurs who attacked the Stalinist skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya embankment in August 2014. Not so long ago, the senior crew of the auto patrol again distinguished himself: Semyonov and his partner detained two robbers who attacked a 44-year-old man on Zemlyanoy Val at night for 10 minutes.

Not numbers, but order

How would you define the formula for success?

Our strengths are the analysis of the operational situation, the identification of problem areas, the rational distribution of forces and means, the absence of leveling, the maximum use of the potential of each individual employee, each manager. Of great importance is the creation and maintenance of a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team. Hence the overall positive result.

What are your plans for this year? Is there a desire to become a leader in the city?

There are plans to rise in the city rating, but this is not an end in itself. After all, the main thing is not statistics, some numbers, and you should not chase after them. I would like to restore order in the region. Police work should be done not with white gloves, but with rolled up sleeves. We need a colossal daily work of the whole team. This is what we will strive for.

Interviewed by Alexander ROMENSKY,

Photo by Nikolay GORBIKOV