70 debit account. Payroll accounting. Withholding of alimony under writs of execution

Account 70 “Settlements with personnel for remuneration” is used by legal entities to display information about settlements made with employees of the organization in terms of payment for their labor activities.


Account 70 in accounting is intended to summarize information about settlements made with personnel in terms of remuneration for their labor. Displayed here:

  1. Amounts of accrued and paid wages, vacation pay, bonuses, one-time payments
  2. Accrued social benefits (for example, for temporary disability)
  3. Dividends paid to founders who are employees from their participation in the capital of the organization.
  4. Withholding taxes and other amounts (for example, alimony according to a writ of execution).

Account 70 is passive. The debit displays the amounts actually issued or transferred to the cards, and the credit displays the accrual.

Something to keep in mind! According to current legislation, an organization must make payments to employees at least every six months.

If the employee has not received wages within 3 designated days (for example, due to absence, illness, vacation), the amount accrued for payment is deposited, and the money is transferred to the organization’s servicing bank. The deposit is displayed in the debit of account 70 (in correspondence with account 76).

Analytical monitoring

The Labor Code clearly regulates the procedure for settlements with personnel regarding payment for their labor, therefore, for an in-depth analysis of mutual settlements, movements in account 70 are displayed separately for each employee.

Something to keep in mind! SALT account 70 for employees of the organization must coincide with payslips; the amounts of transferred personal income tax are verified against the certificate of settlements with the Federal Tax Service.

Regulatory regulation

The use of account 70 to provide information on mutual settlements with employees of the organization in terms of wages, vacation pay, sick leave and other payments is carried out in accordance with the current Chart of Accounts, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative documents.

Account 70 - common entries in accounting

  1. Payroll

    Dt20 Kt70 - employees of the main production

    Dt23 Kt70 - auxiliary production

    Dt26 Kt70 - employee of the administrative department

  2. Calculation of social benefits (for example, sick leave)
  3. Dividends accrued to the founders-employees of the company
  4. Accrual of vacation payments from the created vacation reserve
  5. Issuance of wages and other payments

    Dt70 Kt50 - from the cash register according to payroll statements

    Dt70 Kt51,52,55 - amounts transferred through current accounts

    Attention! According to the law, payments to cards can be made both according to the general register of the salary project in a particular bank, and to cards of any other bank at the request of the employee.

  6. Holds

    Dt70 Kt68 - personal income tax withheld, transferred to the Federal Tax Service by the tax agent organization

    Dt70 Kt76 - withholding of alimony

  7. Depositing funds

Account 70 “Settlements with personnel for remuneration” is used by legal entities to display information about settlements made with employees of the organization in terms of payment for their labor activities.

Account 70 in accounting is intended to summarize information about settlements made with personnel in terms of remuneration for their labor. Displayed here:

  1. Amounts of accrued and paid wages, vacation pay, bonuses, one-time payments
  2. Accrued social benefits (for example, for temporary disability)
  3. Dividends paid to founders who are employees from their participation in the capital of the organization.
  4. Withholding taxes and other amounts (for example, alimony according to a writ of execution).

Account 70 is passive. The debit displays the amounts actually issued or transferred to the cards, and the credit displays the accrual.

Something to keep in mind! According to current legislation, an organization must make payments to employees at least every six months.

If the employee has not received wages within 3 designated days (for example, due to absence, illness, vacation), the amount accrued for payment is deposited, and the money is transferred to the organization’s servicing bank. The deposit is displayed in the debit of account 70 (in correspondence with account 76).

The Labor Code clearly regulates the procedure for settlements with personnel regarding payment for their labor, therefore, for an in-depth analysis of mutual settlements, movements in account 70 are displayed separately for each employee.

Something to keep in mind! SALT account 70 for employees of the organization must coincide with payslips; the amounts of transferred personal income tax are verified against the certificate of settlements with the Federal Tax Service.

Regulatory regulation

The use of account 70 to provide information on mutual settlements with employees of the organization in terms of wages, vacation pay, sick leave and other payments is carried out in accordance with the current Chart of Accounts, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative documents.

Account 70 - common entries in accounting

  1. Payroll

    Dt20 Kt70 - employees of the main production

    Dt23 Kt70 - auxiliary production

    Dt26 Kt70 - employee of the administrative department

  2. Calculation of social benefits (for example, sick leave)
  3. Dividends accrued to the founders-employees of the company
  4. Accrual of vacation payments from the created vacation reserve
  5. Issuance of wages and other payments

    Dt70 Kt50 - from the cash register according to payroll statements

    Dt70 Kt51,52,55 - amounts transferred through current accounts

    Attention! According to the law, payments to cards can be made both according to the general register of the salary project in a particular bank, and to cards of any other bank at the request of the employee.

  6. Holds

    Dt70 Kt68 - personal income tax withheld, transferred to the Federal Tax Service by the tax agent organization

    Dt70 Kt76 - withholding of alimony

  7. Depositing funds

Natalya Vasilyeva, 2017-03-28

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Account 70. Settlements with personnel for wages

Account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” is intended to summarize information about settlements with employees of the organization for wages, as well as for the payment of dividends and other income to them from participation in the authorized capital of the organization.

Accrued amounts of labor costs payable to employees are reflected in the debit of accounts 20 “Main production”, 23 “Auxiliary production”, 25 “General production costs”, 26 “General business expenses”, 28 “Defects in production” and other accounts and credit Account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages."

Amounts of payment for employee vacations accrued from the reserve created in accordance with the established procedure for these purposes are reflected in the debit of account 96 “Reserves for future payments” and the credit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”.

Accrued benefits due to contributions to the Social Protection Fund are reflected in the debit of account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” and the credit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”.

Dividends accrued to employees and other income from participation in the authorized capital of the organization are reflected in the debit of account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” and the credit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”.

Amounts of wages, benefits paid to employees through contributions to the Social Protection Fund, dividends and other income from participation in the authorized capital of the organization, etc. are reflected in the debit of account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages" and the credit of accounts 50 "Cash", 51 "Settlement accounts" and other accounts.

The amounts of withheld taxes, payments under executive documents and other deductions are reflected in the debit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” and the credit of accounts 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”, 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security”, 76 “Settlements with different debtors and creditors" and other accounts.

Amounts accrued but not paid to employees on time are reflected in the debit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” and the credit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” (subaccount 76-5 “Settlements for deposited amounts”).

Analytical accounting for account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” is maintained for each employee.

Account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” has the following subaccounts:

Account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” corresponds with the accounts:

Other section 6 accounts

Account 60. Settlements with suppliers and contractorsAccount 62. Settlements with buyers and customersAccount 63. Provisions for doubtful debtsAccount 65. Deferred tax liabilitiesAccount 66. Settlements for short-term loans and borrowingsAccount 67. Settlements for long-term loans and borrowingsAccount 68. Settlements for taxes and feesAccount 69 Settlements for social insurance and security Account 70. Settlements with personnel for wages Account 71. Settlements with accountable persons Account 73.

Settlements with personnel for other operationsAccount 75. Settlements with foundersAccount 76. Settlements with various debtors and creditorsAccount 77. Settlements for direct insurance and reinsuranceAccount 79. On-farm settlements

In accordance with Art. 137 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, deductions from wages can be made only in cases provided for by law. In this case, by order of the organization’s administration, the following deductions may be made.

Refund of amounts overpaid due to accounting errors.

In accounting, such deduction is recorded as follows:

It should be borne in mind that in the case where wages are overpaid to an employee as a result of not a counting error, but, for example, a semantic one or due to insufficient qualifications of an accounting employee, these amounts cannot be recovered from this employee.

In this situation, recovery, as a rule, is made from the employee who is guilty of making such a mistake.
At the same time, in accounting, the inclusion of overpaid amounts as shortfalls and their collection are carried out in the manner established for accounting for the amounts of damage caused to the organization.

Repayment of unspent and not timely returned advance payment issued for a business trip or transfer to another location, for business needs, unless the employee disputes the grounds and amount of the withholding.

In this case, the administration has the right to make an order to withhold no later than one month from the date of expiration of the period established for the return of the advance, repayment of the debt, or from the date of the incorrectly calculated payment.

For unworked vacation days when an employee is dismissed before the end of the working year for which he has already received vacation.

Deduction for these days is not made if the employee is dismissed on the grounds specified in paragraphs 1, 2, subparagraph. "a" clause 3 and clause 4 of Art. 81, clauses 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 art. 83 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accounting, such deductions are formalized similarly to deductions upon detection of a counting error.

Compensation for damage caused by the fault of an employee of the organization in an amount not exceeding his average monthly earnings (Article 241 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When making deductions, you should take into account the restrictions on the amount of deductions from wages established by Art. 138 Labor Code of the Russian Federation:
— for each payment of wages, the total amount of all deductions cannot exceed 20%,
and in cases specifically provided for by law - 50% of the wages due to the employee;
- when deducting from wages according to several executive documents, the employee in any case must be responsible 50% of earnings saved.

These restrictions do not apply to deductions from wages when:

  • serving correctional labor,
  • collection of alimony for minor children,
  • compensation for harm caused by the employer to the health of the employee,
  • compensation for damage to persons who suffered damage due to the death of the breadwinner,
  • compensation for damage caused by the crime.

The amount of deductions from wages in these cases cannot exceed 70%.
Deductions from payments that are not subject to collection in accordance with federal law are not allowed.

Amounts withheld from wages on behalf of employees to pay insurance payments under voluntary insurance contracts through non-cash payments to insurance authorities.

In accounting, such deductions are reflected by the following entries:

Withholding insurance payments from employees' wages and transferring them to the accounts of insurance authorities are made on the basis of lists and instructions submitted to the organization's accounting department by the insurance agent.

Trade union membership fees for a non-cash payment system with trade union organizations.

Withholding of trade union dues is carried out in the presence of written applications from trade union members with a request to accept their trade union dues by bank transfer.

In accounting, the deduction and transfer of membership fees is reflected in the same manner as insurance payments.
In this case, an additional sub-account is opened to account 76.

Amounts under writs of execution - alimony for minor children
and compensation for damage caused to the organization.

When deducting amounts under writs of execution, the following records are made:

When compensating for damage caused to an organization, the following records are made:

E) Arrears of wages

f) Cash

h) Accounts receivable

3. Business transaction “tax debt to the budget was repaid from the current bank account”:

a) Causes a decrease in cash in assets and debt in liabilities

b) Change in balance sheet asset

c) Causes a decrease in assets and liabilities

d) 3 type of change

e) 2 type of change

F ) 4 type of change

g) 1 type of change

h) Causes changes in the composition of the liabilities side of the balance sheet.

4. An account with only a credit balance

5. Financial reporting forms

a) Report on the movement of fixed assets and report on labor

b) Report on the movement of DS and report on labor

c) Balance sheet, profit and loss account

d) Explanatory note, tables and diagrams

e) Company performance report

F) Statement of changes in equity for the period, statement of cash flows

g) Cash flow statement and labor report, fixed asset flow report

H) Balance sheet, DS movement report, explanatory note.

6. Inventory

a) Provides grouping of assets, capital and liabilities

b) This is an information storage system

c) This is a reflection of business transactions

d) Provides calculation of product costs

E) Ensures the reliability of accounting data

f) Method of primary recording of business transactions

G) This is the identification of deviations from accounting data

H) This is confirmation of the actual existence of property

7. Organization of the Republic of Kazakhstan for storing money and carrying out non-cash accounts in banks is opened

a) Current bank accounts

b) Current accounts

c) Cards with sample signatures

d) Correspondent accounts

e) Budget accounts

f) Current accounts LORO and NOSTRO

G) Current accounts

h) Personal accounts

8. Accounts receivable from employees:

a) Raw materials, construction in progress, goods purchased

b) Employees' debt on advance received

c) Semi-finished products, construction in progress, purchased goods

d) Amounts owed by customers for goods and services sold during the normal course of business of the company

e) Receivables from customers for products sold

F) Employees' debt for travel expenses

g) Raw materials, work in progress, purchased goods

h) The employee’s debt for payments for preschool institutions

When materials are issued, correspondence invoices are drawn up

a) D 1310 K6010

b) D 8110 K 1310

c) D 7210 K 1310

d) D 7110 K 1310

e) D 1310 K 8110

f) D 1310 K 7710

g) D 1310 K 3310

h) D 1310 K 6280


a) Cost of actual costs incurred upon completion or receipt of assets

b) Cost of fixed assets minus the amount of accumulated depreciation

c) Cost of fixed assets at current market values ​​as of the date of sale

d) Cost of fixed assets at current market prices on a certain date

e) The cost of fixed assets minus the amount of accumulated depreciation

F) The cost of actual costs incurred upon completion of production or construction or acquisition of fixed assets

g) The cost at which an exchange of fixed assets is possible between knowledgeable and independent parties ready to conduct a transaction

H) Cost of actual costs incurred for the construction or acquisition of fixed assets

When deducted from salary, the following is drawn up:

a) D 3220 K 3350

b) D 3350 K 1250

c) D 3350 K 3220

d) D 8110 K 3350

e) D 3350 K 7110

F) D 3350 K 3120

g) D 3210 K 3350

h) D 3350 K 7210


a) Deposits and shares

b) Bank loans

d) Retained earnings

e) Deferred expenses

F) Share premium

g) Income from sales of products

13. The purpose of F.O. is to provide information about:

a) Financial situation. Cash flows, changes in equity and assets

b) Results of company resource management

c) Financial position of the company

d) Financial position, cash flows, change in capital

e) Movement of DS capital

f) On environmental activities and their payments

g) On the state of economic resources

Accounting for wages and salaries

Accrual: salary is calculated based on:

The remuneration system used at the enterprise

Information on established tariffs, salaries, piece rates

Information about the actual time worked by employees or the volume of products produced.

According to labor legislation, wages are calculated and paid at least every half month. The accrual of the amount is recorded in the Payroll (form No. T-51) or in the Payroll Statement (form No. T-49)

The accrual of wages is reflected in the credit account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” in correspondence with accounts for accounting costs, depending on the nature of the work of a particular employee. Analytical accounting for account 70 is maintained for each employee. The amounts of employees' salaries are reflected in personal accounts opened for one calendar year.

D20-K70– accrued wages of employees of the main production,

D25-K70- salary for the administration of the production unit and workers servicing production,

D26-K70-salary of management personnel, health service workers,

D08-K70— salary to employees for operations related to the acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets,

D15(10) -K70-salary for operations related to the acquisition of inventories,

D44-K70- salary, incl. included in selling or selling expenses ,

D91/2-K70- salary for operations related to rental, liquidation, sale of property,

D69-K70– accrual of temporary disability benefits at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund,

D84-K70– remuneration to employees at the expense of the organization’s profits.

In order to evenly include salary during vacations in the costs of the current period, organizations can create a reserve on the account. 96 “Reserves for future expenses.”

The formation of a reserve for vacation pay is reflected by entries in the debit of the current expenses accounts and the credit of the account. 96.: D20,25,26,44-K96.

Salary accrual during vacation: D96-K70.

Holds: From the amount of accrued salary, deductions are made, which can be divided into 3 types:

1.mandatory: personal income tax, deductions on enforcement documents in favor of other persons (alimony, court penalties)

2.at the initiative of the organization: deductions for loans received by the employee, return of amounts overpaid as a result of incorrect calculations, accrual of debt on accountable amounts, compensation by employees for material damage caused, etc.

3. at the initiative of the employee: for loan repayment, voluntary medical and pension insurance.

The total amount of all deductions for each payment cannot exceed 20%, and in cases provided for by federal laws - 50% of the salary due to the employee. When deducting from the salary according to several executive documents, the employee must retain 50% of the salary.

D70-K68– the amount of personal income tax is withheld,

D70-K76– withheld according to execution documents,

D70-K73– at the initiative of the organization

Pay: The salary can be paid to the employee: in cash, transferred by bank transfer to the employee’s bank account, issued in kind (products of the enterprise).

Funds for salary payment must be withdrawn from the account at the bank using a cash check, or, if provided for in the Cash Limit Calculation, DS from the organization’s revenue can be spent on salary payment.

Payment of salary is processed at the discretion of the organization by the Payroll (form No. T-53) or Payroll (form No. T-49). In the statement, employees sign for receipt of money.

If an employee does not receive a salary at the cash desk within the established time frame (3 days from the date of issue), then it is deposited - the salary not received on time is delivered to the bank. In this case, records of deposited amounts are kept in special registers or books of depositors. Payment of deposited amounts is carried out on the basis of a written application from the employee within the deadline for payment of the next salary.

Payment of salary by bank transfer. The transfer is carried out on the basis of a written application from the employee, with the obligatory indication of bank details. According to Art. 131 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, payment of salary in natural (non-monetary) form in value cannot exceed 20% of the amount of the accrued salary.

D70-K50.51- salary payment,

D70-K76/4- salary deposit

Accounting for production costs according to costing items. Accounting for production costs and calculating the cost of production (c/c) of work and services of auxiliary production. Methods for accounting for production costs and calculating production costs

The group of costs by costing items is used in the preparation of cost estimates (calculation of a unit of production), which allows one to determine how much a unit of each type of product, cost of individual types of work and services costs the enterprise. Determining costs by calculation as a way of grouping them relative to a specific unit of production allows you to track each component of agricultural products (works, services) at any level.

The basic provisions for planning, accounting and calculation of agricultural products establish a grouping of expenses by costing items:

1) Raw materials and materials;

2) Returnable waste (subtracted);

3) Purchased products, semi-finished products and production services of third-party enterprises and organizations;

4) Fuel and energy for technological purposes;

5) Wages of production workers;

6) Contributions for social needs;

7) Expenses for preparation and development of production;

10) Losses from marriage;

11) Other production costs;

12) Selling expenses.

The first 11 articles form the production. the cost of production, and the result of all articles is the full cost of production.

To account for costs, use account 20 “main production”, 23 “auxiliary production”, 25 “OPR”, 26 “OKhR” 28 “losses from defects”, 29 “servicing production and facilities” 97 “budget expenses .periods". According to D, expenses are taken into account; according to K, they are written off.

At the end of the month, expenses from 25,26,28,97 are written off to 20,23,29.

From K 20,23,29 they write off the fact of s/s of released products.

The balance characterizes the amount of costs for work in progress.

Auxiliary production: - these are energy facilities that serve production with types of energy, transport facilities that serve production, repair shops, packaging shops, workshops for the production of tools, dies, spare parts, etc. The costs associated with the activities of auxiliary productions teach . on account 23 "auxiliary production". Direct costs are directly related to the activities of auxiliary production. They are written off to account 23 from the credit accounts of inventories, settlements with employees for wages, etc.

Indirect costs are associated with the management and maintenance of auxiliary production. They are written off to account 23 from accounts 25 "OPR" and 26 "OHR". Losses from defects are written off to agricultural products in the period of their discovery. The cost of irreparable defects is written off to account 23 “Auxiliary production” from the credit of account 28 “Defects in production”.

Auxiliary production is intended to perform work (provide services) for the needs of the main (or service) production or for third parties.

Costing is a set of methods for accounting for production costs and calculating the cost of production.

Currently time in Russia the following are used. main methods of cost accounting: incremental, custom, process-by-process (simple), normative.

Lateral: used in mass production with sequential processing of raw materials and materials (metallurgy, chemical, textile industry, etc.), which are carried out in several stages (phases, processing stages).

Processing is a set of technological operations as a result of which raw materials are converted into semi-finished products or finished products.

Essence: Direct production costs are reflected in accounting not by type of product, but by redistribution. The output of each processing unit is calculated separately. Kosv. expenses are distributed in proportion to the established bases. The products obtained in each processing stage are semi-finished products of our own production.

Therefore, a distinction is made between semi-finished and non-semi-finished versions of s/s calculus.

The semi-finished method allows you to take into account the costs of each processing stage and the movement of semi-finished products from workshop to workshop. Semi-finished products are included in agricultural products as a separate item, i.e. The cost of production of each processing stage consists of the costs of the processing stage and the cost of the resulting semi-finished products.

The non-semi-finished method takes into account exclusively the costs of each stage.

Custom: used in individual and small-scale production of complex products (shipbuilding, mechanical engineering). An order is a document. issued order to carry out production. order.

Essence: The object of calculation with/with is each individual order. The unit cost of products is determined by dividing the cost of the order by the number of products in the order.

Process-based (simple): used in industries with a limited range of products and where there is no or little work in progress (in the mining industry, power plants, etc.).

Essence: Direct and indirect costs are taken into account according to cost items for the entire output of the state enterprise. The average unit of production is determined by dividing the sum of all costs for the reporting period by the quantity of GP produced in the period. If there is no work in progress at the end of the period, then the total amount of production. costs is the cost, otherwise costs are distributed between finished products and work in progress.

Regulatory: used. in manufacturing industries with mass and serial production of diverse and complex products (mechanical engineering, metalworking, clothing, footwear)

The norm is the minimum costs required to produce products of a given quality.

Standard - norm, character. estimated need in kind or value;

Standard costing is the amount of costs that an enterprise will spend per unit of output, taking into account norms and standards on an item-by-item basis.

Entity: Department. types of production costs are taken into account on a current basis.

standards provided for by standard calculations; keep separate records of actual deviations. costs from current standards, indicating the location of deviations, the causes and culprits of their formation; take into account changes made to current cost standards as a result of the implementation of organizational and technical measures, and determine the impact of these changes on agricultural products. Fact. s/s is calculated in one of the following ways:

· if the object of accounting is the department. types of products, then deviations from the norms and their changes are attributed to these types of products in a direct way. Fact. cost is determined by the formula:

Costs are factual. = Standard costs + Amount of deviations from norms + Amount of changes in norms.

· if the object of accounting is a group of homogeneous types of products, then fact. cost of each type is obtained by distributing deviations from norms and changes in norms in proportion to cost standards for the production of each type of product.

Types of deviations: deviation of costs of basic materials, deviation of direct labor costs, ODP. Each of the deviations can be caused by only two reasons: a change in the planned price of the resource and a change in the planned volume of resource consumption

All employees of the enterprise are paid monthly wages. Taxes are withheld from her. In addition, employed persons can receive income in the form of interest from participation in capital. All these amounts in accounting are displayed in account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”.


Account 70 is used to display information about settlements with employees for wages (for all types of salaries, bonuses, benefits, pensions, and other payments), as well as for income from securities. The amount of accruals is displayed for credit, and the amount of payments for debit.

At the enterprise, salary accounting is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • accrual;
  • retention;
  • calculation of insurance premiums;
  • pay.

Let's look at each stage in more detail.


Labor costs are included in the cost of production. Therefore, accounting account 70 is debited with the accounts “Main production” (20) and “Sales expenses” (44). The posting is made for the entire salary amount. For calculations, a time sheet (form T12, T13) and a statement (T51) are used.


A production employee received a monthly salary of 25 thousand rubles. Personal income tax is withheld from it in the amount of: 25 x 0.13 = 3.25 thousand rubles. Total payable – 21.75 thousand rubles. Accounting entries (account 70):

  • DT20 KT70 – 25 thousand rubles. – the employee’s salary is accrued;
  • DT70 KT68 – 3.25 thousand rubles. – personal income tax withheld;
  • DT70 KT50 – 21.75 thousand rubles. - salary was paid from the cash register.


Personal income tax is withheld monthly from the payment at a rate of 13%. The tax base can be reduced due to tax deductions (Articles 218, 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Let's look at the most common of them:

  • 3000 - deduction is provided to disabled people, veterans;
  • 500 – deduction for WWII participants;
  • 1400 - deduction for the first and second child to the parent (it is valid until the income level reaches 280,000);
  • 3000 - deduction for the third and subsequent children (it is valid until the income level reaches 280,000).

In order for these benefits to be taken into account when calculating wages, the employee must write a statement. Deductions are made by posting: account 70 debit, account 68 credit.


The organization accrued salaries to production employees in the amount of 30 thousand rubles, and to the management staff - 72 thousand rubles. The accountant goes on vacation in 4 days. She is entitled to 17.8 thousand rubles. vacation pay.

The accounts in the accounting system will immediately display the salary amounts excluding personal income tax:

  • production workers: 30 – 30 x 0.13 = 26.1 thousand rubles;
  • administration: 72 – 72 x 0.13 = 62.64 thousand rubles.
  • vacation pay: 17.8 – 17.8 x 0.13 = 15.486 thousand rubles.
Operation DT CT Amount, thousand rubles
1 Salaries of production workers have been accrued;


20 70 26,1
2 Vacation pay accrued 26 15,486
4 Salary transferred from current account 70 51 104,226
5 Personal income tax withheld 68 15,574
6 Personal income tax is transferred to the budget 68 51

Calculation of insurance premiums

Contributions to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund are transferred from the salary. The general tariff in 2016 is 30%, of which:

  • 22% - Pension Fund;
  • 2.9% - Social Insurance Fund;
  • 5.1% - FFOMS.
  • 796 thousand rubles. – for the purpose of calculating Pension Fund contributions;
  • 718 thousand rubles. - for the purpose of calculating FSS contributions.

If the salary exceeds the specified limits, only a contribution to the Pension Fund will be charged at a rate of 10%. There is no limit on the FFOMS for 2016. This means that contributions must be calculated on the entire payment amount at a rate of 5.1%, regardless of the amount of income. All these contributions are transferred to the cost of production by posting DT20 (44) KT69.


The LLC constructs the building with its own resources. In February, employee salaries were accrued in the amount of 270 thousand rubles, including:

  • main production – 180,000;
  • management personnel – 50,000;
  • sales department – ​​18,000;
  • employed in construction – 22,000.

Current account 70 will contain the following entries:

Salary payment

After personal income tax accruals and deductions are completed, the remaining amount is paid to employees from the cash register or current account. This operation is formalized by posting DT70 KT50 (51).

The law provides for payment of income twice a month. For violating this norm, the enterprise faces a fine of 30 to 50 thousand rubles, and for officials - 5 thousand rubles. (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Salary for unworked time

Vacation pay and temporary disability benefits refer to payments for time not worked. They are accrued based on average earnings to the same accounts as the main income. Payment of vacation pay is formalized by posting DT20 (23, 25, 29, 44) KT70, and benefits from the Social Insurance Fund - DT69-1 KT70.

Other payments and deductions

Account 70 reflects the accrual and payment of dividends: DT84 KT70. Deductions may occur from your salary when purchasing a health resort voucher. Part of the cost is paid by the employee, and the second by the organization: DT70 KT69-1. If an employee still has funds that he previously received an account for, but did not use, he must return them to the cashier. If the advance report is not submitted by the specified deadline, these amounts are subject to deduction from wages: DT70 KT71. If the funds were not spent for targeted needs, they are also subject to withholding: DT70 KT94.

Often during the inventory process, a shortage of inventory items is discovered. If its amount exceeds the norm, then it is reimbursed from the income of financially responsible persons: DT70 KT73-2. If a company enters into an insurance contract for employees, the source for transferring payments is wages: account 70 is debited from the account. 76-1. Deductions under writs of execution from income are documented by posting DT70 KT76-4.


The LLC carried out an inventory of goods. According to the accounting department, there are 120 kg of semi-smoked sausage in the warehouse worth 11.4 thousand rubles. The inventory showed a shortage of product in the amount of 150 rubles. The rate of loss is 27.36 rubles. Reimbursement is 122.64 rubles. This amount will be compensated from the warehouse manager's salary.

  • DT94 KT41 – 150 rub. – the shortage is written off;
  • DT44 KT94 – 27.36 rubles. – the shortage is taken into account within the norm of loss;
  • DT73-2 KT94 – 122.64 rub. – shortages in excess of the norm are attributed to the responsible person;
  • DT70 KT73-2 - 122.64 rub. – deduction of shortfalls from wages.

Salary in kind

An enterprise can give employees its products, goods, and other valuables as income. This operation is formalized by wiring DT70 KT90-1. Income is accrued using standard posting: DT20 (23, 25, 26) KT70.

Example 1

The LLC accrued income to employees in the amount of 29.5 thousand rubles. Due to a lack of funds, management decided to issue products to pay off the debt. For this purpose, a batch of goods was selected whose market price was equal to the amount of debt. The cost of the batch is 22 thousand rubles. Products are subject to VAT (18%). To reflect these transactions in accounting, it is necessary to include the following entries in the statement of account 70:

  • DT70 KT90-1 – 29.5 thousand rubles. – salary debt is written off;
  • DT90-2 KT43 – 22 thousand rubles. – the cost of production is written off;
  • DT90-3 KT68 – 4.5 thousand rubles. (29.5 x 0.18/1.18) – VAT added;
  • DT90-9 KT99 -3 thousand rubles. (29.5 – 22 – 4.5) – profit is reflected.

If, during the payment of wages, a company was unable to withhold personal income tax, it must notify the tax office in writing no later than March 1 of the following year, indicating the amount of tax and the income from which it was not withheld. The issuance of wages in kind is formalized by posting DT70 KT91-1.

Example 2

Let's change the conditions of the previous problem. To repay the debt, management decided to give the employee materials for a similar amount. Let's reflect these operations in accounting:

  • DT70 KT91-1 – 29.5 thousand rubles. – salary debt is written off;
  • DT91-2 KT10 – 24 thousand rubles. – the cost of materials is taken into account;
  • DT91-2 KT68 – 4.5 thousand rubles – VAT added;
  • DT91-9 KT99 – 1 thousand rubles – profit from the sale of materials is reflected.

Unpaid income

Account 70 contains information about the deposited amounts. After receiving cash from the bank, the organization has 5 working days to pay employees. If the employee does not appear on time, then the amount of unpaid funds is deposited: DT70 KT76. The delivery of the deposited amount to the bank is formalized by the following posting: DT51 KT50.

Accounting for settlements is kept in the book of deposited wages, opened for the year. A separate line is allocated for each depositor. It indicates the employee’s personnel number, his full name, the “frozen” amount, and notes on the disbursement of funds. Unpaid amounts are transferred to a new ledger. The subsequent payment of wages is reflected by the entry: DT76 KT50.

Analytical accounting of settlements is carried out using personal accounts, pay books, pay slips, etc.


At seasonal enterprises, vacations are provided unevenly. Since the amount of income and all accruals to employees is included in the cost price, in order to distribute costs evenly, vacation pay is transferred to costs in equal shares throughout the year. This creates a reserve for vacation pay. The same payroll accounts are debited to the accounting system for this amount. As employees go on vacation, the money accrued to them is written off by posting DT96 KT70.

Typical wiring

This section is best presented in table form.

Operation DT CT
Salaries accrued to employees:

main (auxiliary) production;

general production personnel;

service personnel;


sales department;

involved in the liquidation of OS;

engaged in receiving other income;

at the expense of the created reserve;

engaged in work, the costs of which are taken into account in deferred expenses;

involved in eliminating the consequences of emergencies.

20 (23) 70
Salary issued from cash register 70 50
Salary transferred to bank card 51
Shortage retained 73
Child support withheld 76
Personal income tax withheld 68
Damage for damage is withheld 94


Account 70 displays information about settlements with employees for wages. Credit balance means debt to personnel. In most cases, the account is passive and is reflected in the second part of the balance sheet. But there are situations when the advance payment exceeds the accrued salary for the month. This balance is recorded in debit. The employee must return the money to the cashier.

Account 70: settlements with personnel for wages. Postings, example

Accounting for settlements with personnel regarding wages.

All operations related to the calculation of wages, charges on it and deductions made from it are subject to reflection in the accounting accounts in the reporting period of accrual, regardless of the period of payment of wages to employees and the transfer of tax payments to the budget and insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary funds.

Accounting for settlements with personnel for remuneration and deductions from wages is carried out on active-passive account 70 “Settlements with personnel for remuneration”, which has the following structure:


Debit Credit
Balance (initial) - the amount of debt of the organization to personnel for wages at the beginning of the reporting period
Calculation of personal income tax withheld from employee wages accrued during the reporting period Accrual of wages due to employees during the reporting period in accordance with the remuneration system applied by the organization
Accrual of other deductions from employees' wages during the reporting period
Turnover by debit Loan turnover
Balance (final) - the amount of the organization's debt to personnel for wages at the end of the reporting period

In development of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”, analytical accounts are opened to record settlements for wages with each employee of the organization.

Account 70 “Settlements with suppliers for wages”, as a rule, has a credit balance, which is reflected in the liability side of the balance sheet in section V “Short-term liabilities” in a separate article “Debt to personnel for wages”.

In rare cases, in settlements with individual employees, their receivables may arise to the organization for settlements of wages; in this case, account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” will simultaneously have a debit balance along with the credit balance, which is reflected in section II “Current assets” balance sheet asset as part of short-term receivables.

Payroll means an increase in the organization's debt to personnel and a simultaneous increase in the organization's expenses for ordinary activities. Therefore, this operation is reflected in the credit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” in correspondence with the debit of the corresponding expense accounts: 20 “Main production”, 25 “General production expenses”, 26 “General expenses”.

All deductions made from the employee’s wages are reflected in the debit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”, since the amount of deductions reduces the amount to be paid to the employee. Account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” corresponds with the accounts for the corresponding types of deductions, for example:

∙ with a credit to account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” - for the amount of withheld tax on personal income;

∙ with the credit of account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons” - for the amount of deductions made to repay amounts issued for accounting, etc.

the remaining part of the wages after deductions are made is subject to payment to employees. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages must be paid at least twice a month: an advance is paid for the first half of the month.

Wages are paid to the employee, as a rule, from the cash desk at the place where he performs the work, which is reflected in the accounting records:

Account credit 50 “Cash”.

Wages are issued from the organization's cash desk within three days from the date of its receipt from the bank account, after which the amounts of unpaid wages are transferred to the bank account.

Based on the employee’s application, the wages due to him can be transferred to the bank account specified by him (plastic card), which will be reflected in the accounting records as follows:

Debit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” and

The transfer of personal income tax withheld from an employee’s salary to the budget is reflected in the accounting records by the entry:

Debit account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” and

Account credit 51 “Current account”.

To account for the organization’s settlements with state extra-budgetary funds for insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance of employees, active-passive synthetic account 69 “Settlements for social insurance and security” is used, for the development of which the following sub-accounts are opened:

69-1 “Calculations for social insurance”;

69-2 “Calculations for pension provision”;

69-3 “Calculations for social insurance and security” has the following structure:


Debit Credit
Balance (initial) - the amount of receivables of state extra-budgetary funds to the organization for settlements of insurance premiums at the beginning of the reporting period Balance (initial) - the amount of accounts payable of the organization to state extra-budgetary funds for settlements of insurance premiums at the beginning of the reporting period
Transfer of insurance contributions to the relevant state extra-budgetary funds during the reporting period Accrual of insurance premiums during the reporting period to be transferred to the relevant extra-budgetary funds
Accrual of benefits to employees from the Social Insurance Fund during the reporting period
Payment of wages to staff during the reporting period
Turnover by debit Loan turnover
Balance (initial) - the amount of receivables of state extra-budgetary funds to the organization for settlements of insurance premiums at the end of the reporting period Balance (initial) - the amount of accounts payable of the organization to state extra-budgetary funds for settlements of insurance premiums at the end of the reporting period

Account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” has an expanded balance, the debit balance is reflected in the balance sheet asset in section II “Current assets” as part of short-term receivables, the credit balance on this account is reflected in the balance sheet liability in section V “Short-term liabilities” a separate article “Debt to state extra-budgetary funds”.

Accrued amounts to the listed state extra-budgetary funds are reflected in the credit of account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” in correspondence with the debit of those accounts for accounting for production and management costs to which the amounts of accrued wages in respect of which insurance contributions were calculated were allocated .

Part of the amounts subject to transfer to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation can be used by the organization to pay temporary disability benefits to employees, etc. Accordingly, the amount of the organization's debt subject to transfer to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation will be reduced by the amount of temporary disability benefits accrued to the organization's employees. , which will be reflected in the debit of account 69 “Settlements for social insurance and security” in correspondence with the credit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”, since the organization has accounts payable to employees for the payment of accrued benefits to them.

As the monthly mandatory payments for insurance premiums become due, the organization transfers them by bank transfer to the relevant state extra-budgetary funds (minus the amounts actually paid to employees from the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation).

The business transaction for the transfer of insurance contributions will be reflected in the debit of account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” and its corresponding subaccounts 1 “Calculations for social insurance”, 2 “Calculations for pension provision”, 3 “Calculations for compulsory medical insurance” in correspondence with the credit of account 51 “Current accounts”.

Payers of insurance premiums are required to keep records of the amounts of accrued payments and other remunerations, the amounts of insurance premiums related to them, in relation to each individual in whose favor the payments were made.

Accounting records for accounting transactions for settlements with personnel for wages are given in Table 8.2.

Table 8.2

Set of standard accounting records for accounting transactions

according to settlements with personnel for wages

Contents of operation Amount, rub. Corresponding accounts
Debit Credit
1. Wages accrued to employees 100 000 Expense accounts: 20 “Main production”; 25 “General production expenses”; 26 “General business expenses” 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”
2. From the wages accrued to employees, the personal income tax calculated by the organization is withheld (at a rate of 13%) 13 000 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”

Characteristics of account 70 in accounting

Insurance premiums paid to state extra-budgetary funds

Production and management cost accounts 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security”
∙ Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (2.9% of accrued labor costs) 2 900 20 "Main production" ∙ subaccount 1 “Calculations for social insurance and security”
∙ Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (22% of accrued expenses for remuneration of employees) 22 000 25 “General production expenses”
∙ Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (5.1% of accrued expenses for employee compensation) 5 100 26 “General business expenses”
4. Temporary disability benefits accrued from the Social Insurance Fund 1 000 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security”, subaccount 1 “Calculations for social security” 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages”
5. To pay employees wages and temporary disability benefits, cash was received from the current account to the organization’s cash desk (87,000 + 1,000) 88 000 50 "Cashier" 51 “Current account”
6. Wages and accrued benefits for temporary disability were paid to employees from the organization’s cash desk 88 000 70 “Settlements with personnel for wages” 50 "Cashier"
7. Personal income tax withheld from wages is transferred from the current account to the budget 13 000 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” 51 “Current account”
8. Insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary funds are transferred from the current account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” 51 “Current account”
∙ Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (difference between accrued insurance contributions and accrued temporary disability benefits to employees) (2,900 – 1,000) 1 900 ∙ subaccount 1 “Social security payments”
∙ Pension Fund of the Russian Federation 22 000 ∙ subaccount 2 “Pension payments”
∙ Compulsory health insurance funds 5 100 ∙ subaccount 3 “Calculations for compulsory health insurance”

Typical entries for payroll calculation and distribution

Salary accrued:
main production worker for manufacturing products
administrative and managerial staff of the workshop
auxiliary production workers
administrative and managerial personnel of the enterprise
workers of service industries and farms
workers for unloading materials 10, 15
employees for packaging products in the warehouse of a manufacturing enterprise
employees for the production of fixed assets (intangible assets) on their own
employees of a trading enterprise

When calculating vacation amounts, the expenses of the reporting month include only the amounts of vacation pay attributable to the given month. Amounts of vacation pay that fall within the next month are taken into account as deferred expenses. When the corresponding month arrives, deferred expenses are included in the expenses of the reporting month.

An accounting employee goes on vacation on September 27 for 28 calendar days. There are 4 days of vacation in September, 23 in October. The average salary per day is 500 rubles. Vacation pay was accrued in the amount of 14,000. The amount of vacation pay that falls on September is 2,000 rubles, on October - 12,000 rubles.

No. Contents of a business transaction Amount, rub. Dt CT
Frequently General
1. The amount of vacation pay accrued to the accounting department employee:
- for vacation days falling in September
- for vacation days falling in October
2. The amount of vacation pay attributable to vacation days in October is included in current costs

The company can reserve amounts for vacation pay. This is due to the fact that many employees go on vacation, usually during a certain period (summer), therefore, during this period more funds are required to pay for vacations. In order to have these funds, an enterprise can create a reserve for vacation pay, which is accounted for in account 96 “Reserves for upcoming expenses”, a subaccount - a reserve for vacation pay. It is formed from the amounts of accrued salary (basic and additional) and insurance contributions from this salary. A special calculation is made and the percentage of contributions to the reserve for vacation pay is determined

At the end of the year, an inventory of the reserve is made, either a reversal entry is made for the amount of the excessively created reserve, or an additional one is made if payments exceed the amount of the created reserve.

Accounting for deductions from wages

All deductions from salary are reflected in Dt 70 and Kt of the corresponding accounts.

Contents of business transactions Dt CT
Withholding personal income tax
Personal income tax is withheld from the employee's salary 68/Calculations with the budget for personal income tax
Withholding from the culprits for material damage caused to the organization
The amount of shortage of material assets identified based on the results of the inventory is reflected. 10,43…
The amount of the shortfall is attributed to the guilty party 73.2
The amount of the shortage of material assets was withheld from the wages of the guilty person 73.2
Deduction for production defects
The amount to be withheld for production defects is attributed to the guilty person 73.2
The amount for defects in production was withheld from the salary of the guilty person 73.2
Withholding of union dues
The amount of union dues is withheld from the employee’s salary 76/settlements with trade union organization
Retention for goods sold on credit
An order-obligation has been received from a trade organization
Deducted from an employee's salary for goods sold on credit
Transferred to a trade organization to pay off debt
Retention of loans issued to an employee
A loan was issued to an employee of the organization 73.1
Deducted from the employee's salary to repay the loan 73.1
Interest accrued on the loan 73.1 91.1
Loan interest deducted from wages 73.1

Accounting for issued salary

The company independently sets the terms for issuing salaries. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, salary must be paid at least once every half month. For the first half of the month, the employee is given an advance in the amount of up to 40% of earnings for the month. At the end of the month, the final payment is made. When an advance is issued, no deductions are made from the salary and insurance premiums are not charged on the salary.

Based on the results of the reporting month, the amount of payment to the employee in the final calculation is determined by the formula:

Currently, there are two ways to pay salary:

ñ cash

ñ non-cash

Cash payment method

The cashier receives cash for the payment of salary and advance payment from the bank by check. When receiving money for the past month as a final payment, payment orders for the transfer of personal income tax and insurance premiums should be submitted to the bank. Payment of an advance from salary can be made according to the Payroll or Payroll. The salary is issued from the cash desk within 3 working days, after which the statement is closed.

Salary not issued on time is deposited. Against the name of an employee who did not receive his salary on time, instead of his signature, a stamp is placed on the payroll - deposited. A register of deposited amounts is compiled and the register is submitted to the accounting department.

Settlements on deposited amounts are carried out on account 76/Settlements on deposited amounts. A special book “Accounting for deposited amounts” is filled out.

The deposited salary is issued from the cash desk at the request of the employee.

Non-cash payment method

With this method, the advance and salary are transferred to the employee’s bank cards. The method can only be used with the consent of employees: a special card account is opened for them and a plastic card is issued. The salary of all employees is transferred to card accounts in one payment order, and a salary payment register is attached to it. One copy is returned to the enterprise with a mark of transfer, which confirms the fact of repayment of accounts payable to employees. The employee is given a pay slip.

According to Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if the employer violates the established deadline for payment of wages, vacations, etc., the Employer must repay them with interest (cash compensation). The minimum amount of compensation must be at least 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in effect at that time from the amounts not paid on time for each day of delay. Compensation is accrued from the next day after the established day of payment until the day of actual settlement, inclusive. The amount of compensation may be increased and must be established in the appropriate document (collective agreement or other local regulatory act). The obligation to pay compensation arises regardless of the employer’s fault.

The central bank refinance rate is the interest rate at which the central bank lends money to other banks. This is mentioned in Article 40 of Federal Law No. 86 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”. Refinancing refers to lending by the Bank of Russia to credit institutions. The forms, procedure and conditions of refinancing are established by the Bank of Russia.

Commercial banks actively use loans from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for lending to both individuals and enterprises. Banks also attract funds from citizens through bank deposits. Banks also borrow money from each other using the interbank lending market; interest on such loans also depends on the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Compensations paid to employees in connection with delayed salaries, within the limits established by law, are not subject to personal income tax.


The salary payment deadline is set on the 2nd of every month. Due to the lack of funds on account, employees were delayed in paying their salaries for September in the amount of 15,290.95 rubles. The salary was paid on October 10. The refinancing rate is 8.25%.

Number of days of delay in salary payment (3/10-19/10 - 8 days)

Calculation of compensation amount

∑ = 15290.95 * 8.25 *1/300 * 8 = 33.64 rubles

Account 70 in accounting is intended to reflect settlement transactions with employees of the enterprise. The amount of established wages (salary or piecework), as well as bonuses and other additional payments are recorded in the account. The deduction of material damage is reflected in the debit of the account.

general characteristics

To immediately eliminate all questions about which account 70 is, active or passive, let’s analyze its structure. Payments to employees are a short-term accounts payable of the enterprise, and any accounts payable are a source of funds. In addition, account 70 has only a credit balance. Therefore, it is a passive synthetic account.

An account with a passive structure involves the reflection of funds being credited as a loan, and debits as a debit. At the end of the reporting period, the accountant will calculate credit and debit turnover and highlight the final balance. The value of the amount of payment obligations will be reflected in the financial statements of the enterprise.

Analytical accounting accounts are opened for each employee separately. For example, to reflect remuneration for the work of employee V.V. Sidorov will open a 70.1 account. Additionally, for each employee the accountant maintains:

  • personal income tax card;
  • pay slip;
  • document on settlements and payments;
  • pay slip.

Account 70 in accounting is used in the course of financial activities by each organization.

Account debit transactions 70

The 70th account corresponds by debit with the accounts:

  • accounting for money;
  • accounting of settlement transactions (from 66 to 69 inclusive, 73, 76, 79);
  • financial result (90, 91, 93, 94).

A debit operation will mean reducing the company's accounts payable to the employee or deducting amounts for taxes and fees, material damage.

Account credit transactions 70

The posting indicating “credit account 70” characterizes the entry of wages, vacation pay and social benefits. For the loan, account 70 corresponds with the accounts:

  • accounting for production costs (section III of the chart of accounts);
  • accounting of finished products and goods (44);
  • money accounting (50);
  • accounting for social insurance contributions (69) and accounts 76, 77, 79;
  • financial result of the enterprise (90, 91, 96.97);
  • capital (84).

A posting indicating account 70 in the credit will always mean the accrual of funds to the employee, be it wages or incentive payments.

Accounting for deposited amounts

Funds not received by the employee from the company's cash desk on time are transferred to storage. The accountant makes an account assignment Dt 70 Kt 76 (subaccount "Depositors") indicating the deposited amount, after which the funds are transferred for safekeeping to the bank. Additionally, the auditor issues an expense cash document.

Deposited wages are stored for 3 years, after which they can be written off as income of the organization (Dt 76 Kt 91).

Payment in kind

Some manufacturing enterprises may pay labor using their own goods. This takes into account the market value of the products, which includes VAT and excise tax. The following entries are made: Dt 70, Kt 90, 91. Next, the accountant reflects the cost of goods issued as wages. The deduction of amounts for taxes and obligatory payments to the budget occurs in the same manner as in cash payments.

Characteristics of deductions from wages

The administration has the right to deduct from the employee’s monetary remuneration the amount of material damage or defects that occurred through his fault. The financially responsible individual, according to the contract, pays the full or partial amount of damage caused to the organization.

The full amount of expenses to be reimbursed in connection with the damage is charged to the employee if the liability agreement stipulates the obligation to fully repay the amount of material damage to the object deposited for storage. In a particular case, the responsible persons are cashiers, manager. warehouse and storage rooms, as well as all those who accept money from buyers and other persons without the participation of a cash register.

Partial repayment of the amount of material damage implies reimbursement of funds within a pre-agreed limit (for example, no more than the average monthly salary). The amount is calculated based on the actual losses of the enterprise according to accounting data.

Example of reflection of the retention process

Let's consider the situation in an organization with the onset of financial liability:

It was established that the employee disabled a device with a book value of 7,000 rubles, the amount of accumulated depreciation was 1,600 rubles. It is necessary to reimburse 5400 rubles.

Amounts to be deducted from the employee’s wages are reflected in account 70 (debit) and account credit 73.3. If the debt is repaid through the cash register, account 70 is not used.

The accountant will record the transaction with the following entries:

  1. Dt 73.3 Kt 94 – 5400 rub. – the amount of material damage is attributed to the organization’s employee.
  2. Dt 70 Kt 73.3 – 5400 rub. – the amount is deducted from the employee’s remuneration.
  3. Dt 94 Kt 91 – 5400 rub. – the amount of loss is compensated.

If the employee repaid the debt through the cash register, instead of the second posting, the following entry is made: Dt 50 Kt 73.3.

Withholding amounts for marriage

Defects, depending on the severity of the defects, are divided into correctable and irreparable. A correctable defect entails the company's expenses for repair work, which the employee will reimburse. If the defect is irreparable, the amount of compensation for damage consists of the costs of producing defective products minus the benefits received after liquidation.

Payment of expenses in connection with irreparable defects is made on the basis of the difference in the debit and credit turnover of account 28. The identified total amount of losses from defects is recorded in the debit of the account. 70.

Personal income tax

Personal income tax is a mandatory payment to the budget, deducted from the amount of remuneration for the employee’s work. Tax policy allows you to apply tax deductions on certain employee income:

  • the amount of minimum income that is not taxed;
  • deductions based on social status, charity;
  • professional deductions;
  • property deductions.

The tax rate for most taxpayers in 2016 remains the same – 13%. The accrual of personal income tax is reflected by correspondence: Dt 70 “Settlements with employees for wages” Kt 68 (subaccount “Personal income tax”).


Account 70 in accounting characterizes many transactions. Let's look at the main transactions for account 70:

Preparation of account assignments for the account "Payroll calculations"
Dt CT Amount, rub. Operation description
20 70 10000 salary credited:

personnel employed in the main production;

personnel employed in auxiliary production;

administrative staff;

general production personnel;

employees selling goods;

OS liquidation workers.

84 70 3000 dividends accrued to full-time employees
70 50 5000 salary was issued from the cash register
70 51 9000 the amount of remuneration for labor is transferred to the employee’s bank account
70 68 800 personal income tax withheld
70 73.3 2000 the amount of material damage is withheld
70 76 3000 The amount of alimony is withheld from wages
69.1 70 1200 sick leave amount accrued
96 70 7000 vacation payments accrued
70 28 1400 amount deducted for defective products
70 69.2 900 contributions were made to the Pension Fund

Account 70 in accounting combines many transactions carried out by the company on a monthly basis. At the end of the reporting period, the auditor calculates the credit balance and includes it in the liability item of the balance sheet. The balance reflected on the account indicates that the company has accounts payable to employees. It is important to correctly keep records of salary obligations, because account 70 in accounting also reflects the accrual of payments to the budget.