Quotes to your liking. Soul statuses about the most important


Quotes and Aphorisms 28.10.2018

Autumn is always conducive to unhurried reasoning and conversations. And today, dear readers, I would like to talk to you about the eternal, that is, about the soul. No one has yet managed to reveal the secret of this subtle matter to the end. But there is so much truth in quotations and aphorisms about the soul that, re-reading them, one is more than once surprised at their accuracy and accuracy.

We rush about: work, life, business ...
Whoever wants to hear must still listen.
And on the run you will notice only the bodies ...
Stop to see the soul...

My soul is like an ocean...

It is not at all necessary to be a believer in order to recognize the very existence of the soul. After all, the main thing is not that she is immortal. Its essence is that this is the inner "I" of a person, his consciousness and subconscious, his entire inner world. It's about this in question in quotes about the human soul.

"The human soul develops until death."


“It is bad when a person lacks reason; but it is doubly bad when he lacks a soul.

Samuel Johnson

"The soul is an exhalation endowed with the faculty of sensation."

Heraclitus of Ephesus

"Every soul is a little secret society."

Marcel Juando

“If you have almost no soul left and you know about it, then you still have a soul.”

Charles Bukowski

"I am not a body endowed with a soul, I am a soul, a part of which is visible and is called a body."

Paulo Coelho

"A soul without imagination is like an observatory without a telescope."

Henry Ward Beecher

“Some say that the soul is air.”
"The soul remembers the past, sees the present, foresees the future."

Mark Tullius Cicero

"A person with an open soul has an open face."

Johann Schiller

“Each soul has many faces, many people are hidden in each person, and many of these people, forming one person, must be mercilessly thrown into the fire. You have to be ruthless to yourself. Only then can anything be achieved."

Konstantin Balmont

“... the links between the soul and the beauty of the earth will never break!”

Valery Bryusov

"Some living beings have a spirit, others only a soul."

Seneca Lucius Annaeus

“How quickly physical strength melts away when the soul weakens.”

Charlotte Bronte

"The soul is eternal, maybe she came to earth more than once."

Sergey Bezrukov

"The human soul is the greatest miracle in the world."

Dante Alighieri

“O man, you do not know the value of your own soul, because in His bounty Allah has given it to you without payment.”

“Without your words, the soul would have no ears; without your ears, the soul would not have a language.”

"The soul, unlike the mind, does not think or reason - it feels and knows, therefore it does not make mistakes."

Vadim Zeland

“Souls are strong and weak, sluggish and energetic, wild and cultured. Some may be engaged in public affairs, others need solitude. All people have different habits, and the body of each person corresponds to the habits and abilities of his soul.

Do you know how the soul hurts?

What is a soul? If it's not a human organ that can be seen, then why does it sometimes hurt so much? Maybe quotes about pain and sadness in the soul with meaning will open the veil of this mystery to us?

“An inexplicable thing is the soul. No one knows where she is, but everyone knows how much she hurts.

Anton Chekhov

“Do you know how souls cry in pain? No, they don’t even cry, but scream ... "

Natalia Davydova

“No flu, no smallpox, no sciatica…
I would give half my kingdom for healing!
When the soul hurts violently
Who will give a cure for mental pain?

Olga Drozhzhina

"- Where does it hurt?
Where no one can see, I thought ... "

Ray Bradbury

And, smiling, they broke my wings,
My wheezing was sometimes like a howl,
And I was dumb from pain and impotence
And only whispered: "Thank you for being alive."

Vladimir Vysotsky

"The one who knows how much it hurts will not betray."

Michael Jackson

"Another's pain is not the same as the pain of one's own soul."

Pierre Corneille

"Something hurts: not a tooth, not a head, not-, not-, not- ... but it hurts ... This is the soul."

Marina Tsvetaeva

“It's amazing how quickly you fence off the past when you have something to do with your hands and head. You can survive everything, even the most terrible pain. You just need something to distract you."

Chuck Palahniuk

"Unfulfilled hopes, even the most modest, always cause incredible mental pain."

Nicholas Sparks

“The soul experiences an attack of acute pain from deceitful faces, empty emotions, weak will…”

“Any physical pain is easier to bear than mental pain. There is no anesthesia or medication for mental pain. It just needs to be experienced."

“- I am covered in scars that hurt and ache ... - Something is not noticeable ... - My soul is covered with them ... "

“When the body hurts, it is pain. When the soul hurts - it's flour.

Eyes are clearer than words...

Our eyes are windows to the world. It is quite possible to learn the art of controlling your facial expressions and keeping it under control, but a look gives a lot. There are a great many wise quotes on this subject that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

“In my eyes, my soul, its mirror image. And with some distortion, the reality of the world is visible in them.

Evgeny Besedin

“The lamp of the body is the eye; so if your eye is clear, then all your body it will be light; and if it is evil, then your body will be dark.”

From Holy Scripture

“Words can deceive, eyes cannot.”

Omar Khayyam

"The eyes of the interlocutor - the world of crooked reflections."

Angelica Miropoltseva

“If you want to listen to the soul, look carefully into the eyes.”

Andrew Freese

“The eyes are a big thing. Like a barometer. Everything is visible: who has a great dryness in his soul, who for no reason can poke the toe of his boot into the ribs, and who himself is afraid of everyone.

Michael Bulgakov

“When you want to know a person, look into their eyes, they are the mirror of the soul.”

“When the eyes say one thing, and I say another, an experienced person believes the first more.”

Ralph Emerson

“That's the way a man is. He can restrain facial expressions, mentally tie his hands, but his eyes ... That's what it is impossible to hide. They reflect everything that happens inside.

Olga Anina

“The eyes are not the mirror of the soul, but its mirrored windows: through them she sees the street, but the street sees the soul.”

Vasily Klyuchevsky

"A kind soul has the most beautiful eyes."

Taguhi Semirdjyan

The flight of the soul is eternal and high...

The soul is something ephemeral, it cannot be seen or felt. So why is it so important in human relationships? Perhaps because it is she who is the generator of all our feelings and emotions ... About this - in quotes about the soul of a person with meaning.

“What is called the soul, the heart, does not have a clear outline, but is a much more tangible symbol of human relationships.”

“The question “Can a soul exist without a body?” contains a whole absurd argument that preceded it and based on the fact that the soul and the body are two different things. What would you say to a person who asked you: “Can a black cat leave the room and black stay?” You would take him for a madman - and both questions are exactly the same.

Alexander Herzen

"Man ... is the union of soul and body, the separation of which produces death."

@Nicholas of Cusa

“The mind is the eye of the soul, but not its strength; the strength of the soul is in the heart.

Vauvenargue Luc de Clapier

“As the body grows, the soul shrinks more and more. I myself feel it on my own ... Ah, I was great person when I was a little boy!"

Carl Burne

“If the soul exists, it would be wrong to think that it is given to us already created. It is created on earth, throughout life. Life itself is nothing but these long and painful births. When the creation of the soul, which man owes to himself and to suffering, is completed, death comes.

Albert Camus

"The greedy soul is the beginning of all evil deeds."

John of Damascus

"I am convinced that the soul of every person rejoices when he does good to another."

Thomas Jefferson

"Hell and heaven are in heaven," say the bigots.
I, looking into myself, was convinced of a lie:
Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe,
Hell and heaven are the two halves of the soul."

Omar Khayyam

Beauty is temporary, soul is forever

"Do not drink water from the face" - says folk wisdom. However, in life we ​​often forget about it. Wise Quotes and aphorisms about the soul and love, about the soul and appearance once again remind us that the beauty of the soul is much more important than the beauty of the body.

“You can fall in love with beauty, but you can fall in love only with the soul!”

William Shakespeare

“You can love the soul without knowing the body… And then go crazy touching the body of the beloved soul…”

Paulo Coelho

“The only one who has the ability to love is the soul. The body does not seek love."

Avadhut Swami

“If someone’s soul reaches out, don’t resist. She is the only one who knows exactly what we need.”

Erich Maria Remarque

“To be beautiful does not mean to be born to them,
After all, we can learn beauty.
When a man is beautiful in soul -
What appearance can compare with her?

Omar Khayyam

“Beauty is not about having a pretty face. It’s about having beautiful thoughts, a beautiful heart and a beautiful soul.”

Anton Chekhov

“Never judge a dog or a person at first sight. Because a simple mongrel can have the kindest soul, and a person of pleasant appearance can turn out to be a rare bastard.

Vladimir Vysotsky

“It would be much easier if people looked the same on the outside as their soul looks like.”

“Learn to distinguish between the important and the unimportant. Higher education- not an indicator of the mind. Beautiful words is not a sign of love. Beautiful appearance is not an indicator of a person's beauty. Learn to appreciate the soul, to believe in actions, to look at deeds.

“The human soul is like a room with a door. Some have a beautiful door, but the room is empty and cramped. Many have a shabby door, and the whole universe is in the room. Don't just look at what you can see, look at what's inside. See with your heart, not with your eyes!”

“Beauty only attracts attention, the soul wins the heart.”

Freedom or loneliness?

There is a popular belief that loneliness gives freedom. When a person owes nothing to anyone and is not bound by obligations to anyone, he is free to do whatever he pleases. But is it really so? In quotes about the loneliness of the soul and aphorisms about the freedom of the soul, that fine line is drawn that separates these states.

"Loneliness is the underside of freedom."

Sergey Lukyanenko

And in the evening no one waits
And you can do whatever you want.
And what is it called?
Freedom or loneliness?
"We make ourselves lonely."

Maurice Blanchot

"The most cruel loneliness is the loneliness of the heart."

Pierre Buast

"The pensive soul tends to be alone."

Omar Khayyam

“Loneliness is a beautiful thing. But you need someone to tell you that loneliness is a beautiful thing.”

Honore de Balzac

“You must not confuse loneliness with solitude. Loneliness for me is a psychological, mental concept, while solitude is physical. The first is dulling, the second is soothing.

Carlos Castaneda

“Freedom is not about not holding back, but about owning yourself.”

Fedor Dostoevsky

“Whoever feels the lack of free will is a mentally ill person, whoever denies it is stupid.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“Freedom is the right to do what you want and prevent others from doing what they want.”

Henryk Sienkiewicz

"Most people don't really want freedom because it comes with responsibility, and most people dread responsibility."

Sigmund Freud

“Freedom is, first of all, not privileges, but duties.”

Albert Camus

“Absolute freedom does not exist: there is only freedom of choice, but having made a choice, we become a hostage to our decision ...”

Paulo Coelho

“You can’t climb into a person’s soul, for the soul is the holy of holies, and you can enter there only if you are opened and invited inside.”

Metropolitan Hilarion

We think positively!

It has long been proven that the state of the soul directly affects our health. Negative emotions reduce immunity and nullify our vitality. About how important harmony with oneself is for a person, it is said with deep wisdom in quotes about the sun in the soul and about the peace of the soul.

“Happiness is not a life without worries and sorrows. Happiness is a state of mind."

“He who has the sun in his soul will see the sun even on the gloomiest day.”


"Don't let the sun out of your soul -
It will disperse with warmth throughout life.
Let a drop of love into your heart
Let a drop spill into the ocean!”

“The more sun in the soul, the brighter life around.”

“Keep your spiritual light… Despite everything, no matter what… This is the light by which the same bright souls will find you.”

“If the sun shines in the soul, then it doesn’t matter at all what the weather is outside the window.”

“He who has achieved inner calm and peace finds peace and tranquility everywhere. One whose mind is agitated and restless finds that the whole world is full of restlessness. Because only what is felt inside is felt outside.”

The Russian soul is generosity that knows no boundaries.

We would not forget about the soul, we would be a little kinder, we would, with our speeds, not forget that we are people.

"Vasily Shukshin"

There is a class of people who will spit in your soul and will still behave as if it was you who offended them and should ask for forgiveness.

Since body and spirit are endowed opposite properties, then the stronger the first, the weaker the second.

"Jean Bodin"

One of the most useful life skills is the ability to quickly forget everything bad: do not dwell on troubles, do not live with resentment, do not revel in irritation, do not harbor anger. Do not drag different rubbish into your soul.

Happiness is the flight of the soul in a certain aspect of life circumstances.

"Venedict Nemov"

The soul, like the body, has its own gymnastics, without which the soul languishes, falls into apathy of inaction.

"Vissarion Belinsky"

The soul is where the inner world comes into contact with the outer world. No one can know himself unless he is himself and others at the same time.


The most important thing is to put things in order in your soul.

"Bernard Show"

The soul cannot be allowed to remain empty. Emptiness and the vacuum that arises in it attract those.

"Haruki Murakami"

If you can say something strange, then the soul of the sleeping person is as if asleep, while the deceased, on the contrary, is awake.

"John Chrysostom"

Truly bored is when the soul demands a person. Not the body requires, but the soul. When a person turns inside out from the lack of native hands and eyes. That's when you want to scream to the whole world how you miss it.

All nakedness is offensive, even the nakedness of the soul. Stealth keeps others away from us and keeps us safe. It is a screen protecting our intentions.

"Francis Bacon"

In order to correctly judge things sublime and great, one must have the same soul; otherwise we will attribute our own faults to them.

"M. Montaigne"

If you want to spit in someone else's soul, do not forget about the wind.

A big soul is never alone. No matter how fate takes away friends from her, in the end she always creates them for herself.

"Romain Rolland"

Every soul is measured by the immensity of its striving.

"Gustave Flaubert"

Where can harmony between soul and body come from if the soul is always ready to save itself at the cost of the body?

"Stanislav E. Lets"

I know what depression is like when you really want to take your soul away, but wherever you take it, it doesn’t like everything.

"Rinat Valiullin"

A noble soul stands above insults, injustice, grief, ridicule; she would be invulnerable if she did not suffer from compassion.

"Jean de La Bruyère"

Babies are innocent in their bodily weakness, not in their soul.

Aurelius Augustine

A sick soul cannot endure anything painful.


A man dies, his soul, not subject to destruction, escapes and lives a different life. But if the deceased was an artist, if he hid his life in sounds, colors or words, his soul is still the same, alive both for the earth and for humanity.

When one soul rises, all humanity rises.

"Bernard Werber"

Music washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul.

"Auerbach Berthold"

What is called the soul, the heart, does not have a clear outline, but is a much more tangible symbol of human relations.

"Kobo Abe"

Before you pour out your soul, make sure that the "vessel" does not leak.

A kindred spirit is the one who has the keys to our locks and whose locks fit our keys.

"Richard Bach"

And a woman must obey, and find depth to her surface. The surface is the soul of a woman, a moving, seething film on shallow water.

"Friedrich Nietzsche"

The human soul is a kind of fusion of god and beast, an arena of struggle between two principles: one is partial, limited, egoistic, and the other is universal, infinite and impartial.

"B. Russell"

The beggar is not the one with an empty wallet, but the one with an empty soul.

The health of the soul is no less fragile than the health of the body, and one who imagines himself free from passions can just as easily succumb to them, as a person of flourishing health can fall ill.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Whoever does not have an exalted soul is not capable of kindness: only good nature is available to him.

"Nicola Chamfort"

As for the “spiritual emptiness”, the more the soul is empty, the better it is filled.

"Marina Tsvetaeva"

The soul is born old and gradually grows younger. This is the comedic side of life. The body is born young and gradually ages. And this is the tragic side.

"Oscar Wilde"

It would be much easier if people looked the same on the outside as their soul looks like.

A truly noble person is not born with a great soul, but he makes himself so great by his magnificent deeds.

"Francesco Petrarca"

What difference does it make in what world, modern or not - the main thing is that a person feels in his soul, everything depends on this.

"Maximilian of Naples"

Taking care of beauty, one must start from the heart and soul, otherwise no cosmetics will help!

"Coco Chanel"

The more responsibility a person takes on, the faster his soul is tempered in the labors.

Spiritual statuses are not just a set of words in Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or others in social networks. The lines that a person writes on his page are able to tell friends and relatives about what is happening in his soul. Perhaps he is asking for help.

It is simply necessary to pay attention to spiritual statuses, especially if you are not indifferent to the fate of this person. Even beautiful sentences and phrases can cheer up others. In our article you can read interesting spiritual statuses for all occasions.

Statuses about love

Many people experience depression. After all, they were visited by love. Soul statuses will help you understand the feelings and thoughts of people who have gone through this:

1. Once alone a wise man said: "Only mutual love brings happiness and joy to the soul. One-sided love is a serious disease that urgently needs to be cured.

2. Love is like chocolate. It starts with "Bounty" (heavenly delight), continues with "Twix" (two sticks), and the conclusion is "Kinder Surprise - a night whim."

3. Appreciate the one who is near, supports, understands, loves and forgives. There is no need to chase after someone who does fine without you, understand that he is doing well anyway.

4. A man in love does not look with his eyes, but with his soul and heart.

4. It will never be easier, easier and better. After all, this is life, and nothing can be done. So try to be happy right now. After all, it will be too late.

5. If you are not happy with today's situation, do not worry or be upset. Just be glad, because it could be worse.

6. Everyone says they don't cry. However, it is not. They can cry sobbing, and then they will put on makeup again, fix their hair, go out and smile at everyone. No one will even guess that just an hour ago this woman was very ill.

7. A man can leave unexpectedly, abruptly and quickly, but most often he returns. He begins to understand that there is no other such beloved and never will be. A woman rarely leaves, but she never returns. Take care, appreciate your soul mate, because you will not find another like it.

Statuses about family

1. When the first child was born, a real friendly family appeared.

2. In the family, it is necessary to take into account the interests, requests and opinions of people you love.

3. In the family, the main causes of depression and disagreement are when there is a lot of money or none at all.

4. Peace in the family is maintained thanks to patience, friendship, love, and of course, if there is a TV in every room.

5. An ideal family is when a husband does not reproach his wife for spending money on various trinkets, the main thing is that the refrigerator is not empty.

6. A family is not only a lot of work without rest and holidays, but also great happiness.

7. In an ideal family, mom should be beautiful, and dad should work.

8. To create a family, it is enough just to love, but in order to save it, you need to learn to forgive a lot, endure, be faithful, understand and protect everyone.

Statuses about mom

1. Mom gave us a start in life. For that alone, we can thank her.

2. Love your mother while she is alive. After all, only this person will not gloat. Mom can only advise and be happy for you.

3. Mom always takes care of her children. Even when the spring tries to put a hat on you, agree with it. Remember that you have no one more dear than your mother and cannot be.

4. The only person who is not able to change is mom.

5. You become adults not when you stopped obeying your mother, but when you realized that your mother was right.

6. The most faithful and worthy friend is mom. Only she will not betray, will not leave you in difficult times and will accept her child as he is.

7. Mom can easily replace dad, grandma, grandpa, friend. But no one will ever replace her, such a dear one.

Statuses about friendship

1. A friend is not always known in trouble. If he does not envy you in moments of happiness, then there is true friendship between you.

2. A friend should be valued for what he is. Let him have different views on life, his character is not what you want, but if he is faithful and devoted, take care of him.

3. If you lend money to your friend, consider that the friendship is over... Depending on how much he owes.

4. A friend is always with you. Even when there is no benefit for him to be near you.

5. If you met a new person, remember that he came into your life not just like that, but for something. Perhaps, thanks to a new friend, your life will turn for the better. Therefore, do not reject it, but take a closer look.


Statuses about mental pain were written by those people who went through a difficult life path. So they learned to express their thoughts. When you see statuses about mental pain in social networks of your relatives or friends, write to them, call, show attention and care. Most likely they need you.

Feelings are of great importance in human life. Thanks to them, people evaluate what is happening. Emotions are a reflection of the quality of life in general. Mental statuses in this sense help to express those very emotions, to express what is sore. In addition, they help simply create a mood for others.

Soul statuses with meaning

Each event resonates in the human soul. Even one conversation can change a life. Therefore, spiritual statuses are an easy way to express experiences that affect the life and personality of the person himself.

  • "A person consists of books that he has read. From the" thank you "he heard in his address. From the music that sounds in the soul. And from the smiles with which he is greeted."
  • "We feel important when we are important to others."
  • "People will quickly forget your appearance or financial situation. But they will always remember the feeling of happiness next to you."
  • "A person shares what he has in abundance. Only the one who is unhappy himself causes pain."
  • "Sometimes it's better to remain silent than to tell a person something that is not important to him."
  • "Loyalty can only be understood by going through betrayals."
  • "Sometimes after a hundred steps we have passed, we despair and retreat. And there was one step left to the goal ...".

Soul statuses about life

  • "Loneliness is felt more strongly when there is no one to open an umbrella in the rain. When there is no one to make tea in illness. When there is no participation in native eyes."
  • "Time heals the one who knows how to endure and wait."
  • "More often, it is not those who have nothing to say that are silent, but those who could tell a lot."
  • "Life will become easier when you realize the truth of your own conclusions, in not someone else's beautiful phrases. When you combine faith in others with faith in yourself. When you realize that the case burns in the hands of someone who burns with his soul.
  • "Happiness is not always great, global. Look for it in the little things: in the awakening of nature in the morning, in delicious coffee in the morning and an interesting book in the evening."
  • "Ideal life does not exist. Strive for the ideality of the soul."
  • "Doubt is the betrayal of a dream."
  • "The opinion of strangers will not change your own life in any way."
  • "Striving for loneliness is not as scary as getting used to it."
  • "Life rewards most anyone to it."

Beautiful statuses about the soul

  • "A person is alive as long as his soul is alive. As long as he knows how to feel and believe, no matter what."
  • "Touch the soul of another with clean hands."
  • "The beauty of the soul can influence the appearance. The beauty of the body has little to do with the soul."
  • "The emptiness of the soul is visible in indifferent eyes."
  • "The soul allows us to be close to those who are physically far away."
  • "Interests, activities, appearance are important for communication. But without a kindred spirit, they keep people together for long."
  • "The pinnacle of spiritual development is to act decently even where no one sees or judges."
  • "Heartache and joy can be seen. These feelings are shown with tears."
  • "The cry of the soul is your own inner voice. It speaks so loudly that it drowns out other thoughts. It is inaudible to others. But, in the end, it can make you deaf to life."
  • "The greatest courage is to turn the soul inside out in front of people."
  • "Wherever the body tries to run, it takes the soul with it."
  • "Most of our soul lives away from us - with loved ones. That is why we feel emptiness inside when we do not see them for a long time."
  • "When my soul sings, I sing a duet with her. When she yearns, I buy her good book and let me rest."
  • "Physical defects are corrected by fresh air, gym, cosmetics or plastic surgeon. The ugliness of the soul cannot be changed."
  • "The light of the soul is a guide for the people we need, lost in the dark world."

Touching statuses about love

The most spiritual statuses are those that speak of love. No other feeling combines many shades of mood, experiences. Joy, euphoria, pain, sadness, peace - all this diversity is felt by a person in love. Spiritual statuses will help to express this.

  • "The soul of a person does not die from unrequited love. It dries up when it does not love at all."
  • "Love changes a person. As long as he is able to change, he lives."
  • "We clearly remember not how we were loved, but how we loved."
  • "Women are like books. If you can't read, then there's no point in blaming the book."
  • "When love leaves, hope remains. When hope leaves, pain comes."
  • "The strongest physical pain is toothache. The strongest mental pain is disappointment."
  • "Loyalty, care and kindness are a sign of strength, not weakness of the soul."
  • "We want to leave to be returned. To disappear - to be searched. To hate - to be loved as much as we are."

Heartfelt sayings about friendship

Soul states often describe friendship. Like the relationship itself, the words about them are touching and filled with personal meaning.

  • "Take care of people to whom you can say:" Do you remember? .. ".
  • "A friend doesn't complain to you or shift problems. He trusts you."
  • "Friends are not looked for. They are not a new bag for shoes. Friends are felt by the heart. In the crowd, at a distance, in trouble."
  • "Having friends directly depends on our ability to be a friend."
  • "Take care of your friends, not material goods. If you have friends, there will always be somewhere to sleep and what to eat."
  • "There are two commandments for a true friend: to be near in trouble and not to envy in joy."
  • "Friendship and health are two things that you value little while they exist."
  • "They care about their friends like they care about themselves."

Tender sayings about relatives

  • "Warmer than in mother's arms, will not be anywhere."
  • "All who care usually live furthest away."
  • "Life is given to us in order to please loved ones."
  • "The rhythm of life, long journeys, fatigue - they prevent us from giving love to loved ones. And they also make us feel the need for a native shoulder more acutely."
  • "The more dear a person is, the more sensitive his soul is to all our words and deeds."
  • "Native people are pillars that you can grab onto when a landmark is lost in life."

Beautiful spiritual statuses can have a certain therapeutic effect. With their help, you can release the accumulated emotions, feel relief and get the opportunity to be heard.

Aphorisms and quotes about the soul

The soul is a subtle matter, the secret of which we are unlikely to be able to fully comprehend.
Many aphorisms and quotes about the soul of authors of different times contain grains of truth from which you can try to put together your own picture.
One must think and take care of the soul, because everyone has one. You can try to understand whether it is possible to lose and sell your soul by going through aphorisms and quotes about the soul, which are carefully stored in the treasury of human wisdom.

“If you successfully choose work and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you itself”
Konstantin Ushinsky

"A person with an open soul has an open face"
Johann Schiller

“Defects of the soul are like wounds of the body: no matter how carefully they are treated, they still leave scars and can open again at any moment”
François La Rochefoucauld

“The less a person cares about his state of mind, the more he is worth”
Erich Remarque

“It is bad when a person lacks reason; but doubly bad when he lacks a soul"
Samuel Johnson

“Pride and love of glory are the best evidence of the immortality of the human soul”
Kozma Prutkov

“The people we love are almost always more powerful over our souls than ourselves”
François La Rochefoucauld

"When one soul rises, all mankind rises"
Bernard Werber

“I am not a body endowed with a soul, I am a soul, a part of which is visible and is called a body”
Paulo Coelho

“One of the proofs of the immortality of the soul is that millions of people believed in it; the same millions believed that the earth was flat"
Mark Twain

"Every soul is a small secret society"
Marcel Juando

“Only the misfortune of a great soul tests nobility”
Johann Schiller

“Only the soul should be judged - for how it used the vessel of flesh. The vessel itself, of course, is not subject to judgment.

“Is it possible to love the abstract essence of the human soul, regardless of its inherent properties? No, it is impossible, and it would be unfair. So, we do not love a person, but his properties.
Blaise Pascal

“Each soul has many faces, many people are hidden in each person, and many of these people, forming one person, must be mercilessly thrown into the fire. You have to be ruthless to yourself. Only then can anything be achieved.”
Konstantin Balmont

“The more soulful a person is, the more soulless he is”
Jonathan Swift

“Let us beware that old age does not put more wrinkles on our soul than on our face”
Michel Montaigne

"Fatherland is the land where the captive soul"

"Infants are innocent in their bodily weakness, and not in their soul"
Aurelius Augustine

"The soul cares for the body, but the body does not care for the soul"
Anthony the Great

“In the heart there is no space, in the soul there is no time”
Milorad Pavic

“The main organ of the human body, the unshakable foundation on which the soul rests, is the wallet”
Thomas Carlyle

"The abode for the soul can only be built on a very solid foundation of endless despair"
Bertrand Russell

"Fear the first movement of the soul, because it is usually the noblest"
Charles Talleyrand

“Only the one who has retained in himself the possibility at any moment to become face to face with his own soul, without being separated from it by any prejudices, by any habit, is only able to follow the path of self-improvement and lead others along it”
Konstantin Ushinsky

“The indifference of old age is no more conducive to the salvation of the soul than the ardor of youth”
François La Rochefoucauld

“There are many people with a beautiful appearance, who, however, have nothing to brag about inside”
James Cooper

“The industrious soul should always be busy with its craft, and frequent exercises for it are as invigorating as ordinary exercises for the body”
Alexander Suvorov

“We have so many words for the states of the soul, and so few for the states of the body”
Jeanne Moreau

“There are two beginnings in the human soul: a sense of proportion and a sense of the extra-dimensional, a sense of the immeasurable. Ancient Hellas is a sense of proportion. The pathos of romance and the creative fire of our time is a feeling of the extra-dimensional, boundless. We want to re-create the whole Earth, and we will re-create it, so that everyone on Earth will be beautiful, and strong, and happy. This is quite possible, for Man is the Sun and his feelings are his planets.
Konstantin Balmont

“The soul, like the body, has its own gymnastics, without which the soul withers, falls into apathy of inaction”
Vissarion Belinsky

“A soul that feels loved, but does not love itself, discovers its scum: the lowest in it floats to the top”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“A spiritualized and generous husband, although he will not live long, is ranked among the long-livers, and the one who exists with worldly vanity and wretchedness, who is not able to bring benefits to himself or to others, will be short-lived and unhappy, even if he lives to a ripe old age »
John of Damascus

“I am convinced that the soul of every person rejoices when he does good to another”
Thomas Jefferson

"The brain functions well only when the soul is calm"
Janusz Wisniewski

“Where can harmony come from between soul and body, if the soul is always ready to save itself at the cost of the body?”
Stanislav Lets

"He who is sensitive to trifles shows a petty soul"
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

"Repentance may save the soul, but ruins the reputation"
Thomas Dewar

"Every soul is measured by the vastness of its aspiration"
Gustave Flaubert

"Music is the unconscious exercise of the soul in arithmetic"
Gottfried Leibniz

"A kind word is a medicine for a wounded soul"
Gregory the Theologian

"Souls are conquered not by weapons, but by love and generosity"
Benedict Spinoza

“The true greatness of the soul, which gives a person the right to respect himself, lies most of all in his consciousness that there is nothing else that would belong to him by a greater right than the disposal of his own desires”
Rene Descartes

“Love becomes a moral sin when it is made the main occupation. It then relaxes the mind and makes the soul degenerate.
Claude-Adrian Helvetius

"Arrows pierce the flesh, but evil words pierce the soul"
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

"A soul without imagination is like an observatory without a telescope"
Henry Beecher

“What is called the soul, the heart, does not have a clear outline, but is a much more tangible symbol of human relations”
Kobo Abe

“Since the body and spirit are endowed with opposite properties, the stronger the first, the weaker the second”
Jean Bodin

"Man ... is the union of soul and body, the separation of which produces death"
Nicholas of Cusa

"The greedy soul is the beginning of all evil deeds"
John of Damascus

“Grief is the anxiety of the soul when it thinks of a lost good that it could enjoy longer, or when it is tormented by the evil it is currently experiencing”
Gottfried Leibniz

“As the body grows, the soul shrinks more and more. I myself feel it myself ... Ah, I was a great man when I was a little boy!
Carl Burne

“It is very easy to break a small lonely person, but when his soul draws strength from God, he becomes invincible”
Dale Carnegie

"The question 'Can a soul exist without a body?' contains a whole absurd argument that preceded it and based on the fact that the soul and the body are two different things. What would you say to a person who asked you: "Can a black cat leave the room and the black color stay?" You would take him for a madman - and both questions are exactly the same.
Alexander Herzen

"Human posture is the facade of the soul"
Baltasar Gracian y Morales

“The soul cannot be saved unless it believes while in the flesh. So the flesh is the anchor of salvation."

“We are seriously mistaken in believing that the devil has a personal interest in destroying our immortal soul. My soul interests the devil no more than the body of Elvira - Don Juan "
Wystan Auden

“The tragedy of old age is not that a person grows old, but that he remains young in soul”
Oscar Wilde

“Brotherly love lives on by a thousand souls, selfishness lives on only one, and, moreover, very pitiful”
Maria Ebner Eschenbach

“Mental anguish is hard to bear if a person does not overcome bodily weakness”
Miguel Saavedra

"Neither our passions nor the ideas formed by the imagination exist outside our soul"
George Berkeley

“What deceit! Our invisible souls are prisoners, and only rough flesh runs completely free.
Stanislav Lets

“Those who think that all evil of the soul comes from the body are deluded. It was not the corruptible flesh that made the soul sinful, but the sinful soul made the flesh corruptible.”
Aurelius Augustine

“In the soul of every person is a miniature portrait of his people”
Gustav Freytag

"It's amazing what one ray of the sun can do to a person's soul!"
Fedor Dostoevsky

“Since you can’t be externally what you want to be, become internally what you should become”
Francesco Petrarca

“Just as wounds that are open and often exposed to cold air become more cruel, so the soul that has sinned becomes more shameless if it is convicted before many of what it has sinned. Do not add wounds to wounds by declaring the sinner, but make an exhortation without witnesses.
John Chrysostom

“A big soul is never alone. No matter how fate takes away friends from her, in the end she always creates them for herself.
Romain Rolland

“In everything we do, only one thing is really needed - “spirit”. Man should only worry about the spirit that is waning"
Carlos Castaneda

"When the soul dreams, it is the theater, the actors and the audience"
Joseph Addison

“It is incomprehensible that God exists, it is incomprehensible that he does not exist, that we have a soul, that it does not exist; that the world was created, that it was not made by hands ... "
Blaise Pascal

“For the soul and mind, indecision and hesitation are the same as interrogation with passion for the body”
Nicola Chamfort

"The soul must always remain ajar and ready to receive the experience of ecstasy"
Emily Dickinson

“He who does not have an exalted soul is not capable of kindness: only good nature is available to him”
Nicola Chamfort

“The beauty of the soul gives charm even to a nondescript body, just as the ugliness of the soul puts on the most magnificent constitution and on the most beautiful members of the body some special imprint that arouses in us an inexplicable disgust”
Gotthold Lessing

“People of the old way think that a person can have a soul without money. They think that the less money you have, the more soul you have. And the youth of our time have a different opinion. The soul, you see, is very expensive. It costs much more to maintain than, say, a car.”
George Shaw

"Truth lives only in an open soul, and authority - only in pure lips"
George Sand

“How, having come out of the womb, you do not remember what was in the womb; so, having left the body, you do not remember what was in the body. How, having come out of the womb, you became a better and larger body; so, having left the body pure and undefiled, you will be better and incorruptible, remaining in heaven.”
Anthony the Great

“Just as a soul without flesh is not called a man, so is flesh without a soul”
John Chrysostom

“If nature is matter striving to become soul, then art is soul expressing itself in material things”
Oscar Wilde

“In the souls there is everything that is in the sky, and much more”
Konstantin Balmont

"Recipe for the Soul: Initially, the human soul is determined by three factors - heredity 25%, karma 25%, free choice 50%"
Bernard Werber

“Most people sell their souls and live on interest with a clear conscience”
Logan Smith

"He who sees any difference between soul and body has neither"
Oscar Wilde

“Men expose their souls, like women expose their bodies, gradually and only after a stubborn struggle”
André Maurois

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