Presentation on the topic of the business card of Portugal. Portugal. south and east are flat

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The name of the country comes from the name of the Roman settlement Portus Cale at the mouth of the Douro River

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Full name: Portuguese Republic Area: 92389 sq. km Capital of Portugal: Lisbon Main cities of Portugal: Porto, Coimbra, Braga, Setubal Political system: republic Monetary unit: escudo Population: 9.9 million people Official language: Portuguese Religion: Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Islam GDP: $ 10,731 per capita

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General information Portugal is the westernmost European country, located on the Iberian Peninsula. On two sides - west and south - the state is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, in the east and north - it borders on Spain. The country covers an area of ​​92.1 square kilometers and is home to 10.7 million people. In addition to the mainland, the country includes the Azores Islands and the Madeira Archipelago. . Portugal is a unique state; during its existence, the country has experienced rapid ups and downs into a deep abyss. In the 16th century it was a powerful superpower, it included many colonies, but soon the state found itself on the outskirts of Europe. Today Portugal is experiencing another boom.

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Proportions: 2:3. Consists of green and red vertical stripes of different sizes. The red stripe takes up approximately 1/3 of the flag. In 1830-1911 The Portuguese flag consisted of two vertical equal stripes of blue and white with the coat of arms in the center of the flag. After the proclamation of the republic, the flag acquired a modern look. Green is a symbol of travel and the discovery of new lands (green was the color of King Henry the Navigator), red is a symbol of revolution (in 1910 a republic was proclaimed in Portugal).

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On the border of the stripes is the coat of arms of Portugal - a red and white shield against the background of an armillary sphere. The coat of arms of Portugal is a red and white shield in the center of which four small blue shields are arranged crosswise (symbols of King Alfonso Henriques, under whom Portugal became independent). Along the edges of the shield are seven yellow images of a castle (the symbol of Castile, under whose influence Portugal was for a long time). The shield is depicted against the background of an armillary sphere - a symbol of sea voyages and the emblem of Henry the Navigator.

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Government structure of Portugal. The head of state is the president. The highest legislative body of Portugal is the Republican Assembly. Administrative and governmental structure of Portugal. Portugal is divided into 22 districts, incl. 18 on the continent, and 2 autonomous regions - the Azores and the Madeira archipelago.

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Geographical position of Portugal Portugal is located in the extreme southwest of Europe, occupying a smaller part of the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the island of Madeira and the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean. Facing the ocean and as if filled with its breath, Portugal is captivatingly beautiful. The nature of the landscapes with an Atlantic coastline exceeding 800 km differs in the north and south. The south is famous for its abundance of golden wheat fields, low hilly plateaus with olive plantations and cork oak groves. The northern regions have more greenery. The landscape is more reminiscent of Russian. The country is crossed by numerous rivers, the largest of which - Tagus (Tajo), Douro (Duero) and Guadiana - begin in Spain.

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Political and economic-geographical position Portugal borders only with Spain. Portugal's important strategic positions in the extreme southwest of Europe and the protrusion of its islands far into the Atlantic are actively used by Portugal's stronger partners in the NATO bloc. In particular, there are US military bases in the Azores. Portugal's advantageous position at the crossroads of the most important sea routes connecting European ports with ports of other continents, primarily Africa, as well as South and North America, played a particularly important role in the development of the country during the era of great geographical discoveries. The sailors of Portugal were the first to pave sea routes from Europe to the shores of Africa and Asia, and discovered many new lands; Portuguese navigator F. Magellan, while in Spanish service, first circumnavigated the world. These discoveries, however, were used to plunder foreign territories and create a vast and powerful colonial empire.

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Changes in EGP over time Portugal's advantageous position at the crossroads of the most important sea routes played a particularly important role in the development of the country during the era of great geographical discoveries. The borders of Portugal have not changed for more than eight centuries. This is an absolute record among European countries. Today Portugal is a developed maritime state, famous for its resorts and beaches.

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The population is 90% Portuguese. Per 1000 inhabitants, the birth rate is about 11 and the death rate is 10. Natural population growth is partly compensated by emigration Type of reproduction modern

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Population for 2016 At the end of 2016 there were 10,283,105 people. Over the course of the year, the population decreased by 46,379 people, since at the beginning of 2016 there were 10,329,484 people. The increase for 2016 is -0.45%. The population of Portugal has the following demographic indicators: 87,491 people. born; 106,187 people died; -18,696 people - natural growth; -27,683 people - migration increase; at the end of 2016, 4,982,508 were men; at the end of 2016, 5,300,597 were women.

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The population density of Portugal is 111.6 people. per km². Age distribution For 2017, the population age distribution coefficient was calculated. residents under 15 years of age: 1,667,611, where 869,642 are men and 797,969 are women; age from 15 to 65 years: 6,767,414 residents, of which 3,382,525 are men and 3,384,890 are women; residents over 64 years of age are 1,848,080, 756,837 men and 1,091,243 women.

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National composition of the country The indigenous population of Portugal are the descendants of the Lusitanians. It is a mononational citizenship. She managed to preserve her national roots for many thousands of years. About 99% are native residents of the country and only 1% are migrants. Migrants in the country are Spaniards, Africans, Brazilians and a small part of residents of European countries. Religious composition of citizens The majority of citizens profess Catholicism. Among representatives of other religions one can find Protestants (almost 400 thousand), Pentecostals and charismatics (in total, almost 300 thousand people). There are tens of thousands of Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses each. Almost 7% of the Portuguese population call themselves atheists.

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Porto is the main city of the north - the second most populous in Portugal, located on the right bank of the Douro River. This is the former capital of Portugal and the country's major port, famous for its port wine. On the opposite bank of the Douro River is the city of Vila Nova di Gaia, where many warehouses of wine companies are concentrated. To the north of Porto is its suburb, Matosinhos, a center for fishing and canning of sardines.

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The city of Sintra is located northwest of Lisbon. For a long time it was a favorite vacation spot for the Portuguese royal family and the English nobility; Lord Byron was crazy about it. It is still attractive today, with its romantic gardens and slightly shabby chic. There's a lot to see in the city, from historical ruins to the National Palace of Sintra and the National Palace of Pena.

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The walled city of Evora is one of the architectural gems of Portugal. It is located on the Alto Alentejo plateau, among olive groves, vineyards and wheat fields. Its streets are so narrow that a car passing through them can damage its mirrors. The most interesting place is Praca do Giraldo, where there is a cathedral with a large collection of church treasures, the picturesque Templo Romano, and Igreja de Sao Francisco, with a terrifying crypt made of human bones and skulls.

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The city of Braga is the seat of the Roman Catholic Primate of Portugal. Here are the ruins of Roman temples, an amphitheater and an aqueduct, a 12th-century cathedral in which Henry of Burgundy, the father of the first Portuguese king Alfonso I, is buried, and the shrine of Portugal - the Dom Jesus Church.

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Foreign economic relations Main importers Main exporters Germany Spain Spain Nigeria

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Farm structure


Presentation for the lesson


geography teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 17


Gorbatova N.N.

Spectacular view of Porto

  • The northern part of the country is occupied by mountains and hills,

the south and east are flat.

  • The country is crossed by numerous rivers.

  • The climate is subtropical, Mediterranean. Average temperatures in January are +5+10 °C, in July +20+27 °C.
  • Portugal is characterized by warm, rainy winters and hot summers.

  • There are many forests in the country.
  • Evergreen trees and shrubs (among them holm oak and cork oak), as well as mixed forests, grow here.
  • Forests in Portugal are declining.
  • One of the reasons for this is the annual summer fires.

  • Olives, tangerines, oranges, and grapes are grown in Portugal.
  • Olive oil is produced here.
  • Fruits and fruits are exported to different countries of the world.

  • The bark of the cork oak tree is removed, processed and exported to other countries.
  • Cork bark is collected by hand once every 10 years.
  • It takes 6-9 years to restore the bark, and the average age of an oak is 200 years.

  • The bark is used to make stoppers for bottles, thermoses, dishes, wall and floor coverings and other items.
  • Portugal ranks first in the world in the collection and export of cork.

  • Fishing is one of Portugal's leading industries.
  • Canned fish is produced at processing plants.

Avenue Republic, Lisbon

Republic Day in Portugal is celebrated on the anniversary of the fall of the monarchy and the proclamation of the Republic on October 5, 1910.

Bethlehem Tower, built in the 16th century, is a symbol of Lisbon.

It is decorated with lanterns, openwork Venetian balconies, stone carvings, a statue of the Madonna of the Mariners under a huge canopy and a sculpture of a rhinoceros. From the inside, the tower looks quite gloomy - there used to be a prison here.

The longest bridge in Europe: Vasco da Gama

  • It was not for nothing that the Vasco da Gama Bridge was given such an unusual name, because its opening on March 29, 1998 was timed to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the route from Europe to India by the great navigator Vasco da Gama.
  • The length of the bridge is 17 kilometers 200 meters.
  • But in fact, its length above the water is slightly less than 10 kilometers. Everything else is the land part, including access roads.

Lisbon is the largest city and capital of Portugal.

The city is located on the southwestern coast of the Iberian Peninsula.

The presentation, which can be downloaded for free using the link for a geography lesson in grades 10-11, tells the story of the European country Portugal, located near Spain. The state occupies the southwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula. It is located off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in southwestern Europe. The country is washed by ocean waters on both sides, and in the north and east there is a border with Spain. The work also talks about the climatic features of the region.

Since 11th grade students have never been to this country, in a geography lesson it is necessary to pay attention to the relief. There are many mountains here, but the largest mountain system is considered to be the Serra de Estrella, which is headed by Mount Estrella. When studying the topic, attention is paid to the flora and fauna of the country, the composition of the population, and the natural resources that lie in the mountains. Particular attention is paid to the development of the agricultural industry. Here, the leading position is given to the extraction of oil and valuable rocks that are rarely found in other places (marble, tungsten). You can finish the story by getting acquainted with tourism and attractions of Portugal.

Download Portugal – presentation on geography 11th grade

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Portugal attracts many tourists every year. In 2006, the country was visited by 12.8 million tourists. Tourism plays an increasingly important role in the Portuguese economy, contributing around 5% to the country's GDP.

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The main tourist areas are (in order of importance):

Greater Lisbon (Lisboa), Algarve, Portuguese Islands (Ilhas Portuguesas: Madeira and Azores), Greater Porto, Northern Portugal (Porto e Norto) and Alentejo.

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Lisbon, after Barcelona, ​​attracts the most tourists. 7 million tourists stayed in city hotels in 2006; their number increased by 11.8% compared to the previous year. Lisbon has overtaken the Algarve as the leading tourist region in Portugal in recent years. Porto and Northern Portugal, especially in urban areas north of the Douro River, received large numbers of tourists, which increased the most in 2006 (11.9%). Currently, the majority of tourists in Portugal are British, Spanish or German, traveling on low-cost airlines, looking not only for beach and sun, but also to explore Portuguese cuisine and sea tourism.

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Tourist hotspots in Portugal are Lisbon, Algarve and Madeira. The Portuguese government is currently developing new tourism destinations: Duero, Porto Santo and Alentejo. Portugal also has other regions for tourism: DouroSul, Templários, Dão-Lafões, CostadoSol, CostaAzul, PlanícieDourada, etc. Most of them are unknown to tourists. As of 2007, they are being reorganized.

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The most famous tourism regions in Portugal are:

CostaVerde - The Portuguese Green Coast includes the entire northern coast of Portugal from the mouth of the Minho River to Porto. CostadaPrata - Silver Coast. Coast of central Portugal from Porto to Lisbon. CostadeLisboa - coast of Lisbon. The coast of the capital and its suburbs. Montanhas are mountainous and inland areas of northern and central Portugal, namely Serra da Estrela and Trás-os-Montes. Planícies - Portuguese flat region in the Alentejo in the south. Algarve - southern coast of Portugal. Madeira - Madeira Islands. Açores - Azores Islands.

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Portugal National traditions and its characteristics

Plan What do we know about national characteristics of Portugal What do we know about its habitants and their features of character What do we know about its traditions and customs What traditions do they have to get married What is the most ancient occupation in Portugal

Let's start our voyage to Portugal

Portugal.National characteristics Portugal - the country, was the mighty kingdom, and the owner of huge overseas colonies, and now has become a great place for leisure tourism, with an abundance of cultural and artistic centers. The Portuguese have a unique national character and special Mediterranean traditions

Its habitants Portuguese jealously proud to belong to the historical greatness of their country and its heroic past. They see themselves as a special nation, and can not stand when they try to compare with the same Spanish

Their character Sense of honor and dignity are of great importance for the Portuguese. They are struggling to not "lose face" in any situation. With this feature is closely related to its own attention appearance. "Meet on clothes" - this saying is very relevant for the Portuguese mentality.

The traditions and customs of Portugal Portugal - modern Mediterranean country, full of interesting traditions and customs, of which the most thrilling experience you can get from the celebration of traditional Portuguese wedding. Besides between Portuguese and Russian have a lot in common, especially the original customs to celebrate the New Year.

Wedding traditions The specialty of this nation is the fact that they get married very early. The average age is 16 years old bride, the groom, as a rule, turns 19-20 years. It is this age of the bride and groom is, according to the Portuguese, the most suitable for a family.

Some Specialties. Pre-wedding week the Portuguese called "noyvush." ​​“Walking on friends" on noyvush bride should necessarily go with the new basket filled with freshly baked bread. Refuse of taking bread is considered badly and can be regarded as a contempt of the young couple.

The most ancient occupation But let’s start with the most interesting details. Also, as in many Mediterranean countries, in Portugal, where wine is the most ancient occupation, the vine is a symbol of abundance and prosperity, it is a symbol of good health and family warmth. It is therefore not surprising that in the new year give tribute to the Portuguese grapes. It is believed that eating a grape to battle the Christmas hours, they carry out their wishes

Done by: Kuznetsova E.A.

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