Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn. "Gone Girl" - Gillian Flynn Gillian Flynn Gone Girl download epub

Gillian Flynn is a famous American writer, her books are very popular. One such book that became a bestseller is the detective thriller Gone Girl. The novel was filmed, the writer herself was its director, after which interest in the book increased significantly.

At the center of events are husband and wife. Emmy and Nick have been married for five years. Emmy has a wild imagination and an unusual sense of humor, she is smart and beautiful. She regularly arranges quest games for her husband, where he must use her hints to find a treasure. It became a tradition in their family. And on their fifth anniversary, Emmy prepared another surprise for her husband... Upon returning home, Nick sees signs of a struggle, broken furniture and traces of blood. The wife herself is not in the house, she has disappeared. At the same time, her clues remain, which may help find her.

The police's suspicion falls on Nick, but he didn't kill her, and Emmy's corpse was not found. The story is told from two sides. On the one hand, Nick conducts his investigation, shares his thoughts and experiences. On the other hand, Emmy narrates the events of past years through her diary. You can see how people can actually perceive the same events differently, what is hidden behind the external well-being of the family.

Sometimes it happens that, even after living with a person for many years, you do not know many of his secrets. At the same time, both Emmy and Nick have secrets here. This is a very intriguing piece that will give you a lot to think about. Family problems of different views, money, and upbringing are raised here. Also, Gillian Flynn in his novel ridicules society's desire to be aware of dirty events, invent gossip and condemn people for what they did not do. This is clearly seen in the work of the media in the book. The author surprisingly manages to penetrate into human psychology, bring out the deepest problems, show them to the world and make many people think about it.

The work belongs to the Thriller genre. It was published in 2013 by Azbuka Publishing House. The book is part of the "Stars of the World Detective (TV)" series. On our website you can download the book “Gone Girl” in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 4.18 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner’s online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

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Title: Disappeared

About the book "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn

Love is a wonderful and bright feeling. When we get married, we swear that we will support our partner through thick and thin, and we will be faithful to each other until death. But love can also be different: hysterical, manic, abnormal, false. We can only live in the illusion of love, unhealthy and terrible.

The book “Gone Girl” at first glance seems very kind and beautiful. A married couple, Nick and Emmy, are preparing to celebrate their fifth anniversary. Emmy is very inventive, with an unusual sense of humor. She often prepares original surprises for her husband in the form of clues, which he must unravel and find the treasure. This has become a real holiday tradition for them. So for the anniversary, the wife prepared a surprise - a place of massacre with drops of blood, broken furniture, and the woman herself was nowhere to be found, only clues about the past that connects Emmy and Nick.

At first glance, it seems that the book “Gone Girl” is a simple detective story, but this opinion is wrong. Yes, there is an investigation here, but it has a different meaning. Perhaps there are notes of a psychological thriller here, but overall, Gone Girl is a psychological drama about the difficult relationships of people, each of whom has their own skeletons in the closet.

Gillian Flynn in his book “Gone Girl” tries to convey to the reader that every person has his own secrets and, perhaps, no one will ever know about them. No matter how many years you have known a person, you may end up being extremely surprised by what that person does. It’s the same in marriage, because infidelity can be hidden very well, and not only infidelity.

The book “Gone Girl” does not have a huge number of events that would smoothly transition from one to another. What is important here are the thoughts of the characters, their attitudes towards many things, how their views and actions change. Here Gillian Flynn focuses specifically on human psychology, his character and philosophy. And if at first it seems that this is a banal love story, then over time you understand that the characters are not so simple, and in their minds everything is so confused that the marriage of Nick and Emmy can no longer be called healthy.

Another interesting aspect of Gone Girl is Emmy's parents. They are both psychologists, and for a long time they have been unable to have a child. Miscarriages and deaths of babies have a negative impact on their psyche. In the end, everything works out for them and Emmy is born. They write a book in which the main character is their daughter, but the girl in real life is completely different. While the real Emmy doesn't want to pursue music, in the book she wins a music competition. And so it is in everything – failures in life and ideality in books. Her parents live with a fictional daughter, because she is ideal and beautiful, but the real Emmy does not meet their desires. This is where you begin to understand that the work is not as simple, and the characters are not as primitive as they seem.

Gone Girl is not the story you imagine. And you will also have to delve into the fates of the heroes in order to understand their actions and unravel this whole confusing situation. Gillian Flynn has a unique ability to write in an intricate yet coherent way that ends up making everything fall into place. The book is perfect for a pleasant pastime, for relaxation. You will solve the puzzle and at the same time delve into yourself, revealing to the world your skeletons in the closet.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Andy's bottom lip was glistening with my saliva. - What? Is there something wrong? Is it because of Amy?

Love is the infinite variable of our world; she has absorbed lies, hatred and even murder, she is fraught with opposites, she is a beautiful rose with the scent of blood.

“I came up with an idea,” Go said. - Come home, fuck her until her brains come out through her ears, and then hit her in the face with your dick and say: “The best gift for a whore is a stick!”

And amidst the general pretense, how can one talk about kinship of souls? After all, we don't have real souls.

It is very difficult in our time to be a person, just a real, real person. Each of us collects a stroke from different images, which are innumerable, instead of remaining ourselves.

I don’t feel like a person at all. I'm like a load that's been carried into a van and then taken out. Like a sofa or a cuckoo clock. I can be sent to a landfill, thrown into a river. I lost my sense of reality. It feels like I might disappear.

People generally tend to believe that they know other people. Parents tend to believe that they know their children. Wives - what do they know about their husbands?

It's just a pity that I don't feel reciprocity. My mind is full of thoughts about Nick. They buzz there like a swarm of bees: "Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick..." And when I imagine myself in his place, my name rings in his mind like a crystal bell, once or at most twice a day, and then subsides quickly.

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Title: Disappeared
Writer: Gillian Flynn
Year: 2013
Publisher: Azbuka-Atticus
Age limit: 16+
Volume: 530 pages.
Genres: Modern detectives, Foreign detectives

About the book "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn

Husband and wife are one Satan...Isn't it true that people who live for a long time with each other, under the same roof, become similar to each other? What can happen in this case if family life has cracked? Or even worse... when over the years of marriage a married couple has accumulated many harsh claims against each other?

These are the questions asked by Gillian Flynn, the author of this work. The main events of this gripping literary thriller begin on the eve of an important date - the 5th anniversary of married couple Nick and Amy. After arriving home, the main character sees that his wife has disappeared. In the house they find traces of a struggle, blood that someone carefully tried to wipe off, and notes that help clarify the details of this complicated case. Naturally, the main suspect becomes the husband of the missing woman, especially since during the investigation it was revealed that the couple was on the verge of divorce. The main character is accused of murder. And now Nick has to investigate the mysterious disappearance of his wife himself... But did he know that during the course of the case, unfavorable information concerning his personal life would come to light?

The novel “Gone Girl” is an opportunity to look behind the screen of the life of one, as it seems at first glance, happy married couple. But as often happens, behind the sparkling façade of a completely prosperous family life, something so dark and dangerous is hidden that it makes us shudder with horror and rejoice that, thank God, this will not affect us. But who can guarantee that such a story cannot happen to each of us? Nobody. Husband and wife are tied together by one thread, but as soon as this thread begins to break, the union begins to take on monstrous, evil forms. What happens when each spouse lives their own separate life? They have their own little secrets, which in the future can lead not only to a banal divorce, but also to a threat to life.

In this book, the author talks about people with psychological disorders. Even if they are small, everyone has them...and Nick, and Amy, and Desi, and many others have in their arsenal some dark pages of the past. The topic of heredity is also touched upon... can a child grow up to be a truly loving person if on a subconscious level he tries on the role of his father, a man who hated his wife and all females in general. And mind you, this is not yet the most notorious scoundrel of this detective story.

Some kind of sardonic smile appears before the reader’s eyes on the last page of the book, where the writer lovingly dedicates her work to her son and...husband (!)... You involuntarily begin to think about whether the dark demon of Evil is hiding here behind a mask of decency?

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Gone Girl is a detective thriller by American writer Gillian Flynn, published in 2012. His 2014 film adaptation of the same name was a huge success. The film, for which Flynn herself wrote the script based on the novel, received many prestigious awards and honors.

When Nick's wife, Amy Dunne, goes missing on their fifth wedding anniversary, suspicion eventually turns on him. The story is divided into two streams: Nick's version of the events that occurred after her abduction, and Amy's diary, in which she reveals events over the past few years. You'll see how people can have wildly different interpretations of events, a very specific internal set of values ​​and goals in relationships, and how many secrets a successful family relationship hides. No one writes the inner secrets and twisted and damaged human psychology better than Gillian Flynn. She has a devilish instinct, uncanny for creating memorials and winding paths that lead down to an unexpected road shrouded in fog, at the end of which you can see absolutely nothing.

Read online or download Gillian Flynn’s book “Gone Girl” for free on Book Search

In many ways, what makes the novel “Gone Girl” so attractive to read are the alternating points of view, the peculiar duel of voices in the novel, especially because these voices are too similar to be distinguishable. If you're going to tell a story from different points of view, you better make sure that the points of view are actually... different. You begin to wonder that any of these narrators are more or less the least reliable, and may not be getting the full story after all. It's a lot of manipulation, but when a master like Flynn manipulates, it's pure joy.

Flynn takes common marital issues about money, laws, parenthood, and turns them into toxic waste in the case of Nick and Amy Dunne. Amy opens up through her journals, and Nick talks about his experiences and how he follows the treasure hunt clues his wife posted before she disappeared. Did Nick kill Amy? A lot of people think so, but her body was never found. Is Amy still alive? What lies beneath the surface of their marriage?

The media is like judge, jury and executioner: we all know that, don't we? Murder suspects of every type and circumstance are first vetted by the media and evidence of guilt or innocence is provided before the case goes to trial. Before a defendant is arrested, pundits, "news" and bloggers have already come up with their theories for conviction. The host of the famous TV show Nancy Grace works the same way. Flynn does a wonderful job satirizing our sometimes unhealthy appetite for the dirty. How our insatiable consumption of mass media provokes sympathy or outrage, how easily we are influenced to see a face as holy or devilish.

Every character is unreliable, every clue is a possible red herring, every story is intriguing and confusing, everything seems to pull you away from its logical conclusion, and as a result, the ending of the novel is beautifully hopeless, tragically perfect.

On our website you can download Gillian Flynn’s book “Gone Girl” in fb2, epub, pdf, txt, doc, rtf formats.


Detective thriller “Gone Girl” from the famous American writer Gillian Flynn, winner of a large number of literary awards. The author's works are published in three dozen countries and translated into various languages. All of G. Flynn's books are filmed by famous film companies. Her novels have been top of the list all over the world for years.

The novel “Gone Girl” was published in the summer of 2012. Almost immediately after its publication, it entered the ranking of the most popular and best-selling books according to the New York Times. A film adaptation of the same name was released in 2014. In one of her interviews, the writer admitted that she was inspired to create this masterpiece by the story of the disappearance of Laci Peterson. Gillian Flynn also said that the main characters in the book helped her cope with her emotional experiences after being fired from Entertainment Weekly magazine, where she was a writer.

The plot of the novel tells about the family life of one couple. The main character is a man named Nick Dunn. The whole story is tied to the mysterious disappearance of his wife. The main suspect is Nick himself. The narrative begins with references to the past from the diary of his wife Amy. It becomes immediately clear to readers that the views on life of these characters are completely opposite: Amy is an uncommunicative, complex and stubborn perfectionist, while Nick is lazy and gloomy. They live in New York for some time, but after losing their jobs due to layoffs, the couple are forced to return to their hometown. Amy loved her old life in New York, so she often confronts Nick about the move.

On the day of their wedding anniversary, Amy disappears. In their house, the police find obvious signs of a confrontation and blood that they tried to wipe away. A series of “keys” from the game, which is usually called “treasure hunt,” remained here. The inventive and intelligent wife arranged it for Nick every year. Apparently, these notes contain the whole essence of what is happening. By solving the riddles, you can shed light of truth on this mysterious matter. In the meantime, Nick turns out to be the first suspect in the case of Amy's disappearance.
Very soon everyone understands that the heroes of the novel are clearly hiding something about themselves. It turned out that Amy staged her disappearance in order to take revenge for betraying her husband. Notes from her diary and pregnancy are all fabrications and fakes created to tarnish Nick's reputation. Until some point, Amy was hiding in a motel, but when she was robbed, the girl decided to take refuge with her ex named Desi.

Nick quickly guessed the trap set by his wife from the notes left behind. However, he cannot prove anything to the police, since the meaning of these messages is clear only to him and Amy. The hero, together with his human rights activist, are trying to influence public opinion, for which Nick appears on the show, where he asks for forgiveness for betrayal and begs his wife to return to him. During the search, the police discover new evidence and Nick is arrested. When Amy saw the show, she realized that her husband truly regretted cheating. The heroine decides to return to Nick. She deals with Desi by inventing a new story. According to Amy, Desi kept her in his house through force. Nick knows it's a lie, but he can't help it, so he returns to his life with Amy. What fate awaits this abnormal couple? Will Nick be able to escape Amy's web of intrigue?