Russian Ministry of Defense Lavrov. Lavrov - Minister of Foreign Affairs, biography, nationality. Lavrov: Minister of Foreign Affairs, real name

Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich

Lavrov Sergey Viktorovich- Soviet and Russian diplomat and statesman. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation since March 9, 2004. Permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.


Lavrov (Kalantarov) Sergey Viktorovich, born March 21, 1950, native of Moscow.

According to surveys conducted by VTsIOM, Sergei Lavrov has repeatedly been among the three most effective ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation. After 12 years in office, characterized Lavrov as an “impressive intellectual” who is, on a par with Shoigu, one of the most popular ministers in the country.

Relatives. Wife: Lavrova Maria Aleksandrovna, born on April 4, 1950, philologist by training. For a long time she worked in the library of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN in New York. Currently, she is a pensioner and is engaged in housekeeping.

Daughter: Vinokurova (maiden name Lavrova) Ekaterina Sergeevna, born 04/03/1983, co-director of the Russian branch of the Christie's auction house. Graduated from Columbia University and the Higher School of Economics in London. She lived outside the Russian Federation for a long time, including when her father was foreign minister. Lavrov was often criticized for this.

Hobbies. He writes poetry and loves to sing with the guitar. Wrote the MGIMO anthem. Hobby: rafting. He was one of the organizers and first president of the Russian Rowing Slalom Federation. Sergei Viktorovich loves to play football, his favorite team is Spartak (Moscow).


  • He graduated from Moscow school No. 607 with in-depth study of the English language with a silver medal.
  • In 1972 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (eastern branch).

Speaks English, studied Sinhala, Dhivehi and French.

Labor activity

  • From 1972 to 1976 - trainee, attaché of the USSR Embassy in the Republic of Sri Lanka, from 1976 to 1981 he held the positions of third and second secretary of the department of international economic organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • From 1981 to 1988 - First Secretary, Advisor, Senior Advisor of the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN in New York.
  • From 1988 to 1992 - deputy, first deputy head of the Department of International Economic Organizations, head of the same department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was a member of the CPSU until 1991.
  • From 1991 to 1992 - Head of the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • In 1992, he was appointed director of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems of the Russian Foreign Ministry.
  • On April 3, 1992, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Oversaw the activities of the Department of International Organizations and International Economic Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of Human Rights and International Cultural Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Department for CIS State Affairs of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He held this post until January 1994.
  • Since March 1993 - Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on the participation of the Russian Federation in international organizations of the UN system.
  • Since November 1993 - co-chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordinating the Participation of the Russian Federation in Peacekeeping Activities.
  • From 1994 to 2004 - Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations and the UN Security Council.
  • On March 9, 2004, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • In May 2004, after the President of the Russian Federation, elected for the next term, took office, he was again appointed to this post. Similarly reappointed in May 2008 after President Dmitry Medvedev took office.
  • On May 21, 2012, he once again received the portfolio of minister after President Vladimir Putin took office.
  • On May 18, 2018, a new composition of the Russian government was approved, in which Lavrov retained his post.

Chairman of the Russian Commission for UNESCO (since April 2004).

Since January 11, 2010 - member of the Government Commission for Economic Development and Integration

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov is a Russian statesman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (since 2004), permanent member of the Russian Security Council. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Lavrov is a full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

Education of Sergei Lavrov

Sergei Lavrov in his youth

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov was born in 1950 into a family of employees of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. According to some reports, as a child he bore the surname Kalantarov, after his father, an Armenian, and after the divorce, his mother remarried, and his stepfather adopted Sergei, giving him his surname Lavrov.

Sergei Viktorovich studied at Moscow school No. 607 with in-depth study of the English language. He graduated with a silver medal.

During his school years, S.V. Lavrov was fond of exact sciences. He liked physics, and he applied not only to MGIMO, but also to the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. However, entrance examinations at MGIMO began a month earlier, and Sergei Lavrov became a diplomat.

Sergey Lavrov in his student years (Photo:

Career of Sergei Lavrov

Lavrov is said to be a “career diplomat.” He began his career as an intern, attaché at the USSR Embassy in the Republic of Sri Lanka (1972 - 1976).

From 1976 to 1981 S.V. Lavrov held the positions of third and second secretary of the department of international economic organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

From 1981 to 1988, Sergei Lavrov was First Secretary, Advisor, Senior Advisor at the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN in New York. From 1988 to 1992 - deputy, first deputy head of the Department of International Economic Organizations, head of the same department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Sergei Viktorovich was a member of the CPSU until 1991.

From 1991 to 1992, Lavrov was head of the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1992, Sergei Viktorovich was appointed director of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Then Sergei Lavrov climbed the career ladder very successfully. On April 3, 1992, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Lavrov oversaw the activities of the Department of International Organizations and International Economic Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of Human Rights and International Cultural Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Department for CIS State Affairs of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1995 Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Sergei Lavrov (left) and emigrant artist, master of Russian psychological portrait Mikhail Aleksandrovich Verbov (right) (Photo: Ilona Kolesnichenko/TASS)

Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov held this post until January 1994. Since March 1993, Sergei Lavrov has been Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on the participation of the Russian Federation in international organizations of the UN system. Since November 1993 - co-chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordinating the Participation of the Russian Federation in Peacekeeping Activities.

S.V. Lavrov was the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations from 1994 to 2004.

2001 Russian delegation in the Security Council chamber - Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov (center) and Deputy Minister Alexei Meshkov (right) (Photo: Eduard Pesov/TASS)

Sergei Viktorovich coped well with all his responsibilities. His activities were noted, and on March 9, 2004, by decree of the Russian President, Lavrov was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In May 2004, after the President-elect for the next term took office, Sergei Lavrov was reappointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

2005 Russian President Vladimir Putin, Secretary of the Security Council Igor Ivanov, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (from left to right) before the start of a meeting with Security Council members in Novo-Ogarevo (Photo: Alexey Panov/TASS)

In May 2008, after Dmitry Medvedev took office as President of the Russian Federation, Sergei Viktorovich was reassigned to the same post.

On May 21, 2012, Sergei Lavrov once again received the portfolio of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation after President Vladimir Putin took office.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree, and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (from left to right) (Photo: Mikhail Klimentyev/TASS)

Sergey Viktorovich - Chairman of the Russian Commission for UNESCO (since April 2004).

Since January 11, 2010, Lavrov has been working on the government commission for economic development and integration.

Public speeches of Sergei Lavrov

In April 2011, speaking on the occasion of Orthodox Easter, Sergei Lavrov said that “it is impossible to take the path of sustainable development while relying on the ideas of liberal capitalism.” According to the minister, the global financial and economic crisis is now “making us look at such moral concepts as self-restraint and responsibility in a new light.”

S.V. Lavrov also noted that “today the question of moral guidelines, of truth, is more relevant than ever, not only for an individual or a nation, but also for international relations and the world as a whole.” “The creation of a harmonious and fair system of international relations is hardly possible without appealing to the common moral denominator that has always existed among the world’s major religions, without recognizing the highest moral law above us,” argued Sergei Lavrov.

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, defends the revival of Russia's foreign policy independence. If at the very beginning of the century Russia’s efforts were mainly aimed at strengthening cooperation with the West, especially in the field of security and the fight against terrorism, then in recent years the country’s foreign policy has become increasingly multilateral. Minister Lavrov himself has repeatedly stated that Russia in the international sphere is guided by a multipolar world and opposes the West’s use of “double standards” and the attempts of any state to dominate others.

2015 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (left) speaking at the general political discussion of the 38th session of the UNESCO General Conference (Photo: Alexander Shcherbak/TASS)

Sergei Lavrov, as the head of Russian diplomacy, participated in negotiations on the Middle East settlement and on the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea. He actively opposed the deployment of elements of the American missile defense system in Europe and against the separatism of Kosovo.

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov, with his professional work, arouses the respect and interest of foreign media and fellow diplomats.

2011 Sergei Lavrov and Hillary Clinton signed a number of agreements in Washington (Photo: Imago-Images/TASS)

Lavrov is remembered for his many vetoes in the Security Council, earning himself the nickname "Mr. No." One of his idols is Alexander Gorchakov, who for about 30 years was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, who became the head of its diplomacy after the defeat in the Crimean War. “He managed to restore Russian influence in Europe after defeat in the war, and he did this not with the help of weapons, but with diplomacy,” Sergei Lavrov said about Gorchakov.

Sergei Viktorovich is sometimes quite harsh in his interactions with foreign colleagues. Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton could also doubt Lavrov's upbringing. He refused to talk to her on the phone several times, and once called her hysterical.

2016 Russian Foreign Minister S. Lavrov met with US Secretary of State D. Kerry in Geneva (Photo: Alexander Shcherbak/TASS)

Hillary's predecessor, Condoleezza Rice, also regularly fell under his escapades. “He knew exactly what button to push to make her angry,” recalled David Kramer of Rice’s team.

Knowledgeable people categorically claim that Lavrov’s supposedly unrestrained attacks are in fact a well-considered move. As political scientist Georgy Mirsky explained: “He is a good diplomat. He knows what and how much. Whatever he says, he always expresses the official line of Moscow.”

Scandals, rumors about Sergei Lavrov

In mid-September 2008, a scandalous telephone conversation took place between Lavrov and British Foreign Secretary David Miliband. A number of British newspapers, citing sources in the Foreign Ministry, accused Lavrov of using obscene language in a conversation, namely the words “Who the fuck are you to lecture me?” (“Who the fuck are you to lecture me?!”).

The Russian Foreign Ministry denied the use of profanity by its head: “Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov is a very experienced diplomat, he always correctly comments on certain events in international life.”

A day later, Sergei Lavrov himself undertook to clarify the situation. At a press conference in Sukhumi, he admitted using one obscene word. But Lavrov immediately misspoke, saying that it was a quote. “Miliband did his best to protect Saakashvili as a big democrat. In order to acquaint Miliband with a slightly different assessment, I had to tell him about the characterization of Saakashvili that our colleague from a European country gave in a conversation with me. This description sounded like “fucking lunatic”. ... This was a quote that was intended to show the British minister alternative views on the figure of the current president of Georgia,” explained Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov (Kommersant, September 17, 2008).

Statements by foreign colleagues about Sergei Lavrov

Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan described Sergei Lavrov as follows:

"Wise and witty." “I learned to appreciate both his wit and his wisdom. I consider him a friend." "Mr. Lavrov is among the most respected."

Former Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik: "He is one of the smartest, most informed and respected foreign policy players on the world stage." “Sergey Lavrov is an unrivaled specialist.”

Longtime American diplomat and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Holbrooke (died 2010): “He is a consummate diplomat who serves Moscow with intelligence, energy and no small amount of arrogance.” "One of the best diplomats of our time."

2016. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan (from left to right) during a meeting. (Photo: Alexander Shcherbak/TASS)

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Labor and Social Policy of Bulgaria, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivaylo Kalfin: “One of the best diplomats of our time. A person who is very good at identifying the goals he pursues and choosing the way in which he defends them. Sometimes with humor, sometimes with sarcasm, sometimes with a sharp reaction.”

Marital status, hobbies Sergei Lavrov

Sergei Lavrov with his wife, Maria and daughter, Ekaterina (Photo:

While a third-year student at MGIMO, Sergei Lavrov got married and has a daughter, Ekaterina, with his wife Maria. His wife, Maria Aleksandrovna Lavrova, a philologist by training, a teacher of Russian language and literature, worked in the library of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN. Daughter Ekaterina Vinokurova was born in New York, graduated from Columbia University (political science) and a master's degree in economics in London. Ekaterina Lavrova's husband is businessman Alexander Vinokurov. Lavrov’s daughter is the director of the Russian branch of the Christie’s auction house. Sergei Lavrov has a grandson and granddaughter.

Sergei Lavrov during rafting

Sergei Viktorovich is fond of sports and at any convenient moment devotes himself to his favorite skiing, football (Lavrov is a fan of Spartak Moscow) and rafting. His hobby is writing poetry, he is the author of the MGIMO anthem. He plays the guitar and collects political jokes, most of which he knows by heart and loves to tell.

Today, many inhabitants of planet Earth are familiar with the name Sergei Lavrov. The biography of the statesman is very rich. Lavrov was born more than sixty years ago in Moscow (03/21/1950). Almost nothing is known about his parents.

Lavrov: Minister of Foreign Affairs, real name

According to some sources, the mother was on the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, and the father is attributed to Armenian origin. Nevertheless, Sergei Viktorovich himself associates himself with Russian. Lavrov, by the way, is my stepfather’s last name. Real name is Kalantaryan.

The childhood of Sergei Lavrov

There is practically no available information about the early period of the life of this politician. It is only known that he studied at Moscow school No. 607, from which he graduated with a silver medal. As Sergei Lavrov says, the children studying at this school, like the institution itself, can always count on its support. During his school years, the future diplomat gravitated toward the exact sciences. He liked physics to such an extent that he applied for admission not only to MGIMO, but also to the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. The main role in the fate of the future diplomat was played by the fact that at the Institute of International Relations, entrance examinations began a month earlier.

Study of Sergei Lavrov at MGIMO

Having entered the most prestigious university in the country, Lavrov, in company with other first-year students, went to build the Ostankino TV tower. Subsequently, during the summer holidays, a construction team of future diplomats worked in many regions of the country (Far East, Khakassia, the Republic of Tuva). After studying for three years, Sergei Viktorovich becomes the cultural organizer of the course. The next stage of Sergei’s student life is his appointment as cultural organizer for the entire university. Classmates remember with pleasure the “cabbage parties” that were held once a semester. For these evenings, the administration of the Institute allocated an assembly hall. Among Lavrov’s student friends, his ability to attract company is unanimously noted. During his student years, Sergei Viktorovich mastered playing the guitar, and in addition, he writes poetry. It is worth noting that the current MGIMO anthem belongs to his pen.

The third year became a landmark for Lavrov. It was then that he met Marina Alexandrovna, the woman who became his companion for the rest of his life. Thanks to the constant and holistic nature of such a person as Sergei Lavrov, his personal life was never put on display. Therefore, there is practically no reliable information about the family structure of the Lavrov couple in the public domain.

Lavrov had to graduate from the eastern department of MGIMO, which played a role in his future fate. After all, for students of this department it was compulsory to study the Sinhala language. This language is the main one for the indigenous population of the island of Ceylon. In parallel with such an exotic dialect, Sergei Viktorovich had to learn English and French, which are mandatory for a diplomat.

Wife of Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Lavrov's wife is Maria Alexandrovna Lavrova.

Nationality of Sergei Lavrov

Sergei's father is Armenian, and his mother is Russian. Official sources indicate that Sergei Lavrov’s nationality is Russian.

1972 — 1976

In 1972, Lavrov completed his studies. The first steps in the diplomatic field are ahead. Young specialists did not have to serve a qualification in the central department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Lavrov’s first appointment was a vacancy in Sri Lanka (the modern name of the island of Ceylon). Thanks to his specialization and knowledge of the local language, Sergei Lavrov took it. His wife, naturally, did not let him go alone. For four years, S.V. Lavrov worked at the embassy to analyze the events taking place in the country. Lavrov’s service in Ceylon ended with him receiving the rank of attaché.

1976 — 1981

Upon arrival in Moscow (1976), the diplomat was successively appointed to positions in the Department of International Economic Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Department of International Economic Relations). The activities of a government official in UMEO were not much different from work in the embassy. Lavrov’s responsibilities included assessing the situation and forecasting developments; he also participated in consultations and forums held by international organizations.

1981 — 1988

In 1981, S.V. Lavrov was sent to New York, to the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN, where he first worked as an adviser, and later, he took the position of senior adviser. However, the busy schedule could not tear Lavrov away from participating in student life at MGIMO. In 1985, he and his friends founded the tradition of river expeditions in Siberia; today, this trip is mandatory for graduates of the Institute of International Relations. Around the same time, friends learned that Sergei Lavrov became a father, and his family was replenished with a daughter, Ekaterina.


In 1988, leaving his wife and daughter in the USA, S.V. Lavrov returned to Moscow. At home, he holds the position of one of the deputies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a short time later he becomes the first deputy.

From 1990 to 1992, S.V. Lavrov already heads this department of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

In 1992, Lavrov was appointed to the position of head of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In April of the same 1992, he became deputy to the then head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andrei Kozyrev. His area of ​​​​working interests included the Office of Human Rights and International Cultural Cooperation, and two departments were also under his control.

As a result of long-term diplomatic work, S.V. Lavrov is becoming a well-known politician in the West, enjoying a certain authority among his colleagues. Therefore, it is not surprising that he held important positions in various interdepartmental commissions and international organizations.

As permanent representative S.V. Lavrov was in office from 1994 to 2004, until by decree of President R.F. V.V. Putin, he did not head the Russian Foreign Ministry. Lavrov's diplomatic activities, in the domestic and foreign policy arena, were awarded numerous domestic and foreign awards.

Interesting information:

  • As a preschooler, Lavrov lived in Tbilisi, which is why there is so little information about his childhood.
  • The diplomat is the first president of the Rowing Slalom Federation.
  • Lavrov defended his right to a cigarette in a dispute with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

Sergei Lavrov is an important person in Russia. Neither more nor less, he holds the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. A diplomat who spent his entire life building a career in this direction. He has worked with various international organizations and has represented Russia at the UN for more than ten years.

What is this diplomat like? Indeed, in addition to the fact that he strived to earn universal respect, he also has his own specific interests, is passionate about something, not to mention the fact that once his path was just beginning, perhaps he did not even know what he wanted to achieve in life. Despite all the obstacles, he managed to achieve a high position in society, to ensure that he achieved what others could not achieve.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Lavrov

Height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Lavrov? All these questions can be answered very accurately and briefly. Today, Lavrov is no longer so young, but this does not prevent him from continuing to work, setting an example for the younger generation. He is 67 years old, about 185-188 centimeters tall, that is, a tall man who knows his worth. Weight 80 kilograms. Based on these data, we can say that Sergei Lavrov looks good not only for his age, but in general.

A man is in good shape, however, this is not surprising; someone who is constantly in sight must take care of himself. And even though he is not a star, not a TV presenter, he carefully makes sure that he is not ashamed to appear in public. And its solid appearance confirms this.

Biography of Sergei Lavrov

The biography of Sergei Lavrov began at the very beginning of the fifties. He was born on March 21, 1950 in Moscow. Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs, biography, nationality - all these issues will be discussed in this article, since the life of Sergei Lavrov is really interesting, eventful and can evoke a variety of feelings, ranging from admiration to envy. Let's take a closer look, starting with the first years of his life.

It must be said that the father of the future politician was a Tbilisi Armenian, that is, Sergei’s nationality is not entirely Russian. Some people are sure that he is Armenian, but many sources indicate that he is, nevertheless, Russian.

The fact is that little Sergei’s parents devoted their entire lives to politics, devoting a huge amount of effort and time to it. So, most likely, this influenced the fact that Lavrov chose his future profession, because he repeatedly listened to fascinating stories about how interesting it was to travel to other countries, given that in the USSR such travel was not available to everyone.

The boy received his first education at a special school, where he could study English in depth. He also really enjoyed studying physics; he clearly had a penchant for it. After finishing school, he applied to two universities. But in the first option, the entrance exams began a little earlier, so the choice was made in his favor. Lavrov did not object; in addition, his parents wanted to see him as a student at this particular educational institution.

As a student, Sergei was the local life of the party, always talkative and cheerful. Not a single gathering or evening was complete without him. In addition, he skillfully played the guitar and composed his own songs, which he sang for others. Every summer I tried to go on a trip with construction teams, thanks to which I visited the Far East, Yakutia, Tuva and some other territories. He composed the MGIMO anthem, which left his mark on the university.

An interesting fact is that in their youth Lavrov had a strong resemblance to Sergei Bodrov, which is constantly noted by contemporaries.

The beginning of the seventies was marked for Lavrov by the fact that he graduated from university and began his long political journey. He worked in various diplomatic positions, served as ambassador, including in America, where he lived for several years until he returned to his homeland.

Then begins the story of his career as a great politician. After spending four years in Sri Lanka, several years in the USA, he then returned to his homeland in Moscow. There he continues his political career, first as third and then second secretary in the department of economic organizations of international scale.

In the eighties, Lavrov lived in New York for about ten years, after which he moved again to Moscow in the late eighties. From this time on, the politician begins to move up the career ladder more rapidly, reaching the first heights.

The end of the eighties and until the end of the nineties, Sergei Lavrov made a dizzying career in politics. He successfully and confidently moves to the top thanks to his intelligence, resourcefulness and perseverance. Thanks to experience, necessary acquaintances and connections, he managed to gain popularity and recognition of his intelligence and diplomacy.

All Security Councils were held only with the participation of Lavrov. Everywhere Sergei showed himself as a prudent and cold-blooded politician who knows for sure how to act next. By the way, the terrorist attack in America that occurred on September 11, 2001 shocked the world community, and Lavrov played a significant role in discussing the problem, helping to solve the problem and think about how to proceed.

Recently, Lavrov has been paying great attention to developing Russian business outside the country, in foreign countries. For his merits and works he has repeatedly received awards.

During his life, the politician visited one hundred and thirty-six countries of the world, which is simply an incomprehensible figure. But apparently, he was born in order to get to know the whole world, work in a serious position and achieve what he wants. After all, the list of his achievements is truly impressive; not everyone can say the same about themselves. Despite this, the politician dreams of going where he has not been before, and most likely he will succeed.

Personal life of Sergei Lavrov

The personal life of Sergei Lavrov is somewhat similar to his career. That is, personal life is stable, successful, unchanged. He is a proponent of the theory that you need to marry once and be faithful to your life partner. That's how he does it. While still in his first year, he met a good girl, who became his wife in his third year. Studying at the university to become a Russian language teacher, she planned to teach children and did not dream of fame or wealth.

But she was destined for a completely different fate next to her famous husband. Fate, although not very simple, but the woman withstood with dignity the trials that befell the spouses. She endured it in order to be close to the one she loves and whom she married. Perhaps the role played here is that she was initially a simple woman who knew how to appreciate what is truly important in life.

Living in an American city, they became the parents of a daughter, who was named Catherine.

Family of Sergei Lavrov

As mentioned above, Sergei Lavrov’s family is strong and friendly, although small. He has a beloved wife and an equally beloved, albeit adult, daughter. Lavrov himself has repeatedly stated that for him, his close women are the main inspiration for his career and other achievements. Although there is an opinion that politicians cannot build a strong and stable family, Sergei Lavrov completely and completely refutes this opinion.

Lavrov tries to spend all his free time in the company of his wife; they can go rafting, walk, or just chat together. The only thing that my beloved wife and daughter cannot wean my famous relative from is his love for cigarettes, which he cannot and does not want to overcome.

Children of Sergei Lavrov

The children of Sergei Lavrov are his only daughter. It is unknown why he had no more children. Today he has an adult daughter who has already begun to lead her own independent life.

She turned out to be a worthy heir to her hardworking and brilliant father; from her youth she got used to the fact that she needed to work on herself, develop and strive for something higher than what ordinary life offers. Therefore, after school, she studied at Columbia University, where she showed good results.

Daughter of Sergei Lavrov - Ekaterina

The daughter of Sergei Lavrov, Ekaterina, was born at a time when her parents lived in New York. From a young age she understood that her dad was not like everyone else, that he held a serious position. Therefore, I tried to comply, study well and diligently.

First she graduated from high school in Manhattan, then from Columbia University. After graduating, she went to London to get an internship opportunity. In London I met my chosen one whose name is Alexander Vinokurov. The latter is the son of a pharmaceutical tycoon.

Sergei Lavrov's wife - Maria

Sergei Lavrov’s wife, Maria, is not very willing to communicate with journalists, preferring that the personal life of their family remain behind the scenes. It should be noted that there are not even photographs where she is alone, only those where she is with her husband.

Sergei Lavrov's wife - Maria photo

Their love story dates back to their student years, because they met in their first year. Already in the third year they got married in order to never be separated. Throughout her life, Maria was constantly with Lavrov on trips, worked, like him, developed and strived for certain goals, if only in order to match her famous husband. But at the same time she did not forget to raise their common daughter.

Now they are still together, finding in this the sincere and main joy of life.

Since Sergei Lavrov is constantly in the public eye, he needs to look good. He does it well, so the question arises: does the famous politician use plastic surgery services? There are photos of Sergei Lavrov before and after plastic surgery on the Internet, but are they true? Sergei himself somehow avoids this topic, showing with all his appearance that it is not interesting to him.

It is difficult to say whether the politician is doing braces. On the one hand, he looks good, but on the other hand, he doesn’t look too young, because he is already about seventy years old. Most likely, Lavrov does not use plastic surgery, believing that appearance plays not the first role in achieving the goal. He prefers to win with his charisma and erudition, and he does it amazingly. Those who are interested in the issue of Lavrov’s plastic surgery can only guess whether he went under the knife or not.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Lavrov

The life of a politician is always in the public eye, so it would be strange if there wasn’t a lot of information about Sergei Lavrov on the Internet.

One of the main sources is the Wikipedia page (,_Sergey_Viktorovich), where you can collect the necessary facts about him, from childhood to the present day. Lavrov also maintains a page on Instagram (, where you can see his life moments, photographs with his wife and other things that reveal his life directly from the source. So if anyone is interested in politics, they can always turn to social networks for help; Sergei Lavrov’s Instagram and Wikipedia are always at your service.

Sergei Lavrov is a striking example of a purposeful and erudite person who found himself in politics. His life was and remains difficult and eventful, however, in the field of activity that he chose for himself, it would not work out otherwise.

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov is a well-known political figure all over the world, diplomat, permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, representative of the Russian Federation in International Affairs since 2004, ex-head of the permanent mission of the Russian Federation to the UN. A scandalous politician who amazes all journalists with one expression, he has been captured more than once from different unfortunate angles, but this does not prevent him from remaining one of the best politicians in the Russian Federation.

Lavroy Sergey Viktorovich

The mystery of the origin of Sergei Lavrov

It is impossible to find information about Sergei Viktorovich’s childhood in any sources of information. What is known is that the future Minister of Foreign Affairs was born on March 21, 1950 in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, in his father’s homeland, but Sergei Lavrov grew up in Moscow. Lavrov's father is a Tbilisi Armenian Kalantaryan Having grown up, Sergei took his mother’s maiden name, which was more sonorous for Russia. Sergei's mother - Kaleria Borisovna- Honored Worker of the USSR in the Ministry of Foreign Trade. According to some sources, it is known that Sergei Lavrov is Armenian, but this information is refuted on the Foreign Ministry website.

Sergei Lavrov himself spoke about his childhood, remembering that he was raised "both carrot and stick", but no one ever beat him, everything was explained by words and actions. So, as the mother is an employee of Vneshtorg, the parents devoted themselves entirely to this matter, enticing their son. They were surrounded by government officials and politicians who loved their work and were involved in the world of politics. It is likely that these facts greatly influenced the life of Sergei Lavrov, so he chose his future profession without making a mistake.

Sergei Lavrov in his youth

Education of Sergei Lavrov

Sergei Lavrov changed two schools during his childhood, first he studied in the city of Noginsk, at school No. 2 named after. V. Korolenko, but later, at his request, he transferred to specialized Moscow school No. 607 with in-depth study of the English language, apparently even then he was taking small steps towards his future profession. Despite the fact that the school was more philologically inclined, Sergei Lavrov loved physics most of all and took part in various Olympiads. As a result, he graduated from school with a silver medal. Then there was a choice between two universities MEPhI And MGIMO, but since the second exams started earlier, after listening to his parents, Sergei entered there.

This purposeful young man became a student MGIMO Eastern Faculty. But some sources know that this was not his desire, but his parents’, but still Sergei Lavrov graduated from the university and became a wonderful politician. During his student days, Sergei Lavrov was always the life of the party, a romantic, he loved to play the guitar and write songs. Sergei Lavrov, during his hectic student life, left his mark on the life of the university; he became the author of the MGIMO anthem. Sergei Viktorovich was very purposeful and from an early age he earned money himself, working in construction teams in Tuva, Yakutia, and Khakassia. Upon graduation, the student successfully mastered three languages: French, Sinhala and English. Having received his diploma in 1972, he entered service at the USSR Embassy in Sri Lanka.

Sergei Lavrov in his student years

Work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Since 1972 Sergei Viktorovich worked as a senior assistant at the USSR Embassy, ​​where he rose to the diplomatic rank of attaché. Sergei Lavrov worked on the island of Sri Lanka for four years, but soon returned to his homeland and continued his career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the third, after the second, secretary of the Department of International Economic Organizations. In the 80s, Sergei Lavrov in the United States of America took post of UN Secretary, but his career developed very quickly, and he soon changed this title to a new one, becoming a senior adviser at the USSR Mission to the UN. Sergei Viktorovich worked overseas for the benefit of his native country for about 10 years. But in 1988 he returned to his native capital and began to reach the heights of the diplomatic public service.

Sergei Lavrov speaks several languages

Since 1988 Sergei Lavrov put even more effort into his work and began to occupy the best positions in politics at that time. First, he took the post of deputy head in the department of international economic relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then he became director of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, realizing that this was not the limit of his capabilities, in a very short period he became deputy minister of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Sergey Lavrov

In 1944 appointed Sergei Lavrov as the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, but this is not the limit, there was another appointment for Lavrov, to become the representative of the Russian Federation in the Security Council of the United Nations. Boris Yeltsin appointed Sergei Lavrov as the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, but this is not the limit, there was another appointment for Lavrov, to become the representative of the Russian Federation in the Security Council of the United Nations. Lavrov’s considerable political biography brought him fame not only in his native country, but throughout the world. Sergei Viktorovich achieved great success in the work of the UN Security Council thanks to a large circle of acquaintances in America, which allowed him to study the many nuances of this profession and understand the main international problems. Despite this post and great responsibilities, Sergei Lavrov had another position: he was deputy chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission, and was also co-chair of the coordination of peacekeeping activities of the Russian Federation.

Sergei Lavrov was the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN for a long time

In March 2004 Lavrov’s dream came true, he was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, but he was appointed two more times, he did not give his place to anyone. Reappointed the first time in April 2008 with the appointment to the post of President of the Russian Federation, and the second time in 2012 after the election of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Sergei Lavrov holds his post longer than all his predecessors, except Andrey Gromyk, he worked for 28 years, but many say that Lavrov will also break his record of arrival at a government post. It should also be noted that Sergei Lavrov is one of the main members of the editorial board of various publications; he is the chairman of the board of trustees of MGIMO and many foundations that help residents of Russia. For example, the Russkiy Mir Foundation, Children of Russia, he not only worries about the future of the country, but also remembers and honors the past, therefore he became a trustee of the board of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation program “Restoration of the monument to the Russians in Gallipoli.”

Sergei Lavrov works on an airplane

Everyone knows that Sergei Lavrov is a very scandalous politician; at many meetings and press conferences of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs he allowed himself to use abusive speech and not very nice actions, as for a diplomat. For example, Lavrov made “extra” words at a press conference with the Saudi Arabian Foreign Ministry. It seemed to him that he was talking to himself, but he swore into the microphone, which the journalists could not help but notice and immediately broadcast on the Internet. The next day, the whole country knew about this incident, some condemned it, some supported it in ridicule, but they still decided that Sergei Lavrov had made a mistake. After some time, everyone forgot about this curious incident.

Sergei Lavrov - scandalous politician

A visit to Mongolia for work purposes would leave much to be desired, because at the business meeting everyone was smartly dressed, but Lavrov stood out and arrived in blue jeans, for which he was convicted.

Another scandalous incident was not long in coming; it occurred right during negotiations with David Miliband, the Russian Foreign Ministry cursed on the phone, saying “Who the fuck are you to teach me?!” And this situation did not go unnoticed by Russians and residents of other countries. Despite many curious and unpleasant cases of Sergei Viktorovich, he remains an excellent government worker who does everything for the benefit of his country.

Sergei Lavrov often gives interviews and does not hide from journalists

Personal life of Sergei Lavrov

One can only envy the personal life of the scandalous politician. The family is calm, stable, successful and happy. While still a student, Sergei met his one and only, with whom he never parted, and in his third year at university he officially got married. His wife Maria Alexandrovna was a student at a pedagogical university and in the future dreamed of becoming a good teacher, but also became a caring mother and a happy wife of a minister. Throughout her family life, Maria Lavrova was next to her husband, accompanied him on all his trips, supported him in all his endeavors and had a good position, holding the position of head of the library of the UN mission.

Sergei Lavrov with his daughter

While in the United States of America, a daughter was born into the Lavrov family Catherine, who studied at an American school in Manhattan, and then her decision was to go to Columbia University. The girl roughly completed her studies and went on an internship to London, where she found happiness by finding a loved one, Alexander Vinokurov, whose father is a pharmaceutical tycoon.

Ekaterina Lavrova and her husband Alexander Vinokurov

Sergey Lavrov now

In March 2018, the presidential elections of the Russian Federation took place, where he won. But Sergei Lavrov retained his place and continues to work as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Sergei Lavrov has assistants who work on his social media accounts, posting photographs from press conferences and meetings. Unfortunately, the Minister does not have personal photographs, since for security reasons he is prohibited from advertising the life of his family.

Sergei Lavrov and Vladimir Putin

In his free time from work, Sergei Lavrov spends time with his family and keeps himself in shape through rafting and playing football, and is an avid fan of the Spartak team. As in his student years, he remains the life of the party and never fails to play the guitar with friends and family. It is known that the Russian Foreign Ministry is very fond of Russian baths, Scotch whiskey and Italian cuisine.

Sergei Lavrov is an avid smoker of cigarettes and cigars, and whenever possible defends his rights at the highest levels. The case with Kofi Annan This is confirmed by the fact that he defended the opportunity to smoke at the UN headquarters, thereby winning an argument with the Ghanaian diplomat and earning respect from the surrounding ministers.

Politicians rarely have a good sense of morale, but not in this case, Sergei Lavrov was invited to the famous TV show “Evening Urgant”, many liked the show and Lavrov became a favorite among TV viewers.

Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov is a diplomat, statesman who serves for the benefit of the country. A man who achieved it himself through hard work and effort. Despite various incidents, he always remains a source of pride for the country.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov

In 1972 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.