Highlight the main idea of ​​the fairy tale 12 months of Marshak. Analysis of Marshak’s fairy tale “Twelve Months. Fiction and life truth

Marshak "Twelve months"

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Twelve Months" and their characteristics

  1. Stepdaughter. A very kind and sweet girl, whom everyone is ready to help.
  2. Queen. A 14-year-old girl, capricious and wayward. Doesn't think about what he's doing and always chooses the simplest and easiest solution.
  3. Soldier. Wise and kind.
  4. Professor, the Queen's teacher, an old and wise scientist in a robe. He tries to teach the Queen something, but is afraid of being executed.
  5. The old woman, the stepmother of the Stepdaughter, is greedy and evil.
  6. The Old Woman's daughter is just as greedy.
  7. Twelve months, neither good nor evil, all with different characters, but fair.

There are also many minor characters in the fairy tale - forest animals, courtiers.

Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Twelve Months".

  1. Stepdaughter in the forest
  2. Old soldier and Christmas tree
  3. Queen teaches lessons
  4. The Queen issues a decree
  5. The old woman sends her stepdaughter for snowdrops
  6. Stepdaughter meets Twelve months
  7. Stepdaughter brings snowdrops and a ring
  8. The old woman takes the ring
  9. The Queen receives the ambassadors
  10. Old woman brings flowers
  11. The queen is going to the forest
  12. The old woman brings her stepdaughter
  13. The ring is thrown into the hole
  14. Stepdaughter disappears
  15. The seasons change
  16. The Queen is freezing
  17. The month of January and the fulfillment of desires
  18. Stepdaughter receives gifts
  19. The stepdaughter forgives everyone.

A summary of the fairy tale “Twelve Months” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences:

  1. The stepdaughter collects brushwood in the winter forest and meets a soldier
  2. The Queen wants fresh snowdrops for the New Year
  3. The Stepmother sends the Stepdaughter into the forest, and she meets the Twelve Months, who give her flowers and a ring.
  4. The stepmother brings snowdrops to the Queen and the Queen leads everyone into the forest to pick berries.
  5. During a snowstorm, everyone freezes, and January turns the Stepmother and her daughter into dogs.
  6. The stepdaughter receives rich gifts from Twelve Months and forgives the Queen.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Twelve Months"

Everything has its time and everyone has their turn.

What does the fairy tale "The Twelve Months" teach?

A kind heart can create miracles. Everyone wants to help a kind person. Ignorance leads to disaster. You can't change the course of time. Evil will always be punished, and good will win.

Signs of a fairy tale:

Magic helper - golden ring

Magic transformations - change of seasons, transformation of the Old Woman and daughter into dogs

Magical Creatures - Twelve Months

Talking animals.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Twelve Months"
Everything is in due time, the time will come, and the seed will grow
A good deed does not go unrewarded
Greed is the beginning of all grief.

Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale "Twelve Months"

Last day of the year. In the winter forest, the Stepdaughter collects brushwood and meets the Soldier. The soldier is looking for a Christmas tree for the Queen and the Stepdaughter shows him the most beautiful Christmas tree.

Royal Palace. The professor teaches the Queen, but the Queen does not want to study. She signs an order to execute a man and the Professor reprimands her. The Queen says that she can execute the Professor and he agrees with her in everything.

The Queen issues a decree to bring a basket of snowdrops to the palace, promising in return a basket of gold and a fur coat.

The old woman and her daughter are going to find snowdrops and prepare a basket. They force the Stepdaughter to go into the forest again for snowdrops.

The stepdaughter goes to the light in the forest and meets Twelve Months, who, after listening to the girl’s story, decides to help her. In a few minutes, April comes and snowdrops bloom. April gives her stepdaughter a golden magic ring.

The old woman and her daughter rejoice at the basket of snowdrops and the daughter takes the gold ring for herself. They go to the palace.

The Queen announces that December will not end until the snowdrops come, and receives ambassadors and baskets of flowers. But there are no snowdrops in them. The old woman and daughter arrive.

The old woman tells how they collected snowdrops and the Queen orders them to bring fur coats so that everyone can go into the forest to pick strawberries. The old woman admits that it was the Stepdaughter who collected snowdrops. The Queen sends soldiers for the Stepdaughter and tells everyone to get ready for the forest.

The queen and her courtiers are freezing in the forest. They are surprised that the soldiers are hot.

The old woman brings her stepdaughter. The stepdaughter says she needs her ring. The queen throws the ring into the hole. The stepdaughter addresses April. Spring comes, and the Stepdaughter disappears.

Summer comes, berries appear, then autumn comes and winter again. The ambassadors and courtiers run away.

Good afternoon like-minded people! Today I want to invite you to talk - to reflect on the meaning of S. Ya. Marshak’s fairy tale “12 months”.

Daughter and stepdaughter

In many fairy tales there are such characters as daughter and stepdaughter. Moreover, the stepdaughter is the father’s daughter and she lives in his house, which means in her own, and the daughter is the mother’s own daughter, who entered a ready-made house that she did not create. The father is mentioned, but he is not present as a character. In my opinion, the father is the spirit of man, the stepmother is the earthly body of man, matter.

We know that after the fall from Eden, humanity found itself in a dual world, in a world where there is light and darkness, good and evil, heat and cold, etc. that is, in a world of two opposites. Conventionally, they are designated plus and minus (spirit - positive qualities - plus, matter - negative qualities - minus).
In the Old Testament there are (Genesis, chapter 25, v. 22 ff) interesting characters: Isaac is the son of Abraham, his wife Rebekah, who gave birth to 2 sons. “..., the sons, while still in her womb, began to beat. The Lord said to her: Two nations are in your womb, and two different nations will come out of your womb; one people will become stronger than the other, and the greater will serve the lesser. The children grew up, and Esau became a man skilled in hunting (a man who frees his soul from all “bestial” things - making friends with his conscience), a man of the fields - free from attachment to material values, sensual. But Jacob was a meek man, living in tents (he loved luxury). Isaac (father) loved Esau, Rebekah (mother) loved Jacob.” That is, essentially the same two characters. Moreover, it is said that Esau was the eldest. Out of hunger, he sold his birthright (...what an honor if there is nothing to eat...) to Jacob. Jacob, together with his mother (the earthly qualities of the soul), cunningly asked his father for a blessing - Jacob “played” Esau and the father blessed: “May God give you from the dew of heaven and from the fatness of the earth, that the nations may serve you, be lord over your brothers, and let your mother’s sons worship you... Esau received this blessing: from the fatness of the earth will your dwelling be and from the dew of heaven from above; and you will live by your sword and serve your brother; The time will come when you will resist and cast off his yoke from your neck.”

Note: For Jacob, God will give you, and for Esau, your livelihood will be from the fatness of the earth. And again: “Let your mother’s sons worship you.” That is, those who value the same values ​​– the riches of the world – will bow down.

Duality of the world

Our world, the dual world, is, as it were, divided into two peoples. And the entire history of mankind traces constant wars: between state systems, between states, and within states is also heterogeneous (hence revolutions). Even in families, some children are closer and dearer to their mother, others to their father. And there are many resentments that one child is loved more and another less. That is, division occurs along all planes of existence (as above, so below; what is in the small, so in the large).
Of course, separation itself is bad, but it also has its positive sides (like any phenomenon in our lives): we develop faster and gain a lot of experience precisely during serious trials. I watched a lot of programs on TV, and read books about the lives of great people. There is so much work and adversity that you wonder: how did they survive, where did so much vitality come from? And how much they have done for people! These are the Saints of all times and peoples, great scientists, poets, musicians, warriors! You can’t help but compare their fates with the fate of a stepdaughter from a fairy tale.

Growing up of the soul

“...Now listen to what I say. Today, on the last night of the old year, on the first night of the New Year, you had the opportunity to meet all twelve months at once. When the April snowdrops are still in bloom, and your basket is already full. You came to us along the shortest path, while others are walking along the long road - day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute. That's how it's supposed to be. Don’t open this short path to anyone, don’t show it to anyone. This road is reserved." All great people somehow saw the light: they discovered laws of universal significance, wrote immortal music, paintings that people have admired for many centuries, etc. But how did they receive these great gifts?

“Well, can your little animal show you the way to the forest, to the snowdrops? Yes, that's right, it can. But will he want to... - Well, I’m stubborn too! Let's see who can out-stubborn whom!
We come into this world with certain qualities (the stars tell us this in general terms - in the early 90s we were all very interested in horoscopes). We inherited these data of our body and our soul from our ancestors - the family tree, and how we manage this “capital”: multiply it or squander it (the parable of the talents), it depends on our efforts.

Each of us has the following character qualities: courage, the desire for excellence, balance, mutual assistance, selflessness, justice, the ability to be grateful, quick thinking, impartiality, creative self-realization, selfless service, artistry. We are born with one of these, or approximately, qualities of character, but during life it is desirable to acquire all the others. In the fairy tale, this means an accelerated meeting with each month of the year. This is achieved, of course, with great difficulty: the soul unites with the spirit (fire of the fire) in a person. The aspiring and seeking one (seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you, ask and it will be given to you) becomes strong in spirit, finds complete harmony in the soul: “Now it is no longer you who are with us, but we who will be your guest. We'll take turns eating with everyone. Everyone will come with their own gift.” “That’s what the months told the hardworking stepdaughter.”

Of course, every positive quality also has its opposites. In fairy tales there are negative characters, bearers of negative qualities. Each of them got what they “earned” in the end and learned their own lessons from the situation.

This, naturally, is one of the layers of information contained in the fairy tale. Over time, maybe something else will be revealed that is hidden. Maybe someone has other thoughts on this tale? By the way, there is an interesting topic - a space portal. Is it reflected in fairy tales?

Gelemeeva Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Kantemirovsky Lyceum"

A lesson in wisdom based on the fairy tale “Twelve Months” by S. Ya. Marshak. Analysis of a fairy tale.


Educational: create a holistic literary and artistic image of fairy-tale characters.

Developmental: develop expressive reading and speech skills; the ability to argue your opinion, draw conclusions, compare facts.

Educational: show the dependence of human behavior on specific circumstances; cultivate sincerity, kindness, politeness, and willingness to help.


Progress of the lesson

What does the student receive?

A comment

Set up the class for work

Create a holistic literary and artistic image of a fairy tale and fairy-tale characters

Give an opportunity to prove the correctness of your judgments

Show the versatility of human character, the dependence of behavior on specific situations.

Instill role-playing skills.

Be able to compare images of heroes

Develop expressive reading skills

Be able to draw conclusions

Develop critical thinking

Ӏ. Call stage

1. Bright spot at the beginning of the lesson

It is woven from the vine,

It all adds up:

And russula mushrooms,

Cones, berries, nuts.

2. Associations that arise when you look at the basket.

Today in the lesson we go in search of wisdom, we will collect it in this basket. Now let’s test your knowledge about the dramatic work “Twelve Months” by S. Ya. Marshak.

3. Checking homework using an interactive whiteboard.

Connect the concepts of the left and right columns

Fairy tale - a woman and her daughter became dogs

Magic helpers - ring

Magic item - rapid change of seasons

Magical transformation - 12 months

Magical event - fantastic work

ӀӀ. Conception stage

1.Motivation for educational activities.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows.

How do you understand the first part of the proverb?

(Incredible events and magic happen in fairy tales)

What about the second part?

(No matter how much fiction there is, ultimately it speaks about real life).

The third part?

(In fairy tales there are unusual characters; in their images, the fairy tale teaches us good things).

What else?

(Helps you know yourself and others better)

Name the main characters?

(Stepmother and stepdaughter)

2.Staging the episode

Daughter. Probably the queen wanted to laugh at us. Snowdrops cannot be found in the forest. No, I’ll go – that’s all. Will you ever be lucky enough to get to the palace, to the queen herself for a holiday? And they will give you a whole basket of gold.

Woman. You'll freeze in the forest!

Daughter. Well, then you go into the forest yourself, pick some snowdrops, and I’ll take them to the palace.

Woman. Or, daughter, don’t you feel sorry for your own mother?

Daughter. And although I feel sorry for you, and I feel sorry for the gold, I feel even more sorry for myself!

Woman. A good daughter, to be sure! In such bad weather, the owner of the dog will not kick the dog out into the street, but she chases the mother.

The stepdaughter comes in from the street and shakes up the snow.

Stepdaughter. It sweeps so hard that neither the earth nor the sky can be seen. It's like you're walking on clouds. I barely got home.

Daughter. You still need to run into the forest.

Stepdaughter. In the forest? What?

Daughter. For the snowdrops!

Stepdaughter (laughing). Except for the snowdrops! In such a snowstorm! And I didn’t immediately understand that you were joking. I was scared: nowadays it’s not difficult to die - the snow is just falling and swirling.

Daughter. I'm not kidding.

Stepdaughter. Don't you feel sorry for me at all? I will die in the forest.

Daughter. Why should I go to the forest instead of you?

Woman. And you put a scarf on your head, a basket in your hands and go! And look at me: if I find out that you were staying somewhere with the neighbors, I won’t let you into the house - freeze in the yard!

(The stepdaughter wraps herself in a scarf, takes the basket and goes out)

And she will freeze... This means that this is her fate. Who will cry for her?

What are the characters of the stepmother and stepdaughter?

And what stepdaughter? In what other fairy tales have you met stepdaughters?

What are the main characters in fairy tales?

(Good and Evil)

Which of the heroes embodies the traditional fairy tale idea of ​​evil?

(Queen, stepmother, daughter)

Which role would you choose for yourself?

3. Brainstorming.

How do you understand the meaning of these words?

Evil is the grossest form of ignorance.

The evil one is the one who is good only for himself.

Cruelty is simply the result of stupidity.

4.Work in groups.

Writers compose aphorisms with the words “good” and “evil.”

Mathematicians use geometric shapes to work with the same concepts.

Artists depict good and evil using gouache and brushes.

Designers work with plasticine, cardboard and colored paper

In the structure of a fairy tale, the main character, undergoing a test, meets a magical hero-helper.

(Stepdaughter is helped for 12 months)

Who are your helpers during the winter months?

(Wind, blizzards and blizzards)

Now let's listen to what February is singing about?

(The wind is humming - recording)

What qualities were noted in the description of the wind? What types of winds are there?

What components make up the character of a hero?




character lines

It was the snowdrop - a delicate and fragile flower - that became the reason for the main character's trials.

A diagram in the form of a snowdrop appears on the board

ӀӀӀ. Reflection stage

What wisdom will you take home with you after today's lesson?

Instead of gold, the basket is filled with wisdom.

Close your eyes and imagine that delicate flower that caused the main character’s trials.

At this time, the teacher puts a snowdrop in the basket.

If you just want, if you are good, pure and honest, then snowdrops will bloom for you in January!

Guess the riddle

Carry out an associative series

Repeat the signs of a fairy tale

Dramatize an episode

Show your attitude with masks

Evaluate your actions and actions

Each group submits its report

Draw up a diagram “Features of revealing the character of a hero in a dramatic work” in the form of a snowdrop

Everyone writes a statement on a piece of paper and puts it in the basket.

S. Marshak’s wonderful winter tale tells about a miracle that happened to a little girl at the end of the year. This magical story allows you to feel the charm of the winter forest and feel the New Year's atmosphere, as well as make sure that bad people will inevitably be punished, and only those whose souls are filled with love and light will be happy. In addition, this is an instructive story about hard work: nature itself helps those who work with pleasure and do not require rewards.

The fairy tale begins with the impossible whim of a quarrelsome queen who wanted to receive snowdrops in exchange for gold. Everyone understands that flowers don’t grow in winter, but the evil stepmother still drives her unloved stepdaughter into the forest to certain death. The kind and affectionate heroine is destined to freeze in a severe cold, but she is saved by a wonderful meeting with the mysterious brothers-months, who present her with flowers rare for December.

The girl does not know her saviors, but they know her well: they met her either collecting water, then carrying firewood, or bending over the beds. The brothers know that a meek and hardworking girl is forced to endure the evil nagging of her stepmother, while remaining kind and friendly.

The writer shows the month brothers - the main positive characters of the fairy tale - as fair and honest. And this is natural for natural forces. They have the power to punish evil intentions. Evidence of this is easy to find not only in fairy tales, but also in reality.

The characters in the fairy tale are not given names. Neither the stepdaughter, nor the queen, nor the stepmother have their own name. With such a technique, the author shows an integral society, without division into individuals. Each hero embodies its own layer. The orphan was the personification of the poor and hardworking people, the ruthlessness and stupidity characteristic of rulers were reflected in the queen, and the sycophancy and cowardice of officials were easily seen in the advisers.

In the fairy tale, only the months have names. The collective image of the brothers contains all the power of nature, which gives a person the opportunity to breathe, get food, and continue the race. People do not always know how to appreciate what surrounds them. Like the narrow-minded fairytale queen, they want summer, not winter, and scold the precipitation. But in nature, any weather is a link in a mandatory chain that ensures the existence of life.

The Tale of the Twelve Months teaches how important it is to be kind and sympathetic, to respect work and to always maintain a human appearance.

Analysis 2

Without exaggeration, the fairy tale “The Twelve Months” by Marshak is loved by everyone. It can teach a lot not only to children, but also to adults, opening their eyes to true human values.

The main character, a stepdaughter, arouses sympathy among readers from the very beginning with her kindness, sincerity and desire to help her loved ones. He is kind and friendly to his stepsisters and stepmother, who, of course, are negative characters and do not evoke any sympathy. Through the confrontation between these heroes, the author shows the constant struggle between good and evil, which is very characteristic of Russian folk tales. But, as in Marshak’s folk epic, after a long struggle, good always triumphs over evil. Honesty and hard work for the main character play an important role in this struggle.

In many fairy tales, queens or princesses are always present. So, one day the young queen desired snowdrops in winter, promising the one who would grant it a basket of gold. The evil stepmother immediately sent her unloved stepdaughter on a search. Then a miracle happens to the girl. Lost in the forest, she meets twelve months, brothers. The fairy tale brothers not only saved her from the cold, but also helped her get a basket of snowdrops in winter. They asked the girl to keep secret the magical story of the appearance of snowdrops in severe frosts. The queen wanted to drown the girl, and the sisters and stepmother dreamed of gifts received from the fairy-tale brothers, but this did not happen in the fairy tale. Good triumphed and evil was punished.

The tale is written in the form of a play. It is divided into four acts, which in turn consist of paintings. Each painting is a small, complete story that took place in a specific place: in a forest, in a palace. Forest animals also take part in the action: hares, crows, wolves. Each of them has their own role. They create the atmosphere of a fabulous holiday, helping the reader to believe in the reality of what is happening.

An important detail in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months” is the dramatic change in the queen’s character, imperceptible at first glance. From capricious and angry, she becomes kind and gentle. Using her example, Marshak shows the reader the inevitability of the victory of good over evil. The author gives even the nasty stepmother and envious sisters the opportunity to improve. Turned into dogs by their wizard brothers because of their constant barking, they retain hope of returning to human form. If they are good and kind.

This fairy tale helps even the youngest readers understand what is good and what is bad. What to believe in and what to hope for. How to do it right. Kindness, decency and honesty always defeat lies, envy and hypocrisy.

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· Learn to analyze a work of art.

· Develop an attitude towards such moral categories as “good” and “evil”.

· Develop speech, as well as general educational activities such as analysis, generalization.


PC, multimedia projector,

CD with slide presentation accompanying the lesson,

illustrations for a fairy tale, a basket with “snowdrops”.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

In one of the lessons I asked you, what is “good” and “evil”? Let's remember how you answered.

(Demonstration of video clips.)

Then I asked you to look for statements about the good and evil of famous people, folk wisdom.

(Reading statements.)

And, as you already understand, the topic of our lesson will be related to these concepts. And since we have become acquainted with the content of the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”, the topic is:

“Good and evil in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months.”

When we complete our acquaintance with the content of the work, what stage of work awaits us?

(Analysis of the work.)

So, we will analyze the fairy tale by S. Marshak. Today we will focus on such stages of analysis as:

1. Features of the genre.

2. Ideological originality.

3. Figurative structure.

Here are the lesson worksheets. Please check them out. In the “Grading” table you see three columns. Please rate yourself at the beginning of the lesson, i.e. how ready you think you are for the lesson. Then there will be your grade at the end of the lesson. I will give the final rating.

2-3. Implementation of d/z. Mastering new material.

1. Features of the genre.

We begin the analysis of the fairy tale. What did you and I immediately notice when we first discovered this fairy tale?

(There is only a conversation between the characters, no words from the author and no descriptions.)

How is the genre of a fairy tale defined?

(Fairy tale play.)

So, the peculiarity of the fairy tale “Twelve Months” is that it is a fairy tale - a play.

Let me remind you of the story of the creation of the fairy tale. Shortly before the Great Patriotic War, he retold the fairy tale “The Twelve Months” based on Slavic fairy tales.

In 1943, during the terrible days of the fight against fascism, he turned it into a play. Marshak believed that in a play one can speak “not only with words, but also with action - in a language understandable to everyone.” Plays are dramatic works, usually staged in a theatre. A play performed on stage is a performance.

A play is a dramatic work: its content is conveyed in the speech and actions of the characters, there are no descriptions.

Let's remember what other types of literature we know, what genres correspond to them?

(Epic, lyric, drama.)

2. Ideological originality.

Let's continue the analysis. The next stage: ideological originality. What question helps us understand the idea of ​​the work?

(For what?)

Let me remind you once again of the story of the fairy tale. Marshak based the plot on a Slovak folk legend about a girl who celebrated all twelve months at the same time on New Year's Eve.

(Clash of opposing sides.)

Who do we see clashing between in the fairy tale?

(Between the queen and the professor; between the stepmother, daughter and stepdaughter; between the queen and the stepdaughter...)

And if we try to generalize, how can this be expressed in some more general concepts?

(The clash of good and evil.)

GOOD and EVIL are the concepts with which we began our lesson. We tried to determine them ourselves, turning to the statements of famous writers and scientists. Now I suggest you find the definitions of these concepts in the dictionary.

(Working with dictionaries.)

Most fairy tales reveal the theme of the struggle between good and evil. But each author reveals this idea from a new angle. Samuel Marshak in his fairy tale “The Twelve Months” brings to the fore very difficult and at the same time interesting questions:

Is submission part of kindness?

Can a firm and indestructible person be kind?

Can a resigned person increase evil in the world?

(Reading dictionary entries.)

https://pandia.ru/text/80/204/images/image002_153.jpg" width="636" height="148 src=">

Let's return to the ideological questions of the fairy tale and answer: who is the bearer of the listed qualities: kindness, humility, firmness, invincibility, resignation?

(People, heroes, fairy tale characters.)

To answer these questions and understand the ideological originality of the fairy tale (each image of the fairy tale embodies the answer to these questions), I propose to recall the characters in the fairy tale play and characterize them. And we move on to the 3rd stage of analysis - to the images of the work.

(Physical education minute.)

3. Figurative structure.

Let's remember the heroes of the fairy tale.

(Students' answers.)

Let's characterize these heroes. Moreover, we will characterize them in the light of the topic of our lesson (i.e., good or evil is embodied by the image) and using a type of speech such as reasoning. Let us remember what is characteristic of reasoning?

(The argument consists of a thesis and evidence.)

And in order to save time, we organize work in groups: each group will characterize certain heroes.

(Distribution of groups.)

Before the group representative begins to answer, we will watch a plot from a fairy tale and answer questions (for video clips: What would you improve in the performance of the characters in this fragment and what qualities of the characters are manifested in this scene?; for performances: What qualities of the characters are demonstrated in this scene?)

(Video clip)

Group 1 answer:


Irresponsible, self-willed, ungrateful, due to her shortcomings, very lonely, capricious, lazy, arrogant, heartless. (Episodes: does not want to study, the decree is “to execute”, snowdrops in winter, freezing his stepdaughter...)

Group 2 answer:


Smart, patient, self-possessed, timid. (Episodes: agrees with the Queen, is afraid to contradict...)

(Video clip)

Group 3 answer:

Stepmother and Daughter

They were very envious. They treated the Stepdaughter poorly and wished her death; vile, deceitful, greedy, heartless, evil. (Episodes: they send their stepdaughter to the forest, choose a larger basket, tell tall tales in the palace...)


Group 4 answer:

Twelve months

They personify the folk poetic element. The magical and the ordinary are intertwined in these images, making them very bright and memorable. Everything good, humane, and bright is connected with them. (Episodes: helping the stepdaughter, good reviews about her, punishing the stepmother and her daughter...)


Group 5 answer:


Obedient, hardworking, kind, modest, cheerful. Kind, sweet, hard-working, polite, true to her word. (Episodes: communication in the forest, staying true to your word, doing housework...)

4. Summing up.

So, how does S. Marshak solve the problem of the collision of good and evil in a fairy tale?

I think this question will help you: why does the Professor explain to the Queen that the laws of nature cannot be broken, but for the Stepdaughter, the month brothers still break these laws?

(The stepdaughter defeats the uncontrollable laws of nature, since she is able to live according to the laws of goodness, in harmony with both people and nature, which in response reveals to her all its beauty, its secret.)

- Analysis of the images of the fairy tale, its artistic features helped us understand its main idea.

- I suggest you independently formulate your understanding of the idea of ​​a fairy tale play: how good and inhuman heroes are related in it, what conclusions we come to when considering good and evil in a fairy tale; How has your understanding of categories such as good And evil.

(The entries are in the worksheets. Read them for everyone.)

The play “Twelve Months,” like the best folk tales, carries important moral ideas, leads the reader and viewer into the world of good, truly human relationships, where there is no place for anger, where nature itself is friends with honest workers.

Good always defeats evil, the forces of nature help only kind and hardworking people.

Give yourself an assessment of how you evaluate yourself based on the results of your work in class.

I will give you final grades after I analyze your self-assessments and work in class.

5. D/z. A comment.

Write a discussion on the topic: “Good and evil in my life.” (Comment on d/z options.)

I would like to end our lesson with a small lyrical sketch. You and I have worked hard and, like in a fairy tale, we also have our own basket of snowdrops in the middle of winter:

A flower of spring coming towards us through the snow -

simple flower

But how much does he carry?

Goodness and joy and happiness to man.

Only through work and patience, kindness and warmth can miracles happen, from which life becomes brighter and kinder!

Annex 1


Act 2. Scene 1. (fragment)

January (in a low voice). I recognized her immediately as soon as I saw her. And she was wearing the same scarf, with holes, and the thin boots that she had been wearing during the day. We, the winter months, know her well. Either you will meet her at an ice hole with buckets, or in the forest with a bundle of firewood. And she is always cheerful, friendly, goes along and sings. And now I’m depressed.

June. And we, the summer months, know it no worse.

July. How not to know! The sun hasn’t even risen yet, she’s already on her knees near the garden bed – flying, tying it up, picking off caterpillars. When he comes to the forest, he won’t break the branches in vain. He will take a ripe berry and leave a green one on the bush: let it ripen.

November. I have watered it with rain more than once. It’s a pity, but there’s nothing you can do – that’s why I’m in the autumn month!

February. Oh, and she saw little good from me. I blew through it with the wind and chilled it with the cold. She knows the month of February, but February also knows her. It’s not a pity to give someone like her the gift of spring for an hour in the middle of winter.

April. Why only for an hour? I wouldn't part with her forever.

September. Yes, she’s a good girl!.. You won’t find a better housewife anywhere.

April. Well, if you all like her, then I’ll give her my wedding ring!

December. Well, give it. Your business is young!

Appendix 2


Act 1. Scene 3. (fragment)

Old woman. Is it blowing outside?
Stepdaughter. It sweeps so hard that you can’t see either the earth or the sky. It's like walking on clouds. I barely made it home. Old woman. That's why it's winter, so that there's a blizzard. Stepdaughter. No, there hasn’t been such a blizzard in a whole year and there never will be.
Daughter. How do you know that it won’t happen? Stepdaughter. But today is the last day of the year! Daughter. Look how! Apparently you're not very cold if you're asking riddles. Well, are you rested and warmed up? You still need to run somewhere else.
Stepdaughter. Where is this, far away?
Old woman. Not that close, not even close.
Daughter. In the forest!
Stepdaughter. In the forest? For what? I brought a lot of brushwood, enough for a week.
Daughter. Not for brushwood, but for snowdrops!
Stepdaughter (laughing). Except for the snowdrops - in such a blizzard! But I didn’t immediately understand that you were joking. I was scared. Nowadays, the abyss is no wonder - it keeps circling and knocking you down.
Daughter. I'm not kidding. Haven't you heard about the decree?
Stepdaughter. No.
Daughter. You don’t hear anything, you don’t know anything! People are talking about it all over the city. The queen will give the one who collects snowdrops a whole basket of gold, a fur coat on a gray fox, and will allow him to ride in his sleigh.
Stepdaughter. What are the snowdrops like now - it’s Winter...
Old woman. In the spring, people pay for snowdrops not in gold, but in copper!
Daughter. Well, what’s there to talk about! Here's your basket.
Stepdaughter (looks out the window). It's getting dark... Old woman. If you had spent even more time looking for brushwood, it would have gotten completely dark.
Stepdaughter. Maybe we should go tomorrow morning? I'll get up early, it's just dawn.
Daughter. I also came up with this idea - in the morning! What if you don’t find flowers before evening? So they will wait for you and me in the palace. After all, flowers are needed for the holiday.
Stepdaughter. I’ve never heard of flowers growing in the forest in winter... But can you really see anything in such darkness?
Daughter (chewing a pie). And you lean lower and look better.
Stepdaughter. I won't go!
Daughter. How is it that you won’t go?
Stepdaughter. Don't you feel sorry for me at all? I won't be able to return from the forest.
Daughter. So, should I go into the forest instead of you?
Stepdaughter (lowering her head). But it’s not me who needs gold.
Old woman. It's clear, you don't need anything. You have everything, and what you don’t have, your stepmother and sister will have it!
Daughter. She is rich and refuses a whole basket of gold. Well, are you going or not? Answer directly - won't you go? Where's my fur coat? (With tears in his voice). Let her warm herself here by the stove, eat pies, and I’ll walk through the forest until midnight, get stuck in the snowdrifts... (He rips his fur coat off the hook and runs to the door.)
Old woman (grabs her by the floor). Where are you going? Who allowed you? Sit down, stupid! (To the stepdaughter.) And you put a scarf on your head, a basket in your hands and go. Look at me: if I find out that you’ve been staying with the neighbors somewhere, I won’t let you into the house—freeze in the yard!
Daughter. Go and don't come back without snowdrops!
The stepdaughter wraps herself in a scarf, takes the basket and leaves. Silence.
Old woman (looking at the door). And she didn’t properly slam the door behind her. It blows like that! Close the door well, daughter, and get ready for the table. It's time for dinner.