Geophysical Observatory. History of the development of the main geophysical observatory named after. A.I.Voeykova. Creation and establishment of the observatory


Main Geophysical Observatory named after. A.I. Voeikova (GGO)- the oldest meteorological institution in Russia. The history of the Observatory is inextricably linked with the history of Russian meteorology; many scientific directions that initially arose within its walls were developed in subsequent years in other scientific organizations in Russia.

Emperor Nicholas I

The initiator of the creation and the first director of the GFO was academician Adolf Yakovlevich Kupfer– a versatile physicist whose scientific interests were extremely broad. By the time the GFO was founded, observations of meteorological and magnetic phenomena had received great development in Russia thanks to the efforts of the Academy of Sciences, the Mining Department and individual enthusiastic scientists. With the founding of the GFO, a qualitatively new stage began in the development of Russian meteorology, the most important direction of which was the creation of meteorological observatories for individual regions and the subordination of geophysical observations to a single state center.

The GFO was established at the Institute of the Corps of Mining Engineers and was located in a building specially built for it on the 23rd line of Vasilievsky Island, 2a.

The first building of the GFO Decree on the creation of the GFO

Initially, the GFO staff consisted of 7 employees: a director, a caretaker, two senior and three junior supervisors. The director of the State Observatory was instructed to carry out “supervision over all magnetic and meteorological institutions that have been established or will be established in the future by other departments to the extent that these departments wish.” The functions of the State Observatory included the development of instruments and the preparation of instructions for conducting observations, supplying stations with instruments, processing and publishing observation materials, inspecting stations and calibrating instruments. A year after its founding, the GFO began publishing the “Meteorological Review of Russia,” containing observational data on the daily weather conditions in various points of the country.

GFO staff

With appointment in 1868 to the post of director G.I. Wilda The next stage in the activities of the GFO and the development of meteorological observations began.

A number of important transformations were carried out in the GFO and in the meteorological network of Russia, as a result of which uniform observation periods were introduced at stations, the metric system of measures was introduced, and temperature began to be measured in degrees Celsius. New meteorological stations were opened, their systematic inspection was organized, and new instructions for making observations were prepared.

In 1872, the GFO began publishing a meteorological bulletin and compiling a daily synoptic map of Europe and Siberia, initially receiving telegraph weather reports from 26 Russian and 2 foreign stations. Over time, this network grew rapidly. In 1888, the daily bulletin already used 108 Russian and 62 foreign stations. In the same year, the observatory also received observational data from 386 meteorological and 602 rain gauge stations.

Academician G.I. Wild

Experimental studies of the atmosphere developed mainly in the suburban Pavlovsk (Konstantinovskaya) magnetic meteorological observatory established in 1878 at the State Observatory.

On the territory of the observatory, special pavilions for magnetic measurements, meteorological booths and rooms for geophysical and astronomical observations were equipped. In 1892 at the Pavlovsk Observatory under the leadership of O.D. Khvolson, regular actinometric observations began, and in 1896, the first studies of the high layers of the atmosphere using balloons. In 1902, a kite department was organized at the Pavlovsk Observatory to study the surface layer of the atmosphere using instruments raised on kites. In 1914, under the leadership of V.N. Obolensky began regular observations of atmospheric electricity.

magnetic meteorological observatory

The observational materials collected and published by the observatory contributed to the development of climatological research; they were widely used in their works by G.I. Wild and A.I. Voeikov. For its 50th anniversary, the GFO prepared a “Climatic Atlas of the Russian Empire.”

The State Observatory took an active part in the establishment and development of international cooperation in the field of meteorology. Director of the State Federal Observatory, Academician G.I. Wild was one of the initiators and organizers of the International Meteorological Conference in Leipzig (1872) and the First Meteorological Congress in Vienna (1873). At the Second International Meteorological Congress, he was elected president of the International Meteorological Organization, which he headed until his retirement as director of the GFO in 1896. The GFO took an active part in organizing the First International Polar Year (1882-1883); the president of the commission for conducting this international scientific program was G.I. Wild.

Climatic atlas of the Russian Empire

The First World War left its mark on the activities of the GFO. The number of operating stations has decreased sharply. The Main Military Meteorological Directorate was created at the State Observatory to serve the active army and navy. The production of domestic meteorological instruments was organized in the GFO workshops.

Soon after the October Revolution (1917), the GFO was transferred to the authority of the People's Commissariat of Education, while it continued to perform the functions of management and control over the work of the service. In 1924, the GFO was renamed the Main Geophysical Observatory (GGO). From its founding until the formation of the Hydrometeorological Committee of the USSR in 1929, the GGO served as the governing body of the Hydrometeorological Service of Russia.

Academician B.B. Golitsyn

Academician Alexey Nikolaevich Krylov(1863-1945) - mathematician, specialist in mechanics, major shipbuilder. He served as director of the GFO in 1917.

The Hydrometeorological Committee of the USSR united all hydrometeorological services operating in the country. The MGO has become the central scientific and scientific-methodological institution on meteorological issues. As the regional centers for hydrometeorology strengthened, the functions of direct management of the stations passed to the latter, but the MGO always retained the general methodological management of the entire network of stations in the country.

Since the late 20s, synoptic meteorology, including methods of long-term forecasts, has been actively developed at the MGO. Synoptic forecast method developed by B.P. Multanovsky, was used in the operational weather service starting in 1922.

Friedman predicted the expansion of the Universe. The first non-stationary solutions of Einstein's equations obtained by him in 1922-1924 while studying relativistic models of the Universe laid the foundation for the development of the theory of the non-stationary Universe.

A.A. Friedman

Meteorograph Radiosonde

In 1944, by decision of the Government, in order to restore the experimental base of the GGO (instead of the Pavlovsk Observatory destroyed during the war), the village of Seltsy was transferred to the GGO, renamed in 1949 to the village of Voeykovo.

The scientific analysis and synthesis of data carried out at the MGO for a 70-80 year period made it possible in 1964-1970. prepare a “Handbook on the USSR Climate”, widely used in long-term planning, construction design, national standardization and regulation.

A.N. Lebedev E.S. Rubinstein

Climate reference books

In the mid-1960s, at the MGO, under the leadership M.E. Berlyanda Research began on atmospheric diffusion and air pollution. Methods have been developed to calculate and disperse contaminants and control the spread of harmful ingredients near industrial plants and in cities. Conducted in 1960 – 1970 under the direction of L.S. Gandina Work on the study of the statistical structure of meteorological fields has found wide application in problems of optimal construction of a meteorological network and in the creation of an objective analysis method for the purposes of numerical weather forecast.

During these same years, the MGO developed automatic meteorological airfield stations KRAMS and automated radars MRL-1, MRL-2 for meteorological services for aviation.

In the difficult economic conditions of the 90s, a number of fundamental studies and experimental work were significantly curtailed. At the same time, the GGO continues to be the leading scientific institution in Russia in the field of climate modeling, the development of hydrodynamic long-term weather forecasts and computational methods of atmospheric pollution, applied climatology, physics of clouds and active influences, etc. Most of these studies are carried out within the framework of a unified scientific program of the Hydrometeorological Service of Russia and through business cooperation with consumers of meteorological products.

A number of studies, predominantly of a fundamental nature, are carried out within the framework of targeted programs of the Ministry of Science and Technology and through international cooperation with scientific organizations of other countries. GGO scientists maintain close scientific contacts with their colleagues from the Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as with foreign countries.

Head of the Department of Atmospheric Air Protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia S.V. Markin

The MGO reviewed the materials you sent on the “Computer information system for computational monitoring of air pollution “ECOLOGIST - CITY”.

The "ECOLOG - CITY" system is built on a modular principle from software tools, each of which can be operated either independently or as an element of the system in its two configurations, aimed at solving problems of atmosphere protection at two levels of information generalization: at the enterprise level and at city ​​(industrial region) level.

The system allows you to create, maintain and update a data bank on emissions of harmful substances and air protection in the city.

Data handling is facilitated by the property of the system that it allows you to very simply, at the level of transferring information on computer media, include enterprise databases prepared in various organizations into such banks.

A significant advantage of the system is the unified principle of construction and operation of its individual modules, which makes the system open to addition with new calculation and information blocks. For example, it is possible to connect the calculation of average annual concentrations; a database on the concentrations of harmful substances in the atmospheric air, measured on the OGSNA network, etc.

With the help of the "ECOLOG - CITY" system it is possible to solve a number of problems of atmospheric air protection; quick diagnosis of air pollution by a wide range of substances, forecast of its changes in the event of the implementation of urban planning, environmental and other measures, determination of the calculated background for individual enterprises, etc.

The software included in the system implements the regulatory and methodological documents in force in the country and developed with the direct participation of the State Public Administration. They have passed the testing and approval required by these documents. The regulatory security of the system allows you to use the results of its application when making appropriate decisions.

Since 1991, the main elements of the system have been used in the MGO to carry out scientific and methodological studies aimed at improving methods for assessing the dispersion and transfer of impurities entering the atmosphere of cities and regions from various types of sources. Along with this, to date, certain practical experience has been accumulated in the use of individual blocks of the "ECOLOG-CITY" system in consolidated calculations of air pollution and the compilation of consolidated volumes "Atmospheric protection and maximum permissible limits" for the cities: Pskov, Volgodonsk, Elista, Bratsk, Voronezh, Gatchina, and etc.

In this regard, the Observatory is ready, on a contractual basis, to continue cooperation with developers on the further development of the system, the widespread implementation of which will help improve the efficiency of environmental protection activities in cities and regions of Russia, carried out by regional services of the Ministry of Natural Resources and local authorities in terms of assessing air pollution during the examination of urban planning decisions , pre-project and design documentation for the construction and reconstruction of enterprises, draft MPE standards, etc.

Along with the implementation of the "ECOLOG - CITY" system on the territory of the Russian Federation, in our opinion, it would be advisable to use the above-mentioned cities, where the necessary basis for the effective implementation of the system has already been created, as bases for its further improvement, taking into account the tasks facing the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources RF.


On approval of the Charter of the state institution "Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikov"

I order:

To approve the attached Charter of the state institution "Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikov" of the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring.

Head of Roshydromet

Charter of the state institution "Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikov" of the Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring

by order of Roshydromet
dated March 14, 2002 N 54

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikov is a non-profit organization. Organizational and legal form - state institution. The founder is the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet).

The state institution Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikov, hereinafter referred to as the “Institution”, brings together scientists and specialists for the purpose of conducting scientific research, design development and ensuring operational and production activities in the interests of Roshydromet.

1.2. The institution was created in 1849 by Decree of Emperor Nicholas I, and until 1924 it was called the Main Physical Observatory.

1.3. The institution in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, orders, instructions and other regulatory documents of Roshydromet, as well as this Charter.

1.4. The institution is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, budget, settlement, currency and other bank accounts, a seal with its full name, stamps, as well as letterheads, and other written attributes.

Has its own name (full and abbreviated):

- in Russian: state institution Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikov (GU GGO) of the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;

- in English: state institute Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory (SI MGO) of the Federal Service of Russia for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring (ROSHYDROMET).

1.5. Location of the Institution: 194021, St. Petersburg, Karbysheva St., building 7.

1.6. The Institution includes:

- branch - Research Center for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (SRC DZA), located in the village. Voeykovo, Leningrad region, acting on the basis of regulations approved by the director of the Institution;

- a field experimental base located in the village of Voeykovo, with an experimental site located in the village of Turgosh, Leningrad region.

1.7. An institution acquires legal capacity from the moment of its state registration and terminates this right at the time of completion of liquidation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.8. From the moment of state registration of this Charter, the Charter of the Institution, approved by the head of Roshydromet on November 25, 1997, becomes invalid.

2. Subject and goals of the institution’s activities

2.1. The subject of the Institution’s activities is scientific research and development in the field of:

- general and applied climatology, climate theory, long-term weather forecast, physics of clouds and active influences on atmospheric processes, monitoring of the state and pollution of the atmosphere and the chemical composition of precipitation;

- methodology for the construction and operation of meteorological observation networks and networks for monitoring the state and pollution of the atmosphere and the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation, development of methods, instruments, measurement and information systems, information technologies, metrological support, standardization and certification in the field of meteorology and monitoring of the state and pollution of the atmosphere and chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation, as well as meteorological support for aviation;

- assessing the effectiveness of using hydrometeorological information in sectors of the economy, including the effectiveness of active influences on hydrometeorological and other geophysical processes.

2.2. The institution is a research, coordination and methodological center of Roshydromet for the management of:

- meteorological, actinometric, heat balance, aviation meteorological, meteorological radar, ozonometric, ship meteorological observations and observations of atmospheric electricity, the chemical composition of precipitation, air pollution and the background state of the atmosphere for a number of ingredients (hereinafter referred to as the assigned types of observations);

- work in the field of general and applied climatology.

2.3. The institution carries out state supervision over the work on artificial regulation of precipitation when extinguishing forest fires and regulation of electrical activity of the atmosphere on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents issued and approved in the prescribed manner by Roshydromet.

2.4. The institution performs the following functions:

- World Solar Radiation Data Center, including collection, processing, control and archiving of observation results, as well as publication, distribution of bulletins and provision of information to users in electronic form;

- International Regional Center for Calibration of Filter Ozonometers, technical support for observations of the total content of ozone and ultraviolet radiation on the Roshydromet network;

- International Data Center for Atmospheric Electricity.

- an industry information and analytical center for monitoring air pollution and a regional laboratory for the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation.

2.5. The institution is the base organization of Roshydromet and the Interstate Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States for Hydrometeorology in the field of metrological support, standardization and certification of methods and instruments of measurement and information systems for assigned types of observations.

2.6. The goals of the Institution are:

in the field of scientific research:

2.6.1. Development of scientific and methodological foundations for the construction, operation and technical equipment of the state observation network of Roshydromet (for assigned types of observations) and a unified state system for monitoring the condition and pollution of atmospheric air and the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation;

2.6.2. Development and improvement of hydrodynamic and statistical methods for long-term and ultra-long-term meteorological forecasts;

2.6.3. Development and improvement of physical and mathematical models of the climate system and assessment of global and regional climate changes under the influence of natural factors and anthropogenic influences;

2.6.4. Development of methods for diagnosis, forecast and assessment of the impact on climate of changes in the content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, including ozone;

2.6.5. Study of extreme climatic phenomena on a global and regional scale, assessment of climatic resources and their impact on the economic activities of economic sectors, development of methods for calculating climatic characteristics, preparation of state standards and other regulatory documents on climate, as well as regime and reference manuals;

2.6.6. Development and improvement of physical and mathematical models of atmospheric diffusion, methods for computational monitoring and forecasting of atmospheric air pollution, scientific foundations and regulatory documents for the examination of models, methods, software products, as well as the results of calculations of atmospheric pollution when assessing the impact on the natural environment;

2.6.7. Physico-mathematical modeling of cloud and sediment formation processes in natural conditions and under active influences, conducting laboratory and field experiments, theoretical and experimental studies of electrical processes in the atmosphere;

2.6.8. Creation of physical foundations and practical methods of active influence on hydrometeorological and other geophysical processes carried out with the aim of preventing urban formation, increasing or decreasing precipitation, dispersing clouds and fogs, changing the optical properties of the atmosphere, regulating the electrical activity of the atmosphere, generally improving weather conditions, preventing frost on the surface soil;

2.6.9. Study of the transfer of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere - underlying surface system in a wide spectral range, development of remote methods for measuring the radiation and radiophysical characteristics of the atmosphere and the earth's surface, including based on sub-satellite experiments;

2.6.10. Development of methods for obtaining geophysical information based on the use of radar, radio-thermal, laser and radio-acoustic equipment to study the meteorological and radiophysical characteristics of the atmosphere, determine the polluting components of the atmosphere, study the structure and dynamics of cloud development;

2.6.11. Theoretical and experimental research on the creation of methods and measuring instruments and measurement and information systems for assigned types of observations;

2.6.12. Ensuring the methodological unity of observation systems, processing, presentation and storage of data, assessments and quality control, completeness, reliability and comparability of information, development and improvement of methods of observation, analysis, control, generalization and presentation of data on assigned types of observations;

2.6.13. Improving technologies for processing regime data and maintaining data banks “Actinometry”, “Actinometry. World Network”, “Atmospheric pollution in cities and industrial centers”, “Heat balance”, “Atmospheric turbidity”, “Chemical composition of precipitation”, “MRL Network” - storm warning", "Atmospheric electricity";

2.6.14. Development of economic and mathematical models and methodological documents for assessing the economic effect of using hydrometeorological information and information on air pollution in economic activities and determining the cost of hydrometeorological products; development of methodological documents for assessing the effectiveness of using hydrometeorological information and data on environmental pollution in sectors of the economy and other economic activities;

in the field of scientific and technical activities:

2.6.15. Carrying out scientific and methodological management of institutions and organizations of Roshydromet on the types of observations assigned to the Institution, including in terms of technical equipment with new methods and measuring instruments, measurement and information systems, including management of work on applied climatology, operational forecasting and calculated estimates of air pollution. Ensuring control over compliance with the requirements of governing documents;

2.6.16. Participation in the prescribed manner in acceptance, metrological, accreditation, certification tests, technical support and maintenance of methods and technical means of measurement, measurement and information systems for assigned types of observations. Conducting an examination of their regulatory and technical documentation. Registration of certificates of fitness in accordance with the established procedure. Participation in accreditation for work in the field of monitoring air pollution;

2.6.17. Development of scientific and methodological foundations for metrological support, standardization and regulatory framework for assigned types of observations, development of methods and technical means to ensure the uniformity of measurements;

2.6.18. Conducting, in accordance with the established procedure, hydrometeorological examination of construction projects and territory development, work on the calculation and justification of hydrometeorological characteristics for construction design;

in the field of operational and production activities:

2.6.19. Metrological support and control of measurements for assigned types of observations, carrying out work to maintain the metrological characteristics of working standards in order to ensure the uniformity of measurements for types of observations assigned to the Institution, storage and transmission of relevant units of measurement to the Roshydromet network;

2.6.20. Collection, recording, automated processing, control, use and ensuring safety in the Institution of data on assigned types of observations;

2.6.21. Formation, maintenance and operation of regime-reference data banks and the state fund of regime hydrometeorological information and information on environmental pollution on actinometry, heat balance, background atmospheric monitoring, air pollution in cities and industrial centers, chemical composition of precipitation, atmospheric electricity, atmospheric turbidity , MRL networks - storm warning;

2.6.22. Formation in accordance with the regulatory documents of the State Fund of data on air pollution in cities and industrial centers, the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation, atmospheric turbidity, actinometry, heat balance, atmospheric electricity, MRL network - storm warnings, preparation and transfer of the listed types on technical media to VNIIGMI-MCD ; carrying out activities to form a Unified State Data Fund on the state of the natural environment and its pollution; support in the UGMS (CGMS) of data processing technologies developed in the Institution;

2.6.23. Transfer of observation data on greenhouse gases, total ozone content, chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation, atmospheric turbidity to the World Data Centers of the Global Atmosphere Watch;

2.6.24. Preparation of long-term and ultra-long-term weather forecasts according to the instructions of Roshydromet;

2.6.25. Conducting standard and special meteorological observations of atmospheric processes and phenomena at the field experimental base in the village of Voeykovo, the Turgosh experimental site and expeditions.

3. Rights and obligations of the institution

3.1. The institution has the right:

3.1.1. Independently plan current and future activities to fulfill tasks established by Roshydromet, federal and regional scientific, technical and investment programs, agreements with institutions, organizations and enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and individuals;

3.1.2. Establish and change the structure, staff and number of employees with the exception of positions in the main and accounting and control nomenclature of Roshydromet, approve and change the staffing and salary schedule;

3.1.3. Carry out comprehensive scientific, technical and social development of the Institution;

3.1.4. Carry out a set of measures for capital construction, including the necessary planning, design, survey and production work;

3.1.5. Use, in agreement with Roshydromet, loans from banks and other institutions to ensure the implementation of plans for research and operational production work;

3.1.6. Carry out joint activities with other organizations within the framework of the statutory activities of the Institution;

3.1.7. To enter, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, into state scientific centers, various associations, associations with other institutions, organizations and enterprises, as well as act as an organizer, co-organizer and sponsor of Russian and international conferences, symposia and other public events at the expense of the Institution’s own funds;

3.1.8. Carry out, along with work financed from the federal budget, within the framework of statutory activities, work under contracts with institutions, organizations and enterprises of various legal forms and individuals;

3.1.9. Carry out payment of labor on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule; independently, within the limits of allocated budgetary allocations and funds under contracts, determine the types and sizes of allowances, additional payments and other incentive payments;

3.1.10. Establish special funds to address social and development issues of the Institution, form and spend economic incentive funds;

3.1.11. Provide bonuses to employees in accordance with the Regulations on Bonuses developed by the Institution;

3.1.12. Carry out international scientific and technical cooperation; conclude licensing agreements, contracts with foreign organizations and exchange of information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and in the manner established by Roshydromet;

3.1.13. To train scientific personnel through postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, competitive studies, and internships;

3.1.14. Carry out certain types of activities classified as licensed in the Russian Federation, on the basis of appropriate licenses issued by authorized bodies;

3.1.15. Prepare for publication of publications in the areas of activity of the Institution;

3.1.16. Carry out publishing activities that do not require licensing;

3.1.17. Carry out business activities only insofar as these activities serve to achieve the goals defined by this Charter and correspond to these goals. The income received from such activities and the property acquired at their expense are at the independent disposal of the Institution and are taken into account by it on a separate balance sheet.

3.2. The institution is obliged to provide:

3.2.1. Priority execution of work according to the instructions of Roshydromet;

3.2.2. Fulfillment of tasks of federal and regional scientific, technical and investment programs, contractual obligations;

3.2.3. Reliability and quality of work performed;

3.2.4. Development and implementation of measures to protect information constituting state secrets in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation within its competence;

3.2.5. Development of experimental and production base;

3.2.6. Acquisition and rational use of material and technical resources for the implementation of the statutory activities of the Institution;

3.2.7. Accounting and reporting in accordance with the established procedure;

3.2.8. Safe working conditions and medical insurance for employees;

3.2.9. Safety of federal property, its timely maintenance;

3.2.10. Notification of Roshydromet on the use of federal property in its contractual activities, represented by both tangible and intangible assets;

3.2.11. Coordination with Roshydromet of the liquidation (reorganization) of structural units created by decisions of higher authorities.

3.3. The institution is responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for improper implementation of concluded contracts and failure to comply with safe working conditions.

3.4. The institution is liable for its obligations with the funds at its disposal; if they are insufficient, the owner of the relevant property bears subsidiary liability for its obligations.

4. Property of the institution. Sources of financing

4.1. The property of the Institution is federal property.

4.2. The property of the Institution consists of fixed assets and working capital, as well as other valuables transferred to it under the right of operational management, carried out in accordance with the goals of its activities, the tasks of the owner and the purpose of the property, the right to own, use and dispose of it within the limits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. The sources of financing for the work of the Institution are:

4.3.1. Federal budget funds allocated by Roshydromet for scientific research and development, operational and production activities and other work in the interests of the industry, acquisition of equipment, repairs and capital construction;

4.3.2. Funds allocated by ministries and departments from the federal budget and other sources for work within the framework of statutory activities under contracts;

4.3.3. Funds allocated by regional and local authorities and other sources for carrying out work within the framework of statutory activities under contracts;

4.3.4. Funds received from the sale of products (works, goods and services) within the framework of statutory activities under contracts with institutions, organizations and enterprises of various organizational and legal forms, as well as individuals;

4.3.5. Funds received under international contracts and from other legal sources.

4.4. The main source of funding for the Institution is funds from the federal budget.

5. Management of the Institution

5.1. The management of the Institution is carried out by the director.

5.2. The director is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of Roshydromet. The hiring and dismissal procedure, as well as the current activities of the director, are regulated by a fixed-term labor contract concluded between the director and Roshydromet.

5.3. The Director is the highest official of the Institution, acting on all issues within his competence on the principles of unity of command.

The Director represents the Institution without a power of attorney in all institutions, organizations and enterprises.

The Director, in accordance with the established procedure, disposes of the property of the Institution, concludes contracts, issues powers of attorney, opens current and other accounts in banks, exercises the right to dispose of financial resources, approves staff, issues orders and instructions that are mandatory for all employees of the Institution.

The Director, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, concludes employment agreements (contracts) with employees of the Institution. The appointment and dismissal of employees assigned to the main nomenclature of Roshydromet is carried out in the manner and under the conditions established by Roshydromet.

The director determines the responsibilities of his deputies and other management employees and approves the regulations on structural divisions.

5.4. The Director is personally responsible for the results of the Institution’s work.

When carrying out work related to the use of information constituting state secrets, the creation of means of protecting information, the director bears personal responsibility for ensuring the secrecy regime, timely development and implementation of the necessary measures to preserve state secrets, provided for by legislation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

5.5. Management of the Institution in the absence of the director is entrusted to his deputy or other authorized person. At the same time, the replacement procedure is also regulated by Roshydromet.

6.1. An Academic Council is created at the Institution, which is one of the management bodies of the scientific and scientific-technical activities of the Institution and operates on the basis of the Regulations on the Academic Council.

6.2. The Director of the Institution heads the Academic Council ex officio.

The procedure for forming the Academic Council is determined by the Regulations on the Academic Council.

The regulations on the Academic Council and the personal composition of the council are approved by the head of Roshydromet.

6.3. The Academic Council of the Institution works on the basis of an approved plan.

7. The workforce of the institution. Labor Relations. Public associations

7.1. The workforce of the Institution consists of all citizens who participate in its activities through personal labor on the basis of an employment agreement (contract).

7.2. The relationship of the labor collective with the director of the Institution, labor protection, social development, disputes are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, this Charter and the collective agreement.

7.3. Relations between the employee and the Institution arising on the basis of an employment agreement (contract) are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

7.4. Employees of the Institution have the right to create and participate in the work of public associations and organizations in the manner regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Control over the activities of the Institution

8.1. Control, inspection and audit of the activities of the Institution are carried out by tax, environmental, antimonopoly and other government bodies in accordance with their powers.

8.2. Roshydromet controls and verifies the activities of the Institution in the prescribed manner.

8.3. The institution is responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the completeness and reliability of information and data on its activities submitted to regulatory and inspection bodies, accounting and statistics bodies of state statistical reporting.

8.4. The institution is obliged to submit to Roshydromet, in order to exercise its powers as a federal executive body, additional data and information about its scientific and economic activities in the manner and under the conditions determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the regulatory documents of Roshydromet.

9. Termination of the activities of the Institution

9.1. Termination of the activities of the Institution can be carried out in the form of its liquidation or reorganization (merger, accession, division, separation, transformation) into another organizational and legal form in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by decision of Roshydromet.

9.2. During the liquidation and reorganization of the Institution, the released employees are guaranteed compliance with their rights in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. The procedure for making changes and additions to the Charter

10.1. Changes and additions are made to the Charter in order to bring the text of the Charter into compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the regulatory documents of Roshydromet and are submitted for consideration in the prescribed manner to the Head of Roshydromet by the director of the Institution.

10.2. Changes and additions made to the Charter are approved by the head of Roshydromet and registered at the place of registration of the Charter in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

This Charter is drawn up in two copies (the 1st copy of the Charter is stored in the Institution, the 2nd - in Roshydromet).

Main Geophysical Observatory named after. A.I. Voeikova (GGO) is the oldest meteorological institution in Russia. GGO is a scientific and methodological centerRoshydromet on the management of meteorological, actinometric, heat balance, aerial meteorological, meteorological radar, ozonometric observations and observations of atmospheric electricity, the chemical composition of precipitation, air pollution and the background state of the atmosphere for a number of ingredients, as well as work in the field of general and applied climatology. Director of the GGO - Kattsov Vladimir Mikhailovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.

The history of the Observatory is inextricably linked with the history of Russian meteorology; many scientific directions that initially arose within its walls were developed in subsequent years in other scientific organizations in Russia.

The Main Physical Observatory (GPO) was created on April 1 (13), 1849 in St. Petersburg by decree of Emperor Nicholas I, which was entrusted with “the production of physical observations and tests in an extensive manner and in general for the study of Russia in physical terms.” The initiator of the creation and the first director of the State Physics Observatory was Academician Adolf Yakovlevich Kupfer, a versatile physicist whose scientific interests were extremely broad. By the time the GFO was founded, observations of meteorological and magnetic phenomena had received great development in Russia thanks to the efforts of the Academy of Sciences, the Mining Department and individual enthusiastic scientists. With the founding of the GFO, a qualitatively new stage began in the development of Russian meteorology, the most important direction of which was the creation of meteorological observatories for individual regions and the subordination of geophysical observations to a single state center. The GFO was established at the Institute of the Corps of Mining Engineers and was located in a building specially built for it on the 23rd line of Vasilievsky Island, 2a. The functions of the State Observatory included the development of instruments and the preparation of instructions for conducting observations, supplying stations with instruments, processing and publishing observation materials, inspecting stations and calibrating instruments. A year after its founding, the GFO began publishing the “Meteorological Review of Russia,” containing observational data on the daily weather conditions in various points of the country.

With the appointment of G.I. Wild to the post of director in 1868, the next stage in the activities of the GFO and the development of meteorological observations began. A number of important transformations were carried out in the GFO and in the meteorological network of Russia, as a result of which uniform observation periods were introduced at stations, the metric system of measures was introduced, and temperature began to be measured in degrees Celsius. New meteorological stations were opened, their systematic inspection was organized, and new instructions for making observations were prepared.

In 1872, the GFO began publishing a meteorological bulletin and compiling a daily synoptic map of Europe and Siberia, initially receiving telegraph weather reports from 26 Russian and 2 foreign stations. Over time, this network grew rapidly. In 1888, the daily bulletin already used 108 Russian and 62 foreign stations. In the same year, the observatory also received observational data from 386 meteorological and 602 rain gauge stations.

Experimental studies of the atmosphere developed mainly in the space created in 1878. at the State Observatory of the suburban Pavlovsk (Konstantinovskaya) magnetic-meteorological observatory. On the territory of the observatory, special pavilions for magnetic measurements, meteorological booths and rooms for geophysical and astronomical observations were equipped. In 1892 at the Pavlovsk Observatory under the direction of O.D. Khvolson began regular actinometric observations, and in 1896 the first studies of the free atmosphere using balloons began. In 1902, a kite department was organized at the Pavlovsk Observatory to study the surface layer of the atmosphere using instruments raised on kites. In 1914, under the leadership of V.N. Obolensky, regular observations of atmospheric electricity began. The observational materials collected and published by the observatory contributed to the development of climatological research; they were widely used in their works by G.I. Wild and A.I. Voeikov. For its 50th anniversary, the GFO prepared a “Climatic Atlas of the Russian Empire.”

The State Observatory took an active part in the establishment and development of international cooperation in the field of meteorology. Director of the State Federal Observatory, Academician G.I. Wild was one of the initiators and organizers of the International Meteorological Conference in Leipzig (1872) and the First Meteorological Congress in Vienna (1873). At the Second International Meteorological Congress, he was elected president of the international meteorological organization, which he headed until his retirement as director of the GFO in 1896. The GFO took an active part in organizing the First International Polar Year (1882-1883); the president of the commission for conducting this international scientific program was G.I. Wild. At the beginning of the twentieth century. At the State Observatory, climate research was significantly expanded, in which the outstanding climatologist A.I. Voeikov began to take part as a scientific consultant. Work on making forecasts of various lead times, as well as work in the field of theoretical and experimental meteorology, developed.

Soon after the October Revolution (1917), the GFO was transferred to the authority of the People's Commissariat of Education, while it continued to perform the functions of management and control over the work of the service. In 1924, the GFO was renamed the Main Geophysical Observatory (GGO). From its founding until the formation of the Hydrometeorological Committee of the USSR in 1929, the GGO served as the governing body of the Hydrometeorological Service of Russia.

The Hydrometeorological Committee of the USSR united all hydrometeorological services operating in the country. The GGO became the central scientific and scientific-methodological institution on meteorological issues. As the regional centers for hydrometeorology strengthened, the functions of direct management of stations passed to the latter, but the GGO always retained general methodological management of the entire network of stations in the country. Since the late 20s, synoptic meteorology, including methods of long-term forecasts, has been actively developed at the MGO. The synoptic forecast method, developed by B.P. Multanovsky, has been used since 1922 in the operational weather service. The Department of Theoretical Geophysics, organized in 1920, carried out a number of fundamental studies on the hydrodynamics of compressible fluids, theoretical models of cyclones, the theory of atmospheric fronts and general atmospheric circulation, and the theory of turbulence. These studies laid a solid foundation for the national school of dynamic meteorology. At the end of the 30s, I.A. Kibel developed a method of short-term weather forecast, which in 1940 was awarded a state prize. During the same period, P.A. Molchanov created snake, probe, and aircraft meteorographs. A significant event was the launch in 1930. the first Soviet radiosonde.

During the Great Patriotic War, the GGO was evacuated to Sverdlovsk. A small group of employees remaining in besieged Leningrad provided operational meteorological services to the front. Since 1942, the GGO was transferred to the building of the Leningrad Institute of Experimental Meteorology (LIEM), formed in 1934, which in December 1941 became part of the GGO. The observatory is still located in the building on Karbysheva Street, 7.

In 1944, by decision of the Government, in order to restore the experimental base of the State Geographical Observatory (instead of the Pavlovsk Observatory destroyed during the war), the village of Seltsy was transferred to the State Geographical Observatory, which was renamed in 1949 to the village of Voeykovo. In 1949, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the MGO, it was named after the outstanding Russian climatologist A.I. Voeikov.

In the post-war years, the work of the State Geophysical Observatory on climate theory, heat and water balance, carried out under the leadership of M.I. Budyko, became widely known and recognized. In 1956 The Atlas of the Heat Balance of the Globe was published, for the preparation of which the authors were awarded the Lenin Prize.

The scientific analysis and synthesis of data carried out at the MGO for a 70-80 year period made it possible in 1964-1970. prepare a “Handbook on the climate of the USSR”, widely used in long-term planning, justification of construction, agricultural and other sectors of the economy.

In the mid-1960s, research on atmospheric diffusion and air pollution began at the MGO under the leadership of M.E. Berlyand. Methods have been developed to calculate and disperse contaminants and control the spread of harmful ingredients near industrial plants and in cities. Conducted in 1960 - 1970 under the leadership of L.S. Gandin, work on the study of the statistical structure of meteorological fields has found wide application in problems of optimal construction of a meteorological network and in the creation of an objective analysis method for the purposes of numerical weather forecast.

During these same years, the MGO developed automatic meteorological airfield stations KRAMS and automated radars MRL-1, MRL-2 for meteorological services for aviation.

In the difficult economic conditions of the 90s, a number of fundamental studies and experimental work were significantly curtailed. At the same time, the GGO continues to be the leading scientific institution in Russia in the field of climate modeling, the development of hydrodynamic long-term weather forecasts and computational methods of atmospheric pollution, applied climatology, physics of clouds and active influences, etc. Most of these studies are carried out within the framework of a unified scientific program of the Hydrometeorological Service of Russia and through business cooperation with consumers of meteorological products. A number of studies, predominantly of a fundamental nature, are carried out within the framework of targeted programs of the Ministry of Science and Technology and through international cooperation with scientific organizations of other countries. GGO scientists maintain close scientific contacts with their colleagues from the Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as with foreign countries.

Among the most recent major achievements of the GGO, it should be noted the creation of: - a global model of the general circulation of the atmosphere, designed to predict climate change and long-term weather forecasts;

  • development of a draft climate doctrine of the Russian Federation and the first Assessment Report on climate change and its consequences on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • modern meteorological measurement and information systems and technologies;
  • new technology for metrological support of automated meteorological complexes and stations (AMK, AMS), based on mobile and stationary automated calibration laboratories such as MAPL-1, SPL-1;
  • small-sized technical means and low-cost technologies for monitoring air pollution and its metrological support;
  • effective technologies for active influence on clouds.

them. A.I. Voeykova (GGO), a central scientific institution where research is carried out in the field of atmospheric physics and climatology. Located in Leningrad. MGO is one of the oldest scientific institutes in the world, founded in 1849 and until 1924 it was called the Main Physical Observatory (GPO). Until 1929 it was the center of the meteorological service. In the 2nd half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, when the work of the observatory was led by academicians A. Ya. Kupfer, L. M. Kemts, K. S. Veselovsky, G. I. Wild, M. A. Rykachev and B. B. Golitsyn, a network of meteorological stations was organized in Russia, observations of solar radiation, atmospheric electricity, and meteorological conditions in the free atmosphere began. At the same time, a weather service was created and a study of the Russian climate was organized. By the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, signed by V.I. Lenin in 1921, the observatory was entrusted with the leadership of the restoration and development of the meteorological service. The MGO carried out extensive research in all main areas of atmospheric science. A. A. Fridman, S. I. Savinov, N. N. Kalitin, P. A. Molchanov, V. N. Obolensky and other scientists worked here.

The MGO conducts research in the field of dynamic meteorology (See Dynamic meteorology), climatology (See Climatology), physics of the air boundary layer and other branches of meteorology (See Meteorology). Along with this, the MGO manages a network of ground-based meteorological stations (See Meteorological station); To carry out experimental work, it has field bases in Voeikovo (near Leningrad) and Karadag (Crimea).

In 1949, in connection with the centenary of the MGO, it was named after the founder of Russian climatology, A.I. Voeikov. The MGO publishes “Proceedings of the Main Geophysical Observatory” (since 1934); There are full-time and part-time postgraduate courses. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1967).

Lit.: Rykachev M. A., Historical sketch of the Main Physical Observatory for 50 years of its activity, St. Petersburg, 1899; Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikov for 50 years of Soviet power, L., 1967; Budyko M.I., Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikov, L., 1969.

M. I. Budyko.

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