Quotes about unrequited love. Statuses, sayings, quotes, aphorisms about unrequited love

On this page you will find quotes about unrequited love, you will definitely need this information for general development.

Yesterday, she unsuccessfully confessed her love via SMS - she forgot to translate the language into Russian ... He called me “fool” in Russian and sent it to three letters. This is the end of our correspondence...

There was a girl on the bus, all in tears because of unrequited love. The little boy looked at her and said, "You're crying because you're fat, right?"

If a fish really wants to drown, it will drown. If a person wants to invent unfortunate unrequited love for himself, he will invent it, even if he has all the trump cards in his hands without exception.

Unrequited love is as different from mutual love as error is from truth. George Sand

Love is a fragile thing, it can be easily broken. Collecting the pieces is more difficult, but you need to continue to live ...

Who among us has not experienced unrequited love at least once in our lives? It brings so much grief and suffering that a lot of books have been written on this topic and thousands of films have been shot ... But this does not make anyone feel better.

In fact, unrequited love is a myth. It's just that there are two people who are indifferent to each other, only one of them has not yet realized this - that's why he suffers ...

There is nothing more stupid than sitting and waiting for the desired phone call, when you don’t know my number, or even my name, or that I even exist in the world ...

O heart! Temple and cemetery of love. Ravil Aleev

L'amour est la sagesse du fou et la deraison du sage. - Love is the wisdom of a fool and the stupidity of a sage. Samuel Johnson

Sometimes an article by a critic we do not like leads to the fact that you begin to love the book criticized by him. Jules Renard

Beautiful words… Clever thoughts… 24/7 online… Just for you… It’s a pity you don’t appreciate…

One morning he will wake up and realize how much he needs me ... and at that moment I will wake up with someone who has already understood this.

Eyes... I need his eyes... - Do you want to rip out his eyes? I want to see them...

A woman wants to see in the eyes of a man the look of a gentleman, a friend and a male. And, according to the proportion of these views, in response, he may be offended, despised, or fall in love at first sight. Ishkhan Gevorgyan

Our sympathy for religious antiquity is not moral, but only artistic; we only admire its feelings without sharing them, just as voluptuous old men admire young girls, not being able to love them. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Motorists are not called womanizers. Gennady Malkin

In Russia, the best government loves the people - ... put

I do not love you. But in you, somewhere deep inside, there is someone completely different. I love him.

I won't cry, I won't worry, I won't bang my head against the wall... I became an insensitive bitch because of you

Out of a hundred thousand people, I can find him even with my eyes closed ... I don’t remember what color his eyes are .. brown .. green .. maybe blue? I just remember that they made me shiver...

In order to enhance the entertainment and effectiveness of football matches, the FIFA Executive Committee has amended the rules of the game. Now a goal scored by an opponent is considered to be a ball scored into any goal - someone else's or one's own. Yuri Tatarkin

What a pity that what has become for me
your existence is gone
my existence for you.

Everything happens in life (Kuch Kuch Hota Hai)

I always dreamed of seeing in her eyes the love that is in mine. And today, finally, I saw her. But she's not for me...

Boris Pasternak. Doctor Zhivago

All grief is that I love you, and you do not love me. I try to find the meaning of this condemnation, interpret, justify, rummage, delve into myself, sort out our whole life and everything that I know about myself, and I don’t see the beginning and I can’t remember what I did and how I brought this misfortune. You look at me somehow wrongly, with unkind eyes, you see me distortedly, as in a distorted mirror.
I love you. Oh, how I love you, if I could only imagine! I love everything special in you, everything profitable and unprofitable, all your ordinary sides, dear in their unusual combination, a face ennobled by inner content, which without this, perhaps, would seem ugly, talent and mind, as if taking the place of a completely absent will. . All this is dear to me, and I do not know a person better than you.
But listen, you know what I'll tell you? Even if you weren't so dear to me, if I didn't like you to such an extent, all the same, the regrettable truth of my coldness would not have been revealed to me, all the same, I would have thought that I loved you. Out of sheer fear of what a humiliating, annihilating punishment dislike is, I would unconsciously beware of realizing that I do not love you. Neither I nor you would ever know. My own heart would hide it from me, because dislike is almost like murder, and I would not be able to strike this blow on anyone.

Five centimeters per second (Byôsoku 5 senchimêtoru)

I had a feeling that at least a little, but I understand why Takaki seemed different from the others, and at the same time, I realized that he would never look at me the way I dream about it. That's why I didn't say anything to him that day. Takaki is very kind, but he is so kind, but only, only, only... His gaze will always be fixed on something far away, something higher than me. I will never be able to give him what he craves. And yet, and yet, I know that tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and always, I will love Takaki, no matter what happens.

Exchange Holiday (The Holiday)

Shakespeare said: "Everything ends with the meeting of lovers." A thought of rare beauty. Personally, I haven't experienced anything similar. But I would very much like to believe that Shakespeare succeeded. In general, I think I think about love more than I should. But it fascinates me that love has the power to turn our lives around. By the way, Shakespeare said another wisdom: "Love is blind." And to this I can subscribe. Someone completely inexplicably love disappears. And someone just loses his love. Well, of course, love can be found (albeit for one night). And there is a completely different kind of love - the most cruel. Such love leaves no hope for its victims. It's unrequited love... In romance novels, people basically fall in love with each other. But what about the rest of us? Who will tell about us, about those who are alone in love? We are victims of a one-sided feeling. We are the curse of the world of loved ones. We are unloved. We are walking patients. We are handicapped without priority parking.

Robert Pattison

One-sided love is the most correct, probably. Don't be afraid that something will go wrong.

Margaret Mitchell. gone With the Wind

Do you think, I don't know, that when you lay in my arms, you imagined that I was Ashley Wilkes? It's a pleasant thing. A bit, though, like playing ghosts. It's as if there were suddenly three people in the bed instead of two. Oh yes, you were true to me because Ashley didn't take you. But damn it, I wouldn't be mad at him if he took over your body. I know how little the body means - especially the body of a woman. But I'm angry with him for taking over your heart and your priceless, cruel, shameless, stubborn soul. And he, this idiot, does not need your soul, I do not need your body. I can buy any woman for cheap. But I want to own your soul and your heart, but they will never be mine, just like Ashley's soul will never be yours. That's why I pity you.

Unrequited love is an emptiness inside... You love him, you want to scream about it... But nothing... Silence in response...

Like a fool, I refresh the page again and again and wait for his message ...

I am ready to give my life for you, but the terrible fact interferes, you are there, and I am here. It hurts to lose a loved one...

I don't want to remember it, feel it, remember it, because it HURTS!

Go away tears, because it is impossible otherwise, smile girl - the proud do not cry. And in spite of the offense, you must laugh, let your heart break from pain! Hide those bitter tears from everyone in the world. You are the mistress of life, not a mimosa bush!

Everyone is sitting on something: someone is on pills, and someone is on feelings. Someone catches up with vodka, and someone with unrequited love.

When you fall in love unrequitedly, you want to ask for forgiveness from all those who were unrequitedly in love with you ...

In my opinion, the best thing is to find someone who will love you for who you are: bad, good, scary, beautiful, kind - as you are. After all, he will still consider you the best of all ... that's who you should be with.

Unrequited love is useful for a poet's notebook: it fills the pages, devastating his soul.

There are such moments .. that you don’t want to live at all ... but you want to cry and cry .. and strongly “LOVE” someone ... !!!

I don't want another to look into your eyes, I don't want another to say I love you! I don't want the other you to say your love, I don't want the other you to give away my dream!

50% of the world's population lives without their soulmate. We are billions! And I'm sitting here and killing myself that I'm the only one unlucky in love.

There are things that cannot be forgiven. There are words that cannot be forgotten. There are moments after which the people closest to you become nothing.

I hate to stumble upon yours online. Because you don't write to me anyway. As if we are near, and you are silent all the time.

Cheating is the meanest trait of a person who does not know how to love.

Are you playing darling? Walk! No one is holding you by the horns...

Shame on those who cheat. Who loves many times in life, who immediately lures the heart, and then refuses!!!

I really want him to accidentally call her by my name, and she exclaimed: "Who is this bitch?!"

I am proud of those who are unrequited in love with me.

When you fall in love unrequitedly, you want to ask forgiveness from all those who were unrequitedly in love with you ...

Do not make a person the meaning of life. Someday he will leave.

When I see him with another, I see how she looks, how to treat him! And I understand that I am 1000000 times better!!!

I will endure everything. And tears, and pain, and your departure to another, and the fact that he returned to me again, I will endure and forgive everything only to you.

"There is no love without pain!" - said the bunny and hugged the hedgehog.

He just uses me, and I, a fool, dream of a happy future with him ...

To leave, to leave this world... To leave from everyone, not to look back... To leave, where there is no evil and grief... To fall asleep only once and not wake up.

I do not believe that I am capable of such feelings. No. Not for love. Such terrible jealousy. To pain. I clench my jaw to a creak in my teeth, just to forget. Dissolving in work... I love, but unrequited!

I fell in love, it's when at every knock you look who came to Asya, and if it's him, you understand that you can't write anything to him.

For a whole month I waited and hoped for a miracle that I would look into your eyes, I would be next to you again. I wanted to feel your breath in silence, and cuddle up to your chest, on a dark night under the moon! Maybe I'm dreaming in vain, and all feelings are nonsense. Maybe just NOT FATE.

Don't love him, but be his love. Don't look for him, he will find you. Don't follow him like others do... If he needs you, he will come to you...

Leave immediately as soon as you realize that you will not be loved, do not waste time on incorporeal adoration - love cannot be begged or deserved, it is given for free or not given at all!

Beautiful words... Clever thoughts... 24/7 online... Just for you... It's a pity that you don't appreciate...

I won't be lost without you, I promise... I love you, but I let you go...

There is silence in the heart, and emptiness in the soul, only fragments of love remained in the dirt. What are you waiting for? Lock your heart and go away! - I can’t, there are still traces of hope!

How hard it is morally, to be familiar with a lot of guys, and to understand that you don’t need anyone. After all, in the heart lives the one who does not need you.

One left - the other will come, it's better, believe me.

I will write you a huge confession of my feelings for you! But I won't send it to you...

Yes... He texts me once a month to see if I'm dead.

I decided to confess my love to the guy and accidentally wrote to him: "z k., k. nt, z", but he did not even try to translate and said: "Before you write, translate the language fool." Sadly...

When we say - "no one needs me", we mean that only one person is not needed, but the most necessary and important in your life!

You will never deceive me again, because you cannot deceive a person who no longer believes in you ...

Darling, tell me the truth, I'll understand how I'll cry later and mentally die.

LOVE - love without deceit. BELIEVE - believe until the end. HATE - say directly. And LAUGH - laugh in the eyes.

I just like it a lot, I just keep quiet about it, I just see it every day and just cry in the evenings.

The more people fall in love with you, the more alone you feel, every day more and more trying to find someone you can love.

I hate to stumble upon yours online. Because you still don't write to me. As if we are near, and you are silent all the time.

Two days ago we kissed for the first time, the day before yesterday we still met, yesterday we broke up with you ... Today you have a "ignore". What will happen tomorrow, dear?

There is nothing more unfair than missing someone without reciprocity...

You know, sometimes you write a message to a person, not with your hands, but with your soul. You press "send" and the heart is a small fraction somewhere in the throat, and then it stops and a stone in the stomach. You don't have enough rights. This user has blacklisted you...

Yes, so what?! I may not be as gorgeous as she is, but I don’t have an icy heart, and my head is not empty, like hers! And this makes me better!

To go with another does not mean to be a stranger. And next to him - does not mean he is native. And without you - does not mean not with you. Loving you doesn't mean you're mine...

Not the one who has seen a lot will understand, but the one who has lost a lot. Forgive not the one who did not offend, but the one who forgave a lot. Anyone who is unable to give way to another will condemn. Jealous only the one in whose veins the blood will never boil...

How sometimes you want to roar, yell, fight, beat, anything and destroy everything around, but there is nothing left but to put on a mask of indifference and continue on your way!!!

Like this, everything can be destroyed in one second. Once, and nothing more. Emptiness...

And we will be happy. Write each other gentle SMS, from which goosebumps, walk holding hands. We will get married, we will definitely have our own house, filled with children's laughter. And you will envy me all your life, meet your ugly woman, and then cry when she leaves ...

Unrequited love - it hurts so much ... It hurts when the person you love, who you need, simply scores on you.

How stupid to look at the phone and wait for you to call... Considering that you don't even know my number...

I don’t know what I will do when I see your eyes ... After all, the heart says: “I love”, and the mind whispers: “I hate”!

Now he is ignoring me... I wonder what he wants to prove by this?

Perhaps you will find better than me, you will find worse than me, but you will never find someone like me!

Out of a hundred thousand people, I can find him even with my eyes closed ... I don’t remember what color his eyes are, brown, green, or maybe blue? I just remember that they made me shiver...

I don't love you anymore, you don't like me anymore, I'll just kill you... and you'll choke on it.

It was not you who betrayed me, it was God who protected me from such a two-faced pig.

They say that it is impossible to live without love, but you know how unbearable it is to live when you love, but without any reciprocity!

But I'm always there, only you don't see me, and then it will be too late when you understand what I mean to you, but I'll just leave.

Unrequited love is when you dream that he sent a message. You wake up, rush to the computer, and there is nothing there.

I can't sleep at night, my heart is always talking about you.

  • There was a girl on the bus, all in tears because of unrequited love. The little boy looked at her and said, "You're crying because you're fat, right?"
  • If a fish really wants to drown, it will drown. If a person wants to invent unfortunate unrequited love for himself, he will invent it, even if he has all the trump cards in his hands without exception.
  • Unrequited love is as different from mutual love as error is from truth. George Sand
  • Love is not unhappy. Love is a feeling that does not require anything in return, which exists in spite of everything, which can work miracles and give hope.
  • Happy love endows a person with wings for flight, and the embrace of unhappy love often turns out to be a completely closed space for a lover. Relations between a man and a woman cool very quickly if they no longer have a perspective.
  • O heart! Temple and cemetery of love. Ravil Aleev
  • L'amour est la sagesse du fou et la deraison du sage. - Love is the wisdom of a fool and the stupidity of a sage. Samuel Johnson
  • Sometimes an article by a critic we do not like leads to the fact that you begin to love the book criticized by him. Jules Renard
  • In order to enhance the entertainment and effectiveness of football matches, the FIFA Executive Committee has amended the rules of the game. Now a goal scored by an opponent is considered to be a ball scored into any goal - someone else's or one's own. Yuri Tatarkin
  • The law of friendship prescribes to love a friend no less, but no more than yourself.
  • Man is a religious animal; the only animal that loves its neighbor as itself, and cuts its throat if it disagrees with it in theological matters. Mark Twain
  • In any dispute, the word "yes" is the most difficult to pronounce. Yuri Tatarkin
  • It's like you need to love a person in order to also pay for it. Igor Karpov
  • The best were led by love for the fatherland, many were driven by the hope of plunder, others hoped to correct their upset state. And good people, and the bad ones - for different reasons, but with equal ardor - thirsted for war.
  • A woman wants to see in the eyes of a man the look of a gentleman, a friend and a male. And, according to the proportion of these views, in response, he may be offended, despised, or fall in love at first sight. Ishkhan Gevorgyan
  • Our sympathy for religious antiquity is not moral, but only artistic; we only admire its feelings without sharing them, just as voluptuous old men admire young girls, not being able to love them. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky
  • Motorists are not called womanizers. Gennady Malkin
  • In Russia, the best government loves the people - ... put
  • I do not love you. But in you, somewhere deep inside, there is someone completely different. I love him.

If a fish really wants to drown, it will drown. If a person wants to invent unfortunate unrequited love for himself, he will invent it, even if he has all the trump cards in his hands without exception.

There is nothing more tenacious than hopeless love. Mutual love might get bored. Passionate love turns into friendship or hatred. But unrequited love will never leave the heart...

Let everyone say that I gave up .... but I did not give up ... just unrequited love is not love ..

In a love triangle, one of the corners is always obtuse.

he left without telling me about it. he will return only in the fall. and I miss you, I cry into my pillow at night. .. and

You are pain and light, peace and fear, you taste the sky on your lips...

Unrequited love... The most powerful feeling... There is nothing worse than loving someone who does not love you...

I sit, look at my boyfriend and understand that we will part soon. I don’t know why. And most importantly, I really don’t want this! Guys, take care of love ...

Love has left me... And there is emptiness in my heart... I will never return to you, there will be no more disputes and conversations... Everything was, but I forgot, I'm not the same!!!

Angels meet, angels call, angels suffer, angels lead, angels know everything, my angels, I fly with an angel, an angel is you ...

She was lying on the ground, she heard his voice, his words, and she so wanted to say in response those 100 phrases that she dreamed of saying to him, but now she is an angel, she whispers those phrases in his ear every night, but sorry.

My soul hurts, and my heart cries, I'm just torn to pieces from the cruelty of this world! I never thought that you would ever leave my life and even more so did not imagine that you would leave life at all !!!

I ate half a watermelon last night. All night I had a dream that I was looking for a toilet in the city. The dream turned out to be a nightmare.

Passed love, Pain in the heart ... In the soul of a mess, How disgusting this world is! Hunt to hide in my corner ... And continue to say that everything is ok :)

And dedicate all your lines to him. But he will never read what that girl loved for, what she suffered for, he will not understand ...

I like it... and who the hell will guess who this is for!

When two people part, the phrase "Let's remain friends" sounds like a control shot in the heart of one of them ...

Your eyes are my need. Your hands are my need.. Your lips are my need... You are my meaning.

I closed the door to my heart and wrote: “There is no entrance!” But Love came and I just said: "I can't read..."

And I know the difference between unrequited love and unrequited love. Because unrequited, when only one loves, and undivided, some circumstances prevent you from loving.

Unrequited love. - I can't live without it!

Unrequited love is as different from mutual love as error is from truth.

Oh, everyone has spring, everyone has love, everyone has buddies, friends, blood hopes, but I just sit here bored, I'm dying here without You .. Well, it's hard for me to understand myself ... And I just want to run away ...

One sleepless night and much becomes clear. Unrequited love. Thoughts aloud: Unrequited love is not pleasant enough. I know. But, we are the creators of our own destiny. And I was also convinced of this.

Someday we will meet in a noisy city, I will pass by you and not say hello, from the crowd you shout “I love you!”, And I will answer that your train has left, kiss the rails dear ...

And dedicate all your lines to him. But he will never read what that girl loved for, what she suffered for, he will not understand ...

…I turned off my mobile phone. But before that, I erased "My Love". She wrote a new name: "Do not pick up the phone." Can you explain what disappointment is? Frustration happens in the head. When the heart still remembers the words, eyes, hands. And the mind already understands: a lie ....

Unrequited love has a taste of tobacco.

Once, in response to my words that I was “tired of being disappointed in people,” one smart person told me: “you don’t need to be fascinated by them from the very beginning ...”

Unrequited love can be called a strong emotional craving, attraction, desire to be with someone, etc., which did not receive a response.

I don't yell that I'm the f*ckest, but I'm one of them! I don't have the figure of a model, but not nearly worse! My girlfriend is not a sex bomb, but she will give odds to many beautiful nipples! I love myself more than anyone and consider myself priceless, because I didn’t name myself a price!

Statuses, sayings, quotes, aphorisms about unrequited love