Second conditional exercises. Conditional sentences of type II. Exercises. Conditionals. Exercises for the first, second and third condition (repetition) Conditioning exercise

In our lives, not everything and not always happens the way we want it. Sometimes, in order for the desired to happen, it is necessary to fulfill a certain condition or wait until it is fulfilled. In English, sentences containing a condition and a result are constructed according to certain rules. This is what we will talk about in this lesson.

Lesson: Conditional sentences type 0 and 1

There are four types of conditional sentences in English. They are numbered in a special way - zero type, first type, second type and third type. In this lesson we will look at types 0 and 1.

Conditional sentences type 0 are used when we talk about always true truths or laws of nature, that is, about a condition that is always fulfilled.

If + Present Simple, Present simple.


If you heat metal, it melts.

Type 1 conditional sentences are used when we talk about a real fact that may well happen in the present or in the future.

Such sentences are formed as follows:

If + present tense, future tense/imperative/modal verb+bare infinitive.

If he leaves early, he will be on time for the meeting.

If you are tired, go to bed.

If you have finished your homework, you can go for a walk.

Parts of a sentence can be interchanged, but a comma will not be placed before the conjunction.

If he leaves early, he will be on time for the meeting.

He will be on time for the meeting if he leaves early.

Be careful! As you may have already noticed, in conditional sentences, the future tense is not used in the conditional part after the conjunction (if/ when, etc).

This rule has a number of exceptions. Consider examples:

If you will fill in the form, I' ll process your application. ( Polite request)

If you will not stop shouting, you will have to leave. (Urgentrecommendation)

I don't know if I will pass my driving test. ( Uncertainty)

If I should see her I' ll ask her ( Unlikelyevents)

Connect the parts of the sentences in columns A and B according to their meaning.

1. Leave milk out of the refrigerator.

A. You get five.

2. Put wood in water.

B. It falls on the ground.

3. Throw a ball up into the air.

C. You get purple.

4. Mix red and blue.

5. Add two and three.

Test yourself:

1. Afanasyeva O.V., Dooley D., Mikheeva I.V. English language (basic level). - Enlightenment, 2012.

2. Biboletova M.Z., Babushis E.E., Snezhko N.D. English language (basic level). - Title, 2009.

3. Kaufman K.I., Kaufman M.Yu. English language (basic level). - Title, 2010.

4. Golitsynsky Yu.B., Grammar. Collection of exercises. - Karo, 2011.

1.S. 106 exercise 2Afanasyeva O.V., Dooley D., Mikheeva I.V. English language (basic level). - Enlightenment, 2012.

ex. 472 Golitsynsky Yu.B., Grammar. Collection of exercises. - Karo, 2011.

2.Open the brackets by putting the verb in the correct tense:

1) If Peter (do) lots of exercise, he’ll be fit and healthy.

2) Please call me if you (need) any help.

3) Sarah (be) angry if we don’t go to the party?

4) Cathy will be able to go on holiday if she (save) enough money.

5) Unless it (rain), we’ll go for a walk.

6) If you (work) hard, you may be promoted.

7) You (give) me a call if you have time tomorrow?

8) If you don’t do your homework, I (not / let) you watch TV.

10) If he (arrive) on time, we’ll have dinner before we go out.

3*.Control 475 Golitsynsky Yu.B., Grammar. Collection of exercises, Karo, 2011

For example. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.

If you are free, I shall come to see you.

If you were free, I should come to see you.

If you had been free, I should have come to see you.

If I (to see) her, I (to be) glad.

If I see her, I shall be glad.

If I saw her, I should be glad.

If I had seen her, I should have been glad.

1. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone. 2. If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad. 3. If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party. 4. If we (to receive) a telegram from him, we (not to worry). 5. If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) the exam. 6. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Gallery every year. 7. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic. 8. If I (to live) near a wood, I (to gather) a lot of mushrooms. 9. If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV together. 10. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.

Answers: 1.1)If you are busy, I shall leave you alone. 2) If you were busy, I should leave you alone. 3)If you had been busy, I should have left you alone. 2. 1) If my friend comes to see me, I shall be very glad. - If a friend comes, I will be glad. 2) If my friend came to see me, I should be very glad. - If a friend came, I would be glad. (dream) 3) If my friend had to come to see me, I should have been very glad. — If a friend had come (but he didn’t), I would have been glad. (regret) 3. 1) If mother buys a cake, we shall have a very nice tea party. 2) If mother bought a cake, we should have a very nice tea party. 3) If mother had bought a cake, we should have had a very nice tea party. 4. 1) If we receive a telegram from him, we shall not worry. 2) If we received a telegram from him, we should not worry. 3)If we had received a telegram from him, we should not have worried. 5. 1)If you don’t work systematically, you will fail the exam. 2) If you did not work systematically, you would fail the exam. 3)If you had not worked systematically, you would have failed the exam. 6. 1)If I live in Moscow, I shall visit the Tretyakov Gallery every year. 2) If I lived in Moscow, I should visit the Tretyakov Gallery every year. 3) If I had lived in Moscow, I should have visited the Tretyakov Gallery every year. 7. 1) If I get a ticket, I shall go to the Philharmonic. 2) If I got a ticket, I should go to the Philharmonic. 3) If I had got a ticket, I should have gone to the Philharmonic. 8. 1) If I live near a wood, I shall gather a lot of mushrooms. 2) If I lived near a wood, I should gather a lot of mushrooms. 3) If I had lived near a wood, I should have gathered a lot of mushrooms. 9. 1) If my father returns early, we shall watch TV together. 2) If my father returned early, we should watch TV together. 3) If my father had returned early, we should have watched TV together. 10. 1) If she knows English, she will try to enter the university. 2) If she knew English, she would try to enter the university. 3) If she had known English, she would have tried to enter the university.

Exercise 2. Rewrite each of the following sentences twice, forming sentences of an unreal condition: a) relating to the present or future (II type); b) related to the past (III type).

1. If I am not too busy, I shall go to the concert. 2. They will all be surprised if I make such a mistake. 3. If he doesn’t come in time, shall we have to wait for him? 4. If no one comes to help, we shall be. obliged to do the work ourselves. 5. If you put on your glasses, you will see better. 6. What shall we do if they are late? 7. Will you be very angry if we don’t come? 8. Will he be very displeased if I don’t ring him up?

Answers: 1.1) I were not too busy, I should go to the concert. 2) If I had not been too busy, I should have gone to the concert. 2. 1) They would all be surprised if I made such a mistake. 2) They would all have been very surprised if I had made such a mistake. 3. 1)If he didn’t come in time, should we have to wait for him? 2) If he hadn’t come in time, should we have had to wait for him? 4. 1) If no one came to help, we should be obliged to do the work ourselves. 2) If no one had come to help, we should have been obliged to do the work ourselves. 5. 1)If you put on your glasses, you would see better. 2)f you had put on your glasses, you would have seen better. 6. 1)What should we do if they were late? 2) What should we have done if they had been late? 7. 1)Would you be very angry if we didn’t come? 2) Would you have been very angry if we hadn’t come? 8. 1)Would he be very displeased if I didn’t ring him up? 2) Would he have been very displeased if I hadn’t rung him up?

Exercise 3. Open the brackets using the verbs in the required form.

1. If he were not such an outstanding actor, he (not to have) so many admirers. 2. If you (to give) me your address, I shall write you a letter. 3. If she (not to be) so absent-minded, she would be a much better student. 4. If my sister does not go to the south, we (to spend) the summer in St. Petersburg together. 5. If they (not to go) to Moscow last year, they would not have heard that famous musician. 6. If you (not to get) tickets for the Philharmonic, we shall stay at home. 7. If you were not so careless about your health, you (to consult) the doctor. 8. I should be delighted if I (to have) such a beautiful fur coat. 9. If it (to rain), we shall have to stay at home. 10. If he (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress. 11. If it is not too cold, I (not to put) on my coat. 12. I (to write) the composition long ago if you had not disturbed me. 13. If he (not to read) so much, he would not be so clever. 14. If my friend (to be) at home, he will tell us what to do.

Answers: 1. He wouldn't have. 2. You give. 3. She weren't. 4. We shall spend. 5. They had not gone. 6. You don't get. 7. You would consult. 8. I had. 9. It rains. 10. He had worked. 11. I shall not put. 12. I should have written. 13. He did not read. 14. My friend is.

Exercise 4. Form conditional sentences.

1. Not is busy and does not come to see us. If... 2. The girl did not study well last year and received bad marks. If... 3. He broke his bicycle and so he did not go to the country. If... 4. He speaks English badly: he has no practice. If... 5. I had a bad headache yesterday, that’s why I did not come to see you. If... 6. The ship was sailing near the coast, that’s why it struck a rock. If... 7. He was not in town, therefore he was not present at our meeting. If... 8. The pavement was so slippery that I fell and hurt my leg. If... 9. The sea is rough, and we cannot sail to the island. If... 10. They made a fire, and the frightened wolves ran away. If... 11. It is late, and I have to go home. If... 12. I was expecting my friend to come, that’s why I could not go to the cinema with you. If... 13. He always gets top marks in mathematics because it is his favorite subject and he works a lot at it. If... 14. I did not translate the article yesterday because I had no dictionary. If... 15. We lost our way because the night was pitch-dark. If... 16. The box was so heavy that I could not carry it. That's why I took a taxi. If...

Answers: 1. If he were not busy, he would come to see us. 2. If the girl had studied well last year, she would not have received bad marks. 3. If he had not broken his bicycle, he would have gone to the country. 4. If he had (more) practice, he would speak English better. 5. If I had not had a bad headache yesterday, I should have come to see you. 6. If the ship had not sailed near the coast, it would not have struck a rock. 7. If he had been in town, he would have been present at our meeting. 8. If the pavement had not been so slippery, I should not have fallen and hurt my leg. 9. If the sea were not (so) rough, we should (could) sail to the island. 10. If they had not made a fire, the wolves would not have run away. 11. If it were not late, I should not have to go home. 12. If I had not expected my friend to come, I should (could) have gone to the cinema with you. 13. If mathematics were not his favorite subject and he did not work a lot at it, he would not always get top marks. 14. If I had a dictionary, I should have translated the article yesterday. 15. If the night had not been pitch-dark, we should not have lost our way. 16. If the box had not been so heavy, (I could have carried it and) I should not have taken a taxi.

Exercise 5. Open the brackets, using the required form of the subjunctive mood after “I wish.”

1. I wish I (to have) a season ticket to the Philharmonic next winter. 2. I wish I (to consult) the teacher when I first felt that mathematics was too difficult for me. 3. I love sunny weather. I wish it (to be) warm and fine all the year round. 4. I wish I (not to lend) Nick my watch: he has broken it.5. I wish you (to send) word as soon as you arrive. 6. I wish I (not to have) to do my homework every day. 7. I wish you (to go) skiing with me yesterday: I had such a good time! 8. I wish I (to know) Spanish. 9. I wish I (not to drink) so much coffee in the evening: I could not sleep half the night. 10. I wish you (to read) more in the future. 11. I wish I never (to suggest) this idea. 12. I wish I (to be) at yesterday’s party: it must have been very merry. 13. I wish we (to meet) again next summer. 14. Don’t you wish you (to see) that performance before? 15. They wished they (not to see) this horrible scene again. 16. The unfortunate pupil wished he (not to forget) to learn the rule.

Answers: 1. I had. 2. I had consulted. 3. It were. 4. I didn't have tape. 5. You sent. 6. I didn't have. 7. You had gone. 8. I knew. 9. I wasn't drunk. 10. You read. 11. I had never suggested. 12. I had been. 13. We met. 14. You had seen. 15. They didn't see. 16. He had not forgotten.

Exercise 6. Paraphrase the following sentences using “I wish”.

E.g. It's a pity you are ill.

I wish you weren't ill.

1. Unfortunately they won’t return before Christmas. 2. The student was sorry he had not studied the material better and had shown such poor knowledge at the exam. 3. It’s a pity that you did not send for us last night. 4. It’s a pity you are not with us these days. 5. My friend regrets not having entered the university. 6. He was sorry not to have enough time to finish his paper. 7. It’s a pity we shan’t be able to reach home before teatime. 8. I am sorry I made you upset by telling you this news. 9. What a pity you don’t know enough physics.

Answers: 1.I wish they returned before Christmas. 2. The student wished he had studied the material better and shown better knowledge at the exam. 3. I wish you had sent for us last night. 4. I wish you were with us these days. 5. My friend wishes he had entered the university. 6. He wished he had enough time to finish his paper. 7. I wish we were able to reach home before teatime. 8. I wish I had not made you upset by telling you this news. 9. I wish you knew enough physics.

Exercise 7. Translate into English using “I wish”.

  • 1. a) It’s a pity that he is so frivolous,
  • b) It’s a pity that he is not serious enough.
  • 2. a) I now regret that I did not listen to his advice,
  • b) I now regret that I followed his advice.
  • 3. a) It’s a pity that you came so late,
  • b) It’s a pity that you didn’t come earlier.
  • 4. a) It’s a shame that we left before he arrived.
  • b) It’s a shame that we didn’t wait for his arrival.
  • 5. a) Unfortunately, they don’t know anything yet,
  • b) Unfortunately, they already know about this.

Answers: 1.a) I wish he were not so light-minded. b) I wish he were more serious. 2. a) Now I wish I had listened to his advice (had followed his advice). b) Now I wish I had not followed his advice. 3. a) I wish you had not come so late. b) I wish you had come earlier. 4. a) I wish we had not gone before he came. b) I wish we had waited till he came. 5. a) I wish they knew it already. b) I wish they did not know about it.

Exercise 8. Translate into English using “I wish”.

1. Oh, if you had told her about this last Sunday! 2. It would be nice if we had a vacation now. 3. If only he would come tonight! 4. We regretted not asking him for advice. 5. It’s a pity that you refused to take part in the picnic. 6. It’s a pity that you are not interested in this subject. 7. We would like you to mention these facts. 8. It’s a pity that we missed the train. 9. It’s a pity that you turned on the TV so late. 10. If only I were free now! 11. It’s a pity that I didn’t have much time yesterday. 12. It would be nice if you wrote to her about this yourself. 13. It’s a pity that you didn’t pay attention to his warning. 14. He regretted leaving the university. 15. It’s a pity that it’s too late to go there. 16. Oh, if only I had arrived at the station on time! 17. It’s a pity that you haven’t read such a wonderful book. 18. It’s a pity that she makes so many mistakes in her speech. 19. It’s a pity that you didn’t visit the exhibition. 20. It’s a pity that I found out about this so late. 21. What a pity that we didn’t find Kolya at home. 22. She regretted that she had not told us this story earlier.

Answers: 1. Oh, how I wish you had told her about it last Sunday! 2. I wish we had holidays now. 3. Oh, I wish he came tonight! 4. We wished we had asked his advice. 5. I wish you had not refused to take part in the picnic. 6. I wish you were interested in this subject. 7. We wish you mentioned these facts. 8. I wish we had not missed the train. 9. I wish you had turned on the TV earlier. 10. I wish I were free now! 11. I wish I had had more time yesterday. 12. I wish you wrote her about it yourself. 13. I wish you had paid attention to his warning. 14. He wished he had not left the university. 15. I wish it were not too late to go there. 16. Oh, how I wish I had come to the railway station on time! 17. I wish you had read this wonderful book. 18. I wish she did not make so many mistakes in her speech. 19. I wish you had visited the exhibition. 20. I wish I had learned about it earlier. 21. I wish we had found Nick at home. 22. She wished she had told us this story before.

pay attention to mixed cases the use of tenses in conditional sentences of type II and III:

If I were acquainted with this famous professor, I should have run him up yesterday.

The condition refers to the present tense (type II), and the consequence refers to the past (type III).

If I had written the composition yesterday, I should be free now.

The condition refers to the past tense (type III), and the consequence refers to the present (type II).

Exercise 9. Form conditional sentences. Don't forget about mixed cases.

1. I shall go to the dentist because I have a toothache. If... 2. He is groaning with pain now because he did not go to the dentist to have his tooth filled. If... 3. She does not go to the polyclinic because she does not need any treatment. If... 4. He will not go to see the play as he was present at the dress rehearsal. If … 5. He went to Moscow specially to hear this famous singer because he is fond of him. If... 6. We did not go to the cafeteria to have a glass of lemonade because we were not thirsty. If... 7. She could not mend her dress herself because she had no needle. If... 8. He is not a first-class sportsman now because he did not train enough last year. If... 9. The pupils were active because they wanted to understand this difficult material. If... 10. The pupils did not understand the homework because they were inattentive. If... 11. The pupils worked hard and did well in their exams. If... 12. She won’t try to enter the foreign languages ​​department because she is not good at foreign languages. If...

Answers: 1. If I did not have a toothache, I should not go to the dentist. 2. If he had gone to the dentist to have his tooth filled, he would not be groaning with pain now. 3. If she needed some treatment, she would go to the polyclinic. 4. If he had not been present at the dress rehearsal, he would go to see the play. 5. If he were not fond of this famous singer, he would not have gone to Moscow specially to hear him. 6. If we had been thirsty, we should have gone to the cafeteria to have a glass of lemonade. 7. If she had had a needle, she would (could) have mended her dress herself. 8. If he had trained enough last year, he would be a first-class sportsman now. 9. If the pupils had not wanted to understand this difficult material, they would not have been so active. 10. If the pupils had been more attentive, they would have understood the homework. 11. If the pupils had not worked hard, they would not have done well in their exams. 12. If she were good at foreign languages, she would try to enter the foreign languages ​​department.

Exercise 10. Translate into English.

1. He has changed so much! If you met him, you wouldn't recognize him. 2. If I were you, I would consult with my parents. 3. If the tram arrived now, we wouldn’t be late. 4. If he knew that this would upset you, he would be more careful. 5. If you could help me solve this problem, I would be very grateful to you. 6. It’s a pity that it didn’t occur to us to look for the book in the library earlier. We would have done the work on time and would now be free. 7. It’s a pity that we had so few lessons. If we worked more, we would know the language better. 8. If he had not regularly attended sports training, he would not have achieved such success in competitions. 9. If you had warned me in advance, I would have already been in Moscow. 10. It’s a pity that she has already left. If you had called earlier, she would be here now. 11. If he had been smarter, he would not have gone into the forest yesterday. 12. If she had not sent this letter yesterday, my brother would be at home now. 13. What would we do now if mom hadn’t baked a pie yesterday? 14. It’s a pity that you haven’t heard Rachmaninov’s music. If you had heard it, you would know what a wonderful composer he is. 15. I am sure that everyone would be happy if the evening took place.

Answers: 1. He has changed so much! If you met him, you would not recognize him. 2. If I were you, I should consult my parents. 3. If a tram came now, we should not be late. 4. If he had known that this would upset you, he would have been more careful. 5. If you helped me to solve this problem, I should be very grateful to you. 6. I wish it had occurred to us before looking for the book in the library. We should have done the work in time and now we should be free, 7. I wish we had had more lessons. If we had worked more, we should know the language better. 8. If he had not attended sports trainings regularly, he would not have achieved such success in the competitions. 9. If you had warned me before, I should already be in Moscow. 10. I wish she had not gone. If you had called before, she would be here now. 11. If he were cleverer, he would not have gone to the wood yesterday. 12. If she had not sent this letter yesterday, my brother would be at home now. 13. What should we be doing now if mother had not baked a pie yesterday? 14. I wish you had heard Rakhmaninov’s music. If you had heard it, you would know what a wonderful composer he was. 15. I am sure that everyone would be glad if the party took place.

Have you watched Second Conditional from films and TV series? Look! At the same time, we improved our ability to understand English by ear.

Now let’s work out the muscle, do exercises on Second Conditional.

This time I made a separate dictionary with words and expressions from the exercises - all the most delicious and useful things in one place!)) You understand, no grammar will help if you don’t know the words and phrases.

You can download the dictionary right now and study it before doing the exercises on Second Conditional; you can study it in the process; or maybe after - complete freedom of action!))

Download the dictionary:

Second Conditional: exercises

Exercise 1

Let’s warm up and start with something simple – match the two halves of the sentences. Grab the bricks on the right and drag them to the right place.

  • I'd help you
  • It wouldn't look good
  • She'd be furious
  • They'd get divorced
  • I'd call him
  • He'd give you a pay rise
  • I'd tell you
  • She'd ask him out
  • I'd stay longer
  • He wouldn't notice
  • I'd go
  • I'd owe you a favor
  • They'd agree to that
  • It'd taste better
  • if she wasn't shy
  • if you convinced them
  • if you added more salt
  • if you helped me out
  • if they weren't happy
  • even if you shaved your head
  • if I could
  • if we painted it blue
  • if I had his number
  • if I knew
  • if she found out
  • if they invited me
  • if I wasn't tired
  • if you worked harder

Exercise 2

I don’t know about you, but I dearly love Second Conditional for its freedom of action. If you want, start the sentence with I’d..., as above, if you want, start with If..., as we will see below. If you want, don't use Second Conditional at all. The main thing is not to forget the comma, all the power is in the comma)))

In this Second Conditional exercise, the task is the same - to match the halves of the sentences. Only now will sentences start with If... Note that when we start a sentence with if, we need a comma.

  • If I could afford it,
  • If he proposed,
  • If they made an offer,
  • If it wasn't raining,
  • If I didn't know the truth,
  • If he spoke English,
  • If you were richer,
  • If she could cook,
  • If I had more time,
  • If she asked me out,
  • If he called,
  • If she wasn't so annoying,
  • If it changed anything,
  • If you asked nicely,
  • she'd be a perfect wife
  • I wouldn't turn you down
  • I'd turn her down
  • I'd help you
  • I'd go for a walk
  • I'd believe you
  • I'd accept it
  • I'd buy it
  • he wouldn't be stuck in this job
  • I'd marry you
  • I'd apologize
  • I'd say yes
  • I wouldn't pick up
  • we could be friends

Exercise 3

Shall we add a pinch of absurdity? Make up a story where one thing smoothly flows into another and leads to a thoughtful conclusion)) Grab phrases and drag them to the right place in the right order.

  • I'd have more energy
  • I wouldn't have to make ends meet
  • I'd come up with a business idea
  • If I started my own business,
  • I'd go for a walk
  • I'd make a fortune
  • If I was creative more,
  • I'd start my own business
  • I"d be more creative
  • If I came up with an idea,
  • If I felt better,
  • I'd feel better
  • If I made a fortune,
  • If I went for a walk,
  • So, basically, I’m poor because it’s raining!
  • If it wasn't raining,
  • If I had more energy

Exercise 4

Now try to restore history. Write the correct words in the correct form.

If it wasn"t raining, I'd go for a walk. If I went for a walk, I'd feel better. If I felt better, I'd have more energy. If I had more energy, I"d be more creative. If I was more creative, I’d come up with a business idea. If I came up with an idea, I’d start my own business. If I started my own business, I’d make a fortune. If I made a fortune, I wouldn't have to make ends meet. So, basically, I’m poor because it’s raining!


Want to join in the madness? How about coming up with your own story, where one thing leads to another and leads to unexpected conclusions? If you have any ideas, write in the comments, let's giggle))

Exercise 5

Rejoice! There is no need to write in this exercise!)) Just choose the correct answer.

1. _____ more organic food if _____ cheaper.I buy;I’d buy;I bought;I’d bought 2 it be;it is;it was;it’d be 3 2. I _____ that _____ you paid me.never do;always do;would do;wouldn’t do 4 although;if only;even if;in spite if 3 3. Would you _____ me, if you _____ what’s going on? tell;told;say;said 1 know;knew;known;would know 2 4. If I _____ a bit younger, _____ definitely enjoy this music more. would;would be;be;was 4 I’d;I’ll;I;I was 1 5. I _____ that offer, if I _____ you. It's nonsense!took;would take;wouldn’t take;wouldn’t take 4 was;were;be;would be 2 6. You’d _____ better if you _____ more exercise. fall;fell;feel;felt 3 did;made;had;would have 1 7. What _____ she _____ if I proposed to her? will;would;does;did 2 says;say;said;saying 2 8. _____ somebody the way if I _____ any French.I’d ask;I’d asked;I will ask;I was asking 1 can spoke;can’t spoke;could speak;couldn’t speak 3 9. If ______, _____ go to the party.I wasn’t tire;I wasn’t tired;I didn’t tire;I didn’t tired 2 Probably I;I probably d;I probably ‘d;I’d probably 4 10. _____ go if you _____ anywhere in the world?Where you would;Where would you;Where you did;Where did you 2 could go;could go;can went;can go 1

Exercise 6

Imagine the situation in the picture and, using the prompts, write a question for it in the spirit of:

  • What would you...?
  • How would you...?
  • Where would you...?
  • What...
  • How...
  • Who... and others.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(say)? (react)? (go)? (hire)? (choose)? (do)?


Exercise 7

We remember that the point of Second Conditional is that everything here is hypothetical? That in reality things are different? So let's play with hypothetical fabrications and harsh reality))

Let's look at the excerpt:

You’d be so beautiful if you knew how to do your make-up.

So what does that mean in reality?

Likewise, let's play with the rest of the Second Conditional examples from movies and TV shows.

1. In reality – she can"t go to any law school.

But if she could?

She'd go to Yale.


2. In reality - Jesus is not going to walk into her office and perform a miracle.

But if he did?

Then she’d believe in God.


6. He isn't telling her.

But if did ?

He'd have to kill her.


Have you done the Second Conditional exercises? Have you figured out the intricacies of reality and speculative thoughts?))

If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

And don’t forget to download the dictionary, there are a lot of useful colloquial expressions with examples:

Well, let's make up a story too. How would you continue:

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Future Indefinite Tense.

  1. If Peter __________ (come) to my place, we__________ (go) to play in the yard.
  2. If Peter__________ (not come) to my place, I __________ (watch) TV.
  3. If Frank’s parents______ (have) their holidays in summer, they _____ (go) to the seaside.
  4. If they __________ (have) their holidays in winter, they __________ (stay) at home.
  5. If the fog _______ (thicken), Harold _______ (put up) the tent for the night.
  6. When I _______ (finish) my work, I_______ (go) to the cinema.
  7. We_______ (buy) this book as soon as our mother_______ (give) us some money.
  8. When we _______ (come) to your place you_______ (show) us your present.
  9. I_______ (return) you your ring when you_______ (ask) me.
  10. I_______ (wait) for my friend until he_______ (come) from the shop.
  11. My father_______ (start) writing before the sun _______ (rise).
  12. As soon as you _______ (finish) your study I_______ (present) you with a new flat.

Exercise 2. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense to form the First Conditional.

Maria is a girl from your country. She is studying English and she"d like to visit an English-speaking country. If Maria (go) abroad, she (go) to England or America. She (visit) London if she (go) to England. If she (stay ) in London, she (spend) much money. She (not be able) to stay for long if she (spend) all her money. If her holiday (be) very short, she (not practice) her English. ) a pity if she (not try) to speak English. 

Exercise 3. Make up conditional 1 sentences with if-clauses.

Example: Molly leave now / catch the bus. - If Molly leaves now, she’ll catch the bus.

  1. stay in bed / feel better
  2. work hard / get a job
  3. go shopping / spend a lot of money
  4. ride a bike / get there quickly -
  5. eat carrots/see well in the dark .
  6. come now/go out together

Exercise 4. Connect the sentences with when or if to form the first conditional.

Jack will come. We shall play chess. - When Jack comes, we shall play chess.

  1. All the pupils will come to school tomorrow. We shall write a test then.
  2. I'll meet Ann after school. I'll give her my album.
  3. You'll not do your homework. The teacher will be angry.
  4. Mike won't come today. We'll play football without him.
  5. I’ll finish school with good marks. My father will take me to the seaside. .
  6. My school record may not be very good. Mom will be very upset.

Exercise 5. Continue the chain stories. Use conditional 1.

A) If Brian has a lot of money, he’ll buy a bike.

If he buys a bike, he’ll ... If he rides it ... If ...

B) If you don’t do well at school, you’ll become a bad student.

If you become a bad pupil, you’ll stay ... If you stay ... If ...

Exercise 6. Study the list of prizes and speak for Nick and Tom, using conditional 1.

When Nick has breakfast at Tom's house, he sees a packet of cornflakes on the table. On the back of it he sees this paper.


1st prize - a holiday in New York, 2nd prize - a motor-bike. 3rd-5th prize - a tent. 6th-12th prize - a cassette-recorder. 13th-20th prize - a camera. 21st-36th prize - an alarm-clock. 37th-50th prize - a book of flowers of Britain. 51st-99th prize - a T-shirt with Big Ben on it.

After reading it Tom has sent the answers.

a) Nick says to Tom:

1. If you win the first prize, you’ll get a holiday in New York.

1. If I win a holiday in New York, I’ll come and visit you.

Exercise 7. Make conditional sentences.

  1. I’ll buy a color film and take a lot of pictures if …
  2. I’ll have a party and we can dance to music if …
  3. I'll go camping in the Lake District if...
  4. Molly’ll learn a lot of things if…
  5. I shan’t sit with you at the same desk unless…
  6. I’ll send her a letter as soon as …
  7. If he does his homework every day he…
  8. If he comes in the afternoon we…
  9. If you live in a big city what...?
  10. If Milly gives me her address, I...
  11. If you don’t stop talking, the teacher …

Exercise 8. Answer the questions in conditional 1.

What will you do

  • if it rains on Sunday?
  • if your friends don’t play with you?
  • if your TV doesn’t work this evening?
  • if you lose your school record-book?
  • when are the lessons over?
  • when does your holiday come?
  • when your friend comes to see you tonight?
  • when do you finish your homework?

Exercise 9. Imagine that you are eighteen and you have finished school. What will you do then? Develop the following situation. Begin like this.

When I’m eighteen, I think I’ll I don’t think I’ll ..., but if , I’ll try

Exercise 10. Join two sentences into one using if.

  1. It will rain today. We shall not go for a walk.
  2. Don't move. You'll fall down.
  3. The wind will change. There will be snow.
  4. I'll be careful. I will not break the cups.
  5. You have free time now. Come for a walk with me.
  6. I'll go hiking in summer. I’ll see a lot of interesting things.
  7. He'll go shopping. He’ll buy some exercise-books for me.

Exercise 11. Complete the sentences.

  1. Your Dad will get angry if you... .
  2. My Mum will be happy if I... .
  3. My sister will shout at me if I...
  4. The teacher will not be happy if we ...
  5. You will do well at school if you ...

Exercise 12. Write answers to the questions.

  1. What will you do if you jump into the river and see a crocodile there?
  2. What will your mother do if you break her favorite vase?
  3. What will the teacher do if you don’t do what she asks you to do?
  4. What will your friends do if you call them bad names?
  5. What will you do if you loose your school record-book?

Exercise 13. Say out loud all possible type I conditional sentences using a substitution table. (Exercise to develop speech automaticity)

So, it’s time to summarize everything you’ve learned on the topic and test in practice how well you distinguish real and unreal condition in English. Offers exercises on the topic "Conditions". These exercises belong to the intermediate level, since the most complex (mixed) condition remained behind the scenes for now. For beginners studying this topic, I recommend that you first complete

Conditionals. Exercises on all types of conditional sentences (repetition)

Exercise 1. Use the verbs given in brackets so that the sentences express the real condition.

1. If I (see) John, I'll tell him your news. 2. He (be) very pleased if it (be) really true. 3. If you (go) to town on Monday, you (meet) my brother Tom. 4. If you (need) help, my father (help) you. 5. We (have) a picnic lunch if the day (be) fine. 6. If you (ask) a policeman, he (tell) you're the way. 7.I (finish) the job tomorrow if I (can). 8. I (not/take) an umbrella if (not/rain). 9. If they (catch) the bus now, they (arrive) at half past nine. 10. He (find) the answers if he (look) in the keys. 11. If he (write) to her, she (answer) at once. 12. He (lose) weight if he (stop) eating too much. 13. If she (be) patient, I (try) to explain. 14. If we (leave) at once, we (catch) the early train. 15. If she (drink) this medicine, she (feel) much better.

Exercise 2. Open the brackets so that the sentences express: a) a real condition; b) unrealistic condition.

1. If I (know), I (tell) you. 2. If she (want) to talk, she (ring up). 3. If he (have) enough money, he (buy) a large house. 4. She (feel) lonely if Peter (go) away. 5. We (be) pleased to see you if you (arrive). 6. If we (can) come on Sunday, we (come). 7. I (understand) Mr Smith if he (speak) slowly. 8.We (not/go) by ship unless there (be) no other way.

Exercise 3. Choose the most suitable types of conditional sentences and open the brackets.

1.If it (rain), I won't go out. 2. You would learn more if you (study) sometimes. 3. If he (ask) me, I would have told him the answer. 4. You would have done well if you (take) my advice 5. I wouldn’t phone you here unless it (be) urgent. 6. She’ll catch cold, if her feet (get) wet in this weather. 7. Unless you apologize at once, I never ( speak) to you again. 8. If we (have) nothing to do, life would be boring.

Exercise 4. Make up sentences by matching the left and right columns.

1. If I go on a diet a. we'll make a snowman.
2. If it's sunny tomorrow b. I'll buy you some sweets.
3. If John doesn't hurry with she'll have to take a taxi.
4. If it snows d. I'll lose weight.
5. If there are no buses e. he'll be late.
6. If you are a good girl f. we'll go for a picnic.

Exercise 5. Finish offers.

  1. If I had enough money….
  2. If it doesn’t rain soon… .
  3. I’ll stay at home if… .
  4. I wouldn’t have come to the theater on time if …
  5. If I left home for work earlier….
  6. If I won a prize….
  7. If I were a king….
  8. If I told my parents the truth….
  9. If I were you….
  10. If I were rich….

Exercise 6.Mark the sentences that contain errors.

a) What would you study when you went to college next year?
b) What will you study if you go to the college next year?

a) What will you be when you grow up?
b) What will you be if you grow up?

a) If she hadn’t broken the window, she wouldn’t have had to pay for it.
b) If she hasn’t broken the window, she wouldn’t have had to pay for it.

a) I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
b) I wouldn’t do that if I was you.

a) My mother will blame me if she knew.
b) My mother will blame me if she knows.

Exercise 7.

1. If I see him, I (tell) him the news. 2. The table will break if you (stand) on it. 3. If he (eat) all the cakes, he will be ill. 4. If I find your book, I (let) you know. 5. The police (arrest) him if they catch him. 6. If he (read) late at night, he is sleepy in the morning. 7. If he (need) a pen, he can borrow mine. 8.Your car (be stolen) if you left it unlocked. 9. The teacher will get angry if you (make) many mistakes. 10. She will be furious if she (hear) this. 11. If you boil some water, I (make) tea 12. If you leave your bag here, it (be lost). 13. You'll miss the bus if you (not/leave) at once. 14. If you come late, they (not/let) you in.

Exercise 8. Put the verbs given in brackets into the correct form.

1. If I tell you a secret, you (promise) to keep it? 2. If I had a player typewriter, I (listen) to music. 3. If I (know) her address, I’d write a letter to her. 4. If he worked slowly, he (not/make) so many mistakes. 5. I could tell you the truth if I (know). 6. He might get fat if he (not/stop) eating much. 7. I (have) a car if I could afford it. 8. What would you do if you (get) stuck between two floors? 9. If he (know) that it was dangerous he wouldn’t come. 10. If I (win) a big money prize, I’d give up my job.

Exercise 9. Put the verbs given in brackets into the correct form.

  1. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.
  2. I shouldn't have believed it if I (not/see) it with my own eye.
  3. If you had told me that beforehand, I (find) some money for you.
  4. If he had asked you, you (answer)?
  5. If I (have) a book, I wouldn’t have been bored.
  6. If you (speak) slowly, he might have understood you.
  7. I (take) a taxi if I had understood that it was too late.
  8. If I (be) ready when he called, he would have taken me with him.
  9. She had a headache, otherwise she (come).
  10. If my mother (know) about the party, she would have baked a cake.
  11. If I (try) again, I think that I would have succeeded.
  12. If I were you, I (not/buy) such expensive things.
  13. If I (live) in the country, I (have) a dog.
  14. What do you (do) if someone gave you a million pounds?
  15. If I (be) you, I (look) for another job.

But for - if not

  1. But for the rain we (reach) the station on time.
  2. But for the weather I (enjoy) my holidays.
  3. But for the mosquitoes I (sleep) well.

Exercise 10. Combine the sentences according to the example.

Sample. I'll pass this exam. I'll go to the university. =

If I pass this exam, I’ll go to the university.

  1. He can find a cheap flat. He'll stay here for two more weeks.
  2. They don’t speak English, so his English doesn’t improve.
  3. The baby is a girl. They'll call her Ann.
  4. He doesn't work overtime. It doesn't earn much.
  5. He didn't help me. I didn't do my work on time.
  6. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop.
  7. We didn’t visit the museum because we had no time.
  8. You will come late. You need to a taxi.
  9. The shop is closed. I can't buy milk for supper.

Exercise 11. Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct form.

Laura (live) in a big city. If she (live) in the country, she (have) a dog. Laura (share) a flat with three other girls. But if it (be) possible, she (live) on her own. If she (live) in the country, she (buy) a little cottage, and she (grow) her own flowers and vegetables. In town, she (travel) by underground and (go) shopping in big department stores, but she (not/like) this at all. If she (be) in the country, she (ride) her bike, and she (buy) things in the little village shop. She (love) walking and often (go) for a walk in town, but the streets are noisy. In the country, she (walk) across the fields with her dog.

Exercise 12. Translate to English

  1. If you see Tom, ask him to call me. 2. I would get this job if I had a degree. 3. If I had a car, I wouldn't be late for the train. 4. If he had known that you were at home yesterday, he would have come in. 5. If I were you, I would ask her to help.

Exercise 13. Translate into English. Designate (R.C.– real condition,U.C. – unrealistic condition)

  1. I will buy bread if the store is still open.
  2. If I were you, I would follow my parents' advice. (follow)
  3. If you make a phone call after 8 pm, it's cheaper.
  4. If we arrive early, it will not be difficult to buy tickets for the concert.
  5. If I had 5 thousand euros, I would go to Haiti.
  6. If I didn't have to go, I'd love to chat with you.
  7. You should try something new if you're bored.
  8. This cake would taste better if you added more sugar.
  9. If I had more friends, I would be happier.
  10. If we go out for a meal, let's go to a restaurant.
  11. The plant dries out if you don't water it.
  12. If I don't get enough sleep at night, I fall asleep in class. (feel sleepy)