Biography. Pyatakov, Leonid Leonidovich "Broken with the criminal past"


Before the revolution

Born in 1890 in the family of the owner of a sugar factory in the Kyiv province. He graduated from a real school in Kyiv. In 1905-1907, while studying at school, he participated in the revolutionary movement in Kyiv and was close to the anarchists. He studied at the economics department of the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. In 1910 he was expelled after the third year. In the same year, he joined the RSDLP, a Bolshevik. Since 1912, secretary of the Kyiv Committee of the RSDLP. He was arrested several times. He spent a year and a half in exile in the Irkutsk province. In 1914 he escaped from exile to Switzerland. Since 1915, together with V.I. Lenin, he edited the magazine “Communist”. Disagreements with Lenin led to Pyatakov leaving the editorial office of the Kommunist magazine and leaving for Stockholm. In 1916 he was expelled from Sweden and moved to Norway.

Revolution and civil war

After the February Revolution he returned to Russia. From April 1917, member and then chairman of the Kyiv Committee of the RSDLP. In October 1917, he headed the Kiev Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies and the Military Revolutionary Committee, a member of the executive committee of the Kyiv Council of Workers' Deputies. He arrived in Petrograd, where, together with V.V. Obolensky, he participated in the seizure of the State Bank as “Commissioner of the State Bank.”

By the beginning of 1918, Georgy Pyatakov was a member of the Bolshevik Party in the Ukrainian Central Rada (UCR), and in August - November 1917 - the Malaya Rada, the Regional Committee for the Protection of the Revolution in Ukraine. He opposed the UCR. In July 1918, at the 1st Congress of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, he was elected Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine. In November 1918, Georgy Pyatakov became a member of the Ukrainian Revolutionary Military Council (I. Stalin, V. Zatonsky and V. Antonov-Ovsienko), which developed a plan and carried out preparations for the offensive of the Red Army in Ukraine. From November 1918 to January 1919 - head of the Provisional Workers' and Peasants' Government of Ukraine. While in this post, Georgy Pyatakov implemented the slogan of establishing “large socialist production” in the countryside, strengthened collectivization, and accelerated the creation of state farms and communes. In January 1919, a conflict arose in the government of Ukraine, which was resolved on January 24 by the resignation of Pyatakov and the appointment in his place of Kh. G. Rakovsky, who arrived from Moscow. After being removed from the post of head of government, he headed the Extraordinary Military Revolutionary Tribunal (from June 1919), a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Thirteenth Army of the Red Army. In January-February 1920 he headed the registration department of the Red Army. At the end of 1920, he headed the “Emergency Troika for Crimea.”

After the civil war. In opposition

Since 1920 - at economic work. In 1920-1923, head of the Central Administration of the Donbass Coal Industry, chairman of the Main Concession Committee. Since 1922 - Deputy Chairman of the State Planning Committee.

V. I. Lenin

In 1923-1927 - Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR. He was one of the authors of the draft of the first five-year plan and advocated the rapid industrialization of Ukraine. Since 1923, an active supporter of the Left Opposition. At the XV Congress of the CPSU(b) he was expelled from the party as a figure in the Trotskyist opposition. In 1928, after announcing his departure from the opposition, he was reinstated in the party.

Pyatakov G. L.

(1890-1937;autobiography) - genus. August 6 (19), 1890 at the Maryinsky sugar plant (Kyiv province, Cherkassy district) in the family of the director of this plant, process engineer Leonid Timofeevich Pyatakov. In 1902 he entered the third grade of the Kyiv real school of St. Catherine. In 1904, a vaguely Social Democrat joined the student revolutionary circle. character. In 1903, he took an active part in the student movement as the leader of the “outrage”; He was a member of the general student committee, and at the same time participated in street demonstrations and rallies. For leading the "college revolution" he was expelled from the school. At this time he became close to the anarchists. In 6 classes I passed the exam as an external student. In the summer of 1906 he conducted active anarchist work among peasant and working youth; was the leader of a circle of 50 people. From this circle and the neighboring one, led by Justin Zhuk, an expropriation group led by Zhuk emerged. After the expropriation, the circles disbanded. In 1906-1907 again he entered the same real school, but was again expelled for an “impudent argument” with the school priest. In 1907, he graduated from a real school as an external student. In the summer of 1907, the anarchist circle disintegrated. In Kyiv in the fall he joined a completely autonomous terrorist group in order to assassinate the Kyiv Governor-General Sukhomlinov. However, at this time a severe internal crisis begins. Anarchist practice was repulsive. The anarchist ideology (I belonged to the anarchist-communists of the Kropotkin type) did not satisfy me. I began to study revolutionary literature carefully and in large quantities. A huge impression was made by Plekhanov - “Towards the Development of a Monistic View” (even before that I was already a materialist and Darwinist), and Lenin - “The Development of Capitalism” and “What to Do?”. After this I move away from anarchism completely and sit down with Marx. At the same time, having passed the Latin exam as an external student, I entered St. Petersburg University. I devote the years 1907-1010 exclusively to theoretical work, namely to the study of Marx, Marxist literature, classics of political economy (Kehne, Smith, Ricardo), modern economic literature, Russian economy, statistics (especially mathematical statistics), philosophy (Spinoza, Kant, Fichte, Hegel and the latest trends), etc. By 1910, I had fully and irrevocably established myself as an orthodox Marxist. I am contacting the university social democrats. and I become a social democrat. At the end of 1910, university riots occurred ("Tolstoy" and "Sazonov" days), in which I took an active part. He was arrested and served in administrative custody for 3 months, after which he was expelled from the university by order of the Minister of Education Kasso and expelled from St. Petersburg to Kyiv. In Kyiv at this time there was a great failure of the Social-Democrats. organizations. Upon arrival in Kyiv, I found connections, and together with E. B. Bosch, J. Shilgan and others, we formed an initiative group to revive the illegal organization. We find the remnants of the Kyiv committee of the RSDLP and together with them we convene a city conference, which formalizes the organization, elects a committee (which included E. B. Bosh, D. Schwartz, V. Averkin, Pigosyants, myself, etc.) and sends D. Schwartz to an all-Russian conference (January 1912), convened by the Bolsheviks, at which the Central Committee of the RSDLP was re-elected. Illegal work was accompanied by a frenzied struggle with the liquidators. The Lena tragedy gave us a reason to speak out openly (strikes and rallies). After this, the organization and the committee failed. I and several members of the committee were left free. It was necessary to revive all the work, which was done; I personally had to be at once the secretary of the committee, and store illegal literature, and manage an illegal printing house, and write proclamations and print them, and restore connections and lead circles; in a word, the work is too “varied” for illegal conditions. In June 1912, I and part of the committee were arrested. In November 1913 - trial: convicted under Article 102 and sentenced with 5 comrades to exile. In April 1914 he went into exile (Irkutsk province) and in October fled abroad through Japan. He fled abroad because he wanted to understand the collapse of the Second International and international prospects, because from the first days of the war he took a sharply internationalist and anti-war position.

He came to Switzerland directly to the Berne conference of the Bolsheviks, in which he took direct part and completely took the position of the Berne decisions. Then, with Lenin, Zinoviev, Bukharin and Bosch, they began publishing the magazine "Communist". No. 1-2 came out. At the end of 1915, I, Bukharin and Bosch had a conflict with Lenin over the national issue, and then over the issue of the further running of the Kommunist magazine. The three of us took the wrong positions. The magazine ceased to exist. Bukharin, Bosch and I moved to Stockholm, where we carried out work. After the congress of the Swedish left, in the preparation of which we took some part, the Swedes were arrested; Bukharin was arrested, and later me, Surits and Gordon. After the arrest, the four of us were sent to Christiania, where the February Revolution found me. Immediately we (me and Bosch) went to Russia. I was arrested at the border (because I had a false passport) and kept in a mountain prison. Torneo spent 3 days, and then was sent under escort to St. Petersburg. From there I went to Kyiv. He immediately entered into the work of the Bolshevik organization. Became chairman of the Kyiv Social-Democratic Committee. Bolsheviks and a member of the executive committee of the SRD. In September he was elected chairman of the Kyiv SRD. In the days of October he was chairman of the revolutionary committee. Arrested by cadets and Cossacks along with a number of other comrades. Liberated by rebel workers and soldiers. Then Lenin summoned him to St. Petersburg to take over the State Court. bank, which he did together with Osinsky. Before Brest, he was first an assistant to the chief. Commissioner of the State Court bank, and then ch. Commissioner. On the issue of Brest, he parted ways with the Central Committee and went to fight in Ukraine with the advancing German-Haydamak troops. He joined Primakov’s detachment, in which he performed various positions: he conducted political work, published the newspaper “To Arms!” with Lebedev, carried out justice and reprisals, went on reconnaissance and was a machine gunner. By April 1918 we were pushed back to Taganrog-Rostov. Here an initiative group of comrades gathered and created an organization. committee for convening a conference of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, and the center. executive The Ukrainian Committee created an illegal workers' and peasants' government of Ukraine. I joined both organizations and until the end of 1918 I actively participated in the leadership of illegal party and rebel work in Ukraine and in the creation of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine. In the summer of 1918 he took part in the suppression of the Left Socialist Revolutionary uprising. In December 1918, when the uprising in Ukraine, after the German revolution, began, I became chairman of the provisional workers' and peasants' government of Ukraine. Until July 1919 I participate in party and Soviet work in Ukraine. During Denikin's offensive, I was appointed a member of the RVS of the 13th Army, and later commissar of the 42nd Division of the same army. After the defeat of Denikin began, I recalled to Moscow, where I briefly received the appointment of commissar of the Academy of General. headquarters, and then, together with Trotsky, I went to the Urals to the 1st Army of Labor. But the Polish war began; in May 1920, I was appointed to the Polish front as a member of the RVS of the 16th Army, where I worked until the fall of 1920. After peace was concluded with Poland, I was transferred to the Wrangel front as a member of the RVS of the 6th Army. After the defeat, Wrangel was appointed chairman of the Center. board of the coal industry of Donbass, since when I have been continuously at economic work (acting head of Guta, deputy chairman of the State Planning Committee, chairman of the Main Concentration Committee and since the summer of 1923 deputy chairman of the Supreme Economic Council).

[In 1927, trade representative of the USSR in France. In 1927 he was expelled from the party, but was soon reinstated. In 1928 deputy chairman, in 1929 chairman of the board of the State Bank of the USSR. In 1930-31, member of the Presidium of the Supreme Economic Council, in 1931-32, deputy chairman of the Supreme Economic Council. Since 1932, Deputy People's Commissar of Heavy Industry. In the 20-30s, a member of the Main Editorial Board of the 1st edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. In 1930-36, member of the Central Committee of the party. Unreasonably repressed. In 1937, in the case of the “Parallel Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center”, he was sentenced to death and rehabilitated posthumously.]

  • - poet, Honored cultural worker of the RSFSR. Genus. in the family of an employee. Graduated from Lit. Institute named after A.M. Gorky. He published his first poems in zh. "Smena" in 1948. The first book "Into a Big Life" was published in Sverdl. ...

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  • - one of the founders of aviation medicine in the USSR, State Prize laureate, medical colonel. services, professor, dr. honey. Sci. Student of L. A. Orbeli. Participant of the Great Patriotic War...

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  • - Genus. in Sverdlovsk in the family of an employee. Graduated from the Ural Polytechnic. institute Worked as an advertising manager in a commercial company. company. Creative director of publishing house at home "Abak-Press". Published as an essayist since 1995: "...

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  • - Pyatakov G. L. - b. On August 6, 1890, at the Maryinsky sugar plant in the family of the director of this plant, process engineer Leonid Timofeevich Pyatakov...

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  • - Pyatakov L.L. - b. in 1888 in the same place as Georgy Pyatakov...

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  • - Leonid Leonidovich, participant in the struggle for Soviet power in Ukraine. Member of the Communist Party since 1915. Born into the family of a factory director. Graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, chemical engineer...
  • - participant in the struggle for Soviet power in Ukraine. Member of the Communist Party since 1915. Born into the family of a factory director. Graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, chemical engineer...

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  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

"Pyatakov, Georgy Leonidovich" in books

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Born in 1890 in the family of the director of the sugar factory of the Brothers Yakhnenko and Simirenko company in the Kyiv province, industrial engineer Leonid Timofeevich Pyatakov (1847-1915). Since 1902, a student at the Kyiv Real School of St. Catherine. In 1904 he joined the Social Democratic circle. In 1905 he took part in the student movement and was expelled. During the First Russian Revolution, he took an active part in the revolutionary movement in Kyiv and headed a circle of anarchists. In 1907 he graduated from a real school in Kyiv as an external student. Then he studied at the economics department of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University, in 1910 he was expelled after the third year. In the same year he joined the RSDLP, a Bolshevik. Since April 1912 (after the arrest of E. Bosch) secretary of the Kyiv Committee of the RSDLP. He was arrested several times and spent a year and a half in exile in the Irkutsk province, in the village of Usolye.

They did not want to study peacefully and comradely. They turned up their noses. Let them go to hell! I will punch them in the face and make them look like fools in front of the whole world.

Revolution and Civil War

After the civil war. In opposition

Since 1920 - at economic work. From November 1920 to December 1921 - head of the Central Administration of the Donbass Coal Industry, chairman of the Main Concession Committee. In 1921-1923 - candidate member of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). Since March 1922 - Deputy Chairman of the State Planning Committee.

In the post of Deputy Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, V.I. Lenin assigned the following functions to G.L. Pyatakov:


Comrade Pyatakov! Here is a rough transcript of our conversation yesterday. 1) Comrade Pyatakov is entrusted with the organization (and military-style tightening) of the Gosplan apparatus itself (or the apparatus of the Gosplan itself); mainly through the executive manager. Do this yourself for about half an hour a day maximum.

2) Comrade Pyatakov’s main task: a) checking the national plan, primarily the economic one, from the point of view primarily of the apparatus as a whole, b) reducing the apparatus, including our trusts, c) checking the proportionality of different parts of the state apparatus, d) working to reduce the cost of the state apparatus according to the type of American trust: unproductive expenses - down.”

In 1923-1927 - member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. In 1923-1927 - Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR. He drew up an order for the Supreme Economic Council dated July 16, 1923, which instructed trusts and syndicates to sell goods at prices that ensure the highest profits. As a result, state industrial enterprises raised prices to such a height that a sales crisis broke out in a country with a shortage of goods in the fall of 1923 (see Price Scissors (1923)). Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council A.I. Rykov performed the functions of the ill Lenin and ran the Supreme Economic Council nominally, so he did not pay attention to this order. The order led to severe criticism of Pyatakov in the government, so he was not considered as a possible chairman of the Supreme Economic Council. Rykov said: “You must always keep an eye on him, otherwise he will break all the dishes.” In February 1924, the post of chairman of the Supreme Economic Council was taken by F. E. Dzerzhinsky, who appointed the right-wing communist M. K. Vladimirov as his other deputy in order to moderate Pyatakov.

American engineer John Littlepage, who worked for 10 years in the USSR in 1927-1937, in his book “In Search of Soviet Gold” cites facts of sabotage in industry that could not have occurred without Pyatakov’s knowledge (unavailable link) Parallel anti-Soviet Trotskyist center." The trial was public and took place in the Hall of Columns in the presence of foreign correspondents.

In July 1988 he was rehabilitated. In December 1988, by decision of the CPC under the CPSU Central Committee, he was reinstated in the party (posthumously).

Georgy Leonidovich Pyatakov

Pyatakov in his youth.

"Breaked with the criminal past"

Pyatakov Georgy (Yuri) Leonidovich (08/06/1890, Maryinsky sugar factory, Cherkassy district, Kyiv province - 02/01/1937, Moscow), party leader. Son of a factory manager. He studied at the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg University (expelled in 1910). While studying at the school, he participated in the revolutionary movement in Kyiv in 1905-07, an anarchist. In 1910 he joined the RSDLP, a Bolshevik. Since 1912, secretary of the Kyiv Committee of the RSDLP. He was arrested several times. In Oct. 1914 fled from exile to Switzerland. Since 1915 together with IN AND. Lenin edited the magazine "Communist". After the February Revolution he returned to Russia. Since April 1917 member. then prev. Kyiv Committee of the RSDLP, member of the Kyiv Council. He opposed Lenin's "April Theses". In Oct. 1917 prev. Kyiv Revolutionary Committee. From November 1917 deputy, from December:. 1917 to early March 1918 chief commissioner of the State Bank, one of the leaders of the “left communists”, opponent of making peace with Germany. During the Civil War before. Provisional Workers' and Peasants' Government of Ukraine (1918). Since 1920 he led the restoration of Donbass, deputy. prev State Planning Committee of the RSFSR, prev. Main Concession Committee. Opponent of the introduction of NEP. Since 1923 deputy prev VSNKh. In 1923-27 and 1930-36, member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. In “Letter to the Congress” V.I. Lenin characterized Pyatakov this way: “Too keen on administration and the administrative side of things to be relied upon in a serious political matter.” After Lenin's death he came out in support L.D. Trotsky against , I.V. Stalin . In 1927 trade representative in France. He “repented” and became an active supporter of Stalin’s line. Since 1928 deputy , during which he said that “he considered the appointment as a prosecutor as a huge trust of the Central Committee and went for it with all his heart,” at the same time Pyatakov “asked to provide him with any form of rehabilitation, in particular, for his part, he makes a proposal to allow him to personally shoot all those sentenced to death on process, including his ex-wife." 12.9.1936 arrested. As one of the main accused, brought to trial in the case of the “Parallel Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center”, sentenced to death on January 30, 1937. In his last word he said: “Do not deprive me of one thing, citizens of the judge. Do not deprive me of the right to consciousness that in your eyes, even if it is too late, I found the strength to break with my criminal past.” Shot. In 1988 he was rehabilitated.

Materials used from the book: Zalessky K.A. Stalin's Empire. Biographical encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow, Veche, 2000

Ordzhonikidze, Budyonny, Pyatakov, Lakoba.

In the revolution of 1917

PYATAKOV Georgy (Yuri) Leonidovich (August 6, 1890, Maryinsky Sugar Factory, Cherkasy district, Kyiv province, - January 30, 1937, Moscow). From the family of a plant manager and industrial engineer. Students of the real school participated in the events of the Revolution of 1905-07 in Kyiv; joined the anarchists. In 1907-10, a student of economics. Faculty of Petersburg university: in 1910 he became a student. Social-Democrats organization: in the same year he was expelled from the university for roaring. activity. Upon returning to Kyiv from 1911 member, from 1912 sec. Kyiv branch of the RSDLP. Having previously been arrested several times, he was arrested again in 1912: in 1914, together with E.B. Bosch. who became his wife, were exiled to Irkutsk province, from where in October. this year they fled and moved through Japan to Switzerland. Since 1915 Pyatakov, in collaboration with V.I. Lenin edited by J. "Communist". In a dispute with Lenin, Pyatakov, Bosch and N.I. Bukharin

After Feb. revolution of 1917, he returned from Norway to Russia, but was arrested at the border because of a false passport, transported to Petrograd, then to Kyiv. Involved in the work of the Kyiv committee of the RSDLP. On March 23, he made a report “On the platform of the Central Committee and the party meeting convened on March 28”; On March 28, the committee approved the platform developed by Pyatakov, which stated: “Development produces, the strength and social power of the proletariat have not reached the level in Russia at which the working class can carry out a social revolution. The establishment of a social system, which is the final the goal of all our activities is therefore not included in the number of tasks facing us in the course of the ongoing revolution" ("Chronicle of the Revolution", 1931, No. 4, p. 151). 2 Apr. at a meeting of the Kyiv Committee of the RSDLP when discussing the issue of convening the Ukrainian. national Congress of Ukrainian Representatives parties and societies, organizations proposed “ launch a persistent attack against the separatist movement, which is like a knife in the back of the revolutionary movement” (ibid., p. 157); emphasized that the Social-Democrats there, s.

denied the importance of national state and the importance of the national decision. question.
“Chairman: I just can’t bridle this red devil.”
(Left - Pyatakov, right - Kosior)
RGASPI. F. 74. Op. 2. D. 170. L. 30.
Drawing from the site - Cartoons V.Mezhlauka .

Personally, I would shoot...

Pyatakov Georgy Leonidovich (1890, Maryinsky Sugar Factory, Kyiv Province - 1937, Moscow) - Sov. desk and state activist Genus. in the family of a sugar factory manager. Twice expelled from the Kyiv Real School of St. Catherine: in 1905 for leading a “student uprising”, in 1907 for a “daring argument” with a priest. He was an active member of anarchist circles. In 1907 he entered the economics department of St. Petersburg University and joined the student social democratic organization. In 1910 he was expelled for participating in university riots. He was arrested several times. In 1914, exiled to Irkutsk province, he fled through Japan to Switzerland, where, in collaboration with V.I. Lenin edited the journal. "Communist". After the February revolution. 1917 returned to Petrograd, then moved to Kyiv, heading the city committee of the RSDLP (b). Opposed the "April Theses" , not believing in the possibility of social. roar After the victory of the October Uprising, he was summoned by Lenin to Petrograd and appointed deputy, then Chief Commissioner of the State Bank. Being one of the leaders of the “left communists,” he opposed the conclusion of the Brest Peace Treaty, and after its signing, not wanting to share “responsibility for accepting the German ultimatum,” he left his post and went to Ukraine to fight the German occupiers (“conducted political work... repaired trial and reprisal, went on reconnaissance missions and was a machine gunner"). During the Civil War, he was a member of the Army Revolutionary Council, division commissar, and commissar of the General Staff Academy. After the capture of Crimea, he was one of the leaders (“Pyatakov’s troika”) of mass executions of white officers who came for the announced registration. He was one of the founders of the Communist Party (b)U and the first chairman of the Ukrainian Council of People's Commissars. Performed responsible housekeeping. job: deputy Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council, Deputy People's Commissar of Heavy Industry, Chairman of the Board of the State Bank. He believed that the introduction of NEP was wrong. I agreed with the so-called. “the law of primitive socialist accumulation”, according to which socialism must be built, like capitalism, on the exploitation of previous forms of economics. IN AND. Lenin in his “Letter to the Congress” wrote about Pyatakov: “A man of undoubtedly outstanding will and outstanding abilities, but too carried away by the administrative side of things to be relied upon on a serious political issue.” At the XV Congress he was expelled from the party as a figure in the Trotskyist opposition. In 1928, after a repentant statement about leaving the opposition, he was reinstated in the party. In July-Aug. 1936 Pyatakov was to be appointed prosecutor at the trial G.E. Zinoviev And L.B. Kameneva , but due to the fact that he himself was being prepared as another victim, his candidacy was withdrawn. Feeling that danger was looming over him, Pyatakov, according to the report N.I.


I.V. Stalin

PYATAKOV Georgy (Yuri) Leonidovich (1890-1937). 1) Born in Ukraine in the family of a sugar factory.

He was expelled from the Kyiv Real School twice: in 1905 - as the leader of a “student uprising”, in 1907 - for a “bold argument” with the school priest. He was an active member of anarchist circles and was part of an “autonomous terrorist group for the purpose of assassinating the Governor General.” As a student at St. Petersburg University, he studied the works of K. Marx, Lenin, and classics of political economy and philosophy. In 1910, for participating in university riots, he was expelled to Kyiv, where he immediately joined the initiative group for the revival of the city’s illegal Social Democratic organization. In 1912 he was arrested and sentenced to exile. 2) In October 1914, he fled from the Irkutsk province through Japan to Europe. Participant of the Berne Bolshevik Conference. Together with E. Bosch 3) and N. Bukharin opposed Lenin’s position on the national question; later admitted he was wrong. After the February Revolution - in Petrograd, then in Kyiv - chairman of the city committee of the RSDLP (b), member of the executive committee of the Council of Workers' Deputies. After the victory of October, he was summoned to Petrograd, where he was appointed chief commissioner of the State Bank. During the Civil War, he was a member of the Army Revolutionary Council, division commissar, commissar of the Academy of the General Staff.

In 1920, after the capture of Crimea - one of the members of the “Pyatakov Troika” (other members of the “troika” - R. Zemlyachka

On August 21, 1936, on the eve of the arrest, welcoming the execution of Kamenev and Zinoviev, Pyatakov wrote: “The working people of the whole world know and love their Stalin and are proud of him... I was guilty of not understanding the party leadership, of not understanding the correct path of development of socialism.

When I understood, I followed a new, correct path, along the path of Stalin, which I have been firmly and joyfully following since then along with the entire party. The boundless vanity and narcissism of Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinoviev led them to the vile path of double-dealing, lies, and unheard-of deception of the party. They must be destroyed as carrion, contaminating the clean, cheerful air of the Soviet country, dangerous carrion that could cause death to our leaders. Comrade Stalin, as always perspicacious, taught us not to lose revolutionary vigilance, not to forget that the class enemy continues to try to harm the dictatorship of the proletariat by every means available to him. Our enemy is evasive. He's pretending.

Lies. Covers his tracks. Ingratiates himself into trust.

“I am convinced,” Pyatakov told Valentinov in 1928, “that in 15-20 years the capitalist world will be ruins, engulfed in revolutions” (Valentinov N. Conversation with Pyatakov in Paris // In the World of Books. 1989. No. 11) .


1 E.B. Bosch (1879-1925) - professional revolutionary. Party member since 1901. She was arrested several times. She escaped from exile abroad. Lived in Switzerland, Scandinavia. During the civil war, he was one of the leaders of the struggle for Soviet power in Ukraine. Commissioner of the Caspian-Caucasian Front. Chairman of the Kyiv Regional Committee, People's Secretary of Internal Affairs of the first Ukrainian government. She committed suicide. The common-law wife of G. Pyatakov.

2 R.S. Zemlyachka (Zalkind) (1876-1947) - professional revolutionary. Party member since 1896. Active participant in the Civil War. Member of the Central Control Commission of the party since 1924. She was buried near the Kremlin wall.

3 Bela Kun (1886-1939) - an active participant in the revolutionary movement in Hungary and Russia. One of the founders and first leader of the Hungarian Communist Party. In 1920 - Chairman of the Crimean Revolutionary Committee. Member of the leadership of the Comintern. He fell victim to the system that he had been propagating all his life.

Rehabilitated in the USSR posthumously.

4 N.V. Valentinov (Volsky) (1879-1964) - professional revolutionary. He was close to Lenin. In 1920-1928 worked in the Supreme Council of the National Economy, in fact - the head of the Supreme Council of National Economy body "Commercial and Industrial Newspaper"; in 1928-1930 - in Paris, published the magazine of the trade mission of the USSR “Economic life of the country of the Soviets”. News of the horrors of collectivization, the establishment of a new serfdom in the countryside, and the wave of repressions against the intelligentsia led him to the decision to break with the Stalinist regime. Since 1930 - emigrant. Died in Paris. Author of three books about Lenin, as well as the historical and memoir work “New Economic Policy and the Crisis of the Party after Lenin’s Death” (Moscow, 1991).

Book materials used: Torchinov V.A., Leontyuk A.M. Around Stalin.

Historical and biographical reference book.

St. Petersburg, 2000



Georgy Leonidovich Pyatakov (August 6 (18), 1890 - January 30, 1937) - Soviet party and statesman. Nicknames: Peter, P. Kievsky, Lyalin, Kiy, Japanese, Red.

Born in 1890 in the family of the director of a sugar factory in the Kyiv province. He graduated from a real school in Kyiv (1907). In 1905-1907, while studying, he took part in the revolutionary movement in Kyiv and was close to the anarchists. Then he studied at the economics department of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University, and was expelled in 1910 after the third year. In the same year, he joined the RSDLP, a Bolshevik. Since April 1912 (after the arrest of E. Bosch) secretary of the Kyiv Committee of the RSDLP. He was arrested several times and spent a year and a half in exile in the Irkutsk province. In October 1914, he escaped from exile through Japan and the USA to Switzerland. Since 1915, together with V.I. Lenin, he edited the magazine “Communist”. Disagreements with Lenin led to Pyatakov leaving the editorial office of the Kommunist magazine and leaving for Stockholm. In 1916 he was expelled from Sweden and moved to Norway.

After the February Revolution he returned to Russia. From April 1917, member and then chairman of the Kyiv Committee of the RSDLP. In September 1917, he headed the Kiev Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies and the Military Revolutionary Committee, a member of the executive committee of the Kyiv Council of Workers' Deputies. He was summoned to Petrograd, where during the October Revolution, together with V.V. Obolensky, he participated in the seizure of the State Bank as a commissioner of the State Bank.

During the “Brest-Litovsk Discussion” he spoke from the position of “left communists” - for a revolutionary war with Germany. Protesting against the signing of the Brest Peace Treaty, he resigned from the government and left for Ukraine. He fought as part of V. Primakov’s “Chervonny Cossacks” detachment on the line Grebenka - Romodan - Poltava. Participant of the Taganrog meeting in April 1918, was elected a member of the Insurgent People's Secretariat (“nine”) and the Organizational Bureau for the convocation of the First Congress of Bolsheviks of Ukraine.

In July 1918, at the 1st Congress of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, he was elected Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine. He participated in the suppression of the uprising of the left Social Revolutionaries in July 1918. In November 1918, Pyatakov became a member of the Ukrainian Revolutionary Military Council (I. Stalin, V. Zatonsky and V. Antonov-Ovseenko), which developed a plan and carried out preparations for the offensive of the Red Army in Ukraine.

From November 1918 to January 1919 - head of the Provisional Workers' and Peasants' Government of Ukraine. While in this post, Georgy Pyatakov implemented the slogan of establishing “large socialist production” in the countryside, strengthened collectivization, and accelerated the creation of state farms and communes. In January 1919, a conflict arose in the government of Ukraine, which was resolved on January 24 by the resignation of Pyatakov and the appointment of Kh. G. Rakovsky, who arrived from Moscow, in his place. After being removed from the post of head of government, he was appointed People's Commissar of Soviet Propaganda, then again headed the secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine (from March 6, 1919), then the Extraordinary Military Revolutionary Tribunal (from June 1919), a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Thirteenth Army of the Red Army, then commissar of the 42nd division. He worked as a commissar of the Academy of the General Staff, deputy chairman of the Council 1 of the Ural Revolutionary Labor Army.

In January-February 1920 he headed the registration department of the Red Army. During the Soviet-Polish War of 1920, he was a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the 16th Army (June-October 1920), then the 6th Army (November 1920), and headed the “Extraordinary Troika for Crimea.”

Since 1920 - at economic work. From November 1920 to December 1921, head of the Central Administration of the Donbass Coal Industry, chairman of the Main Concession Committee. Since March 1922 - Deputy Chairman of the State Planning Committee.

In the post of Deputy Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, V.I. Lenin assigned many functions to G.L. Pyatakov.

In 1923-1927 - Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR. He was one of the authors of the draft of the first five-year plan and advocated the rapid industrialization of Ukraine. Since 1923, an active supporter of the Left Opposition. At the XV Congress of the CPSU(b) he was expelled from the party as a figure in the Trotskyist opposition. In 1928, after announcing his departure from the opposition, he was reinstated in the party.

In 1927, head of the USSR trade mission in France. In 1928 he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the State Bank of the USSR, and in the spring of 1929 - Chairman of the Board of the State Bank of the USSR. A year and a half later (in October 1930), failures in carrying out the first stage of credit reform became the reason for Pyatakov’s removal from the post of chairman.

Since 1930, member of the Presidium, in 1931-1932, deputy chairman of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR. In 1932-1934 - Deputy People's Commissar of Heavy Industry of the USSR, and in 1934-1936 1st Deputy People's Commissar of Heavy Industry of the USSR.

American engineer John Littlepage, who worked for 10 years in the USSR in 1927-1937, in his book “In Search of Soviet Gold,” cites facts of sabotage in industry that could not have occurred without Pyatakov’s knowledge.

On September 12, 1936, he was arrested in his official carriage at the San Donato station. As one of the main accused, he was brought to trial in the case of the “Parallel Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center”. On January 30, 1937, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR sentenced him to death. Shot. In 1988 he was rehabilitated.

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