July 1 is the unofficial day of combat veterans. Combat Veterans Day. The history of the establishment of a memorable date

The emerging difficulties with holding the holiday prompted the veterans to resume activities to give the Day of Combat Veterans an official status.

On my page on the Odnoklassniki social network, I conducted a preliminary survey on the topic: 'Is it necessary to have a holiday that unites veterans of hostilities, local wars and armed conflicts?', Which showed that out of 670 participants, 657 answered yes, 8 - no and 5 - found it difficult to answer.

It was assumed that the will of the public on the establishment of the holiday would be published in the journal "Profsoyuz police" (possibly other media) and sent in an official letter for consideration by the All-Russian Coordinating Council of public associations of military personnel, veterans of military service, law enforcement officers and members of their families. In view of the insignificant activity of representatives of public organizations who are ready to draw up appeals, the consideration of the issue did not take place.

Meanwhile, Igor Bystrov from Yekaterinburg on Change.org (link: https://www.change.org/p/president-of-the-combat-veterans-should-have-their-memorable-date-in-historical -calendar-Russia) on behalf of the participants of the 5th tourist gathering of war veterans of the Ural region 'Star', dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War and the 120th anniversary of the birth of Marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov G.K., uniting residents of Sverdlovsk, Tyumen , Chelyabinsk, Kurgan regions and the Republic of Bashkortostan applied with open letter(petition ‘Veterans of military operations should have their memorable date in the historical calendar of Russia’) to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko, Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin.

In his letter, he pointed out that the list of memorable dates in Russia, legally enshrined by the Federal Law of March 13, 1995 N 32-FZ (as amended on December 1, 2014), does not take into account the merits of all categories of combat veterans . The provision of the law does not take into account those who liberated the territory of our country and the waters of our seas from the mines of the fascist invaders, does not take into account those who defended the borders of the Fatherland in the area of ​​Damansky Island and in the area of ​​Lake Zhalanashkol, does not take into account those who fought terrorists in the North Caucasus, and this list can be continued.

‘The history of Russia is rich in significant events. In all ages, heroism, the courage of the soldiers of Russia, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state. In addition to military victories, there are events worthy of being immortalized in the memory of the people.

It is time to eliminate the inconsistency of the federal laws ‘On Veterans’ and ‘On the Days of Military Glory and Commemorative Dates of Russia’.

On July 7, 2017, on behalf of the trade unions of employees of the internal affairs bodies and the editorial office of the Police Trade Union magazine, I sent an official letter to the chairman of the Central Council of the Defenders of the Fatherland party N.V. Sobolev with a request for assistance in establishing a memorable date - the Day of a Combat Veteran with the determination of the date of the celebration - July 1.

May 17, 2019 at the initiative of the Chairman of the Presidium of the All-Russian public organization ‘Officers of Russia’, Hero Russian Federation S.A. Lipovoy in Moscow, a meeting was held with the participation of veteran public associations on the organization of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Day of the combat veteran and its legalization.
During the meeting, an Organizing Committee was created, headed by one of the founders of the holiday - Dmitry Prudnikov.

This holiday is akin to Victory Day, because it is also "with tears in the eyes." Far from all the soldiers who took part in hostilities or in the elimination of local conflicts are alive today. That is why the bright minute of memory of the heroes is an obligatory tribute that veterans pay to their colleagues on July 1.

Everlasting memory…

We are given honor from birth in uniform,

Fate began with Afghanistan, Chechnya,

And how many black nights there were,

And the day came with a count of friends,

And night and day death appeared more than once,

Leaning against his back, laughing mockingly,

Oblique I cut both the sphere and the armor,

Hot blood flows to the ground.

Listen oblique here is our verdict

No one is allowed to stain her.

Here BeTer irons the forest roads,

You know I'm around! Mines laid!

For lacerated wounds, a fragment in the chest,

Only I (death) reward, posthumously they!

And how much you will be tormented later,

A nightmare vision, a lost dream

After all, life there is different, they don’t know me,

The official does not look death in the eye.

Listen oblique, here is our verdict

We were raised like this by a great country,

A star fell on a man's shoulder

No one can stain her,

The honor of an officer is expensive,


In addition to Afghanistan, post-World War II Soviet servicemen took part in countless foreign missions in dozens of countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. In particular, divisions Soviet army and detachments of special forces carried out combat missions in Korea (1950-1953), Hungary (1956), Laos (1960-1970), Yemen (1961-1969), Cuba (1962), Algeria (1962-1964), Vietnam (1961 –1974), Czechoslovakia (1968), Syria (1967–1973), Angola (1975–1979), Mozambique (1967–1969, 1975–1979), Cambodia (1970), Bangladesh (1972–1973), Lebanon (1982) and other countries of the world, according to "Military Review".

Since the late 1980s, our country has faced serious internal threats: an explosion of separatist sentiments and nationalism took place in the republics of the USSR. Soviet troops were forced to react to the events in Baku (1988-1990), attempts to overthrow the governments in the Baltic states (1990). After the collapse of the USSR, a “favorable” situation was created for the development of new military conflicts and brutal wars. It was created, it must be admitted, not without external “help”. The Caucasus, the Balkans, Central Asia, Transnistria caught fire. Millions of families were separated by borders, new ideological principles, or a complete lack of ideas other than imposed pseudo-freedom. How many human destinies these conflicts ground is beyond calculation. How many people have lost relatives and friends, how many have become refugees, how many have been eaten by the asocial environment - as a variant of the syndrome of participation in hostilities.

In the 1990s, the Russian army and special forces had to put out fires in Chechnya and Dagestan. In August 2008, in South Ossetia, Moscow carried out an operation "to enforce peace" on the unbridled Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili. In February-March, the "little green men" protected the Crimeans from aggression from Ukraine. Since September 2015, Russia has been carrying out a military mission in Syria, the first foreign large-scale operation since the disappearance of the USSR.

It is important to note that often such participation was classified: Korea, Vietnam, African countries. Many of the names of the dead combat veterans remain under the heading secret to this day. This is the reverse side of the defense of the Fatherland, when the family of the deceased for decades may not know where their son/husband/brother/father died and was buried.

Over the ten years of the war in Afghanistan, about 750 thousand soldiers, officers, sergeants and ensigns were involved. This is a whole army, many of whose representatives rightfully celebrate the holiday of war veterans today.

These people with outstanding courage and knowledge of their business carried out their tasks. More than a third of the internationalist soldiers received state awards for military merit, and 90 people were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union and - later - Hero of the Russian Federation.

Our people have their own history of participation in wars and armed conflicts, have their own list of names of heroes, both those who fell on the battlefield and, fortunately, survived until the end of the armed confrontation. I would like to believe that the names of veterans of the fight against terrorism, internationalist fighters - those who gave peace will never sink into history.

Today reminds all of us of the combatants living next to us, and those who are no longer around. This day is on the calendar of memorable dates as a tribute to all those who defended the Fatherland with weapons in their hands and passed the severe tests of the war.

1985-87 Bagram, 108 MSD

The editors of "Gardinfo" congratulates all those involved in this Day! You were given to comprehend the most severe trials of life, to see what no one wants to see, to face the most difficult losses. We wish you endless health, a peaceful sky above your head, peace in your soul and heart, as well as calm happiness surrounded by loved ones!

Combat Veterans Day July 1

Please accept our congratulations and low bow for your merits. We wish you only a peaceful blue sky, green grass with transparent dew and a warm gentle sun. Do not know troubles and grief, let difficulties pass you by. Let only good news come to your home. Health and strength to you to work peacefully and no longer hear the sounds of war. Everyone should say thank you today only for the fact that risking your life, you did everything to defend the honor and independence of our country. We are grateful to you that our children can safely walk on the street and look at the peaceful sunny sky. So let the Combat Veterans Day be a good occasion to pay due attention to those to whom we owe a lot. Happiness to you, health and longevity. Let your children participate in battles only on the battlefields of online battles in historical games and never be able to experience your feelings in reality.

Combat Veterans Day On July 1, Russia celebrates a memorable date - Combat Veterans Day. And although it does not yet have an official status, every year it becomes more and more famous in our country. Since 2009, this holiday has also been called the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow for War Veterans.

This is a day of remembrance for all those who fought for Russia, no matter in what wars and armed conflicts, fulfilling their duty to defend the Motherland. As a tribute to them - the veterans who live next to us, and the memory of those who are no longer alive. The idea of ​​creating a single holiday among war veterans who took part in numerous wars and armed conflicts on the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries has been around for a long time. And informally, they began to celebrate it at the beginning of the 21st century. This was due to their desire to gather on one day, not tied to one or another event of numerous wars, in which they were destined to become participants (at present, there are separate memorable dates in our country - the Days of Military Glory and other holidays dedicated to the history of specific military actions). And so, in 2009, on July 1, as a day of remembrance for all participants in the hostilities that took place after 1945 (and this fighting in Afghanistan and Chechnya, in many countries of Latin America, Asia and Africa), more than 3,000 veterans voted. This was recorded in a special document, and an appeal was sent to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to officially establish such a Day. However, this issue has not yet been resolved, since, according to the authorities, such a holiday already exists - its function is performed on February 15 (Remembrance Day for Russians who performed their duty outside the Fatherland). But the initiators of the new date do not give up - they are sure that all veterans should have their own common date, not wanting to confuse the date of the end of the Afghan war and honoring other veterans. And, for example, unlike June 22 (the Day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War), it should be devoted to local conflicts. This will preserve the specifics of the dates. We all remember and honor the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who are becoming less and less every year. But in our country there are many relatively young veterans who risked their lives and health in the interests of the Motherland after the Great Victory over Nazi Germany. They also deserve recognition and respect. Therefore, a separate date will be an occasion to congratulate not only the military, but also employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service, as well as other participants in the hostilities who are not military personnel, on the Day of Veterans of Combat Operations, and all of them to come together again and remember their dead comrades. I must say that, despite the lack of an official status, July 1, the Day of Combat Veterans, is already organized in a number of Russian regions. For example, in Moscow, the traditional meeting place for veterans of all years, places, countries of hostilities is Poklonnaya Gora, where commemorative events begin with the laying of flowers at the memorial to the internationalist warrior, and then a cultural program is organized with the participation of famous artists. In other cities, the participants of the events also begin this day by laying wreaths at the Eternal Flame, at the monuments to the soldiers-internationalists and other memorials. Besides, in recent times This date is paid more and more attention by the media, which also contributes to the recognition and spread of the holiday. At the same time, regional authorities in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation also support the very idea of ​​holding the Day of Veterans of Combat Operations and Local Conflicts.

July 1 in Russia is a memorable date - Combat Veterans Day. And although it does not yet have an official status, it is becoming more and more famous every year. Since 2009, this holiday has also been called Day of Remembrance and Sorrow for War Veterans.
This is a day of remembrance for all those who fought for Russia, no matter in what wars and armed conflicts, fulfilling their duty to defend the Motherland. As a tribute to them - the veterans who live next to us, and the memory of those who are no longer alive.
The idea of ​​creating a single holiday among war veterans who took part in numerous wars and armed conflicts on the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries has been around for a long time. And informally, they began to celebrate it at the beginning of the 21st century. This was due to their desire to gather on one day, not tied to one or another event of the numerous wars in which they were destined to become participants (at present, there are separate memorable dates in Russia - the Days of Military Glory and other holidays dedicated to the history of specific military operations ).

And so, in 2009, on July 1, as a day of remembrance for all participants in the hostilities that took place after 1945 (and these are hostilities in Afghanistan and Chechnya, in many countries of Latin America, Asia and Africa), more than 3,000 veterans voted. This was recorded in a special document, and an appeal was sent to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to officially establish such a Day. However, this issue has not yet been resolved, since, according to the authorities, such a holiday already exists - its function is performed on February 15 (Remembrance Day for Russians who performed their duty outside the Fatherland).
But the initiators of the new date do not give up - they are sure that all veterans should have their own common date, not wanting to confuse the date of the end of the Afghan war and honoring other veterans. And, for example, unlike June 22 (the Day of the Great Patriotic War), it should be dedicated to local conflicts. This will preserve the specifics of the dates. We all remember and honor the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who are becoming less and less every year. But in our country there are many relatively young veterans who risked their lives and health in the interests of the Motherland after the Great Victory over Nazi Germany. They also deserve recognition and respect.
Therefore, a separate date will be an occasion to congratulate not only the military, but also employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service, as well as other participants in the hostilities who are not military personnel, on the Day of Veterans of Combat Operations, and all of them to once again come together and remember their dead comrades.
I must say that, despite the lack of an official status, July 1, the Day of Combat Veterans, is already organized in a number of Russian regions. For example, in Moscow, the traditional meeting place for veterans of all years, places, countries of hostilities is Poklonnaya Gora, where commemorative events begin with the laying of flowers at the memorial to the internationalist warrior, and then a cultural program is organized with the participation of famous artists.
In other cities, the participants of the events also begin this day by laying wreaths at the Eternal Flame, at the monuments to the soldiers-internationalists and other memorials. In addition, the mass media have recently paid more and more attention to this date, which also contributes to the recognition and spread of the holiday. At the same time, regional authorities in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation also support the very idea of ​​holding the Day of Veterans of Combat Operations and Local Conflicts.