Fundamentals of character formatting. Change font in Microsoft Word

“font size” should eventually be separated). Instead of one, you can put another number, then the font will increase by a different number of pixels.
At the end of the bold font put tags:< / f o n t > < / b >. Spaces are not .

If you want to highlight the bold font with a color, insert tags at the beginning of it, removing spaces:< b > < s p a n s t y l e = " c o l o r: b l u e " >. "Blue" - blue color. You can enter any other color if you like. At the end of the selected text, insert tags without spaces:< / s p a n > < / b >


The blog must support HTML encoding.


  • catalog of codes for websites and blogs

A space is a printed character with which words in text are separated from each other. It is customary to put one space between two words. If you remove it, the text will become unreadable, however, make the text without gaps or reduce the amount gaps between words is quite easy. The described principle of action is suitable for most text editors, the differences in them are not too significant.


To visually see the gaps in text(rather than white space between words), switch to show paragraph marks and other hidden formatting characters. To do this, on the "Home" tab, click the "¶" icon in the "Paragraph" section. The characters that appear are not visible when the document is printed, they serve only to facilitate orientation in text. The space character looks like a dot in the center of the line.

There are many ways to remove all spaces from text. Place the cursor in front of a new word and press the BacSpase key - this will delete one printed character (space) to the left of the new word. Place the cursor at the end of the word and press the Delete key - the printed character located to the right of the cursor will be erased. But it is very often inconvenient to edit the text by one character. To remove multiple gaps in honor of the text, select them with the mouse while holding down the Ctrl key, then press the BackSpase key.

To make all text without gaps in one operation, use the replace function. On the "Home" tab, select the "Editing" section, click the "Replace" button. In the dialog box that opens, on the "Replace" tab, enter a space character in the first empty "Find" field (no visible characters will appear, but the cursor will move one character to the right). Leave the second "Replace with" field blank. The "Replace" button searches and replaces one printed character, allowing you to control the replacement process. The "Replace All" button allows you to immediately delete all found in text space characters.

If in the usual text spacing between letters looks like spaces, perhaps spacing is set for them. To return to simple familiar spacing, select the text (or part of the text) and go to the Home tab. In the Font section, click the arrow button to bring up the dialog box. In the window that opens, go to the "Interval" tab and use the drop-down list to set the values ​​you need.

You will immediately determine if you are Russian or if you start any text editor and start entering words. To switch from Latin to Cyrillic (from English to Russian), click on the "Language Bar" icon with the left mouse button. In the drop-down menu with the left mouse button, select the line "Russian", - the input language will change. From the keyboard, switching between languages ​​occurs by pressing the Alt and Shift or Ctrl and Shift keys.

Additional options for entering text and displaying the "Language Bar" can be configured in the "Regional and Language Options" window. Call it up by clicking on the "Start" button and selecting the "Regional and Language Options" icon in the "Control Panel" in the "Date, Time, Language and Regional Standards" category. Click the Language tab and click the More details button under Language and Text Input Services.

In an additional dialog box that opens, go to the "Options" tab and click the "Language Bar" button located at the bottom of the window. Set the marker in the fields you need to customize the display of the "Language Bar". By clicking on the "Keyboard Options" button, you can set which keys you use to switch from of English language on when entering words. Apply new settings, close windows.

One quick way to create gold stylized lettering is to apply a gradient fill and bevel to the test layer. All of these options can be adjusted in Photoshop's layer style dialog box.

You will need

  • Photoshop program.


Open the picture on top of which you want to make the inscription gold font or create a new document in RGB mode using the New option of the File menu. Turn on the Paint Bucket Tool and fill the layer of the created document with any dark color. This color will not affect the inscription in any way, but gold letters on a dark background will look much more impressive than on a light or transparent one.

Make an inscription with the Horizontal Type Tool. The layer style you'll be adjusting looks more natural on serif fonts. You can change the font of an already made inscription by selecting the text and selecting a new font from the drop-down list under the main menu.

Fill the letters with a reflected gradient from dark yellow to light yellow. To do this, apply the Gradient Overlay option of the Layer style group of the Layer menu. Click on the gradient bar to open the gradient settings window. Select the leftmost color marker, click on the color rectangle that appeared in the settings window, and select a dark yellow color in the palette that opens. In the same way, set a light yellow color for the right marker.

To make it easier to choose colors for the gradient, open an image of some gold object in Photoshop. To select the darkest color in the gradient, click on the dark area of ​​this item. The light part of the image will help you pick up the light component of the gradient.

In the Style field of the gradient fill settings window, select Reflected. As a result, the inscription should have dark edges and a light middle. If the upper and lower parts of the letters are lighter than the middle, check the Reverse checkbox.

To customize the relief, go to the Bevel and Emboss tab. From the Style list, select Inner Bevel, and from the Technique list, select Chisel Hard. Adjust the Size parameter so that the letters have sharp edges. From the Gloss contour list, select Cone, Ring or Ring-double depending on which setting your text will look most realistic with. If noise appears on the inscription after adjusting the gloss, check the Anti-aliased checkbox.

Gold the font is ready. If desired, add an outer glow to the letters by going to the Outer Glow tab. The Spread and Size parameters are responsible for the size of the glow, and Opacity, as you might guess, for its transparency. As the color of the glow, you can leave the color that is configured by default.


  • Gold text in Photoshop

Russian fans of the game Counter strike rightfully occupy an honorable place in the "gaming" world. So the desire to change title his servers in Russian language looks completely natural.


Start your server and open the Сstrike folder. Locate the server configuration file named server.cfg and open it. Define a line with a value of hostname and enter the desired server name in it after the word hostname.

Expand the "File" menu of the top service bar of the application window and select the "Save As" command. Specify UTF-8 encoding and uncheck the bom box. Confirm the application of the changes made by clicking the OK button and restart the server.

If you cannot save the desired server name in UTF-8 encoding, make a copy of the entire contents of the server.cfg file. Call the main system menu by clicking the "Start" button, and go to the "All Programs" item. Expand the "Accessories" link and launch the Notepad application.

Create a new text document and paste the saved server.cfg file text into it. Expand the "File" menu of the upper service panel of the "Notepad" application and select the "Save As" command. Enter the server.cfg value in the "File name" field and select the option " Text Documents” in the drop-down menu of the line “File type”. Specify the UTF-8 item in the drop-down menu of the "Encoding" field and confirm your choice by clicking the "Save" button.

Place the created document in the server.cfg file and save the changes made. Restart the server to apply them. Please note that any changes made to the server.cfg file after changing the server name will require the above operation to be repeated.

In cases where the user is missing fonts from the standard Windows collection, you can download your favorite collection from a disk or from the Internet. In order for the system or a specific program to “see” new fonts, you need to know how and where install them.

All fonts on your computer are located in a specially designed Fonts folder. Through the element "My Computer" open the disk with the system and find it in the Windows folder. Each font located in the specified directory can be viewed. Click on the file of interest with the left mouse button - a new dialog box will open with a description of the font (size, version, digital signature, and so on) and with visual examples of writing words with it. There is another way to access the folder with fonts. Click the Start button or the Windows key, open Control Panel, and select the Appearance and Themes category. In the left part of the window, you will see a line-link "Fonts". Click on it with the left mouse button and you will be taken to the desired folder. If the "Control Panel" has a classic look, the folder with fonts is available immediately. After downloading the font from the Internet, copy it to the clipboard using the "Copy" command, called from the context menu of the file when you right-click on it. Alternatively, select the file and press the Ctrl + C combination on your keyboard. Open the Fonts folder and use the Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert keys to paste the new font into it. Also, for this operation, you can call the "Paste" command in the "Edit" menu. The font will be installed. There are special programs designed to work with fonts, such as Font Navigator. With the help of such utilities, you can view collections and install them on your computer. After installing the application, run it and select the folder where the new fonts are stored. When the list is formed, select the font you are interested in or several and select the "Install" command from the menu or press the hot key intended for this. The utility will automatically copy the new font to the Fonts folder.


  • where to throw fonts in 2019

Creating your own unique font is interesting not only for designers and developers, but also for ordinary Internet users. On the net you can find several software tools for this purpose - both professional and amateur.

Previously, when creating websites, you had to use raster icons. It was beautiful, but inconvenient for a number of reasons. Today vector icons have taken the place of raster icons. This is an original and elegant solution that will decorate and refresh your site.

Bold text in Microsoft Word can be written in several ways.

How to write words in bold letters in Word?

To do this, either before writing the text, press the corresponding key for bold text, or select the already written text and press the key to format the text. On the top toolbar, click on the button with the letter "Zh". Right click on "sheet" in Microsoft Word.

In the drop-down menu, select the button with the letter "Zh". Regardless of the version of the year of release of the MS Office package, and, accordingly, the Word program, the fastest and most effective way, which will help to make the entered text bold is the following steps. Well, this question should not make you suffer for a long time. You need to open a Word document and pay attention to the top panel. There you can immediately see the icon with the letter "g". So by clicking on this icon, you will get a bold font.

By the way, you can make already typed text bold by selecting it and clicking on “g”. To do this, you will need to activate the "W" button, which is located next to the "K" italic and "H" underline buttons in the top panel of Worda. You can easily understand whether this button is activated or not: You can also highlight some text in bold type later, after writing this with poison, select the desired text and press the same button - “F”.

Making a bold font in Microsoft Word is very easy. At the beginning, you need to write the text, then select it and press the W button on the top panel. Nearby there are also letters K - italic and H - underlining with a dash.

And yet, you can immediately click on the letter F and then the print will immediately go in bold, no text selection is required. The main thing is to remember the location of the letter Zh on the panel and then printing bold text will not be difficult. After that, start typing - the text will be bold. If you have already typed the text and you need to make it bold, then just select the necessary words or a piece of text, and then click on the same icon - you're done! The most obvious way is to highlight desired part text and press the button above.

It is in the top menu in all versions of Word, even online. I personally use the keyboard command. In the Microsoft Word text editor, in a simple way in Word, you can write words in bold in this way - on the toolbar, click on the black letter F and write words - they will immediately stand out.

If this is your first time with us: How to write words in bold letters in Word? The location of the "bold text" button for Microsoft Word Regardless of the version of the year of release of the MS Office package, and accordingly the Word program, the fastest and most effective way to make the entered text bold is the following steps: To do this, you will need to activate the "Ж" button , which is located next to the "K" italic and "H" underline buttons in the top panel of Worda:

Make text bold - Word

Select a line and press letter Zh-t. You can just press F first, and write. Is it possible and how to determine the name of the font - on the site, in the text, in the program? How to adjust the font size in Rambler mail? How to increase the font on BV? What font is needed in Word for a line height of 0. How to make a bold font to highlight a piece of text on BV? How to increase the font in Google Chrome?

How to increase the font in Opera? How to increase the font in Internet Explorer? How to increase the font in Mozilla? Ask it to our community, we will surely have an answer! Share experience and knowledge, earn rewards and reputation, make new interesting friends! Ask interesting questions, give quality answers and earn money.

Today I'll show you how to make words bold on a website using HTML and CSS. This design is used when you need to highlight certain information on a page. And we are talking not only about headlines, but also about simple words, phrases in the text. It is implemented quite simply.

To highlight certain text in bold, special HTML tags are used − and . For example the following code:

Plain text.


Bold text strong.

Plain text.


Bold text strong.

The output gives the following picture:

The last two options visually look the same, but they differ slightly from each other. Tag specifies a simple stylistic bolding of a word, while adds some semantic "reinforced" (important) meaning. That is, the last line is not just bold text, but some important information. In principle, it is recommended for search engines to use exactly .

You can also encounter bold in HTML with styles:

Bold text example.

Sample text with bold word.

On the website it looks like this:

Even though the bold text code for HTML works correctly, it shouldn't be done this way. All design styles must be placed in a CSS file. Therefore, in the example above, you should have for tags

And specify the appropriate class, and then prescribe its appearance in the style sheet. These are the rules for coding. So for bold in HTML, use the tag .

Bold text in CSS

To make a CSS font bold, use the font-weight property. With its help, the “saturation” of a text fragment is indicated. Values ​​can be from 100 to 900, but the most commonly used are:

  • bold (bold) - 700 by default;
  • normal (normal) - 400 by default.

There are also options for the bolder and lighter values, which change the font depending on the parent to more or less bold, respectively.

To set bold text in CSS, you need to set some style for this or that element, for example:

Plain text with bold selection in the center.

strong ( font-weight: bold; )

Here I would like to note one small nuance that I was told on - if you create a new class for some element, then it is advisable to use a more or less “understandable name”. For example, in the example above, the style class="my-bold-font" looks more logical than class="new-font", because you can partly understand its purpose. This is a plus for those who will look at and use your layout in the future.

In the next article I will talk about interesting bold fonts that I managed to find.

There are three ways to highlight text in bold on an HTML page, but do not rush to immediately use any one you like, as such bolding can have different meanings and affect the site's optimization for the search engine.

Bold font with strong tag

This method is suitable if you want to bold an important part of the text. The HTML tag is a logical formatting tag and its essence is to "emphasize" the importance of the selected fragment.

There are other logical formatting tags in HTML. For example, the tag highlights text in italics and indicates emphasis on the selected phrase.

Other types of text selection are described in the article:.

plain text highlighted important piece of text. Plain text.

Bold text with b tag

plain text bold text. Plain text.

Bold CSS Styles

Bold text can be made not only with the help of special HTML tags. You can make it bold on any tag by setting the property font-weight: bold; (does not work for all fonts).

Such a selection will be stylistic in nature, without adding logical weight to the selected text.

In addition, you can select both a specific tag and a group of elements at once by setting styles through a CSS class.

The CSS property inside the style attribute:

Text in bold.

Text in bold.

Text in normal font.

Text in bold.

What to do if you can't make text bold

If you can't make text bold, it's likely that your site has overridden CSS element styles. In this case, you will have to adjust these styles. In most cases, this will be done through the main CSS stylesheet file. If you do not understand this, contact the webmaster. FROM big share probability that this problem will take no more than 5 minutes of work to solve (although, of course, there may be exceptions).

MS Word has a fairly large set of built-in fonts available for use. The problem is that not all users know how to change not only the font itself, but also its size, thickness, and a number of other parameters. It is about how to change the font in Word that will be discussed in this article.

Word has a special section for working with fonts and changing them. In new versions of the program, the group "Font" located in tab "Home", in earlier versions of this product, the font tools are on the tab "Page layout" or "Format".

1. In a group "Font"(tab "Home") expand the box with the active font by clicking on the small triangle next to it, and select the one you want to use from the list

Note: In our example, the default font is − Arial, it may be different for you, for example, Open Sans.

2. The active font will change and you can start using it immediately.

Note: The name of all fonts presented in the standard MS Word set is displayed in the form in which the letters printed in this font on the sheet will be displayed.

How to change the font size?

Before changing the font size, you need to learn one nuance: if you want to change the size of already typed text, you must first select it (the same applies to the font itself).

Click "Ctrl+A", if this is all the text in the document, or use the mouse to select a fragment. If you want to change the size of the text you plan to type, you don't need to select anything.

1. Expand the menu of the window located next to the active font (numbers are indicated there).

Note: In our example, the default font size is − 12 , yours may be different, for example, 11 .

2. Choose an appropriate font size.

Advice: Standard size Fonts in Word are presented with a certain step of several units, or even tens. If you are not satisfied with specific values, you can enter them manually in the active font size window.

3. The font size will change.

Advice: Next to the numbers showing the value of the active font, there are two buttons with the letter "BUT"- one of them is larger, the other is smaller. By clicking on this button, you can change the font size step by step. A large letter increases the size, and a smaller one decreases it.

In addition, next to these two buttons is another one − "Aa"- by expanding its menu, you can choose the appropriate type of writing text.

How to change font weight and slant?

In addition to the standard type of large and small letters in MS Word, written in a particular font, they can also be bold, italic (italic - with a slope), and underlined.

To change the font type, select the desired piece of text (do not select anything if you only plan to write something in the document with a new type of font), and click one of the buttons located in the group "Font" on the control panel (tab "Home").

Letter button "AND" makes the font bold (instead of pressing the button on the control panel, you can use the keys "Ctrl+B");

"TO"- italics ( "Ctrl+I");

"H"- underlined ( "Ctrl+U").

Note: Bold font in Word, although it is indicated by the letter "AND", is actually bold.

As you can see, text can be bold, italic, and underlined at the same time.

Advice: If you want to choose the thickness of the underline, click on the triangle next to the letter "H" in a group "Font".

next to the letters "AND", "TO" and "H" there is a button in the font group "abc"(crossed out Latin letters). If you select text and then click this button, the text will be strikethrough.

How to change font color and background?

In addition to the appearance of the font in MS Word, you can also change its style (text effects and design), color and background on which the text will be.

Changing the font style

To change the font style, its design, in the group "Font", which is located in the tab "Home"(previously "Format" or "Page layout") click on the small triangle located to the right of the translucent letter "BUT"(“Text Effects and Design”).

In the window that appears, select what you would like to change.

Important: Remember if you want to change appearance existing text, first select it.

As you can see, this tool alone allows you to change the color of the font, add a shadow, outline, reflection, highlight and other effects to it.

Change the background behind the text

In a group "Font" next to the button discussed above, there is a button “Text Highlight Color”, with which you can change the background on which the font is located.

Just select a piece of text whose background you want to change, and then click on the triangle next to this button on the control panel and select the appropriate background.

Instead of the default white background, the text will appear on the background of the color you choose.

Change text color

Next button in group "Font""Font Color"- and, as the name implies, it allows you to change this very color.

Select the piece of text whose color you want to change, and then click on the triangle next to the button "Font Color". Choose the right color.

The color of the selected text will change.

How to set the font you like as the default one?

If you often use the same font for typing, different from the standard font available directly when you start MS Word, it will not be superfluous to set it as the default one - this will save you some time.

1. Open the dialog box "Font" by clicking on the arrow located in the lower right corner of the group of the same name.

2. Section "Font" select the one you want to set as the standard one available by default when you start the program.

In the same window, you can set the appropriate font size, style (regular, bold or italic), color, and many other options.

3. Having made the necessary settings, click the button "Default" located at the bottom left of the dialog box.

5. Press the button "OK" to close the window "Font".

6. Default font, like everyone else additional settings that you may have done in this dialog box will change. If you applied it for all subsequent documents, then every time you create / start a new Word document, your font will be immediately installed.

How to change the font in a formula?

We have already written about how to add formulas to Microsoft Word and how to work with them, you can learn more about this from our article. Here we will talk about how to change the font in the formula.

If you just select the formula and try to change its font in the same way as you do with any other text, nothing will work. AT this case needs to be done a little differently.

1. Go to the tab "Constructor", which appears after clicking on the formula area.

2. Highlight the contents of the formula by clicking "Ctrl+A" within the region in which it is located. You can also use the mouse for this.

3. Open the group dialog "Service" by clicking on the arrow located in the lower right part of this group.

4. A dialog box will open in front of you, where in the line “Default font for formula areas” You can change the font by choosing the one you like from the available list.

Note: Despite the fact that Word has a fairly large set of built-in fonts, not every one of them can be used for formulas. Also, you may not be able to select any other font for the formula besides the standard Cambria Math.

That's all, now you know how to change the font in Word, also from this article you learned how to set up other font parameters, including its size, color, etc. We wish you high productivity and success in mastering all the subtleties of Microsoft Word.

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