Rebuses on the knowledge of colors and their shades. Puzzles, crossword puzzles and more. Puzzles of the type "letters in a letter", "letters on or under a letter"

To learn how to compose and understand puzzles, it is worth understanding what they are.

Word "rebus" of Latin origin (lat. rebus, with the help of things, "Non verbis sed rebus" - "Not with words, but with the help of things"). The rebus originated in France in the 15th century, and the first printed collection of puzzles published in this country in 1582 was compiled by Etienne Taburo. In the time that has passed since then, the technique of compiling rebus problems has been enriched with a variety of different techniques.

So, rebus- this is one of the types of puzzles, a riddle for deciphering words. Encrypted according to certain rules in the rebus can be not only single word, but also a proverb, saying, quote, riddle and even a whole short story. Words and phrases in the rebus are depicted in the form of pictures, letters, numbers, notes and other various signs, the number of which is not limited. Solving the rebus is a whole science. When solving a rebus, it is necessary to write down all the signs in the form of a meaningful word or sentence. Although there are several types of puzzles (literary, mathematical, musical, sound, etc.), there are some general rules their compilation and interpretation.

rebus example


A word or sentence is divided into such parts that can be depicted in the form of a picture or any sign. The rebus is read from left to right, less often from top to bottom. Punctuation marks and spaces in the rebus are not taken into account. If one word is guessed in the rebus, then it should, as a rule, be a noun, moreover, in the singular and in the nominative case. Deviation from this rule must be stipulated in the conditions of the rebus. If a sentence is guessed (proverb, aphorism, etc.), then, naturally, it can contain not only nouns, but also verbs and other parts of speech. In this case, the conditions of the rebus must contain the appropriate phrase (for example: “Guess the riddle”). The rebus must have a solution, and, as a rule, one. The ambiguity of the answer should be specified in the conditions of the rebus. For example: “Find two solutions to this puzzle.” The number of techniques used in one rebus and their combinations is not limited.


The simplest option, when the rebus consists of two pictures to help you create a new word. The names of the objects depicted in the rebus should be read in the nominative singular or plural if several objects are depicted.

rebus 1


rebus 2


rebus 3


From the last example, it can be seen that the picture in the rebus can have more than one name (eye and eye, bees and swarm, etc.); or the image may have a general or private name (a bird is a common name; a swift, a swallow, a chicken is a private name). If the depicted object has two meanings, then it is logically necessary to determine the appropriate one. This is the hardest part of puzzles.

If the picture turned upside down, which means that the word is read backwards.

rebus 4

Inverted NOSE = SLEEP

If to the right or left of the picture is one or more letters- this means that these letters should simply be added. Sometimes they are preceded by a "+" sign. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

rebus 5


rebus 6

Letter X + LION = SHED


commas to the right or left of the picture means that in the word conceived with the help of the picture, you need to remove as many letters as there are commas. At the same time, commas in front of the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed at the beginning of the hidden word, commas at the end of the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed from the end of the word. Sometimes the commas to the left of the image are drawn upside down, although this does not play a fundamental role.

rebus 7


rebus 8


rebus 9


The arrow pointing to the left above the picture indicates that after the word is deciphered, it must be read backwards.

rebus 10

DRESSER - KO, read from right to left = HOUSE


If above the picture is strikethrough letter, and there is another one nearby, then this letter in the word must be changed to the specified one. If one or more letters are simply crossed out, then they must be removed from the given word. The "=" sign also serves to replace one of the letters with another.

rebus 11

O R YOL \u003d Donkey

rebus 12


rebus 13


If the crossed out letter(s) stands as an independent figure, then it must be read with the addition of the “not” particle.

rebus 14


Numbers can be used instead of a picture. If part of the word in the rebus is represented by a number, then the number is pronounced as a numeral.

rebus 15

Number SEVEN + letter I = FAMILY

rebus 16

STO number + letter L \u003d TABLE

Keep in mind that a number can have more than one name.

rebus 17


rebus 18

Letter W + QOL + letter A = SCHOOL

rebus 19

Letter P + ONE + AR KA \u003d MELLE

rebus 20

ON VAR + figure TWO + L EU \u003d BASEMENT

Several identical letters or other images in a row mean that you need to try to count them.

rebus 21

SEVEN letters I = FAMILY

rebus 22


rebus 23

PAIR of letters D = PARADE

Numbers next to the picture are used to number the letters in a word. The number indicates the place of the letter in the given word, and the order in which the numbers are written determines the new place of this letter.

rebus 24


rebus 25


If there are fewer numbers than letters in the hidden word, this means that only the specified number of letters must be selected from the hidden word.

rebus 26


The use of crossed out numbers means that the corresponding letters must be removed from the hidden word.

rebus 27


If two numbers with arrows pointing in different directions are shown next to the picture, it means that in the word it is necessary to swap the letters indicated by the numbers.

rebus 28

Z A M OK \u003d SMAMA

Roman numerals may also be used.

rebus 29

Forty A = FORTY

The use of fractions is not excluded. When a fraction is used in a rebus, it is unraveled as "ON THE"(divide by). If a fraction with a denominator 2 is used in the rebus, then this is unraveled as "FLOOR"(half).

rebus 30

Z divide by K \u003d SIGN

rebus 31

Gender of letter E = FIELD

crossed out sign "=" between pictures should be read as "NOT".

rebus 32

And not Y \u003d hoarfrost


Often in puzzles, letters are drawn placed in an unusual perspective relative to each other (one inside the other, one under or above the other, one runs towards the other, one goes out of the other, etc.). This means that it is necessary to describe a drawing or letter combinations using prepositions, unions: “I”, “B”, “K”, “U”, “C”, “FOR”, “FROM”, “ON”, “ON” , "BEFORE" and others.

If objects, numbers or letters are depicted one in the other, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "IN" before or between titles.

rebus 33

In the letter O, the letter Z = WHO

rebus 34

The letter Z in the letter O + the letter H \u003d CALL

If one object is depicted after another, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "FRONT" or "BEHIND".

rebus 35

Behind the letter L, the letter P \u003d ZALP

Usage horizontal bar between pictures, letters or numbers placed one below the other means the use of prepositions "ON THE", "ABOVE", "UNDER".

rebus 36

On the letter C, the letter T \u003d NAST

rebus 37

Under the letter C cok \u003d HOOP

rebus 38

C letter H letter E + letter G \u003d SNOW

1. Crossword "Names of trees"

Enter the names of the trees.

2. Crossword "Names of shrubs"

Enter the names of the shrubs.

3. Crossword "Names coniferous plants"

Enter the names of conifers.

    A tree with evergreen needles.

    Wood with solid wood.

    A tree of the pine family, common in Siberia.

    Common conifer tree.

    A large tree of the pine family, common in the taiga.

    A tree with a dense pyramidal crown.

    A giant of the plant world, preserved only in California. The height of some trees reaches 150 m

    Tree of the Araucariaceae family.

    A genus of woody plants in the cypress family.

    A shrub of the cypress family.

4. Crossword "Seed Plants"

Write the answers so that in the selected line along the horizonTali is the name of a group of seed plants.


    The name of a plant that does not shed its leaves during the winter.

    Representative of light-loving gymnosperms.

    Modified cone leaves.


    Modified leaf of coniferous plants.

    A group of seed plants.

5. Crossword "Trees and Shrubs"

    Write the names of five trees and shrubs.Perennial shrub with black fruits.

    Tree with nut fruits.

    A plant in the willow family whose twigs are used to weave bark zines.

    Fruit plant with red fruits.

    A small tree or shrub of the Rosaceae family,
    whose homeland is the Caucasus.

6. Crossword "Letter "R"

Enter the names of the plants so that the letter "R" is common.

    Branched shrub of the barberry family.

    A tree of the pink family, whose homeland is Tien- Shan.

    Shrub of the olive family, fruit - black oval berry.

    A common tree, the flowers of which are collected in earrings.

    A small tree or shrub from the pomegranate family,
    fruits are reddish, with leathery pericarp.

    Durable tree of China and Japan, otherwise called an apple com of the East.

    A tree with black strongly astringent fruits.

    Small shrub of the lingonberry family, with black flats ladies.

    An annual plant of the legume family, with a rounded cylinderric fruits.

    Tree of the Rosaceae family, with pear-shaped or
    spherical shape.

    Tree of the Rosaceae family, with orange-red fruits noah coloring.

    A tree up to 35 m high from the pine family, with large

    A tree from the Rosaceae family, whose homeland is considered yut China.

Horizontally: 4. Ornamental coniferous tree of the Taxodiaceae family, known as "Japanese cedar". 5. Strong alcoholic drink, obtained by distillation of alcohol infusion of juicy juniper cones. 8. One of the genera of cycads, grown as an ornamental plant in greenhouses. nine. not big a shrub belonging to the class of sheath-seeds, according to appearance horsetail-like. 10. The genus of gymnosperms, represented by the only species growing in the deserts of South-West Africa, has two belt-like leaves 2-3 m long, lives up to 100 years. 13. Large beautiful tree from China and Japan up to 70 m high, having fan-shaped lobed leaves with forked venation and seeds with a succulent cover. 16. A coniferous tree with erect cones on the shoots and single soft flat needles, forms dark coniferous forests in the vast territory of the north-east of the European part of our lazy group of modern gymnosperms.

Vertically: 1. An ornamental coniferous plant, similar to a small Christmas tree, growing in the Southern Hemisphere, and grown in our greenhouses. 2. Coniferous shrub, less often a tree, with needle-shaped needles and juicy female cones, forming dark blue "berries". 3. A light-loving coniferous tree, on the shortened shoots of which are bunches of soft needles, which are shed annually for the winter. 6. ornamental plant cypress family with characteristic shoots, the points of which are located in the same plane. 7. A representative of the cycads, a small dwarf plant growing in sandy woodlands in Florida (USA). 11. Modified shortened spore-bearing shoot in conifers. 12. Ancient, extinct in the Triassic period, coniferous trees, whose ancestors were seed ferns. 14. Widespread in the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and the Crimea, a coniferous tree with flat wide needles and seeds surrounded by a bright red juicy bowl - aryllus. 15. The most beautiful decorative coniferous tree, the image of which is found on the flag of Lebanon.

8. Crossword "Names of inflorescences"

Write horizontally the names of the inflorescences.

9. Crossword "Parts of the escape"

Enter the names of the parts of the escape.

10. Crossword "Plant Organs"

Write the names of various plant organs.

11. Rebus "Coniferous plants"

What is the importance of conifers in nature?

12. Rebus "Air in a coniferous forest"

Why is the air in coniferous forests practically free of pathogenic bacteria - microbes?

13. Rebus "Wood of coniferous plants"

What are the features of coniferous wood?

14. Puzzle-proverb 1

Find the beginning and clue to the proverb puzzle. Read the proverb and explain its meaning.

15. Puzzle-proverb 2

In a clockwise direction, skipping the same number of syllables, read the proverb, explain its meaning.

16. Puzzle "Date of Birth"

Decipher the puzzle and you will know when the gymnosperms appeared

17. Puzzle " Distinctive feature»

This puzzle will tell you what distinguishing features of gymnosperms are.

18. Puzzle "Secret of Russian forests"

Solve this puzzle and you will find out which coniferous tree is widespread in our country.

19. Braid "Coniferous"

Horizontally and vertically, the names of 9 gymnosperms and one product obtained in the form of cereals from tropical gymnosperms palm-like. Some of the letters in the braid are hidden.

20. Labyrinth "Symbiosis"

On soils rich in organic matter and raw humus, a symbiosis of trees and fungi occurs. After passing through the maze, find the pairs of symbiosis.

21. Chinvord "Botany"

    A giant tree in the African savannas that has been living for over 5,000 years.

    Deciduous tree with hard wood.

    Plantain inflorescence.

    Conifer tree.

    Juicy seedlings of the southern plant of the same name.

    Generative organ of higher plants.

    Deciduous tree of the genus maple.

    Queen of flowers.

    fruit tree, which forms the fruit - a large, sweet, juicy yellow drupe.

    Shrub and its delicious berries.

    Ornamental plant of the Asteraceae family.

    Indoor and garden, beautiful flowering plant.

    The most common fruit tree in central Russia.

    Pear fruit.

    Shrub with nuts.

    A herbaceous plant with a purple corolla.

    Southern plant with modified spiny leaves.

22. Symbols

A word is formed from the first letters of the names of astronomical, topographical and chemical signs and symbols. Guess him.

(answers are given only for questions marked with an asterisk)

1. Which plants go to the production of high quality paper. What do you know about it?

2* . During the World Forestry Congress in 1960 in Seattle (USA), foresters from 96 countries decided to establish a Peoples' Friendship Park, where a representative of each country was supposed to plant their national tree. What tree was chosen by our delegation?

3*. What plant is called a "living monument" of ancient gymnosperms?

4*. Until now, such expressions can be found in fiction and popular science literature: “ship timber”, “ship grove”. What plant is meant by this?

5. It is well known that during a storm the wind uproots the firs, while it breaks the pines. What explains this fact?

6. Scientists know that root system pines can be different - depending on the conditions: on sandy soil, a powerful taproot goes deep into the ground, in a swamp the main root is poorly developed, and due to lateral roots, a superficial root system is formed. Name the reasons causing such growth of the root system.

7. Foresters have long noticed that in a pine tree growing in a forest, the lower branches die off very quickly, while in spruce, under the same conditions, they are almost completely preserved throughout life. Explain why?

8. This happened in 1596. The famous traveler Jacques Cartier went on an expedition to the shores of Canada. After a while, everyone on the ship fell ill with scurvy. When the ship approached the St. Lawrence River, 26 sailors died. Having landed on the shore, the travelers did not find either lemons or vegetables in the surrounding forests. The Indians living in these places gave travelers some advice that helped them recover from a terrible disease. What did the Indians say?

9. Botanists know many cases of cohabitation of two or more flowering plants. Gymnosperms are no exception. For example, juniper is a frequent companion of pine. Why does he die if a lot of fir trees grow nearby?

10. “Amber is a product of the plant kingdom,” said M. V. Lomonosov. What allowed the great scientist to draw such a conclusion? What do you know about amber?

11. In some pine forests, resin is collected - pine resin. Oblique notches are made on the trunks, converging in their lower part, and jars are hung in which the resin is collected. Why are new notches on pine trunks higher than old ones? What explains the origin of the name of pine resin - resin?

12. You are well aware that higher plants are divided into deciduous and evergreen. The second group includes almost all conifers. How do fir, spruce, pine and other coniferous plants tolerate the winter "drought"?

24. Quiz game "Coniferous plants"

Read the description of ten conifers. Try to find out which plant this description matches. Find these plants in the pictures.

one*. The main forest-forming species in Russia. It grows on a variety of soils, but prefers sands. Often it is planted to delay the advance of the sands. On shortened shoots, two needles. Small cones. light-loving plant. Gives good drill and ornamental wood; turpentine and rosin are obtained from the resin.

2*. The tallest tree of coniferous plants common in Russia reaches 70 m. There are no shortened shoots. The needles are single, flat. The cones are erect, crumbling when ripe. Forms dark coniferous forests in the vast territory of Siberia. The wood is used in the production of paper, and valuable balsam is extracted from the bark.

3*. A large tree up to 50 m high with a characteristic pyramidal crown shape. There are no shortcuts. Single needles are usually tetrahedral. Cones are leathery, hanging, large in size. The tree is shade tolerant. Yields valuable timber.

4*. A light-loving tree that forms light forests. The wood is hard, resinous and durable. On shortened shoots there are bunches of soft needles, annually shed for the winter. The cones are small, ripen within a year, but stay on the branches for several years. Widely distributed in the Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

five*. A tall tree that forms forests in the vast territory of Eastern Siberia and the Far East. On shortened shoots - bunches of 5 needles. It produces valuable wood and large edible seeds called nuts, from which valuable oil is extracted.

6*. The only species of this genus. trees grows on the Pacific coast of the USA in California. These are huge trees with a height of 100 m or more. Some of them are 2-3 thousand years old. The needles are bluish-green, flat. It has valuable reddish wood.

7*. The most species-rich genus of coniferous trees and shrubs. The leaves are needle-shaped or scaly, arranged crowded on the shoots. Female cones have juicy scales, forming a kind of "berries" with seeds. They are used to make strong drinks.

8*. Very durable trees with dense beautiful wood and a columnar crown shape. Leaves are scaly. Female cones are medium-sized, woody. It is grown as a cultivated plant in the Crimea and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. In the Mediterranean countries, it is considered a symbol of grief, a mourning tree.

nine*. Widespread in the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and the Crimea, a large coniferous tree 35 m high and over 1 m in diameter. Wood is heavier than water, very durable and beautiful, without resin passages. The needles are flat and wide. The seeds are surrounded by a bright red fleshy formation - aryllus. Wood, bark and needles are poisonous. The plant is shade tolerant.

10*. beautiful decorative tree depicted on the flag of Lebanon. It has a cone-shaped crown. On shortened shoots - bunches of needles. Cones are very dense, disintegrating when seeds ripen. In the wild, it grows in the Himalayas, in the Mediterranean. In Russia, it is cultivated along the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

25. Quiz "Plants"

1. How many cubic meters of air will a forest of 40 hectares clear in 5 years, if it is known that 1 hectare of a forest tract cleans 18 million cubic meters of air from carbon dioxide and dust per year?

2. What are the changes in environment indicate to plants of our latitudes the time of the beginning of bud break, flowering, fruiting and leaf fall?

3. In hot summer weather in a city park, the air temperature is 2.2C lower than in a city street and 1.5C higher than in a forest. Determine the air temperature in the forest if it is 31C on a busy city street?

4. Why do some plants bloom in the first year of life, while others - after a year or several years. Give examples of plants that differ in the timing of the onset of flowering.

5. 1 m of urban air contains about 5,000 microbes. How many microbes are there in 1 cubic meter of forest, if it is known that their content in the forest is 9 times lower?

6. Deciduous trees of mid-latitudes, moved to greenhouses, where they have all the optimal conditions for life (sufficient amount of light, heat and moisture), nevertheless, shed their leaves. What is it connected with?

7. Scientists have long known that green spaces significantly reduce the amount of dust in the air. They calculated that over 50 sq. km of forest in the air is about 50 tons of dust, and over the same area of ​​treeless space - 11 times more. How many tons of dust can be over 100 sq. km of treeless space.

8. If in January - February you cut a birch branch in the forest, bring it into the room and put it in water, then the buds will soon burst and leaves will appear. But if such a branch is cut in October - November, then it will not bloom and dry out. Why?

9. It is known that those plants that grew intensively in autumn, for example, due to prolonged warm weather or as a result of abundant fertilizing with fertilizers, do not tolerate frost well. What is it connected with?

10. Botanists have long noticed that those shrubs and trees most often grow near fences, the seeds of which are spread by the wind. How can such a pattern be explained?

26. Quiz "Plants-symbols"

Since ancient times, many plants have been considered by man as symbols embodying longevity, power, friendship, love, nobility. The image of some plants can be found on state flags, coats of arms and coins, where they are the personification of national traditions and statehood. Plants of different meanings are used in national symbolism: some are sacred - they are captured in folk tales and legends, others surround a person, harmoniously entered his life and therefore are associated with folk traditions.

Sometimes rare plants - a landmark of the country - attract everyone's attention, then their images adorn its flag and coat of arms.

Answer the quiz questions. To do this, you will have to rummage through reference books and encyclopedias.

Questions numbered with snowflakes at the end of each chapter are answered. As you can imagine, these are the most difficult questions.

one*. The sign denoting this plant is found in the ancient writings of the Egyptians dating back to 3-4 millennium BC. An 11,000-year-old clay disc was found in Crete, with an imprint of this plant. Exceptionally beautiful flowers, opening in 4 days, "reach 30 cm in diameter and are always turned towards the sun. Among the Egyptians, they were considered a symbol of the sun and fertility. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyph with the image this plant means joy.On Egyptian coins, columns of ancient temples and palaces you can find the image of this flower.

2*. evergreen tree or shrub with tough fragrant leaves, grows in the Mediterranean. An ancient myth is associated with it about the beautiful nymph Daphne, whom her father, the river god Peneus, turned into this tree, saving Apollo from persecution who fell in love with her. Since then, this plant has been considered the tree of Apollo. It was planted at the temples dedicated to it, a wreath of leaves of this tree was awarded to the winners in creative competitions - poets, musicians, artists. The branch of this tree is depicted on the emblems of many states as a symbol of the victory of the people, its greatness and glory.

3*. This tree is loved by the people, revered as a symbol of spring, youth and purity. To its wonderful fruits in myths and fairy tales different peoples magic power is attributed, and the unique beauty of this flowering tree in spring pleases the soul and is sung by poets, artists and musicians.

4*. This is a shrub or small tree growing along river valleys in the forest and steppe zones. One of the most important Orthodox holidays is accompanied by a church ceremony with the branches of this plant. The bundles of branches consecrated in the church, according to legend, acquire cleansing power. With their help, they put the dwellings in order, sweeping out the garbage that had accumulated over the winter. Garbage was burned, and then steamed in a bathhouse, whipping themselves with these branches and saying: “Health - to the hut, illness - to the forest!”

five*. The stylized image of the inflorescence of this plant has become the emblem of Japan. It can be seen on the coat of arms, orders and coins of this country. In Japan and China, the festival of this plant is celebrated in October. They decorate houses, streets, clothes, and even arrange carnivals with landscapes, figurines of people and animals made from the inflorescences of this plant.

6*. This tree quickly comes to life in spring. It is believed that this is due to its special fruit-bearing power, which people hoped to transfer to the fields. Therefore, it became a symbol of the feast of the Colossus, and after the adoption of Christianity in Russia - the Trinity.

This tree was decorated with ribbons, round dances were danced around, wreaths were woven from its branches.

7*. This tree is evergreen, beautiful, large, with fragrant dense wood. Distributed in the Mediterranean; China, the Himalayas and North America. Considered a mourning tree.

Its shape resembles a torch directed to the sky - a symbol of immortality.

8*. yellow flowers this plant appear in early spring. After flowering, the ground part of it dies off. The name of this plant is associated with ancient Greek myth. “A beautiful young man, in love with the goddess Aphrodite, was once mortally wounded while hunting. Finding him already dead, Aphrodite turned him into a Flower and asked the gods to return her beloved to her. Zeus decided that the young man would spend half a year in the kingdom of death - in winter, when the plants die or fall asleep, and in the spring he would return to the goddess of love and beauty on earth. In Athens and Alexandria in ancient times, a special festival dedicated to this flower was held at the beginning of spring.

In Greece, many songs and hymns glorifying this flower are still preserved.

nine*. According to a poetic legend, a beautiful young man turned into this flower, who at birth was predicted to live until he sees himself. The young man grew up unsociable and shy, loved hunting and spent a lot of time in the forest. One day he saw his reflection in a forest lake and fell in love with it. In vain the young man prayed for the reflection to come out of the water and, without waiting, he died of despair.

A beautiful white flower grew in this place on the lake shore.

10*. This tall and mighty tree goes into business as a whole, without a trace - from root to top - as a valuable raw material. For many peoples of the world, it is considered magical, bringing happiness and averting misfortune.

Western and eastern Slavs kept in huts from one New Year's holiday to another a branch of this tree, driving away evil forces from the house and protecting the peace and well-being of its inhabitants.

eleven*. Often this tree is called cursed - according to legend, Judas strangled himself on it. Structures built from it collapse, crushing the owners, only a stake from this tree can kill a vampire ... But they do not deserve notoriety. From the wood of this tree in the old days they laid log cabins of wells, made shingles to cover the domes of temples and roofs of houses, and in our time they make matches and plywood.

Leaves, bark and juice are used in folk medicine.

12*. In the old days it herbaceous plant called weed-grass. According to legend, it grew in the place where the Mother of God cried and shed tears. It is believed that it has the power to command the spirits. This plant has large purple inflorescences and willow-shaped leaves.

In wet weather, droplets of moisture stand out at the ends of the leaves.

13*. Not a single plant has played such a role in the history of human culture as this. He was the first to be grown for beauty. In ancient times, it was dedicated to the gods: the Greeks - the goddess of love Aphrodite, the Romans - the god of silence Harpocrates. The presence of a flower meant a promise to keep everything said secret. A stylized image of this flower - a rosette - is an architectural decoration of many buildings.

This flower can be found on the coats of arms of such famous English aristocrats as Yorks or Lancasters.

fourteen*. In the inflorescences of this plant, for many centuries they have been trying to find happiness - flowers with five bent lobes instead of four. If you find such a flower, then you must eat it.

And three-lobed flowers, on the contrary, promise misfortune and trouble.

15*. The branches and leaves of this tree are the personification of power, longevity and health. Their image is on the emblems, medals and coins of many countries. This tree is one of the forest-forming species of the Northern Hemisphere.

The ancient Slavs believed that this tree was sacred, attributed miraculous powers to it and dedicated it to the god of thunder and lightning, Perun. The image of Perun was carved only from the wood of this tree.

16*. Under the canopy of the spreading crown of this tree, ancient culture was born. The famous temple of the king was built from its chain aromatic wood.

Solomon in Jerusalem, the temple of Diana in Ephesus, known as one of the seven wonders of the world, was decorated.

The image of this sacred tree appeared on the national flag of Lebanon in 1951, when the country gained independence.

17*. Among the ancient Romans, the fruit of this tree serves as an attribute of the goddess Hera, the patroness of marriage and family. As a heraldic symbol, it was included in the coat of arms of the Spanish monarchy in the 15th century. Images of branches with the fruits of this tree are found on fabrics and carpets of the countries of the Ancient East. one

eighteen*. For the first time these plants and their flowers were sung by Persian poets. 3 thousand years ago they decorated the gardens of Persia (present-day Iran). And then they called them turbans, because they resembled this headdress of Muslims. The image of this plant was decorated with carpets, fabrics, lace. In our time, the center of cultivation of this plant is Holland.

19*. "Royal lily" adorned the national flags and emblems of many European countries. She was the emblem of the royal dynasty, and for the first time her image appeared in France in the 10th century, and on the coat of arms and flag of the French kings - in the 12th century. This flower was found on royal seals and coins.

twenty*. People call this plant the tree of life. It has played an important role in the development of many cultures and civilizations.

The branch of this tree is a symbol of peace, depicted on the coats of arms of many countries and on the flag of the United Nations (UN).

21*. Since ancient times, the branch of this tree has been a symbol of prosperity and well-being. This tree has been grown for more than 4500 years in all subtropical countries for fruits containing up to 50-70% oil.

Mentions of this tree are found in the papyri of Ancient Egypt, it is depicted on coins, ancient vases and amphorae.

22*. The sap of this tree was the main source of sugar for the Indians. North America. And now in the spring the collection of this juice turns into a real national holiday, attracting many tourists.

The collected juice is evaporated until fragrant molasses is obtained. The leaf of this tree is depicted on the national flag of one of the states of the North American continent.

23*. In Greece, this bulbous plant is called the flower of rain - for the ability to bloom in early spring in the fields after heavy rains. Its scientific name comes from the legend that a beautiful young man was mortally wounded by Apollo while throwing a discus in sports. A beautiful flower grew at the site of the young man's death.

24*. This plant is especially revered in China, where it has been bred for more than 1500 years. In the Middle Ages, many varieties were worth their weight in gold. The origin of the name of this plant is also associated with an ancient Greek legend. It tells that the doctor Aesculapius had a student - Pionius. He could heal the worst wounds. And then one day the god Pluto, wanting to save Pionius from certain death, turned him into a flower.

25*. In Russia, this tree was revered as a musical one. From its beautiful wood with a wavy pattern, which has high resonant qualities, they made the gusli "spring".

And in our time, from its wood they make zhaleykas for ensembles of folk instruments and cool ones; tennis rackets.

26*. "Odolen-grass". “Overcome me high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dark forests ...” - with these words the knight addressed the rhizome of this plant in ancient times. Going on a journey, he hid it in an amulet on his chest.

This plant was also called a mermaid flower, as it floated up in the morning, and in the evening mysteriously disappeared under water.

Topic: Flowers in our life.

Target : Give an idea of ​​diversity and beauty

flowers of our Motherland; talk about flowers

folk art; teach children how to create

beauty; cultivate aesthetic taste,

respect for the work of others, to teach to work in


Equipment: colorful images of flowers, poems,

riddles, puzzles about flowers, sets for creative works,

musical accompaniment of the lesson, reproductions for

fairy tales. The stand “Flowers of our gardens and

apartments. Where are they from?”, display computer

pictures of indoor flowers



The flora of our Motherland is rich and diverse. Many amazing plants can be seen on its territory. Today's event is dedicated to an unusually beautiful, fabulous creation of nature - flowers. Remember fairy tales that talk about flowers.

"The Scarlet Flower" S. Aksakov

"Flower-Semitsvetik" V. Kataev

"Stone flower" P. Bazhov


The largest group of plants on our planet - flowering plants. They are found everywhere, on all continents - from snowy Antarctica to hot Africa. All fruit, berry and cereal plants are flowering plants. All deciduous tree species are also flowering plants!

What flowering plants do you know?

(View flower drawings + names).

How do you feel about the flowers you see? (Use of clue words: joy, admiration, surprise…).

READING POEMS ABOUT FLOWERS.(children and teacher)

Chamomile. Forget-me-not.

I am a chamomile girl, they are apparently invisible,

Wild flower. Don't count them!

White as a piece of paper, And who only invented them -

Each petal, Merry, blue?

The sun in the middle must have been torn off

With a yellow eye, a shred from the sky,

And the dewdrops are burning

Golden fire. And they made a flower!

***** Carnation.

Flowers, like people, are generous with kindness, Look, look

And, generously giving tenderness to people, What kind of red light?

They bloom, warming hearts, This is a wild carnation

Like little warm fires. The new day is celebrating.

And when the evening comes

The flower will fold the petals.

Until morning! See you!

And the fire goes out.

Not only poems have been written about flowers, but riddles, rebuses, and comic questions have been invented.

Let's start with riddles. The answers can be found in our pictures.

1. I saw such a flower - a golden rim.

For a long time he sat in the grass, became gray-haired and flew away. (dandelion)

2. The first to get out of the earth on a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost, even though he is small. (Snowdrop).

3. ROMA + MASHKA (chamomile)

4. BELL + BOYS (bells)

5. The pearl bell came to the forests in spring.

It spreads through the forest, its wonderful smell. (Lily of the valley).

What good fellows you are! You know flowers very well.

Many flowers are disappearing from our Earth. Endangered species are listed in a special book. What for?

The forest flower lily of the valley is listed in the Red Book. This flower is gradually disappearing from our forests due to the ignorant attitude of people towards it. Collecting bouquets of lilies of the valley and selling them is prohibited by law. (Illustration display).

People tear lilies of the valley without thinking. But in order for the lily of the valley to bloom, from the day the seed falls into the ground, 10 years must pass. Think about it!

There are flowers that people brought out with hard and long-term work, made them diverse in shape and color. These are decorative flowers.

What decorative flowers do you know?

These flowers were created by man in order to decorate gardens, parks, apartments. They bring people a special joy and cheer up. It is customary to give flowers for any holiday. They give flowers to a woman, thereby emphasizing her beauty and tenderness, equal to the beauty and tenderness of a flower.

Try to solve puzzles.

1. Carnation.

2. Rose.

3. Mimosa.

4. Peony. PYTHON

5. Lilies. Lily

6. Which girls have flower names? (lily, rose, margarita)

All people have different tastes: someone likes thorny roses, someone enjoys the scent of lilies. But all flowers are very attractive and beautiful in their own way.

(Slide show of decorative flowers).

From the pages of the encyclopedia.

Not only individuals, but entire nations have their favorite flowers. The ancient Greeks considered the carnation to be the flower of the gods. The most revered flower in ancient Rome was the violet. In Bulgaria the greatest love roses are used. Three lilies are depicted on the royal coat of arms of France, although in addition to lilies, the French are very fond of lilies of the valley and red carnations.

The legend of the origin of flowers.

In Greek mythology, there is a hero named Narcissus. Once he saw his reflection in the water and fell in love with him so much that he could not tear himself away from his contemplation even for a minute. And so he died of self-love. And in its place grew a flower called narcissus.

(Flower display).

Riddles and puzzles about decorative flowers.

1. Everyone knows us: bright as a flame.

We are namesakes with small nails.

Garden and wild scarlet…. (Carnations).

2. Oh, and the beauty is strict when they touch her. (the Rose).

3. Sheet with a hump, groove,

Has thorns, but can't hurt,

But heals us at any hour. (Aloe).

4. Crane nose, he brought perfume to us. (geranium).

5 .. We have a green hedgehog, you will find it on the window.

On my window, he settled in a bowl. (Cactus)

In winter, when the ground is covered with snow. And the trees bend from the gusts of cold wind, a delicate green twig or a flower that has blossomed in the room pleases the eye.

But there are flowers that are especially sensitive to bad weather. They are grown at home. This houseplants.

What indoor plants do you know?

Showing illustrations of indoor flowers

The game "Tell me a word."

    Chamomile bloomed on the edge of the ravine.

    It is not very hot under the bush, beauty blooms here ... ... violet.

    A flower with petals of various colors, with a beautiful name ....pansies.

    What is my name, tell me. Often I hide in the rye, modest wild flower, blue-eyed ... .. cornflower.

    Spring frost is not afraid ... mimosa.

People have long painted flowers, decorated them with clothes, dishes, toys. In Russia, women adorned themselves with wonderful colorful scarves. Poets and artists sing of the beauty of flowers. Composers write music dedicating it to flowers.

Listening to music.

Listen to "Waltz of the Flowers" from Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's ballet "The Nutcracker".

Flower crossword.

Find the color names in the table:





































Pay attention to amazing things with beautiful flower ornaments.

Display of scarves, trays, toys with painted flowers.

How many new and interesting things we learned about flowers today. We not only talked about flowers, but also saw how beautiful they are.

And now you yourself will try to "create your own beauty."

I announce a contest for the best bouquet.


In 10 minutes, the guys fill the baskets with flowers, cutting them out of pre-prepared sets.