Euonymus dwarf ornamental trees and shrubs. Euonymus - types and decorative properties of the photo. Species and varieties

Euonymus is a unique garden shrub that combines excellent qualities: fast growth, unpretentiousness, variety of varieties, and also has excellent decorative properties. This plant has become widespread in Asia, Europe, America. Under natural conditions, it lives in mountains, broad-leaved forests, in floodplains and valleys.

Often, the euonymus is used in the organization of hedges, but the scope of its use is not limited to this. This shrub is excellent in group and single plantings. in spring and summer periods it does not stand out much from the rest of the garden vegetation, presenting a wonderful green background for other ornamental plants. During flowering, the euonymus can only boast of dim, small and, one might even say, somewhat nondescript flowers. But in the fall, not a single person will be indifferent to the beauty of the bush. Also, its appearance will perfectly ennoble the appearance of the winter garden.

Among the various types of euonymus, there are also small evergreen creeping shrubs that grow well in rockeries, flower beds and rocky hills.

Common types

Large-winged spindle tree (Euonymus macropterus Ripr.)

This euonymus tweed prefers to grow in groups or alone in moist and shady spruce and cedar-broadleaved forests in the Primorsky, Khabarovsk Territories, Kurilki, Sakhalin, China, Korea and Japan. Very rarely used as ornamental plant, but it is quite suitable for cultivation in the conditions of the north to St. Petersburg.

It is a deciduous tree, reaching 9 meters in height, often bushy. The bark of the plant is dark, young branches initially have a green tint, later becoming light brown or gray. The leaves are oblong-ovate or broadly elliptical.

The flowers are small, greenish-white in color, collected in many-flowered inflorescences. The fruit is spherical and slightly flattened four-lobed capsules with large wings up to 15 mm in length. When fully ripe, they acquire a dark crimson hue. In the summer, the boxes open, and seeds become visible from them, ripening until the end at the end of September. Begins to bear fruit from the age of seven.

Grows somewhat slowly, winter-hardy. For good development, it needs high humidity, tolerates shade, but feels more comfortable in good light. It reproduces mainly by means of seeds, which must be stored in a box with sand during the cold period. Resistant to a pest that often infects this genus - the euonymus moth. When ripe, the fruit has an incredible decorative effect. It is recommended to be used for single or mass landings for planting in parks. Cultivated since the end of the 19th century.

Warty euonymus (Euonymus verrucosa Scop.)

In another way, this type of euonymus is called few-flowered. In nature, it is found in the mountains of South-Eastern, Southern and Central Europe, as well as in Russia. Distributed in the reserves of the Baltic States, the Caucasus, Russia. In nature, it prefers the undergrowth of deciduous and coniferous forests for growth. This shrub loves good, fertile soil, generously flavored with lime, and tolerates shade well.

The shrub grows up to two meters in length, rarely turns into a tree 5-6 meters in height. It has bright green shoots, which, along with the branches, are strewn with black-brown warts. In this regard, it got its name. Its brown flowers are rather inconspicuous, but create a special charm and flavor. Its pink fruits look very good against a green background of foliage.

This shrub has a special beauty in the autumn, when its thin green shoots dress a delicate and light outfit of pink leaves.

It is winter-hardy, characterized by slow growth, unpretentious to the soil, tolerates shade well, suitable for organizing hedges, creating group plantings and single ones. It has been cultivated since 1973, and is used in the gardener more often than other types of plants.

European spindle tree (Euonymus europaea L.)

It grows in Russia, Western Europe, the Caucasus, the Crimea, Asia Minor. It is found in many nature reserves in different countries. Prefer broad-leaved forests with any soil. It has been used for decorative purposes for a very long time.

This small tree, reaching 6 meters, grows bushy. The young shoots of the plant are green, often have cork longitudinal growths, and the old ones are almost black. The leaves are ovate or obovate, glabrous, slightly leathery, dark green in color, becoming a wide variety of red shades in autumn. Unlike the leaves, the flowers of the European euonymus are inconspicuous, greenish-white in color, flowering lasts 20 days. Also, the bush is very decorated with fruits-boxes that are pink or dark red when ripe.

This type of euonymus has very high rates of drought and frost resistance, loves light, feels good in urban gassy conditions. It tolerates shearing well, and therefore is ideal for single and group plantings, excellent for hedges. It goes well with a variety of plants with yellow or yellow-golden foliage. This type of euonymus has about 20 different ornamental varieties.

Euonymus dwarf (Euonymus nanus Bieb)

This type of spindle tree is very fond of the slopes and river valleys of the mountain forests of Ukraine, Moldova, the Caucasus, Crimea, Romania and Northwest China. It is a plant listed in the Red Book of the USSR. You can see it in the Kabardino-Balkarian nature reserve.

Dwarf spindle tree is an evergreen, creeping, undersized shrub whose height does not exceed one meter. Young branches are green, covered with many warts, turning grayish-brown from the year. The leaves of the shrub are quite unusual: oblong in shape and narrowly lanceolate, with a pointed top and a slightly bent edge. The upper part of its bright green color, below - bluish. Euonymus flowers are solitary and small, grow on long and thin peduncles, are green or red-brown in color. This type of euonymus very rarely bears fruit in the middle lane, but if this happens, then the fruits are presented in the form of a box up to 1 cm, yellowish or pink.

This is a very ornamental plant, known since 1830. It forms very effective and graceful thickets, used to decorate lawns, loose groups, alpine groups, under tree canopies.

Koopmann's Euonymus (Euonymus koopmanni Lauche)

Perhaps this species is the most interesting of those growing in Central Asia. Loves forest canopies walnut, secondary thickets of bushes.

His distinguishing feature- this is the formation of creeping and very long lashes, which, moving along the ground, take root and give low shoots one meter high. The leaves of the shrub are linear or narrow-lanceolate in shape, slightly folded along the edge. The color of the leaves is dark green, they are gray below, and shiny above. Flowers are often solitary, but there are also collected 2-3. Blooms in July. In Russia, it ripens quite rarely, but the possibility of vegetative propagation allows it to be grown in this territory.

Red-fruited Euonymus (Euonymus miniata Tolm)

This species of euonymus is found on Urup Island and South Sakhalin. It has greenish flowers with shorter wings than the large-winged euonymus. Boxes-fruits of bright red color. In autumn, all parts of the shrub, from large obovate leaves to fruits, literally “light up” in the sun, in the shade they have a dark purple hue. It tolerates shade well, and therefore, under natural conditions, it is often found in the undergrowth of mixed, coniferous forests on slopes. It blooms and bears fruit very abundantly. In culture, it is found exclusively in botanical gardens.

This shrub is very demanding on soils and their richness. Soils should also be light, airy and contain lime. It does not require pruning, it is resistant to frost. Propagated by spring or autumn sowing of seeds, summer cuttings, layering, as well as root offspring. Perfect for single plantings, creating hedges, group compositions.

Winged Euonymus (Euonymus alata (Thunb.) Sieb.)

It lives on rocky slopes, along mountain rivers and streams, on rocky slopes and in river valleys in Korea, China, Japan and South Sakhalin. This is a fairly tall shrub with many branches.

Young shoots are reddish in color. The leaves are obovate in shape, sometimes rhombic, dark green in color and very shiny. Not very large flowers are collected in three-flowered inflorescences. Fruit boxes become bright red after ripening. Decorative due to its bright fruits, but also unusual, winged branches. Bearing fruit begins at the age of four. It was introduced into culture in 1910.

Under natural conditions, it takes root quite well in both shady and lighted places, on wet soil and on dry soil. But for the best effect, it is still better to use illuminated areas. It grows quite slowly, but is characterized by high winter hardiness.

It looks very advantageous in loose, single plantings, but it is also effective in group plantings on the lawn. There are more than 20 varieties of such euonymus in culture.

Maak's spindle (Euonymus maackii Rupr.)

Maak's euonymus prefers to grow on the slopes of hills, in broad-leaved sparse forests, in the valleys of large rivers, in floodplain meadows, on sandy light and sandy loamy soils in the Primorsky Territory, Eastern Siberia, and the North-Eastern Territory.

It is a shrub reaching 1.5-3 meters in height. Sometimes it is a beautiful eight-meter tree, which in free conditions has an openwork, umbrella-shaped crown. The crown of the tree is wrinkled, black. Young branches are green, slightly rounded-tetrahedral, becoming dark gray with age. The leaves of the shrub are very large, leathery. In springtime they are light green, in summer they become dark green with a lighter underside, and in autumn they become soft pink, decorated with various purple hues. The flowers of the Maak euonymus are greenish-white with purple stamens, which are collected in few-flowered semi-umbels. The shrub begins to bear fruit from 5-8 years old with spherical pear-shaped boxes of purple or pink color.

This type of shrub is frost-resistant, loves light, resists drought well, loves rich soils, grows quite quickly and tolerates transplants well. It is very sensitive and responds well to fertilizers, it is very easy to propagate with the help of seeds, layering, cuttings, root offspring, bearing fruit for a year or even two, earlier than seed material.

This type of euonymus will be a wonderful decoration of the edges, as a single landing on the lawn, in the form of undergrowth. It is very beautiful when the leaves bloom and until late autumn. It is very decorative in autumn, when it is decorated with bright fruits that remain on the bush until the onset of frost. The same spectacular and colorful autumn leaves last until the first frost. In terms of its decorative effect, it is one of the most-most among euonymus. Cultivated since 1883.

Sakhalin euonymus (Euonymus sachalinensis (F. Schmidt) Maxim)

The plant is native to East Asia and the Far East. It can also be found in the Lazovsky Reserve. Prefers to grow in mixed forests and birch forests on mountain slopes and in river valleys. This is a light-loving mesophyte.

Very, very ornamental shrub 2.5 meters tall, with long elliptical leaves.

The flowers are small, purple in color, hanging down on thin peduncles. The flowering of the shrub begins in May-June, and fruits form in August-September. This is an ornamental, unpretentious shrub, which is very beautiful in autumn due to the coloring of the leaves and the ripening of spectacular fruits. It takes root well in Central Russia, it is often used to make hedges.

All representatives of the euonymus genus are especially valued by landscape designers for their versatility, unpretentiousness, the ability to grow in the shade and in the sun, and adapt to any climatic zone. The euonymus shown in the photo in all its diversity strikes the imagination with the absolute dissimilarity of various species in leaf shape and habit. Such species diversity is characteristic of very few plants.

All types of spindle trees (and there are about 200 of them): deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs and creeping ground covers, find worthy application in design developments both for gardening and for urban park gardening. Such versatility is due, first of all, to the resistance of the plant to natural disasters and the ability to easily endure the high gas content of urban air.

Beautiful, neat crowns of deciduous euonymus are especially good in the autumn, when they are painted in unusually bright, juicy tones from yellow to purple-carmine. Probably no other plant can boast of such a chic coloring of foliage. At the same time, flowering is so inconspicuous, unremarkable, that it often goes unnoticed, although the ripened bright fruits-earrings are very picturesque and adorn the bush until the very cold. Robin birds feed on these fruits, which then spread the seeds of euonymus, contributing to their natural reproduction.

For the euonymus and all its species forms, planting and care are generally carried out according to the same principle.

In order to settle in the garden such as in the photo, euonymus, at the very beginning they are determined with a place, and depending on the illumination and purpose, they choose the type of plant, since its height, habitus and relation to light are directly related to it.

Planting a euonymus seedling of any kind is carried out in the spring and comes down to soil preparation, as for any plant. A well-draining, fertile, non-acidic soil is preferred. When buying, you should pay attention to the age of the seedling: three-year-olds take root without problems and winter well.

In care, the spindle tree (Euonymus) is completely picky. Soil loosening is carried out shallow, 2-3 times per season, as it compacts in the root zone. Two top dressings with complex fertilizers - in spring and autumn, are quite sufficient for successful cultivation. High drought resistance speaks for itself - the euonymus does not cause much trouble with watering. In hot, dry summers, you can slightly increase, but in general, once a week is enough. Euonymus pruning is carried out as needed, mainly sanitary, removing broken, damaged and frost-bitten branches in the spring. They practically do not need formative pruning, only in hedges there is a need for regular haircuts.

Winter hardiness is different, depending on the type of euonymus. Root mulching is recommended for young plants to protect roots close to the soil surface. Adult euonymus does not need this.

Euonymus is not subject to diseases. Of the pests, aphids and spider mites may be affected. Container plantings and greenhouse plants are mainly predisposed to this. Treatment with appropriate preparations allows you to quickly get rid of annoying guests.

Tree peony bushes, large carved leaves and delicate flowers of which are very decorative, can become wonderful ...

Euonymus reproduction

Euonymous trees are propagated mainly by layering and cuttings, some undersized species - by dividing the bush, less often - by root offspring. Of course, methods without disturbing the root ball are preferable, since spindle trees are long-lived, and there is a risk of damaging an adult plant.

Seed propagation, although possible, requires a sufficiently long period to grow a seedling in a seedling bed. In addition, long-term stratification is necessary, followed by germination in warmth; the germination rate of even freshly harvested seeds does not exceed 50%. The seedling is planted in a permanent place in the third year.

Cuttings are carried out from late spring to mid-summer, depending on the region. Cuttings with 3-5 internodes, 5-9 cm long, are cut from adult (not younger than 4 years old) plants, the lower pairs of leaves are removed, planted in a cold greenhouse, in poor, well-drained soil, compacted, shed abundantly. It is advisable to shade the greenhouse tunnel to avoid overheating. Rooting takes place completely within a month, after which the greenhouse is opened. After a year, the grown cuttings can be planted in a permanent place. Cuttings are carried out if necessary to obtain a large number of planting material, usually for commercial purposes.

Propagation by layering is the easiest way to obtain daughter plants. This method is especially convenient for creeping species of euonymus. A long distillation is laid on previously loosened earth, in a prepared shallow (3-5 cm) groove. Pinned along the entire length, at the internodes, watered abundantly, covered with soil. The root system is formed in each pinned node. On the next year the shoot is separated from the mother plant, and the resulting bushes are separated with a pruner. They are ready to land on a permanent place.

Euonymus in garden design

The use of euonymus in design is not limited to any particular type. Depending on its purpose, you can pick up both a large solitaire shrub or tree, and a low-growing slate to organize a border or border larger plants, create a magnificent accent in a rockery or rock garden, a tape composition against a rocky slope.

The following types of euonymus are most interesting for designers and gardeners:

Tall euonymus, trees and shrubs

      • Large-winged (Euonymus masropterus)- deciduous shrub or tree growing up to 9 m in height. Fairly shade-tolerant, but most decorative in well-lit areas, used in solitary single plantings.
      • Hamilton (E. hamiltonianus)- deciduous shrub or neat tree with a regular oval crown, not higher than 8 m, photophilous, in autumn the foliage turns lemon-golden.
      • European (E. europaeus) - a deciduous bush or tree with a genetic curvature of the trunk, not more than 7 meters in height. A large glossy rich green leaf reaches 10 cm, the most decorative European euonymus (photo) in autumn, when the fruits ripen, the boxes of which are brightly colored and look very stylish against the background of leathery foliage. You can learn more about culture.
      • Maaka (E. maackii)- perhaps the most beautiful of the tall representatives of the genus euonymus. It is a deciduous openwork sprawling shrub up to 3 m tall, with a very beautiful crown. It is remarkable not only for its habit, but also for the color of the leaves, glossy rich green in summer and lilac-pink shades in autumn. Frost and drought tolerant, the fast-growing Maak spindle prefers organic-rich soils and a sunny location. It tolerates transplant well up to 5 years of age.
      • Maksimovich (E. maximowiszianus)- a tree no more than 8 m, unusually good during the fruiting period, when dark red berries ripen.
      • Sakhalin (E. sachalinensis)- a wide rounded shrub, reaching 5 meters in height, tolerates low temperatures well, grows slowly, prefers rich, moist soils. Not resistant to heat and drought.
      • Winged (E. alatus)- medium-sized, up to 2.5 meters, slow-growing sprawling shrub, feels great in conditions of increased gas pollution in the city. The leaves are glossy, densely green in summer, red-orange, to carmine in autumn. Demanding on lighting, prefers bright sun and humus-rich soils. It got its name because of the longitudinal outgrowths on the trunks in the form of wings.
      • Warty (E. verrucosus) or few-flowered- a magnificent medium-sized shrub up to 2 meters, covered with growths-lenticels along the trunk and branches, because of which it got its name. The leaves are large, pale green in summer, almost light green, turn pink in autumn. It is used both in single solitary and in group tape plantings, it tolerates forming pruning well, it is excellent for creating hedges. You can find out more about the warty euonymus.
      • Sacred (E. sacrosanctus)- shade-tolerant, unpretentious shrub, up to 1.5 m, decorative during the fruiting period with large dark carmine-red fruits. It looks good on a rocky hill as a tapeworm, in group plantings against the background of gray scree.

Euonymus warty or few-flowered
Euonymus sacred

All tall species of euonymus calmly tolerate a haircut, which can be used to adjust the height of the plant.

Undersized species of euonymus

A steady trend in the use of low-growing plants in landscape design makes creeping euonymus more and more popular.

      • Euonymus dwarf (E. nanus) differs from all species in the form of evergreen leaves, lanceolate, narrow, bent at the ends, bright green on the outside and bluish from the inside. Dwarf euonymus is a creeping shrub, long thin shoots take root at the points of contact with the soil, forming picturesque curtains. With a height of no more than a meter, it is able to quickly fill the space, it is magnificent in curb plantings, against the background of tall bushes, it can grow on stony poor soils. Shade-loving, very effective and in demand. threatened with extinction, it is listed in the Red Book.
      • Semenov's spindle tree (Euonymus semenovii)- an evergreen shrub up to a meter high, with falling, creeping shoots. The leaf is large, leathery, broadly lanceolate, up to 5 cm long, yellow-green. Bright rich purple flowers are collected in whorls at the ends of the shoots.
      • Koopman's spindle tree (E. koopmanni)- shade-loving evergreen creeping shrub with tetrahedral, sometimes winged shoots, easily rooting when lodging. The leaf is densely green, leathery.
      • Japanese spindle tree (Euonymus japonicus)- does not hibernate open ground in mid-range conditions. For landscape design, it is interesting only as a tub plant, as it can withstand a slight drop below zero. The leaf can have both green and variegated color. In the photo, the Japanese euonymus, variegated form is a spectacular container plant for patios and terraces.
      • Fortune's euonymus (E. fortunei)- the most decorative of all evergreen euonymus. It has many varieties, different in color of the leaf plate. Shade-tolerant, slow-growing, absolutely unpretentious, easily tolerates drought and prolonged periods of high temperatures, undemanding to the soil composition, although it prefers aerated rich organic soils. Does not tolerate moisture stagnation. It is most in demand in landscape design due to its variegated color.

Euonymus dwarf
Euonymus Semenov

Japanese euonymus
Fortune's Euonymus

The most interesting varieties of Fortune's euonymus


Minimus- one of the smallest euonymus. The branches are thin, dense. Leaf up to 1.5 cm, dark green, with light veins. It grows slowly, forming compact "shaggy" curtains, it can be damaged by return frosts.

"Emerald Gold"("emerald in gold") - perhaps the most brightly colored variety, leaf up to 2 cm, bright green with a wide golden yellow border.

"Emerald gaiety"- a flat-growing shrub up to 30 cm high, able to climb a support and stones, a leaf up to 4 cm, green with a creamy white border, which turns pink in autumn.

"Silver Queen" ("Variagatus")- stlanets up to 20 cm, the sheet is small, elliptical, on a bright green background there is a clear white edging.

"Sun Spot"("sunny bunny") - a dense, slow-growing bush up to 20 cm in height, leaf up to 2 cm, bright green with a golden yellow elliptical spot along the entire axial vein.

"Emerald gold" "Emerald gaiety"
"Sun Spot"

Sheridangold- a rounded compact shrub up to 35 cm, a large leaf, at a young age - bright green, turning green over time. Cold hardy, slow growing variety.

Euonymus is a low and evergreen tree bush, in wild nature it is found in Europe and Asia, North America. There, the plant prefers river banks and valleys as habitats, and cultivated species are grown by summer residents to decorate garden plots.

Variegated plant can be used as a hedge, it tolerates pruning well and is resistant to adverse factors environment- heat and cold. For this reason, summer residents decorate rocky and alpine hills with euonymus, form neat borders from bushes. In autumn, the foliage of the described species becomes brighter and looks spectacular against the background of the lawn, when other plants fade.

Description of shrub species

Nature has given man many varieties of this plant, some of them have a special beauty. Knowing their description, you can easily find the right specimen for the garden. Most species of this shrub are ground covers grown in tubs. Such well-known plant forms as white-and-white and golden feel good indoors and on garden plot summer.

Gallery: spindle tree (25 photos)

Features of growing euonymus (video)

Japanese euonymus

The plant, which is considered to be the homeland of Eurasia, is famous for its dark green pointed leaves, they have a light border and are colorful. The bush is directed upwards, its foliage is dense, and the height of exceptional specimens reaches 150 cm. Japanese euonymus blossoms(Euonymus japonicas Microphyllus) in June, on each shrub, from 15 to 30 flowers are formed.

The temperature for growing a plant must exceed 5 ° C, so it is cultivated in greenhouses and houses, in summer the bush is taken out into the fresh air and used to decorate the site.

Japanese euonymus

Euonymus european

This deciduous shrub has an openwork crown, and its height can reach 2 meters or more. The elliptical leaves are green in summer, small flowers with brownish petals can be seen at the end of May. In autumn, the European spindle tree (Euonymus Europaeus) becomes very colorful - the foliage acquires a reddish tint. The fruits remain on the tree almost all winter, decorating a vacant lot.

Euonymus european

Euonymus winged

This plant comes from South-East Asia, it is characterized by a wide and spreading crown, it increases by 15 cm annually. The bush looks impressive, and its height in nature can reach more than 2 meters, while ornamental gardening provides for a small size of the spindle tree. The leaves of the shrub are dense and shiny without hairs. It blooms in early June, during this period, greenish flowers appear on the plant, then they become fruits. In autumn, the shrub pleases gardeners with purple and red shades of foliage.

Euonymus winged

Euonymus variegated

Gardeners note the popularity and colorfulness of the plant variety "Emerald in Gold". It is miniature, the height of most specimens does not exceed 40 cm. The leaves are ovate, painted in green, golden and yellow tones. In autumn, the variegated euonymus acquires a reddish-brown color and is used in many country compositions.

Euonymus variegated

warty euonymus

This species does not stand out in growth; the height of old specimens does not exceed 2 meters. In general, such plants can be called slow-growing centenarians - the age of some shrubs in greenhouses reaches 40 years. The young shoots of the described euonymus are greenish-brown, but over time the bark turns black. In mid-May, the branches of the bush are covered with flowers, the smell from them comes from an unpleasant, and the pollinators of this species are flies.

In autumn, the leaves of the warty euonymus turn purple, pink or burgundy, and ripe carmine-colored fruits containing black seeds complete the natural spectacle.

warty euonymus

Fortune's Euonymus

evergreen deciduous plant it is cold-resistant due to the peculiarities of the location of the shoots - they spread above the soil surface and are covered with snow, protecting the bush from frost. This euonymus has leathery leaves with curved edges, and their color varies depending on the variety.

For example, variety Emerald Gaiety in summer it is painted green with a white border, and in autumn the foliage becomes pinkish. There are also varieties with a white border of leaves, yellow spots in the middle and dark green specimens. Despite the variety of shades, all plants retain the characteristic glossy shine of the leaves, and they rarely reach a height of 60 cm, remaining miniature shrubs. Inconspicuous and small flowers appear in June, then they are replaced by fruits that give Fortune's euonymus a decorative look.

Fortune's Euonymus

Euonymus evergreen dwarf

In areas of China with a warm climate and similar parts of our country, the dwarf euonymus is cultivated. Its height rarely exceeds 1 meter, and the creeping form, thanks to its long shoots, makes this shrub especially beautiful. Narrow lanceolate leaves reach a length of 4 cm, very small flowers are kept on purple peduncles. This euonymus forms picturesque clumps and is able to grow on poor soil in the shade of tall shrubs.

Euonymus evergreen dwarf

Technology and timing of planting euonymus in the garden

Before planning the cultivation of a shrub in a summer cottage, read the descriptions of the species of this plant. So, in the Moscow region, cold-resistant spindle trees feel good:

  • winged;
  • Fortune;
  • European;
  • warty.

Depending on the climate, the euonymus is planted in autumn or in early spring. So, in the middle lane it is advisable to do this in April, but residents of the south of the country will be able to choose without fear autumn planting. The seedling needs some time to strengthen the root system. and deal with the cold. The shrub prefers shady places, the earth should be fertile and loose. Too acidic soil is improved by adding slaked lime or dolomite flour to it.

It is important to know that spindle trees do not tolerate stagnant water in the ground, which is why areas with a high level of groundwater are not suitable for planting a bush. A pit for a plant is dug 2 weeks before gardening, its size directly depends on the volume of the root system of the seedling.

How to plant an euonymus (video)

The soil should also be enriched with the following fertilizers:

  • turf (2 kg);
  • compost or rotted mullein (2 kg);
  • sand (1 kg).

Place the acquired bush in the hole and gently straighten its roots, then sprinkle the plant with earth so that there are no air voids. In no case should the root neck be buried; it should be located on the same level with the top layer of soil. The planting pattern depends on the variety and size of the plant, however, most shrubs are planted at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other.

If you want to have a hedge, dig trenches and place the bushes a little closer together. At the end of gardening, be sure to water the seedlings and mulch the soil surface.

Depending on the climate, the euonymus is planted in autumn or early spring.

Rules for propagating shrubs by cuttings

In July and August, separate young shoots from the shrub and divide them into segments., the length of each of which will be from 6 to 9 cm. In order for the cuttings to take root faster, place them in a growth stimulant solution - Heteroauxin for 10 hours. Then plant future plants obliquely in wooden box and cover with cling film.

You can prepare the soil for cuttings with your own hands by mixing leafy soil and sand. So, under the condition of room temperature and moderate moisture of the substrate, in the fall, the cuttings will acquire a root system. And also in October or November, you can cut lignified cuttings from the main part of the shoots using a similar technology and plant them under cover on the street. Their intensive growth will begin in the spring with the advent of heat. Practice shows that winged euonymus reproduces best in this way, and worse - European and warty.

Intensive growth of euonymus cuttings will begin in spring with the advent of heat

Secrets of caring for euonymus in the open field

It is not difficult to take care of a shrub in a summer cottage, the main thing is to water it in time and fertilize it. It is not necessary to irrigate the plant too often, it is enough just to moisten the soil abundantly immediately after it is transplanted and subsequently avoid its strong drying out. Dampness harms the plant much more than drought.. And also do not forget to loosen the soil around the spindle tree once a week, because it root system needs good aeration.

If, when planting, you introduced a sufficient amount of nutrients, then the plant will need the next top dressing only after 3 years. An adult euonymus responds positively to the addition of organic matter or mineral mixtures containing nitrogen to the soil; it is best to apply them in the spring. In autumn, it is recommended to feed the bush with potassium-phosphorus elements.

Decoration of any suburban area will become beautiful. If you want to fill the yard with bright colors, you should definitely plant it.

This unique will delight with beauty even in the autumn, when most of the flowers have already faded.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most common varieties of euonymus shrubs.


This variety has rather large raspberry-colored fruits, which open very beautifully during their ripening period. They become like a beautiful flower.

Important! There is a poisonous substance in the fruits of the euonymus, so it is very important to prevent its fruits from getting into the oral cavity and mucous membranes.

In the first half of May, small green flowers become noticeable, which form large inflorescences. Usually ripen in early September, after which the foliage of the plant changes its color. A beautiful view will delight you until the ground is covered with snow.


European euonymus is quite common. This species loves light and chooses broad-leaved forests for settlement.

The shrub pleases with flowering in June and July. In August, the fruits turn dark maroon or pink. The seed material is carefully hidden in the orange seed. The fruits of the plant will not fall until the very winter, and in the autumn, the foliage will illuminate your site with a purple glow.

Today there is a wide variety of varieties of European. If you decide to decorate the site with this original plant, you will have plenty to choose from.


Based on the name, it is clear that the Japanese euonymus comes from eastern countries. In Korea and China, you can find a shrub that is slightly different in shape and color. The Japanese species has oval, dense leaves and orange seeds in neat boxes. An adult plant reaches a great height and can grow up to 8 m.

Did you know? If you grow a euonymus in a pot, its height will not exceed 1 m.

Best of all, the shrub grows in partial shade, normally responds to dry periods. At the end of May, the plant is covered with inconspicuous whitish flowers that have a sour smell. The fruits ripen in the autumn months.


The warty euonymus is a plant that is most often found in the lower tiers of conifers or deciduous forests. The shrub grows well in the shade and can reach 6 m in height. However, these are exceptional cases - most often the average height of a bush is 2 m.

The plant is covered with convex growths, from which the name came.

During flowering, the bush has brown flowers, which are held on long petioles. Flowering falls at the end of May and lasts for a month. An unusual appearance to the plant is given by pink fruits with seeds that are covered with reddish-brown caps. Such beauty can be observed from August until the arrival of winter cold. The shrub tolerates frost well, is unpretentious, therefore it is often used to create compositions in landscape design.


This species has a relatively small height - a maximum of 1 m. The plant has green ribbed shoots that have sprawling roots.

The leaves of the shrub are elongated, their length is from 1.5 to 5 cm. Their surface shines with brilliance, the structure is leathery, bluish below.

The flowers are colored green, have a size of about 5 mm and can be placed singly or semi-umbrellas.


The height of this plant fully justifies its name.

The shrub grows to a maximum of 30 cm. The length of the leaves is up to 7 cm, they are quite leathery, have a green color with a gray tint. The inflorescences are also small and have 4 petals.

The flowering period of the shrub is very short and is only one week. Most often, this species can be found in Western Ukraine, Moldova, Crimea.


Fortune's euonymus is one of the popular varieties that attracts the attention of designers with its beauty. The shrub has good endurance, it is not afraid of even the most severe frosts.

The plant has lanceolate leaves and small white-red fruits. Such shrubs will decorate any yard or personal plot. There are also creeping varieties of this species. They are incredibly popular with designers.


This species is most often found in the regions of Eastern Siberia, Primorye and in the northeast of China.

The height of an adult plant can be up to 2 to 8 m. You can enjoy the beauties of the spindle tree in the autumn, when the shrub is hung with elegant pink boxes located on long peduncles.

The purple color of the leaves, up to 8 cm long, makes maaka incredibly beautiful.


This variety of spindle tree reaches a height of up to 3 m, the leaves are ovate-rhombic or lanceolate, their length reaches 10 cm, width - up to 5 cm.

Seed is in orange-red boxes. The flowering period falls in July, and fruit ripening occurs in October.

Usually this species can be found on a small river island, in a river valley, on the banks of lakes. The ideal soil for euonymus is sandy drifts.


The height of the broad-leaved euonymus can be from 2 to 5 m. The ideal habitat for the shrub is shady beech and spruce mountain forests in the Crimea.

Thanks to purple-red boxes hanging on neat long legs, the plant has a very beautiful appearance. The seed material is practically covered with orange seedlings.

The shrub attracts attention thanks to unusual membranous leaves. It is often used in landscape design, decorate adjoining territories and suburban areas.


This type of shrub is able to please the eye in spring, summer and autumn. Especially in the autumn, when the fruits ripen, the euonymus dresses in an incredible, fabulous outfit.

Euonymus maackii (lat. Euonymus maackii)- ornamental shrub or tree; representative of the genus Euonymus of the family Bereskletovye. Under natural conditions, it occurs in river valleys, broad-leaved forests, floodplain meadows, as well as in areas with sandy or sandy loam soils in the northeastern regions of China, Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

Characteristics of culture

Maak's spindle tree is a shrub or tree up to 10 m high with flat reddish-brown or green shoots with a bluish bloom and a spreading openwork crown that looks like an umbrella. The bark of old branches is wrinkled, dark, young ones are dark gray with cork ridges that disappear as they grow older. The leaves are first light green, then dark green, shiny, leathery, large, dense, oblong-ovate or lanceolate, finely serrate along the edge, up to 8-9 cm long, sitting on short petioles. In autumn, the foliage changes color to pink and purple hues.

The flowers are greenish-white with purple stamens and oblong-ovate petals, collected in semi-umbellate inflorescences. The fruits are orange-red or pink-purple capsules of spherical or round-pear shape, equipped with a fleshy shell. The seeds have orange-red or bright red seedlings, when ripe they hang from the fruit on thin seed stalks, only representatives of the genus Euonymus can boast of such a feature.

The first three years, the Maak spindle grows slowly, later growth accelerates. Flowering occurs 4 years after planting, fruiting - 6-7 years. The species is winter-hardy, resistant to pests and diseases, drought-resistant, photophilous, demanding on soil fertility. In the form of a shrub, it grows in semi-shaded areas and areas with diffused light, in sunny places it takes the form of a tree.

Features of reproduction and cultivation in the garden

Maak's euonymus reproduces both by seed and vegetative ways(cuttings, root offspring and layering). The vegetative method gives the best results, because the plants bloom 2 years earlier than with the seed method. It is preferable to sow seeds immediately after harvesting immediately into the ground under shelter for the winter. Spring planting is also possible, but with the condition of a preliminary two-stage stratification. To do this, the seeds are mixed with wet sand and put into storage in a room with an air temperature of 20C (within 2-3 months), monitoring the degree of humidity.

Next, the seeds, along with sand, are placed in a refrigerator or cellar with a temperature of 3-5C (until spring). The depth of planting the seeds of Maak's spindle tree is 2-3 cm. Seedlings during spring sowing appear on the 18-20th day. It is important to regularly water the crops, and with the advent of seedlings, carry out systematic weeding, because weeds can ruin seedlings, depriving them of the necessary moisture and nutrients. The grown seedlings are planted in a permanent place no earlier than after 2 years. Weak seedlings are left for growing.

Cuttings are also popular among gardeners. When treated with growth stimulants, up to 80-85% of cuttings take root. At proper care cuttings take root in 30-40 days, they are planted in a permanent place next spring. For cutting cuttings choose strong shoots. The optimal length of the handle is 5-6 cm. Each should have one internode. It is desirable to plant cuttings in pre-prepared greenhouses with a nutritious and well-moistened substrate.


Maak's spindle tree care consists of standard procedures: watering, fertilizing, timely pruning and treatments for pests and diseases. During the season, 3-4 waterings are enough, in a drought - up to 6-7. Loosening the soil at the foot is welcome, the procedure is carried out as the topsoil is compacted. Pruning is required to ensure the plant has a beautiful umbrella-shaped crown. Pinching is also not forbidden, it is necessary to ensure intensive branching. Thinning pruning is carried out as needed.

Sanitary pruning is required, it consists in removing damaged and frostbitten shoots. Despite the fact that Maak's euonymus is resistant to pests and diseases, under adverse conditions and improper care, shrubs are attacked by aphids and apple moths. It is quite simple to deal with them, it is enough to treat the plants with any insecticides. Since spindle trees are adherents of fertile soil, annual top dressing is necessary (twice per season). In the spring - organic fertilizers(compost, humus), in the middle of summer - complex mineral.