"Forgive me if you can": who is she - the woman who knocked down the "drunk boy" & nbsp. Husband of the woman who shot down the "Drunk Boy" is in jail for robbery, rape and kidnapping - when she passed the medical examination

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" continues to understand the details of a fatal accident in Balashikha near Moscow. On April 23, a 6-year-old boy died under the wheels of a car. The investigator opened a criminal case only a month later, and - only after a deputy's request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And the other day, a policeman gave the parents of a dead child an expert opinion: their preschool son was drunk! Experts found 2.7 ppm of alcohol in the baby's blood. Given his weight, this is as if a little boy drank two glasses of vodka in one gulp. Alyosha's father believes that the conclusion of the experts is a mistake or a forgery. Roman Shimko claims that witnesses and the investigation are under pressure. In Balashikha, rumors spread that the husband of 31-year-old Olga Alisova, who knocked down the child, is a local crime boss who received another term several times. Like, his comrades are now trying with all their might to get the woman out of the criminal article.

As it became known, Olga's husband is now really sitting. In 2012, he received 10 years for a whole "bouquet" of articles of the Criminal Code.

“Sergey Alisov was involved in the case of a Moscow gang of “black realtors” and scammers,” says a law enforcement source. - The first episodes took place back in 2007, and Alisov joined this group a year later. He was only 20 years old at that time.

The gang was put together by Anatoly Kornyakov, who moved to Moscow from the Kursk region. At first they scammed on loans. Photographs of gang members were pasted into other people's passports and loans were obtained using these documents. There are 19 episodes in the criminal case, the total amount is more than 600 thousand rubles. But at some point, Kornyakov decided that you won’t earn much on such trifles. And he suggested that his accomplices start working on a big scale - “squeeze out” apartments from lonely Muscovites.

Their first victim was a 41-year-old drinking man. The gang leader's girlfriend befriended a quiet drinker and asked to rent a room to her. Once in the apartment, the woman stole the owner's passport and documents for the apartment. The unsuspecting owner was taken to Kursk, the criminals promised him a well-paid job there. Kornyakov killed a Muscovite in a city park - hit him on the head several times, and then cut his throat. A few days later the apartment was sold. For her rescued 6 million 200 thousand rubles. The bandits divided the money among themselves.

Then they began to “process” a 55-year-old Muscovite who rented rooms in his apartment by the day. One of the criminals rented a house for three days, ingratiated himself with the owner and offered to go to barbecues in nature. In order not to leave witnesses, a 27-year-old woman from Orel, who rented a room in the same apartment, had to be taken. Both were taken to the Moscow region, beaten, locked in a garage.

“They demanded that the man hand over the documents for the apartment and sign the necessary papers,” the source says. “He and the girl were bullied for several days. They were moved several times to different apartments. Kornyakov left two people to guard the abducted. One of the "watchmen" was just Sergei Alisov.

On this episode, the criminals got burned. Alisov and his partner raped the girl and fell asleep. An elderly Muscovite took advantage of this, ran away and called the police.

- Later it turned out that in parallel Anatoly Kornyakov and his accomplices soldered another woman with a Moscow apartment. It is possible that a few days later she could also be killed, having received the documents necessary for the sale of real estate.

Ten people went to trial. The judgments were handed down in 2012. Kornyakov was given 23 years. Others have shorter deadlines. Sergei Alisov was convicted under three articles - "illegal deprivation of liberty", "extortion", "violent acts of a sexual nature." This dragged on for 10 years in a strict regime colony.

Don't you think that now in Russia, online, a terrible, cynical crime is being committed publicly? For almost 2 weeks that a scandal flares up around the tragedy with the deceased Alyosha Shimko, an incredible amount has been said, but in the end it all comes down to the fact that “do not break the rules of the road.” And the more they talk about this topic, the more questions arise. It seems so simple: who did the girl who crushed the child call? Olga Alisova right after the accident? After all, eyewitnesses claim that when she saw a sea of ​​blood and a little boy under the wheels of her foreign car, she immediately rushed not to call an ambulance, but to call someone. To whom?

And then, who exactly came "on call" Alisova to that yard? Why did you come? Not in order to "deal" with security cameras? After all, the records have disappeared, and how can this be called a coincidence?

Further: who are those people clearly well known to Alisova who surrounded her shortly after the accident? Are not her husband's friends or the "patrons" of this family come to "clean up all traces"? Olga has a difficult husband. Although he is sitting, some of his "cool" comrades are free - not all of them were imprisoned then.

Sergey Alisov was convicted under three articles of the Criminal Code in the case of black realtors - "Illegal imprisonment", "Extortion", "Violent acts of a sexual nature" - and sentenced to 10 years of "strict man". Olga met him on the Internet when he was already in jail. He has about 2 years left to sit. Whether he has anything to do with what is happening now is a big question. Black realtors usually "work" in large groups and under serious cover.

Father of the deceased child Roman Shimko told reporters that in order for the examination to show a state of intoxication, his dying son could have been given an injection in the liver. That is, "pump up" a small body with a horse's dose of alcohol. Rave? Yes, in this story wherever you spit - sheer nonsense! And this injection could have been done later. Or go in a very simple way - pour a little alcohol into a test tube with the boy's blood, which was carried for examination. Or or...

Case for examination in the central office of the UK. Picked up from Balashikha today.We will do another examination, and it’s not even about alcohol - in the conclusion it is written that Alyosha died from a blow to the head, and not from the fact that his car ran over, Roman Shimko wrote to me tonight on VKontakte.

The same version as that of the investigation, and Alisova - they say, the boy ran, stumbled, fell, hit his head on the asphalt, and only then she ran into him without noticing it, and dragged him from a dozen meters. It seems that this version is now convenient for everyone.

For everyone except Alyosha's relatives...

The Russian media is literally blown up, and every new day brings new "surprises". After re-examination of the boy's blood, it seemed that the situation had reached the pinnacle of absurdity. But no. Everything goes to the fact that they are about to start asking such a question: “Was there a boy?”

It is known that among doctors and comrades in uniform, as nowhere else, it is not customary to wash dirty linen in public. This is putting it mildly - they will crush for "their own", they will smear it by any means. And it is also customary not to admit their mistakes, and even more so crimes. Are we now witnessing an incredible tangle that there is simply no one to unravel? There is no such force - independent, powerful and fair. Everyone holds on to their precious ass, and everyone understands that if one person “flies off”, others will follow him in a chain.

It seems that there is not a single adult left in the country who has not even heard of Alyosha. This innocent, bright boy, having gone to Heaven, involuntarily became a kind of litmus paper, on which the sins of people and non-humans who continue to live are more and more clearly manifested.

Probably, there is no point in repeating the plot of this tragic farce. Over the past few days, an incredible amount has been written on this topic, the programs “Let them talk” and “Male / Female” were released, in which everyone spoke: Alyosha's parents, his grandfather, eyewitnesses, Olga Alisova, the parents of her criminal husband, forensic experts, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Sledkom, even deputies of the State Duma. But won't it turn out like this: make some noise and forget? Now many people want to promote themselves on this misfortune, and then what?

Roman, Alyosha's father, throughout these endless interviews and talk shows behaved and behaved very worthily. Like a real man and a real officer. He does not rush at anyone with his fists, does not offend by word or intonation. Refuses the money that they are trying to foist on him from Alisova. Roman is ready to fight for the honor of his son to the end. And for the guilty to be punished as they deserved. All guilty, to a single. One can only guess how many...

On the one hand, there is an absolutely sober, strong, friendly military family, in which parents and grandparents constantly took care of Alyosha, watched his every step, loved and spoiled the baby. That day, he was “under supervision” of relatives.

On the other hand, there is Alisova, who has been caught lying more than once on the same talk shows.

First, the forensic experts “drew” a drunken child (signed under these documents by a forensic expert Mikhail Kleymenov, about which interesting details have already appeared on the Internet - they say, and before he gave out dubious conclusions). When the scandal began, they created a commission that conducted a re-examination. There were 6 experts in this commission, including an expert from the ECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Alexander Podmarkov. He put his signature under the final results. The commission wrote in its conclusion that samples with biomaterials are no longer suitable for research. And what to do now? Not only was the child's life taken away, but they also dishonored him?

Perhaps, in order to “rehabilitate” Alyosha, it is really necessary to do an exhumation, which will show that the baby did not drink and could not even accidentally take a sip of alcohol? But Roman believes that there are already enough opportunities to prove it.

In general, this is a very scary procedure for the relatives of the deceased - exhumation, because they must be close to the experts. What will happen to them if Alyosha’s mother loses consciousness every now and then, and the father, although he tries his best to control himself, wipes his eyes at the mention of his son - tears constantly break through the “armor”? Will they agree to this?

Yesterday morning, June 23, it became known that a criminal case initiated a week ago under the article “Negligence” was taken away from the Investigative Committee in the Moscow Region.

- The case was transferred to the Central Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation,— said Roman Shimko. “They will investigate now. After everything that has happened this week, and after all the statements, I will insist that this case be reclassified from “Negligence” to a crime “committed by a group of persons by prior agreement” ... I really hope that it will not come to an exhumation.

There is no alcohol in the urine of the deceased child, his mucous membranes of the mouth and respiratory tract are not burned by alcohol, but where the alcohol came from in the boy’s blood is a big mystery. The dose of "discovered" alcohol (2.7 ppm) is fatal for a six-year-old, it's scary to think - half a liter or close to that! As experts say, Alyosha, if he had drunk so much, he would have died immediately or fell into a coma, and would not have happily run to the playground in front of his grandfather, who was rolling his grandson's bicycle.

Both Roman and his wife Elena are officers, they honestly serve the Motherland. Will the Motherland say “thank you” to them, at least by naming the names of those who cover up the criminals, or are themselves involved in this nasty story? A question without an answer.

And finally: with the current technical (fantastic!) possibilities, it is possible to unravel the most complex criminal tangle. There would be a desire.

In conclusion, it is written that 2.7 ppm of alcohol was found in the blood of my child, this is a bottle of vodka, that he could move around in such a state and himself fell under the wheels of a car. This is chaos, - a young man holds in his hand the conclusion of a forensic examination on the causes of death of six-year-old Alyosha Shimko. It is noticeable that he is shaking. His name is Roman Shimko, and we are talking about his dead son.

Roman and Elena Shimko have been fighting with the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Balashikha municipal district for almost two months, trying to restore justice. They themselves serve in the National Guard and know well what the law is. The couple do not expect anything special from fellow policemen. They just want the investigators to do their job honestly and that the culprit of the tragic accident in which their baby died is fully responsible for this. In the meantime, investigators and experts present only unpleasant surprises to the grief-stricken family: recordings of street surveillance cameras disappeared from the accident site, the case was opened only a month later, the experts gave absurd conclusions.

car accident in the yard

The tragedy broke out on April 23 in the Pavlino microdistrict of the city of Zheleznodorozhny. After lunch, six-year-old Alyosha and his grandfather went to the playground. The boy walked in front, and his grandfather carried his bicycle. It was a stone's throw to the site - it was only necessary to cross the road near the house. Before Alyosha had time to step on the asphalt, he was hit by a black Hyundai Solaris.

The blow fell on the right side. With its bottom, the car dragged the boy for about ten more meters. I saw this, - recalls a local resident Christina.

What are you doing?! - Alyosha's grandfather shouted in horror, but immediately clutched his heart and settled down on the road. He tried to get up, but he couldn't.

A young blonde was sitting behind the wheel of a foreign car, clutching a mobile phone in her hand. She got out of the car and silently stared at the body of the child. There was a pool of blood on the road. People ran up to the car, got Alyosha and put him in the back seat of the car.

The blonde began to make excuses that she, they say, was driving slowly and the child himself threw himself under the wheels. However, she quickly shut up - another moment, and the crowd would have torn her to shreds. Eyewitnesses shouted that she raced around the yard at a speed of at least 50-60 kilometers per hour and at the same time also talked on the phone.

The motorist was rescued by the police. The ambulance followed them. Doctors had only to ascertain the death of the child. His grandfather came to his senses only after he was given an injection.

tight consequence

On the fact of a fatal accident, a pre-investigation check was launched by the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Balashikha Defense Ministry. Parents learned that their son was crushed by 31-year-old Olga Alisova. She was born in Saratov, but has long since moved to the suburbs. Now she lives in an apartment that she bought in the Zarya microdistrict, a former military town of the Air Force near Balashikha. Alisova works in one of the communication salons in the city of Reutov near Moscow.

The police quickly conducted a pre-investigation check, but they refused to open a criminal case against Alisova. They explained to the shocked parents that, they say, the boy died by negligence: he himself threw himself under the wheels, and the woman had no way to avoid being hit. The motorist herself repeated the same thing: she was driving through the yard at the speed prescribed by law - 20 km / h. Despite all the arguments with the parents, the investigator refused to open a criminal case. Everything went to the fact that Alisova could generally escape punishment.

CCTV footage could shed some light on this story. On each of the four entrances of the house there are cameras of the "Safe City" system and another private one, which was installed by one of the residents of the high-rise building.

There was a camera over there, - Christina points to the second floor of one of the entrances. - True, only two or three days after the accident, the camera was dismantled.

In the management company "Progresszhilservice", serving this house, Life was told that they did not shoot the camera. Who took it off is unknown, but the locals are sure that this was done in the interests of Alisova.

After the accident, men came to our house in expensive foreign cars to find out something. Some eyewitnesses received threats, and some of them even retracted their testimony,” says one of the local residents.

As for the cameras of the "Safe City" system, for some reason they did not work that evening either. This was explained to Alyosha's father by some technical failure on the server, but he does not believe it. He asked the investigator to draw up a protocol on the absence of records, but he turned out to be.

Brotherly Help

Parents knocked on the thresholds of different offices, but no one listened to them. Soon, kind people told Lyosha's parents that literally from the first day, some defenders of Alisova, who wanted to hush up the case, tried to contact the investigators. Allegedly, they even stipulated the amount in currency with five zeros. The girl Olga really turned out to be not so defenseless: her husband was a member of one of the local criminal groups, therefore, as it should be with the lads, his family is "warmed up" from the common fund. It is possible that the local lads are also busy with Alisova.

Her legal husband Sergei has been in one of the strict regime colonies since 2012. Before they had time to play a wedding, the young husband was detained by the detectives of the criminal investigation department. As it turned out, the guy got into a group of extortionists, which back in 2007 was put together by 29-year-old Natalya Gomonova, Anatoly Kornyakov, a resident of the Kursk region, and Alexey Chaldaev. There were nine people in the gang.

The grouping hunted in Moscow and the region with scams, extortion, as well as black raiding. For example, bandits abducted people, tortured them and demanded that apartments, cars and other property be transferred to them. In other cases, they found alcoholics, soldered them, re-registered apartments for themselves. Some apartment owners were killed. In addition, gangsters bought up lost passports and took loans from various banks to buy household appliances and electronics.

The operatives defeated the gang in 2008, when extortionists kidnapped another victims in Moscow - a 55-year-old apartment owner and a 27-year-old girl from the Oryol region, who rented a room from him. The hostages were guarded by 62-year-old Yuri Kinvalov and 20-year-old Sergei Alisov. One night they raped a girl, and the owner of the apartment managed to escape, and he went to the police.

In September 2008, the Moscow Regional Court gave the bandits from six to 23 years. Alisov received 10 years in a strict regime colony for kidnapping, illegal imprisonment, rape and extortion. Given the time he spent in the pre-trial detention center, he should be released soon.

Photo: © RIA Novosti / Alexei Filippov

50 thousand ransom for the death of a child

Alisova herself pleads not guilty. During interrogations, she says that, they say, she was driving around the yard at a speed of 15-20 kilometers per hour.

Approaching the first entrance, I felt a blow on the car. Not realizing what had happened, I stopped and got out of the car. An elderly man was hysterical and, insulting me, hit the car. I didn't understand what was happening. Walking around the back of the car, I saw a boy of eight years old lying on the pavement. There was blood around him, but he was still moving. I stood near the car in a state of shock, could not move and did not know what to do, - Alisova's testimony says.

She said that she did not have the opportunity to see the child. However, the investigative experiment, which was conducted two weeks after the accident, showed the opposite. As it turned out, after a while she transferred 50 thousand rubles to Alyosha's parents by mail. However, they refused this money.

"drunk" child

Help for the Shimko family came from where they did not expect. Somehow, this story became known to State Duma deputy Sergei Mironov, who sent a deputy request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On May 16, a criminal case was initiated in which Alisova became a suspect. Investigator Dmitry A. only notified the Shimko family about this on May 26th.

The young investigator obviously did not burn with the case: the investigation was going neither shaky nor rolls. Already in June, he called Roman and Elena Shimko to him to acquaint them with the results of a key examination, which was carried out at the State Budgetary Institution "Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination" of the Moscow Regional Research Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky (MONIKI). The contents of the document shocked the parents.

The cause of death of six-year-old Lesha was called an open craniocerebral injury, but the conclusion said that ethyl alcohol was found in his blood at a concentration of 2.7 ppm. This is almost the strongest stage of intoxication. Simply put, the experts decided that the six-year-old boy drank about a bottle of vodka, after which he went for a walk.

The investigator was not at all surprised by the conclusion of the experts. Outraged by such impudence, the parents demanded that the investigator clarify the conclusion or conduct a new examination.

I told him that there was blood on the car, there was blood in the cabin. Can I take these samples and compare them with the samples that the medical examiner has? - says Alyosha's father.

The response of the investigator, to put it mildly, surprised: why do we need an examination?

I have no doubt that they will match. And what, there are doubts? - the investigator asked Alyosha's father a counter question.

Parents wrote to Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin, Head of the Russian Interior Ministry Vladimir Kolokoltsev. When Shimko's neighbors found out about the "drunken" examination, another 600 residents of Zheleznodorozhny signed a statement to the heads of law enforcement agencies.

Only when the public Mash took up this story did the case cause a stormy response in social networks. For the investigator, all this was an unpleasant surprise.

Yes, I am conducting this case, but I will not comment on the conclusion of the examination and other actions, - Dmitry A. cut off in a conversation with Life.

The chief of the Moscow Region police had to answer for the investigator.

A criminal case under Article 264 of the Criminal Code was initiated against the driver who knocked down a child on April 23. The driver was charged and a measure of restraint in the form of a written undertaking not to leave was chosen.

Now investigators are preparing the necessary procedural documents in order to exhume the body, as well as additional forensic and biological examinations, the commander-in-chief officially announced. As for the results of the scandalous examination, the Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to follow this line: the investigator had nothing to do with it, because, as in all cases of death, forensic examinations are assigned automatically and are carried out in civilian medical institutions.

For the investigator, it was important that the child died precisely from being hit by a car. And what state he was in then is another question, ”one of the officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs explains to Life. By the way, the investigation of the case has actually been completed, it will soon be sent to court. It remains only to deal with the examination of the content of alcohol in the child's blood. Perhaps there will be a re-examination.

Life managed to get through to the head of the expertise department, Mikhail Kleymenov, who put his signature under the conclusion, not looking at the absurd results, but he declined to comment. According to Mash, he claims that he only took the biomaterial, after which he sent it for research. What happened to him since then is still unknown: the doctor who conducted the study suddenly went on vacation.

Photo: social networks
From the first days, outlandish things began to happen with this case: first, records from all surveillance cameras in the yard evaporated, then suspicious people began to knock on the doors of the witnesses of the accident. And towards the end of the most finished six-year-old Alyosha was made “drunk”. In the blood of the child, the expert revealed 2.7 ppm of alcohol, which means that before the walk, the brainchild blew like a universe of one hundred grams of vodka.

Nonsense? Lapsus? Cruel intent? Any sane person would ask these questions. However, Arinushkin, the investigator of the Balashikha Department of Internal Affairs, who is investigating this accident, is not the only one - it seems to him that everything in this case is extremely clear.

Why did they pay attention to the blatant results of the examination “from above” after all the hype raised in the media? Who could need such a wild falsification of the deval materials?

It all happened on April 23 in the courtyard of a house in the Pavlino microdistrict, where Shimko's house lives. Six-year-old Alyosha, together with his grandfather, were returning from a walk. The pensioner was carrying his grandson's scooter, the guy skipped flying towards his entrance. The clock was 17.56, that is, not twilight, when you can not notice a pedestrian. And especially not an absolute night.

"Hyundai Solaris" 31-year-old Olga Alisova suddenly flew onto the road. Actually took off - so say the eyewitnesses of the incident. Here is what they subsequently rolled in social networks (the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved):

“She knocked the boy down at a speed of approximately 60 km, drove over him and dragged him from one entrance to another. We have an infant playground and a dead end there, no one has ever driven. However, she is not local ... ".

“I dragged the child at a distance of two buildings of parked cars. Behind her was a dead end, from which the ABC machine accelerated. Actually acceleration, not movement ... The brothers from the mountains immediately came in large numbers, together with the police protected this madam from lynching!

At that moment Alyosha's father Roman Shimko was at home. He flew to the scene of the tragedy in about six minutes.

When I got down, my son was no longer moving. However, in the explanatory note, she wrote that after the collision, the brainchild was moving, giving signs of life. However, she did not even try to help him. Witnesses placed their son in the back seat of her car. And this Olga was always worried that her salon was not stained with blood, says Roman.

point of tragedy. Photo: social networks
Even the ambulance, according to the parent of the child, was demanded by random passers-by. They flew onto the highway and were able to intercept an ambulance passing by. However, the doctors could not do anything ...

Did Alisova give any explanations at the scene of the accident?

She ratified that she was driving at a speed limit of 20 kilometers per hour. However, sorry, at a similar speed, the Hyundai Solaris will not even hit the curb. And here the child's car ran over with two wheels. In addition, the witnesses all seem to be saying all alone: ​​she didn’t drive everything around the yard, but at that moment she was also talking on the phone. After the collision, Alisova got out of the car with a phone in her hands.

From the very ABC, truly mystical things begin to happen with this case. For example, the accident was filmed by as many as three surveillance cameras - unprecedented luck. That's just the image with none of them in the case does not appear. Simply because it supposedly doesn't exist.

One of the cameras hung at the entrance, information from it should be transferred to the server of the Harmless City project. However, as if we were told by responsible people from this structure, on the day of the accident, this camera itself did not work hard. There are records the day before the tragedy, the day after, and on April 23 the camera broke down due to some strange coincidence, - the father of the washed-up boy is indignant.

A second camera hung on the wall of the house, one of the tenants put it up in order to monitor their car. Just on April 24, the video surveillance device was dismantled. They cannot find the owners of the camera either - none of the tenants of the house admits that the device belonged to them. Alkaya why all of a sudden such secrecy? After all, in such a way you can help in the investigation of the death of a child.

The cable from this camera leads to the basement, where, obviously, there is a server where information is written. However, employees of the Housing Office refuse to open the door to the basement, Roman Shimko says.

There is also a recording from the camera at the store. However, with this video, not everything is so smooth. Information on the server is stored for a total of four days, after which it is automatically deleted. When Alyosha's father found out on the third day that the investigation did not so much demand these shootings in the store, he tried to get them on his own.

However, as if the recording was seized without a record, it will not be considered evidence in court. In addition, there is no direct moment of collision on this video, - Roman comments.

Devalo brought 20 days after the accident. And the father of the washed-up boy was reported about this even a month later. Apparently, in the investigation they considered that it was not necessary to inform him about such a “trifle”. And a few days ago, Roman came to the police to find out if there were any moves in the case. They extended the results of the examination to him, which do not fit in a bowler hat. Alcohol was found in the child's blood - 2.7 ppm. The victim, a quote from the examination, "at the time of death was in a state of intoxication, which could correspond to a deep degree ...". At six years old!

Photo: social networks
- And the investigator did not hesitate to hand over this examination to me, - Roman's voice trembles. - Now everyone writes that this is half a bottle of vodka. Not absolutely that much. If we start from the body weight of the son, then 2.7 ppm corresponds to one hundred grams of solid alcohol. However, where could they come from in the blood of my son, who even turned away from soda - he couldn’t stand it when the bubbles hit his nose ?!

As if the investigator himself reacted to the fact that alcohol was found in the child's blood?

Initially, it seemed to me that he himself was amazed by such results. However, to my request for a re-examination, using samples of my son's blood from the back seat of Alisova's car, the investigator responded super-cynically: "I have no doubt that the samples will match." And later they began to ask me questions from the series, can alcohol be freely available in your family? Could the guy take something in the refrigerator? That is, they led me to meet the idea that my son was drunk .. .

Examination of the son's blood did not get along with us in Zheleznodorozhny, but was sent to the Vladimirsky Clinical Institute (MONIKI). Probably, during the transportation, the test tubes were replaced - after all, they are not signed, - the father suggests.

However, after all, such a variant of avoiding responsibility is the least intelligent. The examination is airy to challenge, yeah, and the results contradict common sense.

They did not succeed in intimidating the witnesses - immediately after the accident, at night, some ambals were knocking on their doors. However, people were not afraid - everyone wrote statements. So they probably decided on a similar option. They probably hoped that we would not agree to the exhumation.

Recite the material: the IC stirred up the case about negligence due to the examination of the blood of a “drunk child”

Here it would not be redundant to explain that they generally carry out an examination of fatal accidents. This was told to MK by a former senior investigator for especially majestic cases of the accident investigation department of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, lawyer Alexander Meltsev:

Let me explain right away - forensic experts do not go to the scene of accidents. The ambulance declares death, then the evidence goes to the police - an investigator is always present at the scene of the accident. He draws up a protocol, fixes visible injuries, posture of the body, contents of pockets, etc. After that, the bones are transported to the judicial mortuary, where an investigation is carried out - this is to establish the exact cause of death.

All injuries are determined - they are listed in detail, and analyzes are seized (blood, urine, pieces of manufactories - always, this is part of the kidney). The laboratory assistant packs the biomaterials into test tubes, seals them up and sends them to another expert institution - a survey is already being carried out there. The expert is warned about criminal liability for false imprisonment. After everything is ready, the confinement is sent to the mortuary and handed over to the right hand of the investigator.

Incidentally, it is not very clear why, in the case of the death of a boy, exhumation is necessary - after all, some parts of manufactories are stored in the morgue like the universe for 10 years. In my opinion, in the present case, a technical lapse could have occurred - the laboratory assistant mixed up the analyzes. It is not deduced that biomaterials of several bodies were sent for research that day.

Photo: social networks
So, it is quite possible to assume that the ill-fated ppm in the blood of a child appeared due to the notorious human factor. However, this does not make the situation any less shocking. Moreover, the investigation of the virgin is not moving forward, and the alleged culprit is so free and goes unpunished. Moreover, Olga Alisova did not show not the tiniest regret, she made an attempt to make amends by sending a check for 50 thousand rubles to Alyosha's parents two weeks after the accident. Naturally, he retreated back. Followed families suggest that this step was not made out of good intentions at all, but for the court. To show that the culprit of the accident made up for the moral damage.

She did not get in touch with Olga?

A month and a half later, her lawyer called me and insisted on a meeting. I came to my senses. However, that Palestine alphabet to prove to me that the offspring is to blame - turned out onto the road and either fell there, or squatted down. That's why she didn't see him. Alkay, all witnesses claim that there was none. As a result, I could not listen to it - I retreated.

Moreover, the conducted investigative experiment proves that the running Alyosha could be seen even from the back seat of the car.

This experiment is a separate story. They took a similar Solaris, put people in it, asked a child of the same build, like my son, to pass by the same route. However, this experiment was not formalized as if it were necessary - that is, the investigators did not take photos and video recordings. They simply acted out a scene ... However, I was recording. Subsequently, the investigator asked me to provide him with this video. We certainly refused. We are trembling that in this case it will again be rejected in court, as if it had not been drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

The father of the washed-up boy is very much guessing that after the transfer of the deval to the UK, the investigation will be carried out properly. However, for how long it remains unclear what all these oddities in the case were: the result of a blunder, negligence (the Investigative Committee has already stirred up the matter under this article, the expert is being interrogated) or a deliberate distortion of facts?

Moreover, Olga Alisova is not a simple young lady in the distance, although she works as a regular salesman in a communication salon. In the media, she is called the woman of "authority" Sergei Alisov. His criminal past has several episodes of the same type associated with a credit scam and a gang of "black" realtors.

Alisov stepped onto the crooked path in 2010, when he was only 20 years old. Sergei joined a group whose members decided to kill lonely people and appropriate their apartments. The gang was formed in 2007 by 29-year-old Muscovite Natalya Gomonova and her roommate named Novikov. Soon, 26-year-old Anatoly Kornyakov, a native of the Kursk region, joined them, and he became the leader of this organized criminal group.

Olga Alisova. Photo: social networks
However, the group gained real power when seven more people joined it, among whom was Alisov. Initially, the attackers were engaged in issuing loans in different banks using fake documents. However, after gaining 600 thousand rubles, the company decided to move to the newest level and turned its attention to the lonely owners of apartments.

The first victim of the bandits was a 41-year-old Muscovite, a non-family man and, unfortunately, an alcohol addict. Gomonova appeared to her uncle under the guise of a visitor who wanted to rent a room. The owner agreed to accept the guest. And she, seizing the moment, stole all the title documents for the apartment. Soon, other members of the gang also joined the devalo, who actively soldered the Muscovite, and even managed to move him to live at a construction site, having made a watchman there. During this time, they drove an apartment for 6 million rubles, and the man was registered in the dilapidated house of Kornyakov in the Kursk region. Then they took their victim there and killed by cutting the throat.

Following on the queue, first into the homeless, and then into the dead, found himself a 55-year-old Muscovite, who rented out rooms to everyone. A 27-year-old native of the Oryol region already lived in one of the premises, and two members of the gang soon moved into another. Having established important relationships with the owner and the lodger, the attackers invited them to a gathering in the sauna, and they themselves took them to the Lyubertsy zone and locked them in the garage. There, the owner of the apartment was repeatedly beaten, asking to sign documents for the apartment.

The thugs abused the unfortunate young lady as well. Moreover, only two bandits harassed the young lady, one of whom was the very “authority” Sergey Alisov. By the way, by this time he had already met with Olga (at that time she was 24 years old). The gang was actually tied up due to the fact that Kornyakov and Alisov, having mocked their victim enough, fell asleep, and the owner of the apartment seized the moment, ran away and went to the police. As a result, all members of the organized crime group received huge sentences, Kornyakov sat down for 23 years. And Alisov went to a colony of the iron order for 10 years. He should be released only in 2020.

We continue to understand the details of the terrible tragedy in Balashikha near Moscow. On April 23, in the courtyard of a residential building, a car knocked down 6-year-old Alyosha Shimko to death. The driver was 31-year-old Olga Alisova. According to eyewitnesses, the woman seemed to be driving and talking on the phone. Therefore, she did not see the boy who came out onto the house road. For more than a month, the police refused to open a criminal case. And then an expert opinion appeared - alcohol was found in the boy's blood, 2.7 ppm. Such a dose of an adult will knock him off his feet. Not like a child!

In a word, no one believes in the accuracy of the expert opinion. Moreover, witnesses say: even a few moments before the accident, the boy quite quickly rushed around the site. The Investigative Committee has already begun a check - they check both the policemen who were involved in the investigation and the expert who made such a strange conclusion. Balashikha is indignant. Many are sure that the expert is either wrong, or the matter is not clean. The father of the deceased child, Roman Shimko (by the way, an active employee of the National Guard) said that unknown people are trying to put pressure on the witnesses of the tragedy. In social networks, they explain what is happening: allegedly, Olga Alisova’s husband is a crime boss, a member of a local organized crime group, and is currently serving another term. So, they say, his buddies are now trying their best to “get off” the wife of the “boss”.

Olga herself does not want to communicate with journalists. However, the Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent managed to meet with Alisova’s lawyer and hear the motorist’s version of what happened there ...


Lawyer Natalya Urakina says that that evening Olga Alisova drove her friend home. In the same yard. Landed, turned around and was going to return home.

“This is a four-entrance house, a narrow six-meter road, which is lined with cars on both sides,” explains Urakina. - Having approximately reached the middle of the house, she felt some kind of obstacle under the bottom of her car. At the same time, she says that she looked at the road and did not see that someone would cross the road. Olga stopped. People ran to the car, they started banging and shouting at the car. She opened the driver's door, tried to get out, but an elderly man told her: "Pass back, drive forward!" She did all these actions, but slightly drove back and forth. As a result, she nevertheless got out of the car and saw that a child was lying between the rear wheels of her car. There were no external injuries, according to her. He lay motionless, his head slightly to one side. As Olga told me, the head moved slightly to the side and blood appeared from the mouth. She did not see any traces of blood on her clothes at that moment. She called an ambulance...

The tragedy took place in this very place. Photo: DINA KARPITSKAYA

“They say the doctors were called by passers-by.

- Olga was confused, at first she called her friends, and literally thirty seconds later she began to dial an ambulance. She was told that a brigade was already on its way. People were clamoring around, they accused her that she was drunk, that she was driving incorrectly, that she had killed her child. The ambulance didn't move. People were shouting: let's take the boy to the ambulance ourselves. Some man took him in his arms and said: he has blood, the car will be dirty. Olga said: “To hell with her, with the car.” But then she (again) called an ambulance and they said that the car was about to be. When the ambulance arrived, the doctor pronounced him dead.

“That old man you're talking about, was that the dead boy's grandfather?”

- Yes. From her words, when she did what he told her, she did not understand why she was doing it. When she got out, the wheels were not on the child's body. There was no visible damage.


Witnesses say that Olga was driving while talking on the phone. This is true?

It didn't come from her words.

When did she pass her medical examination?

- After the accident. The police officers who arrived at the scene hid her in their car so that they would not hold a trial over her in the yard. And then within an hour she had a medical examination. It gave a negative result. I mean, she was sober.

– The speed of its movement at the moment of collision? Does she remember?

– The speed was not great. It couldn't be developed there.

- Have you seen the expert opinion that the boy who fell under the wheels was drunk?

- Yes. We were introduced to him. We understand the indignation of the parents of the child. Both me and Olga were perplexed by the expert's conclusions. With such a degree of intoxication - 2.7 ppm - it would be difficult to move even for an adult. And even more so, the child could not run skipping in such a state. This raised a lot of questions for us. We asked the investigator if there was a mistake here. Maybe a technical error? - from some previous examination (into the text) they copied the general part with these indicators. However, these conclusions were followed by another examination, which confirmed that the blood that was examined was then examined for genetics. And the tissues taken for examination belong to this particular child.

- If the child was so drunk, there must have been a strong smell, probably. Olga doesn't talk about it?

- Olga generally thought badly that evening. But she didn't say anything about the smell.

The accident happened on a narrow road full of parked cars Photo: VKontakte

Tell us about Olga's family. Is it a rumor or not? They say that Olga's husband is a well-known Balashikha authority, and now he is in prison.

Here I will confine myself to such a comment. In the Russian Federation, any person convicted of a certain crime for a period of more than one year is considered a criminal authority at the suggestion of so many inhabitants. Here, the situation is about the same.

That is, the lawyer confirms that the legal spouse of Olga Alisova is now in places that are not so remote. But he is not a member of the organized crime group. Although what the man is sitting for, they didn’t explain to us either.

- This is generally a topic that has nothing to do with road accidents, - says Natalia Urakina.

I will explain to you why this is important. Because the father of the deceased child speaks about the pressure that is being exerted on witnesses. Perhaps this may be due to crime.

The lawyer leaves this remark unanswered. But as for the version about the crime boss ... In this situation, it seems strange to many that the wife of a “big man” can drive a Hyundai Solaris and work in a mobile phone store.


“We had a personal meeting with the victims,” continues Natalya Urakina. Olga offered her apologies and condolences. And she said she was ready to meet any court verdict. But Olga is sure that this is all a fatal coincidence, an accident. She did not have the technical ability to prevent this collision, she did not see this child.

Although the specialist who did the technical examination believes that Alisova had the opportunity to stop and prevent a collision.

“I believe that this expert made the wrong conclusion,” says Urakina. - It was based on incorrect data reported in the investigation. I won't say which ones. I write about them in my petition to conduct additional investigative actions in this regard.

Meanwhile, the Investigative Committee reported that "on the fact of giving an expert opinion on the strong alcohol intoxication of a 6-year-old boy who died as a result of an accident, a criminal case of negligence was initiated."