Is fish oil available in liquid form? How to take fish oil capsules: indications and dosage for children and adults. What vitamins are in fish oil


In childhood, many had to drink fish oil, despite the unpleasant taste and smell. Moms claimed that it is extremely beneficial for children's health, and it is simply impossible to grow up without it. With age, attitudes to many things change, and adults are happy to consume fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids (the most significant of them: alpha-linolenic (), eicosapentaenoic () and docosahexaenoic ()). With the help of this fish product, positive results have been obtained in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, depression, reduced immunity, cancer, arthritis, diabetes and a number of other serious diseases. Eating it as part of a diet promotes weight loss, helps maintain the health of pregnant women and babies, and improves the condition of hair and skin.

The most famous sources of healing fat are considered , and . However, it is also obtained from oysters, mackerel, halibut and other types of fish. First, a careful selection of raw materials is made, and then the quality of the final product produced as a result of processing is controlled.

What is the use

The beneficial properties of fish oil are due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids in its composition and their effect on the body. This fact is confirmed by clinical studies, so the product extracted from fatty fish is used in the treatment of a number of serious diseases.

  1. 1. Heart diseases. Omega-3 acids have been proven to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, fish oil protects the heart from rhythm disturbances. It lowers the level of so-called "bad" cholesterol and increases the level of "good" (HDL). Studies have shown that the use of fish oil is the prevention of atherosclerosis in coronary heart disease. It is also effective in the treatment of angina attacks. Regular use will help to avoid many problems in the cardiovascular system. However, these preliminary remarks require additional research in each specific case.
  2. 2. Weight control. The use of fish oil can be used for weight loss as part of special diets in combination with exercise. Practice has shown that this approach allows you to reduce weight much more significantly, compared with methods without fish oil. A set of exercises is necessary to maintain the shape of the body.

Omega-3 acids not only prevent the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, but also contribute to its burning with regular physical training.

And, therefore, the effect is expected to be at least double. However, no one can give an absolute guarantee, and the research results are also ambiguous.

  1. 3. Strengthening immunity. Regular consumption of fish oil significantly reduces susceptibility to seasonal illnesses such as the common cold, cough, and flu. It is also useful in the treatment of lupus against the background of a weakened immune system, reduces inflammation in organs and tissues.

  1. 4. Decrease in inflammatory processes. The use of fish oil can slightly reduce inflammation in chronic diseases, including peptic ulcers of the digestive system. To increase the anti-inflammatory effect, research is being carried out to create preparations containing additional biologically active additives and therapeutic components.

  1. 5. Treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. Fish oil allows you to reduce the dose of anti-inflammatory drugs used, and in osteoarthritis, it partially blocks enzymes that destroy cartilage. However, to date, a number of scientists are against the use of fat in these diseases, since side effects may occur, and the doses of use have not been finally determined. Additional research is also needed here.
  2. 6. Fight depression and anxiety. As a result of the study, it is proved that countries that eat a large amount of fish have a very low level of depression. It can be concluded that the fat found in fish is useful in stabilizing mood and eliminating other nervous disorders.
  3. 7. Pregnancy. By consuming fish oil during pregnancy, women give birth to babies with healthy reflexes, improved hand, foot and eye coordination. Babies' brains are also more active. Taking the drug helps to avoid premature birth, threatened miscarriage and low birth weight. It has also been proven that pregnant women who consume large amounts of fish or fish oil do not suffer from postpartum depression.
  4. 8. Eye disease. Helps improve vision.

  1. 9. Skin care. Improves skin condition, helps in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, skin rashes and itching. Effective in the treatment of acne. This use is due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Fish oil in capsules, applied externally, reduces the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin. Some patients claim that it also protects against sunburn.

  1. 10. Cancer treatment. In cancer therapy, it helps reduce weight loss and control lipid levels.
  2. 11. To improve the condition of the hair. Gives hair shine and accelerates their growth, stops hair loss, as omega-3 fatty acids provide effective nutrition to the hair follicle.

Replacement of vegetable oils

Although fish oil is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids and has many health benefits, it is not recommended to completely replace other fats. For example, walnut oil, hemp oil, soybean oil, linseed oil are rich, which is also useful for cardiovascular diseases, and in the human body is able to convert to other forms of fatty acids, although this conversion is limited. Omega-6 fatty acids have shown promising results in the treatment of cancer.

You can take fish oil in capsules, tablets, liquid form, or eat fish. Excessive consumption is not recommended due to possible allergies and unexplored side effects. Fish oil contains vitamins A and D, their overdose is also undesirable.

There is an assumption that fish oil oxidizes to form free radicals, which are neutralized by antioxidants, such as vitamin E. Therefore, an excessive dose of fish oil leads to a decrease in the amount of vitamin E that needs to be replenished, and their combined use is more effective than separate. However, detailed studies of these facts have not yet been made, and final conclusions have not been drawn.

Appetizing trout or pharmacy forms

The most valuable source of fish oil is cold water fish. This, for example, trout, salmon, salmon, mackerel. In addition to fat, it contains valuable animal protein, plus amazing taste properties. To get enough fish oil, you need to eat a serving of fish almost every day, up to 5 times a week. But not everyone loves fish, and someone cannot afford to use such an expensive product too often, what to do in this case? This is where pharmaceutical forms of release of the drug come in handy: liquid in vials and capsules.

Comparison of pharmacy forms

Fish oil in capsules or liquid form is different from natural fish. As a rule, the quality of fish can be approximately estimated by appearance, smell, elasticity and color of muscle fibers, etc. Raw materials for the production of capsules are difficult to assess, and what is inside can only be verified using chemical analysis. Therefore, when choosing a product in capsules, the reputation of the manufacturer is important, although a quality product will cost much more.

Norway and Finland are recognized as market leaders in the production of fish oil, their advantage: cold waters combined with centuries-old traditions.

The very fact of putting fat in a capsule does not affect its properties. On the contrary, coated, it retains its properties longer, since it does not oxidize upon contact with air. And the lack of smell makes this form of reception the most attractive. However, here you can also find disadvantages. One of them is individual intolerance to the gelatinous shell in which the drug is placed. Another inconvenience is significant only for small children and the elderly, as well as for people with various pathologies, and is associated with the need to swallow the capsule: in liquid form, this is much easier to do.

Liquid fish oil has traditionally been prescribed to children to prevent rickets. And until the drug appeared in capsules, it was the only form available. An unpleasant odor, air oxidation and the need to have a dosing spoon on hand are the most obvious disadvantages of a liquid preparation. When ingested, you must buy fish oil from a pharmacy, as a high degree of purification is required. On the other hand, the color and consistency of the product demonstrate its quality, it is easy to swallow, which means you can safely give it to children and the elderly - these are pluses. The composition of the liquid and encapsulated product does not differ.

Capsules with additives

Rosehip oil, sea buckthorn, garlic and other components are added to fish oil. It is believed that they have their action "plus" to omega-3 acids. However, there are too few of these additives in the product to talk about their undoubted benefits. But any of them can cause an allergic reaction, even if you carry the fish without problems. Therefore, be wary of supplements, although studies confirm that the garlic in fish oil prevents the formation of cholesterol. If you have problems before starting the use of the drug, seek the advice of a doctor.

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Surely many still have childhood memories of how they drank fish oil when they were little - an amber-colored oily liquid with a specific marine taste. And to this day, he has not found an alternative in the full supply of the human body with vital substances.

We will try to figure out who and how the use of liquid fish oil will help, how this legendary drug can enrich our body, and who should not take it - instead of positive results, fish oil will have a harmful effect.

Composition of liquid fish oil

Now you rarely find, especially from among dietary supplements, poorly purified fish oil with an unforgettable purely fishy smell and taste. Almost every drug undergoes molecular distillation and the strictest control for the absence of harmful residues in the form of impurities of heavy metals.

Fish oil is produced from cod liver or salmon meat - the annotation always indicates the source of its production. In cod liver oil, there are more valuable fatty acids and fewer vitamins, so they are often added to the product artificially. In salmon fish oil, on the contrary, the content of vitamins, especially vitamin D, is higher, but the proportion of fatty acids is lower.

At the moment, most fish oil manufacturers are trying to provide the product with a pleasant taste. Often this is lemon juice, which neutralizes the taste of fish well. In parallel, the fish oil preparation is additionally enriched with fat-soluble vitamins - A and E.

Decent quality liquid fish oil is an amber clear liquid without any turbidity and sediment, with a homogeneous oily consistency.

Important! When buying, you should always check the fish oil by examining the vial through a light source. If floating particles or flakes are noticed, discard such a product, it is stale. Buy only high-quality fish oil preparation!

The benefits of this valuable product lies in the unique composition of fish oil.

  • First of all, these are fatty polyunsaturated acids of the Omega-3 class - docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosapentaenoic acid.
  • Next come the omega-6 acids - linoleic and arachidonic.
  • Omega-9 acid - oleic acid - is not inferior to them in terms of usefulness.

In addition to healing fatty acids, the fish product is rich in vitamins:

  1. ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), which is responsible for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus - the main factors in the strength of bones, tooth enamel, nails and hair;
  2. retinol (vitamin A), which protects and renews body cells;
  3. tocopherol (vitamin E) is a major antioxidant and component of the immune system.

Properties of liquid fish oil

The biological beneficial value of fish oil covers many vital systems and organs, acting as a powerful complex, which allows the product to maintain the health and functionality of our body as a whole.

  1. On the part of the cardiovascular system - the elasticity of blood vessels, including coronary ones, the reduction of blood clots and bad cholesterol - the risk of heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, dystonia decreases.
  2. On the part of the organs of movement - bones, ligaments, cartilage, joints, muscles are strengthened.
  3. On the part of the digestive system - the work of the liver and pancreas improves, the absorption of insulin becomes adequate.
  4. From the side of vision - increases the sharpness of peripheral and twilight vision, eliminates night blindness.
  5. On the part of immunity - resistance to colds and inflammatory processes increases, a person gets sick less often and more easily, allergy manifestations decrease.
  6. On the part of the brain - cognitive functions improve at any age, especially in children and elderly people.

Note! The ability of fish oil to neutralize cancer cells has been proven!

  • For children - the correct development of the skeletal system, the formation of teeth are ensured, mental abilities are enhanced, hysteria disappears.
  • For pregnant women - ensures the proper development of the fetus in the womb.
  • For nursing - prevents a decrease in the mother's body of calcium and phosphorus, so that tooth enamel does not collapse and osteoporosis does not develop.
  • For the elderly - prevents the onset of senile dementia, maintains clarity of thought and memory.
  • For athletes - helps to utilize fat and build muscle tissue.
  • For women - strengthens bones, teeth, nerves, blood vessels, heart, gives elasticity to the skin; externally - reduces fragility of nails and hair, smoothes wrinkles.

Liquid Fish Oil Benefits

Many do not like the liquid form of fish oil, noting its ability to quickly rancid in the light, and prefer capsules.

But not everyone can drink capsules! Young children, especially infants, need fish oil to prevent rickets, but such small babies simply cannot swallow a capsule! They are allowed to drink fish oil only in liquid form!

Also, liquid fish oil will come in handy for those who, due to surgery or illness, have difficulty swallowing large particles, including capsules.

The liquid form of fish oil for external use is indispensable - the drug heals wounds, burns, ulcers.

Based on it, masks are prepared that give a magical effect:

  • for face;
  • neckline;
  • skin of hands and nails;
  • hair.

Note! Doctors say that liquid fish oil is more quickly and fully absorbed than a product enclosed in capsules.

How to take liquid fish oil

Fish oil in liquid form is taken in courses and fractionally. It has been proven that both drinking the entire portion at a time and continuous drinking of the drug does not bring benefits, but it can do harm.

A single overdose of fish oil is fraught with indigestion - abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea. Continuous intake of the product will result in vitamin D hypervitaminosis, which is dangerous for the development of irreversible pathologies - hypercalciuria and / or hypercalcemia.

You should not use fish oil without interruption, it is better to interrupt monthly courses for at least a week, unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor.

An empty stomach is not the best condition for drinking fish oil. It is much more appropriate to drink it after a meal - this way you can avoid heartburn, nausea and pain from the stomach.

Daily Value for Liquid Fish Oil

If there are no clear prescriptions from the doctor, then the daily norm and regimen classically looks like this.

  • Babies up to a year old - from 3 to 5 drops twice a day.
  • Babies from one year old to 3 years old - 0.5 teaspoon twice a day.
  • Children from 3 to 6 years old - 1 teaspoon for 2 - 3 doses.
  • Children of school age - maximum 1 tablespoon, divided into 2 - 3 doses.
  • Adolescents and adults - the daily rate should not exceed 2 tablespoons, taken in 2 - 3 doses.

The benefits and harms of fish oil

The benefits of taking fish oil are obvious and proven, but harm from the product is also possible - this is either an overdose or taking fat if there are contraindications.

Uncontrolled drinking often results in:

  1. malfunction of digestion;
  2. exacerbation of chronic processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. an excess of calcium and phosphorus;
  4. hypervitaminosis A and D, which provokes internal inflammatory processes;
  5. when drinking insufficiently purified fat - the accumulation of heavy metal salts in the tissues.

Fish oil also has contraindications:

  • pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • tuberculosis in the active phase;
  • fish oil intolerance.

In order for the body to be competently enriched with fish oil, it must be taken correctly, without neglecting the advice of doctors!

Our pharmacies do not have such a large selection of liquid fish oil. And its quality can not always be checked. We recommend ordering fish oil at. The choice is large, many manufacturers have long established themselves on the international market, there is liquid fish oil with different flavors, and you can always order it to Russia with free delivery.

The human body needs a certain balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates every day. Each brick on which our food is built has a necessary and irreplaceable role to play. But sometimes a person, trying to lose weight, completely excludes fats from his diet. And this is fundamentally wrong. A low-fat diet is by no means healthy. And in order to make up for the missing proportion of nutritious fats in the body, it is necessary to take fish oil as a source of strength, youth, beauty and health.

What is fish oil

Fish oil is a product of animal origin. Fish oil is made from the natural fat of large marine fish, such as cod, mackerel, herring. Fish liver is usually taken for production. Fish oil is divided into brown, yellow and white. Brown fat - industrial (unfiltered), used for technical purposes as a lubricant. Yellow fat is partially purified, but is rarely used in medicine. And white fat is the one we take orally as a vitamin supplement.

How fish oil is obtained

Norwegian fishermen have been extracting the so-called "red" fish oil since ancient times. They went out to sea for cod and butchered the fish on the spot. Fish liver was collected separately in a barrel. When they arrived home a few weeks later, there was fat in the barrel, which gradually flowed out of the fish liver on its own. The remaining livers were filled with water and boiled over a quiet fire. This is how pure fish oil was obtained. Although it had a pronounced fishy smell, it was a natural and healthy product.

The modern production of fish oil is not much different from the way Norwegian fishermen get it. The principle remains the same. Freshly caught fish is immediately sent for cutting. The liver is carefully and accurately cut out, the gallbladder is separated. The washed liver is placed in a large cauldron with a thick bottom, which is heated to 50 degrees. The liver is simmered over medium heat and high quality white fish oil is rendered from it. Then the fire is increased and yellow fat is obtained. Well, at sufficiently high temperatures, brown fish oil is extracted, which is not used for oral administration.

Fish oil is an incredibly healthy product that contains many important and necessary vitamins. For the first time, the benefits of fish oil were noted in Greenland. It was found that the inhabitants of the island, in the diet of which fatty fish was almost daily, had fewer heart diseases, they were more stress-resistant and efficient.

Fish oil is a storehouse of vitamins and saturated fats that fuel the body during difficult periods for it. Fish oil is taken during an exacerbation of viral diseases, as well as after an illness to restore strength. Fish oil is prescribed to children to adapt them to kindergarten to reduce the risk of frequent illnesses. We can talk endlessly about the benefits of fish oil, let's dwell on its main advantages.

  1. Fish oil contains omega-3 fats, which are great for brain function. The constant intake of fat improves memory, develops intelligence and erudition.
  2. Fish oil affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels - it reduces the viscosity of the blood, which contributes to the formation of blood clots. Thus, the risk of a heart attack or stroke is reduced significantly. Regular intake of fish oil normalizes blood pressure.
  3. Healthy fats speed up the metabolic processes of the body. This means that fish oil can be used as an ally against extra pounds.
  4. Fish oil is good for men's health. Regular intake of fish oil helps to increase physical strength and endurance.
  5. Fat inhibits the production of the stress hormone cortisol. The constant intake of fish oil normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, increases stress resistance.
  6. Fish oil has a beneficial effect on the joints. It can be taken orally or as a rub. It is an excellent medicinal and preventive remedy.
  7. Fish oil has been successfully used as a supplement for muscle growth and recovery after exercise. This is one of the components of sports nutrition.
  8. Fish oil is also useful for women - after a few weeks of taking fish oil, the fair sex notes that the skin has become much smoother, hydrated and clean (without acne).
  9. Fish oil contains vitamin A, which is an invariable component of our immunity. Vitamin A protects the body from inflammatory diseases and prevents the formation of cancer cells.
  10. Fish oil is prescribed by doctors in a complex to maintain eye health.
  11. Fish oil contains a sufficient amount of vitamin D, which the body needs for strong bones and a strong skeleton. Lack of vitamin D in the body can lead to rickets.
  12. Fish oil contains antioxidants that prevent the aging process in the body. Therefore, fish oil is not only a means to maintain health, but also an indispensable cosmetic product for women.
  13. Course intake of fish oil prevents the development of depression.

Fish oil in its natural form has an unattractive smell, shape and taste. For ease of use, manufacturers of vitamin supplements have changed the dosage form of fat and began to produce it in capsules. The small yellowish capsules are odorless, small and easy to swallow. However, to get the benefits of fish oil, you need to know how and how much to take.

  1. The daily norm of this vitamin is 1000-2000 mg per day, which corresponds to 2-4 capsules.
  2. You can not take all the capsules at once, you need to divide the daily rate into several doses.
  3. Typically, the daily allowance for men is slightly higher than for women (by 500 mg).
  4. Fish oil should be taken with or immediately after a meal. Do not take this vitamin supplement on an empty stomach - it can be harmful.
  5. Salmon oil is considered the most useful, expensive and high-quality fish oil.
  6. Fish oil should be taken periodically. One course of taking fish oil is about two months. After that, you need to take a break for a couple of weeks.
  7. Usually, fish oil is taken in autumn or winter to protect the body from viral diseases.

How to take liquid fish oil

Liquid fish oil is less attractive, but no less useful than its gelatin counterparts. Many believe that such fish oil contains more benefits, since it has not been subjected to additional processing. The daily norm of liquid fish oil is 15 ml, which corresponds to three teaspoons. Liquid fish oil can be added to dishes as a dressing, sauces can be prepared from it only if you are not afraid of a light fishy flavor. However, remember that fish oil should not be exposed to high temperatures - it should not be fried, etc. Otherwise, it will simply lose all its useful properties.

Liquid fish oil should be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator with a tightly closed lid. It is best if the bottle is opaque. Feel free to throw away the expired product - there is no use in it.

Contraindications and harm of fish oil

Like any other product, vitamin or drug, fish oil has contraindications.

  • It should not be taken if there is an excess of calcium in the blood.
  • Fish oil is contraindicated in hypervitaminosis D.
  • If there are kidney stones.
  • For any liver disease.
  • If you are allergic to fish oil components.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Renal failure.
  • It is dangerous for pregnant women and the elderly to take fish oil without a doctor's recommendation.
  • Fish oil is contraindicated during breastfeeding.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart disease, ulcers and other chronic ailments, it is imperative to consult a doctor about the intention to start taking fish oil.

Long-term use of fish oil can reduce blood clotting, so for any blood disease, you need to be careful with this vitamin supplement.

Fish oil is often prescribed to children as an auxiliary vitamin for increased mental and physical stress at school. Regular intake of fish oil helps the child to better absorb the material, to be more capable and assiduous. In addition, taking fish oil in the winter allows the child's body to be more resistant to viruses and infections.

Babies are prescribed fish oil against rickets, since most regions do not spoil us with sunny days. The daily dose of fish oil for babies of the first year of life is 2-4 drops several times a day. After a year, a baby can be given half a teaspoon a day, and from two years old - a whole spoonful. The student's dose should be at least two capsules or a tablespoon per day.

For children, special forms of fish oil are produced in the form of marmalades with a pleasant taste and smell. Most kids take them for candy.

Fish oil for weight loss

French scientists conducted an experiment among several thousand women. The study subjects were divided into two groups. They were offered the same food, not different from their usual diet. The first group was given fish oil after each meal, and the second group was given pacifiers, that is, a placebo. Two months later, it turned out that the representatives of the first group, on average, lost one kilogram, while the women of the second group did not change in weight.

In parallel with their French colleagues in 2015, a similar experiment was carried out at the Japanese University of Kyoto, only on mice. The mice were divided into two groups and fed them with fatty foods in the same amount. In addition, the mice of the first group were supposed to receive fish oil. After the experiment, it was found that the mice of the first group gained 25% less fat than the representatives of the second group of mice. Scientists have proven that fish oil promotes the production of substances that speed up the body's metabolic processes.

Fish oil has recently become a constant companion of successful weight loss. Indeed, in conditions of limited nutrition, the body does not receive the vitamins and fats it needs. Fish oil is a healthy hair and nails, clean and smooth skin and good health even with the toughest diet.

Since childhood, we associate fish oil with an unpleasant and tasteless substance that had to be drunk at the insistence of our mother. However, times have changed, and fish oil can be taken in a convenient and pleasant dosage form without losing its beneficial properties. Drink fish oil and stay healthy!

Video: how to use fish oil correctly

The composition of fish oil is represented by a mixture of glycerides of various acids: polyunsaturated fatty acids ω-3 and ω-6, oleic (more than 70%), palmitic (approximately 25%), stearic (not more than 2%), trace amounts of capric, butyric, acetic, valeric and some other acids.

Also present in fish oil , fatty pigment lipochrome (in negligible amounts); organic compounds of sulfur, iodine, phosphorus, bromine; nitrogenous derivatives (butyl- and trimethylamine, ammonia); 2 ptomaine - morruine and poisonous azelline, which has an urinary and diaphoretic effect on the body; oxydihydropyridinebutyric (morruic) acid.

What is fish oil made from?

Fat is extracted from the muscles / liver of large marine fish, the distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is the cold waters of the oceans - herring, cod, mackerel, Norwegian salmon.

The weight of the liver of one large cod is about 2 kg. From it it is possible to obtain up to 250 grams of white (suitable for use in medicine) or about 1 kg of red fat.

Cod oil is mined mainly in Norway.

Composition of vitamins

A milliliter of the drug, produced in the form of an oral liquid, contains 1 ml of fat obtained from the liver of cod fish.

The capsules contain 500 mg of fortified* fish oil, as well as gelatin, , 70% non-crystallizing, demineralized water.

What vitamins are in fish oil?

The main constituents of fish oil are vitamins A (retinol) and D2 ( ).

Vitamin A maintains the health of mucous membranes, skin, vision, hair, nails, slows down aging and accelerates tissue regeneration.

Thanks to vitamin D the body absorbs calcium, phosphorus and a number of other elements necessary for normal bone growth, so young children and the elderly have a special need for it.

Some manufacturers' products may contain . It improves reproductive function and mental abilities, improves immunity, prevents the development vascular and heart disease . Vitamin E shows powerful antioxidant properties thus preventing the development of cancerous tumors.

In addition, the beneficial properties of the drug are determined by its mineral composition, which is represented by calcium, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc.

Indications for use

Indications for use:

  • BUT or D-vitamin deficiency ;
  • sharp and chronic respiratory diseases ;
  • eye disease ( xerotic , retinitis pigmentosa , hemeralopathy );
  • inflammatory and erosive lesions of the urinary tract and digestive canal ;
  • wounds, ulcers, bone fractures;
  • deviations in the growth of teeth and bones, dry skin and mucous membranes, poor hair condition.

The drug is also prescribed for the prevention atherosclerotic vascular changes ; to prevent vascular thrombosis and recovery plasma hemostasis after ; for treatment and prevention .

Contraindications for fish oil

Contraindications to the use of fish oil:

  • individual intolerance;
  • hemophilia ;
  • reduced blood clotting;
  • during periods of exacerbation and chronic cholecystitis ;
  • open form lungs ;
  • calcium nephrourolithiasis ;
  • hypercalciuria ;
  • hypercalcemia ;
  • vitamin D hypervitaminosis and BUT ;
  • prolonged immobilization .

Relative contraindications for use: , nephritis (both acute and chronic) hypothyroidism , lactation, kidney and/or liver disease , organic heart disease , elderly age.

In pediatrics, liquid fish oil is used from the age of three months, capsules - from 7 years.

Side effects

When used in therapeutic doses, the drug does not provoke adverse reactions. Possible , hypocoagulation, hypersensitivity reactions, the appearance of a specific smell from the mouth.

Fish oil: instructions for use

How to take liquid fish oil?

The drug is taken orally during meals.

Daily dose for children:

  • 3-12 months - 0.5 tsp;
  • 12-24 months - 1 teaspoon;
  • 2-3 years - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • 3-6 years old - 1 dec. a spoon;
  • 7 years and more - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

The daily dose for an adult is 1 tablespoon.

How to drink fish oil depends on why they drink this remedy. The method of application and dosage regimen depend on the indications and are determined by the attending physician.

Instructions for use of fish oil capsules

Capsules taken after meals with plenty of lukewarm or cold water. It is recommended to swallow them immediately, because if kept in the mouth for a long time, the gelatin capsule will become sticky and the capsule will be difficult to swallow in the future. Daily dose - 3-6 capsules.

The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, while it is at least 30 days.

It should be remembered that the method of application and dosing regimen of drugs from different manufacturers may differ.

For example, Fish Oil Moeller children over 4 weeks of age and adults are prescribed to take 5 ml per day (in this case, the dose for children can be reduced to 2.5 ml / day), and the daily dose Fish Oil Teva for children over 6 years old and for adults - 3-6 capsules per day in courses lasting 2-3 months.

Fish oil "Goldfish" dosage according to the age of the child. So, children 3-12 months old are given from 6 to 10 drops per day in 2 doses (with food), gradually bringing the daily dose to 1.5 grams (0.5 teaspoon), and children over 12 months old are shown taking 4.5 grams of funds per day (1.5 teaspoons). The course lasts 30 days.

In the instructions for Fish oil Biafishenol It is indicated that adolescents over 14 years of age and adults should take 10 capsules of 300 mg, 8 capsules of 400 mg, and 7 capsules of 450 mg per day. Dietary supplements are drunk during meals in courses lasting a month 2-3 times a year.


With long-term use of pure fish oil, you may experience:

  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache and pain in the bones of the legs.

In case of overdose, supportive treatment is indicated. The drug is cancelled.

Acute overdose retinol accompanied by: dizziness, double vision, , diarrhea , dryness and ulceration of the mucous membrane in the mouth, bleeding gums, confusion, peeling of the lips, increased intracranial pressure.

Chronic intoxication is manifested by loss of appetite, dryness and cracking of the skin, dryness of the mucous membrane in the mouth, bone pain and changes in the x-ray of the bones, gastralgia , hyperthermia , vomiting, fatigue and irritability, asthenia , photosensitivity, headache, feeling of general discomfort, pollakiuria , polyuria ,nocturia ; the appearance in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle, on the soles of the feet and palms of yellow-orange spots; hair loss, increased intraocular pressure, oligomenorrhea , hepatotoxic events, portal hypertension , convulsions, hemolytic anemia .

Early symptoms of an overdose vitamin D : dryness of the oral mucosa, constipation / diarrhea , thirst, anorexia , polyuria , nausea, fatigue, metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting, hypercalciuria ,hypercalcemia , dehydration, adynamia , weakness.

Late symptoms of poisoning vitamin D : bone pain, eye photosensitivity, increased blood pressure, cloudy urine, drowsiness, conjunctival hyperemia, , myalgia , weight loss, nausea, vomiting, pruritus, gastralgia , . Rarely, mood swings and psychosis .

Chronic intoxication is accompanied arterial hypertension , the deposition of calcium salts in soft tissues, blood vessels, lungs and kidneys, chronic heart and . In children, this condition leads to impaired growth.

Treatment involves discontinuing the drug, following a low-calcium diet, and taking large amounts of fluids. Therapy is symptomatic. Specific means to eliminate the consequences of poisoning are unknown.


Simultaneous use with containing vitamins A and D means can provoke vitamin intoxication.

Fish oil should be used with caution in combination with drugs that affect blood clotting.

In combination with anticonvulsants decreased activity vitamin D , in combination with containing drugs increases the risk of intoxication vitamin A .

Vitamin A reduces the severity of the anti-inflammatory effect glucocorticoid drugs , efficiency benzodiazepines and calcium preparations, can cause hypercalcemia .

When used simultaneously with mineral oils, colestipol , Colestyramine , absorption decreases vitamin A ; when used simultaneously with increases the likelihood of developing a toxic effect.

High doses vitamin A in conjunction with may cause intracranial hypertension .

Vitamin E in high doses reduces reserves vitamin A in the body.

On the background hypervitaminosis D may increase the effect cardiac glycosides and the risk increases . Need in vitamin D increases significantly under the influence of barbiturates , .

Long-term use against the background of simultaneous use antacids , which contain magnesium or aluminum, increases plasma concentration vitamins A and D .

The effectiveness of the drug is reduced in combination with bisphosphonates , glucocorticosteroids , Rifampicin , Calcitonin , Plikamycin .

The drug increases the absorption of drugs that contain phosphorus, thus increasing the likelihood of developing hyperphosphatemia . When taken in combination with NaF ( sodium fluoride ) between the reception of funds it is necessary to maintain at least a two-hour interval; if necessary, use in combination with tetracyclines maintain an interval of at least 3 hours.

Terms of sale

Non-prescription leave.

Storage conditions

Keep away from light and moisture. The storage temperature of the oil should not exceed 10°C (freezing is allowed), the storage temperature of the capsules should not exceed 25°C.

Best before date

special instructions

What is fish oil good for? Little-known properties of the drug

Wikipedia indicates that fish oil is valued primarily for the fact that it contains ω-3 acids. In the presence of these acids cholesterol forms ethers easily transported through the vessels of the circulatory system, which improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Also, acids of the ω-3 group reduce the risk and , are necessary in the formation of cell membranes, connective tissues, myelin sheath of nerves.

Italian scientists claim that the components of fat reduce the risk of sudden death by 50% heart attack , and the staff of the British medical school of St. George in London found that ω-3 acids have the ability to inhibit the development Koch sticks (Mycobacterium tuberculosis).

Studies conducted by American scientists from the National Institute of Health in the USA have shown that ω-3 acids have a pronounced psychostimulating effect.

ω-3 acids are also very beneficial for joints. When taken systematically, fish oil relieves pain and inflammation in a similar way. analgesics without causing, however, the side effects inherent in the latter. In addition, fat “impregnates” the tissues of the joints and, due to this, makes them more elastic, as a result of which the tissues “stretch” but do not “tear”.

Fish oil: benefits and harms

The benefits of fish oil are enormous: the remedy reduces pressure, the risk of developing diabetes and insulin resistance and plasma concentration triglycerides , prevents arrhythmias , helps to resist stress and depression, slows down the development of malignant neoplasms, improves tissue nutrition, stops inflammatory processes, helps restore vitality, and activates brain function.

However, there are also negative aspects of the use of the drug. Firstly, fish oil is a strong allergen, which should be remembered by people prone to allergic reactions.

Secondly, the product has a number of contraindications: for example, people with thyroid pathologies should refuse to use it, , pregnant women, people who have impaired liver and / or kidney function.

Thirdly, taking the drug on an empty stomach can provoke digestive disorders.

Fish oil has a very high calorie content - 900 kcal per 100 grams.

What is the best fish oil to buy?

What is the best drug to choose? Polar salmon fat is considered to be of the highest quality. The habitat of this fish is ecologically clean polar waters, so there are no toxins in the product obtained on its basis. About half of the fish oil produced in the world is salmon oil. The content of acids of the ω-3 group in it is at least 25%.

The raw material for the production of fat is also cod liver. The product is of high quality, however, the pollution of the waters of the oceans and the unfavorable state of the environment lead to the accumulation of a large amount of toxic substances in the liver of fish, which also pass into fish oil.

Benefits of fish oil capsules

Currently, the most commonly used fish oil in capsules. Capsules made of gelatin mass prevent the product from oxidizing, hide a specific smell and taste, while their contents have exactly the same composition as the oral liquid.

Often, capsules are added as a preservative. vitamin E . This measure prevents rancidity and oxidation of fat. In addition to vitamins, the capsules include mineral complexes and additional additives (for example, sea buckthorn, kelp or rosehip oil), which gives the drug new healing properties.

Benefits for women. Application in cosmetology

Fat contains retinol - a substance useful for the skin. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend the drug as a means for facial care. Fish oil eliminates excessive dryness, itching and redness of the skin, relieves inflammation.

Used in the form of facial compresses, it allows you to get rid of shallow wrinkles and tighten the skin well. To do this, it is necessary to soak a napkin in fat, in which slits for the eyes and nose are made, and apply it to the face. Some women prefer to dilute fish oil with olive oil (proportion 1:1).

Fish oil can also be used as a remedy for acne. Acids of the ω-3 group gently regulate the metabolism in cells, gradually normalize the qualitative composition of sebum and its quantity.

No less useful fish oil for hair and eyelashes: the tool accelerates the growth of hairs, makes them more flexible and strong.

For eyelashes, it is quite often used in combination with olive, castor, burdock, almond oils, to which a few drops are added. vitamin A or E .

The mixture is poured into a glass bottle and used daily for 30 days, applying a thin layer to the eyelashes with a cotton swab and a clean mascara brush.

For hair, fish oil is used in the form of warm wraps mixed with castor / burdock oil. This procedure allows you to make your hair brighter and more elastic, get rid of split ends.

Fish oil for weight gain. Application in sports

The benefits of using fish oil in bodybuilding are due to its ability to influence muscle metabolism: the agent stimulates protein synthesis in muscles and at the same time, acting on another mechanism in metabolism, reduces its decay.

In addition, the drug increases the release rate , supports the health of bones, joints and the immune system, improves brain function and cell trophism, stops inflammation, reduces concentration triglycerides , helps to reduce the percentage of adipose tissue.

At the same time, fish oil in bodybuilding can be consumed even during periods of “drying” and dieting.

The daily dose for athletes is from 2.0 to 2.5 g.

What is fish oil for animals?

Fish oil in veterinary medicine is used for the treatment and prevention rickets , A-vitamin deficiency , anemia , chronic infections, allergies , diseases of the digestive tract, stomach ulcers , osteomalacia , sexual disorders, to accelerate the healing of skin lesions and the healing of fractures.

When administered intramuscularly, the agent acts similarly to biogenic stimulants.

When applied externally, the affected surfaces are treated with fish oil and the dressings are impregnated.

When administered orally, the dose is:

  • from 100 to 500 ml - for cows;
  • from 40 to 200 ml - for horses;
  • from 20 to 100 ml - for goats and sheep;
  • from 10 to 30 ml - for dogs and arctic foxes;
  • from 5 to 10 ml - for cats.

During the day, poultry is given from 2 to 5 ml of the product. For chickens and young animals of other birds, the dose should not exceed 0.3-0.5 ml.

How to give fish oil to chickens? The drug is administered from the 4th day of life (it is mixed with food). The initial dose is 0.05 g / day. on the head. Double it every 10 days.

Precautionary measures

Long-term use of high doses of the drug provokes the development chronic hypervitaminosis .

Patients who are to undergo surgical treatment should stop taking the drug at least 4 days before surgery.


Fish oil Mirrolla , Fish Oil Moeller Omega-3 , Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate (Solgar), Fish oil "BioKontur" , Fish oil fortified , Children's fish oil Goldfish , Fish Oil Amber Drop with Vitamin E ,

Fish Oil or Omega 3?

Fish oil is a product that contains ω-3 acids in combination with ω-6 acids. These two groups of fatty acids are biological competitors.

Compounds synthesized from ω-3 acids prevent thrombosis , reduce blood pressure, promote vasodilation, relieve inflammation. And the compounds that form ω-6 acids, on the contrary, predetermine inflammatory reactions and vasoconstriction .

With sufficient intake of ω-3 acids, the negative effect of ω-6 acids (in particular, arachidonic acid) is blocked. However, in fish oil, their concentration is unstable and may be insufficient, while the concentration of ω-6 acids, on the contrary, may be too high.

Thus, the effect of the drug is reduced due to the competitive action of harmful metabolic products. In addition, fish oil can oxidize quite quickly.

Omega-3 capsules compare favorably with conventional fish oil in that for their production only subcutaneous fat of salmon fish is used, which contains the maximum amount of ω-3 acids and is the most stable.

In addition, the fat used in the production of capsules is purified from ω-6 acids by cryogenic molecular fractionation. Therefore, Omega-3 in composition is not just a highly purified fish oil, but a concentrate of ω-3 acids. They are contained in capsules at least 30%, which is the optimal preventive dose.

fish oil for children

Fish oil for children under 2 years of age is most often prescribed as a means of prevention rickets . The product contains vitamin D , which ensures normal bone growth, strengthens the child's immunity and prevents a decrease in muscle tone.

Benefits for children vitamin A also lies in the fact that it reduces the body's susceptibility to heart disease and skin diseases, normalizes the heartbeat and , contributes to the proper formation of brain tissue, stimulates the development of intelligence, slows down the processes that lead to a decrease in the ability to memorize and dementia.

Children with attention deficit and hyperactive children after taking the drug - numerous reviews are proof of this - perseverance increases, behavior becomes more controlled, irritability decreases and academic performance improves (including reading skills and cognitive activity).

Dr. Komarovsky, among other things, recommends the use of fish oil in immunocorrection programs for children with disabilities and children whose diseases occur with complications.

According to the instructions, children are allowed to give oral liquid from the age of three months, capsules - from 6 or 7 years (depending on the manufacturer's recommendations).

To make it easier for children to take the remedy, manufacturers produce it in the form of odorless capsules and with a pleasant fruity taste. So, for example, in the production of capsules "Kusalochka" flavoring "Tutti-Frutti" is used, and Children's fish oil BioKontur has a pleasant taste of lemon.

Can fish oil help you lose weight?

The calorie content of fish oil in capsules and in the form of oral liquid is very high - 900 kcal per 100 g. However, the use of this remedy allows you to fight excess weight.

Excess weight leads to a violation of the body's ability to maintain sensitivity to in adipose and muscle tissue, as well as manage blood sugar levels.

Sensitivity to insulin plays a key role in fat burning processes. This means that with reduced sensitivity, it is extremely difficult to get rid of body fat. The additional intake of acids from the omega-3 group contributes to its increase, which makes it advisable to take the drug when losing weight.

Studies conducted in one of the American sports medicine clinics have shown that the use of fish oil for weight loss can reduce body fat and increase muscle mass production.

The benefits of fish oil for weight loss also lie in the fact that people taking the drug have a significantly reduced level - a catabolic hormone that burns muscle tissue and provokes the formation of a fatty layer.


In Soviet times, for all children, the most tasteless and unloved medicine was fish oil, which was mandatory given to all students in schools and kindergartens in liquid form. They did this because of the hypothesis put forward by Soviet scientists about a serious deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet of every Russian. Although large-scale preventive measures were introduced not quite correctly, this assumption was not far from the truth. Why is this product so useful, who needs it and how to take it correctly?

What is fish oil

A vitamin-like natural food supplement, which has the Latin name Fish oil and is a pure animal fat obtained from marine fish of the cold waters of the oceans, is the basis of the composition of all preparations labeled as “fish oil”, no matter what form they have: capsules or solution . It looks (before processing) as a thick oily liquid with a slight fishy smell. In total there are 3 varieties of this product:

  • brown - used only in the technical industry, because it has an unattractive taste and smell;
  • yellow - used in the preparation of medicines, but must be cleaned;
  • white - allowed to be taken in its pure form.

Mostly in medicine they use white fat from the liver or muscles of a large cod that lives in Norway, although there are a lot of manufacturers of the drug itself: Russia, Hungary, Ukraine. There are only 2 ways to obtain a valuable substance - some fishermen leave the fish in boarded up barrels for several weeks to get an oily bitter substance of a dark red hue suitable for food. In official medicine, the scheme is a little more complicated:

  1. In freshly caught fish, the liver is cut out, the gallbladder and any excess parts are separated from it.
  2. The liver is heated with water vapor in a large cauldron.
  3. The melted oily substance is scooped out, then defended.
  4. The separated light part is drained and used for medical purposes: this is the same white variety.
  5. The remains are heated, highlighting a yellow variety from them that requires cleaning.
  6. Everything that goes through the last, third heating and pressing is marked with a brown variety for technical use.


The general characteristics and even effects on the body of fish oils are similar to those of fatty oils. The basis of this product is glycerides - esters of fatty acids and glycerol, here mainly represented by triglycerides. If we consider their percentage ratio, then we get the following scheme:

  • 70% or more - oleic acid (monounsaturated, from the Omega-9 group);
  • up to 25% - palmitic acid (monobasic saturated);
  • up to 3% - polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) Omega-6, represented by linoleic and arachidonic, and PUFA Omega-3;
  • up to 2% - stearic acid (monobasic aliphatic series).

Additionally, fish oil contains capric, acetic, butyric, valeric acids, a small amount of lipochrome, cholesterol, iodine, phosphorus, sulfur, bromine, and nitrogenous derivatives. Separately, doctors mention vitamins A, E and D, which are fat-soluble and are present here in an almost completely digestible state. The body accepts them better than those found in vegetable or butter, due to their easier penetration through cell membranes. If we take the composition of the pharmaceutical preparation, the picture is as follows:

  • Liquid oil - vitamin A (500 IU), vitamin D (50 IU), PUFA (above 20%), eicosapentaenoic acid (above 8%), docosahexaenoic acid (from 9%).
  • Gelatin capsules - 500 mg fortified fish oil, glycerol, sorbitol, gelatin, water.

Why take

The main pharmacological action is antiaggregatory: a decrease in the ability of platelets to aggregate (glue) and prevent the formation of blood clots. Additionally, fish oil regulates lipid metabolism, and its rich composition (primarily for glycerides) causes a positive effect on:

  • brain;
  • heart;
  • vessels;
  • hormonal background.

Doctors also pay attention to the ability of this remedy to correct the production of stress hormones, which prevents depression, improves the condition of the mucous membranes, stimulates tissue regeneration, and helps the absorption of calcium, which is required for bone growth. For these reasons, fish oil should be taken both prophylactically and therapeutically for people who experience:

  • vitamin deficiency (retinol, tocopherol, ergocalciferol);
  • frequent respiratory diseases (strengthening immunity);
  • retinitis pigmentosa;
  • xerotic keratitis;
  • hemeralopathy;
  • inflammatory and erosive lesions of the urinary tract and digestive canal;
  • depression;
  • bone fractures;
  • ulcers on the skin (burns, wounds) and mucous membranes of internal organs;
  • dry skin;
  • fragility of hair.

The drug should be taken in the complex treatment of rickets or to prevent it in children and the elderly, with violations in the formation of teeth and bones in children, in order to protect against atherosclerosis. It is prescribed to prevent vascular thrombosis or to restore plasma hemostasis (successive transformations occurring in the blood plasma, with the participation of coagulation factors) after it. Some doctors advise taking this remedy for exhaustion, anemia, in the rehabilitation period after surgery.

How to use

After buying fish or fish (different preparations, look carefully at the packaging) oil, check the quality of the purchased product: the capsule can be cut, the oil can be poured into a spoon. The product should not have an obvious bitter taste, which speaks of rancidity: you can get poisoned. Additionally, keep in mind that if your diet contains fatty red fish up to 4 times a day (servings of 100 g or more), there is no point in taking additional sources of Omega-6 and other PUFAs. A few more rules and tips:

  • For the purpose of general health promotion and to influence the immune system, the drug should be taken for 1-3 months, preferably in autumn and winter (with a natural deficiency of vitamin D).
  • Fish oil for adults with high physical exertion or heavy mental work is prescribed according to individual doses. This also applies to the treatment of specific diseases.
  • If you have an allergic reaction to the liquid form, replace it with capsules - they are better tolerated.
  • You can continuously take this food supplement for no longer than 4 weeks: after that, take a break for a month. Permanent reception is prohibited (exception - at the insistence of a doctor).

How to take capsules for adults

For those who want to strengthen immunity, have a general positive effect on the body, doctors advise sticking to the standard dosage - this is no more than 2 capsules per dose and 6 per day. It is desirable to take 3 r / day, always regularly, otherwise there will be no effect. The exact dosage is determined by the concentration of active substances in the capsules. They are washed down with water at room temperature or cool, swallowed immediately, otherwise the gelatinous shell will begin to dissolve in the mouth, making the capsule sticky.

In capsules for children

How to take such a remedy for kids of preschool or primary school age depends on the concentration: classic children's fish oil - "Goldfish", each capsule of which contains 0.2 g of the active substance. They are cut to babies, and the contents are given in the form of drops 2 r / day (3-5 drops each), or 1/4-1/2 tsp. Refer to the table below:

How to take liquid fish oil

Doctors call the oil solution more useful because it is almost unprocessed, it is better absorbed, but it has an unpleasant taste, as you can see from the reviews, so it is more often prescribed to be taken by adults rather than children. There are a couple of things to be aware of when using the liquid form:

  • Do not let the product heat up above the ambient air temperature in the room: you can mix the oil solution with food, but not hot.
  • The standard dosage for an adult is 1 tbsp. l. According to the indications, the doctor may advise taking 15 ml - this is 2 tsp.

When is the best time to take fish oil?

Doctors recommend drinking this dietary supplement either with or after meals to prevent irritation of the stomach lining and "empty" bile flow (if taken on an empty stomach). The frequency of administration and the best time of day depend on the goals and age of the patient. Small children are given capsules in the morning, with or after breakfast. Preschoolers can take the drug in the morning and in the evening to get a large interval. The rest (children over 6 years old, adults) can make a tighter schedule: morning, afternoon, evening - with each main meal.

How to drink fish oil capsules to lose weight

In sports practice, this tool is used to accelerate muscle metabolism due to the impact on 2 internal mechanisms: stimulation of protein synthesis and a decrease in the rate of decay of the same element. Additionally, there is an effect on the level of triglycerides (decreases), the percentage of adipose tissue (also decreases), so the drug is used during sports "drying", and some nutritionists advise women who want to lose weight to take it. A few rules:

  • Do not rely on a nutritional supplement without changing your diet - it will not destroy all the calories eaten, but only speed up the metabolism. Without an active lifestyle and diet, any pills are useless.
  • The dosage is calculated according to the amount of excess weight: an excess of less than 15 kg - from 2 to 4 g of the drug per day, more than 15 kg - up to 6 g of the drug.
  • For athletes on "drying" and people aimed at maintaining the current weight, the daily dosage is not more than 2.5 g.
  • The daily dose is necessarily divided by 3 times, the rest of the rules are the same as for people who aim to take the drug for general strengthening purposes.
  • The duration of the course with a large overweight does not exceed 2 months (after a blood test should be taken), if there are 5-10 extra pounds, it is 1 month.

During pregnancy

Doctors do not advise expectant mothers to drink fish oil without good reason, because it contains strong allergens - retinol and calciferol. A similar recommendation is for breastfeeding mothers, although they are more likely to be allowed a short course if absolutely necessary. Predominantly during pregnancy and lactation, fish oil in capsules is prescribed: this substance is obtained from muscle mass, not the liver, therefore the degree of purification is higher and only Omega-3 and Omega-6 PUFAs are in the chemical composition.

Side effects

When taken with or without vitamin E, according to the recommended therapeutic doses and according to the diagnosis, fish oil is well tolerated by both children and adults. It is easily digested, does not cause negative reactions, if it does not have time to go rancid. In rare cases (often this is due to the individual characteristics of the organism), a person experiences abdominal pain, diarrhea, and a specific fishy smell from the mouth.


Even with biological food supplements, it is important to be careful: an excess of glycerides, which fish oil supplies to the body, and some vitamins, primarily leads to a violation of the digestive process. The first signals of exceeding the recommended dosages are the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • aching pains in the lower extremities.

If a drug was used in which the manufacturer additionally introduced vitamin A, symptoms of an overdose of retinol will be added. These include dizziness, increased intracranial pressure, blurred vision, peeling and dry lips, increased bone fragility, bleeding gums. With any signs of deterioration of the condition, the drug is canceled and symptomatic therapy is carried out. In some patients, manifestations of chronic intoxication can be observed (against the background of long-term treatment, a cumulative effect):

  • loss of appetite;
  • asthenia;
  • gastralgia;
  • vomit;
  • changes in the chemical composition of urine;
  • hair loss;
  • the appearance of orange spots on the skin (feet, nasolabial triangle, palms);
  • convulsions;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • kidney failure;
  • deposition of calcium salts;
  • growth disorders (in children).

drug interaction

Doctors recommend not taking this biological supplement at the same time as preparations containing vitamins A, E, D, so as not to cause hypervitaminosis and intoxication. With drugs that affect blood clotting, fish oil should also not be taken. A few additional drug interaction points:

  • Anticonvulsants will reduce vitamin D activity, and estrogen sources increase the risk of hypervitaminosis A.
  • Plasma concentrations of vitamins A and D are increased if magnesium or aluminum antacids are taken for a long time.
  • Glucocorticosteroids, bisphosphonates, Calcitonite and Rifampicin reduce the effect of taking fish oil.
  • If you take tetracycline drugs for an additional long time, the risk of intracranial hypertension will increase.
  • With an excess of vitamin D in the body (against the background of the use of biological additives), the effect of cardiac glycosides increases and the likelihood of arrhythmia increases.
  • The anti-inflammatory qualities of oral glucocorticosteroids and the effectiveness of benzodiazepines are reduced (due to high levels of vitamin A).
  • In order to prevent intoxication against the background of excess retinol, do not use Isotretinoin. Vitamin E will work in the opposite direction: it will lower the level of retinol, and mineral oils and Neomycin will reduce its absorption.


Like all fatty oils, this remedy stimulates active bile secretion, therefore it is prohibited in the presence of chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis, it is not recommended for people with hypertype biliary dyskinesia. The list of official contraindications to all forms necessarily includes individual intolerance and a number of other diseases:

  • thyretoxicosis;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • hemophilia;
  • kidney failure;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis in an open form;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • excess vitamins A, E, D;
  • calcium nephrourolitis;
  • prolonged immobilization.

In addition to strict contraindications, there are relative prohibitions that should be discussed with the doctor: he will tell you how to take fish oil in the presence of such diseases, if there is a need for this remedy. Relative contraindications relate to:

  • organic heart disease;
  • liver or kidney damage;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • any form of jade;
  • ulcers of the stomach and intestines;
  • lactation period;
  • old age.


The cost of such a dietary supplement to food varies from 50 r. up to 1000 rubles: it all depends on the manufacturer, concentration, degree of purification of the active substance and complementary components. If you take a Russian drug, it will cost 50-200 rubles (both capsules and solution), and if you buy a foreign version in an online store, it will cost you 400-600 rubles, but the range in online catalogs is wider. When planning to order delivery to the regions, consider its surplus value. An approximate picture of prices for pharmacies in Moscow is as follows:

BrandPrice, rubles

Amber drop (with vitamin E)