The skin on the knees is dark and rough. Peeling skin on the knees: photo, causes, treatment. Effective Recipes for Dry Skin on Elbows and Knees

We always carefully monitor our face: we clean, moisturize, nourish, use masks and scrubs, decorative cosmetics. No less careful care is given to hair and hands. But we often forget about the rest of the body in the bustle.

Look at your knees. It is they who are able to tell others about your true age without hesitation! Even if the face, neck and arms look like a maximum of 25, the knees instantly gossip that in fact you are more.
The skin on the knees quickly coarsens, becomes dry and hard, literally "elephant". What beauty, femininity and sophistication can we talk about having such knees? This problem is especially relevant now, in the summer.

In fact, proper knee care is not so difficult and time consuming. To bring your knees to perfection, it will take only 5-10 minutes a day, that is, as much as you spend brushing your teeth.

Get rid of peeling

The skin on the knees is often flaky. Why is this happening? The reason is simple: the skin of the knees has almost no sebaceous glands, like other parts of the body. The fat layer is practically absent here, which means that skin cells are not protected from the influence of negative external factors: heat, cold, sunlight, sea water, sand, pollution ...
As a result of such a life, even the most delicate skin begins to peel off, becomes rougher and darker. If you do not take care of your knees, rough skin, consisting of dead dry cells, grows on them layer by layer. All this, of course, does not add beauty.

We care systematically

You can return youth and beauty to your knees only if you act systematically, comprehensively and every day.

First of all, let's clean up. To do this, you can not use the usual soap - it will expel the remaining moisture from the skin and make it even drier. It is recommended to clean the knees with soft delicate foams, which are specially designed for sensitive and dry skin.

Now it's time to get rid of the keratinized dead cells that have accumulated in the knee area. Choose a scrub that contains rice and fruit acids. Such a scrub is rich in biologically active substances, which not only effectively remove the dry keratinized layer of the skin, but also stimulate the growth of new cells. After several uses of the scrub, you will see how your knees have changed, become more attractive and younger in appearance! Attention! Just do not try to exfoliate your skin with scrubs often: dry skin flakes can only increase. It is enough to “scrub” your knees once a week.

The third stage of care is nutrition. Buy a quality nourishing cream. The ideal option is to apply it in turn with a moisturizer, then the skin on your knees will look noticeably better in 2-3 weeks.
If you try, you can find good cosmetic products for the knees on sale, for example, special modeling creams made taking into account all the problems of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Regular use of these products will help make your knees smoother, softer and more beautiful.

Grandma's recipes

You can also take care of your knees with the help of folk remedies. Flaky skin? Combine 10 parts of lemon juice and 1 part of any vegetable oil, rub your knees with this mixture and hold for 20 minutes. Then the homemade mask should be washed off with water and a nourishing cream applied.

Perfectly exfoliates the dead stratum corneum of the skin with a scrub of salt and honey, taken 1 tablespoon each and mixed with a teaspoon of castor oil. The skin after its application becomes much softer, especially if you complete the procedure with a warm shower and nourishing cream. By the way, you can add a few drops of any essential oil, cocoa powder or coffee to the scrub.

Advice from beauticians

Do not abuse the hot bath. Hot water will make the skin even more rough and dry. If you climb into a hot bath, generously scrub your knees with a scrub and hold for 5 minutes, massaging the skin in a circular motion. After that, wash off the scrub with water and immediately after the bath, apply a rich nourishing cream.

Always keep nourishing and moisturizing creams on hand and apply them to your knees several times a day. They will definitely not bring harm, but the skin will absorb these products with pleasure, becoming younger and smoothing out literally before our eyes.

To get rid of redness on the knees, it is recommended to use the juice of sauerkraut, lemon or grapefruit: it is enough to wipe the knees with this juice several times a day without rinsing.

Bearberry extract, which you can buy at a pharmacy, or cucumber juice is a great remedy to soften and brighten the skin on your knees.

Taking care of your knees constantly, and not just once a week, you will quickly see the results: exhausted, dry and dehydrated skin will gratefully accept care and soon begin to delight with its radiant, healthy and young look.

Having a baby in a family is a big responsibility for parents. Sometimes, due to inexperience, we do not perceive the rough knees of children as a problem, but such symptoms can be a signal of serious illness.

Healthy skin should be free of cracks, redness and coarsened areas; in case of any external changes, parents are obliged to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the deviations.

Why are knees and elbows dry?

Rough skin is capable of cracking, as a result, the integrity of the skin is damaged, there is a threat of infection in the wound.

If the elbows and knees peel off, then this is preceded by causes - external and internal.


  • weather;
  • dry indoor air;
  • mechanical impact;
  • bathing in hot water;
  • the use of hard water, the frequent use of decoctions, gels, powders that dry the skin.


  • lack of fluid in the body - in a small child, the water-salt metabolism is not fully formed, therefore loose stools, vomiting, increased sweating cause severe dehydration;
  • unbalanced nutrition of a nursing mother leads to a deficiency of fats, vitamins A and E;
  • anemia - a low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • dysbacteriosis - a violation of the microflora in the intestine;
  • allergic reaction;
  • skin infectious diseases;
  • congenital hyperthyroidism - malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Ichthyosis is a genetic disease associated with a violation of the process of keratinization of skin cells.

How to get rid of unpleasant symptoms?

Therapy depends entirely on the causes of the formation of roughness on the knees and elbows. Before prescribing treatment, the pediatrician conducts a conversation with the mother, reveals the external causes of dryness. When they are eliminated, complaints are able to pass on their own.

If the baby is breastfed, you should review the diet and exclude possible allergens. In the case of artificial feeding, the baby is replaced with lactose-free formulas.

When newborn babies are fed only mother's milk, they do not need additional liquid. Mixtures also contain more protein, so pediatricians advise giving water between feedings, preventing dehydration.

The skin of children is very sensitive, so proper hygiene care is important. It is not recommended to use a solution of potassium permanganate while bathing: it dries the skin a lot, and if it is diluted incorrectly, you can get burned.

For water procedures do not use hot baths, in the first 3 months it is advisable to boil and defend the water. Give preference to hypoallergenic products without a pronounced color and smell.

Choose the right washing powder, after washing, rinse baby clothes many times. Ironing things from the inside prevents the fabric from rubbing against the skin and removes powder residue from clothes.


If the child becomes worse, you need to be examined in detail: take a blood test - a general detailed one and for glucose content. According to the results, the doctor prescribes medication.

The skin on the knees and elbows is peeling off more often from an allergic reaction. If during the survey of parents it was not possible to identify the alleged allergen, then the blood is examined for the level of specific immunoglobulins (Ig E). Skin tests are rarely done due to the complexity of their objective evaluation.

Treatment consists in removing the irritant from the body. Apply:

  • sorbents (Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Filtrum);
  • softening and relieving irritation ointments (Bepanten, Mustela Stelatopia, Fenistil);
  • in advanced cases, hormonal creams (Advantan, Lokoid);
  • antiallergic drugs (Fenistil in drops).

Antihistamines are used strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Their action is aimed at suppressing the symptoms of allergies, they do not have a therapeutic effect.

Effective Recipes for Dryness

It is possible to treat a child with traditional medicine recipes only with the consent of the pediatrician. At home, against dry skin, it is recommended:

  • Baby sea buckthorn oil - has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing properties, relieves irritation. Apply to elbows and knees 1-2 times a day, pay attention that the oil leaves marks on clothes.
  • Olive, vegetable oil - has a calming and moisturizing effect. You can prepare an oil compress: soak a napkin with 1 teaspoon of warm oil and attach to the peeling site for 10 minutes, anoint with baby cream after the procedure.
  • Linseed oil with chamomile is an aseptic and moisturizing agent. In an enamel container place 1 tbsp. l. dry chamomile, pour 100 gr. flaxseed oil, mix everything and bring to a boil over low heat. Apply to rough skin every 2-3 hours. The result is noticeable within a week.
  • Chamomile decoction - applied topically in the form of lotions or general baths. 1 st. l. chopped herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave to infuse for two hours. It is pointless to prepare a decoction for the future: after 5 hours, its healing properties are lost.
  • Infusion of a string - add to the water while bathing, make local compresses. 3 art. l. the sequence is poured with one glass of boiling water, insisted for 6-10 hours. For baths, you will need about 2 liters of infusion, bathe for 10-12 minutes.
  • Exfoliate rough areas with aggressive masks and scrubs - you can injure delicate skin.
  • Lemon: has age restrictions, causes irritation and an allergic reaction.
  • Honey: is a highly allergenic product, allowed from 3 years.


In the first days of life, the baby's skin is under great stress, so the task of adults is to create comfortable conditions and provide proper care:

  • control the humidity and temperature in the room: the air should not be dry. Use a humidifier, especially during the heating season;
  • apply moisturizing creams after water procedures, lubricate not only elbows and knees, but the whole body;
  • if the child has a tendency to allergies, it is necessary to exclude potential irritants from the diet;
  • do not experiment with new gels and shampoos, opt for a proven cosmetic product;
  • daily walks in the fresh air, in frosty weather, apply oily cream to problem areas.

Why is the skin on the elbows and knees darker than the rest of your body? You have probably paid attention to this and asked such a question. And what can you do about it? Below we will tell you why this happens, and reveal a couple of tips on how to deal with it.

What is the problem?

It is a pity that the skin in these places is the most vulnerable place, there are most abrasions and bruises here. It's probably not the best place on your body, and it's not the first thing your dermatologist often looks at either. But you know that you neglect these areas of the body, especially in winter, when imperfections are not so noticeable under the layers of clothes, and also because no one sees these places. But still, people complain all the time about problematic skin on their elbows and knees. In particular, these complaints are related to the question why it is darker than in other parts of the body. And really, why is that? Why are these areas of skin so much darker and rougher than the rest?

The main reasons for this difference

All dermatologists unanimously explain that the skin in these places is constantly subjected to chronic stretching, and all due to the fact that we often bend and unbend these areas, and also the skin gradually rubs due to clothing and due to the fact that we We often lean our elbows against furniture. All this friction literally inflames the skin and it gets thicker to protect itself, so it looks darker.

The skin on the elbows and knees also tends to dry out more than other areas of the body, making it even more susceptible to inflammation, redness, and peeling. These are also vulnerable places for the manifestation of a disease such as psoriasis. This is an autoimmune disease, which can be caused by poor metabolism, and it manifests itself in the form of reddish-pink rashes, accompanied by itching and flaking.

What to do in such a situation?

If you suffer from dry, dark patches on your elbows and knees, be sure to moisturize those areas regularly to help protect your skin barrier and keep your skin looking its best. Products such as petroleum jelly form a protective seal on the skin and help maintain proper moisture levels. The latest generation of skin care products provide high quality hydration, they are very easy to use, not greasy or "heavy".

Important Conclusion

Dermatologists note that patients with darker skin may have even bigger problems, as the color on the knees and elbows can be much darker, although not necessarily with rough skin. This is because patients with darker skin tend to produce more pigment.

Girls, as a rule, devote most of their time to their face: they make masks, moisturize, nourish, use decorative cosmetics and scrubs. The second most popular part of the body is the head, or rather the hair. Third place went to hands. But what about other parts of the body? Who will take care of them? We so often forget about our legs, neck, back and stomach - they also deserve due attention from our side!

Look at your knees - most girls don't even think about taking care of them. The result: rough and rough skin. Your knees can tell others about your age without being embarrassed. Here you look like 25 years old, and looking at your knees you can easily say - after all, she is 32 years old. I don't think there is much to enjoy here.

The skin on the knees quickly becomes rough, hard, dry and rough. Looking at your ugly knees, a young man may not want to continue communication. It is not so difficult to allocate 10 minutes a day for your favorite knees.

The problem of dry knees is most relevant in the summer, so do not forget to take care of them. How? - you ask. This article will be about this.

Why are my knees peeling?

As mentioned earlier, the skin on the knees often peels off. This happens for the following reason - there are practically no sebaceous glands in the knees, which are found in other parts of the body. Since there is practically no fat layer in them, the knees are most susceptible to the harmful effects of the environment: cold, heat, sand, pollution, sunlight, etc. It is from such influences that the skin begins to peel off, acquires a dark color, becomes ugly and rough. If you do not pay attention to your knees, rough skin will grow on them, consisting of dead cells - this will not decorate you this summer.

Knee care.

You will only get your beautiful knees back if you take care of them daily. Do not think that - "Today I will anoint with some kind of cream and they will be soft for a long time." So it won't work!

First things first, you need to clean the skin on your knees. But ordinary soap will not work for you - it has too many drying agents that will remove the last moisture from the knees, which will make the skin even drier. For these purposes, special foams are suitable for you, which are created specifically for dry and sensitive skin.

The second stage of your care should be the removal of dead cells that have accumulated in the knee area. For this purpose, you will need a scrub based on fruit acids and rice. Such a scrub is rich in biologically active substances that remove the layer of dead cells well and promote the growth of new cells. You can see the result after a few days of using scrubs - the knees will become more attractive, smooth and youthful. But there are limitations here too: it is not recommended to use scrubs too often - this can cause even more peeling. Scrub will be enough to use once a week.

The third thing is to nourish the skin. Go to the store and buy a fairly high-quality nourishing cream. You can alternate nourishing and moisturizing creams.

Folk recipes.

You can also take care of your knees with the help of folk remedies. Mix 10 parts lemon juice and 1 part vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, etc.). Rub the mixture on the knees and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water and apply a nourishing cream.

In order not to spend money on scrubs, prepare it yourself: mix 1 tablespoon of honey and salt, adding a teaspoon of castor oil. After using this product, the skin will become much softer, silky and velvety. It is recommended to complete this procedure with a warm shower, and then lubricate the knees with a nourishing or moisturizing cream. You can also add a few drops of any essential oil, cocoa powder or coffee to the scrub.

Councils of cosmetologists.

1. If you have red knees, use the juice of sauerkraut, grapefruit or lemon. Rub the juice several times a day and do not rinse it off;

2. Do not take a hot bath. Hot water will make your skin even more rough and dry. If you are still a fan of taking a hot bath, before soaking in it, grease your knees with a scrub and wait 5 minutes, massaging the skin in circular motions. After that, wash off the scrub with water, and after the bath, apply a rich moisturizer.

3. Always have a moisturizer on hand so that you can lubricate your knees at any time. Do this several times a day. No harm, but the benefit is the sea. The skin on the eyes will be smoothed, younger and prettier!

4. To lighten the skin on your knees, buy bearberry extract or cucumber juice at the pharmacy.

Take care of your knees constantly and then they will thank you!

Dry skin on the knees and elbows is at least an unaesthetic sight.

In addition, it causes itching, peeling and other unpleasant sensations.

And any girl wants to have smooth skin all over her body. and knees reflects health problems.

Therefore, the solution of this problem should be given attention.

A provocateur of the appearance of roughness and dryness of the skin on the knees can be a number of reasons.

Dry knees: causes

1. Seasonal lack of vitamins A, E.

2. The habit of leaning on the knees, this leads to hardening of the skin.

3. Wearing tights and trousers.

4. Hormonal failures.

5. Lack of vegetable fats in the body.

All problems associated with dry skin on the knees can be solved by correctly determining the cause of their occurrence.

So for starters, it’s worth going to an endocrinologist who will determine if there is a problem with the hormonal background. If it is, then you need to solve it with medication under the supervision of a doctor.

In other cases, the skin can be moisturized at home with cosmetics or home-made effective moisturizers.

You also need to eat foods rich in vitamin C, A, E. You should also eat foods that contain fat.

At home, you can easily prepare several effective remedies.

Dry knees: folk recipes

Lemon oil for knees

You need to mix the juice of ½ lemon with vegetable oil, mix everything well and apply on the hardened areas on your knees.

This mask should be held for twenty minutes, then wash off the mask and apply any moisturizer.

Exfoliating scrub for dry knees

Exfoliate dead skin on your knees with a sea salt and honey scrub. In addition to the direct action, honey will help to significantly moisturize the skin.

You need to take 2 tablespoons of salt and honey, add to them, mix the product well.

Apply the composition on your knees and rub your knees in a circular motion, then rinse everything with warm water and treat with any cosmetic oil.

Rubbing the skin on the knees with juice

A simple daily remedy is to rub the skin of the knees and elbows with a slice of fresh lemon or cucumber. You need to wipe it in the morning and in the evening and the skin will be soft and smooth.

If your knees are very dry

For very dry knees, you need to use a more complex solution. For him, you need to mix 2 teaspoons of 70% alcohol, 2 teaspoons of glycerin, add 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass bottle and close the cap.

Within 3 days, apply the product in the evening for 1 hour in the form of a compress. After three days, cleanse the skin with a scrub. And your knees will be soft.

Before taking a bath, it is advisable to apply a scrub on your knees, hold it for 7 minutes, massaging. After the bath, use a moisturizing oily cream every time.

Apply a light moisturizer to your knees several times throughout the day. Do not be afraid of greasy spots, the skin will quickly absorb the cream.

The main thing is to give daily and there will be no problems with dryness.

It is also worth monitoring nutrition, because dry skin on the knees also reflects problems with hair and nails.

You can maintain good skin condition with simple home remedies that you can easily prepare yourself.