natural lips. Lip color lipstick - create natural lips. The most sexy lips of Russian beauties

Natural lip tattoo is a permanent makeup in nude shades that gives girls the opportunity not to use lipstick. Pigments injected with a special thin needle under the skin do not lose their brightness for a long time under any temperature fluctuations and humidity.

Tattooing lips with a natural color has a lot of advantages, the main of which is the creation of natural long-term waterproof makeup.

Since natural beauty is in vogue, the popularity of the nude palette in combination with the permanent allows you to create any effect of gloss and volume on the lips without making the face doll-like.

The advantage of natural tattooing is the ability to use any permanent coloring technique from simple contour drawing to complex multi-layer coatings (3D effect, powder, ombre).

Types of natural tattoo:

You can create a natural image in several ways. To emphasize or correct the shape of the lips, to give them a healthy look, nude colors are used - mostly light, in tone with the natural pigment or a couple of shades darker.

  • contour drawing. The proposed technique involves delineating the edges of the lips and correcting the shape (giving symmetry and the desired size). This type of natural tattoo is called basic, contours painted with a natural shade are the basis for further application of decorative cosmetics;
  • contour with shading. The effect is achieved by carefully edging the lips and shading the contours by a few millimeters towards the central part. The resulting result cannot be distinguished from the natural;
  • light kayal. An unusual version of natural makeup, which appeared in salons relatively recently. A light pigment is applied around the contours of the mouth to create a natural volume. Due to the play of light reflections, a visual effect of the natural plumpness of the lips is created;
  • watercolor. Watercolor technique is considered one of the most successful for natural tattooing. In this case, the form is drawn with a nude shade, further shading of the same color with microscopic strokes. Thanks to the use of special pigments, shimmering highlights are obtained, imitating the application of a colorless gloss or balm;
  • 3D effect. An interesting type of permanent staining. To create a three-dimensional tattoo volume, three similar natural shades are used. The master first outlines the contours and folds in a dark tone, then the remaining light colors are used to evenly shade the permanent with highlights;
  • monochrome. A simple technique for creating a natural look. Nude pigment is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the skin, without drawing and correcting their natural shape;
  • ombre. A complex type of lip tattoo, requiring a high level of professionalism from the master. The technique is based on a 3D effect, the gradient is achieved through smooth transitions of several shades of the nude palette and layering them on top of each other. According to the rules, ombre uses from three to five tones of pigment.

To create a natural make-up, you can choose any of the proposed options for permanent lip coloring. If the possibility of further application of decorative cosmetics is being considered, it is worth paying attention to contour tattooing. In all other cases, full shading is preferred.

What pigments are selected for nude tattooing

The correct selection of pigments is an important detail when creating a natural make-up. The main goal is to give the lips a beautiful shade and shape, without focusing the attention of others on the tattoo area. To do this, it is necessary to take into account many factors, the main of which is the natural color type of appearance. Based on this criterion, the rules for choosing the color of the permanent are highlighted.

  1. For blondes. Natural lip tattoo with shading for fair-haired girls should not be based on contrasts. To emphasize the natural beauty of the appearance, you need to choose a nude palette of natural tones of the permanent - delicate pink tones, velvet shades of coral and poppy, champagne with highlights, light shades of beige and scarlet with golden splashes.
  2. For brunettes and brown-haired women. For a natural tattoo, it is better for dark-haired girls to give preference to pink colors in slightly more saturated shades than for blondes. It is possible to use a dark palette - cherries, raspberries, lilacs.
  3. For redheads. Red-haired girls initially have a bright appearance, it is important not to shift the focus from fiery hair to lips. It will be enough to emphasize them with the help of a permanent in clarified bronze, copper, coral and terracotta tones.

The only contrast that is acceptable when creating a natural tattoo is the use of a warm pastel palette for a cold appearance color type.

Procedure technique

Depending on the selected effect, the duration of the session varies from one to two hours. Before starting the procedure, the specialist tests the skin of the lips for allergies and identifies contraindications.

Step-by-step instructions for performing a natural tattoo:

  1. Removal of decorative cosmetics, treatment of the skin with a disinfectant.
  2. With a pencil or marker, the master draws the shape of the tattoo and shading areas.
  3. Anesthesia by distributing a cream or gel that relieves pain from needle pricks.
  4. The introduction of a coloring pigment into the skin in accordance with the natural technique of permanent makeup.
  5. Lip treatment with a tool that accelerates the healing process.

The reaction of the skin to tattooing can be different. Some clients have a rapid formation of edema, the release of ichor in the areas damaged by the needle. In this case, it is recommended to remove the puffiness with an ice compress, constantly treat the damaged area with antiseptic agents.

Which girls should choose a natural tattoo

Lip tattoo with nude shades has no restrictions on age and type of appearance. A variety of permanent makeup is actively used to create natural images for every day, it helps to correct some shortcomings:

  • discolored by nature or regular use of lipstick;
  • blurry contour;
  • a small incision of the mouth (considering the long-term fashion for large lips);
  • many wrinkles, folds (due to age or severe dehydration of the skin);
  • different sizes of the lower and upper lip;
  • natural asymmetry;
  • minor damage in the form of scars, scars.

According to the rules of the style of the image, when creating makeup, the emphasis is on the lips or on the eyes.

Natural tattooing is chosen by girls who use decorative cosmetics mainly in front of their eyes, who want to discreetly emphasize the beauty of their lips. Permanent coloring leaves freedom in choosing clothes - the nude palette is compatible with any look, from everyday to evening, on tanned skin and on girls with aristocratic pallor.

How long does permanent makeup last

The shade appears one or two weeks after the procedure. After that, you need to re-register for a session for the correction of the tattoo. Timely adjustment will affect the durability of natural permanent makeup. There is a risk of losing color due to diseases (herpes rash).

Colorless lip tattoo has a high color fastness. When the master uses high-quality pigments, correctly introducing them into the dermis layer, the achieved effect is maintained for a period of four to six years. In many ways, the duration of wearing a natural tattoo is determined by the individual characteristics of the skin and the body.

In young girls, the permanent on the lips fades much faster than in older women. The reason lies in the different rate of cell renewal.

Remember Angelina Jolie and her beautiful lips. But she achieved fame thanks to them.

Now many girls are knocking around the thresholds of plastic surgeons' offices in the hope of achieving the same effect as the famous actress. Why is this part of the face so attractive?

Ideal Proportions

Each era and every time has always had its own ideas and fashion trends in beauty, which influenced the appearance of its own unique image.

Today, physical perfection and organic beauty win. Even Leonardo da Vinci said: "In its perfection, the acting beauty of a woman is reduced by too pretentious jewelry." Today, this can be interpreted as a kind of allusion to various expensive plastic surgery offers, when girls blindly follow fashion, creating beautiful large lips identical to themselves, as if by a template. You just need to think, perhaps, over the words of another great man - "if you want to achieve a good effect, then do everything yourself."

If you follow the current standards, then the mouth should be about one and a half times wider than the nose.

Why does everyone want to increase lips?

This topic is quite popular among today's youth. This is due to the fact that, according to Freudian theory, on the face, the lips are the personification of the labia, which means that the opposite sex instinctively recognizes our sexuality by their freshness, fullness, brightness. To make the most beautiful lips for yourself means to stand out among other women, to be more attractive and noticeable in the eyes of men. By the way, there is confirmation of this: many studies have shown that, first of all, men do not pay attention to the eyes when they look at a woman's face, but to her lips. That is, first the mouth, and then everything else.

Augmentation by surgery

If you ask a plastic surgeon about what lips clients most often ask to create, he will answer without hesitation that Angelina Jolie is the most frequent "sample". She has beautiful lips by today's standards, photos of which are most often brought to surgeons. By the way, Jolie has been in the top ten sexiest modern actresses for several years now.

Men are just crazy about her. What about a woman whom nature has not endowed with such charms, but she also wants to attract men and be at least a little like a famous actress? Such a woman does costly Botox surgeries. But men are not stupid either - not everyone is delighted with the fact that they are being deceived. After all, many recognize Botox, considering such victims of fashion just a sexual object, nothing more. And most importantly, the slightest blot of the surgeon in a sensitive place is especially noticeable, and there is no way to hide it. Even “well-made” lips are usually tense, the upper lip protrudes above the lower one and the corners swell from collagen. And sensitive skin may simply not accept the drug, and this can lead to irreversible problems.

Lip exercises

If you are wondering how to make beautiful lips yourself, then the answer is simple - exercise.

1. Whistle.
This exercise is a warm-up for the oral muscles, such a warm-up before the main workouts. You can just whistle any song for 5 minutes, the melodies can change daily.

2. Show your tongue.
Open your mouth and stretch your tongue as much as possible (for 5-10 seconds), almost to its full length. This exercise should be repeated at least 15 times.

3. Dandelions.
Puff out your cheeks, imagine that you need to blow on a dandelion, start blowing hard, but your lips should be relaxed at the same time. Repeat the exercise at least 5 times.

4. Fish.
Fold your lips like a cartoon goldfish, and then pull them out into a smile. You need to repeat 15 times.

5. Howl like a wolf.
Start howling like a wolf for 5 minutes. Speak slowly the words “awuuuu” and “wuuuuu”, while drawing out each letter.

Lip massage

Scrub massage.

With the help of lip massage, you can get rid of dead skin, after such procedures, lip gloss begins to lie down better, beautiful lips will be visible in the mirror in a month. The recipe is absolutely simple - just mix honey and sugar and massage your lips with a toothbrush every day before going to bed.

Perhaps the most common type of massage. You will need a toothbrush, always soft, which does not injure the delicate skin of the lips. Wet the brush, massage in circular motions.

Use of ice cubes.

To do this, you need to put ice cubes in a thin cloth and start driving on your lips. Blood flow begins, which improves circulation. Lips get back a little, increase in volume.

Menthol compresses.

It is necessary to apply essential menthol oil on a cotton swab, applying it to the lips for 5-10 minutes.

It is very important to use a soft balm or eye cream after all these procedures.


Make saturated colors much richer. Apply lipstick by blotting it. Then apply lipstick again.

Moisturize your lips: When you feel that the lipstick is dry, apply a layer of gloss or balm.

If the lipstick is very dark, make it lighter. To do this, blot the lipstick, and then apply a lighter shade as a top coat; you can get wet and apply a layer of gloss or lip balm, then the lipstick will look natural and moist. You can also use a bit of tint by mixing it with lip gloss, this will make the shade lighter.

Prepare for applying lipstick - soften your lips. In order for you to have soft, beautiful lips (photo shown) in the morning, apply lip balm liberally at night, right before bed.

Hyaluronic acid injections into the lips are gaining more and more popularity. Now the request to “pin up your lips a little” has become almost as common in beauty salons as the phrase “wind my curls”. This gives rise to a logical question in men: how to distinguish whether my girlfriend’s lips are “made” or not?

They are "done" if:

1. First, if you have such a question at all. In anthropological terms typical Russian girl laid down lips thin and medium thickness (as a rule, the volume of both lips is 14-18 mm). The plump form is typical for representatives of the Far Eastern, South Asian, Australian and Ethiopian races.

2. Second, if lips visually dominate the face: the proportions of the human face are in most cases harmonious, and if a girl has small eyes, a compact nose, then the lips, most likely, are not prominent from birth.

3. Third, blurred outline with unpainted lips - injections make it a little blurry.

4. Lips are perfectly smooth: a syringe has definitely been here - natural lips are dotted with small wrinkles. Of course, there is a trick: if you inject a little bit over several years, the tissues will gradually stretch and new wrinkles will appear.

5. In 90% of cases after injections inflates the area around the lips and a swelling forms between the tip of the nose and the "arrow of cupid" (the upper contour of the lips).

6. Ask the girl to blow a kiss: if her lips curl into a mini accordion, they are real. If a form a heart, they have a gel.

7. Touch dense tissue around the lips, and from birth, these tissues are soft and full-blooded.

8. Not the best method for a first date: “If you lift the “made” upper lip and look at its inner surface, you will see a "curly outline"- with small lumps and irregularities that the filler forms, ”sabrina Ismailova, dermatologist and cosmetologist at the Millefeuil beauty salon, comments.

9. If the next morning after a stormy night with champagne, the girl's lips significantly increase in size that means they have hyaluronic acid: its molecules collect water, and the lips look swollen.

10. After injections over the upper lip is formed thin roller, which makes the lips slightly "inverted".

Hollywood stars who, according to our expert, Sabrina Ismailova, a dermatologist and cosmetologist at the Milfey beauty salon, did not resort to injection lip augmentation:

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then how to appreciate the lips, probably as a promise of love. This, of course, is a joke, but meanwhile, according to a survey by a foreign magazine, 80% of men, when they first look at a woman, first of all look at the lips, evaluating her sexuality and attractiveness by them.

Beautiful, natural, well-groomed, plump lips attract the eyes of men and make the representatives of the stronger sex think about kisses.

What are the most beautiful lips? The most beautiful and sexy lips are full, well-defined lips, beautifully shaped. Of course, the naturalness of the lips is valued more than their silicone forms.

And besides this, the shape and size of the lips should correspond to the features of the face, they should not look dissonant in relation to the whole face as a whole.

Until recently, the lips of Angelina Jolie were considered the standard of the most beautiful lips. According to many magazines that rank the most-most, for several years in a row actress Scarlett Johansson has held the palm for the beauty of lips, the legendary Angelina is in second place, the third is awarded to Monica Bellucci. This is considered a generally accepted opinion, but let's forget about ratings and prizes, it seems to me that every beautiful lips are beautiful in their own way, and talking about the first, second and other places of the most beautiful female lips is simply ridiculous.

TOP 15 sexiest lips

In this article, we will show the 15 owners of the most beautiful lips, without awarding them any places. These are mostly film actresses and fashion models, who are popular now, although they start our gallery of the most beautiful lips of the Hollywood legend of yesteryear.

The most beautiful lips of actresses of the past

It is not known how fate would have turned out Norma Jean, girls from a poor American family, if nature had not rewarded her with a luxurious figure, amazing skin, an attractive face and seductive full lips. In the girl, the charm of an angel was combined with a seductive appearance. In the thirties of the last century, her appearance became the standard of beauty, and her lips were the most beautiful lips in the world. She is known to the whole world as the sex bomb Marilyn Monroe. And the fact that she died early still makes millions of her fans grieve.

French film actress Brigitte Bardot at one time was a harbinger of the sexual revolution, as she was the first in the history of cinema to appear naked, playing the role of the eighteen-year-old rebel Juliet in the film And God Created Woman, who danced naked on the table. This actress is well known to the Russian audience for the role of Angelica, in a whole series of paintings about the indomitable Angelica - the Marquis of Angels. Wide-open innocent eyes and girlish pink, but so seductive, lips forever won the hearts of the audience.

After the release of the film, "9 and a half weeks" began to be called the "Golden Lady of Eroticism." Her beautiful “hypersensitive” lips, when before the kiss she uttered the phrase “never say never”, which became the title of the film from the Bond series, were remembered by the audience not only for their beautiful shape, but also for the fact that they could express so much even without saying anything.

Beautiful lips, Hollywood beauties

Pretty beautiful voluminous lips Angelina Jolie have long become the calling card of the actress. With her plump, beautifully shaped lips, Angelina owes her mother. Until recently, her lips were considered the most beautiful lips among Hollywood actresses.

But in recent years, a new star has risen in Hollywood - Scarlett Johansen . Since 2006, she has been called the sexiest woman on the planet more than once, and the actress’s lips, of a classic, ideal shape, are considered the most beautiful lips, surpassing the lips of the famous Angelina Jolie in shape and expressiveness.

called the Armenian princess. Her lips, plump and sensual, play a significant role in her image of a sex symbol. But their naturalness raises many doubts. In some pictures, her lips look like they've been stung by a swarm of bees.

The West is distrustful of the criteria of Eastern beauty. But the Indian beauty of Bollywood Aishvaria Rai, bursting into the pages of fashion magazines like fireworks, with her expressive smile, amazing skin tone and amazingly tender sexy lips, always ready to smile, became the personification of the beauty of an oriental woman.

Even as a child, starring in the famous film "Leon", she impressed the audience with her delicate beauty and full sexy (even at that age) lips. Her delicate face and bright sensual lips have only become more expressive with age.

Burning beauty and luxurious body Monica Bellucci excite the hearts of men around the world. And her seductive, beautifully shaped lips are considered the third in the list of the most beautiful lips on the planet.

Blond, with blue eyes and a subtle hint of a Teutonic princess, the Dutch Model was named Model of the Year in 2005. And in 2011, according to the Spanish magazine DT, she was included in the list of "20 sexiest women on the planet." The exquisite figure, perfect posture, transparent blue eyes and delicate, sensual lips of the fashion model were appreciated not only by the owners of modeling agencies, but also by millions of men in absentia in love with her chilly Scandinavian beauty.

Film actress Jessica Bill started her career as a model. Athletic and feminine, this combination is not often seen among Hollywood actresses. She looks equally elegant, both in evening dresses and in sportswear on a treadmill. Her lips are somewhat oversized, especially when combined with her small shaped eyes, yet plump and sensual, they are seductive.

Amanda Seyfried - a successful and sought-after actress, and besides, she is probably the only woman on whose birthday Hugh Jackman danced a striptease as a gift to her. The blonde with pale green eyes and juicy smiling lips won more than one male heart and won success with fans around the world.

Famous French actress and fashion model Letitia Casta often seen on the covers of fashion magazines, where her seductive figure is almost naked. Her image of a femme fatale is a clear contrast to her real appearance of a small, thin girl with a mane of unruly hair and lips that are not puffy, not voluminous, but very beautiful. In my opinion, the natural shape of Letizia's lips is one of the most beautiful female lips.

The most sexy lips of Russian beauties

Russian women have always been famous for their natural Slavic beauty, and our Russian actresses and models are no exception. Russian queen of fashion shows, brought new notes to the criteria of female beauty in general, and the beauty of models in particular. Open blue eyes, a slightly upturned nose and full, slightly childlike lips conquered not only the spoiled Western audience, but also managed to win the heart of a young man of royal blood.

And now find out - how to make your lips sexier without resorting to injections.

Bright appearance, stately figure, elegance of an actress and model Anna Gorshkova involuntarily riveted to her eyes, and not only the representatives of the stronger sex. And her full, beautiful lips, depending on the role, can look feminine, bright and seductive, and girlish, tender and touching. One of her last works, the main role of Lily in the TV series "House with Lilies." The series has become the most rated over the past few years, largely due to the talented play of Anna Gorshkova.

Often in fashion are the shapes of the lips, the owners of which are famous personalities, movie stars, pop stars. Sexuality is associated with a beautiful shape of the lips. There are men with beautiful lips.

How to draw beautiful lips

According to psychologists, men, looking at women, often pay attention to the lips, evaluating their sexuality and attractiveness. Many consider Angelina Jolie's lips to be the standard, we are talking about both form and fullness.

Someone, burning with the desire to change the shape of the lips, come to the plastic surgeon. There are those who visually correct the shape by drawing it with a special pencil. Of course, it is best to be satisfied with the form that is given by nature.

Drawing beautiful lips is not so easy. However, you can cope with this task even without drawing skills, if you act in stages. Drawing them with a pencil on paper, first a markup is made - three parallel lines. Next, the corners of the lips and the upper contour are drawn. It is important to consider that the upper contour must be reduced, and the lower one increased. When drawing with a pencil, you must not forget to create the effect of shadows and draw "wrinkles" on the lips.

Some of the fair sex prefer tattooing lips, making them fuller or reducing excessive volume. Tattooing helps to hide asymmetry and gives a clear contour. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the master, choose a real professional.

Beautiful celebrity lips

Not surprisingly, many beauties dream of becoming a singer or actress, whether or not they have the talent for it. Often, not talent is evaluated, but only external data, moreover, only some individual parts, for example, lips.

You can name ten contenders for the title of owners of the most beautiful lips. Such is Jennifer Lopez, Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian. Seventh position for Katherine Heigl, followed by Halle Berry and Anne Hathaway. Angelina Jolie is in fourth place, and Keira Knightley is in third. The second place was given to Christina Aguilera, the first - to Christy Turlington.

Separately, it should be noted that it was the lips that have long become the hallmark of Angelina Jolie. And thanks to her lips, the actress is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Drew Barrymore's lips have a seductive shape and drew attention to her during the release of the film "Charlie's Angels". Anne Hathaway was remembered not for her full lips, but for her beautiful smile and white teeth. To accentuate her smile, the actress avoids dark lipstick tones. The owner of a beautiful lip shape is Sienna Miller. Her lips are not particularly full, but this does not upset the stylish star.

Recently, when referring to plastic surgeons, women are asked to make their lips look like those of Scarlett Johansson.

In recent years, Jolie has been replaced from the first position by Scarlett Johansen. It was she who was called the sexiest on the planet, and more than once. For the first time she was awarded this title back in 2006. According to the actress, she likes to put red lipstick on her lips. She uses lip liner to give her lips a classic, perfect shape. Scarlett says that she prefers lipstick, but with a brush she only corrects the contour, which makes her lips more expressive.

Among men, the title of the owner of the sexiest lips was awarded to Johnny Depp and David Beckham. Recently, they were ahead of Brad Pitt. It was he who received the majority of the votes. By the way, according to the site, football player Rio Ferdinand is recognized as the man with the ugliest lips.
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