Who can't wish good luck. Best wishes We wish you good luck in everything

When a serious misfortune happens, many say that you would not wish such a thing on your enemy. People are used to saying goodbye and wishing each other good luck in any business. But it turns out it's better not to. And above all, the Orthodox should abstain from this. Why? Today we will try to answer this question.

What or who is luck?

According to the definition of scientific encyclopedias, luck is a special positive event that occurred in a combination of uncontrollable and unpredictable circumstances. This can also include the happy ending of any action that occurred without the intervention of the person concerned. And perhaps, somewhere even against his will. But it's scientific!

In Orthodoxy, luck has a negative meaning. And Archimandrite Cleopas (Ilie) even wrote in his writings that this is another name for the demon - Moloch. He expressed such a point of view that "it was one of the biggest and most powerful demons that mowed down millions of innocent children's souls. And to include it in the commemoration book is a great sacrilege, and to wish for the coming is all the more a great sin."

Who is Moloch really?

Moloch (Luck) - the god of happiness among the Carthaginians, Sumerians and Romans. His statue, cast from a significant amount of silver or copper, was taken around the cities on a large two-wheeled cart. In front of the statue was a copper frying pan, in which oil was boiling. Behind was a stove made of the same material. The fire in it was constantly maintained by the priests walking nearby. These people held large and sharply sharpened axes in their hands, loudly clapped their hands and called those who wished from outside, shouting: “Who wants good luck, make a sacrifice to Good Luck!” Seems to be no big deal, right? But…

Why was Moloch terrible?

The ancient Romans, especially women, could not hesitate to answer why one should not wish good luck to a person. The thing is that Moloch was very fond of accepting bloody sacrifices. And as it most often acted infants - the first-born of noble and not very families. Children were taken and thrown into a terrible fire. It was believed that the torments of burning children brought pleasure to the God of Luck, and the tears of mothers quenched his intense thirst.

In gratitude, the “cruel ruler of the country of tears” was supposed to give the family that made such a sacrifice good luck, prosperity and a rich harvest. Be that as it may, it was once believed that it was such a sacrifice that saved Carthage from destruction. This madness continued until 586 BC. e., i.e., up to the Babylonian captivity. And this is despite the fact that, according to the law of Moses, by that time they were already prohibited.

How do Christians feel about Luck?

It is clear that such cruelty could not arouse approval among Orthodox people. They considered Moloch a real fiend. They talked about the fact that to wish relatives or even enemies you need the well-being and help of God, and not the "devil's offspring." And they forbade their children to even mention the name of the bloodthirsty demon. However, this was not the only reason why one should not wish good luck to the Orthodox.

There is another, not so terrible. Christians simply believe that all events are sent or allowed by the Almighty. The Lord, according to beliefs, gives every person the opportunity to be saved after the Last Judgment and return to the "promised land". And it is the hope in God, and not in an unintended accident, that will help them. The providence of God is what all Orthodox believe in. There is even a whole parable on this occasion. You can read it further.

What does the parable say about God's providence?

One hermit, knowing why one should not wish good luck in Orthodoxy, asked God to reveal the ways of His providence and began to fast. Once he went on a long journey, on the way he met a monk (it was an Angel) and offered to be a companion. He agreed. Toward evening they lodged with a pious man, who offered them food on a silver saucer. But, to the surprise of the hermit and the owner of the house, the monk, after eating food, took the dishes and threw them into the sea. Well, no one said anything, the travelers went on.

The next day the hermit and the monk stayed with another husband. But here is the trouble! Before the road, the owner decided to bring his little son to his guests so that they would bless him. But the monk touched the boy and took his soul. The elder and the father of the child, dumbfounded with horror, could not utter a word. The satellites are gone again. On the third day they stayed in a dilapidated house. The hermit sat down to eat, and his "friend" dismantled and reassembled the wall. Here the elder could no longer bear it and asked why he was doing all this, for some such purpose.

Then the monk confessed that he was in fact an Angel of God. and explained his actions. As it turned out, the first owner of the house was a charitable person, but that dish was acquired by him by untruth. Therefore, the dishes had to be thrown away so that the man would not lose his reward. The second owner is also charitable, but his son, if he grew up, would become a real villain, capable of the most malicious deeds. And the third husband is a lazy and immoral person. His grandfather, who built the house, hid precious gold in the wall. But the owner through it could die in the future. So I had to fix the wall to prevent this from happening.

In conclusion, the Angel ordered the elder to return to his cell and not think about anything in particular, because, as the Holy Spirit says, “the ways of the Lord are inscrutable.” Therefore, you should not try them, there will be no benefit from this. God gives everything - sorrow, joy, and sin. But one is according to good will, another is according to economy, and the third is according to allowance (Luke 2:14). And everything depends on His will. However, as well as from yours. After all, the Lord does not take away a person's freedom of choice. And luck, as you can see, has no place here.

Why is it impossible to wish good luck according to folk signs?

People who are not inclined to believe in God or Moloch have their own signs regarding fortune. For example, doctors. If you ask any of them why it is impossible to wish good luck to doctors, at first there will be a short silence. Well, after that you will hear that any wish, for example, “Good night!”, “Have a nice day!” or "Good luck in business", will lead to the fact that the entire watch will be very restless, fussy and unhappy. For the same reason, doctors in the hospital should not be told after the operation that everything is fine and nothing hurts. From such phrases, surgeons (and not only them) run like fire.

If you want to thank the doctor or say goodbye to him, say simple phrases "Thank you!" and "Goodbye!". And do not forget that according to popular signs, if you wish any person, not only a doctor, good luck, you can invite the evil eye or trouble, “turn away” fortune from a person, or cause damage. And also to call misfortune into the life of the interlocutor. Of course, you may not believe it, but it's still better to be careful. As they say, what if?

Why can't you wish good luck before an exam?

They say that in order to successfully pass the exams, according to signs, a student must remain unshaven until the moment of their onset, refuse to buy new clothes in favor of the “happy one”, enlist the support of the brownie and get up on the appropriate day only with his left foot. Superstition, of course. But one thing almost all students take seriously. Many of them refuse to wish success to fellow students, say "no fluff, no feather" and receive a playful wish "to hell with it." But to the question of why it is impossible to wish good luck on the exam, they answer that if this is done, 2 or 3 will show off in the standings, despite the long preparation and knowledge.

But how then can you wish for success?

If you encounter a person who sincerely believes that good luck cannot be wished on, do not refuse to communicate with him. Just try to choose a more soulful phrase, depending on the situation. For example, the words are perfect for wishing success: “All the best!”, “All the best!” or "Hope for the best!" You can even say the Star Wars line, "May the force be with you!" Or else show It is believed that this is also a special wish for success. If the person is already very close, you can also say: "Pulverize them!", "Tear them" or "I know you can handle it." And it will only be for the good! Well, or just hug him and say parting words.

They say luck loves strong people, but it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, a good wish for good luck in verse .... It hasn’t hurt anyone yet!

May everything come true and everything will come true
Success undertakings will be bold.
Good luck to all dreams will come true
And argues in the hands of any business!

Any moment is so important and valuable,
After all, there are no insignificant minutes in life.
May luck be with you all the time
And there are many bright victories ahead.
The path to the goal brings you closer with every step,
All roads lead to success
The support of loved ones helps in everything,
Their warmth and care? give strength!

We want to wish you good luck
Success in life, bright deeds,
So that you with a smile - not otherwise
Meet every new day!

Let luck smile
The world will be full of warmth
Life does not hide the secrets of happiness
And makes all dreams come true!

Good luck on the exam
Let your friend visit!
Let the task be easy
Can you solve it!
Don't be afraid in the exam
Be calm, don't rush!
Don't worry again
Think it over, write it down.
You hope for good luck
Of course, don't be fooled yourself!
Crash on the exam
Answer "excellent"!

From the heart of only joyful days,
Good luck and great happiness!
Let life become brighter, brighter,
Good luck awaits again and again!

I want new sensations
funny friends,
clear days,
wonderful news,
Life in style
work stable,
Good luck in everything
Night and day!

Let there be true friendship
Success is a joy to the soul,
Career - bright and brilliant,
Income - stable and large.
Health - strong, boundless,
Cozy and beautiful - the house,
Well, luck is everywhere personally
Accompanies you in everything.

I want to live easy and simple
Among the successes, among the victories,
And let at every intersection
You have a green light.

We want mood
Only excellent always
And health for years
Let your eyes burn with happiness
And the path leads you
Despite any interference
Only to good luck and success!

We wish you bright happy days!
The care of loved ones, the warmth of friends!
Keep love and joy in your soul!
Believe in luck and love life!

We wish the ocean happy years
Furrow on the ship of good luck!
And let dreams cherished bright light
Does not fade in the heart of a bold and hot!

I wish you happiness and luck,
Health, long bright years,
And with ease to any task
Brilliant find the answer.
Reach the heights of your career
And succeed in personal life
To serve friends in everything by example,
And look into the distance with optimism.

How sweet life tastes when it
Saturated, beautiful and swift,
Full of good, joyful events,
Amazing in every moment.
Let life be like this year after year,
The mood is getting better
And every day will bring a gift
Success, luck, happiness and luck!

Good luck, happiness, tender words,
And in the heart? beautiful feelings,
Softer than the silk of the petals,
Brighter than clear noon!
Let it be warm every moment
The love of those around.
So that for this wonderful moment
Watch with a happy look!

Interesting discoveries, great success,
To make dreams come true!
And more often the cares of dear people,
Understanding loved ones.
Let the support of friends give confidence,
And luck helps in everything.
Let life become brighter every hour,
Every day more interesting and brighter!

Achieve all goals successfully
It's nice to wish with all my heart!
Let happiness be boundless
Great success awaits
And career distances beckon
Savings grow wonderfully!
Good luck to decorate life
It would be lucky!

Let the joys of the moment not end
Cherished dreams come true
Willingness and ability to win
The readiness of everyone who is nearby to support!
Let luck and luck await in everything,
The mood will always be great
May plans and deeds succeed
So that life is brighter and happier!

We wish you health, good luck, success,
And if wrinkles - it's only from laughter,
And so that misfortunes do not meet in life,
And if there are tears, then only from happiness!

In business? success and luck!
In the shower? warmth and kindness!
To live interestingly, with a mood,
Believe in luck and dreams!
Give love to family and friends
Greet the new day with a smile
And all that is best in life
Be able to see and know!

From a pure heart with an open mind
Today we wish you a great life.
So that there is health, and happiness, and joy!
So that the years fly by and are not a burden!

Love, harmony, warmth,
In everything, good luck to wait!
And life has always been in bloom
Gave joy and dream!
Let spring sing in my soul
Always fresh, always clear!
And in these bright moments -
Flowers and congratulations from us!

Amazingly happy days
Flowers, smiles, tender words!
Let there be everything that is sweet to the heart:
Good luck, joy and love!

We wish you the brightest days
Tender feelings, good luck in everything
And to keep life warm
Kindness, joy, warmth!
Kindness and beautiful words,
Like dewdrops on flowers
And miracles, happy minutes,
As in captivating dreams!

Inspiration, good luck day by day
And we wish you success in everything,
Prosperity and happiness in the present,
And for the future - brilliant prospects.

Appreciate the golden moments of life
Cherish every minute of it
Let luck help in your plans,
Keep the course for success and good luck.
Move boldly towards the appointed goal,
Strive for your distant horizons,
To make dreams come true,
To make any wishes come true!

The best wishes of good luck sent to your friends, acquaintances, relatives and loved ones will cheer them up and charge them with positive energy for the whole day.

Beautiful good luck wishes

I wish you happiness and luck,
Health, long bright years,
And with ease to any task
Brilliant find the answer.

Reach the heights of your career
And succeed in personal life
To serve friends in everything by example,
And look into the distance with optimism.

Every minute has its purpose.
It just needs to be guessed.
Every moment will be special
Life can get richer!

Live, not a second, not a day wasted -
Good luck ahead!
Believe that any dream will come true
And go to the cherished goal!

Good luck, let you smile
In family life and in business,
Good luck let the day begin
Always with a smile on your lips

Always accompanies life
Let, as if a member of the family,
And do not frighten, because there is no capricious,
Better hold tight.

I want to wish you good luck
To be next to you
So that during the day she was the sun,
And at night a bright star.

I wish my luck
Hold firmly in your hands
Good luck don't change with anyone
And don't lend to anyone.

I want to save luck
Appreciate and cherish her
I wish you good luck
Live a happy life.

Love, harmony, warmth,
In everything, good luck to wait!
And life has always been in bloom
Gave joy and dream!
Let spring sing in my soul
Always fresh, always clear!
And in these bright moments -
Flowers and congratulations from us!

I wish the sun in the blue sky
Smiles, the delights of flowers,
The words of the most affectionate, beautiful,
Like delicate velvet petals!

So that wonderful days are formed
From happiness, joy, warmth.
Hopes easily come true
Luck has always been with you!

Everyone has their own dream in destiny.
The road to it is not so easy at times ...
May goals always be achieved
Good luck shines like a bright star!

Helps you achieve all the heights
Faith in victory, in one's own strength,
And the new day that's dawning
Again successful and happy!

Bright bird swift-winged
Let luck fly
And happy energy
Gives very generously

For dreams to come true
The mood became the most vigorous,
And success made friends
Would definitely be with you!

Luck is a capricious lady
Flashing his plumage,
It happened, sometimes flew away,
Enticing you to others.

May it never fail
Good luck in your life
And let it not pass without her,
My friend, not a single day.

May luck walk with you
And it accompanies you everywhere!
Helps solve problems
Failure always win!
Whatever it is, let this bird
You will live forever!
And then your life will become clear
Simply fabulous, bright, beautiful!

Best wishes for good luck

Let there be true friendship
Success is a joy to the soul,
Career - bright and brilliant,
Income - stable and large.
Health - strong, boundless,
Cozy and beautiful - the house,
Well, luck is everywhere personally
Accompanies you in everything.

Happiness to you! Warmth, kindness, good luck,
Joy, health, beauty!
So that the fire does not go out in the eyes of the hot
And the best dreams come true!

Any moment is so important and valuable,
After all, there are no insignificant minutes in life.
May luck be with you all the time
And there are many bright victories ahead.
The path to the goal brings you closer with every step,
All roads lead to success
The support of loved ones helps in everything,
The warmth and care of their forces give!

Appreciate the golden moments of life
Cherish every minute of it
Let luck help in your plans,
Keep the course for success and good luck.
Move boldly towards the appointed goal,
Strive for your distant horizons,
To make dreams come true,
To make any wishes come true!

Good luck, happiness, tender words,
And in the heart - beautiful feelings,
Softer than the silk of the petals,
Brighter than clear noon!
Let it be warm every moment
The love of those around.
So that for this wonderful moment
Watch with a happy look!

Very often in everyday life, before an important matter, we wish good luck to each other. This is considered a polite gesture and, in theory, does not carry any negative connotation. However, not everyone considers such a wish for good. Some people may take it almost as a personal insult. Who should not wish good luck and why?

Creepy Moloch

Luck in the usual sense of the word is a positive event that occurred as a result of a certain set of circumstances. Few people know that luck in the Bible is directly related to the ancient Semitic pagan god Moloch. The mention of him, in particular, is found in the Old Testament Third Book of Kings and the Book of the prophet Jeremiah.

Moloch is the god of good luck and luck among the Sumerians and some other peoples, and later among the Carthaginians. The statue of the deity was cast in silver, in front of it was a copper frying pan with boiling oil, and behind it was a burning stove. Infants were offered as sacrifices to Moloch.

It was believed that the one who donates his child has a whole year of good luck ahead. It was for the sake of a good harvest, success in trade and any other activity that people sacrificed their children. As a result, the very word "luck" acquired a negative connotation among the ancients, associated with the thousands of innocent victims of Moloch.


The first Christians were well aware of the bloody cult of the god of luck, so the corresponding wish began to be regarded as a terrible punishment. Archimandrite Cleopas (Ilie) noted in his writings that the wish of good luck for a Christian is the desire to bring Moloch on a person. Thus, at first glance, a harmless wish is actually a grave sin.

This belief is common among believers to this day. Christians rely solely on the will of God, and not on chance or luck, and even with obvious pagan overtones. The Gospel of Luke says: “God was pleased that man should be saved, just as the angels cried out saying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

Believers believe that what is happening to us is sent down by God. And human achievements are the result of his own labors and diligence, as well as the help of God, and not by any combination of circumstances.

In Islam

A similar approach is followed in Islam. Faithful Muslims also may not be happy if they wish them good luck. Good luck is prosperity, and any good can only come from Allah.

If you just wish good luck, then it is not entirely clear where this blessing comes from? In the 18th chapter of the Qur'an al-Kahf, it says: “I will do it tomorrow. Unless Allah wills it! If you have forgotten, then remember your Lord and say: "Perhaps my Lord will lead me in a more right way."

True Muslims, if they want to wish well-being, usually mention Allah. "Success to you from Allah" and so on.

Hunters and fishermen

It is also not customary to wish good luck to fishermen, hunters and all those who earn their livelihood in this way. As noted by the Soviet ethnographer and religious scholar Sergei Tokarev, the signs associated with hunting and fishing are the most ancient, because the survival of those people depended on success in this matter.

It was impossible to wish good luck, because it was believed that evil spirits could hear this, which then would certainly thwart the whole craft. It was from this belief that the well-known wishes came to us - “no tail, no scales”, “no fluff, no feather” and the like. It was believed that evil spirits, satisfied with what they heard, would leave the person alone.

Belief without changes has reached our days. True, in modern times it extends not only to fishing and hunting. For example, you cannot wish good luck to a person before an exam.

Actors and doctors

Good luck or a good performance cannot be wished to the artists either. According to the old English tradition, which dates back to the second half of the 16th century, the actors wanted to break a leg before going on stage. This was done approximately according to the same scheme as in the case of hunters and fishermen: if they wished bad things, then there would be success.

Why "break your leg"? Firstly, the actor had to kneel at the end of the performance and bow his head to the audience, and secondly, to pick up the coins that they threw to him instead of flowers.

Now, both in Russia and abroad, many artists join hands before the performance and shout “God bless!”. There are also those who repeat the triple “pah”.

Doctors are also superstitious. It is believed among doctors that if you hear a wish of good luck addressed to you, then the duty will certainly be restless and fussy.

Wish "Good luck!" today it is used not only in congratulations, but also in everyday conversations, with the wish of all the best in endeavors, both in general in life and on a particular day. Most people have never thought about the fact that such a harmless and rather good wish can have negative semantics among believing Orthodox Christians.

What does luck mean in Orthodoxy

It is worth noting that historically among the Russian people the wish for “good luck” and the word itself practically did not occur. In the event that there was a need to reinforce a person with some positively colored phrase, then it was said: "God help you." Today, many believers use an abbreviated form of this phrase: "With God!".

The very concept of luck is in conflict with the Christian worldview.

The opposition of these two wishes is interesting for the reason that in this case the interpretation of both wishes is much deeper and more extensive than we used to think.

The semantics of the word "luck" for the Slavs is associated with the words "give", "given", which means that luck (or otherwise luck) is given to a person from above. In paganism, it was believed that gods could reward luck. Accordingly, luck is the force that determines the actions of a person, and on which he hopes.

Attention! For an Orthodox person, who is characterized by a completely different worldview, it is considered correct to rely only on God in matters and accept his mercy or disgrace as something that does not depend on a person. "As God wills", "As the Lord will judge" - say believing Christians.

In Orthodoxy, any wish for luck means that a person at this moment means the help of the Lord in real matters.

Summarizing the above, we can generalize and say that in Orthodoxy, luck and luck are associated with demonism. So, wishing good luck to a person, the speaker also wishes demonic help in his life. A believing person, on the other hand, should desire well-being, the help of the Lord and his mercy to a person.

Important! It should be remembered that the life of a believing person has as its goal salvation in the Lord and return to the Heavenly tabernacles - the eternal sojourn of the soul.

However, wishes referring to the lower worlds or to pagan gods do not grant salvation to the soul of a person, but, according to believers, will only serve as an obstacle on the path of the soul to heaven.

Read about life in Orthodoxy:

Is it possible to wish good luck to the Orthodox

A true believer should avoid such wishes, because the word "luck" for a number of reasons contains a negative connotation.

  • Firstly, the very word of ethnic origin is associated with the period of paganism and, accordingly, with the worship of many gods, and Christians know only one God. Therefore, wishing for good luck in a sense means backsliding from one's own faith and defiling the name of the Lord.
  • Secondly, according to some reports, “luck” is the name of one of the supreme beings of the dark world, he is also called Moloch, Belshazzar or Beelzebub, but for most his name is Satan. Accordingly, for Orthodox Christians, the wish for good luck is associated with the mention of this forbidden name for them.

Among Christians, one can often hear parting words - "with God!"

The worst thing that is known about the above supreme being is that, according to Russian Orthodox Christians, pagan cults performed sacrifices as a service to Beelzebub. Often, people chosen for sacrifice were burned alive, believing that through the fire for their souls a path to a better life would be paved. However, newborn babies were considered the best victims, as mentioned in the 7th chapter of the book of the prophet Jeremiah: :31 Jer.).

It is also known that the supreme deity was represented as a man with the face of a calf, during the sacrifices, babies were placed on his hands, and below, at the feet of Beelzebub, a fire was lit. The sacrifice took place late at night and was accompanied by the loud sounds of flutes, lyres and tambourines.

Of course, one can believe in such bloody details of the life of the ancestors, but one can also question them. After all, Christianity for the most part destroyed pagan beliefs, and it was important for the first Christians to attract people to a new religion, even using such frightening descriptions and inhabiting hell with supposedly pagan gods.

Priest's opinion

Archimandrite Cleopas warns believing Christians against delusions and explains that Luck is the name of a pagan demon. He also clarifies that, in fact, among the Romans and the inhabitants of Carthage, Luck was one of the gods and brought happiness.

From this explanation, we can conclude that it is likely that the god who brings luck was an idol that is important in life, so this wish meant patronage and a happy life.

With the loss of the pagan worldview, the history associated with the word went into the background, and the word came into use. For those who follow Christian spiritual principles in their lives, it is important to understand the meaning of the expressions used.

About the correct understanding of the word "luck". Archpriest Vladimir Golovin