Max plank opening. Max Planck - biography, information, personal life. Creator of quantum physics

Quantum theory was born in 1901 when Max Planck proposed a theoretical conclusion about the relationship between the temperature of a body and the radiation emitted by that body, a conclusion that had eluded other scientists for a long time. Like his predecessors, Planck assumed that radiation was emitted by atomic oscillators, but he also believed that the energy of oscillators (and therefore the radiation they emit) exists in the form of small discrete portions, which Einstein called quanta. The energy of each quantum is proportional to the radiation frequency. Although Planck's formula was widely admired, the assumptions he made remained incomprehensible for some time, as they contradicted classical physics. In 1905 Albert Einstein used quantum theory to explain some aspects of the photoelectric effect - the emission of electrons by the surface of a metal on which ultraviolet radiation falls. In passing, Einstein noted a seeming paradox: light, long known to travel as continuous waves, exhibits discrete properties when absorbed and emitted.

About eight years later Niels Bohr extended quantum theory to the atom and explained the frequencies of the waves emitted by atoms excited in a flame or in an electric discharge. Ernest Rutherford showed that the mass of an atom is almost entirely concentrated in the central nucleus, which carries a positive electric charge and is surrounded at relatively large distances by electrons that carry a negative charge, as a result of which the atom as a whole is electrically neutral.

Bohr suggested that electrons can only be in certain discrete orbits corresponding to different energy levels, and that the "jump" of an electron from one orbit to another, with a lower energy, is accompanied by the emission of a photon, whose energy is equal to the energy difference between the two orbits. The frequency, according to Planck's theory, is proportional to the energy of the photon. Thus, the Bohr model of the atom established a connection between the various spectral lines characteristic of a substance emitting radiation and the atomic structure. Despite initial success, Bohr's model of the atom soon required modifications to eliminate discrepancies between theory and experiment. In addition, quantum theory at that stage did not yet provide a systematic procedure for solving many quantum problems. However, it became clear that classical physics is unable to explain the fact that an electron moving with acceleration does not fall on the nucleus, losing energy when emitting electromagnetic waves.

A new essential feature of quantum theory appeared in 1924, when Louis de broil put forward a radical hypothesis about the wave nature of matter: if electromagnetic waves, such as light, sometimes behave like particles (as Einstein showed), then particles, such as an electron, under certain circumstances, can behave like waves. Thus, the boundary between classical particles and classical waves has been erased in the microcosm. In de Broglie's formulation, the frequency corresponding to a particle is related to its energy, as in the case of a photon (a particle of light), but the mathematical expression proposed by de Broglie was an equivalent relationship between the wavelength, mass of the particle and its speed (momentum). The existence of electron waves was experimentally proven in 1927. Clinton J. Davisson And Lester H. Germer in the United States and George Paget Thomson in England.

In turn, this discovery led to the creation in 1933 of Ernst Ruska electron microscope.

Inspired by Einstein's comments on de Broglie's ideas Erwin Schrödinger made an attempt to apply the wave description of electrons to the construction of a consistent quantum theory, not related to the inadequate Bohr model of the atom. In a sense, he intended to bring quantum theory closer to classical physics, which has accumulated many examples of the mathematical description of waves. The first attempt, made by him in 1925, ended in failure. The speeds of electrons in Schrödinger's theory were close to the speed of light, which required the inclusion of Einstein's special theory of relativity in it and taking into account the significant increase in the mass of the electron predicted by it at very high speeds.

One of the reasons for Schrödinger's failure was that he did not take into account the presence of a specific property of the electron, now known as spin (the rotation of an electron around its own axis like a top, but such a comparison is not entirely correct), which at that time was little known. The next attempt was made by Schrödinger in 1926. This time, the electron velocities were chosen by him to be so small that the need to involve the theory of relativity disappeared by itself. The second attempt was crowned with the derivation of the Schrödinger wave equation, which gives a mathematical description of matter in terms of the wave function. Schrödinger called his theory wave mechanics. The solutions to the wave equation were in agreement with experimental observations and had a profound effect on the subsequent development of quantum theory. At present, the wave function underlies the quantum mechanical description of microsystems, similar to Hamilton's equations in classical mechanics.

Not long before Werner Heisenberg , Max Born And Pascual Jordan published another version of quantum theory, called matrix mechanics, which described quantum phenomena using tables of observable quantities. These tables are mathematical sets ordered in a certain way, called matrices, on which, according to known rules, various mathematical operations can be performed. Matrix mechanics also made it possible to achieve agreement with observed experimental data, but unlike wave mechanics, it did not contain any specific references to spatial coordinates or time. Heisenberg especially insisted on the rejection of any simple visual representations or models in favor of only such properties that could be determined from experiment, since, according to him, the microcosm has a fundamentally different structure than the macrocosm in view of the special role of Planck's constant, which is insignificant in the world large quantities.

Schrödinger showed that wave mechanics and matrix mechanics are mathematically equivalent. Now collectively known as quantum mechanics, these two theories provided the long-awaited common basis for describing quantum phenomena. Many physicists preferred wave mechanics, because its mathematical apparatus was more familiar to them, and its concepts seemed more "physical"; operations on matrices are more cumbersome.

Shortly after Heisenberg and Schrödinger developed quantum mechanics, Paul Dirac suggested more general theory, in which elements of Einstein's special theory of relativity were combined with the wave equation. Dirac's equation is applicable to particles moving at arbitrary speeds. The spin and magnetic properties of the electron followed from Dirac's theory without any additional assumptions. In addition, Dirac's theory predicted the existence of antiparticles, such as the positron and antiproton, twins of particles with opposite electric charges.

​Today, Max Planck's name usually comes up in connection with the prestigious scientific institutions named after him - the Max Planck Society includes 83 divisions in Germany and around the world. But who was the real Max Planck and why are there so many research centers dedicated to him? We explain using the example of 17 facts about a cool scientist.

1. Quantum theory

Modern physics uses two theories to explain the universe: Einstein's theory of relativity and Planck's quantum theory. In the late 1890s, he began his work on thermal radiation and found a formula for black body radiation, which eventually became Planck's law. To explain the formula, he proposed the idea that energy is emitted in the form of portions, which he called "quanta", which led to quantum physics.

Planck himself was struck by the radicalness of his discovery, writing: "My futile attempts to somehow introduce the quantum of action into the classical theory continued for a number of years and cost me a lot of work."

By the time of his death, Planck had become a legend in the scientific community. In October 1947, The New York Times magazine wrote about him as an intellectual giant of the 20th century and one of the most outstanding intellects in history, putting him on a par with Archimedes, Galileo, Newton and Einstein.

2. Made Einstein's theory a theory

Planck helped popularize the term "theory" to describe Einstein's work on relativity. In 1906, referring to the model put forward by Einstein, he called his work "Relativtheorie", which in German became "Relativitätstheorie" or the theory of relativity. Einstein himself called it the principle of relativity, but it was Planck's terminology that stuck.

3. Nobel laureate

During his lifetime, Planck was a highly respected academic. As Barbara Lovett Kline explains, in Germany at that time only princes and barons received more respect than professors, and Planck was no exception. Having received many awards, Planck was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics at the age of 60. He received more Nobel nominations than any other candidate at the time. In 1918 he finally received the prize "in recognition of his landmark research in quantum theory".

4. One of the first associates of Einstein

Planck was one of the first to appreciate the importance of Einstein's work on relativity and supported him. D.L. Heilbron, in his book The Honest Man's Dilemmas: Max Planck as a Representative of German Science, writes that Einstein can be considered Planck's second great discovery, and his support, according to Einstein himself, played an important role in the rapid acceptance of new ideas among physicists. At the time, Einstein had neither a doctorate nor a university job, so the support of a respected scientist like Max Planck helped him enter the scientific mainstream. Although Planck was skeptical of some of the young colleague's ideas, such as the 1915 research on "light quanta" or photons, the two scientists remained close friends throughout their lives. According to an obituary in The New York Times, when the Berlin Physical Society presented Planck with a special medal, he gave a duplicate to his friend, Albert Einstein.

5. Talented musician

Planck was a gifted pianist and nearly devoted his career to music instead of physics. He hosted musical salons in his home, inviting other physicists and academicians, as well as professional musicians. Albert Einstein also attended, sometimes bringing a violin with him to play in quartets or trios with Planck. In Heilbron's words, "Planck's sense of tone was so perfect that he could hardly enjoy the concerto," fearing that someone was off-key.

6. The professor did not advise him to study physics

Shortly after the 16-year-old Planck entered the University of Munich in 1874, physics professor Philipp von Jully tried to dissuade the young student from moving into theoretical physics. Jully insisted that scientists had basically figured out everything there was to know: “In a field where almost everything is already open, there are only a few gaps to fill.” Fortunately, the aspiring scientist ignored his advice.

7. Lectures were only standing

Although Planck was rather dry and reserved in front of the class, he was adored by the students. The English chemist James Partington called him "the best lecturer I have ever heard", describing the lectures as popular performances. The class was always crowded with many people standing around: "Because the lecture hall was well heated and quite small, some of the audience fell to the floor from time to time, but this did not interfere with the lecture at all."

8. Clear schedule

In his monograph, Heilborn describes Planck as a man in control of his time. Every day he sat down for breakfast at exactly 8 am, then worked intensively until noon, and in the evenings and at lunch he rested and entertained friends. His daily routine was subject to a rigid schedule during the semester: lecturing and writing papers in the morning, lunch, rest, playing the piano, walking, correspondence and quite ruthless rest - mountaineering without breaks and alpine-style apartments without a hint of comfort and privacy.

"Knowledge must precede application"

9. Avid climber

Planck played sports throughout his life, taking a great interest in hiking and mountain climbing even in old age. Having reached the age of 80, he continued to regularly climb mountain peaks with a height of about 3000 meters.

10. Professional tag player

According to the well-known nuclear physicist Lise Meitner in 1958, Planck loved a cheerful company, and his house was a place of hospitality: “When invitations came during the summer term, there were active games in the garden, in which Planck took part with childish joy and skill . It was almost impossible to dodge him. And how happy he was when he caught someone!

11. He was investigated by the Gestapo during World War II.

In connection with the open display of assistance to such Jewish physicists as Einstein, Planck was declared by the nationalist faction of Aryan scientists to be part of the Jewish Conspiracy Theory in order to shield German scientists from meetings in the physics department from Einstein's circle. In the official SS newspaper, Das Schwarze Korp, he was called the "bacteria carrier" and the "White Jew", and his pedigree was carefully studied by the Gestapo.

12. He personally asked Hitler not to fire Jewish scientists

Although Planck did not always support his Jewish colleagues against the Nazis, under pressure from the Third Reich he "punished" Einstein for not returning to Germany after Hitler came to power and fired the Jewish members of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (later the Max Society). Planck) - he still opposed Nazi policies. Planck fought against the inclusion of members of the Nazi Party in the Prussian Academy and, as president of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, met with Hitler and urged the Führer to allow Jewish colleagues to continue working.

It didn't work. By 1935, one in five German scientists had been removed from their posts (in fact, one in four in the field of physics), and helping Jewish scientists became very dangerous. Nevertheless, in 1935, Planck called a solemn meeting of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society to honor the late Jewish chemist Fritz Haber, despite the government's explicit ban on attending the event. His conspicuous support for Jewish colleagues such as Haber and Einstein and his refusal to join the Nazi Party led to the government forcing him to resign as President of the Prussian Academy of Sciences, as well as preventing him from receiving a number of professional awards.

13. Difficult relationship with the Nazis

He was one of many apolitical civil servants in the German academy who hoped that the worst effects of anti-Semitic nationalism would eventually pass, and who, at the same time, sought to maintain Germany's importance on the world scientific stage. When Hitler began demanding that speeches open with "Heil, Hitler", Planck reluctantly agreed. The physicist Paul Ewald recalled a speech at the opening of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Metals in the 1930s: “Everyone stared at Planck, waiting for what he would do at the opening, because at that time it was officially prescribed to open such appeals with “Heil, Hitler”. Planck stood on the podium and half raised his hand and lowered it. He did it for the second time. Finally, he raised his hand and said, “Heil Hitler”… that was the only thing Planck could do to avoid endangering the entire Society.” According to science journalist Philip Ball, for Planck, the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany was “a catastrophe that seized him and which, in the end, destroyed him.

14. His son was linked to the assassination attempt on Hitler

Before the Nazis came to power, Erwin Planck was a high-ranking official, and although he was no longer involved in politics after 1933, he secretly helped draft a constitution for the post-Nazi government. In 1944, he was arrested and accused of participating in Klaus Stauffenberg's assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler, in which the Nazi leader was injured in a briefcase explosion. At first glance, it seems that Erwin is not directly involved in the bombings, but he hired supporters for the conspirators and was sentenced to death penalty for treason. Trying to save his beloved son, 87-year-old Max Planck wrote letters asking for clemency to both Hitler and the head of the SS, Heinrich Himmer. Erwin was executed in 1945.

15. "Keep working"

After World War I, Planck urged his colleagues to ignore the precariousness of the political situation and concentrate on the importance of their scientific achievements: "Keep working hard," was his slogan.

16. He called physics "the most exalted scientific pursuit in life"

In his autobiography, Planck explains why he devoted himself to physics: "The external world does not depend on man, it is something absolute, and the desire for the laws that govern this absolute seems to me the highest scientific aspiration in life."

17. There are many things named after him

Several of Planck's discoveries were eventually named after him, including Planck's law, Planck's constant (h = 6.62607004 × 10^-34 J s), and the Planck units. There is the Planck era (the first stage of the Big Bang), Planck particles (tiny black holes), the Planck crater on the moon, and the Planck spacecraft of the European Space Agency. Not to mention the Max Planck Society and its 83 institutes. And, of course, he deserved it.

The German theoretical physicist Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck is considered the founder of quantum physics. It was he who, in 1900, laid the foundations of quantum theory, assuming that during thermal radiation, energy is emitted and absorbed in separate portions - quanta.

Later it was proved that discontinuity is inherent in any radiation.

From the biography

Max Planck was born on April 23, 1858 in Kiel. His father, Johann Julius Wilhelm von Planck, was a law professor. In 1867, Max Planck began to study at the Royal Maximilian Gymnasium in Munich, where his family had moved by that time. In 1874, Planck graduated from high school and began studying mathematics and physics at the Universities of Munich and Berlin. Planck was only 21 years old when in 1879 he defended his dissertation "On the second law of the mechanical theory of heat", dedicated to the second law of thermodynamics. A year later, he defended his second thesis "The equilibrium state of isotropic bodies at different temperatures" and became a Privatdozent at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Munich.

In the spring of 1885, Max Planck became an extraordinary professor in the Department of Theoretical Physics at the University of Kiel. In 1897 Planck's course of lectures on thermodynamics was published.

In January 1889 Planck assumed the duties of Extraordinary Professor in the Department of Theoretical Physics at the University of Berlin, and in 1982 he became an ordinary professor. At the same time he headed the Institute of Theoretical Physics.

In the 1913/14 academic year, Planck served as rector of the University of Berlin.

Planck's quantum theory

The Berlin period was the most fruitful in scientific career Plank. Dealing with the problem of thermal radiation since 1890, in 1900 Planck suggested that electromagnetic radiation is not continuous. It is emitted in separate portions - quanta. And the magnitude of the quantum depends on the frequency of the radiation. Planck was introduced formula for the distribution of energy in the spectrum of an absolutely black body. He found that light is emitted and absorbed in portions-quanta with a certain frequency of oscillation. BUT the energy of each quantum is equal to the oscillation frequency multiplied by a constant, known as Planck's constant.

E=hn, where n is the oscillation frequency, h is Planck's constant.

Planck's constant called fundamental constant of quantum theory, or quantum of action.

This is the value that relates the value of the quantum energy electromagnetic radiation with its frequency. But since any radiation occurs in quanta, Planck's constant is valid for any linear oscillatory system.

December 19, 1900, when Planck presented his proposal at a meeting of the Berlin Physical Society, was the birthday of quantum theory.

In 1901, based on data on black body radiation, Planck managed to calculate the value Boltzmann constant. He also received Avogadro's number(the number of atoms in one mole) and set the value of the electron charge with the highest precision.

In 1919, Planck received the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics for his services "in the development of physics through the discovery of energy quanta."

In 1928, Max Planck turned 70 years old. He has formally retired. But cooperation with the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for Fundamental Sciences did not stop. In 1930 he became the president of this society.

Planck was a member of the academies of sciences in Germany and Austria, scientific societies and academies in Ireland, England, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Sweden, the USA and the Soviet Union. The German Physical Society established the Planck medal. This is the highest award of this society. And Max Planck himself became its first honorary owner.

Planck, who created it and how important it has become for development modern science. The significance of the idea of ​​quantization for the entire microcosm is also shown.

Smartphone and quantum physics

The modern world around us is very different in technology from everything that was familiar a hundred years ago. All this became possible only because, at the dawn of the twentieth century, scientists overcame the barrier and finally understood that matter on the smallest scale is not continuous. And this era was opened with his assumption by a wonderful person - Max Planck.

Planck's biography

Named after him: one of the physical constants, a quantum equation, the scientific community in Germany, an asteroid, a space telescope. His image was embossed on coins and printed on stamps and banknotes. What kind of person was Max Planck? He was born in the middle of the nineteenth century in a German noble family of modest means. Among his ancestors were many good lawyers and ministers of the church. M. Planck received a good education, but fellow physicists jokingly called him "self-taught". The scientist received his basic knowledge from books.

Planck's hypothesis was born from an assumption he made theoretically. In his scientific career, he adhered to the principle of "science comes first". During the First World War, Planck tried to maintain ties with foreign colleagues from the countries that opposed Germany. The arrival of the Nazis found him in the position of director of a large scientific community - and the scientist sought to protect his employees, helped those who fled from the regime to go abroad. So Planck's hypothesis was not the only thing for which he was respected. However, he never openly spoke out against Hitler, apparently realizing that not only would he harm himself, but he would not be able to help those who needed it. Unfortunately, many physicists did not accept this position of M. Planck and stopped corresponding with him. He had five children, and only the youngest survived his father. The eldest son was taken by the First, the middle - by the Second World War. Both daughters did not survive childbirth. At the same time, contemporaries noted that only at home Planck was himself.

Sources of quanta

From school, the scientist was interested in It says: any process goes only with an increase in chaos and a loss of energy or mass. He was the first to formulate it in this way - in terms of entropy, which can only increase in a thermodynamic system. Later, it was this work that led to the formulation of Planck's famous conjecture. He was also one of those who introduced the tradition of separating mathematics and physics, practically creating a theoretical section of the latter. Before him, all natural sciences were mixed, and experiments were carried out by individuals in laboratories that did not differ much from alchemical ones.

The quantum hypothesis

Exploring the entropy of electromagnetic waves in terms of oscillators and relying on experimental data obtained two days earlier, on October 19, 1900, Planck presented to other scientists a formula that would later be named after him. She connected the energy, wavelength and temperature of the radiation (in the limiting case for the whole next night, his colleagues led by Rubens set up experiments to confirm this theory. And it turned out to be correct! However, in order to theoretically substantiate the hypothesis arising from this formula and at the same time avoid mathematical complexities such as infinity, Planck had to admit that energy is not emitted in a continuous stream, as previously thought, but in separate portions (E = hν).This approach destroyed all existing ideas about a solid body.Planck's quantum hypothesis revolutionized physics.

Consequences of quantization

At first, the scientist did not realize the importance of his discovery. For a while, the formula he derived was used only as a convenient way to reduce the number of mathematical operations for calculation. At the same time, both Planck and other scientists used Maxwell's continuous equations. The only embarrassing thing was the constant h, which could not be given a physical meaning. Later, only Albert Einstein and Paul Ehrenfest, understanding new phenomena of radioactivity and trying to find a mathematical justification for optical spectra, realized the full importance of what Planck's hypothesis was. They say that the report, at which the formula was first sounded, opened the era of new physics. Einstein was probably the first to recognize its beginning. So this is also his merit.

What is quantized

All states that any elementary particles can take are discrete. An electron in a trap can only be at certain levels. The excitation of an atom, like the opposite process - emission, also occurs in jumps. Any electromagnetic interaction is an exchange of quanta of the corresponding energy. Humanity curbed the energy of the atom only thanks to the understanding of discreteness. We hope that now readers will not have a question about what Planck's hypothesis is, and what is its impact on the modern world, and therefore on each of the people.

Planck (Planck) Max (1858-1947), German physicist, one of the founders of quantum theory, foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1913) and honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1926). Introduced (1900) the quantum of action (Planck's constant) and, based on the idea of ​​quanta, derived the law of radiation, named after him. Works on thermodynamics, theory of relativity, philosophy of natural sciences. Nobel Prize (1918).

Max Planck (1858-1947) - German theoretical physicist, developed the thermodynamic theory of thermal radiation. Planck introduced a new universal constant to explain it h- quantum of action. Thanks to this, it was found that the propagation of light, its emission and absorption occur discretely, in certain portions - quanta. The discovery of this constant marked the transition from the macrocosm to a qualitatively new area - the world of quantum phenomena, the microcosm. Thus, Planck was the founder of quantum theory, which established the moment of discontinuity (discreteness) in energy processes and extended the idea of ​​atomism to all natural phenomena. Taking a spontaneous-materialist position on a number of fundamental questions of science, Planck sharply criticized empirio-criticism.

Philosophical Dictionary. Ed. I.T. Frolova. M., 1991, p. 343.

Planck Max Carl Ernst Ludwig

German physicist Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck was born on April 23, 1858 in the Prussian city of Kiel, in the family of a professor civil law Johann Julius Wilhelm von Planck. In 1867 the family moved to Munich, where Planck entered the Royal Maximilian Classical Gymnasium. At the end of the gymnasium in 1874, he gave preference to physics.

For three years Planck studied mathematics and physics at the Universities of Munich and for a year at the Universities of Berlin. Planck received his doctorate in 1879, having defended his thesis at the University of Munich "On the second law of the mechanical theory of heat" - the second law of thermodynamics, stating that no continuous self-sustaining process can transfer heat from a colder body to a warmer one. A year later, he defended his dissertation "The equilibrium state of isotropic bodies at different temperatures", which earned him the position of junior assistant at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Munich.

In 1885 he became an adjunct professor at the University of Kiel. In 1888 he became an adjunct professor at the University of Berlin and director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics (the post of director was created specifically for him).

From 1887 to 1924 Planck published a series of papers on the thermodynamics of physical and chemical processes. The theory of chemical equilibrium of diluted solutions, which he created, gained particular fame. In 1897, the first edition of his lectures on thermodynamics appeared. By that time, Planck was already an ordinary professor at the University of Berlin and a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences.

In 1896, Planck established the law of thermal radiation of a heated body on the basis of an experiment. At the same time, he encountered the fact that the radiation has a discontinuous character. Planck was able to substantiate his law only with the help of the assumption that the energy of atomic vibrations is not arbitrary, but can only take on a number of well-defined values. It turned out that discontinuity is inherent in any radiation, that light consists of individual portions (quanta) of energy.

Planck found that light with an oscillation frequency should be emitted and absorbed in portions, and the energy of each such portion is equal to the oscillation frequency multiplied by a special constant, called Planck's constant.

On December 14, 1900, Planck reported to the Berlin Physical Society about his hypothesis and the new radiation formula. The hypothesis introduced by Planck marked the birth of quantum theory. Planck's monograph Lectures on the Theory of Thermal Radiation was published in 1906.

In 1901, based on experimental data on black body radiation, Planck calculated the value of the Boltzmann constant and, using other known information, obtained the Avogadro number (the number of atoms in one mole of an element). Based on the Avogadro number, Planck was able to find the electric charge of the electron with the highest accuracy.

In 1919, Planck was awarded the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics "in recognition of his contribution to the development of physics through the discovery of energy quanta". In a Nobel lecture delivered in 1920, Planck summed up his work and acknowledged that "the introduction of the quantum has not yet led to the creation of a genuine quantum theory."

Among his other achievements is his proposed derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation, which describes the behavior of a system of particles under the action of small random impulses. In 1928, at the age of seventy, Planck went into mandatory formal retirement, but did not break his ties with the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for Basic Sciences, of which he became president in 1930.

Acting pastor (but not priestly) in Berlin, Planck was deeply convinced that science complements religion and teaches truthfulness and respect.

Planck was a member of the German and Austrian Academies of Sciences, as well as the scientific societies and academies of England, Denmark, Ireland, Finland, Greece, the Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, the Soviet Union, Sweden and the United States. The German Physical Society named its highest award, the Planck Medal, after him, and the scientist himself became the first recipient of this honorary award. Planck died in Göttingen on October 4, 1947, six months before his ninetieth birthday.

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